Buttercup bulbous. Buttercups garden: description of species and secrets of cultivation

  • 17.06.2019

Beautiful flower, who came from Turkey (considered a symbol Ottoman Empire), has now become a master in ordinary gardens. Growing garden buttercups using the developed technologies, using the advice of specialists (recommended in the article), has become a hobby for many flower growers.

The exotic flower Ranunculus (along with numerous legends and myths) appeared in the gardens of Europe in the 16th century. Many hybrid forms have appeared, striking in form, colors. In order to successfully admire the beauty of a flower in the beds, in the cut, you must strictly adhere to the tips for growing and caring for buttercups in the garden.

Description of buttercup garden

The plant is herbaceous perennial species. Branched bushes, covered with dahlia-like leaves, grow small in size (up to 50 cm). The root has a tuberous shape. The size of the flowers reaches 12 cm in diameter for specific species. Now there are many hybrid varieties of garden buttercup, for growing and caring in a regular garden, obtained on the basis of wild species of buttercup. Under natural conditions, botanists have discovered about 600 types of plants. Among them:

Near water bodies, in meadows, in the mountains of various regions of the planet, you can find a beautiful, tenacious plant. Aconitolistny (borecelistny) giant (height reaches a meter), covered with snow-white or yellow flowers, can be seen in garden beds.

The most decorative and popular in gardens is Ranunculus Asiatica, with flowers of varying degrees of doubleness and a variety of petal colors. Buttercup flowers resemble small roses, poppies. According to their form, the following types are distinguished:

The best garden buttercups include representatives of the Blooming Valley series:

Growing buttercups garden

Beautiful bushes suitable for cutting, blooming for 5 years, can be obtained by following the rules of growing technology, following the advice of experts. Among them following tips how to plant, stages of plant care.

Preparing a place in the garden

Buttercups are planted in spring in porous, fertile soil with good drainage conditions.

The landing site of buttercups should not be in drafts, bright sun. The presence of wind, an excess of scorching rays inhibit the processes of flowering, seed setting.

The soil is chosen loose with a slightly acidic, neutral acidity value. Before planting buttercups in the spring, it is recommended to make compost, humus. A good landing site is considered to be an area with close surface water, creating an (optimal) humid climate. Young sprouts appear after 10 - 14 days. If there is a threat of frost, it is recommended to cover them. The time when to plant buttercups in open ground is determined by the steady repetition of positive temperatures at night. When choosing a landing site, one must remember that buttercup flowers contain poisonous compounds.


Despite the fact that in nature buttercups grow well in humid conditions, before planting garden buttercups, you need to know that the flower responds equally badly to drought and waterlogging of the soil.

The tubers of garden buttercups quickly rot, die with frequent, abundant watering. They save them by digging them out of the ground in time, treating them with potassium permanganate, and drying them.

Plants are watered regularly, in small portions. For effective cultivation advised to close them during heavy rains, make high-quality drainage at the bottom of the landing pits. Reduce during flowering. Caring for buttercups after flowering completely eliminates watering. The signal is the disappearance of all buds, the appearance yellow leaves. Watering is accompanied by weeding, loosening the soil.

Top dressing, fertilizer

Growing and caring for buttercups in the garden will not be effective without properly organized top dressing that gives strength. young plant. Periods of seedling growth, leaf formation, and the appearance of the first buds are considered especially responsible times.

Feed once every 10 days, using organic, mineral fertilizers.

Make the maximum application during the period of active growth of the bushes. Use the mullein solution when buds appear, and then use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Before feeding, it is advisable to carefully remove dry leaves, inflorescences.

Pest and disease control

The plant is resistant to many pests that attack flower beds. Excessive watering causes dampness and attracts cabbage butterflies. They can be defeated by using chemicals, folk remedies, similar to the care of a vegetable garden.

The problem leading to the death of tubers are viruses that lead to the loss of decorativeness of the flower. Experts advise more often (at least 3.4 years) to rejuvenate the plant with new tubers bought in the store.

