What is an autonomous sewage system for a private house. Autonomous sewerage for a private house - types, features of the device, selection rules

  • 03.03.2020

Autonomous sewerage in a private house is a completely independent system. For it to work effectively, many rules must be followed during the installation work. The type of autonomous sewage system to be installed is selected depending on the needs of the residents of the house and the situation on the site. If you choose the wrong system, there is a high probability that it will not work correctly.

The main elements of the sewerage system

Autonomous sewerage for a summer residence or a private house consists of the following elements:

  • inner part. It is located in the house and is designed to collect drains from all existing plumbing fixtures;
  • outer part. It is located outside the house and is designed to transport waste to the place of accumulation;
  • capacity for collection, filtration, waste disposal. It can be made independently from brick, reinforced concrete and other materials or formed from ready-made tanks.

How to choose the right sewerage system?

How to choose an autonomous sewage system in a private house so that it works efficiently? It is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  • how much waste is produced at home per day. The number of drains depends on the number of residents, the type of connected plumbing fixtures (toilet, washbasin, shower, pool). The greater the volume of waste, the higher the requirements for a self-contained sewerage system;
  • geological conditions in the area. Before installing the sewer, you need to consider the level of occurrence ground water, normative depth of soil freezing;
  • site dimensions and terrain.

Cesspool - the cheapest way to build a sewer system

Which sewer system works best in conditions country house? Many choose a cesspool, because it does not need to spend a lot of resources to equip it. Structurally, it is a hermetic container (sometimes without a bottom), where sewer waste flows down the collector.

This system is placed inside the pit, and the pipeline from the house is laid at a depth that is below the level of soil freezing.

Installation of an autonomous sewage system of this type is carried out using the following materials:

  • brick. For construction cesspool better choose ceramic type material that can long time do not collapse under the influence of negative environmental factors;
  • prefabricated rings made of reinforced concrete. For their installation, it is best to use special construction equipment. The joints between the rings should also be carefully sealed to prevent leakage of liquid through the walls;
  • reservoir, formed from monolithic reinforced concrete. It is made using formwork, where reinforcement is installed and the concrete mixture is poured. To protect the container from the harmful effects of moisture, waterproofing is applied to its walls;
  • plastic container. Works well in all conditions, as it is made of a material that is resistant to aggressive water and chemicals. This capacity has light weight so its installation is not difficult.

The disadvantages of such an autonomous sewage system for a country house include the fact that it is not able to cope with a large amount of wastewater. It is intended for giving, where people live temporarily. It is forbidden to install a cesspool in a site with a high level of groundwater. Also, when arranging sewage, one must not forget about sanitary standards. The cesspool should be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the water supply, and 20 m from drinking wells.

Septic tanks are a worthy alternative to a cesspool

The purpose of a septic tank is to clean domestic wastewater from various contaminants. It consists of several tanks where relatively pure water is separated from solid impurities. In this case, the resulting liquid requires additional purification, which is carried out using various filtration systems.

Septic tank with filtration well

In such a septic tank, the collected household waste enters an airtight container, where solid particles settle to the bottom, and fat floats to the surface. At large volume drains install several sedimentation tanks. In this case, the liquid is sequentially poured from one tank to the second.

At the level of 2/3 of the height of the sump, a connecting collector is installed, through which the treated waste enters the filtration well. Its bottom is formed from a layer of sand and gravel. This allows you to finally clean the waste and seeps into the soil pure water. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, special anaerobic bacteria are added to the first container. They break down waste into substances that are considered safe for the environment.

The disadvantages of sewerage from septic tanks with a filtration well include:

  • prohibited from using high level groundwater;
  • domestic wastewater is treated insignificantly;
  • the septic tank is cleaned every six months;
  • once every five years, the gravel-sand cushion is replaced.

Septic tank on a clay plot

Septic tank with filtration field

An autonomous sewer for a house with a filtration field is a complex system. The collected waste enters the sump, which consists of several chambers. In them, the primary treatment of wastewater from solid sediment takes place. The clarified liquid gradually passes into the distribution well, after which it is distributed through pipes with small holes over the filtration field. It occupies a large area, which allows it to absorb all the existing liquid completely.

The disadvantages of such a sewerage system include:

  • the filtration field should cover an area of ​​at least 30 sq. m;
  • high price;
  • every 10 years a costly reconstruction is necessary.

Septic tank with infiltration

A septic tank with an infiltrate is similar in principle to a sewerage system with a filtration field. Its advantage is the absence of the need to allocate a large area on the site for treatment facilities. From the pre-treated effluents enter the infiltrator, where they are absorbed into the soil through a layer of rubble. This sewer system does a better job of treating wastewater, but it's not perfect. The area where the infiltrate is located can only be used for lawn.

Stand-alone wastewater treatment equipment

Installing an autonomous sewage system is a laborious and responsible job. Therefore, many people choose ready-made purification plants for the device of this system.


If we choose for a sewage device (reviews about this equipment are only good), you can count on a high degree of wastewater treatment - 98-99%. This model is volatile. It provides two-stage waste treatment. First, they enter the storage tank, where the separation of solid particles takes place. In the second tank, effluents are decomposed by anaerobic microorganisms. Removal of the purified liquid is carried out by gravity or forcibly using a drainage pump;


The body of the waste biological treatment station is made of durable plastic with a thickness of 1-1.7 cm. To increase rigidity, the container is equipped with special ribs. They protect the unit from destruction in the presence of large loads from the ground.

