Where to locate a well and a septic tank on the site. The distance from the septic tank to the well: sanitary standards and requirements, device, tips from the masters

  • 03.03.2020

It is considered the most practical option for arranging sewage. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that this structure is fraught with a considerable danger to the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the existing sanitary requirements to the location of the well and septic tank on the site. They should be as far apart as possible. It is important to prevent the ingress of contaminated effluents into the aquifers of the soil and water pipes. Otherwise, the water from the well will become undrinkable.

The main types of environmental hazard

Plastic pipes and septic tank structures are themselves airtight and have a high degree of water permeability. But during their operation, situations are possible when effluents can get into drinking water. For example, depressurization of joints or rupture of pipes may occur. The possibility of seasonal floods or poor installation of equipment cannot be ruled out.

As a result, the following types of environmental threats may arise:

  • Penetration of effluents into the ground;
  • Ingress of contaminated waste into groundwater;
  • Infection of wells and wells;
  • Pollution of the site;
  • Flooding of buildings.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory presence of a sanitary zone at the design stage. For this purpose, a site plan will be required. When self installation septic tanks, special attention should be paid to sealing the joints and the installation depth of the tanks.

Sanitary standards

In accordance with the rules established by SNiP, between the septic tank and the water intake should be more than 20 m. This requirement applies when the well is located higher in the direction groundwater. In this case, the soil between the aquifer and the surface of the earth should not be filtering. The presence of rocks, conglomerates, clay layers in it is allowed.

If the territory under consideration contains highly permeable soil, which quickly passes polluted waters, then this distance increases to 50 m. It includes loam, sandy loam, loose sand. If the septic tank is located higher, then the minimum distance between it and the well increases to 25 m.

Before installing a treatment plant, you must submit its project to the local sanitary and epidemiological service and obtain permission for installation there. This procedure is mandatory. Without it, the construction of this facility will be considered illegal. At best, for the owners, this is fraught with a fine. In the worst case scenario, they may require the dismantling of an illegally installed septic tank. This entails significant financial losses.

Often, developers do not have enough space on the site to fulfill all the requirements. It's really difficult on a standard six acres. The question of how to locate a well and a septic tank on the site, in this case, simply has no solution. But the lack of space is not a good reason for breaking the rules. Therefore, if it is not possible to install a septic tank in accordance with the standards, other options for arranging sewage will have to be considered.

Remoteness of the septic tank from other objects

Sanitary standards regulate the distance not only between the septic tank and the well. Distance from other objects is also strictly established. From the roadway, this object should be at least 5 meters away. If it is located closer, then constant vibrations from passing vehicles can break its tightness. The same distance should be between treatment plant and housing, as well as various pipelines. It is impossible to place this object too close to the house, not only because of possible unpleasant odors. This threatens to destroy the foundation, which may occur due to an increase in soil moisture.

The distance between the septic tank and the neighboring fence is also a regulated value. It is 2 m. The placement of the treatment plant itself must be agreed with the neighbors.

Remoteness of wells from various objects

Speaking about the relative position of the septic tank and the well, it is understood that the water intake object itself is located correctly. It must be at least 3 meters away from the house. It is forbidden to equip wells in the most low points site. Otherwise, during the flood or during the period heavy rains access will be difficult. If there is already a well on the site, the distance between it and the well should be at least 5-6 m.

A septic tank is an integral part of the sewer system of a private house, so choosing its location on the site should be taken seriously. Obviously, the smell from the aeration zones and sedimentation tanks is not the most fragrant, and the moisture filtering into the soil creates high humidity, and the placement of septic tanks near residential buildings and sources of water intake can be not only unpleasant, but also hazardous to health.

Correct placement

The construction of a septic tank is considered the most practical option for arranging sewage in summer cottages and in country houses, however, so far in many major cities there are areas, especially intended for cottage development, where there is no urban drain, so there also arises the need to build a cesspool.

It will be correct if the choice of a place for a treatment plant will be carried out at the stage of designing a land plot. Only in this case it will be possible to correctly find the space so that it meets all existing sanitary standards.

Let's say more, before installing a septic tank, it is imperative to coordinate the project for its arrangement in the SES, otherwise the structure will be declared an illegal building and can turn into numerous troubles for its owner.

