Hibiscus - care, reproduction in the open field and the main types of culture. Outdoor hibiscus tree planting and care in the open field Hibiscus flower garden tree

  • 17.06.2019

The mallow family is a shrub or small tree native to Asia and China.

Due to the abundant and bright flowering, it is called the "flower of love."

There are several varieties of hibiscus adapted to grow at home and in the garden. In the natural environment, there are about 300 species, the height of which reaches 3 m.

During the holidays, Hawaiian girls use the hibiscus flower as hair ornaments.

In Europe, the flower is endowed with magical powers. By changing his condition, the future was foreseen. Dropping leaves or drying a flower indicated possible problems and illnesses in the family. The premature appearance of flowers testified to imminent death, and in general the plant symbolized death and misfortune to those who plant it in their home. Of course, much of this legend, hibiscus continues to delight gardeners today with its flowering and charm, filling the house with positive energy.

Due to the wonderful aroma, garden hibiscus flowers are used to make tea, under everything. famous name"hibiscus tea". Plant care is not difficult and is suitable for growing novice gardeners.

Description: floral bush plant small height with abundant flowering of various colors. Garden hibiscus prefers tropical and subtropical climates with high humidity. This is a representative of the Malvaceae family, an annual and perennial plant, it all depends on the variety. In our climate open ground only some frost-resistant varieties can grow: these include garden hibiscus, Syrian (triple), hybrid (bred in the 50s).

Chinese hibiscus (Chinese rose) in our latitudes can only exist as an indoor decorative flowering plant, only occasionally on summer days the pot is taken out into the open air.

There are three forms of plants: tree-like, shrub or semi-shrub, herbaceous.

Tree-like appearance: Syrian rose up to 1.5 m high. Hybrid forms are herbaceous.

Depending on the species, there is a specific arrangement of hibiscus in the garden.

Low-growing herbaceous plants make beautiful borders. Bush varieties complement bouquets of roses and other decorative flowering shrubs. Treelike hibiscus in combination with standard flowering plants perfectly creates a unique composition.

The leaves are small oval, dark green solid color.

Simple and funnel-shaped double flowers in diameter reach 12 cm, there are pink, red, purple, yellow, white, lilac, crimson, purple with a large number of shades. In the center of the flower, a peephole is clearly visible, contrastingly different from the petals. There are hybrid forms with two-color branches.

Hibiscus with double flowers are less resistant to frost, consider the features of your climate zone when planting in open ground.

Long flowering begins in June and ends in early October. The blooming of one flower lasts 1 day, the long flowering of the bush is achieved by uneven flowering, the flowers bloom alternately creating the effect of a flowering bush for 5-6 months. Frost-resistant varieties can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C.

The fruit is a five-leaved capsule with seeds in the middle.

To protect hibiscus from aphids, lavender bushes are planted nearby.

Garden hibiscus - types

Hibiscus - home care

Plant care is not difficult, but for positive results and long flowering, you need to know the basic concepts and features of planting, care and reproduction. Proper Care will extend the life of the plant up to 15 years.

Location: tropical plant prefers warm climate and plenty of sun. Choose a cozy, well-lit place in the garden with partial shelter from the winds.

Watering: during the hot period, regular watering is required, but water stagnation in the soil is unacceptable. The next watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried. In the hot period, water every day in the morning or in the evening.

Landing: hibiscus planted in early spring, when the night temperature rises above 0 ° C. Regularly loosen the soil around and remove the weed. All new shoots that appear are removed.

Soil: Subtropical hibiscus requires nutritious and permeable soil. Choose fertile soil rich in humus. At home, hibiscus grows well in pots. Choose soil from sod (3 hours), leafy soil (3 hours), with the addition of sand (1 hour) and humus (1 hour).

Transplanting: For young plants, it is necessary to regularly update the soil. After planting and rooting, after 2 months, the hibiscus is transplanted into a pot. Don't choose a pot that's too big. Previously, a layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom as a drainage, otherwise the roots may begin to rot.

Transplanted into open ground in the spring in the absence of night frosts. The bush is transplanted in the spring before the buds appear, the young shoots are cut off in half beforehand.

Hybrid forms during transplantation are divided into parts, receiving several bushes at once.

Young plants cannot winter on their own, they need additional shelter. Transplanting in the fall includes mulching the soil around the bush and wrapping it with spruce branches.

Previously, a hole of 50-70 cm is dug at the landing site. Drainage and expanded clay are laid on the bottom up to 15 cm, 10 cm of sand on top and the same layer of compost and again a layer of sand.

Place the bush in a hole so that the root neck is at ground level, and cover the roots with prepared soil from sand (1 hour), peat (2 hours), garden soil (4 hours). Around the seedling, the earth is spudded and watered abundantly. After soaking the water into the soil, add the missing soil around the seedling, leveling it.

Fertilizers: in the spring, mineral complex fertilizers are applied 2-3 times a month with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the fall, they are fed with potash fertilizer, so the hibiscus will endure frosts more easily.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus

There are three ways to grow garden hibiscus: seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush (for individual species), we will consider each method in detail.

Seeds: in February, the seeds are sown in a small container. The earth is used from peat and sand in the same ratio. Previously, for better germination, I soak the seeds for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then put them in a weak solution of a growth stimulator (epin) for a day. Sow seeds on the surface, lightly sprinkled with earth on top. The container is placed in a mini greenhouse, covered with a plastic bag, or a glass flask. Seeds are carefully watered from the sprayer, avoiding their ascent. The temperature is kept at 25 ° C, the container is ventilated 2 times a day. To speed up the germination process, use the bottom heating.

