Zhiguli plum variety. Varieties of plums for the Moscow region and central Russia

  • 14.06.2019

Plum: the best varieties

60 good varieties of plums

Despite the wide distribution of plums in amateur gardening, its assortment is extremely scarce. Mainly Early maturing red and its derivatives. As well as Volga beauty, Smolinka, Tula black, Renklod Soviet, Eurasia 21, Ochakov yellow. These varieties have been grown and sold in nurseries for many years. But they all have significant drawbacks.

With korospelka red gives small fruits with a very mediocre taste (3.7-3.8 points). The Volga beauty freezes a lot and is very sensitive to soil moisture. And at Smolinki berries fall very quickly. In addition, these plums have another unpleasant property.- fruiting frequency. Good harvests can only be obtained once every three or four years.

Meanwhile, hundreds of very good varieties are cultivated in Russia. But information about them, unfortunately, is extremely scarce. We have tested about 400 varieties by dowsing. The best of them, and there were more than 60 of them, are tested in practice.

Plum varieties - from the earliest to the latest

By maturity, we divide all varieties into five groups. Super early- These are the ones that bear fruit in July. The early ones ripen from 1 to 10 August. Mid-season give a harvest from 10 to 25 August. Late-ripening ones delight us with berries from August 25 to September 10. And, finally, very late-ripening ones ripen from September 10th. Let's talk briefly about the varieties of each of these groups.

Super early plum varieties

July . Differs in large (up to 50 g) fruits of red color with a violet shade. They have very sweet dark yellow flesh.

Golden ball. It is not for nothing that this variety received such a name. Golden-yellow round berries with peach flavor ripen on the tree. They cluster tightly around the trunk, almost like sea buckthorn. Nevertheless, they ripen quite large (average weight- about 40 g, and the maximum- up to 60 g). The disadvantage can be considered a slight sourness at the bone. The golden ball is fast-growing, it begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting. The yield is very high.

The elite seedling 85-80 showed itself well with red-burgundy round-heart-shaped fruits. Berry weight- up to 40-45 g, the pulp is sweet.

Zarechnaya early. The variety is winter-hardy, productive, the stone is easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are large (35-45 g), oval, dark purple.

Hope (9-76-2). The tree is small and compact. The fruits are medium in size and weight (about 30 g), blue, elongated.

early plum varieties

Alyonushka. This beautiful variety is already enjoying well-deserved popularity among gardeners. It is distinguished by increased frost resistance of flower buds. The berries are round, red, weigh about 40 g. The pulp is sweet with spice.

Early. Also a famous variety. It is winter-hardy, and, as the name implies, it is very early. Sometimes trees begin to please us with a harvest already in the second year after planting. The fruits are large (up to 40 g), excellent taste.

Kyrgyz excellent. An excellent variety, deserves the widest distribution. It is quite winter-hardy, the yield is high. The fruits are very large (from 60 to 100 g), dark red, sweet.

Ball. This is one of the best varieties. Medium sized tree, compact, productive and hardy. The fruits are round, red at the beginning of ripening, and at the end- burgundy blue. Weigh up to 50 g, excellent taste. The stone is small, well separated from the pulp.

Mid-season plum varieties

Souvenir of the East. The variety is very productive, but, unfortunately, it is not winter-hardy enough. Although, grafted into the crown of the turn, it feels good. The berries are large (50-60 g), maroon, heart-shaped. The pulp is dense, sweet, the taste is honey with spice.

Memory of Vavilov. The tree is medium-sized, quite winter-hardy. The yield is high. The fruits are very large (70-90 g), amber in color, excellent taste.

Romain. A very unusual variety. The leaves are red, and the flesh of the fruit is also red. This is a seedling of a fairly well-known variety Krasnomyasaya. However, different from the parent small size crowns and smaller (30-35 g) berries. They are burgundy, heart-shaped, with almond flavor.

Duke. As well as Duce, Dyuga, all three names are found in the literature. The variety is distinguished by green-yellow fruits weighing 30-35 g with “beaks” at the end.

Variety Beauty of the Oryol region berries also have beaks. But they are red, rounded. The weight- 40-45 g, the pulp is sweet.

Late ripe plum varieties

Zhiguli. It is characterized by maroon fruits weighing 40-45 g. The pulp is dense, of good taste.

