Power supply. Open and hidden wiring

  • 16.06.2019

K category: Electricity in the country

Open and hidden wiring

According to the method of laying, electrical wiring, both external and internal, is divided into open and hidden. In the interior, hidden wiring is most often used, however, in summer cottages and utility rooms, the method of open wiring is often used.

Open electrical wiring is laid on the surface of walls, ceilings and other structural elements of buildings and structures.

There are many ways to lay open wiring. The simplest - directly on the surface of the walls. Electrical wiring is also used: wires and cables on cables, strings, rollers, insulators, in flexible metal: sleeves, pipes, boxes, trays, in electrical skirting boards and casing?

It is even possible to conduct the so-called free suspension, when the wires are not electrically fixed at all. It should be remembered, however, that such cnocoi wiring is allowed only for temporary lines that are not intended for any long-term use. According to the duration of operation, portable, mobile and stationary electrical wiring is distinguished.

Concealed wiring is laid inside walls, ceilings, floor foundations, under removable floors and in other structural elements building Hidden wiring can be made using pipes, flexible metal hoses, as well as in the voids of building structures, in grooves under plaster. Concealed wiring is sometimes provided in the manufacture of building elements, in this case the wire is mounted in the monolith of the structure itself.

The choice of wiring method depends not only on your desire or possibilities. First of all, it must correspond to the nature of the room in which you are laying the electric line.

It should be noted that cable wiring can be used in any category of premises. But the method of laying wires is significantly affected by humidity, dustiness, chemical activity of the environment, fire and explosion hazard.

Any types of wiring are allowed to be used in dry heated rooms - in living rooms, in warehouses, as well as in utility rooms, the relative humidity in which does not exceed 60%.

In dry, unheated and damp rooms, hidden wiring in insulating pipes is prohibited. These include kitchens, stairwells, unheated warehouses, etc., where vapors and condensed moisture are released only temporarily and the relative humidity does not exceed 75%.

In dusty rooms, open wiring is allowed with insulated wires in insulating tubes with a thin metal sheath, as well as open and hidden wiring with insulated wires in steel pipes. This is dictated by the fact that technological dust can settle on the wires, penetrate into machines and apparatuses, causing a short circuit in the circuit.

Rooms are considered damp if the relative humidity exceeds 75%. These are, as a rule, vegetable stores, cellars and toilets. Particularly damp (relative air humidity - up to 100%, ceiling, walls, floor, objects in the room are covered with condensate) are usually greenhouses and greenhouses. In such premises, open or hidden wiring is used with insulated protected or unprotected wires in pipes.

The same type of wiring is also used in especially damp rooms with a chemically active environment in which animals are kept.

In fire and explosion hazardous areas, such as oil storage facilities, open and closed wiring is carried out in pipes.

In residential premises, the most common methods of hidden wiring are under plaster, in a layer of plaster, under the floor (the so-called system bottom wiring) and laying in channels. For this purpose, wires of the brands APPVS, APN, APPV, APV, APRN, etc. are used.

In case of hidden laying, pipes and channels must be closed along their entire length to a depth of at least 10 mm, and wires to a depth of at least 5 mm. If another type of laying is not possible, laying in strobes punched into the walls with subsequent embedding is allowed. Hidden gasket wires in pipes are more convenient because, if necessary, they are easy to replace. However, it should be remembered that it is not allowed to lay two-wire and three-wire electric lines in pipes and channels.

Fundamentally hidden wiring in the layer and under the layer of plaster does not differ and involves horizontal and vertical laying of wires in the walls or along the walls; arrangement of recesses, strobes, breakdowns when laying pipes; installation of plug sockets and boxes in places inaccessible to touch; inadmissibility of laying along chimneys or gas extraction shafts.

Wires to lamps are laid from above through the ceiling, and wiring to sockets, switches - indoors from below. Vertical wiring is needed only for central distribution and between the floor and switches, since sockets are installed at the bottom of the walls. Wires are laid along brick wall and covered with plaster or non-combustible PVC material.

When laying wires in a seamless solid floor, it is necessary to provide for a reliable coating of a certain thickness. Wires should be laid on the base floor; and securely fasten, especially in cases where a seamless solid floor is applied to a liquid mass. When constructing a channel, the floor base must be smooth and even. Remove plaster residues and other contaminants, as irregularities can damage the electrical wiring.