Preparing for winter

Active flowering of bushes occurs until the end of August. Next, the plant needs to organize the conditions for preparing for winter storage, the next growing season. In mid-September, the plants are dug up, dried, placed in carton boxes, are covered with sawdust, peat or moss. Knowing how to store buttercups in winter goes a long way to getting quality material next season.

It is necessary to store tubers at a temperature of +4+6°C. You can leave to winter in the garden, subject to warm winters. Landings are covered with a film, covered with spruce branches, other branches.

Trimming flowers

A useful agricultural technique (in the cultivation of garden buttercups), which preserves the decorative effect of the bush for a long time, is correct pruning. Do it in the following cases:

Cut the stems in the water (the cut should be oblique), remove all the leaves to the water level, constantly add water, cut off the wilted inflorescences, bud, do not keep the bouquet in a draft.

Reproduction of buttercups

Now it is easy to buy a ready-made tuber, seedling and admire the new one. hybrid variety plants of any shade, shape. But if you want to go through all the stages of development (plant, care for) garden ranunculus seeds, then you can use the following information:

The process of growing garden buttercups is a fascinating activity. The labor expended is rewarded with the beauty of an unusual carpet, when the ranunculus blooms, delighting the owners even on the most cloudy day.

Garden buttercups bloom in the garden - video

To make the garden, and with it the local area, more attractive, many owners use buttercups as a design element. They are known to many as ranunculus. The genus of this plant includes many species, the number of which exceeds 650. However, not all of them are suitable for decorating courtyards and gardens. This becomes clear if you look at the photo of buttercups. The most famous representative of this family, which is used in a similar purpose, is the Asian or garden buttercup. The main distinguishing features of this plant are tall stature, lush foliage and large flowers.

Types of buttercups

In our country, the favorite habitats of these delicate flowers are fields and forests. Can identify the main types of buttercups which are most widely used:

  • Caustic. Also known to many gardeners as "night blindness". This plant produces yellow inflorescences, the stem is medium tall, has a height of 30-100 cm;
  • Poisonous. This species does not have impressive decorative properties - its main advantage is small size yellow colored flowers. Useful properties has poisonous ranunculus juice, which is effective in combating scabies;
  • Creeping. In the process of development, a creeping stem is formed, its main decoration is shiny yellow flowers. However, this beauty is deceptive, as the plant is highly poisonous;
  • Multicolored. It is a medium-sized plant, in which the pubescent stem can grow up to 80 cm. Subsequently, several yellow buds form on it;
  • Burning. It has small inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 12 mm. The stem of this buttercup is erect, which can reach a height of 50 cm.

Each of the above types of buttercup flowers is poisonous. Therefore, before planting them in the yard, you should think carefully, especially if you have small children.

How to plant?

The first step is to resolve the issue with the planting material of the garden buttercup. Usually there are no problems with this, since today this plant can be purchased at any specialized store or via the Internet. Most often, gardeners are offered to buy ranunculus roots placed in a special package. However, before planting a buttercup, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory measures.

If you carry out this procedure exactly, then later you will notice that roots will increase in size, will become very similar to "spiders". This is the first sign that they are ready for planting in the ground.

Where to plant?

If you want the garden ranunculus to grow and develop well, then it is best for him to choose place with little shade. At the same time, he will be able to feel good in a sunny area. But right away you need to be prepared for the fact that under such growing conditions this plant will bloom for a very short time even with good care. It would be better if you plant a buttercup in a flower bed arranged under a tree with a spreading, but not very dense crown.

At the same time, you should not add other decorative crops to these colors. Buttercup has rather bright petals, but it still has a rather miniature size, so it will be invisible against the background of garden annuals and perennials. Of all the plants that are a good neighbor for buttercups, only the blue anemone can be distinguished. However, when planting, you need to take into account some features: it is best to place it in the background, behind buttercups, or to allocate a place for it in the center of a round flower bed.