Primorskaya plentiful. The variety is quite winter-hardy, very productive. Medium sized tree. Berries are elongated, burgundy, heart-shaped, weight- 30-45

Svetlana. A tree with yellow crispy fruits weighing 30-40 g. Productivity and frost resistance are high.

About variety red meat we have already mentioned. The fruits of this plum are dark red, large (up to 60 g). The flesh is red, with an almond flavor.

Renklod Altana. This is old variety, but it cannot be discounted. Until now, it is one of the best late plum varieties. The fruits are large (up to 50 g), beautiful, amber-violet color with a reddish-blue wax coating, good taste.

Very late ripening plum varieties

Unfortunately, there are still too few such varieties. And those that are, sin with small fruit, and their berries are far from the best taste. Perhaps the only variety that we could recommend- Canadian vision. It is winter-hardy, high-yielding. The fruits are large (50-70 g), burgundy-violet. The pulp is juicy, excellent taste. The bone separates well.

Khabarovsk will not freeze

Recently, the eyes of many gardeners are increasingly directed to the East. And not because it's nice and warm there. The Far East and Khabarovsk have never spoiled their residents with good weather. But it was there that varieties of plums were bred, which are distinguished by high winter hardiness, the ability to easily tolerate stressful situations. Although they are sometimes not large enough, they are always tasty, but always fruitful. Khabarovsk varieties have long been known to our gardeners. Especially those like Khabarovsk early, Pineapple, Amur rose. Many good varieties were bred at the Primorskaya experimental station by the breeder Lyudmila Gennadievna Setkova. These are varieties that have already fallen in love with gardeners. Lyudmila, Antonina, Svetlana, Walnut, Krasnomyasaya, Gooseberry. Less common Effect, Hope, Primorskaya plentiful, Ball. All varieties of Khabarovsk and Far Eastern selection feel great in our region and deserve attention.

AT last years American and Canadian varieties are gaining more and more popularity. Moreover, if American women (such as Vaneta, Duke ) is not hardy enough, then Canadian plums are quite suitable for our area. Well proven Pembina, Vision, Stanley.

Green vases

The vast majority of the varieties described by us are propagated exclusively by grafting. As rootstocks, it is best to use winter-hardy forms of turn. This plant is characterized by low growth, excellent compatibility with many varieties of plums, great winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. For frost-resistant plums, the turn is used as a stamping agent. Vaccination in this case is carried out at a height of 50-60 cm. For non-frost-resistant, it is used as a skeleton former. Graft into skeletal branches, but not closer than 30 cm from the trunk.

The plum crown is best formed in the shape of a vase. We remove the central conductor, leaving 5-6 lower branches. With this method of formation, it is easier to maintain the height of the tree at the required level (about 3 m). In addition, conditions are created for better illumination of the crown, which naturally affects the size, yield and taste of the fruit. And the rest of the agricultural technology is ordinary, we have no special secrets. Large-fruited varieties needs a lot of potassium. Therefore, we carry out 3-fold spraying of trees with potassium humate. Winter watering is also necessary, but for some reason many gardeners forget about it.

If you have any questions, please write to: 603062, Nizhny Novgorod-62, PO Box 97, Yuri Petrovich Kriulev.

V. V. Lunev, Yu. P. Kriulev


Plum: promising varieties

World production of plum fruits is about 4 million tons, which is 2 times more than the production of cherries and sweet cherries combined. And this is not accidental, since the nutritional, preventive and therapeutic value of plums is very high.

Plum fruits contain about 12% sugars, 1% pectin, 1.5% organic acids and 18% solids, and in terms of the content of carotene, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and other biologically active substances, they surpass the fruits of strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries and apple trees .

Plums are used to make jam, marmalade, compotes, marinades, liqueurs, juices, confectionery etc. Dried plum fruits are of particular value.- prunes, which are well and long stored and are an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal system and many others. Prunes are needed to improve brain activity and especially memory.

Plum is a less winter-hardy and more thermophilic crop than cherries, pears and apples, so for its planting, you need to choose more auspicious places. In the Central region of Russia, it is better to plant it in the middle part of the southeastern or southern, not steep (up to 1-2 °) slope, well lit, especially in morning hours. Good place for plums- near the south side of the house, a fence or specially made shields covered with white paint, which will improve the illumination and thermal regime of the trees, as well as protect them from cold northern winds.

The garden soil should be highly fertile (at least 3% humus), warm, light (sandy or loamy), almost neutral (pH 6-7) and, most importantly, with a subsoil deeply permeable to air and water, as well as low (at least 3 m) occurrence of groundwater.