The tank has a high neck, so it can be placed at any depth. The principle of operation of the station is to settle and filter waste, which is subsequently cleaned with the help of anaerobic microorganisms;

Unilos Astra

A high degree of waste treatment is ensured by the use of mechanical and biological methods. The design of the equipment is designed in such a way that it is not afraid of power outages.

If necessary, accumulated sludge can be removed manually. According to the principle of operation and structure, this model resembles Topaz, but its cost is an order of magnitude lower;


The model belongs to the category of volatile. Here there is the possibility of installing a compressor separately from the septic tank. Most often it is installed in the basement, which is very comfortable.

The disadvantages of the model include a low degree of purification - 90%. Its body is made of thin plastic, which is convenient for installation, but can cause the sewerage station to float to the ground in spring. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers recommend installing the case on a concrete slab.


The Triton cleaning station is represented by several models, each of which has a different performance. Mini-aggregates cope with a volume of effluents of 250 l / day, which is important for the sewerage of summer cottages. For a country house, it is better to choose equipment with a capacity of 600-2000 l / day. The Triton station is made of durable plastic, which prevents runoff from seeping into the soil. After cleaning in the sewer, the liquid enters the infiltrator or the filtration field.

Aqua Bio

Aqua-Bio provides multi-stage waste treatment in a housing divided into five chambers. In the first three tanks, solid impurities are removed from the effluents, and in the next, they are decomposed by anaerobic microorganisms.

The cleaning efficiency is 98-99%. Depending on the model, the productivity of the equipment ranges from 600 to 1300 l / day.

To date, there is some kind of household sewers that use special means for recycling. Consider the main and fundamental factors, as well as the types, types and criteria of various autonomous sewers. Such an alternative is quite attractive for people who have private houses or summer cottages.

Unlike a cesspool, an autonomous sewer is involved in the production of treatment, but not in the accumulation of wastewater. There are several cleaning methods, which are divided into three main types: chemical, biological and mechanical.

The use of special substances that cause adhesion of particles (coagulants) - chemical cleaning. Organic substances are extracted with the help of microorganisms - biological treatment. Physical and mechanical methods contributing to the removal of insoluble impurities - mechanical cleaning.

There are two main types of treatment facilities, based on the applied scheme - septic tanks, which have underground filtration facilities and some treatment plants (biological), factory-made.

The need for autonomous sewerage is no longer worth proving at the present time the latest technologies and scientific progress. If it is not possible to connect to the central sewerage system, there is an alternative - a local independent system. It is needed for the storage and disposal of wastewater.

For a private house, such a system is a tank that is intended for temporary storage. Or is it a system treatment plant consisting of a septic tank and filter installations. Such an installation performs its functions for quite a long time and does not depend on external factors. The presence of electricity, the removal of wastewater or connection to the central sewer in this case does not matter.

The main types of autonomous sewage


Cesspool- a concrete ring or other storage tank where wastewater will be collected. The main and very urgent question in the construction of a house is where and how to equip this structure. In the city, no one even thinks about it, but the private sector has its own inconveniences and difficulties in this regard.

This problem comes to the fore in order for the living to be cozy and comfortable for people, it is necessary that the sewer system function without failures and problems. The device itself is quite simple and with the right approach and quality materials, will serve for a long time.

An important detail that must always be taken into account is the choice of the correct volume of the pit itself, so that there are no problems with cleaning in the future. Selection of a place that will meet all the parameters and measurements, after all this, and begin to equip. It is not easy that a cesspool should not be placed near the house. Although very long sewer pipes will also be quite undesirable. In order for the sewage truck to be able to drive up to the pit without obstacles, there must be a free and convenient access.

There are certain systems and rules for the location of the pit itself, its distance to various other objects in the areas. Primary requirements:

  • distance from the house to the pit from 5 m;
  • 1m from the bottom to groundwater;
  • 1m from the fence to the edge of the pit;
  • to sources drinking water(clay - 20m, loam - 30m, sandy loam - 50m).

The long service life of this structure depends on the required volume. When calculating per person 0.5 cubic meters. If possible, it is possible to provide a device with a small margin in volume. As an example, if three people live in a house, it will be about 6 cubic meters.

When the volumes have already been determined, the next step is to lay the pipes. With the required slope, about two or three percent (two, three cm) falls on each linear meter of the pipe. Accordingly, if the pipes are longer, then the slope decreases.

Two types of cesspool construction: without a bottom and sealed (plastic container or other) are buried in the ground. Construction technologies depend on the soil, the number of people living in the house and the location of groundwater. If this is a cottage and all year round they won’t live there, then you need to make a hole like a container with a filter bottom. It turns out, as it were, a well, if the wastewater is not more than one cubic meter per day.

There are some stages in the construction of such a pit:

  • simultaneous arrangement of walls and pipe laying;
  • one and a half cubic meters of soil when digging, leave for thermal insulation;
  • lay a pipe inside the well above the second ring from the surface;
  • hatches are installed after pipes, rings and covers are installed;
  • thirty cm trench width at wall level;
  • the slab is covered with soil, the hatch is left free.

septic tank

septic tank– closed autonomous system, when effluents enter which, mechanical filtration occurs with the help of bacteria. Nearly ninety-eight percent achieve the cleaning efficiency of such a system. Therefore, such effluents are diverted and absorbed into the ground without the danger of pollution, such as groundwater, and the environment.

