How to grow peas on a balcony. Climatic conditions for growing peas

  • 12.06.2019
September 13, 2016
Specialization: philological education. Experience as a builder - 20 years. Of these, for the last 15 years he led a brigade as a foreman. I know everything about construction - from design and the zero cycle to interior design. Hobbies: Vocal, psychology, quail breeding.

Greetings, my dear readers!

If you want to plant peas in your apartment, you will not experience problems with this. It's interesting and useful plant great for home cultivation. In this article I will tell you how to grow peas on a balcony, loggia or on a windowsill in any room.

About agriculture

The wide distribution of peas is due to the simple agricultural technology of its cultivation and the beneficial qualities of the plant itself.

The benefits of peas

This cold-resistant culture is unpretentious and not demanding on fertility, as well as the composition of the earth:

  1. Nodule bacteria live on its roots, which enrich the soil with nitrogen. This makes peas a desirable predecessor for almost all types of vegetable crops.

This plant is loved by all of us, which is explained by several factors. It's delicious and incredibly healthy at the same time.

The culture is highly valued, among other things, for its high content of vegetable protein. There is almost as much of it in peas as, for example, in beef. However, unlike animal protein, it is much easier for the body to digest.

  1. These beans are rich in trace elements and carbohydrates.
  2. Green peas contain vitamins PP, C, provitamin A (carotene) and all B vitamins. Beans contain salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus and manganese. They are a valuable source of lysine, one of the most deficient amino acids.
  3. Peas are in any medical diet. For example, it must be in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

General information

Peas (Latin botanical name Pisum) is an annual herbaceous, self-pollinating plant belonging to the legume family. agriculture refers to cereal legume crops. Botanists consider Southwest Asia to be the birthplace of peas.

  1. Its root system belongs to the rod type. It is well branched and grows deep into the ground.
  2. The stem of the plant is herbaceous, branching or simple, can grow to a length of 2.5 m. There are also lodging peas (0.5-1 m) or bush (standard). The latter has a non-branching stem (0.15-0.6 m), which has small internodes and a crowded growing color in the axils of the upper leaves.
  3. Like all legumes, peas enrich the earth with nitrogen. Azotobacter, nodule and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, multiply in the root system of it and the zone closest to it (rhizosphere). They significantly affect the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil, which is necessary for plants.
  4. The leaves of the culture are unpaired, compound. Their petioles end with a mustache, they cling to any support and hold the stem vertically.
  5. The color of the plant is moth, purple in different tones or white, located one or two flowers in the leaf axils. Standard varieties have flower stalks with 3-6 flowers, often forming inflorescences.
  6. Peas begin to bloom 30-50 days after sowing. In early-maturing species, the first peduncle is formed in the axil of 6-7 leaves, in late-ripening analogues - 12-22. After every 1-2 days, subsequent flower stalks grow.
  7. The culture is self-pollinating, however, cross-pollination also occurs.

  1. The fruits of the plant - beans, are located in the pod and, based on its variety, may have a different color, size and shape. Each pod can contain from 4 to 10 pea seeds placed in a row. The surface of beans is either wrinkled or smooth. The color of their peel is the same as that of the culture.

About 24 Varieties You Can Grow at Home

There are three varietal groups of pea beans: sugar, semi-sugar and shelling.

  1. Shelling species have a parchment layer (partitions) inside the shells of the pods, so they are inedible. Similar beans are cultivated with their own hands to grow green pea for conservation.

  1. Sugar varieties do not have a parchment layer. They are cultivated to obtain unripe pods - "shoulder blades". Unripe and tender pods are completely edible without removing the peas.
  2. In semi-sugar pea species, the partitions are weakly expressed and are visible only in dried pods.
  3. In all varietal groups, there are species with wrinkled square-angular fruits (“brain” varieties) and smooth round peas. Brain views are the best. They produce sweet, high quality beans.

Below I present shelling varieties of pea beans suitable for balcony cultivation.

  1. Adagum. The variety is peeling, mid-season, canning, has high taste properties. Semi-dwarf culture with a stem length of 65-75 cm.

Pods are 6.5-8 cm long, even in size and color. Mature brain peas have a yellow-green color, overripe beans are yellow.

  1. Avola-9908469. This peeling type is intended for fresh consumption, conservation and freezing. Early ripe variety (56 days) with a simple stem. Leaves are ordinary, green. White color is of medium size.

The pods are of medium length, contain 6-9 beans, green when ripe. Getting green peas up to 45-50%.