Planting scheme for seedlings 5 ​​x 3 m. But before you start planting, you need to decide which variety to choose for growing. And here scientists come to the rescue.

In 1971-2007, 65 varieties of plums were studied in the Michurinsky Garden of the TSKhA: Alyonushka, Pineapple, Artistic, Bogatyrskaya, Hungarian Moscow, Volga beauty, Harmony, Dashenka, Dessert red, Eurasia-21, Eurasia-4Z, Eurasia fruitful Susova M2, Yellow hopty, Zarechnaya early, Candy, Cooperative, Red ball, Cromal, Large , Malakhovskaya Dessert, Masha, Mirnaya, Narach, Okskaya, Opal, Opata, Ochakovskaya yellow, Timiryazev's Memory, Finaev's Memory, Peresvet, Excellent, Basement, Prirechnaya, Early yellow, Record, Enikeeva's Renklod, Kolkhoz's Renklod, Kuibyshevsky's Renklod, Leah's Renklod, Renklod Soviet, Renklod Tambov, Renklod Kharitonova, Sister Dawn, Plum Markova, Blue bird, Early ripening, Red early ripening, New early ripening, Smolinka, Start, Stanley, Souvenir of the East, Kuibyshev Ternosliva M 6, Tula black, Morning, Violet, Enchantress, Chemalskaya, Susova prunes, Edinburgh, ELSE-R (Enikeeva-Rozina), Emma, Etude, Egg blue, M 44-91.

Purpose of the study- the study of the main economic and biological characteristics of varieties: winter hardiness, early maturity, productivity, resistance to diseases, as well as the timing of ripening, taste, size and color of fruits. Signs were evaluated on a 5-point system. The color of the fruit was indicated by the letters:- yellow, K- red, S- blue, T- dark, F- purple, H- black. The table shows data characterizing the 12 best varieties.

Table of homemade plum varieties. Points





Stable. to diseases


fruit size

fruit coloring


Zarechnaya early
















Renklod Kharitonova











Early ripening new




From the data in the table it follows:

Best varieties: early- Cooperative , from average - Masha , from late-- Bogatyrskaya ;

The most winter-hardy varieties: Mashenka, ELSE-R and Dashenka;

The most productive varieties: Skoroplodnaya, Mashenka, Bogatyrskaya, Early ripening new;

The most resistant to diseases (moniliosis and clasterosporia) varieties: Cooperative and Bogatyrskaya;

The most delicious fruits in varieties: Candy, Cooperative, Alyonushka, Masha, Renklod Kharitonova, Bogatyrskaya;

The largest fruits in varieties: Stanley, Alyonushka, Mashenka, Dashenka.

According to the sum of points for economic and biological characteristics, the best variety is Masha , which, moreover, is characterized by unusual precocity: it begins to bear fruit from the third year after planting and very quickly increases the yield on young trees.

It should be noted that the Chinese plum varieties Alyonushka and Skoroplodnaya mutually pollinate well, so they need to be planted close to each other, since they are not pollinated by other varieties of domestic plums and do not pollinate them themselves. Varieties Alyonushka and skoroplodnaya they are highly frost-resistant, but not particularly winter-hardy, as they suffer from underdrying of the stem base bark in rainy autumn weather and warm, snowy winters. Therefore, it is advisable to grow them on stem and skeleton-forming plants and plant them not in a planting hole, but in a flower bed. This is especially important if the garden is located in a low, damp place with close groundwater levels.

Noteworthy and variety Finaev's memory not included in the table. It has such features as extreme precocity and productivity, its fruits have an excellent taste, but, unfortunately, in rainy and cold weather, it is strongly affected by moniliosis and clasterosporiasis. It can be recommended only to those gardeners whose plots are located in dry, sunny and hot places.

V. Susov , Honored Agronomist of Russia

Plum can often be found on garden plots in the central regions of Russia. Not everyone manages to achieve the desired result every year - either the weather will let you down, or the tree will suddenly get sick, or it will produce fruits irregularly. In a word, there can be any number of factors playing against the gardener. And I want to treat myself to a harvest. And here the proven and proven Volga Beauty variety, in which there are quite a lot of remarkable things, can come to the rescue.