The tightness of the system prevents penetration unpleasant odors, which are associated with diversion and cleaning. In the private sector in dachas, sanatoriums, you can often find such systems. There are many advantages to this plant - economy, ease of maintenance and efficiency at the highest level.

The basic principles of the septic tank are the sedimentation of effluents and the mutual action of the liquid with anaerobic bacteria. Today, a lot of different septic tanks and the most popular stand-alone models are provided. There is no need for any energy sources and additional installations or special conditions.

The assortment includes plastic containers with partitions inside for a sump and a biofilter. The simplicity and reliability of this design attracts buyers. Polypropylene of high quality and large thickness, good decision and quite a budget option.

The advantages of this design:

  • convenience (block-modular);
  • efficiency with an infiltrator;
  • compact size, easy installation;
  • availability and reliability;
  • ease of maintenance (pumping out once a year).

Durability of the device, capacity and separation of the chambers themselves for some settling and biological decomposition processes. The principle of operation of a septic tank includes several processes. The receiving chamber where sewage enters is quite large. Non-decomposable inorganic substances are deposited here. The second settling tank receives clarified water for better settling.

The third chamber is equipped with a biofilter in the form of a cyclone, where the waste products of microorganisms accumulate and decomposition takes place. organic matter. All cleaning processes proceed consistently, efficiently and with high quality. To carry out soil post-treatment of water from the content harmful substances, the installation is connected to the infiltrator.

Installation of a septic tank, brief information:

  • large-scale earthworks (pits for installation, trenches for pipelines);
  • leveling the surface with sand, strengthening the bottom;
  • gravel layer 400 mm for the infiltrator;
  • sand thickness for trenches 200-300mm;
  • connecting pipes, filling with water for strength;
  • sand-cement mixture for falling asleep on the sides of the installation.

There are septic tanks at affordable prices, especially when compared with the cost of other manufacturers. The competitiveness of the goods speaks for itself, for example, Tank septic tanks. Can meet the requirements of many buyers with maximum efficiency.

It is important to know that septic tanks will immediately be ready for operation and it is quite realistic and possible to install them yourself. An approximate price scale for such treatment plants as "Tank 1, 2, 3, 4" is given in this table:


Number of persons


Dimensions, mm

Price, rubles

Tank 1 1-3 600 1200x1000x1700 28000
Tank 2 3-4 800 1800x1200x1700 38000
Tank 3 4-6 1200 2200x1200x2000 55000
Tank 4 7-9 1800 3800x1000x1700 68000

Now many people are thinking about environment and its preservation for future generations. Owner of a private house or suburban area seeks to live in comfort and away from civilization. Without the necessary communications, you can make life comfortable and convenient for the whole family, while preserving nature.

More recently, house adjoining treatment facilities have appeared, but at the moment they are already very popular and in demand. Another representative of the cleaning station is the septic tank " Topas”, which is produced by the Topol-Eco group of companies. This is a local biological wastewater treatment system, which has the principle of preliminary sedimentation of large suspensions.

Consider some of the principles of operation of this septic tank

The first chamber is used for sedimentation, effluents flow through the central outer pipe from sanitary home equipment. At the first stage, the process of biological decomposition is already underway due to the supply of oxygen. The settled water from the reservoir, with the help of the airlift, passes into the second compartment.

Aerotank - the next tank in which the main work of activated sludge takes place. Due to the process of respiration of microorganisms, pollutants are decomposed, and air is supplied by the compressor. The silt is overgrown with particles, and this allows them to be removed during the deposition process in the next chamber.

The sump is the third compartment, the pyramid. In it, sludge is deposited from the water and already purified water is discharged. The liquid at the outlet of the secondary clarifier must pass through an additional filter.

One hundred percent already cleaned wastewater is discharged into the receiving tank (ditches, reservoirs). Due to the high level of purification, such water can be used for watering various plants, shrubs, trees and other plantations.

From the secondary clarifier, light suspensions of sludge are fed to the beginning of the cycle, and the fourth chamber for heavy sludge is called the stabilizer. The scheme is quite simple and without human participation, it is really possible to get high-quality wastewater treatment. The basis is ordinary natural processes of biological decomposition.

There is a small drawback in the Topas septic tank and this is its energy dependence (compressor operation). But there are many more benefits:

  • compact design;
  • electricity (low consumption);
  • wiring diagrams are simple;
  • the operational process is not complicated;
  • model line is large.

These models of such septic tanks have differences in power, it depends on the number of people in the operation of the sanitary equipment of a residential building. If the house has a large sanitary equipment, then you need to buy a septic tank with increased productivity.

Each such model provides for two main modifications: standard (pipe insertion to a depth of 0.3 - 0.9 m) and long (1.0 - 1.5 m). Also available with an equipped pump, another modification, where the output of purified water is forced.

Rules for maintenance and operation

Start-up work is carried out immediately after the installation of all elements of the Topas cleaning system, and for the first time it is better to do this by a specialist in this field. The necessary biomass is formed in about three weeks to speed up this process, silt from the reservoir should be added.