At best, you will get off with only a fine, and at worst, you will be forced to dismantle the entire structure - this will result not only in huge financial expenses, but also in significant discomfort for all family members.

To avoid these problems, it is extremely important to know all the basic rules for the safe arrangement of cesspools. These standards are regulated by the current SNiP 2.04.02-84, 2.04.02-85, as well as 2.04.03-85 and It is these documents that establish the basic standards for the construction of a local local sewerage system.

To residential building

If the septic tank is located in close proximity to a residential building, then its inhabitants will be annoyed by numerous unpleasant odors, which is why most homeowners and developers try to choose the place most remote from residential premises, while taking into account the terrain - if the site is uneven and hilly, then the septic tank is arranged in the lowest place.

The sanitary standard establishes that the minimum distance between the septic tank and a private house should be 5 meters, only in this case the household will be protected from the "ambre" coming from the sewer. Approximately at this distance, a filter well should be located, unless, of course, it is planned in the drainage and drainage system, since the water coming out of it can wash away the foundation of the building and destroy it. As for the cesspools directly, they can be located closer, but you should not risk your comfort by digging it right under the windows.

Many site owners are trying to "push" the septic tank as far as possible at a distance of 15 meters or more. But this approach cannot be called correct in any way, because in sewer pipes, the length of which exceeds 8 meters, quite often there are blockages that have to be cleared.

That is why the standard value of 5 meters is optimal from a sanitary and technical point of view.

In some cases, it is allowed to equip a septic tank at close range, but this is only possible with the installation of a high-quality wastewater treatment system. In addition, shortening the distance is allowed if the septic tank is made of dense reinforced concrete, and a solid waterproofing system is installed between it and the house.

Up to the neighbors

No one needs problems with neighbors, therefore, when arranging a septic tank, their interests must also be taken into account. The desire to move the cesspool to the maximum distance from the house is understandable, but if the pit is located “right under the noses” of the neighbors, then they are unlikely to be delighted with this.

In the case when development is carried out in parallel on all sites, as is the case with the development of new lands, it makes sense to coordinate in advance the location of septic tanks on all sites, this will significantly reduce the risk of conflict situations in future.

If the drain system is being built in an already operating house, then it makes sense to be guided by existing standards that establish the minimum allowable distance from the septic tank to the neighbor's fence of 2 meters.

To the well

It is very important that the septic tank is located at a distance from the water intake, since it is necessary to exclude any possibility of contaminated water entering the pipeline, which carries drinking water into the house, otherwise the water will become unsafe for the life and health of adults and children.

According to SNiP, at least 30 meters should be located from the cesspool to the well, however, if the water intake is located below the level of the septic tank, or the site consists of highly permeable soils, then the distance should be increased to 50 meters.

To the well

Similar requirements apply to the distance between the septic tank and the well. Of course, the very design of the septic tank excludes any threat of the penetration of effluents into the well, but the occurrence of emergencies can never be ruled out. As a result of depressurization of the seams or “active activity” of rodents, the probability of water entering the soil increases significantly, therefore it is necessary to maintain a distance between the drain area and the well, which should be at least 20 meters, and if the soil contains sand or sandy loam, then at least 50 meters.

To the track

It is very important to build septic tanks at a sufficient distance from the highway, the minimum distance between these objects should be 5 meters.

The reasons here are technical - on busy highways constantly maintained high level vibration, which causes the gradual destruction of the walls of the septic tank, this significantly increases the risk of cracks and depressurization of the structure.

SES also makes recommendations regarding the remoteness of the cesspool from the garden. According to the regulations, it should be equipped at a distance of at least 4 meters from fruit trees and vegetable plantations. This is due to the fact that excessive waterlogging leads to rotting of the roots and death of plants.

And, of course, it is important to remember that the allowable distance between the septic tank and rivers, lakes and streams should be at least 10 meters.

Can it be taken outside the site?

Many homeowners believe that existing septic installation regulations only apply to the distance between sewers and main buildings and structures, so you can place them outside your site if the required distance is maintained.