Buttercup grows well in almost any soil. However, it must contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Therefore you will create good conditions for its development, if you create drainage using gravel when arranging a flower bed. Stagnation of water will have an extremely negative effect on the development of these flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain moderate soil moisture in the flower bed.

Landing dates

When growing garden buttercup on your site, you need to take care of its protection from the cold. After all, this very thermophilic plant, therefore, taking into account this feature, you need to plan its landing. If the soil has not yet warmed up enough, then do not rush to plant the roots. It is recommended to plan a flower bed in mid-May. If you live in a region where there is still a chance of frost at this time, then it is recommended to postpone the moment of transplanting into open ground, and until then it can be planted in peat pots and keep in a greenhouse or on a windowsill in an apartment. You can transplant roots to a flower bed when the last wave of cold weather has passed.

Landing Features

For landing use swollen tubers, which need to be buried in the ground by 5 cm. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the "spider legs" - they should be at the bottom. If the roots of the plant are planted in any other way, then there is a possibility that the gardener will not wait for the germination of buttercups. Plants should be placed no closer than 10 cm from each other. The soil must be watered before planting. When all the prepared nodules are in the soil, additional watering of the flower bed is carried out.

In good weather, the emergence of seedlings of flowers occurs after 1-1.5 weeks. However, in order to wait for the flowering of buttercups, you will have to endure another 2.5 months. At the end of August, fruits ripen - multi-nuts. One such fruit contains about 500 small seeds.

Buttercup Care

Until the very autumn, the gardener must carry out the following mandatory activities - watering, loosening and top dressing. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining optimal soil moisture. Watering should be moderate, so they should not be carried out too often. The last time buttercups are watered in August - at this time they begin to fade, as indicated by the yellowing of the leaves.


During the season, on the roots of buttercups, a a few young baby bumps. They can be used next spring to produce new plants. However, they must first be collected: this should be done at the moment when the leaves begin to turn yellow. In this case, you need to dig up the roots of the buttercup and place them for a couple of days to dry in a warm, dry place. However, young buds need to be stored separately. So that they retain their germination, they are placed in peat. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that during storage in winter the humidity of the room is not too high, otherwise the roots will rot. In order for them to survive the winter without consequences, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room within 10-12 degrees.

Reproduction by seeds

One of the methods of reproduction of buttercups available to any gardener is sowing seeds. However, getting them will not be easy. Many gardeners do not favor this propagation method due to the extremely low seed germination. However, if a flower lover has such a desire, then you can use this technique.

Sowing seeds is carried out in boxes already at the end of February-beginning of March. To do this, they are placed on the surface of the soil in the form of grooves, and an additional layer of soil up to 2 cm thick is poured on top. It is necessary to ensure that in the first days the temperature in the room is at the level of 10-15 degrees.

If the air humidity is high enough, then there is a risk that shoots will not appear. After sowing, the boxes must be covered with foil. Two to three weeks after sowing, the planting box should be placed in a warm place. For the normal development of seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees.

Growing in a pot

Due to the fact that the ranunculus is a rather short plant, it is excellent for growing it in room conditions. To plant a plant, you need a small pot. You should focus on the diameter, which should be equal to 15 cm.

Before sowing, the container must be filled nutritious garden soil. As it can be used a light mixture, for the preparation of which they take sheet humus and sand. However, at first, drainage is laid on the bottom using pebbles or expanded clay. There should be one plant per pot. A month after germination, they begin to fertilize with fertilizers for deciduous indoor plants. When buttercups begin to form buds, fertilizer for flowering houseplants is applied to the soil.


Although many gardeners have heard enough about buttercup flowers, most of them, most likely, have not come across them in person. Therefore, in many areas they are very rare. However, you can still grow this beauty on your site quite simply. The main thing is to take into account the main points regarding the cultivation and care of these plants. They are best thrive in a sunny location. And it will be better if there are no other decorative crops next to them.