Necessary actions for ongoing maintenance:

  • compressor membrane cleaning (every two, three years);
  • replacement of aeration equipment (every twelve years);
  • year-round use of a septic tank (once every three, four months, removal of already used sludge masses);
  • complex maintenance of the station (every year, two).

When all procedures are completed, replace the equipment and fill the septic tank two-thirds with water. Now it is possible to proceed with the further use of this device. Otherwise, the Topas septic tank works efficiently and offline.

The choice is always yours, but if you are not a builder and do not have skills in this area, it would be better to contact a specialist in this matter. The conditions of your area are important, the volume of drainage, correct calculations for all building codes. They also play a fundamental role climatic conditions, relief, features of the soil and the location of underwater waters and many other factors. Therefore, it is up to you, weigh and consider all the arguments and accept correct solution for you and your family.

The construction of an autonomous sewage system for a private house today is not a difficult task if you turn to specialists working in this field. This is due to the presence on the market of modern treatment equipment, which allows not only to accumulate aggressive liquid, but also to purify it to such an extent that the resulting water can be reused for household purposes.

If you need to buy a sewer for a private house, we recommend that you do this in our company in Moscow. We not only sell high-quality wastewater treatment systems, but also offer their professional installation.

A photo Name Price, rub.
MICROBE from 12 400
TANK Wagon from 22 100

cleansing from 20 280
DSC from 22 000

Triton from 24 500
Rostock from 25 000
Termite from 18 000
TANK from 16 500

Septic tank from concrete rings from 30 000
Summer resident from 31 800
Biotank from 33 300

Eurolos from 33 000

Eurotank from 48 750
Ergobox from 58 900

clean from 59 700
Biodeca from 61 500

Tver from 62 700

Aster from 73 000
Poplar from 67 150

Topas from 74 000

Leader from 76 000

Alta Bio from 77 500

Septic tank Ecopan from 82 000
Yubas from 139 000

Autonomous sewer scheme

The suburban sewage system is built according to the same scheme as in the apartment, with the only difference being that dirty water does not flow into the central sewer canal, but into a treatment device. Through pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, all devices and devices leading to a discharge pipe with a diameter of 110 mm are connected. The same pipe diameter must be used to connect the toilet.

  • light weight, which makes it easy to work with them
  • well resist aggressive environment
  • have sufficient margin of safety
  • installation of polymer sewer pipes performed without the use of any equipment
  • the inner surface of such pipes is very smooth, which reduces the likelihood of blockage

At the same time, the price of a sewerage system in a private house, made of polymer pipes, is lower than when using cast-iron or asbestos counterparts, due to the low cost of plastic.


  • Without smell
  • Eco-friendly and meets all standards
  • Comfort in any weather
  • Service life up to 50 years
  • Doesn't break the law
  • Minimum costs for operation

Performing installation work

Installation work must begin with the installation of a treatment plant, for which the specialists of our company recommend using a septic tank, or rather several of these devices connected to a system to obtain better cleaning. Septic tanks are containers of different volumes, depending on how much wastewater needs to be processed per day. Recommended containers made of polypropylene or metal are durable, lightweight and easy to install.

In order to install a septic tank, it is necessary to dig a pit, placing a concrete cushion at the bottom, if the bottom of the polypropylene tank does not have additional reinforcement. Metal septic tanks can be installed directly on the ground. Between the walls of the tank and the pit there should be a gap of about 20 centimeters, which is subsequently filled with heat-insulating bulk materials.

After that, you can dig trenches for laying pipes. This must be done at a certain angle, since the sewer pipes must be laid with a slope, which is calculated based on their diameter, as well as the difference in the height of the laying of the edges of each running meter(minimum 7 and maximum 30 millimeters). After completing the installation and bringing the sewer pipe to the house, it is necessary to test the system for leaks at the joints. Only after that the pipe is covered with heat-insulating material and soil.

Using thermal insulation materials prices for an autonomous sewer for a private house, arranged on a turnkey basis, will be slightly higher, but this ensures that the pipes do not freeze even in severe frosts.

Our advantages

Our company offers you to conduct sewerage in a private house at an affordable price. We also make prompt delivery of equipment in the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out the installation of sewerage, check the absence of leaks and carry out maintenance during operation. For the convenience of our customers, payment for cleaning equipment with materials and installation services can be carried out in any way.

If it is not possible to connect the house to the central sewer system, the only option is an autonomous sewer in a private house - it is not too difficult to do it yourself, but if necessary, you can attract specialists and special equipment to perform some work. The cost of the project as a whole and the time of its implementation depend on individual characteristics.

Waste disposal is one of the defining issues when choosing an autonomous sewer scheme. The comfort of living largely depends on the correct choice and efficiency of the treatment or storage facility.

In order to compare possible options it was easier, we list briefly the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

DIY structures

Sealed cesspool, on the one hand, is a classic, on the other hand, this classic is increasingly losing ground to more advanced and economical designs due to its main drawback - the need to periodically call sewer truck to download content. The services of vacuum cleaners are not only chores, but also unavoidable expenses. At the same time, during the construction phase, a cesspool is the cheapest option.