So that young shoots do not stretch, it is necessary to provide a large amount of diffused light. As soon as 3 own leaves appear, the seedlings are seated in bowls (separate containers). Young sprouts are transplanted to open ground in May, when the air and soil warm up well. Flowering in seedlings grown from seeds will come in the 3rd year.

Cuttings: in spring - early summer, the upper shoots are cut from the hibiscus bush with 3 nodes as a cutting. The lower part of the cuttings is treated in a growth stimulator, left for 24 hours, then rooted in soil consisting of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

The stalk can also be rooted in water, but this method requires skills.

The cutting is buried in the ground to the knot, the container is covered with a film or a glass flask from above. Keep a constant temperature of 24-26 ° C, water regularly and ventilate 2 times a day. A month later, the cutting will have its own roots and it is transplanted into the soil from soddy and leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions and pinched to give the shape of a bush. After the formation of the bush, the cutting is transplanted to open ground at a distance of 0.5 m. If everything is done correctly, garden hibiscus from cuttings will bloom in the first year.

The division of the rhizomes: During the transplantation period, as a rule, in the spring, the roots are divided into several parts and planted in the ground at a distance of 0.5 m. Suitable for this method hybrid varieties. In this way, flowering is obtained in the current year.

pruning garden hibiscus

Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the appearance of buds and leaves. To give the shape of a decorative standard tree, shoots are cut off from a young plant, leaving 3 buds, while not touching the trunk. A few years later, the trunk is cut to 6 buds, and the branches to 1-2. Upon reaching the desired height, the lower branches on the trunk are removed, and a rounded crown is formed from the upper ones.

All pruning is best done before sap flow begins. All dry branches are completely pruned.

If you don't have a goal, create decorative tree, cut last year's branches by a third, removing all growing inwards, weak and low-quality shoots.

If the hibiscus is not pruned, new shoots will not appear in such numbers and the flowering becomes smaller and smaller every year.

Wintering garden hibiscus

For the northern and central parts of Russia and in other countries where significant frosts are present in winter, even frost-resistant hibiscus varieties may not overwinter without shelter.

Some varieties, such as tree hibiscus, shed their leaves in autumn.

More resistant to frost are species with non-double flowering.

Before the onset of frost, in the fall, the bush is highly spudded with earth with the addition of river sand, pre-watered abundantly and allowed to dry well. Then, to a height of 20-30 cm, they are covered with sawdust, moss, rotted manure or spruce branches.

The branches are gently bent down, and a frame is created from above and covered with a cloth (lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex) and everything is covered with coniferous branches. In severe frosts, the whole plant is covered with spruce branches. It is laid in three layers from the roots to the branches, after lowering and tying the branches, or by constructing a frame.

If there are a small number of bushes on the site, and you have the opportunity to keep them indoors, the bushes are dug up, transplanted into a pot (bucket) and kept all winter in a cool basement, and re-planted in the garden in the spring.

Pests and diseases

Garden hibiscus, despite growing in outdoor garden resistant to pests, but insufficient watering and low humidity can provoke the appearance of pests such as thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.

For their destruction, drugs Actellik, Inta-vir, Karbofos, Fitoferm, etc. are used. It is necessary to process several times with an interval of 5-7 days.

In addition to pests, the plant is exposed to various diseases.

  • Chloris. A disease that affects the leaf plate. Young leaves grow already yellow, and the old ones turn yellow and fall off. The main reason is the lack of mineral fertilizers, in particular nitrogen and iron. It is necessary to add iron chelate to the water during irrigation and regularly apply mineral fertilizers for flowering ornamental plants with a high nitrogen content.
  • Another reason for yellowed leaves is partial damage to the roots during transplantation.
  • In the hot period, lack of moisture also leads to yellowing of the foliage.

No flowering There are several reasons, let's look at each of them.

  • Insufficient lighting. In such cases, the hibiscus may not bloom, or the flowering is scarce and small, the period lasts very little, the shoots are drawn out.
  • Insufficient amount of boron and phosphorus. Add missing substances and minerals to watering.
  • Lack of flowering and slow growth of the bush - not enough nitrogen in the soil. Remember to fertilize regularly.
  • Leaves fall - natural fall of leaves can only be in autumn, in another period this indicates a violation of care.
  • Hibiscus reacts quite strongly to humidity and a lack or excess of water can affect the foliage.
  • Also, leaf fall is associated with mechanical damage root system.

One of the most popular ornamental plants in indoor floriculture and gardening are hibiscus. These plants are great for decorating home and office interiors, for creating picturesque compositions in landscape design.

In my opinion, the main advantage of hibiscus is its unpretentiousness. In addition to high decorative qualities, hibiscus flowers have valuable properties that are used in cosmetology and cooking. Hibiscus flower extracts are added to various cosmetic products for hair and skin care. For example, in skin care products, flower extract is used as a sunscreen agent, as it is able to absorb ultraviolet radiation.

Hibiscus drink, which is made from the sepals of hibiscus sabdarif, is very popular all over the world. Hibiscus is a tart, sour drink of dark red, raspberry or purple color, containing vitamins (C, PP, etc.), polysaccharides, flavonoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins, various organic acids (15-30%) (citric, malic, etc.) . Hibiscus can be consumed cold and hot. Sugar, lemon, mint, rose hips, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices are added to the drink to taste. Numerous foreign studies have shown that regular use of the hibiscus drink reduces systolic blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, and has a hypotensive and diuretic effect.

In some countries, various dishes are prepared from hibiscus flowers, for example, salads are made from the edible bracts of a plant in the Pacific Islands.

