Mathematics that I like. The history of the origin of zero What is the name of zero

  • 31.03.2022

Aleister Crowley described these metaphysical processes with a mathematical universal formula. She says: 0 = 2 .

0 is Nuit (not I) - a great extension.

2 is Hadit - great contraction.

The number zero is abstractly the source of all numbers in numerology, practically it symbolizes the spiritual root cause of existence.

The sacred meaning of the number 0 is associated with its image in the form of a divine sphere. The perfect form of the circle denotes the concept of infinity and eternity, which has neither beginning nor end.

Positive traits of the number 0

The positive value of the number 0 in numerology reflects such aspects as universal energies, harmony, original nature, completeness, eternal law, truth.

The appearance of the number zero in numerological analysis indicates the presence of internal capabilities and forces inherent in you from birth. In order to unlock the existing potential, it is necessary to make personal efforts, focusing on the signs of Fate sent down from above.

Zeros in the date of birth are reserves of past incarnations that a person may not even be aware of. But in order for these qualities to manifest themselves in the most favorable way, a person must make a conscious choice between Light and Darkness.

The represented number 0, especially if it is repeated, indicates the need to develop one's spiritual plan. And zero itself in numerology is considered as the beginning of a secret spiritual journey. If this opportunity is neglected, then a positive scenario may turn into its reverse side.

Negative traits of the number 0

The number 0 in numerology means the negative aspects of such concepts as emptiness, chaos, lies, non-existence, mystery and death.

The endless abyss of energy lurking in zero can create or destroy depending on the direction of human desires. It should be noted that the concept of death, just like in the Tarot system, has a metaphysical meaning, which means the completion of the life cycle, the possibility of renewal and transformation.

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Think zero! Nothing! What if you think about it? If we didn’t have zero now, there would be no computers, no television, no mobile communications ... no digital technologies! What can I say, we would not be able to multiply two two-digit numbers. Zero is a great invention of mankind and the cornerstone of our number system. Zero is worth talking about.

Number "nothing"

The life of the number and the number "zero" began from the moment when people realized the need to designate "nothing" with a specific number. Before that, it was believed by the collective mind that if there is nothing, nothing needs to be written down. But the geniuses of mankind in different parts of the world realized that zero is vital. These were the Maya Indians in America, someone came up with a sign to denote zero in Ancient Babylon, and someone in China.

And the wise men from Hindustan marked zero with the sign of an elongated circle, which is familiar to us.

The word "Zero" (Zero) came to us from the Latin "Nulus" - none.

From zero everything is in its place!

With the advent of the designation of zero, everything literally took its place. A convenient and practical positional number system has appeared, in which the value of a digit depends on its place in the notation of the number, that is, on its position. The use of the digit zero made it possible not to introduce new characters to write large numbers. There was an elegant system for writing any number using just ten digits. Now no one will confuse the numbers 15, 150, 105 or 15000.

Arithmetic properties of zero

Since zero is a number, it has properties. If zero is added to any number, the number does not change. If you subtract zero from any number, then the number will not change (add or subtract, but zero remains nothing!). If zero is multiplied by a number, then we get zero, since we took the number zero times. Zero is divisible by any number - we get zero. This is understandable, we divide zero into any number of parts - we get zero!

Now let's try to divide the number by zero. Is it possible to divide a number into zero parts? How, then, from zero parts to add again what we shared? To avoid such difficulties, division by zero was forbidden. You can't divide by zero!

Zero is the beginning of the journey

If you are driving along the highway, then along the way you will meet kilometer posts with marks: 20 km., 30 km. etc. These are distance indicators from the main post office of the city from which you left. The main post office in the city is considered the beginning of the journey, its zero mark.

In some cities, the zero mark or the beginning of the path are specially installed signs with the mark “Beginning of roads. Zero kilometer). For example, such a sign is installed in the center of modern Minsk (the capital of Belarus), on October Square.

And in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, at the site of the zero kilometer, the beginning of all roads, a monument to Zero was erected. This is the only monument to the figure.