Self-built septic tanks depending on the design, they can significantly increase the time intervals between pumping out wastewater or allow you to do without sewers altogether, limiting yourself to cleaning the structure once a year or even less often. Undoubtedly, you will have to buy materials for the construction of septic tanks with your own hands, however, from an economic point of view, there are certain advantages:

  • you can use used materials,
  • the cost of materials is lower than the finished structure,
  • there is no need to spend money on work (with rare exceptions necessary application lifting equipment).

Materials for the manufacture of tanks self construction can serve:

  • concrete rings,
  • concrete (for flood construction),
  • brick,
  • plastic large containers (eurocubes).

Ready solutions

Ready-made septic tanks can be volatile or autonomous. Requiring and not requiring pumping.

Among the options available on the market for the disposal of sewage, two main categories can be distinguished.

1. Non-volatile factory septic tanks differ in their operational capabilities and, accordingly, in cost. The more efficient the septic tank works (capacity, degree of cleaning), the more it costs, however, the higher the level of comfort and less effort required for maintenance.

The photo shows an autonomous sewage system based on a non-volatile septic tank with post-treatment of wastewater in the filtration fields

2. Local treatment stations (VOCs) are quite expensive, but more efficient facilities with the ability to treat wastewater with the removal of up to 98-99% of impurities and obtain water suitable for irrigation. Balanced systems and bioremediation methods used make VOCs safe and easy to use. The main disadvantage of VOC is the high cost of equipment and the need for electricity consumption.

The most popular models of finished treatment structures are:

  • Tank,
  • Unilos,
  • Tver,
  • Topas.

For independent device treatment plant can be useful to you if you decide to choose this material.

And there is about the construction of a brick septic tank.

How to install a septic tank Tank, as well as about its device, we told on this page

System design

An autonomous sewage system in a private house will work flawlessly only if during its construction all the nuances of operation are taken into account as much as possible, including:

  • average daily volume of water consumption (the volume of the reservoir must be at least three daily norms),
  • number of drain points,
  • terrain (it is better to place a treatment or storage facility at the lowest point),
  • groundwater level (the design of the tank and its operation must exclude the possibility of contamination),
  • location of key facilities on the site (there are sanitary norms, defining the minimum allowable distances to sources of drinking water, windows and doors of a residential building, fruit trees and vegetable garden highway etc.).

When an autonomous sewerage system is being designed with your own hands, the scheme includes:

  • external communications and treatment plant,
  • internal pipelines and equipment,
  • ventilation system.

In order for the developed system to fully comply with the operating conditions and not experience overloads, the following items are included in the project:

  • the number of residents (including the separately calculated number of possible relatives visiting the house seasonally),
  • the possible number of guests visiting the house for a short time,
  • the number of water intake points and their type (equipping them with one or another equipment),
  • site layout (optimally, if a diagram indicating linear dimensions, area, location of the house, outbuildings, sources of drinking water).

Sewer system installation

In order to understand how to make an autonomous sewage system in a private house, you can consider the entire range of work, dividing it into separate blocks.

External communications

The external pipeline is a highway from a residential building to a place for collecting or treating wastewater. The ideal option could be a straight line from one point to another, made with the necessary slope, however, it is far from always possible to lay the highway in this way.

In addition, it is possible to insert additional outlets into this line (drainage from showers, baths, etc.). All bends and tie-ins are a potential blockage hazard, as solids can be trapped on the pipe walls when the flow rate changes.

Due to this certain rules must be followed:

  • To avoid sudden changes in the direction of flow of drains, which can cause blockages, oblique crosses and tees, as well as bends with angles of 15, 30 and 45 degrees, are used for installation.
  • All places of change of direction and tie-ins are supplemented with revision wells.

Another important point is an selection of pipes for outdoor system . It is possible to use products from:

  • plastic,
  • cast iron.

PVC plastic pipes for external sewage should be orange, and for internal - gray

When choosing, not only the cost is taken into account, but also the characteristics of the pipes.

  • If drain from dishwashers and washing machines is brought into the sewer, it is better not to use polymer materials, sensitive to high temperature, at least at the beginning of the line, where the drains have not yet cooled down.
  • In areas laid under paths, sidewalks and, moreover, under the road, only the most durable cast-iron pipes are used to drive cars into the area.

There are other nuances that should be considered when deciding how to make an autonomous sewer in a private house.

  • Too high as well as too low a flow rate can cause blockages, so it is important to ensure throughout the entire pipeline stable slope 2%(2 cm of level reduction per meter of length).
  • External communications are laid in trenches, the depth of which should be greater than the depth of soil freezing in this region).
  • Communications need mandatory thermal insulation if it is not possible to lay them below the freezing level of the soil. When laying in a frost-resistant layer, additional protection can be dispensed with
  • For the durability of the system, all pipes except plastic must also be protected from moisture.
  • In addition to revision wells in difficult places of the system, similar structures are installed along the entire length at the rate of 1 well per 10-15 meters of the main.

internal system

Do-it-yourself internal autonomous sewerage in a private house is made of polypropylene or PVC pipes. In this case, the temperature of the effluents and the susceptibility of the material must also be taken into account.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the volume and type of drains at each point. For washbasins, bends with a diameter of 50 mm are sufficient, and for toilet bowls and common collectors - 110 mm. The amount of slope required for the flow of drains without delay and the formation of traffic jams depends on the diameter of the line: for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm it is 3% (3 cm per meter of length), and for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm - 2% (2 cm).