On July 28, 1960, the Chinese hibiscus was named the national flower of this country by the government of Malaysia (it is depicted on banknotes and coins). Hibiscus is also

national symbol of Haiti. In India, hibiscus flowers are used to decorate wedding ceremonies. Plants of the genus hibiscus (Hibiscus) belong to the family Malvaceae (Malvaceae).

Propagation of hibiscus

Under natural conditions, hibiscus grow in Asia, America, Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East.

Usually hibiscus are found in the form of evergreen (or deciduous) shrubs or small trees, which can reach a height of 2-3 m, as well as in the form of herbaceous plants.

Hibiscus species

Scientists have counted about three hundred species of hibiscus. The most common species in indoor floriculture is Chinese hibiscus (or Chinese rose) (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). In countries with tropical and subtropical climates, this heat-loving plant is grown outdoors.

In Russia, the following types of hibiscus are grown in indoor floriculture and gardens: hibiscus chinensis(H. rosa-sinensis), hibiscus hybrid(H. hybridus), hibiscus syriac(H. syriacus), hibiscus sabdarifa (sudanese rose or rosella) (H. sabdariffa) and others. Hibiscus sabdarifa can be grown from the seeds that are found in packages of the Hibiscus drink.


Hibiscus have shiny dark green or bright green leaves that can be solid or variegated, with white, cream, pink, red streaks, spots or streaks.

Flowers solitary; simple or terry; funnel-shaped, with stamens fused into an elongated tube; large (up to 15-20 cm in diameter, in garden forms - up to 25 cm); have different shapes and colors. According to various estimates, 400-500 forms and varieties of hibiscus are known. The flowers of these numerous forms, varieties and hybrids have different shades of petals - red, white, pink, crimson, orange, yellow, lilac, purple, brown, purple, peach, salmon, etc. You can probably find flowers of almost any color except blue and black. They can be monophonic, or they can be decorated with a decorative ornament in the form of a border, spots, strokes, streaks, etc.

Hibiscus is a fairly hardy plant. The main problem that flower growers face when growing hibiscus is the lack of flowers. It should be noted that with good care, hibiscus bloom profusely. To create favorable conditions, hibiscus needs good lighting, regular watering and spraying of leaves, and periodic fertilization. The flowering period is from March to November. It happens that hibiscus blooms in winter, during the dormant period.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Hibiscus is a light, heat, moisture-loving plant. Therefore, it is best to place the plants in a place well lit by indirect sunlight. It should be noted that hibiscus is shade-tolerant, but it blooms less often in the shade. The optimum air temperature in the warm season is 18…25°С.

Our China Rose grows in a large ceramic flower pot near a south-facing window. From direct sunlight, the plant is protected by a tulle curtain. In hibiscus, flower buds are laid at a temperature of 12 ... 17 ° C. Therefore, one of the main factors necessary for the flowering of a plant is to provide it with a special temperature regime during the dormant period. In late autumn, the hibiscus comes to a dormant state, and we move it to a dark corner, away from the radiator. In this place, the plant stands from November to March. When young leaves appear on the branches, we return the hibiscus to its original place (this must be done before the buds appear).

Some flower growers artificially shift the flowering time of hibiscus, “changing” its dormant period: until May, the plant is in a dark room, it is rarely watered. In May, the hibiscus is pruned (and transplanted if necessary), in July it is cut again. As a result, the plant begins to bloom in late autumn, and flowering continues throughout the winter.

Watering mode and air humidity

Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it regularly and spray the leaves. In summer, I spray hibiscus twice a day (morning and evening), in spring and autumn - once. Of course, the frequency of spraying should depend on the conditions of the plant.

Watering also depends on the conditions of the hibiscus and the time of year. I usually reduce watering in winter (in December and January - watering is limited). During the period of active vegetation (especially during flowering), I water the plant more often and more abundantly than during the dormant period; with insufficient watering, it will not bloom. Therefore, the soil flower pot should always be loose, moderately moist, waterlogging or overdrying can lead to dropping leaves and buds.

Periodically, dust or dirt should be removed from the leaves. I wipe its leaves with a piece of damp cloth or a soft sponge.

Soil, planting, transplanting

For planting and transplanting hibiscus, I usually prefer to use a ready-made soil substrate for ornamental shrubs(loose permeable with high nutrient content). Much less often I prepare the soil mixture myself. It should include: turf, leaf, pine soil, humus (in approximately equal proportions), as well as sand and peat. You can add some charcoal.

Soil acidity for hibiscus can range from pH 5.5-7.8. Ideal soil acidity should be close to neutral (pH 6-7). Outside of these ranges, the plant will have a harder time absorbing nutrients.

A flower pot for planting hibiscus must have drainage.

Young plants should be repotted once a year in the spring, and older plants as needed. When our hibiscus was a young plant, I transplanted it annually in the spring into a larger pot. Now that a plant growing in a very large pot has reached an impressive size, it would be difficult to transplant it into another pot, so I periodically add new soil, replacing the top layer.

Feeding hibiscus with fertilizers

In the spring-summer period (approximately from March to August), I feed hibiscus once every 10-15 days with water-soluble fertilizers for flowers and ornamental shrubs (alternating mineral and organic fertilizers). In the autumn winter period I stop fertilizing or reduce it to once a month (depending on the condition of the plant).

The applied fertilizers should contain the following elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc.

In spring, it is best to use fertilizers with a higher nitrogen content, in summer time it is necessary to switch to fertilizers with a higher content of potassium and phosphorus.

Bush Shaping and Rejuvenating Hibiscus Pruning

In the spring, you can cut last year's growth of hibiscus by 1/3 of the length in order to rejuvenate old bushes and form young branched bushes or a standard tree. Also annual pruning is necessary to stimulate flowering. Cut cuttings can be rooted.