Railways in the Russian Federation are counted from Moscow (Moscow is the beginning of the journey, zero mark). The Oktyabrskaya Railway is counting from St. Petersburg (in this case, St. Petersburg is the zero mark).

The account of the meridians of the Earth to determine the geographical coordinates, is from Greenwich (zero meridian).

Zero is the beginning of time

The beginning of all time... Where is it? If this beginning is the moment of the emergence of the Universe, then scientists are still arguing when it happened ... If the time of the emergence of life on Earth, then it is also difficult to decide ...

Then people agreed on a conditional beginning of time, tying it to a specific event. As you may have guessed, this event is the Nativity of Christ. It is from the Nativity of Christ that we count our time, we count our time. We consider Christmas as the zero point on the time line. Everything that was before the birth of Christ was before our era; and everything that was later was in our era.

Each person has their own relationship with zero. But no one wants to have zero income, zero success, zero relationships, and zero knowledge. You can improve your knowledge of mathematics by studying the articles in the section.

However, zero is not always such a nothing, if you remember that it is the “zero” – three of the forty casino cells with the designation zero, that brings fabulous income to the gambling business!

The number zero is expressed by the number 0. The name of this number comes from the Latin word "nullus", which can be translated as "none". Zero or zero, as it is sometimes called, is an integer that separates negative and positive numbers. To date, there are different opinions regarding the involvement of zero in natural numbers: some scientists consider 0 a natural number, others do not. What is the number 0? The domestic school curriculum does not classify 0 as natural numbers, despite the fact that this somewhat complicates some formulations. So, for example, because of this, one has to distinguish between integer division and division with a remainder.

Zero and its properties

  • Any number does not change when added to 0. A natural number also does not change when zero is subtracted from it.
  • Multiplying a number by 0 gives 0.
  • Zero does not have a "+" or "-" sign.
  • 0 is an even number because it is an integer when divided by 2.
  • 0 can be divided by all real numbers. The result of such a division is 0. The only exception is the expression 0 / 0, which leads to uncertainty.
  • Zero has no reciprocal among the complex numbers.

These are the main properties of this number. Now you know what zero is and what properties this natural number has.

0 natural number, 0 natural number
0 (zero, zero from lat. nullus - none) - a number that, when added to or subtracted from any number, does not change the latter, that is, gives a result equal to this latter; Multiplying any number by zero gives zero.

The Big Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov (2009) gives both forms: zero, zero - as equivalent. However, from the examples given there, it can be seen that there is some difference: the form zero is used mainly in the nominative case, there are also other indications of this rule (see sidebar).

  • 1 Zero in math
    • 1.1 Basic properties of zero
      • 1.1.1 Division by zero
      • 1.1.2 Belonging to natural numbers
      • 1.1.3 Meanings of individual functions
    • 1.2 Generalizations (zero in general algebra)
    • 1.3 Zero in calculus
    • 1.4 Zero in geometry
  • 2 History of zero usage
  • 3 Zero in other fields of science and technology
  • 4 Zero in language and culture
  • 5 See also
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Links

Zero in math

Basic properties of zero

  • 0 is an integer.
  • Zero is an even number because when it is divided by 2, you get an integer: .
  • On the number line, 0 separates positive and negative numbers.
  • Zero is unsigned.
  • Any number when added to zero does not change: .
  • Subtracting zero from any number results in the same number: .
  • Multiplying any number by zero gives zero: .
  • Dividing zero by any non-zero number results in zero:

Division by zero

  • Division by zero is not possible in any field or ring, including the fields of real and complex numbers.
Indeed, if denoted, then by definition, division formally should be, while the expression, for any, is equal to zero. In other words, there is no inverse element for zero in any field.
  • Division by zero of a non-zero complex number is possible on the extended complex plane, and its result is a point at infinity.

Belonging to natural numbers

There are two approaches to the definition of natural numbers - some authors classify zero as natural numbers, others do not. Russian school curricula in mathematics do not accept zero as natural numbers, although this makes some formulations more difficult (for example, one has to distinguish between division with a remainder and division as a whole). as a compromise, the sources sometimes consider an "extended natural series", including zero.