Description of the variety Volga beauty

The history of the Volga beauty begins back in 1939 in the city of Kuibyshev. Local breeders crossed varieties Skorospelka and Renklod Bavé and got something new, well adapted to local growing conditions. And only 25 years later the variety was included in the State Register for the Middle Volga, Lower Volga and Central regions, thus fully justifying its name. The Volga beauty is an early, self-fertile (does not require planting next to other pollinating varieties) variety that gives big harvest dessert fruits. That is, they can be consumed both fresh and in various preparations.

The tree of this variety is very tall - it can reach 7 meters. The crown is spherical, leafy, it is not very dense. The fruits appear on the bouquet twigs. The bark on the bole is gray and smooth. Shoots thickened, grow straight. The leaves are large, in the form of an ellipse with a sharp top, along the edges with some serration. The color is light green, the edge is medium. The petiole is medium in size, thickened. The flowering of the Volga beauty is powerful, in each inflorescence 2 - 3 flowers.

The fruits grow large, slightly elongated in shape. On average, one fruit weighs about 30 - 35 grams. At the bottom of it there is a narrowing. The ventral suture can be easily seen. The stalk is medium thickened in size, it is easy to separate it from the branch. The skin is quite dense, purple with redness in color. We can clearly distinguish the wax coating. The stone is medium in size, it is easy to separate it from the pulp of the fruit. The pulp itself is yellow with an orange tint, tender and very juicy in taste, sweet and sour. The taste of the fruits of the Volga beauty deserved 4.5 points on the tasting scale.

The plum of this variety is distinguished by high productivity, which, however, is not manifested in all climatic conditions. The older the tree, the more fruit it produces.

Advantages and disadvantages (table)

Plum planting

Location and soil preparation

To find a suitable place for a plum, you need to take into account the degree of illumination of the place and the topography of the site. The best point will be on a hill, well lit by the sun. The soil needs to be well-drained, with good aeration (breathable). The best option would be light loam. Do not plant plums in lowlands where water lingers, and also where ground water are at a level above 2 meters to the surface of the earth.

A place for planting is prepared in advance - in the fall or spring for two weeks. The parameters of the landing pit are half a meter in depth and up to 80 cm in diameter. A mixture of fertilizers is introduced here, which is enough for the first two years of the seedling's life. The composition and proportions depend on the landing time. So, in the fall, the pit is filled with fresh manure (4 buckets) mixed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (200 - 250 g), and in the spring, instead of manure, rotted compost is added in the same amount and 100 g of potassium and phosphorus each.

With increased acidity of the soil, it must be limed - for this purpose, quicklime is taken in an amount of 200 g and diluted in 10 liters of water.

How to choose healthy seedlings

the best planting material are biennial seedlings with roots 10 cm long or more. The root system should be at least slightly moistened. Dry roots indicate that the tree, most likely, will no longer survive. There should be no dry branches on the seedling. The bark should be smooth and free of any damage.

At the beginning of the season, and also closer to its end, there are many outlets called garden markets that sell all kinds of seedlings. But to buy a plum, like many other crops, is still more profitable in a nursery or in special stores. So you avoid regrading and can count on a healthy product.

Planting process

Check the seedling for broken or damaged branches and roots. If there are already leaves on it, remove them. After you check the plum, it's time to start planting.

  1. Sprinkle on top of the fertilizer fertile land so that you get a mound, and install a peg for a garter.
  2. We put a seedling on this very mound and carefully spread the roots in all directions in the direction of the slopes of the embankment.
  3. We begin to fill the pit with earth, periodically shaking the plant by the trunk so that there are no voids near the plum roots. As a result, the root neck should be at least 5 cm above ground level, and preferably more. This is done so that when the earth is compacted, when the seedling is pulled down, the neck remains above the ground.
  4. We tie the seedling to a peg - now it will protect the young tree in case of strong wind.
  5. Around the trunk we build an earthen roller with a diameter of half a meter, which will not allow water to spread during irrigation.
  6. We water our plum - three buckets of water are spent on one tree.
  7. As the water is absorbed, we mulch the trunk circle (we use rotted sawdust or manure). You can also use fresh soil or soil for this purpose.

If you are planting several trees at once, use a 4x2.5m or 4.5x3m scheme.

Although the Volga beauty is self-fertile, to increase the yield, you can still plant varieties such as Mirny, Skorospelka red or Zhiguli next to it.

plant care

It is imperative to take care of the plum. Without your attention, it will quickly weaken, will often get sick and bring small and ugly fruits. Take care of aspects such as watering, pruning and top dressing, but do not forget about periodic loosening and weeding.