Proper care of buttercups involves not only regular watering, but also fertilization. However, if the site chosen for planting flowers is initially rich in nutrients, then these flowers will be able to provide abundant flowering without additional measures.

Buttercup flower and its cultivation

Huge popularity among home and garden cultivation, enjoy the flowers of Buttercup, which has the Latin name ranunculus. The flowers of the plant are used to decorate home designs, and they are also used to create chic bouquets. To get a good cut, it is necessary to provide the plant with special care and proper planting.

Buttercup is a herbaceous perennial plant, translated from Latin means frog. Belongs to the buttercup family. It has a caustic poisonous juice located on all elements of the plant. The similarity of a flower and an amphibian in its natural habitat - both of them develop and grow near water bodies, or in water.

The forerunners of all the favorite flowers are the creeping ranunculus and the field ranunculus, which littered the working fields of our ancestors. Some types of wild plant interested breeders in the early 18th century, and by the end of the century, buttercup became popular, as well as tulips and carnations.

Around the planet there are about 400 species of this amazing flower, which takes root even in areas with a temperate and cold climate. Gardeners prefer only a few varieties - garden buttercup and Asian buttercup, as well as their varieties.

Buttercup garden

Buttercup garden - is a perennial herbaceous plant growing up to 70 cm. It has a tuberous rhizome, a branched stem of medium thickness, the leaves of the plant are palmately dissected. The plant has a flower, 10-12 cm in diameter, which has a bright color - pink, red, cream, white and many other shades, except for blue tones. After cutting from the bush, it remains fresh for up to 7 days with daily spraying. Despite the beauty of the plant - remember that it is very poisonous. If you have pets and small children, be careful.

Varieties of ranunculus

In addition to the popular garden buttercup, gardeners grow several other species:

  1. Asian - the stem of the plant reaches a height of about 45 cm, has colors with carved edges, or ordinary inflorescences that look like small roses.
  2. Chalmoid - the variety is distinguished by large leaves and petals, bent inward.
  3. Multi-flowered - in a season it can grow up to 80 cm in height, the flowering period is from mid-June to August. Flowers predominantly yellow brilliant color.
  4. Borocelistny - a shrub reaching 90 cm in height. It has a large number of flowers in various shades of white and yellow.
  5. Anemone - undersized plant, no more than 15 cm in height. The predominant color is yellow.

Buttercup breeding methods

Anyone can propagate buttercups, today there are two ways - seed and tuber.

Planting buttercup seeds

  1. Breeding seeds on your own is a very difficult and time-consuming process, the resulting seed quickly loses its viability. For successful sowing, purchase ready-made seeds in the store.
  2. Prepare boxes for planting, they can be both wooden and plastic. Fill them with light sandy soil.
  3. sow planting material it is necessary at the beginning of March, to a depth of about 2 cm. After planting, cover the soil with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. Once every three days, the film is removed and the soil is allowed to breathe. Provide seedlings with timely watering.
  5. After 2 weeks, the coating must be removed, and seedlings should be grown until the beginning of May at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leaves appear on the stem, the plant is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Planting buttercup tubers

You can buy plant roots obtained by dividing the root system or digging out at any specialized store.

  1. Before buying, carefully choose planting material - the roots should be without visible damage by pests, they should not have mold and defects.
  2. The rhizomes of plants are sold in a slightly dried form, so they need to be pre-soaked before planting. To prevent diseases, place the roots in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 40 minutes. Then thoroughly moisten the gauze and wrap the roots in cloth for 3-4 hours.
  3. After a while, wet the gauze again and wrap the planting material in it again. Place in a plastic bag and put away for 12 hours in a cool place.
  4. After soaking, the roots should swell and look like small octopuses. After that, you can land in open ground.

Preparing before planting buttercups

Buttercup flower does not like stagnation of moisture in the soil, the roots begin to rot and the plant quickly dies, without even having time to take root. Before planting, check out the flower preferences. With the right approach, the plant will thank you with beautiful and lush flowers.