  1. Altai Emerald. Shelling early ripe (50-55 days) species. Dwarf culture with compact bushes, having a height of 35 cm to 45 cm. The pods are slightly curved. Beans are green, high in sugar and protein.
  2. Vega. Medium-early and medium-sized peeling variety. The pods are pointed, slightly curved or straight, have a length of 7 cm to 9, they contain 6-9 beans. Brain peas, rounded-angular. Beans are used canned and fresh.
  3. Viola. Mid-season peeling species for conservation with good taste. The maturation period is 55-62 days. The bush is semi-dwarf, 60-75 cm high. The pods have developed partitions, blunt-pointed, straight, from 6 cm to 8 in length, with 6-9 beans. Mature brain peas have a bluish-green color.

  1. Sunrise. Mid-late peeling species for conservation. The bush is semi-dwarf, from 65 cm to 75 cm high. Pods with a sharp top are slightly curved, have developed partitions. Mature brain peas have a bluish-green color.
  2. Vera. Early peeling species for processing and fresh consumption. Vegetation period 50-62 days. The stems have a height of 55 cm to 65. The color is white.

The pods are slightly curved or straight, 6 to 9 cm long, with developed partitions and 6-8 peas inside. The beans are wrinkled and have a yellow-green color.

  1. Emerald. Mid-season peeling look. Simple stems are 70-85 cm long. The color is white, there are 1-2 pieces on the peduncle. The pods are slightly curved, with a sharp top, large. There are 5-10 pods on a bush, they contain from 10 to 12 beans.

Green peas are dark green in color. Mature beans are small, brain, light green. The variety is used for conservation, and is also used fresh.

  1. Premium. Early ripe peeling look. Vegetation time is 55-60 days. The height of the bushes is up to 0.8 m. The dark green pods are blunt, medium curved, 8 cm long, they contain up to 9 green beans. On a bush up to 14 pods.

The taste of processed and fresh peas is excellent. The variety is used for conservation, freezing and is eaten fresh.

  1. Excellent - 240. Peeling medium-sized and mid-season look. The pods are pointed, curved, have a length of 8 to 9 cm, they contain 6-9 beans.

Brain peas, compressed perpendicular to the scar, square-angular, greenish-yellow. The variety is used for preservation and fresh consumption.

  1. Early-301. A peeling, early-ripening species for conservation, with excellent taste. The aging period is from 50 to 55 days. It has short stems with a height of 35 cm to 40.

The pods are slightly curved or straight, pointed, have a length of 8 cm to 10. Mature grains are cerebral, green-yellow in color.

  1. Soyuz-10. Mid-season, amicably maturing peeling variety. Simple stems of culture have a length of 60 cm to 80. The pods are narrow, straight, with a blunt top, have a length of 6 cm to 8. On the bushes, 6-8 pods, in which 4-10 beans.

Green peas have a dark green tone, are even and medium in size. Its yield is 45-50%. Pea beans are semi-brained, wrinkled, square-angular, green-yellow-gray. The variety is used for conservation.

  1. Sphere. Early ripe shelling species. Simple culture stems have a height of 65 cm to 75. The color is white, it is 1-2 on peduncles. The pods are large, straight, dark green in color, have a sharp, slightly curved end, their length is 6-9 cm, width is 1.2-1.5 cm.

Green peas have even dimensions and color, high technological properties. The period of technical ripeness of peas is 5-7 days. Pea beans are semi-brained, medium in size, round, yellowish green in tone. The variety is used for conservation and fresh consumption.

  1. Troika. Late-ripening peeling type of agriculture. Ripens 80-90 days after planting. The bushes are medium tall, from 70 cm to 80 cm high. The pods are 6 cm to 8 cm long, they are spiky. Pods are placed in 2-3 pieces on the fruiting plant at the top of the stems, they contain 6-8 beans.

Peas are small, cerebral, green. The variety is intended for consumption in fresh and canned form.

  1. Tiras. Mid-early peeling look. Simple stems branch weakly, have a length of 65 cm to 80. The color is white, there are two of it on peduncles. The pods are large, spiky, curved, 6 to 10 cm long, dark green in color.
  2. On a bush grows from 6 to 12 pods. Each of them contains from 8 to 10 beans.
  3. Green peas are medium in size and dark green in color. Ripened pea beans are square-angular, medium in size, light yellow in color. The variety is used for freezing, preservation and fresh consumption.

  1. Hawa pearl. Peeling mid-season variety, used for processing and fresh consumption. The grain ripening period is 55-70 days. The stems of the culture have a height of 78 to 97 cm. The pods are slightly curved, have a length of 7-8 cm, they contain 5-9 beans.

On culture, from 8 to 16 pods are formed. Brain peas, wrinkled green-yellow. Green peas are even in size, dark green in color, their yield is 40-52%. Has excellent taste.

  1. South-47. Early ripe peeling variety. Simple stems have a height of 70 cm to 85. The color is white, there are 2 of them on each peduncle. The pods are blunt, straight, dark green. There are from 7 to 8 of them on a bush, 7-9 beans in each pod.