When designing unified panels and ceilings, the directions of the channels in them are determined based on the shortest paths for wires. The channels in the panel intersect with sockets for switches, sockets or end with these sockets! designed for boxes for wiring devices (Fig. 1).

In those places where the channels exit the panels and floors, there is a node: wire connections (Fig. 2). Wire ends are welded, insulated and terminated cement mortar or plaster. AT residential buildings In addition to hidden wiring, sometimes electrical skirting boards are also used, which are long narrow canisters with longitudinal partitions.

Plinths (Fig. 3) are used for laying electrical and telephone lines, television cables, wires of a radio broadcasting network.

They are made from flame retardant plastic. The plinth has a cover of the same material, which is snapped onto the pencil case with springy side stacks. Skirting boards are located in the rooms on the walls near the floor, ceiling and along the lane: meter of doorways.

Laying many types of hidden electrical wiring is a difficult task, even for a qualified home electrician. The capabilities of the master when laying a new electrical wiring are usually limited only by using it. open species and. wiring for subsequent plastering.

Prior to the installation of electrical wiring, the exact places for the installations of the group shield, lamps, sockets, and stationary electrical appliances are determined.

Rice. 1. Box for electrical installation devices

Rice. 2. Connecting the wires in the junction box

Rice. 3. Electrical plinths: 1 - base; 2 - cover

When marking, you should remember that the installation height of sockets in residential premises is selected based on the purpose of the room, the convenience of connecting electrical appliances, and the interior. The generally accepted height of the outlets is 50-80 cm from the floor. Switches are located at a height of 1.5 m. front door the switch must not be switched on in the room open door. In order to prevent accidents in children's rooms, sockets and switches are placed higher, at a height inaccessible to small children, approximately 1.8 mot of the floor.

Switches and sockets for toilets and bathrooms are usually located outside in the corridor, as these rooms are characterized by high humidity. It is also not allowed to place sockets near grounded metal devices - plumbing and gas pipes, central heating batteries, sinks, gas and electric stoves. The distance from such devices to the outlet must be at least 50 cm.

On the wall separating two rooms of the same apartment, sockets are placed, as a rule, on each side of the wall opposite each other and are connected in parallel through a hole punched in the wall. Regardless of the method of wiring, connections and branches of wires in rooms are made in junction and branch boxes.

Care must be taken that the insulation is equivalent in terms of dielectric strength to the insulation of the main part of the wire, and that the joints do not experience mechanical stress.

For reliable contact, the grounding and zero protective wires are connected to each other only by welding, and they are connected to electrical appliances to be grounded or grounded using bolted connections.

The owners of houses often provide for the installation in the kitchen of stationary electric stoves with metal cases. To neutralize them, a separate conductor with a cross section equal to the cross section of the phase wire is laid from the apartment shield. It must be connected to zero protective conductor supply grid in front of the electricity meter.

An electrical line consisting of conductors that provide protective earthing or neutralizing should not include fuses and switches. This is required by safety precautions, since in the event of a protection trip, all devices connected by this group line will be under dangerous voltage.

In the openings of the floors, special metal hooks are fixed, on which they are hung ceiling lamps(Fig. 4). Luminaire hangers must be insulated from these hooks with a plastic tube.

On some types of wires, which are characterized by great rigidity and strength, the luminaires can be hung without hooks. But instead of hooks, the heating wires themselves can be used only for hanging light lighting fixtures and persons if the wires are made for this purpose. In any case, the terminals in the socket and in the connecting block on the ceiling must not be subjected to mechanical stress.

Rice. 4. Metal hooks for fixing fixtures

Despite the fact that cartridges for incandescent lamps with a current-carrying screw sleeve are no longer produced, they are still found in operation. Tokoved; The core sleeves in such cartridges must be connected to a grounded neutral wire, and the central spring contact of the cartridge to the phase wire, as required by safety regulations. In current cartridges with an insulated sleeve, the base of the light bulb inserted into them is energized only after it is completely recessed into the insulated casing of the cartridge. Such lamps are much safer to operate.

As already mentioned, with open wiring, wires are fixed directly on the surface of walls, ceilings, beams, on insulators, in metal, plastic pipes, in boxes or electrical skirting boards.

Open electrical wiring on the surface of plastered or wallpapered concrete, brick, wooden walls can be made with light unarmored cables, protected wires, or flat wires of the APPV, PPV, APPR brands.