The right place to land

  1. Buttercup will respond well to a shady area, but also not badly perceive a flower bed, with the constant presence of sunlight.
  2. If you want the flowers to stay on the plant for a long time, choose the best seat- under a tree, with sparse branches that let in sunlight. Also, the branches of the tree will protect the flowers from the wind, which will help preserve the blossoming buds during bad weather.
  3. In order for the flowers not to get lost among other variegated inflorescences, do not plant buttercups with other ornamental crops in the same flower bed. The only "neighbor" that will be combined with the plant is the blue Anemone.

Soil preparation

  1. In the fall, dig a shovel bayonet to the length, the intended place for planting the plant. Fertilize with manure or scatter compost.
  2. If the soil has significant moisture, add bone meal and lime to the soil in the spring.
  3. An auxiliary action for good plant growth will be the creation of a drainage layer under the bottom of expanded clay or gravel. Also, the drainage layer is an excellent protection against root rot.

Planting buttercups

Plant the plant in stable warm weather, in middle lane In Russia, this period is the beginning or middle of May. If you plant buttercups during frost, the plant will die from the cold temperature.

  1. Loosen the ground before planting, mark the distance with a rail - plant flowers at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other.
  2. Plant the swollen tubers in the hole, to a depth of 5-7 cm.
  3. Plant seedlings in a warm earth warmed by the sun, it is recommended to replant with the preservation of an earthen clod, in order to avoid tearing the delicate roots.
  4. After planting, water the soil and mulch with straw.

Growing and caring for buttercups

The plant does not like excessive watering and drought of the soil; for moderate humidity, water the flower once every 2-3 days. Make sure that at the base of the plant does not accumulate excess water, which leads to suppuration of the rhizome. Signs indicating excessive watering - the appearance of white plaque on the stem and leaves, dropping unopened buds. Stop watering at the end of August, when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow.

The root system of the ranunculus requires constant access to air, for this, remove weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil every 7 days. Do not forget to feed, many varieties begin to bloom only after fertilization. Feed the flower once every 2 weeks.

After the faded buds appear on the stems, remove them with a sharp knife or garden shears, thereby making room for new buds. If this care is neglected, then instead of flowers, the plant will give all its strength and power to the leaves. But this rarely happens, and caring for the plant does not go in vain, delighting you with the beautiful flowers of an ornamental plant.

For the winter, the stem is cut to the base and the roots are carefully removed with a garden spatula. Before storage, treat the tubers with a fungicide and dry. Store until next spring at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees. In regions where the winter temperature does not exceed -3, -5 degrees, the tubers are left in the ground, warming the ground with a film of straw.

Photo of buttercups

Today we will talk about such wonderful plants like garden buttercups or ranunculus. You will learn about what varieties of garden buttercups exist, how they reproduce, grow, see interesting photos these unique flowers, as well as get acquainted with the features of their planting in open ground, care and many others.

Buttercups garden: varieties and varieties

Charming buttercup flowers have been familiar to us since childhood. They are bright and beautiful, which is why they are often mentioned in songs, poems, and are also actively used in landscape design. Their poisonousness gave impetus to the name, and their breathtaking beauty influenced the affectionate form "buttercup".

Buttercups - delicate flowers of various shades

Buttercups are perennial plants whose root system is represented by tubers. Their range of colors is very rich. You can find these flowers in white, orange, red, pink and even bicolor. There are two main varieties of these amazing plants.

There is a huge amount various kinds garden buttercups:

  • many-flowered;
  • caustic;

Buttercups are caustic

  • water;
  • burning;
  • creeping, etc.

The most common yellow buttercups, they are often used in traditional medicine. Many species are used as beautiful ornamental plants.

Planting a plant

For planting garden buttercups, choose a place that is warm and sheltered from the wind. They are not too whimsical to the soil, but planting in a well-drained, warm, moderately moist and humus-rich open ground will obviously appeal to them. Let's look at how the planting itself is done.