Watering plums is a subtle concept. On the one hand, a lack of moisture can provoke a massive fall of the ovaries, on the other hand, its excess causes cracks in the skin on the fruits. The most important periods in the season requiring abundant watering are the time after flowering and setting, as well as fruiting, after harvest, before the onset of frost.

It takes 6-8 buckets of water per tree, and from 15 to 25 buckets for pre-winter watering. Water the plum with water at street temperature or warm. In no case do not use the well or key immediately, be sure to let it stand and warm up.

After each watering, mulch the trunk circle using humus or peat. This layer will help moisture stay in the soil longer and prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth.

Loosening and weeding

Only at first glance it may seem that weeding and loosening do not matter much. In fact, they help the development of the tree in many ways, and their absence can affect the most unpleasant way.

Periodic loosening allows the soil to easily pass air to the roots, saturating them with oxygen. It is required to loosen it after each watering and rainfall during the warm season. In addition, loosening can be successfully combined with weeding, which also pursues important goal- getting rid of weeds that take away water and nutrients from a young seedling. Even worse, pathogenic microorganisms and harmful insects often settle on weeds, which will soon migrate to the plum tree. Therefore, periodic weeding should be on your to-do list not only in the first years of plum cultivation, but also in all subsequent ones.


During the first year after planting with a plum, no action is required. But in the second year, the tree is shortened so that its height above ground level is one meter. In addition, in the second year, the plum begins to grow side shoots, which will also need pruning. Thus, you will begin to form a crown.

There is a sparse-tiered method with which the crown of the Volga beauty plum is formed (three tiers are created):

  • The first tier is formed at a height of 60 to 70 cm above ground level, three branches are used.
  • The second tier will be located 60 cm higher than the first, and two branches will be involved in it.
  • The third tier will be 50 cm higher and consists of one branch. The trunk, which is above it, will need to be removed after a year by cutting it into a ring.

In the future, pruning will consist in periodic thinning of the crown. Branches growing inward are removed, as well as intersecting and thickening the crown. In the fall, carry out sanitary pruning. In this case, damaged, dry and affected by diseases or pests shoots are subject to removal.

Video: pruning annual plum seedlings

top dressing

Fertilizers are applied throughout the season. The busiest time is spring. In spring and autumn, root top dressing is used, while in summer - foliar top dressing.

The spring period can be divided into three parts: before flowering, during flowering and after it. In the first case, ammonium nitrate is added to the trunk circle for digging - 30 g per square meter. In the second, 20 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water, while 5 liters of solution are consumed per tree. And in the third, a solution is used chicken manure: 1 kg of this dry fertilizer is placed in a bucket of water and left to infuse for a couple of days. 2 liters of solution should be spent on one tree. After 2 - 3 weeks, the plum should be fed in this way again.

In summer, in the second part of June, fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are used. Mixture: nitrophoska (3 tablespoons), superphosphate (3 tablespoons) and potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons), dilute in 10 liters of water. One tree takes from 20 to 30 liters of solution.

In autumn, the time for top dressing falls on the last decade of September. At this time, a fertilizer mixture is applied, consisting of potassium chloride (2 tablespoons) and superphosphate (3 tablespoons). Potassium chloride can be replaced with sulfur. One tree consumes 20 liters of solution. Also, under digging, superphosphate (100 g) and potassium magnesia (110 - 120 g) are poured into the trunk circle.

Diseases and pests

Plum Volga beauty has a good resistance to various diseases and pests. Sometimes simple things are enough preventive measures to save yourself the hassle. However, there is still no 100% guarantee of peace of mind, and knowledge of how to protect a tree at the first sign of a particular disease is simply necessary if you want to save your future harvest.