To prevent reverse current in the event of a blockage it is recommended to install check valves (for each outlet separately or common to the collector pipeline). When installing internal sewer systems, also water seals are used or, capable of preventing the entry of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the room.

The most important element of the sewer system is the junction point of its internal and external components, the so-called outlet from the house, which is the transition of the intra-house collector with the main that transports wastewater to the septic tank.

  • If the sewerage is arranged in an already built house, it is possible to install the outlet above the ground. In this case, high-quality thermal insulation will be required to prevent freezing.
  • Exit through the foundation below the freezing level of the soil reduces the risk and is preferred. The possibility of drilling a hole for laying a pipe after the construction of the building is determined individually. It is best to arrange such an exit at the construction stage.
  • The exhaust pipe through the wall must pass with the installation of the sleeve, which protects the exhaust pipe from damage and deformation. As a rule, a segment of a pipe of a larger diameter (by 10-15 cm) acts as a sleeve, which allows the installation of an exhaust pipe into it and protrudes 10 cm beyond the foundation on both sides.
  • When drilling a hole and installing a sleeve, it is important to take into account the need for a slope of communications towards the septic tank. The position of the sleeve is able to determine the magnitude of this slope.

Ventilation of the sewer system

How autonomous sewerage of a private house works largely depends on efficiency. The latter is designed to normalize the pressure in the pipelines, which changes when the water is drained, and also to remove gases from the system. The presence of ventilation also allows you to extend the durability of the system, eliminating the possibility.

In addition, the timely flow of air into the rarefaction zone that occurs when the water is drained eliminates the possibility of its capture from the siphons, which is usually accompanied by unpleasant sounds. The classic solution is to bring its free end to the roof.

During construction, certain requirements and features should be taken into account.

  • The fan pipe should be located on the roof above the rest (smoke, ventilation of the house).
  • Distance from fan pipe to the nearest window or balcony horizontally should be at least 4 m.
  • The optimal diameter of the fan pipe is 110 mm (the same as the diameter of the internal riser). On the one hand, it provides the necessary traction, on the other hand, with such a value, the partial narrowing of the passage due to the formation of ice in frosty weather is not critical for the system.

The device of autonomous sewerage in a private house is increasingly complemented, which can replace general ventilation or work with her. Diaphragm or rod designs respond to pressure changes. Depending on the model, the valves can work only for intake or for air intake and exhaust. You can install valves on a common pipeline or on the outlets of individual plumbing structures. Often it is advisable to install such a device only on the outlet of the washing machine, since it is she who drains the water with a certain pressure, thereby dramatically changing the pressure in the pipeline.

An urgent question that torments everyone who wants to live in private country houses without the ability to connect to the central water supply and sanitation, how to make an autonomous sewer. Indeed, without it, it is not possible to fully use such benefits of civilization as a bath, shower, kitchen sink, washing machine and much more. Sewerage in a private house can be equipped in different ways, which we will talk about in this article. Choosing the right system for your individual conditions and needs is even more important than putting it into practice.

What can be a sewerage system - a private house with permanent and temporary residence

The option of arranging the drainage system in private homes is selected depending on several conditions:

  • House with permanent or temporary residence.
  • How many people permanently live in the house.
  • What is the daily water consumption per person in the house (depends on the number of water consumers, such as a bathroom, shower, toilet, sink, washbasin, washing machine, etc.)
  • What is the level of groundwater.
  • What is the size of the plot, how much space can be used for treatment systems.
  • What is the structure and type of soil on the site.
  • Climatic conditions of the area.

More detailed information about the requirements can be found in the relevant sections of SanPin and SNiP.

Conventionally, all sewage systems in a private house can be divided into only two types:

  • Accumulation systems(cesspool without a bottom, sealed container for drains).
  • Wastewater treatment facilities(the simplest single-chamber septic tank with soil cleaning, a two-chamber septic tank - overflowing wells with natural cleaning, a two - three-chamber septic tank with a filtration field, a septic tank with a biofilter, a septic tank (aerotank) with a constant air supply).

The most ancient, proven for centuries and even millennia, way of arranging sewage is a cesspool. Some 50-70 years ago there was no alternative to this method at all. But at the same time, people did not use this a large number of water in private homes, as today.

The cesspool is a well without a bottom. The walls of the cesspool can be made of brick, concrete rings, concrete or other material. Soil remains at the bottom. When runoff from the house enters the pit, more or less clean water seeps into the soil, being cleansed. Fecal matter and other solid organic waste settle to the bottom, accumulating. Over time, the well is filled with solid waste, then it must be cleaned.

Previously, the walls of the cesspool were not made waterproof, then when filling the pit, they simply dug it in and pulled out a new one in another place.

I would like to note right away that a sewerage device in a private house using a cesspool is possible only if the average daily volume of effluents is less than 1 m3. In this case, soil microorganisms that live in the soil and feed on organic matter have time to process the water that penetrates the soil through the bottom of the pit. If the volume of runoff is more than this norm, the water does not undergo sufficient purification, penetrates into the soil and pollutes groundwater. This is fraught with the fact that wells and other water sources can be contaminated within a radius of 50 m. The addition of microorganisms to the cesspool somewhat reduces bad smell emanating from it, and also speeds up the process of water purification. But still, it's not worth the risk.