This is not entirely true, since, in addition to the regulations of the sanitary services, civil legislation applies to any buildings. According to the law, any septic tank is a private treatment plant, and they can only be built on their own land, otherwise this building will be illegal, and the actions of its owners will be interpreted as land squatting.

If the construction of a cesspool outside the site is noticed, then the consequences will be the most bleak:

  • at any time you can receive an order to eliminate an illegal building, and you will have to carry out the dismantling at your own expense;
  • when registering property rights to a house and land, you will also have to register a septic tank, and if it is built abroad own site, such an opportunity will be difficult;
  • if the land officially belongs to the municipality, then at any time the authorities can dispose of the site at their discretion, ignoring the fact that an unregistered septic tank is located there.

That's why everything necessary approvals and permits should be carried out not only within the framework of sanitary standards, but also in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation governing the ownership of houses, land plots and outbuildings.

Main dangers

Consider why it is so important to comply with all established standards. To understand why you need to correctly choose the location of the septic tank on the land, you need to start with the basics:

  • a septic tank is a sewage facility in which household waste accumulates and settles, their cleaning capacity does not exceed 60%, so it is very important to make the harm to the environment minimal;
  • most of the structures installed in private homes cannot be considered full-fledged filters in any way - they purify sewage by no more than 60%, and therefore it is necessary to strive to minimize the harm caused by sewage to soil and groundwater.

Of course, filters installed at industrial and municipal water intakes have an efficiency of about 99%, but they are quite expensive, so most of our compatriots cannot afford such designs.

All this leads to the fact that the installation of a septic tank creates certain environmental risks:

  • due to the low tightness of containers and their connections with pipes, waste can enter the soil;
  • if the septic tank is located in close proximity to aquifers, then drain water can penetrate into groundwater;
  • during spring floods or in the absence of timely pumping, the containers may overflow, and sewage waste is poured into the area adjacent to the house;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the tanks, flooding of the foundation and destruction of the supporting supports of a residential building can be observed.

To avoid these unpleasant problems, it is important to take the choice of the location of the septic tank very seriously, with special attention to be paid to the depth of installation of the tank and the sealing of joints and seams.

Additional requirements

Unfortunately, not everyone land plot, especially for houses located within the city, boasts a large area, sometimes even 3 meters is not enough, not to mention the need to withstand a five-meter distance from the septic tank to the residential building. Sometimes there is not enough space.

The inability to maintain the required distance between the water well and the cesspool is not a reason to reduce it, because this requirement is not taken “from the ceiling”, it is based on the need to preserve human health. Therefore, if there are no required five meters, then it makes sense to think about another version of the drain system.

The sewer system is usually installed by constructing a VOC, septic tank or cesspool. In order for the autonomous network to work properly, without deteriorating the state of the environment and without causing trouble to health, special norms and rules were developed, in accordance with which it must be built.

On the summer cottages it is necessary to think in advance of all future objects, where they will be placed and what their sizes are. The location of the septic tank on the site is best chosen at the design level. Then it will be easier to keep everything regulatory requirements and at the same time build all the objects so that everything is in good places.

Choosing a place on the site for the location of the septic tank

Even though septic tanks are sealed today, emergencies cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, the accepted rules should be followed.

Regulations and permission

The basis of the legislative framework is the federal law entitled "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population." In principle, the owner of the site should have an interest in complying with it, because otherwise, he risks both his own health and the health of other family members, as well as neighbors.

On the other hand, the law in any case must be respected regardless of the attitude towards it.

It is unacceptable to install a septic tank solely at your own discretion. After all, there is a potential threat of harm to people. Therefore, a construction project is initially prepared, then it is approved by the SES, which issues a building permit.

Such a document is issued only in cases where the project complies with all accepted applicable standards and requirements. The treatment tank must be installed within the site. But, having received the document in hand, the owner does not have the right to equip the structure as he pleases, since the regulatory authorities may well check compliance with the arrangement of the structure and if facts of a violation are established, they have the right not only to impose penalties, but also require dismantling of the device.

septic tank layout

Detailed rules and regulations are also regulated by other by-laws, which include sanitary and construction requirements.

Septic tank and water intake

When deciding where to install a septic tank on a site, it is important to observe the required minimum distance from it to a well or well.