For a number of indicators, copper wires are preferable to aluminum ones. They withstand more bending, they “behave” much better in contact joints (aluminum “flow”, that is, weaken the contact, which leads to heating).

Horizontal wiring is done parallel to the line of intersection of the wall with the ceiling at a distance of 10-20 cm from the latter. The mains of socket outlets are laid along a horizontal line, and the descents and ascents of wires to sockets, switches and lamps are laid vertically. On floors, flat wires can be laid along the shortest path between junction boxes and fixtures, making sure that the wires do not cross and are not subjected to mechanical stress and damage. It is advisable to use hollow channels of floor slabs for this purpose.

It must be remembered that the distance from the parallel wiring line or from the junction box to the steel pipelines should not be less than 10 cm. If the wiring line crosses the pipeline, the distance from it to the pipe at the intersection should not be less than 5 cm.

For fastening the wires, brackets are used, which are strips of tin 10 mm wide. The strips are fixed into the wall with dowels or are pressed into it with cement or alabaster mortar into specially drilled or punched holes in the wall with a diameter of 10 mm.

The wire attachment points are located at a distance of no more than 40 cm. If the wires intersect, the attachment points are chosen no further than 5 cm from the intersection center. When fastening is done with nails on a wooden wall, the distance between the points must be made 25-30 cm. In this case, branch boxes are fixed on wooden base screws. When attaching branch boxes to other walls (fireproof), they are screwed with screws inserted into plastic dowels or glued. In some cases, the boxes are not fixed at all, but hang, supported by wires.

The wires inserted into the junction box are fixed on the wall at a distance of about 5 cm from it.

Protected-type switches and sockets with open wiring are installed on plastic or wooden sockets attached to the wall. Diame! on the box should be approximately 1 cm larger than the dimensions installed on the device.

To run a cable through wooden wall, use segments of a meta, personal pipe, for wiring through concrete, brick, expanded clay concrete wall- plastic tubes or bushings. Like wires, cables are connected in plastic junction boxes screwed to the wall.

Before inserting the cable into the housing of the luminaire, switch or socket, it must be additionally fixed to the wall at a distance of 5-10 cm from the input point.

In the same way, wiring is carried out using protected wires; they are fixed in the same way as a cable line.

Concealed electrical wiring (for wet plastering) is made using wires APPV, APV, APPVS, APN. future line u vodka is marked on the wall, providing nests for junction boxes (boxes of sockets and switches, punch holes in the walls for the passage of wire boxes should be smeared into the nests so that their edges protrude from the wall to the thickness of the layer of future plaster.

You can plaster the walls when the hidden part of the wiring is ready. And the rest of the installation of switches and sockets, connecting wires to the box

Electrical wiring in pipes is used in cases where it is necessary to protect the wires from the effects of aggressive environment(dampness, explosive gas mixtures, reactive gases) or from mechanical damage. For. for this purpose use steel water and gas pipes, polyethylene and polypropylene pipes, vinyl plastic pipes, as well as metal flexible hoses. D meter of pipes can be selected based on the specific task - on the number and diameter; wires of a specific electric line.

It is necessary to start marking the pipes of such wiring from the location of the ends of the pipes going to electrical panels, electrical receivers, and control devices. After that, p mark the entire route, immediately determining the installation locations of the junction boxes, y: turns, attachment points.

The use of plastic pipes makes it possible to avoid joints in the places of the track mouths, since plastic pipes are easily bent into hot water at a temperature of 100-130 ° C. It should be remembered that plastic pipes can be used in interior spaces where the temperature does not exceed 60 ° C.

To avoid the accumulation of condensate in the pipes, the pipes are laid with a large slope in any direction. All metal elements of electrical wiring in pipes must be protected from corrosion, as well as grounded or zeroed. the unity of pipes with hidden wiring is carried out only on threads with tow and sewn up with red lead.

Grounding or zeroing is carried out using a flexible copper jumper from the pipe to the body or through the pipe with grounding nuts. Checking the installed pipeline before pulling the wires is reduced to purging it. Then a steel wire with a diameter of 1.5-3.5 mm is pulled into the pipes, with a loop at the end. Aligned and straightened wires are attached to the wire and pulled into the pipe. Tightening must be done by two people: one pulls the wire, the other from the opposite end monitors the supply of wires into the pipe, preventing them from tangling.

It is forbidden to connect wires in pipes. Any connections are made only in boxes and carefully insulated. After pulling the wires, it is necessary to test the insulation resistance of the wires between themselves and between each wire and the ground (pipe). It should not exceed 0.5 MΩ.