Reproduction of Chinese hibiscus

Hibiscus are propagated by cuttings, air layering, less often by seeds.

Hibiscus can be propagated from cuttings throughout the year, but the best time is from February to April or July to September. Cut off young apical cuttings about 15 cm long should be planted in small pots filled with a loose substrate - a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. You can root cuttings in water.

In order to speed up root formation, seedlings can be covered with a jar or film; regular airing and spraying are required. To get a branchy bush, when the cuttings grow a little, their tops and side shoots need to be pinched.

Cuttings take root within 1-2 months (depending on temperature, humidity and light). With good care, young plants can bloom in 10-12 months. After a year, they need to be transplanted into a larger pot.

hibiscus grafting

Some flower growers in May-June plant several cuttings (usually no more than 4-5 pieces) of various varieties per standard bush (in the crown) of non-double hibiscus. I do not really like this experiment, because, in my opinion, flowers of various shapes and shades do not look very natural on one bush.

Possible problems that flower growers may experience when growing hibiscus are shown in the table.

Table. Possible problems, pests, diseases
Problem Causes Solution
1. Chlorosis - leaf discoloration (interveinal tissues pale yellow, veins green). Low temperature, high humidity soil; an excess of phosphorus and calcium with a lack of iron. Compliance with the temperature regime; restriction of watering (add ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate) or iron chelate to the water).
2. Falling buds, flower buds, drying and dropping leaves. A sharp change in location or conditions of detention; irregular fertilization; low air humidity; insufficient illumination; low temperature; under or over watering. Compliance with temperature and lighting conditions; regular moderate watering, spraying and fertilizing with fertilizers.
3. Absence of flowers (flower buds are not laid). During the dormant period, the temperature is below 12°C or above 17°C; insufficient watering; excess nitrogen fertilizer. Compliance with the temperature regime during the rest period; regular watering.
4. Fungal diseases (soot fungus; root rot). Contribute to the defeat: high humidity, hypothermia, low light. Remove the affected leaves, treat the plant with fungicides (foundazol, oxychom, glyocladin, etc.) in accordance with the instructions. Limited watering during the cold season.
5. Pests: spider mite, aphids, felters, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects (attack weakened plants). Defeat is promoted by: insufficient humidity of air; lack of regular feeding. If pests are found, carry out chemical treatment with actellik or an aqueous solution of laundry soap. Repot the plant in new soil. For prevention - frequent spraying with water and regular fertilization.

In order to prevent diseases, restore immunity, stimulate root formation and flowering, I periodically spray the plant with a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Hibiscus in the garden

One day I decided to find out from my Sicilian friend the secrets of successfully growing hibiscus in the garden. To my questions about the peculiarities of caring for plants, he replied: “I don’t care for them, they grow on their own.” From this we can conclude that the main problem that Russian flower growers face when cultivating hibiscus in gardens is the successful wintering of plants.

As a rule, Russian flower growers grow frost-resistant hibiscus in gardens, for example, various forms and varieties of hybrid hibiscus, which was bred by breeder Fyodor Nikolaevich Rusanov by crossing three species: bright red hibiscus, marsh hibiscus, armed hibiscus. But planting cold-resistant hibiscus to protect their roots from frost in winter and from overdrying in summer must be mulched with dry fallen leaves or grass. In addition, plants must be covered for the winter. In the spring, it is necessary to cut off the old branches, and the young shoots that have appeared can be pinched to form lush bushes.

For successful cultivation of hibiscus in the garden, it is best to choose a place well lit by sunlight. Hibiscus hybrid is a moisture-loving, but drought-resistant plant. Hibiscus is not very demanding on the soil, the main thing is that it be fertile, loose and well-drained.

Anna Vasilina

Photo by Olga Rubtsova and Alla Protasova

Hibiscus is a tree, shrub or herbaceous plant from the Malvaceae family. There are about 200 of its varieties, and therefore the cultivation of garden hibiscus is a very exciting activity for flower growers around the world. One of the species (Sudanese rose) is used to make Hibiscus tea. Okra, okra - edible hibiscus, its cultivation is possible on garden plot or on the balcony. Popular indoor flower- - grows in open ground in countries with a warm climate. In our latitudes, it is suitable only for container gardening: flowers are taken outside in the summer and brought back when it gets colder. At home, hibiscus tree, or Syrian, is also grown - a deciduous shrub that has a pronounced dormant period and requires certain wintering conditions.

Garden types of hibiscus

Growing garden hibiscus on the site and caring for it is not a hassle; this plant allows you to decorate a shady corner with large, bright flowers. Breeders have bred several varieties that can be planted in central Russia, but they require winter shelter or digging out of the ground. There are frost-resistant species, but they are rarely found on sale.

Hibiscus are suitable for regions with a temperate climate:

  • trifoliate,
  • Syrian,
  • marsh,
  • grassy,
  • garden.

Syrian and garden hibiscus are often confused, because for the first there is another name - tree-like. In southern countries, he received the nickname - "flower of love." Usually it is a shrub about 1.5-2 meters in height, completely covered with large simple or double flowers, similar to mallow. The classic colors are white and lilac, but now others have also been bred: pink, red, blue. Marsh hibiscus, or okra, okra, is a highly ornamental shrub with large flowers, usually pink or red. It is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to -30 ° C.

Herbaceous hibiscus grows 3 meters in height - this is hardy shrub, blooming from August to September. Its stems are massive, erect, with large leaves resembling sunflower leaves. Flowers can be white, light pink or red. Growing and caring for it is very simple. The plant is sun-loving, undemanding to the composition of the soil, therefore it is popular among flower growers. For the winter, it is cut off at the root, and in the spring it grows back. There are more than 1000 hybrids of herbaceous hibiscus. Ternary hibiscus, or northern, is a medicinal herbaceous annual plant with small light yellow flowers that open in the morning for several hours.