Buttercups need well-drained soil to plant.

Planting ranunculus in the open field is carried out in mid-May, when warm weather is already set. Excessively wet or unheated soil can cause the death of plants. If frosts still occur in your region in May, then first plant buttercups in peat pots or newspaper bags. You can leave the plants in the veranda or on the balcony, the optimum temperature for them will be 15-18 degrees. After the arrival of warming, planting buttercups in a flower bed will already become available.

Planting these plants in open ground, where further cultivation will take place, involves pre-soaking the root cones in warm water for 2 hours, sometimes high-quality growth stimulants are used instead of water. After this procedure, the bumps will increase significantly in size.

Planting buttercup

It is necessary to dig a recess in the soil by 5 cm and place the cones of the plant in it with the roots down. The distance between plantings should be at least 10 cm. Then, you can water the ground a little, but not abundantly, so that the plants do not start to rot. As you can see, planting buttercups does not involve any complex manipulations.

buttercup care

Perennial garden buttercups are non-capricious plants. But in order for your buttercups to grow healthy and please the eye, it is worth following a few tips and providing them with the right care.

The root system of garden buttercups is quite sensitive to both excessive moisture and excessive drought. Therefore, special attention should be paid proper watering. From time to time feel the soil, controlling its level of moisture. If you feel dry, then you should water the plant a little. Drainage in the form of pebbles or expanded clay, covered at the bottom of the planting pit, will help protect buttercups from overflow, sometimes pieces of birch charcoal are added. By the end of flowering (August), watering should be gradually reduced.

Buttercups need balanced watering to develop.

Advice. In no case do not fill the ranunculus with a large amount of water and do not water too often. Such "obtrusive" care can lead to the appearance of mold on the rhizome and rotting, from which the plant will soon die.

When the peduncles and leaves die off (August-September period), garden buttercups are dug up. The root system of plants is shaken out of the ground, dried and stored in boxes or paper bags. For storage, choose a place with good ventilation and room temperature. However, there are those who simply throw away the old rhizomes and buy new ones for planting in the spring. In southern regions, buttercups with special protective cover can tolerate the winter relatively well.

Attention! Buttercup has very fragile roots that are easy to damage, so they should be handled carefully and carefully.

Fertilizer and feeding buttercup

If you want garden buttercups to grow healthy, bloom profusely and beautifully, then you need to feed them periodically. During the period of leaf growth, these perennials need to be fed with special fertilizers rich in nitrogen. When buttercups begin to bud, they need a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is best to fertilize once every two weeks. Such simple procedures will provide your buttercups with amazing growth and flowering.

Buttercups need mineral supplements at all stages of the growing season.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of garden buttercups can be done in several ways. Their tubers during the summer period form several daughter cones, which are carefully separated, dried and stored until the next planting. But these buttercups will bloom only in a year or two.

Buttercup root cones

In addition, the cultivation of garden buttercups accepts seed propagation. Due to the short viability, it is very difficult to obtain such seeds on your own. It is better to just buy them in a specialized flower shop. Seeds must be planted in March, in a loose mixture of peat soil and sand. Sprinkle the seeds with earth and moisten with water from a spray bottle. As you can see, the reproduction of buttercups is quite simple.

buttercup seeds

The landing is covered with a film, periodically ventilated and maintained at a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. The first shoots should appear after 2-3 weeks. After that, the container is moved to a warmer place (with an air temperature of up to 20 degrees). Seedlings require a lot of light, so it is best to place the container on the south window and provide it with additional illumination. Only in mid-May, seedlings can be planted in open ground for further growth.