Sockets and switches with hidden wiring on brick, slag, cinder concrete bases must be installed in steel boxes, which must have two holes for engaging the spacer tabs of the socket or switch.

Boxes are made of roofing iron, tin or cans of suitable size and have outside diameter 72 mm and depth 36 mm.

- Open and hidden electrical wiring

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

In the last article about we learned what electrical wiring exists, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Today I will tell you about the features of the installation of open wiring.

Exposed electrical wiring is laid openly on walls, ceilings and other building structures, and not inside them. At this time, it is used extremely rarely, but it is one of the simplest ways of laying.

Before proceeding with the installation of open electrical wiring with your own hands, study my following articles:

Advantages of open wiring:

  • quick access to monitoring the condition of electrical wiring and its repair
  • used in fire hazardous rooms ( or )

Disadvantages of open wiring:

  • located in a conspicuous place
  • not compatible with the decoration of the room and design

There are several methods for attaching cables and wires to surfaces:

  • on porcelain rollers or insulators (usually this was how electrical wiring was done in old apartments and houses)
  • on staples
  • in a corrugated pipe (metal hose and plastic corrugation)
  • in plastic boxes (cable channel)
  • on cable trays
  • European skirting boards

Consider each mounting method in more detail.

Installation of exposed wiring on porcelain rollers or insulators

Even at the beginning of the last century, this method of laying electrical wiring was used in old apartments and houses. Open wiring was laid on porcelain (ceramic) rollers or insulators with twisted wire.

Currently, this method of laying is gaining popularity again, especially for lovers of retro design - style. Such a retro installation will give your apartment or house an individual special style.

I also want to talk about the disadvantages of this method.

Firstly, these are the costs of acquiring stranded copper wire and it is desirable that it be double insulated. For example, for these purposes, a PVOp or GPVop wire of appropriate sections is suitable. True, its price is several times higher than that of the usual VVGng.

Secondly, you will also have to spend money on purchasing expensive special accessories for retro style: ceramic rollers, sockets, switches, junction boxes, etc.

Installation of open wiring on brackets

Fastening wires and cables when this method produced with special plastic brackets to the surface of the wall or ceiling. Most often, cables with double insulation of the VVGng brand (copper single-core, non-combustible) and triple insulation of the NYM brand are used.

If you use for the installation of electrical wiring (universal flat wire), then it is necessary to lay a metal or asbestos gasket between the surface and the wire. Moreover, the gasket should protrude 1 cm on each side of the wire.

Mounting open wiring on brackets is one of the cheapest laying methods, but it has one significant drawback - it is unaesthetic, especially when laying several cables in parallel.

The method of laying cables and wires in a corrugated pipe (corrugation) is the most common. One or more cables (wires) are pulled into the corrugation and fastened to the surface with plastic clips or metal brackets.

Corrugated pipes are non-combustible materials (do not support combustion), and they are also additional mechanical protection.

Let me give you an example of a pad. PVC corrugation is attached to the ceiling with plastic clips.

And here is an example of fastening the corrugations with metal brackets.

From an aesthetic point of view, a corrugated pipe looks much better than a separate cable or wire on staples. And also the corrugation remarkably "lays down" on uneven surfaces.

Installation of open wiring in cable channels and plastic skirting boards

Plastic boxes (cable - channels) that do not support combustion are pre-attached to the surface of walls and ceilings. After their fastening, wires and cables are laid in them, and closed with a lid. For the installation of cable channels, special skills and experience are required, because. the difficulty lies in installing them on uneven surfaces.

The advantage of cable channels is a quick and easy replacement of electrical wiring, as well as aesthetics, fittings and colors that allow you to match them to the color of the design and interior.

An analogue of the cable - channels are plastic European skirting boards. They are attached to the surface of the walls with clips or dowel-nails.

P.S. Finishing the article on open wiring, I would like to note that in the conditions of electrical installation it is sometimes necessary to combine some of the listed methods of laying electrical wiring for various reasons.

When laying electrical wiring in residential and non-residential premises, depending on the tasks, it is worth considering what type of electrical wiring to choose: covert or open.

This type of wiring involves laying and walling cable channels in walls, ceilings or under the floor. Hidden wiring is certainly much more aesthetic than open wiring and this type is optimal for most apartments.