Garden hibiscus is a hybrid herbaceous perennial, resulting from the crossing of 3 species: red, pink and holly. Differs in decorative foliage and large showy flowers, the size of which can reach 40 cm. Care is simple.

There are several hybrids.

  • Youth is a plant with light green leaves and purple flowers resembling a tulip shape.
  • Late - shrub with oval leaves and crimson bell-shaped flowers, grows up to 1 m.
  • Pale pink - a plant up to 2 meters high, yellowish foliage, bright pink flowers, tulip-shaped.
  • Pink porcelain- a medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high, flowers are large, pink, with a white throat, in the form of bells. Bright green succulent leaves on long petioles.

Hibiscus for container gardening

The following species are used as tub culture on the site.

  1. Dissected hibiscus (Schizopetalus)- the petals of the flowers of this species are strongly dissected and bent back. Outwardly, it resembles a domesticated Chinese. Flowering lasts from spring to autumn.
  2. Chinese hibiscus- Shrub with flowers of various sizes and shades. Growing as a houseplant is common, but for the summer it can be taken out into the garden. Caring for a tubular flower consists in abundant watering and top dressing.

Growing these plants is not difficult, but there are some rules that must be followed in order for hibiscus to grow healthy and strong.

Garden Hibiscus Care

Landing is carried out on a site with nutritious and breathable soil, in a place protected from winds and bright sun. Shrubs are planted in the spring, then by autumn the young plants will have time to take root. To grow garden hibiscus in open ground, you will need a deep planting hole, which must be filled with a thick layer of drainage - at least 15 cm - with sand and rotted compost. Garden soil mixed with sand and peat is laid out on this mixture.

Plants are placed in a hole so that the root collar is level with the soil, it is not necessary to deepen it - this can lead to decay. Then sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly. Planting and care before the winter period should be accompanied by soil mulching. Additionally, it is better to insulate the seedlings with spruce branches.

Further care for garden hibiscus consists in abundant watering, regular loosening of the soil, pruning and top dressing. It is necessary to water the shrub as the soil dries out with warm, settled water; on hot days, more liquid will be required. Some types of hibiscus with a lack of moisture lower their leaves. It is advisable to feed the shrub in the spring-summer period once every 2 weeks with a phosphorus-containing fertilizer.

Loosening the soil improves aeration, allows the root system to breathe. Prune garden and tree hibiscus better in spring or at the beginning of summer - this favorably affects flowering, facilitates care and helps to give the tree a beautiful shape. It is important to properly prepare young trees for the dormant period: before the onset of frost, the garden hibiscus is cut and watered abundantly, after which the soil around is mulched using dry foliage and. Young plants are wrapped or bent to the ground. For shelter, a frame and a special material, such as agrotex, are used.

pruning hibiscus

Spring plant care consists in pruning branches. This is a necessary procedure for both indoor and garden species. It is produced after a dormant period, when the bush has not yet had time to start growing. Proper shortening of the shoots has a positive effect on flowering, improves branching and appearance shrub.

In some species, flower buds are laid only at the ends of new shoots, therefore, without pruning, the plant may stop blooming. Tree and garden hibiscus is well formed, you can give it any shape, for example, turning it into a standard tree. The cuttings obtained during pruning are used for plant propagation.

You should not get rid of the hibiscus rhizome in early spring - these plants wake up late, and it is better to wait a while than to uproot a still living bush.

Propagation of hibiscus cuttings

Garden and tree hibiscus reproduces very simply: by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Cuttings begin in the summer, before flowering. To do this, shoots with several internodes are cut from the bush, the ends are powdered with a root formation stimulator and planted in a greenhouse with peat soil. Rooting lasts about a month, when the shoots start to grow, they are transplanted into pots with a nutrient substrate and grown there until a bush is formed. After that, it is possible to plant plants in open ground.

Young plants do not have the frost resistance of adults, so they need to be covered for the winter or dug up, transplanted into pots and stored until spring in the cellar or in the dark on a glazed balcony.

The water method is also suitable for grafting, but when using it, most of the leaves are removed from the shoot, leaving 3-4, large ones are cut by a third to reduce evaporation. An activated charcoal tablet is added to the water to prevent decay. Hibiscus cuttings usually propagate successfully.

How to propagate hibiscus seeds

Growing from seed is the easiest way to propagate these plants. Garden hibiscus, obtained in this way, blooms in the year of planting, and Syrian - only in the third year. It is better to start sowing in winter, from the end of January. Seeds need fresh, they do not need stratification. Planting is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand, before it, the seed must be soaked in a growth stimulator for a day.

Crops are watered and covered with a bag or placed in a greenhouse, placing it in a bright and warm place where the temperature is not lower than +25 ° C. Before the appearance of friendly shoots, care for seedlings consists in regular airing and spraying. Outdoor cultivation starts from the end of May, when the danger of frost has passed. Plants are planted in a permanent place, protected from drafts and the scorching sun.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites are considered the main pests of hibiscus. They multiply rapidly in hot and dry conditions, covering the bush with white cobwebs. Yellow dots appear on the leaves, the buds do not open, but dry up and fall off. In case of severe damage, the plants must be treated with special preparations. There are also folk recipes getting rid of this pest: spraying with infusion of garlic, solution essential oils(10 drops per 1 liter of water) and others. Bushes are sometimes affected by aphids. These are fairly large insects, visible to the naked eye. When they appear, insecticides are used.