Large green peas at the age of technical ripeness of green color. The grains are semi-brained, medium in size, round, light green in tone. The variety is used for preservation, freezing and fresh consumption.

  1. Era. Medium-late peeling species. Simple stems branch weakly. The color is white, it is 1-2 pieces on each peduncle. The pods are slightly curved, pointed, have a length of 7-9 cm, bright green.

On a bush from 5 to 8 pods, they contain 8-10 beans. Gray-green peas have the average size and drum shape. The variety is used for canning and fresh consumption.

In the table below, I present the most common sugar pea varieties that can be grown at home.

Pea variety Description
Alexandra Sugar grade for use fresh and after heat treatment. Pods without partitions and veins.
Ambrosia Early (53-56 days) sugar species. It has a height of 60 cm to 70, needs a trellis support. In use are shoulder blades with germinal peas.
Horn Sugar grade. The stems are slightly branched, simple, from 60 cm to 70 cm long. The pods are spiky straight, from 7 cm to 9 cm long. Green peas are of medium size. Its yield is 48-50%. It is used for conservation.
Zhegalova-112 Sugar mid-season species, which is eaten at the age of milky ripeness. The stems are simple, 110-170 cm long, require support. The pods are slightly curved or straight, blunt, 10 to 15 cm long, containing 5-7 peas.

The yield is high. The shells of the pods are thickened, they themselves are nutritious, tasty and fleshy.

Early Gribovsky-11 Early ripe semi-sugar variety. The aging period is 51-64 days. The bush is semi-dwarf, has a height of 40 cm to 70. The pods are large, straight, dark green in tone, have a length of 7 cm to 10, they contain from 6 to 10 beans. The view is used for all types of processing.

Brain beans, bluish-green tone. Green peas are large, sweet and tender, contain a lot of protein and vitamin C.

Sugar-2 Mid-season pea bean. It has medium-sized simple stems, from 70 cm to 80 cm long. Sugar pods, without partitions, their length is from 7 cm to 9, each with 7-9 beans.

Brain peas have a green color. We highly appreciate the variety for its excellent taste, resistance to lodging, high grain content.

Growing peas in an apartment

About soil

  1. Almost all types of soils are suitable for cultivating peas. Their mechanical structure is not significant; it can be sandy, loamy and clayey soil.
  2. When the substrate is acidic, it must be limed ahead of time. To do this, you need to add 0.3-0.4 kilograms of lime to square meter soil container.
  3. Peas are sown in early spring however, it is best to prepare the ground for it in the fall.

  1. Accumulate the required amount of soil, for example, in your country house (remove its fertile layer to a depth of 30 cm). Having brought it home, add 4-5 kilograms of manure humus or compost, 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 15- 20 grams of potassium salt. Already in the spring, add wood ash to the soil as a fertilizer.
  2. You can harvest a particularly high yield of pea beans when the land has already been well nourished with fertilizers for the previous crop.

For peas, apply only rotted bird or cow dung. It cannot be used fresh. Such feeding will provoke an excessive growth of the green mass of the plant, which will negatively affect the formation of color and beans.

The best predecessors of peas: tomatoes, cabbage, early potatoes, all kinds of pumpkin. He himself, like other legumes, is the best predecessor for almost all agricultural crops.

A few words about whether it is possible to grow peas repeatedly in the same land. I want to warn you in advance - you can use the soil for growing beans only after at least four years. In other words, if you want to grow this crop again on your balcony next season, you will have to bring in a new soil substrate for it.

Under the cultivation of peas, select the sunniest area on.

planting seeds

Most often, for the cultivation of peas in an apartment, its sugar varieties are selected, they eat green pods. Loggias or balconies are allocated for landing.

Peas can be grown both by seedlings and by sowing germinated grains. For growing in an apartment, the latter method is better suited.

  1. Soak the peas of the selected variety in water at room temperature (+22-24˚). Do this in such a way that the liquid completely covers the seed. Soak the grains in water for about 12-16 hours, change the liquid every 4 hours.
  2. To improve the formation of sprouts, you can treat the peas with growth regulator (adding it to the container during the last 2-3 hours of soaking) or dip them for 5-7 minutes in hot water with microfertilizers diluted in it.
  3. Further, when there is not much seed material, hold it in damp gauze until it germinates.

  1. The grains prepared in this way are planted in moist soil. Sowing work can be started from the beginning of the third decade of April.

Pea is a cold-resistant crop and is able to germinate even at +4 ˚. Its seedlings do not die from frosts down to -6 ˚. However, play it safe and, having carried out early sowing, cover the landings plastic wrap.