The point is that when emergency the possibility of the penetration of contaminated liquid into the aquifers of the soil must be completely excluded. If this happens, then there will be a high risk of infection. various diseases. This requirement applies to both cesspools and septic tanks, because to exclude from the latter emergency, for example, caused by depressurization or rupture of pipes, eating them by rodents and other things, is impossible. Therefore, the distance between the water intake and the septic tank should be as large as possible. The footage is calculated depending on the type of soil and the presence of soils with filtration between the aquifer and the filter. This indicator is precisely approved by regulations.

If there is no specified location between the layers, then the distance should be at least twenty meters. To determine the existence of filter sites, special hydrogeological studies are carried out.

septic tank layout a few meters from the house

The higher the soil filtration properties, the greater the distance of the septic tank from the water intake point should be. At high rate it should be at least fifty - eighty meters.

When arranging, you must also comply with the rules location of the septic tank relative to the water supply. So, the minimum distance between the sewer and water pipes should be ten meters. This is necessary in case a depressurization occurs and there is a danger of sewage entering the water supply.

In addition to the required condition, the natural slope must be taken into account. For example, the water intake point should be located above the septic tank.

Distance from the septic tank to the house, fence and other objects

In order to properly place the septic tank, the requirements regarding its location in relation to the house must be met. So, in particular:

  • it is located at a distance of more than five meters from the foundation - this is necessary to maintain sanitary safety, for proper functioning and to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors into the house;
  • the distance should not be too large either, since good job with a long sewer pipe will be quite problematic, and it will be necessary to additionally build wells for revision.

The placement of septic tanks should be carried out not only taking into account their own interests, but also neighbors.

installation of a Topas-type septic tank in a pre-dug well

A suitable place is selected in accordance with the following indicators:

  • with the smallest distance of the septic tank from the road general use, but at the same time it should be at least five meters;
  • so that there are no unpleasant collisions with neighbors, the distance from the septic tank to the fence of their site should be at least two meters.

In addition to these objects, there are the following requirements:

  • between the septic tank and any building, the allowable distance is more than one meter - this is due to the fact that due to such remoteness it will be possible to avoid washing away the base, in case of a risk of an emergency;
  • access needs to be considered sewer truck to be able to clean the treatment plant;
  • the septic tank should be located no closer than fifteen meters from water bodies open type(rivers, lakes, streams), the lower end of the pumping should be at a distance of 2-3 meters;
  • the safe distance from fruit and other trees is three to four meters; moisture-loving plants can be planted closer.

Cesspools and storage septic tanks

In private houses, in addition to septic tanks, simple cesspools without a bottom can be built. However, there are certain requirements that apply directly to them:

  1. They must be waterproof.
  2. Above the structure must be a cover or grate.
  3. The pit must be cleaned at least twice a year.
  4. In addition, regular disinfection is required with a mixture containing whole line cleaning elements. Dry bleach should not be used.

A few decades ago, this type of sewer structure, such as cesspool seemed to be the only possible one. Today it is almost not used, but in some places it can still be found. The structure is a pit without a bottom. The material can be brick, cement, concrete rings or some other kind. The liquid from the drains, falling into the pit, freely seeps into the soil, at the same time being cleaned. All solid organic matter settles, accumulates and then is cleaned. Previously, holes were simply dug out, not caring about their water resistance, but as they accumulated, they left them and dug a new one.

Today the alternative cesspool is an storage septic tank. It differs in that the effluents do not pass into the soil, but remain completely in the tank.

Connecting sewer pipes to installed septic tank Topas

Such a structure, installed according to the above rules, is possible, but it will be advisable only if the owners of the house rarely live in the house. With a permanent presence, other options are usually chosen.

Purifying septic tanks

This type of device is the most common. It consists of two or three chambers where the liquid is purified and then released into the soil for further purification. The septic tank is able to clean up to sixty percent. Therefore, it is impossible to use such water neither for technical needs, nor even for drinking.

Usually water goes to specially designated areas for this: filtration fields. You can equip them with any type of soil. But sandy and sandy loam types are most suitable for them. In other cases, significant additional costs will be required. Therefore, they are mostly abandoned in favor of another type of septic tank.