Table: diseases and pests of the plum Volga beauty

Disease/Pest Signs of defeat Control and prevention measures
MoniliosisBrown spots appear on the fruits with numerous gray spore pads, collected in rings. The fruits rot right on the branches and dry out. Affected leaves turn brown, dry and fall off.Moniliosis and clasterosporiasis fungal diseases are treated in the same way.
  • In the spring, before flowering, the plum is treated with Fitosporin (15 ml per 10 l) - twice with an interval of two weeks.
  • After flowering, Skor (2 ml per 10 l) and Horus (3 g per 10 l) are used - twice with a difference of 10 days.
  • Also, during the growing season, you can use Horus or Fitosporin, treating the tree with them twice with an interval of 10 days.
  • As a preventive measure, the plum is sprayed with urea (5% solution before flowering or 3% after) - used once a month.
  • During the growing season, in addition to urea, Actellik (2 ml per 2 l) and 3% Bordeaux liquid (300 g blue vitriol, 350 g of lime per 10 liters of water).
perforated spotting
Reddish and brown spots appear on the leaves, which eventually dry out and fall out of the leaf plates, leaving holes.
cherry elephantBuds, ovaries and fruits are damaged, as a result of which a significant part of the crop is lost.
  • In the spring, before flowering, they dig up the ground under the tree.
  • After flowering, 10% Karbofos is used. During the growing season, you can use the drug Akarin (3 ml per 1 liter).
plum aphidThe leaves at the ends of the shoots curl, wrinkle and dry out. Shoots are bent and slowed down in development.
  • In the spring before flowering, Bitoxibacillin is used (40 g per 10 l).
  • After flowering, use Skor (2 ml per 10 l) and Planriz (5 l per 1 ha).
  • During the growing season, you can take Zircon (1 ampoule per 1 liter) or Aktofit (6 ml per 1 liter).

Photo gallery: how to recognize diseases and pests

Moniliosis is easily recognizable by numerous small pads with spores.

Harvest and storage

What the Volga beauty is truly famous for is its harvests. The first fruits can be removed from the tree as early as 4-5 years of its life. young tree on average brings 8 - 10 kg per season, and at the age of about 10 years and older, the figure rises from 10 to 22 kg. Harvesting begins closer to mid-August and lasts almost until the end of the month.

The plum is harvested in clear, dry weather so that it can lie longer. It makes no sense to harvest in rainy weather - the fruits will quickly become sour and lose their best qualities. Put them in plastic containers or wooden boxes in which paper is placed. In total, the plum is laid in no more than 3 - 4 layers.

AT room conditions the collected plum of the Volzhskaya beauty variety will lie for several days. At the same time, at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° С, unripe plums are usually left, which are forbidden to be left on a balcony or windowsill, that is, where direct sunlight will fall on them. In the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 ... + 6 ° C, the shelf life will be about two weeks. The relative humidity of the air should not exceed 90%, otherwise the plums will spoil much faster.

Despite the long shelf life of plums in the refrigerator, it is better to eat them or put them into processing as soon as possible, since every day the benefits and good taste in fruits are getting smaller.

Plum Volga beauty is good fresh, as well as in jams, jams, syrups and confitures. Delicious juice is obtained from it, compotes are brewed, wine is made.


The variety was obtained in 1973. Seedling of an unknown variety. In the elite allocated in 1982. It was transferred to state variety testing in 2006. In 2008, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region.

Renklod Kuibyshevsky

The variety was obtained in 1940 from crossing Renklod Local (Yellow) plum varieties with Renklod Lenya. He was selected for the elite in 1948, transferred to state variety testing in 1950. In 1959, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Mid-Volga and North-Western regions. The author of the variety E.P. Finaev.

Finaev's memory

The variety was obtained in 1940 from crossing the varieties Ternosliv Volzhskaya No. 6 (Ternosliv Kuibyshevskaya) with Renklod Bave. He was selected for the elite in 1954, transferred to the state variety testing in 2003. In 2005, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region. In 2007, a patent was issued for the variety of plum Pamyat Finaeva. The authors of the variety E.P. Finaev, P.P. Ivanov, A.N. Minin, E.V. Tyuzhin.


The variety was obtained in 1939 from crossing the varieties Skorospelka Krasnaya with Renklod Bavet. In the elite selected in 1952, transferred to the state variety testing in 1953. In 1971, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga and Lower Volga regions. The author of the variety E.P. Finaev.

Kuibyshev blue

The variety was obtained in 1940 from crossing Ternosliva Volzhskaya No. 6 (Ternosliva Kuibyshevskaya) with Renklod Bavet. He was selected for elite in 1950, transferred to state variety testing in 1967. In 1988, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region.


The variety was obtained in 1975 by sowing seeds of the Renklod Blue variety of free pollination. He was selected for elite in 1985, transferred to state variety testing in 2006. In 2008, the Indira plum variety was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region. The authors of the variety P.P. Ivanov, A.N. Minin, E.V. Tyuzhin, F.N. Rykalin.