Output. A cesspool without a bottom can be built if there are visits to the house 2-3 days a week and do not consume much water. At the same time, the level of groundwater occurrence must be at least 1 m lower than the bottom of the pit, otherwise pollution of the soil and the water source cannot be avoided. Despite the lowest cost of arrangement, the cesspool is not popular in modern country houses and cottages.

Sealed container - storage tank

A sealed container is installed on the site near the house, into which sewage and waste from the whole house flow through pipes. This container can be ready-made, store-bought, and made of plastic, metal, or other material. And it can be mounted independently from concrete rings, the bottom is made of concrete, and the cover is made of metal. The main condition for installing sewerage in a private house of this type is complete tightness. Pragma corrugated pipes are suitable for sewerage.

When the container is full, it must be emptied. To do this, a sewer machine is called, the call of which costs from 15 to 30 USD. The frequency of emptying the tank, as well as the required volume, depends on the number of drains. For example, if 4 people live permanently in the house, use the bathroom, shower, sink, toilet, washing machine, then the minimum volume of the storage tank should be 8 m3, it will have to be cleaned every 10 - 13 days.

Output. A sealed cesspool is one of the options for how to sewer in a private house if the groundwater level in the area is high. This will completely protect the soil and water sources from possible pollution. The disadvantage of such a sewage system is that you will often have to call a sewage truck. To do this, from the very beginning it is necessary to correctly calculate the installation location of the tank in order to provide convenient access to it. The bottom of the pit or container must not be deeper than 3 m from the soil surface, otherwise the cleaning hose will not reach the bottom. The container lid must be insulated to protect the pipeline from freezing. For such a sewer in a private house, the cost depends on the material of the container. The cheapest option would be to purchase second-hand eurocubes, the most expensive - concrete pouring or brick. In addition, there are monthly cleaning costs.

Single-chamber septic tank - the simplest option for soil cleaning

A single-chamber septic tank is not far from the cesspool, very often it is called that. It is a well, at the bottom of which crushed stone is covered with a layer of at least 30 cm, and coarse-grained sand is covered with the same layer on top. Wastewater flows through pipes into a well, where water, seeping through a layer of sand, gravel, and then soil, is cleaned by 50%. Adding sand and gravel improves the quality of water purification and partially faeces, but does not solve the problem radically.

Output. Sewerage in a private house using a single-chamber septic tank is impossible with permanent residence and large volumes of drains. Only for temporary residences and low level ground water. After some time, crushed stone and sand will need to be completely replaced, as they will silt.

Two-chamber septic tank - overflow settling wells

As one of the economical sewer options that you can install yourself, the arrangement of overflow settling wells and filter wells is universally popular.

This sewerage system in a private house consists of two wells: one with a sealed bottom, the second without a bottom, but with powders, as in the previous method (crushed stone and sand). Wastewater from the house enters the first well, where solid organic waste and feces sink to the bottom, fatty ones float to the surface, and more or less clarified water forms between them. At a height of about 2/3 of the first well, it is connected to the second well by an overflow pipe, located slightly at an angle so that water can flow there unhindered. Partially clarified water enters the second well, where it seeps through a powder of crushed stone, sand and soil, it is cleaned even more and leaves.

The first well is a sump, and the second is a filter well. Over time, a critical mass of feces accumulates in the first well, for the removal of which it is necessary to call a sewage truck. You will have to do this about once every 4 to 6 months. To reduce the unpleasant smell, microorganisms are added to the first well, which decompose the feces.

Overflow sewerage in a private house: photo - example

A two-chamber septic tank can be made independently from concrete rings, concrete or brick, or you can purchase a ready-made (plastic) one from the manufacturer. In the finished two-chamber septic tank, additional cleaning will also take place with the help of special microorganisms.

Output. It is possible to install a sewerage system in a private house from two overflow wells only if the groundwater level, even during a flood, is 1 m lower from the bottom of the second well. Ideal conditions are sandy or sandy soil on the site. After 5 years, crushed stone and sand in the filter well will have to be replaced.

Septic tank with filtration field - biological and soil treatment

We turn to the description of more or less serious cleaning systems that allow you not to worry about environmental pollution.

This type of septic tank is a single tank, divided into 2 - 3 sections or several separate tanks-wells connected by pipes. Most often, having decided to equip just this type of sewage system, a factory-made septic tank is purchased.

In the first tank, wastewater settles, as in the previous method (settlement well). Through the pipe, partially clarified water enters the second tank or section, where anaerobic bacteria decompose organic residues. Even more clarified water enters the filtration fields.

Filtration fields are an area underground where wastewater is treated by soil. Due to the large area (about 30 m2), the water is purified by 80%. The ideal case is if the soil is sandy or sandy, otherwise it will be necessary to equip an artificial filtration field of crushed stone and sand. After passing through the filtration fields, water is collected in pipelines and discharged into drainage ditches or wells. Trees or edible vegetables cannot be planted above the filtration fields, only a flower bed is allowed.

Over time, the fields silt up, and they need to be cleaned, or rather, crushed stone and sand should be replaced. You can imagine how much work will have to be done, and what your site will turn into after that.

Output. Laying a sewer in a private house, assuming the presence of a filtration field, is possible only if the groundwater level is below 2.5 - 3 m. Otherwise, it is quite constructive solution subject to sufficient free space. Also, do not forget that the distance from the filtration fields to water sources and residential buildings should be more than 30 m.