Hibiscus can suffer from chlorosis, while the leaf plate turns yellow, only the central veins remain green. The disease most often occurs due to a lack of nutrients, especially iron. It is necessary to add additional organo-mineral fertilizers to the soil and spray iron chelate over the leaf. Lack of nutrition is also indicated by such signs as the lack of flowering, frequent yellowing and falling of leaves, and poor development of shoots. If the care of the plant is incorrect, there may be fungal diseases caused by over watering or low water temperature.

So, hibiscus - can be trees, bushes or herbs. They prefer a sunny location, abundant watering and fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers. In central Russia, some frost-resistant varieties can be grown in open ground, but most species require shelter for the winter special material or pawpaw.

Perennial shrubs such as garden and tree hibiscus (Syrian) shed their foliage for the winter, but herbaceous species rarely retain the above-ground part, growing anew from the rhizome every spring. The main diseases are associated with care errors and malnutrition. Of the pests, mites and aphids are often affected. Plants are well propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Lighting and temperature

The Syrian needs sunny and warm place, closed from drafts (when disembarking into a container) and from strong wind(outdoors).

In a room culture, rooms with windows facing south are optimal for him. In the summer, hibiscus grows well on the balcony.

Soil composition, planting, transplanting

When landing on site a hole for a seedling is dug twice as large as its root system. A layer of brick or ceramic batt 15 cm thick is placed at the bottom. A ten-centimeter layer of sand is poured on top, then compost with a layer of 15 cm, and an equal layer of sand on top. The soil removed from the pit is mixed with peat and sand: two volumes of earth, four volumes of peat, one volume of sand. The resulting mixture is covered with the roots of the seedling, placed in the planting pit. As a result, the root neck should be barely covered. The seedling is spudded, forming a wide hole for moisture. Watering is carried out along it and, after the moisture is absorbed, the recess is leveled, falling asleep with earth.

If the planting is autumn, the near-trunk zone is covered with mulch (fallen leaves, branches, straw), and the trunks are protected with spruce branches.

Landing into a container the same conditions are met: mandatory drainage, loose fertile soil. At the bottom of the pot, a layer of expanded clay or small pebbles is required. As an optimal soil, a ready-made mixture is used for ornamental shrubs or they make up a planting substrate from soddy and leafy soil, as well as humus in equal amounts with the addition of fibrous peat, loose sand and “healer” - charcoal.

Young plants are transplanted annually, mature plants - in a year or two.


During the warm season Location on needed regular, as the soil surface dries watering with soft water. During drought, the bush will need to be watered every day.

V tub culture regular summer watering is joined by systematic spraying soft water at room temperature.

top dressing

In the open field, summer, twice a month, top dressing with a fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus, a at the beginning of autumn to help the bush overwinter, you need to add potash fertilizers.

"Syrian" in a container v spring-summer period feed every 10 days mineral complexes intended for ornamental and flowering shrubs. spring useful to increase the content nitrogen, a summerpotassium and phosphorus. Alternate use of organic and mineral top dressings is useful. Do not feed in autumn and winter.

Growth and pruning

Hibiscus tolerates a "haircut" 3-4 times a year. Cut shoots can be used for grafting and propagation by cuttings.

With gradual targeted pruning, this shrub can be turned into an elegant tree with a dense crown and abundant summer flowering.

V suitable conditions"Syrian" lives 20 years or more.

prune hibiscus necessary. pruning shapes compact beautiful crown. In addition, she promotes plentiful flowering, since the buds are actively formed on young shoots. Moreover, for outdoor plants early spring pruning necessary as sanitary a measure that removes shoots affected by winter frosts.


Well-groomed, properly pruned plant blooms for a long time - both in summer and autumn. An individual flower is short-lived, its life span is only one day. Therefore, it is important to create such conditions that the buds form again and again.

In addition to pruning, it is important maintain proper temperature, humidity, lighting and feeding.

If the temperature is low, there is not enough moisture or there is not enough fertilizer, buds are formed, but, not opening, fall off.

No flowering in a well-developed specimen with abundant foliage if it is “overfed” with nitrogen fertilizers.

Flowers do not form and those "Chinese roses" that lack moisture during the period of active growth.

Too warm winter also does not allow the plant to accumulate enough strength for flowering.


To get a "Chinese rose", on which simultaneously flowers open different varieties and colors, spend green crown vaccinations.

Optimal timing of vaccinations late spring to early summer when active growth prevails, and not flowering.

A slightly lignified shoot is selected in the crown and cut off, leaving a four-centimeter "stump". Split it exactly in the middle to a depth of 1.5 cm. The lower end of the scion cutting is inserted into the cut, “sharpened” on both sides with the help of oblique cuts of the same length of one and a half centimeters. The tissues of both branches should match: the core - with the core, the bark - with the bark.

The grafted area is wrapped with fluoroplastic tape and the tissues are allowed to grow together within 2 months.

Then the tape is removed, and the fusion zone is covered with garden pitch.


In open ground conditions winter shelter is strongly required for young bushes. Mature specimens tolerate winter much easier.

In preparation for winter, late autumn watering, hilling and in the second half of November bend branches to the ground, shelter nonwoven fabric(lutrasil, spunbond), then with polyethylene and pressed. Cover with spruce branches.

You can also install frame around the bush and wrap it with coating material in several layers.

In container culture with the advent of winter, it is advisable to rearrange the hibiscus in a good lit place with a temperature of about 13 degrees. Watering should be limited.


"Syrian" well propagated by cuttings, and in open ground - layering. It can also be propagated seed way.

Reproduction by seeds

Optimal time - January, February and March. Seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant solution and sown in a moist mixture of peat and sand in equal amounts. Sowing is covered with a film, periodically aired, moistened and kept warm.