  1. As a rule, peas are sown in rows with a step between them of 10-15 cm, the distance in the row between peas should be 5 cm.
  2. Grains are planted at a depth of about 2-3 cm in containers, pots or boxes filled with loosened and moist soil substrate. The size of the pea pot on the balcony should be at least 10 liters, since the culture has a powerful and voluminous root system.
  3. Make grooves in the soil and place the grains in them. Level the ground and compact a little. cover landing nonwoven fabric. After 7-10 days, sprouts will hatch on the beds.
  4. If seedlings develop poorly, feed them with a solution of nitrogenous fertilizers.

  1. When the sprouts reach a height of 10-12 cm, create supports for them. The best way to do this is to hang a plastic mesh with large cells. After that, periodically adjust the stems on the support so that they do not lie down and interfere with each other.

In winter, peas are grown indoors not to collect grains and pods, but for the sake of tasty, juicy and healthy greens from which salads are made.

Pea beans form sprouts faster, while giving a much larger mass of greens than regular beans. green onion And different types lettuce. In terms of the presence of useful and necessary substances, agriculture is in no way inferior to them. So, 100 grams of its shoots contain a daily amount of vitamin C.

The most juicy and tasty greens in a culture at the age of 3-6 leaves. When the stems become coarse, cut them off, you can also eat the shoots that grow back.

How to care for peas

Usually, care for growing peas consists in regularly loosening the soil and watering the plantings. This crop loves water. With its lack, it loses color and ovaries.

  1. Before the formation of color, the instruction prescribes watering the plants moderately (once a week), because with an excess of moisture they pamper.
  2. When the color appears and the pods develop, the earth should not dry out, during this period water the peas twice a week.
  3. Loosen the soil regularly, especially when a crust has appeared on it after watering.

For a bountiful harvest, build strong supports for your pets out of wire or plastic mesh. For tall species, this is a must.

Usually peas should not be fed. For its normal development, the nitrogen that is absorbed from the air by nodule bacteria living on the root system is quite enough.

30 days after the color appears, you can start harvesting. Pea beans belong to multifarm crops. Their fruiting cycle lasts from 35 to 40 days.

Pea shoulder blades can be plucked after 1-2 days. The lower pods ripen first. During the season, you can get a crop of up to 4 kilograms per square meter of plantings.

Diseases and pests

The most terrible enemy of pea beans is a leafworm, she is a pea codling moth. Its caterpillars survive the winter in the ground.

Pest butterflies fly out of cocoons just during the flowering of plants. Each butterfly is capable of laying more than 200 eggs on a stem, flower, leaves, blades of agriculture.

After 7-10 days, based on weather conditions, caterpillars hatch from the eggs. They penetrate inside the shoulder blades and develop there, devouring young beans. The cost of their life activity is high - the peas are eaten away by wormholes or completely destroyed.

After two or three weeks, having marked their way with wormholes and cobwebs, the caterpillars of the pea codling moth gnaw through the shoulder blades and descend to the ground. By the time the pods are collected, the vast majority of them will go underground to a depth of 2-3 cm. And you will be left with an almost completely ruined crop.

I would like to emphasize that early-ripening types of pea beans suffer less from leafworm. Early sown varieties of agricultural crops are also slightly damaged.

You can lime the codling moth using the following methods:

  1. Buy ready-made insect pest control.
  2. Periodically spray peas with a decoction of tomato tops or wormwood, infusion of garlic, tobacco, celandine leaves or burdock roots.
  3. Powder the bushes with ground tobacco, ash or dry celandine powder.

Garlic infusion is done like this.

  1. Grind 20 grams of cloves in a meat grinder and pour a mass of 10 liters warm water.
  2. Wait 24 hours, then strain the infusion, fill the sprayer with it and process the peas.
  3. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening.

Another fairly common pest is the pea aphid. You can destroy it with the help of garlic infusion.

The most common disease of pea beans is powdery mildew. She can be defeated with a tincture. field thistle:

  • Pour 300 g of its leaves with 10 liters of warm water and wait 8 hours.
  • It is necessary to spray the plants with this agent twice with an interval of 7 days.


Peas are a delicious and very healthy legume. It is unpretentious, cold-resistant, and you can easily grow it on your balcony.

The video in this article will tell you more about this agriculture. Ask questions in the comments if you have any.

So I say goodbye, and success to you in your endeavors!

September 13, 2016

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How to plant and grow peas at home - a method for preparing seeds, soil and planting boxes, planting and care rules. This is not a complete list of questions that need to be answered for growing beautiful green plants with delicious beans on your windowsill. The article presents reviews and advice from experienced flower growers who can grow a winter garden on a balcony.

Every lover of greens and delicious peas can grow peas on the windowsill. For home growing recommend the use of varieties of sugar plant species, among them the most popular are:

  • Sugar Oregon;
  • hybrid Zhegalov 112;
  • Children's Sugar;
  • Oscar.