Diseases and pests

Buttercups are very resistant to various diseases and pests. If the care of the plants is incorrect, for example, too much watering, then root rot. In addition, if the summer season is too wet, powdery mildew can attack these perennial flowers, and the leaves can attract annoying cabbage butterflies. Against pests, in this case, you can use bioinsecticide preparations.

cabbage butterfly

Garden shrub buttercups: combination with other plants

As mentioned earlier, buttercups need sunlight and relative shade for normal growth and development. These conditions can be achieved by planting other plants next to them.

For example, all varieties of garden buttercups make an excellent combination with arabis. So they will receive not only the necessary shade, but also a lot of nutrients. They will also grow well near trees and bushes. If your goal of growing is cutting, then nothing should interfere with the growth of buttercups.

Buttercups in a common flower bed

Garden shrub buttercups in landscape design

Luxurious perennial rununculi are often used in landscape design. Their varieties are able to create a truly charming composition, original, stylish, unusual. Group and mass plantings of these plants will decorate the surrounding space with their presence (flower beds), and in combination with other shrubs and flowers they will create a simply amazing flower bed. They are also planted in pots or stylish patio containers, which looks very fresh in modern landscape design.

Buttercup in landscape design

Garden buttercups are very beautiful, unpretentious and amazing plants. They are able to decorate with their appearance any piece of land, make it bright, unique, become indispensable attributes in landscape design. Their cultivation will bring you a lot of pleasure. Give them your care, love, warmth, give them proper care, then they will reward you with their gorgeous flowering.

Planting buttercups with seeds: video

Varieties of buttercups: photo

Garden buttercups, or ranunculus, are becoming more and more popular among flower growers. A variety of shades, unpretentiousness in cultivation and care, as well as a wonderful appearance, similar to the buds of peonies and roses at the same time, made this plant so popular. If you decide to add color to your home, planting a ranunculus is right choice. It is worth stocking up on seeds, putting in a little work, and a riot of color is guaranteed for several months.

Description of garden buttercups

The garden ranunculus is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches a height of about 65 cm. The root system is tuberous type, the stem is branched, the leaves have a triple dissection. Depending on the variety of ranunculus, the flowers can be double or densely double, up to 10 cm in diameter.

This culture is distinguished by a variety of colors. Every year, breeders manage to get more and more new colors of ranunculus. You can see orange, cream, yellow, lilac and pink buttercups. Bicolor varieties are also often found.

Important! The only shade that cannot be found among ranunculus is blue.

Flowers remain fresh after cutting for more than 1 week. But be aware that for all the virtues of this plant, it is poisonous, so try to keep it away from pets and children. The stems and leaves contain protoanemonin, a substance that can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.

Beautiful ranunculus in the photo

Yellow ranunculus will add brightness to the bouquet Delicate speckled buttercups - original flowers
Delicate white flowers will decorate the interior
The bright red hue of buttercups will add a special charm to your home Exquisite flowers will make your home cozier

Features of growing buttercups at home

When growing ranunculus, the following features should be considered:

  1. The plant does not respond well to transplantation. Choose a place so that you can not disturb him for several years in a row. This condition applies more to ranunculus planted in the garden. However, domestic buttercups should also not be transplanted frequently from pot to pot.
  2. During the flowering period, additional feeding is required. Fertilizers for buttercups at all stages of growth must contain vermicompost. Otherwise, the plant will die, as its root system will be burned.
  3. For the period of periodic feeding, plants planted in pots should be removed to a dark place and watering should be reduced. This will help prolong the flowering period.
  4. Also note that the rhizomes are very fragile, so all operations should be done with extreme care.

Features of growing ranunculus - video

How to plant and grow buttercups at home

Garden buttercups can be grown both outdoors and in a pot.

Many flower growers agree that it is possible to plant ranunculus indoors. In a cold climate, buttercups planted in the ground often suffer from a sharp drop in temperature and die already for 2-3 years. But at home, they will bloom for several years in a row. In this case, the period will last longer, and the bud will be larger.

Necessary materials and tools

To grow buttercups from seeds, you will need the following:

  • planting material;
  • substrate (40% peat, 60% perlite);
  • planting container (box, container or pot);
  • film or piece of glass.