The variety was obtained in 1940 from crossing Ternosliva Volzhskaya No. 6 (Ternosliva Kuibyshevskaya) with Renklod Bavet. In the elite selected in 1950, transferred to the state variety testing in 1968. In 1987, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region. The authors of the variety E.P. Finaev, P.P. Ivanov.


The variety was obtained in 1975 from sowing seeds of the Volzhskaya Krasavitsa variety of free pollination. In the elite selected in 1989, transferred to the state variety testing in 2006. In 2008, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Middle Volga region. The authors of the variety P.P. Ivanov, A.N. Minin, E.V. Tyuzhin, F.N. Rykalin.

Volga beauty

The variety was obtained in 1939 from crossing the varieties Skorospelka Krasnaya with Renklod Bavet. He was selected for the elite in 1947, transferred to state variety testing in 1955. In 1965, it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central, Middle Volga and Lower Volga regions of admission. The author of the variety E.P. Finaev.

One of the first breeders who made an undeniable contribution to the development of the best varieties of plums, ideal for middle lane Russia, as well as expanding and updating the assortment of stone fruit crops, was Evgeny Petrovich Finaev, who conducted experiments at the Kuibyshev Experimental Station. He and his students zoned more than 20 forms of plums, including Zhiguli, Mirnaya, Indira, Volga large, Kuibyshev blue. One of the varieties is even named after him.

The best varieties of plums: photo and description

Zhiguli. The variety was obtained by Finaev E. II. from crossing the thorny Kuibyshevskaya with Renklod Bave. This variety of plums is considered one of the best for the Moscow region, as it has increased winter hardiness and relative drought resistance. At the time of fruiting, trees enter the 5-6th year after planting in the garden. Blooms late. Self-fertility is quite high, but still with the presence of pollinators, yields are higher.

The fruits are large, blue-violet, rounded. The pulp is yellow-green, juicy, soft, sweet and sour, good taste. The fruits ripen in mid-September. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of processing.

Mirnaya. The variety was bred by E. P. Finaev from crossing the early maturing red with Renklod Bave. The variety is winter-hardy. Frost resistance of flower buds in Mirna is higher than in Early Red. At the time of fruiting, the trees enter very early - in the 4-5th year after planting in the garden. Flowering early. The variety has sufficient self-fertility for fruit set. Harvests are regular, annual.

The fruits are covered with a thick light wax coating and numerous subcutaneous points. The pulp of the fruit is yellow-green, soft, juicy, excellent sweet and sour dessert taste. The fruits ripen in mid-August.

Kuibyshev blue. Received by E. P. Finaev from crossing the Kuibyshev thorn plum with Renklod Bave. The tree is small, of medium size up to 3 m. The crown is oval-spherical, of medium density. Fruiting on 2 - 3-year-old branches. Winter hardiness is high, drought resistance is average. At the time of fruiting, trees enter the 5-6th year after planting in the garden. Blooms in medium time. The variety is quite self-fertile. However, with the presence of pollinators, the yield increases. The yield is high. Fruits of medium size, oval-round, dark blue, beautiful. The pulp is yellow-green, juicy, soft, sweet and sour, good taste. The fruits are covered with a wax coating. Ripen in medium terms, do not crumble. They are suitable both for fresh consumption and for all types of processing.

Look at the photo of the plum varieties described above:

What other varieties of plums are grown in the middle lane?

The memory of Finaev. Received by E. P. Finaev from crossing the Kuibyshev thorn plum with Renklod Bave. The trees are small - up to 2.5 m. The crown is sprawling, rare. Fruiting on 2-3-year-old branches. Winter hardiness is very high, the buds are also hardy. Trees recover quickly after damage. At the time of fruiting, they enter at the 5-6th year after planting in the garden. Flowering in the middle. The variety is highly self-fertile.

The fruits are medium in size, round, dark blue, beautiful. The fruits are covered with a thick wax coating. The flesh is yellow-green, soft, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste. This variety of plums is considered one of the best for central Russia, its fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of processing.

Eurasia-21. The variety was obtained by A. N. Venyaminov from sowing the seeds of the Chinese-American plum Lacrescent from natural pollination. The tree is vigorous, 3-4 m tall. It has highly winter-hardy wood and buds. Self-infertile. Productivity is high - 25-28 kg per tree. The fruits are large (30-35 g), maroon, early term maturation. The pulp is juicy, good taste. General purpose variety.