The soil temperature for optimal germination is + 27ºС.

Seedlings with several true leaves are seated in separate containers. Flowers will appear on them after 3-4 years.

Reproduction by cuttings

Hibiscus tree is best propagated by cuttings spring before flowering begins. Can be used waste after cutting. Cuttings with several internodes are placed in water for preliminary rooting or immediately planted for rooting, deepening by about 10 cm, into light soil: half peat, half sand.

A month later, new leaves appear, young plant is developing rapidly.

Even if it is a stalk from open ground hibiscus, first winter he has to spend v room conditions .

Reproduction by layering

When propagating by layering, it is necessary to bend one of the branches to the ground during the active growth season, fix it in the middle part and bury it in the soil.

The part of the branch that is in the ground gives roots, new shoots appear on the dug branch. When they develop well, the layers are finally separated from the mother bush.

First you need to take care of good drainage, deeply digging the area where the layering will take root. The soil at the same time should be sufficiently moisture-intensive.

Diseases and pests

The plant can infect chlorosis: fall off lower leaves, young foliage turns yellow. The cause of chlorosis is an excess of calcium, as well as chlorine, combined with a deficiency of nitrogen and iron. The bush should be processed iron sulphate solution, water only with soft, well-settled water and slightly acidify the soil.

At low air humidity, hibiscus may appear thrips, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites. most reliable and effective method control these pests with systemic insecticides.

The only hibiscus to survive the winter middle lane- Syrian or tree-like - is able to grow continuously and please the eye with abundant flowering with proper care. Such care is easy to provide, and successfully completed vaccinations additionally decorate a resistant bush with simultaneously opening flowers of different varieties and colors.

Hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus) belongs to the genus of flowering crops of the Malvaceae family. There are several hundred species distributed in warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions around the world. All varieties with large, showy flowers are known as hibiscus, rose mallow, Syrian rose, or China rose. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees.

Blooming garden hibiscus.

Syrian hibiscus grows in the form of an elegant shrub. The height of the culture is about 6 meters. Hibiscus has many shades of inflorescences - milky, raspberry, blue and so on. Petals come in various structures, normal density and hybrids, for example, terry hibiscus.

Tree hibiscus is often grown in standard form (creating a rounded crown). In addition, bush hibiscus up to 2 meters high is also bred. The Syrian rose is also bred as a herbaceous crop.

The most popular variety for growing in the country in a temperate continental climate is Syrian Ardens hibiscus. Very compact form, covered with fluffy inflorescences all summer. The grown hibiscus ardens reaches more than 2.5 meters in length and about 2 meters in width.

Terry hibiscus belongs to the same genus of culture. The only difference between the variety is the spectacular appearance due to the multi-layered petals.

The life cycle of each flower is only one day. The plant continues to produce new inflorescences due to its retentive property (long flowering).

To ensure the abundant and uniform formation of inflorescences, it is necessary to follow a number of agrotechnical rules.

A system of rules for home care


Hibiscus develops slowly in shaded areas. At the very beginning of the summer period, the flower has a slow awakening. Therefore, culture should be grown in an open area.

The flower will grow in partial shade. Under adverse conditions, development and flowering will slow down. In regions with very hot summers, hibiscus may need some shade. To do this, garden hibiscus can be planted along or behind perennial plantings.

Temperature regime

The culture is hardy to winter temperature drops. Warm air stimulates the growth of primordia. Cold spring or summer - development will be slower.

To protect the plant from severe frosts, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of mulch. To do this, you can use peat, straw, mowed grass, polystyrene foam and spruce branches (spruce shelter).

Soil moisture

Hibiscus prefers moist and well-drained soil. If the ground at the base of the hibiscus dries out completely, all foliage will fall off. The plant will look like a mass of dry sticks. If this happens, you do not need to throw away the plant. Thus hibiscus protects its root system.

Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the rhizome. Therefore, when growing in a container, it is imperative to take care of draining excess water.


Hibiscus do not need to be pruned regularly. However, pruning can be used to shape the plant.

A miniature form of hibiscus using a special pruning technique (bonsai).

It is advisable to cut the old branches in late autumn or winter (depending on climatic conditions). Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the hibiscus to open new buds.

To encourage the growth of new branches and inflorescences, it is necessary to cut the plant in early summer, when the hibiscus begins to grow.

Transplant procedure - do it right

The first step is to inspect the perennial for signs of new growth in early spring. A culture, as a rule, is one of the last to have new shoots. Therefore, the process can be delayed until mid-spring.

After the appearance of characteristic symptoms of spring awakening, it is necessary:

Hibiscus garden outdoors

It is necessary to plant a plant in a sunny place. It is advisable to choose a site with well-drained soil. To improve drainage for outdoors at least 5.08 to 7.62 cm of organic material such as sand, moss, peat or humus must be incorporated into the soil before planting. Hibiscus should be watered often enough to keep the soil moderately moist. It is necessary to cut the plant outdoors in the spring with a pruner. It is not necessary to remove the inflorescences themselves. It is enough to cut long branches.

Features of growing Syrian roses can be found in the video:


Tips for growing in a container

Soil Requirements

The hibiscus tree prefers well-drained, acidic soil with organic matter. To add acidity to the soil, you can purchase peat moss. clay soil can cause accumulation of water near the root system.

The best time for planting plants is in late April or early May.

Growth promotion

The culture needs a lot of nutrients. There are several ways to activate the development of the Chinese rose.

One option is to fertilize in early spring. To do this, apply a layer of compost around the base of the plant. Or apply a water soluble granular fertilizer near the planting site.