Before laying hidden wiring, it is necessary to carefully consider wiring diagram for the entire apartment (room), taking into account the future arrangement of furniture. It is necessary to clearly understand the location of switches and sockets, as well as the electrical load on each branch of the electrical wiring. After the wiring is done, hidden in the walls, wallpapered or laid tiles it will be difficult to fix the uncomfortable position of the socket or switch and will entail new chasing (and this is a very dusty job), puttying, wallpapering, etc.

open wiring

Once upon a time in the not too distant past, this type of wiring was attached to special ceramic insulators, which in turn were nailed or screwed to walls or ceilings. It did not look very aesthetically pleasing, and the openly laid wire collected dust over time, darkened or cracked.

Now, for laying open wiring, a special box is used - a PVC gutter, into which a cable or wires are laid and closed with a lid on top. The box is first screwed to the walls and ceiling along the entire wiring path, and the wires are laid in it. It certainly looks not as aesthetically pleasing as hidden wiring, but much more neat than just a wire thrown over the top and not covered by anything. This type of wiring is convenient for offices where you often have to change the number or configuration of desks for employees, and hence the position of sockets and the number of wires on the walls. Not only electric, but also telephone, computer-network. Under these conditions, a sufficiently capacious box laid along the perimeter of the room will not greatly spoil appearance office and at the same time all communications will be easily accessible for possible alterations.

Combined wiring

Another option is mixed, combined electrical wiring, when most of electric cable is laid in a special cable channel in the plinth along the perimeter of the room. And only laying for sockets and switches are laid on the wall open or in a closed way. This method is good because most of the wires remain invisible and at the same time remain easily accessible in case of necessary alterations to the electrical wiring diagram of the room.

Today I found out what is different hidden wiring and open wiring . What are the benefits open wiring before concealed wiring and vice versa. Decided to tell you about it.

And so let's start with open wiring . open wiring this is when insulated wires are attached directly to the structure. Often open wiring carried out on the ceiling and walls. Currently to run open wiring plastic channels are used, which are fixed to the walls. Therefore, installation open wiring does not require much effort. Yes and change the scheme open wiring or replace wires open wiring very simple.

To disadvantages open wiring include protruding cable channels and the installation of sockets with external fastening, which will also protrude on the wall to the height of the case.

covered with a layer of plaster. As well as open wiring , hidden wiring is carried out along the walls and ceiling, but as said earlier, under a layer of plaster. To the virtues hidden wiring include the absence of protruding parts of the wiring and the use of built-in sockets and switches. To disadvantages concealed wiring can be attributed to large labor costs during installation and a very low degree of maintainability.

Concealed wiring before plastering.

But, during installation and hidden wiring and open wiring the load on the wires must be taken into account. Since if you do not calculate the load, the wires begin to heat up. In cases with open wiring You can touch it with your hands and feel the warmth. But with concealed wiring you won't get through it.

Hidden wiring do not touch with your hands and overheating will most likely end in a fire. So when you decide what kind of wiring to do. Hidden wiring or open wiring , remember about
Often people have a problem with concealed wiring . It is necessary for some reason to find where it passes in the wall hidden wiring . So for all those interested, there are special indicators hidden wiring.

Wiring electrical wiring in the house has long been a mandatory process. And today, most novice masters practice such an installation on their own. If you look from the outside, - wiring, is a complex operation, but thanks to useful tips and a list of recommendations, each will greatly facilitate their task.

It is important to consider all possible options laying wires, because for each individual condition there are subtleties.

There are two wiring options - closed and open. The first option acts as practical and aesthetic, since communications are not visible on the surface of walls, floors and ceilings. This method can be equally applied in apartments and houses made of concrete structures.

What can not be said about frame houses from wood. Here it is advisable to install an open-type electrical network. Since hidden wiring is a certain risk of accidental fire of electricity in the event of a malfunction or non-compliance with the PUE during installation.

Important! Open electrical wiring is prohibited for laying in houses made of bricks, timber and other types of wood.

Benefits of open wiring

  1. If there are malfunctions, it is always easy to find the place of damage and remove the wire.
  2. The work is considered simplified and does not require high costs time and finance.
  3. Wiring is carried out in special cable channels, which naturally emphasize the design of the room.
  4. There is the convenience of connecting additional points and branches of the electrical network.

Disadvantages include high risk mechanical damage and sometimes does not fit well into the overall arrangement of rooms.

Important! Installation of open electrical wiring must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, taking into account probable emergency situations.