Plants are propagated by planting seeds and growing seedlings of peas. Let us analyze in more detail the process of preparing seed material for planting and the stages of planting and care. This is the only way to get a complete answer to the question - how to grow juicy peas at home.

Preparing beans for sowing

The choice of seeds of vegetable plants and flowers is best done in specialized stores. A wide range of quality seeds of the best varieties will be provided here.

The preparatory stage of seeds for planting is carried out in several stages:

  1. Calibration. This operation will allow you to pre-remove undeveloped or damaged planting material. Peas of sugar hybrids or varieties are sorted out, seeds with damaged skin, with holes or darkened are removed. The placement of the grains in salted water will help to carry out the defection. Floating seeds must be removed.
  2. pre-soak procedure planting material. To carry out, you will need to pre-rinse the seed material under running water, then dry it. A weak solution of manganese is diluted in a saucepan and the beans are soaked in it for 20-30 minutes. After soaking, they are washed under the tap. Boric acid, popular with gardeners, will help shorten the procedure. To prepare the solution, 0.2 g of the substance is diluted in 1 liter of water. Now in this solution it will be necessary to disinfect the seed material for 5-8 minutes. Now the processed beans are placed in a pot of warm water for 3-4 hours. During this time, you will need to change the water in the container several times to remove fungal spores or pest eggs.
  3. The final stage of preparatory work is the germination of seed material. The work is carried out in several stages:
  • prepare a piece of cotton fabric or gauze;
  • dilute the growth stimulator in water and add potassium permanganate at the tip of the knife;
  • the fabric is impregnated with a solution, the seeds are evenly laid out and the edges of the napkin are wrapped like an envelope;
  • a nutrient solution is poured into a plate and an envelope with seeds is placed.

The fabric must always be in solution, so you will need to add water periodically. So simple preparatory work will allow you to grow a bountiful crop of peas on garden plot or at home. As soon as the peas open and tender sprouts appear, they can be planted in a seedling box.

Sowing pea beans for seedlings

Planting begins in late March - early April.

Before starting work, you will need to prepare the soil and seedling boxes for planting. Seed containers are poured several times with boiling water or treated with any contact fungicide solution to disinfect containers. Land can be purchased at a garden store or made by yourself. To do this, take the same amount of soddy land and mix it in the same proportion with humus. Superphosphate is added to the nutrient soil for every 5 kg of soil 200 g of the substance and 200-300 g of sifted wood ash.

All other operations are performed according to a certain scheme:

  • planting boxes are not completely filled with soil, leaving a distance of 4-5 mm to the top;
  • the earth is watered with warm water;
  • grooves up to 20 mm deep are drawn on the surface of the mini-bed. Row spacing - at least 15-20 mm;
  • you can make small holes for each pea, placing them at a distance of up to 300 mm from each other;
  • hatched seeds are placed in a hole so that the sprout germinates into the soil;
  • the remaining space is filled with loose soil and the rows are watered with warm water;
  • a layer of mulch is laid on top and the boxes are covered with plastic wrap or glass to create a constant comfortable microclimate for the seeds.

Before the first sprouts appear, the soil is moistened with a sprayer when it dries.

The first shoots of peas appeared, the film is removed and the sprouts are grown for seedlings. After picking seedlings, each bush needs to be planted in a separate flower pot.

By choosing best time for sowing pea seeds at home, you can significantly increase the yield and growth rate of plants by providing them with sufficient sunlight and maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.


This work is done after the 2nd pair of true foliage has sprouted. The operation is simple, but requires careful treatment of delicate plants. The minimum volume of pots for growing peas in an apartment is from 300 ml. If the balcony is equipped with special flower boxes, beans can be planted in them, but at an optimal distance.

When picking, work is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • planting containers are pre-treated with boiling water;
  • fill the pots with nutrient soil and make a small hole in the center of the pot, the size of which depends on the size of the seedling rhizome;
  • the minimum distance between plants when planting in a common box is 200 mm;
  • the ground in the seedling box is pre-filled with warm water - it is easier to get the seedlings without damaging the delicate roots;
  • seedlings are placed in a hole, the roots are carefully straightened and covered with loose soil;
  • the ground does not need to be compacted, it is enough to lightly water the seedlings with warm water and place them in a shaded place for several days - during this period, sunlight is harmful to young legume plants.

Planting is over, now it is important to create optimal conditions for peas for growth and development.

plant care

Growing sugar peas at home does not require much effort and time. Unpretentious beans grow well, but the minimum conditions and care requirements for a home vegetable grower will need to be fulfilled with full dedication.

Care and cultivation of legumes is the same as when planting a crop in open ground. But there are several differences.


In order to grow a crop of peas at home, he needs to provide 12 hours of lighting. To do this, use fluorescent lamps or special lighting fixtures. It is especially important to fulfill this requirement when planting in winter period or when the window is located on the north side. Under these conditions, fluorescent lamps are the only way to provide plants with chlorophyll.