Values ​​of individual functions

  • The result of raising any number (except zero) to the zero power is equal to one: .
    • The expression (zero to the zeroth degree) is considered to be meaningless, that is, indefinite.
This is due to the fact that a function of two variables at a point has an irreparable discontinuity. (Indeed, along the positive direction of the axis where it is equal to one, and along the positive direction of the axis where it is equal to zero.)
  • The factorial of zero is equal to one: .

Generalizations (zero in general algebra)

An analogue of zero can exist in any set on which the operation of addition is defined; in general algebra, such an element is sometimes called a neutral element, sometimes an additive zero, most often a zero with respect to addition. Examples of such an element are a null vector and a null matrix. (If, on the other hand, the operation of multiplication is defined on the set, the multiplicative unit can be considered as an analogue of zero, or the unit with respect to multiplication, if any.)

Algebraic structures equipped with both addition and multiplication can also contain an analogue of zero. The zero element contains any ring and its special cases - the body and the field. For example, a square size zero matrix is ​​the zero element of the square matrix ring. The ring of polynomials also has a zero element - a polynomial with zero coefficients, or a zero polynomial, .

Zero in calculus

  • When calculating the limit of the relation, where and, a situation arises when direct substitution gives an expression whose value is not defined. In the process of disclosure of uncertainties, seven such situations are possible, and in four of them zero is formally present: , .
  • A well-defined situation is also possible when a one-sided (right or left) limit of an infinitesimal value is considered:
  • Right limit: _ or _ .
  • Left limit: _ or _ .

Zero in geometry

  • A point can be considered as a zero-dimensional object.
  • A point in the plane with one zero coordinate lies on the corresponding coordinate axis. Both zero coordinates define a point called the origin.
  • A point in three-dimensional space with one zero coordinate lies on the corresponding coordinate plane. A point in three-dimensional space is again called the origin if all its coordinates are zero.
  • Similar statements are true for a space of any dimension.
  • On a circle, the positions 0° and 360° coincide.

Zero History

Babylonian mathematicians used a special cuneiform sign for the sexagesimal zero beginning around 300 BC. e., and their Sumerian teachers probably did it even earlier. Although there is no 0 in their number system, Egyptian mathematicians already from the Middle Kingdom (beginning of the 2nd millennium BC) used the hieroglyph nfr (“beautiful”) to denote zero.

Original codes for zero were used even before our era by the ancient Maya and their neighbors in Central America (the ancient Maya denoted zero with a stylized image of a shell).

In ancient Greece, the number 0 was not known. in the astronomical tables of Claudius Ptolemy, empty cells were designated by the symbol ο (the letter omicron, from other Greek ονδεν - nothing); it is possible that this designation influenced the appearance of zero, but most historians admit that the decimal zero was invented by Indian mathematicians. Without zero, the decimal positional notation of numbers invented in India would have been impossible. The first zero code was found in an Indian entry dated 876; it looks like a familiar circle.

In Europe, for a long time, 0 was considered a conventional symbol and was not recognized as a number; even in the 17th century, Wallis wrote: "Zero is not a number." In arithmetical writings, a negative number was interpreted as a debt, and zero as a situation of complete ruin. The works of Leonhard Euler especially contributed to the complete equalization of his rights with other numbers.

Zero in other fields of science and technology

Zero is often used as a starting point. The examples are very numerous.

  • Zero occurs in many branches of physics:
    • When measuring the sound volume in backgrounds, the hearing threshold is taken as 0.
    • The minimum possible energy level of a quantum mechanical system is called zero energy.
    • Absolute zero temperature is known - 0 on the Kelvin scale. In everyday life, however, other temperature scales are more commonly used.
      • In particular, on the Celsius scale, the freezing point of water is arbitrarily taken as 0.
  • In cartography, the zero kilometer, the zero meridian (currently the Greenwich meridian) and much more are known.
  • There is no zero year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, just as neither year nor month contains a zero day. However, there is an astronomical scale on which there is a zero year.