Advantages of closed wiring

  1. Does not spoil the appearance of the room and decorative finishes.
  2. Reliably fixed in the walls and meets fire safety.
  3. There is practically no chance of damage, except in the process of repair work.
  4. All elements remain durable.

Along with so many advantages, there is one significant drawback - the difficulty of finding a broken conductor.

Choice of material and tools

Any work in relation to electricity requires care and high-quality tools and materials. For the installation of electrical wiring, you will need high-quality non-combustible junction boxes; open sockets and switches; only a copper cable - it is more practical than aluminum (presumably it should be VVG, PVS and NUM cables); for ordinary sockets, the thickness of the conductive cores should be 2.5 square meters. mm; if you choose conductors for lighting, 1.5 sq. mm; for more powerful consumers, for example, for sockets into which household appliances up to 6 sq. mm.

Important! The length of the cable must be calculated so that 15-20 cm remain at the end of the connections.

Installation of electrical wiring in a private house

Rules for the installation of electrical wiring SNIP is a prerequisite that must be taken into account on initial stage works. Let's proceed to the detailed execution of the laying of the electrical network in the house:

  • first create a wiring diagram in the room, where you indicate all the consumers, the wiring option and the possible places in which it will pass;
  • evaluate the possibilities of work, prepare all the necessary equipment;
  • if you plan to carry out the installation of electrical wiring in cable channels, you should make markings on the surface of the walls where the wire will be attached. For internal wiring we create grooves with a size corresponding to the diameter of the cable;
  • we lay the wire there, if it is not held on its own, we use fasteners or fix some sections of the strobe with putty;
  • we carry out the installation junction boxes and perform the switching of conductors in them. Choose the method of this procedure yourself, the main thing is that it meets safety;
  • we connect sockets and switches, we fix fixtures. Do not forget that all connections are reliable, loosening of contacts is not allowed;
  • now it remains to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities and connect to the public power system, also connect the shield with the meter and ground.

Attention! The installation of grounding in modern conditions is mandatory, since not a single electrical network is immune from unforeseen breakdowns, which can be a tragedy for a person.

Installation of electrical wiring in the apartment

In fact, the wiring installation option in the house does not differ from how it is done in the apartment. The only caveat is the impossibility of installing grounding, instead of which grounding is practiced.

In apartments of multi-storey buildings, in no case should grounding be connected to pipelines or metal rods, as well as to other conductive parts. This decision often puts your family members and neighbors at risk.

In apartments located in houses old building wiring should be laid in a place where it will be most convenient. You can take old strobes for these purposes, or you can drill new ones. In order for all wires to be safely operated, it is customary to place them in a corrugated pipe.

As a result of all connections and switching of wires, an electrical panel is connected in which circuit breakers and protective devices. There must also be a zeroing bus, to which it is necessary to connect a conductor that causes a short circuit in case of malfunctions, as a result of which the network will open automatically.

Overview of the wiring diagram

Before the direct installation of wiring in the living area, it is necessary to begin the design and survey process. This includes creating a schema. We offer several steps that will be great helpers in this procedure.

Important! It is not worth saving the wiring, because sooner or later you will have to lengthen it, and it is unwise to do this by connecting the wires.

Today, carrying out repairs can not do without electricity. This area of ​​communications has long been our convenience, so we offer a few tips if you have begun to carry out the installation of electrification with your own hands.

Tip one. Be sure to start all work with a project. Here everything is precisely indicated and calculated. It is even better if the scheme is completed in advance without any haste.

Tip two. Be sure to comply with the standards, as well as SNIP and PUE. Today's design of housing is done in a completely different way, so the measurements are significantly different from those that were previously used.

Tip three. Change the wiring in the apartment or the whole house. This will save you from useless waste in the future, and even more so prevent an accident.

Tip five. Saving on materials is strictly prohibited. You can’t predict what cheap cables and devices will bring you. Therefore, as conductors, it is better to purchase stranded copper cables with reinforced insulation.

General conclusions

Sometimes, in order to economically and efficiently carry out the electrification of their own housing, the owners resort to the method of spreading cables in the floor. This option is characterized by safety or convenience only if all conditions are met.

Note! All new type wires located in the floor or ceiling must be in corrugated pipelines and additional insulation.

Be sure to do all the work responsibly, efficiently and accurately. The result is a long and safe operation networks. Otherwise, bring in a professional workforce.