Important! The distance from the lamp and the green mass of legumes is 500 mm.

Another main factor in the successful cultivation of beans at home is the amount and frequency of watering. Before the plants begin to bloom, the bushes are watered at least 2 times a week, it is better to water the beans more often with a small amount of water than to overfill the plants. After flowering during the fruiting period, the amount of watering is increased. Plants need food at least every other day.

Constant loosening of the soil and a layer of mulch will help reduce the number of treatments - such soil will always be good, but without excess moisture.


Cultivation of peas in pots on a balcony or loggia will require the installation of a support for a tall plant. It can be a wooden or metal peg or a stretched twine, along which a beautiful vine will spread over the entire surface of the room. It is recommended to install a plastic mesh with large cells. This work is required to be carried out when the length of the sprouts reaches 120 mm.

Pea nutrition

Growing delicious peas at home will require the addition of nutrients several times per season:

  1. Immediately after picking, you will need to support the established plants. To do this, prepare a solution of 20 g of superphosphate and 10 liters of water. The mixture is watered with plantings of all indoor plants in the summer, but for peas the best time is the beginning of the development of a transplanted bush.
  2. The next 2 top dressings are carried out before and after the end of flowering. Fertilization of the land under the bushes is carried out with potassium-phosphorus compounds. In a bucket of water, dilute 15 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt and water the plants after wetting.


The crop is harvested as the beans grow in their pods. As soon as the diameter of the peas reaches 6-7 mm, the pods are carefully cut from the bush. The fruiting period of sugar varieties on the windows is extended for 2 months. With sufficient care for planting on the balcony, you can grow a crop of legumes up to 700 g of sweet peas. The first mature pods grow on the bottom of the bush. Reviews of growing peas at home

Peas- a plant loved by many gardeners, and most importantly - very useful. Valued for a large amount of protein. A few decades ago, it was possible to see how peas grow in every garden. Now his attitude has changed.

People are used to canned peas. But you don't have to buy it. You can grow peas on your own and preserve - it will turn out even better than bought in a store.

Peas: description

Peas contain more protein than veal and at the same time its absorption is much easier.

Green peas, in addition to protein, are rich in vitamins:

  • group B;
  • manganese (Mn);
  • potassium (K);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • iron (Fe);
  • lysine is one of the rare amino acids.

Peas are always present in the diet of patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

Botanical description of peas:

  • annual plant with a herbaceous stem from the legume family that does not require pollination.
  • Pea root is rod-shaped, penetrates deep into the soil and branches strongly.
  • herbaceous stem, depending on the species, it can be drooping, branching up to 1 meter long or bushy, not forming branches, about 30-50 cm high.
  • At the tips of the leaves of peas are antennae, with which he clings to the support and winds along it. The flowers are often purple or white.
  • Pea fruit - bean in the form of a pod different size and color. Inside each 5-10 seeds with a color corresponding to the color of the flowers of this variety. The surface of the seeds may be wrinkled or smooth.

Like all legumes, peas are an excellent green manure, enriching the earth with nitrogen. Beneficial microorganisms live on the roots of the plant and around them, processing and accumulating this microelement.

"Relatives" of peas

There is interesting plant from the legume family asparagus peas. All parts of the plant are used in food. The scientific name is purple quad. It is also called "winged pea" because of appearance pods. On sale you can find the Thessaloniki variety with fleshy fruits up to 4 cm with the taste of asparagus.

chickpeas(chickpeas, mutton peas) culture less popular on summer cottages than green peas. Used as a good green manure before planting wheat. In addition, pests do not like it because of the presence of oxalic acid. This annual culture is unpretentious in care, and it can be grown in the country and in the field.

asparagus peas

Peas Chickpeas

Growing Features

Before planting, you need to decide for what purpose you will grow peas. If “to eat” fresh, you should choose sweet sugar varieties: Ambrosia, Alfa, Zhegalova 112.

Peas are an undemanding plant, they often talk about it - it grows and grows for itself, just harvest. Grow everywhere. Harvest can be harvested all summer. Even in winter, you can grow healthy and vitamin food at home. microgreens peas. Still, some conditions must be met.

Place on the plot

The place where peas will grow must be sunny, calm, with deep groundwater.

Peas can be planted next to crops:

  • and other solanaceous;

To save space and compact plantings, radishes and parsley are planted between the rows of peas.

Peas grow well near apple trees, in trunk circles, if a lot of sun gets there. Before planting, it will be necessary to pour a layer of fertile soil mixed with humus to a height of 10-15 cm

Requirements and soil preparation

The right predecessors for peas:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin cultures.

Let's figure out what land to plant peas in:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

When to plant peas outdoors?