Septic tank with biofilter - natural treatment station

The deep cleaning station allows you to complete the installation of sewage in a private house, even if the groundwater level is very high.

The septic tank is a container divided into 3 - 4 sections. It is better to purchase it from a trusted manufacturer, after consulting with professionals about the required volume and equipment. Of course, the price for such a sewer in a private house is not the lowest, it starts from 1200 USD.

In the first chamber of the septic tank, water is settled, in the second - the decomposition of organic matter by anaerobic microorganisms, the third chamber serves to separate water, since in the fourth chamber organic matter is decomposed with the help of aerobic bacteria that need constant inflow air. To do this, a pipe is mounted above the chamber, which rises 50 cm above the ground level. Aerobic bacteria are planted on a filter installed on a pipe leading from the third section to the fourth. In fact, this is the filtering field - only in miniature and concentrated. Due to the small area of ​​water movement and the high concentration of microorganisms, there is a thorough purification of water up to 90 - 95%. Such water can be safely used for technical needs - watering the garden, washing the car and much more. To do this, a pipe is diverted to their fourth section, leading either to a tank for accumulating treated water, or to a drainage ditch or well, where it simply soaks into the ground.

Sewage treatment in a private house - scheme of work:

Output. A septic tank with a biofilter is a good solution for a private house with permanent residence. Microorganisms can be added to the septic tank by simply pouring them into the toilet. There are no restrictions on the use of such treatment plant no. An undeniable advantage is that it does not require electricity. The only drawback is that sewerage wiring in a private house requires permanent residence, since without the constant presence of sewage, bacteria die. When new strains are introduced, they begin active activity only after two weeks.

Septic tank with forced air supply - artificial cleaning station

An accelerated cleaning station, where natural processes occur artificially. The construction of a sewerage system in a private house using an aeration tank will require electricity to be connected to the septic tank to connect the air pump and air distributor.

Such a septic tank consists of three chambers or separate containers interconnected. Water enters the first chamber through sewer pipes, where it settles, and solid waste precipitates. Partially clarified water from the first chamber is pumped into the second.

The second chamber is actually the aeration tank, here water is mixed with activated sludge, which consists of microorganisms and plants. All microorganisms and bacteria of activated sludge are aerobic. It is for their full-fledged life that forced aeration is needed.

Water mixed with sludge enters the third chamber - a sump for deeper cleaning. Then the sludge is pumped back to the aeration tank by a special pump.

Forced air supply provides a fairly quick wastewater treatment, which can then be used for technical needs.

Output. Aerotank is an expensive, but necessary pleasure in some cases. The price starts from 3700 USD. There are no restrictions on the installation of such a sewer. Disadvantages - the need for electricity and permanent residence, otherwise activated sludge bacteria die.

Water supply and sewerage of a private house - general rules

Certain restrictions apply to the location of sewer facilities.

septic tank should be located:

  • no closer than 5 m from a residential building;
  • no closer than 20 - 50 m from the water source (well, well, reservoir);
  • no closer than 10 m from the garden.

House must be removed:

  • 8 m from filter wells;
  • 25 m from the filter fields;
  • 50 m from aeration treatment plants;
  • 300 m from drain wells or stations.

The pipes leading to the septic tank must be insulated so that they do not freeze through in winter. To do this, they are wrapped with heat-insulating material and inserted into asbestos-cement pipes. External sewerage wiring in a private house is carried out with pipes with a diameter of 100 - 110 mm, the slope should be 2 cm by 2 m, i.e. 2 °, in practice they do a little more - 5 - 7 ° (with a margin). But you shouldn’t joke with this matter, since a larger slope will lead to the fact that water will quickly pass through the pipes, and feces will linger and clog them, and a smaller angle of inclination will not ensure that wastewater moves through the pipes at all. It is advisable to lay the pipes in such a way that there are no turns and corners. For internal wiring of sewer pipes, 50 mm in diameter is sufficient. If the house has more than one floor, and bathtubs, sinks, and a toilet are also installed on the upper floors, then a riser with a diameter of 200 mm is used to drain wastewater down.

If you decide that you can handle the sewerage of a private house with your own hands, be sure to take into account all the restrictions of SanPin and SNiP regarding the location and design of the sewerage system. In order not to spoil relations with neighbors, consider the location of their water sources and other buildings.

The sewerage project of a private house is extremely important; you should not try to do without it. Sewerage is not a system that tolerates approximation. Contact design bureaus or architects, let the professionals create a working draft for you, taking into account all the features of the soil, site, climate and operating conditions. It is better if this project is completed along with the project of the house itself before the start of its construction. This will greatly facilitate installation.

If you are interested in the question of how to make a sewer in a private house at high groundwater levels, then based on all of the above, it can be such options:

  • Sealed container for accumulation of waste.
  • Septic tank with biofilter.
  • Aeration cleaning station (aerotank).

Direct work on the installation of a sewer system in a private house is not so complicated. It is necessary to lay pipes around the house that will collect effluent from various sources, connect them to a collector and run through the foundation or under it along the ground to the septic tank. Earthworks can be done independently, or you can hire an excavator. But choosing the right sewerage system and drafting a project is much more important.

Sewerage in a private house: video - example