If you buy ready-made devices manufactured at the factory, then they are completely sealed and very durable structures. And if the installation is carried out correctly, it will secure environment and will not harm human health. But, of course, you can not ignore the safety rules, they should be observed in any case.

Local cleaning stations

Local treatment plants are the most modern devices that provide better cleaning, which comes as a percentage to ninety-eight. They provide various ways cleaning. This is also a sump, where solid waste settles to the bottom, and the lungs float to the surface. It is also a biological natural purification with the help of special microorganisms: aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, which decompose waste and produce further work.

Almost all VOCs are volatile, and for their operation an uninterrupted supply of electricity must be provided. Often, autonomous stations are installed for this. Naturally, such designs are the most expensive. Yes, and they will be required only if people permanently live in the house. In other cases, it is better to use other types of septic tanks.

VOC is by far the most reliable option for both cleaning and overall system performance. But even in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the current norms and rules and install the structure only with permits regulatory authorities.

If this rule is not observed, then SES employees have the right to fine the violator and even demand the dismantling of the structure.

Thus, having decided build a septic tank on your site, you need to carefully examine the available documents. Only then can you be sure that the project in the SES will be approved, the system will work perfectly, and conflicts with neighbors on this matter will be excluded.

Today, for a comfortable life, it is enough that an electrical network of the required capacity is connected to the site. You can even do without gas. To create all the blessings modern society it is necessary to organize a water supply and sewerage system.

Modern technologies allow you to do this even in an open field. Water is taken from a well, and drains are discharged into a septic tank, of which many types are produced. The only problem arises is that sewage from the septic tank does not fall into the water for household needs. That is why you need to correctly place them on the site relative to each other. We found out how to do this from the specialists of the Beton-5 company, who have been installing septic tanks in Novosibirsk of various configurations for more than 20 years.


How to properly position septic tanks and wells on the site is regulated by sanitary norms and rules. Accommodation depends on several factors:

  • The depth of the water supply source - it can be underground or surface;
  • To what extent is the well protected from contaminants coming from upper layers soil;
  • Directions of movement of groundwater.

Depending on these parameters, three zones are distinguished sanitary protection(ZSO). The degree of well protection depends on the type of soil. For example, a clay layer acts as a barrier, creating a so-called clay castle. In order to know for sure the degree of natural protection, it is necessary to conduct a hydrogeological study. It will also show in which direction groundwater is moving.

The minimum distance between the septic tank and the well is 30 m - this is when the water supply source is protected. If there is no protection, then the distance increases to 100 m. In the case when the well is drilled only to surface waters, the distance largely depends on the direction of underground flows. Upstream - no closer than 200 m, downstream - no closer than 100 m.

Documentation approval

It is impossible to drill a well and install a septic tank at random, since the result in this case is absolutely unpredictable. The water itself may be undrinkable due to its high salt or iron content. This can still be solved by installing a filter, but if sewage from your sewer gets into the source, then nothing can be done about it.

Before starting work, you must have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in your hands, which is issued by the state control center. In order to get a conclusion, you must provide a draft SPZ, which consists of a text part, cartographic diagrams, a list of measures to improve the protection of the well from pollution and the timing of their implementation.

Based on the above project, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Center issues an act on the location of the septic tank on the site and the well relative to each other. With this document in hand, you can be sure that you will not face unpleasant consequences.

As we have already said, the distance from the septic tank to the well, under favorable conditions, should be 30 m. The SNIP allows this distance to be reduced, but only if the source of water intake is very protected. You can get such data only after hydrogeological studies.

The problem is that the above norms cannot always be met. Many have a plot less than 30-50 m. What to do in this case:

  • The first option is to use a storage septic tank. This is a large sealed tank that needs to be cleaned frequently. This approach is not always acceptable;
  • The second option is to use expensive septic tanks with multiple chambers and degrees of chemical and biological treatment. After repeated treatment, wastewater can even be used for watering the garden. Such septic tanks are cleaned infrequently, depending on the intensity of operation.

Also consider the distance from your well to the neighbor's septic tank - this is very important. More specific information can be obtained from a Beton-5 specialist already on site. Do not hesitate, having such a great experience, he will give you good advice.