Volga large. The variety was obtained by E. P. Finaev from crossing the Mirnaya variety with the Rainbow and the Volga beauty. The tree is vigorous. Winter hardiness of trees is average. Self-fertility is quite high. Productivity is high - 25 - 30 kg per tree. This is one of the best varieties of plums for the middle lane, the fruits are very large, oval, blue-violet, beautiful, covered with a wax coating. The pulp is juicy, very high sweet and sour taste. General purpose variety.

Indira. The variety was obtained by E. P. Finaev from sowing seeds of free pollination of the Renklod blue variety. The tree is tall, the crown is oval, fruiting on perennial and annual wood. Winter hardiness is average. Recovers quickly after harsh winters. It enters fruiting on the 4-5th year after planting in the garden. Yield 18-25 kg per tree. The fruits are very large, blue-blue, covered with a thick wax coating, rounded, the flesh is yellow, juicy, soft, good pleasant taste. The fruits are consumed fresh. An early ripening variety.

Bred by E.P. Finaev and P.P. Ivanov at the Kuibyshev Horticulture Experimental Station from crossing the Kuibyshev Ternosliva varieties with Renklod Bave. Introduced into the State Register in 1987 for the Middle Volga region.

Wood vigorous, fast growing. The crown is oval-rounded, of medium density. The variety bears fruit mainly on bouquet branches. The bark on the trunk and main branches is smooth, gray-green. Shoots are thick, straight, red-brown, glabrous. Lots of lentils, medium, white. The leaves are large, wide, rounded, short-pointed, dark green, wrinkled, matte. The leaf blade is concave (boat) down, the top of the leaf is sharply pointed; the base is rounded, pubescence is absent. The edge of the sheet is double-sided. Stipules medium, early falling. Petiole medium, thick, pigmented. Inflorescence - double, triple, rose-shaped, large, white flowers.

Fruit large, more or less one-dimensional, with an average weight of 31.1 g. The shape of the fruit is round. The top of the fruit is rounded, depressed from the sides. The base of the fruit is indented, the fossa is medium, wide. The ventral suture is small, inconspicuous. Peduncle medium in length and thickness; ease of separation from the branch is good; attachment to the bone is not strong. Fruit color: main green, integumentary blue, solid. There are few subcutaneous points, white, well visible. The peel is medium, naked, with a medium wax coating, it is difficult to remove from the fruit. The pulp is yellow-green, tender, juicy, the color of the cavity is the same color as the pulp. The juice is colorless. The taste is sweet and sour. The stone is separated from the pulp well, medium, ovoid, pointed above and below, in the pits. Evaluation of the taste of fresh fruits - 4.0 points. Appearance attractive - 4.0 points. Dry matter in fruits contains 15.5%, sugars - 8.49%, acids - 2.46%, ascorbic acid - 4.12 mg / 100g. General purpose variety. Suitable for making jams, compotes.

Flowering May 10-19. Fruit ripening is late. Fruit picking dates are August 27 - September 3. Fruits have a trade dress, are transportable. Removed 5-6 days before ripeness, can be stored for two weeks. At the time of fruiting, they enter 5-6 years. The yield is high. At the age of 6-8 years, they give up to 15-20 kg per tree; at the age of 9-12 years, the harvest is 25-40 kg, and the most healthy produce a fruit harvest of up to 70 kg. Fruiting is annual. The fruits are firmly attached to the tree. Fruit shedding is observed only when overripe.

The variety is highly self-fertile. The best pollinators: Red early ripening, Ternosliva Kuibyshevskaya, Mirnaya.

Varieties are winter-hardy. In the winter of 1968/69. freezing was 1.2 points, in the winter of 1978/79. - by 3.3 points. Younger ones had a frostbite of about 2 points. The variety is drought tolerant. Moniliosis affects 0.1-0.2%. Little is exposed to gumming. Plum codling moth fruits are affected by 0.3-0.5%. Plum pollinated aphids are moderately affected in some years.

The variety requires elevated, well-lit locations, soils of light and medium mechanical composition. Responds well to watering, organic and, while giving high yields of quality fruits. At a young age, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning; during the period of full fruiting - rejuvenating pruning.

Advantages varieties: high winter hardiness of wood and flower buds; annual yield; large fruits of excellent quality.

disadvantages varieties: partial shedding and cracking of fruits.