  1. You can start planting peas from the last decade of April and until early May (depending on the region).
  2. Shelling varieties of peas begin to germinate already at 2 degrees Celsius, and sugar requires 4-6.
  3. Seedlings will survive frosts down to -6, although this may reduce the yield by 25-30% and increase the ripening period of peas up to a week. Therefore, with a very early planting, it is still worth covering the crops with a film.
  4. The optimum temperature at which peas grow and develop without problems is 15-25 degrees. Both lowering it to 8-12 degrees, and raising it negatively affects the development of all organs of the plant.
  5. Peas are sown in several stages with an interval of 10-14 days. The last sowing can be done two months before the onset of the first frost, but only early-ripening varieties.

How do peas grow outdoors?

Seed preparation

How to prepare seeds:

  1. The seeds of peas are large, so they grow it by direct sowing, immediately into the ground.
  2. Peas before planting need to be soaked - put in a container, pour a little warm water.
  3. Leave for a day, changing the water after 5-6 hours.
  4. Then germinate - wrap in a damp cloth and keep in it until the seeds hatch, usually 2-3 days.
  5. To improve germination, it can be treated with growth stimulants (for example, Epin) according to the instructions for the drug.
  6. Can be used for sowing and dry seeds. It is enough to warm them for 5-7 minutes in a warm (40 degrees) solution boric acid(2 g/l of water).

Landing pattern:

So that the birds do not peck out the peas, the bed should be covered with a covering material. Pea seedlings will be visible in 7-10 days.

Planting peas before winter

Peas are not a frost-resistant plant, but as an experiment, you can try to plant it before winter. To do this, dry (grains cannot be soaked) are planted in frozen ground. Planted according to the same scheme as in the spring. This is done so that the peas do not germinate in the fall.

Sugar varieties for planting before winter are not suitable, they are more thermophilic.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Pea care

To obtain good harvest green vegetable peas, you must follow the rules of agricultural technology:

  • Watering. Pea is a very moisture-loving plant. Watering should be timely, drying out should not be allowed. In the absence of moisture, the flowers and ovaries of peas fall off. Before flowering, watering is required once a week, during flowering - at least twice, depending on the weather. The soil must not dry out.
  • . Perfectly pea responds and grows after the application of potash and phosphorus fertilizers (30-35 g / m 2) or rotted manure. It is absolutely impossible to bring fresh manure into the beds with peas. It provokes a strong growth of greenery to the detriment of flowering and fruit formation.
  • Installation of supports. Strong support is necessary for climbing varieties, and desirable for standard varieties. You can make a trellis by pulling a wire (cable) in several rows along the beds and attaching it to the supports. Install supports when the sprouts reach a height of 11-16 cm.

Video about supports for peas:

Diseases and pests of peas

Diseases and treatment

The main diseases of peas are fungal and bacterial infections, the main methods of prevention are crop rotation.

Disease name Description and treatment
downy mildew The disease appears at high humidity and low temperature. May appear at the beginning of the growing season. appear on top of the leaves light spots, and on the bottom - are formed disputes.

At the first sign you need dust the garden bed with fluffy lime or spray with infusion of field sow thistle (300 g of leaves per bucket of water, leave for 7-9 hours) twice with an interval of 5-7 days.

Ascochitosis A fungal disease that manifests itself in the form brownish-brown spots with a border. Black dots are visible inside the spots - pycnidia with spores. After the spores mature, the "mycelium" bursts and the plant is re-infected.

Spores are needed for germination suitable conditions- wet weather, wound on the plant. ill with ascochyta, plant dies. Its fruits become unfit for food.

Root rot (black leg) Appears with excessive watering and waterlogging of the soil. The fungus infects the roots of the plant or the basal part of the stem, they blacken and rot. The roots stop feeding the plant, the green mass decreases, the appearance of the bush is lifeless.

At first glance, it seems that the plant lacks moisture, but additional watering will only worsen the situation. Sick plants without difficulty pulled out of the garden. It can be avoided by controlling soil moisture, loosening the top layer of the earth.

Rust Serious pea disease. The fungus gets on peas from milkweed. It appears in the form yellow spots on the upper surface of the leaf and an orange “cushion” on the underside, from which, when cracked, an orange powder is poured out - spores.

Peas that get sick with rust stop growing. You can cope with the disease with the help or preparations containing sulfur.

Pests and processing

Not all diseases and pests are listed below, but the main task of the gardener is prevention, the use of home remedies with minimal use of insecticides to get a good harvest of this healthy and tasty vegetable.

Name of the pest Description and struggle
Pea codling moth It is also called pea leaflet. Butterfly with gray wings with a range of 10-12 mm. Harm caused by its caterpillars. They gnaw through the walls of the pod, penetrate inside and gnaw on peas.