Zero in language and culture

  • “We regard everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones” - a quote from Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" (Chapter 2, stanza 14), is used ironically when talking about someone's overestimated conceit and dismissive attitude towards others.
  • Zero is the absence of something. For example, "finances at zero" (colloquial use).
  • Zero in a figurative sense means an insignificant, insignificant person, for example: "He is an absolute zero."
  • The expression zero without a stick, when referring to a person, means that he has no influence, significance (colloquial and joking use), as well as an incompetent, stupid person.
  • Zero attention - no attention.
  • The expression zero-zero, used after indicating the hour of the day, means: exactly at such and such an hour, without minutes.
  • Start from scratch - start from scratch (colloquial use).

see also

  • −0 and +0 are fictitious concepts in calculus.
  • Machine zero
  • Zero (digit)
  • A negative number
  • Zero Divisor
  • unsigned number
  • 1 (number) - multiplicative unit



  1. 1 2 D. E. Rosenthal. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. Chapter X. Spelling of numerals. M.: CheRo, 1999.
  2. Zero - Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary - Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
  3. ZERO // Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000.
  4. Great Dictionary of Russian language. Ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov. First edition: St. Petersburg: Norint, 1998.
  5. The historical roots of elementary mathematics. - Courier Dover Publications, 1976. - P. 254–255. - ISBN 0-486-13968-9., Extract of pages 254–255
  6. Potapov M. K., Alexandrov V. V., Pasichenko P. I. Algebra and analysis of elementary functions. - M.: Nauka, 1981. - S. 9. - 560 p.
  7. What is the degree of a number // School mathematics, Internet resource.
  8. Why is a number to the power of 0 equal to 1? // Sciencelandia, Internet resource.
  9. Power function // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia 1969-1978.
  10. Catch phrases // Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.
  11. We honor everyone with zeros, / And with units - ourselves // Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 zero // Explanatory dictionary of foreign words L.P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998.
  13. zero // Dictionary of Russian Argo. - GRAMOTA.RU. V. S. Elistratov. 2002.


Wiktionary has an article «0» Wiktionary has an article "zero" Wiktionary has an article "zero"
  • History of Zero
  • Why can't you divide by zero?
  • Symbolism of numbers (zero) /S. Curius / "Time Z" No. 2/2007
  • On the comparison of the concepts of "zero" and "nothing" Smirnov OA - Scientific session MEPhI-2003.
  • Properties of the number zero (Russian)
Quaternions Octonions sedenions Other
number systems Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers (transfinite, ordinal) p-adic Supernatural numbers see also Double numbers Irrational numbers Transcendent Number ray Biquaternion

The number 0 in numerology has a special relationship. All values ​​​​of the number are divided into two large groups:

  1. Positive, bearing a positive beginning.
  2. Negative, negatively affecting fate.

The number 0 is the beginning of infinity, a symbol of purity and freedom, the root cause of everything that can happen, the starting point.

It is from this understanding that all positive properties come. Positive numbers in numerology:

Negative values

The number 0 hides its twofold essence. He can begin and finish, bring down to the void, raise to the top. The number pulls into its middle.

No wonder the most terrible natural phenomena are similar to it in form. Looking inside, you can not return to reality. Negative values:

Feature of zero in numerology

Spiritual numerology gives its own interpretation of the number: time stops in it.

Movement in any sense stops.

Everything that is in the space around is in a state of rest and silence.

But this does not mean death or oblivion.

Internal energy is preparing to exit.

Some scholars believe that zero is the junction of numerology and esotericism.

United contrasting positions

The number zero stands on the border of concepts. That is why the correct conduct of the line of fate often depends on a person.

Such positions are dangerous. They can bring grief to weak people, confidence and happiness to strong people. What contradictions does it hide?

  • birth - death;
  • lie is true;
  • secret - reality;
  • light is darkness.

There is a very thin line between contrasting positions, it can break at any moment. On the one hand, light, imperceptibly pass to the other, dark. All signs of fate initially come from zero, as from a point from which you can turn in any direction.

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