Step-by-step instructions for growing ranunculus from seeds

Delicate flowers can be easily planted from seeds

Germination of ranunculus from seeds is quite low. You should also take into account some features of the harvesting of seeds of this flower. They are collected in the middle of summer. But the process will require a lot of effort. The reason is that the ranunculus has extremely small seeds that easily fall to the ground with any careless touch to the flower. If you want to collect planting material with minimal loss, then wrap the buds with gauze as soon as they bloom. Then periodically shake out the seeds. In order to ensure good germination, planting material should be stored at a temperature of +18…+22 °C.

For the rest, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Immediately before planting, the seeds should be soaked briefly in water, for about 2-4 hours.
  2. At this time, you should start preparing the substrate. For its preparation, we take leaf, peat soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5. The resulting mixture must be rubbed through a large sieve. Also suitable for cultivation is black soil enriched with peat.

    Sifting the soil mixture

  3. Place a drainage layer in the prepared container so that water does not stagnate inside. To do this, make several holes in the bottom and lay a layer of material. It can be expanded clay, shards of clay pots, broken red brick, crushed stone, gravel, vermiculite.

    Filling the pot with drainage

  4. The container is filled with soil mixture.
  5. After that, seeds are placed on the surface and lightly sprinkled with soil (a layer of no more than 3-5 cm).
  6. Using a spray bottle, gently moisten the soil so as not to wash off the planting material.
  7. The box with future buttercups should be covered with transparent glass or film. We leave in a room with a temperature of +10 ... +12 ° C. When water droplets form on the film, the glass is removed to remove them. During this time, the seedlings will air out a little.

    We cover the seedlings in a pot with plastic

  8. Approximately 3 weeks later, proper care and compliance temperature regime small sprouts of buttercups will appear. This suggests that the shelter is no longer necessary - it must be removed.

    When shoots appear, remove the plastic shelter

  9. As soon as 5-6 leaves appear on each sprout, the plants can be dived and planted in different pots. Containers are prepared similarly to a container for sowing seeds.

    Transplanting buttercups into separate pots

Important! Seedlings need good lighting. If there is not enough natural light, organize additional artificial lighting.

Pots must be moved to a room with a temperature not higher than +22 ° C. An excellent place for the growth of ranunculus will be window sills on the south side of the house. As soon as stable warm weather sets in, the plants can be taken out to the balcony.

Workshop on planting ranunculus seeds - video

Further plant care

Multi-colored ranunculus - a wonderful home decoration

For normal growth and development of ranunculus at home, it needs to provide sufficient lighting. Getting it in sufficient quantities, buttercups will surely delight you with their flowering.

Important! To prolong the flowering period, try to keep the temperature in the room around +20 °C.

An equally important component of care is overhead watering. It should be carried out regularly (every 2 days), but try not to overmoisten the soil. Spray the entire plant with water periodically.

As soon as the plant blooms, provide it with additional top dressing with mineral fertilizers. Application frequency - 1 time in 2 weeks. Potassium sulfate, wood ash, potassium salt are suitable for this purpose. One of the selected components is applied to the soil at the rate of 40–50 g of the substance per 1 square meter.

After the end of the flowering period, buttercups grown at home should be removed in a cool place. There the plant goes into a dormant phase. Suitable pantry, cellar or cool room. The dormant period lasts approximately 1.5 months.

Important! It is not necessary to dig home ranunculus out of the pot for the winter.

At this time, special care is not required. If new sprouts do not appear, then move the pot to a warmer place. Lightly loosen the ground and add a couple of drops of growth stimulator. Suitable means such as Athlete, Kornevin or Epin. Act according to the instructions of the drug.

Growing garden buttercups at home is a very hassle-free process. It is enough to follow the conditions for caring for the plant. Blooming ranunculus looks chic - you can combine different varieties of ranunculus to create vibrant arrangements in the house.