You need to carefully follow the instructions. Excessive use of phosphorus will lead to the death of hibiscus.

Capacity options

To choose the right container, you should pay attention to several nuances:

  1. The size of the pot should be at least 25.4 cm in diameter.
  2. The volume of the container is twice the size of an earthen coma.
  3. The container has drainage holes.
  4. The material is strong enough.
  5. Confirmation of quality from the manufacturer with relevant certificates.

Exposure to diseases

Consequences of excessive soil moisture.

Cultivation provides for a constant fight against various pests and diseases. Some of them are not very serious. Others require immediate treatment to prevent destruction of leaves and flowers. The most common diseases are bronze and ring spot virus, brown rot. With severe lesions, the flower must be destroyed.

The first step is to make a correct diagnosis, since fungicides and pesticides are effective against a specific class or group of fungal diseases and pests. The use of the wrong chemical will result in unnecessary expense and possible death of the crop.

Carefully read the label on garden chemicals. You need to pay attention to the actual active ingredient, not just the brand name. You should carefully follow the recommendations - the degree of dilution indicated on the label. Too weak a solution will not be able to get rid of the problem, and too strong will harm the plants.

Chemicals in the form of soluble powders are safer for plants than emulsion concentrates. "Malathion", "Lannat" and other systemic insecticides are sometimes the cause of damage to the Chinese rose.

As a rule, plants that are grown in ecologically clean conditions, properly pollinated and provided with moderate watering of the soil, are less susceptible to pests and diseases.

The most common pests - caterpillars - devour the leaves, sometimes destroying the entire green foliage of the plant. The inch worm damages buds, flowers and leaves. Grasshoppers consume a large amount of foliage.

It is necessary to immediately rid the hibiscus of pests, otherwise they can destroy the plant. You can collect them manually or with the help of special traps.

Aphids, mealybugs, beetles and mites damage the tissues of the plant, completely sucking out the vital juice. Mealybugs are classified as dangerous pests. They secrete enzymes that attract ants and provide a suitable environment for soot fungus to thrive.

Spider mites are tiny insects, less than 0.5 mm long. One of the most common pests. They can be black, red or purple. A sign of infection is the appearance of small white spots on the leaves.

The defeat of the Chinese rose by pests.

Aphids - insects the size of a pinhead attack new shoots. As a result, the leaves curl and lose color. There are green, brownish and black insects. The natural pest control method is ladybugs.

Whiteflies are difficult to spot. They are flat, round and transparent. In size - no more than a mosquito. Thrips are small, fast moving, yellow, winged insects. They leave silvery spots on the leaves and cause the buds to wilt.

For treatment, narrowly targeted insecticides should be used. Pests can be washed away under high water pressure in an open area.

Harm from hibiscus

Garden hibiscus generally does not cause skin irritation.

If the flowers have led to the appearance of dermatitis, the rash should be carefully examined. It may be a reaction to the material of the container. If there is an individual intolerance to the plant, rashes will appear wherever the Syrian rose has touched open areas skin.

For treatment, antihistamines should be taken and contact with the plant should be limited. If the rash gets bigger or you have trouble breathing, see your doctor. These could be signs of a severe allergic reaction.

Rash also occurs due to other reasons. Small, itchy blisters are indicative of insect bites. Dermatitis may be a reaction to the chemical used.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

Hibiscus from seeds

The plant can reproduce by natural fertilization, when pollen from male flowers falls on female flowers for fertilization. Transmission is carried out with the help of wind, birds, butterflies and bees. The large, colorful flowers are adapted to attract pollinators.

In room conditions, you can independently pollinate the culture. To do this, you need to choose the moment when both the male and the female flower. Then transfer the pollen to the stamens. After flowering, pods will appear, which will subsequently ripen, dry and open. Scattered seeds will fall to the ground and, under favorable conditions, will germinate.


If a broken stem falls to the ground, take a branch and plant it in open ground or a container. In addition, you can independently choose a healthy branch and carefully cut it for further planting. Before the roots germinate, it is necessary to evenly moisten the soil.

Propagation by cuttings in a container.

Reproduction by layering

Very large representatives of the culture have long branches that can practically touch the ground. To grow a new flower, you can dig in a bent stem, provided that moist soil is regularly provided. Use a small stone to secure. After rooting, it is necessary to remove the fixative and transplant the newly formed plant to the chosen place.


Some plants will not produce seeds because the flowers are pollinated unsuccessfully. Many hybrid varieties fail to propagate naturally as a result of breeding programs that increase vegetative growth and eliminate reproductive ability.

There are patents for some varieties. The spread of culture is strictly prohibited. Elite horticultural dealers have licenses that allow them to display bred plants for sale.

Why does the Chinese rose not bloom

One of the main reasons for the lack of inflorescences is the defeat of thrips. Gall midge larvae cause the formed inflorescences to fall off. For treatment, yellow buds should be removed and the culture should be treated with insecticides. In addition to insecticidal sprays, yellow sticky traps should be placed to help trap and eliminate insects.

Flowering problems can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • nutrient deficiency;
  • unsuitable environmental conditions;
  • overfeeding.

Buying a flower - what to look for

You can buy garden hibiscus in the form of seeds, seedlings or perennials in large capacity. The choice of flower should be taken seriously. You must first visit exhibitions, get acquainted with the information at various garden forums. Large garden representations guarantee the quality and varietal characteristics of their planting material.

Hibiscus in the form of a stem tree.

Garden hibiscus in the form of a seedling can be purchased for 300 rubles. A houseplant in a three-year-old container is valued at 690 rubles. A mixture in the form of seeds is sold at an average price of 67 rubles per pack.