Each caterpillar damages 2-3 peas during development, does not migrate from pod to pod.

For the fight, spraying plants with infusion of garlic is used:

  • Pass 20 g of garlic through a crush;
  • pour a bucket of water and insist for a day;
  • strain and spray.

It helps to water with a decoction of tomato leaves - about 3 kg per bucket of water. It has also been observed that early landing and early varieties crops are less susceptible to attack by codling moth.

Black beetle 4-5 mm long. It feeds on pea grains. In autumn, the beetles enter the storage and overwinter there. Peas infected with a caryopsis can be identified by the presence of a hole with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm, dark spots or cavities with a beetle inside.

To exclude infected seeds before planting, you need to hold them in salt solution(30 g / l of water), discard the seeds that have risen to the surface, and the remaining at the bottom - rinse from salt and dry.

Acacia moth (bean) Butterfly, wingspan 23-30 mm. Caterpillars cause damage. They bite into the pod, eat out the seeds. Later, they can gnaw the seeds from the outside, wrap them in silk and pollute them with excrement.

With a lack of nutrition, they can move to other pods. By the time of harvest, the gardener may be without it by about 50%.

As a struggle, the main ones are planting peas as far as possible from white and yellow locust and (for example, Lepidocide according to instructions).

How do peas grow at home?

Not everyone has a dacha or the opportunity to spend the whole summer on it. But you can enjoy fresh green peas by growing them at home. Moreover, agricultural technology for growing peas at home, using covered ground, almost no different from growing it in the garden. Only varieties are recommended to choose undersized.

Growing technology:

Harvesting and storage of peas

When to Harvest:

After harvesting, the tops of peas are removed to the compost heap. But it is better to chop it on the spot and, together with the roots, plow (dig) into the soil. Such a green fertilizer improves the structure of the soil; on an area of ​​1 acre, it can replace the application of a ton of manure.

Peas will be an excellent predecessor for any garden crops.

They will grow especially well after peas:

  • nightshade (potatoes, tomatoes,
  • drying of peeling grades;
  • dried peas can be used to make pea flour.

Video: Growing peas

Types and varieties of peas

Peeling grades

In such varieties inside the pod is a rough parchment layer. It is impossible to chew it, therefore only the peas themselves are eaten. They are grown by large agricultural enterprises for further sale in a dry form.

Popular varieties:

sugar varieties

They do not have a parchment layer, they are fleshy and contain a lot of juice. use for fresh consumption- eat fresh vitamins or on a "shoulder blade" - in general. The same varieties are used for conservation.

Popular sugar varieties:

brain varieties

They have more sugar and less starch than sugar varieties. From them are obtained the tastiest preserves. Peas wrinkled, angular shape.


How do peas grow on an industrial scale?

The technology of growing peas by agricultural enterprises practically does not differ from growing on household plots. In order to avoid rush jobs or delays in the supply of raw materials to processing and conservation enterprises, sowing is done continuously- early, middle and late varieties, each in several stages.

One of the varieties bred for growing peas on an industrial scale is Sweet. Suitable for single-phase harvesting, gives high yields. Resistant to lodging, as well as the main diseases of peas - root rot and ascochitosis.

Growing technology:

  1. On the field using the ordinary landing method, as well as narrow row and cross. The seed sowing rate is from 150 kg to 300 kg per 1 ha.
  2. Three days after planting and immediately after germination, the aisles are harrowed- to prevent the appearance of weeds and crusts on the ground.
  3. In the southern regions, watering is carried out two to three times during the growing season. if peas grow on a "blade". If peas grow for grain, a fourth watering can be added.
  4. Herbicides are used to remove weeds. From diseases and pests sprayed with insecticides (only before the beans are tied).
  5. Cleaning is done mechanically, in the southern regions - single-phase, because the ripening of peas is more friendly.
  6. With unfriendly maturation, cleaning is carried out in two stages. First, the peas are mowed, harvested into rolls, and after a few days they are threshed.
  7. Green peas are harvested with adapted harvesters, are threshed on the spot and sent for processing. Sweet peas are harvested by hand as the fruit ripens.

Video about growing peas on an industrial scale:


In conclusion, I would like to say that peas, however, like beans, it is undesirable to often eat people of mature and, especially, old age, because a large number purines in beans. And also because of this, peas are contraindicated for patients with gout. The rest of the people green peas can be consumed in any quantity.

Milky peas are a delicious product loved by children and adults. Knowing how to grow peas at home, you can easily get a healthy vitamin vegetable without spending a lot of time and effort.

People have long been engaged in the cultivation of peas - a valuable leguminous crop used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Growing peas at home is a simple agricultural operation.

In terms of taste and technical qualities, peeling and sugar varieties are the most optimal. Sugar peas have a pleasant taste, along with peas, the wings of young beans are also eaten. Becoming shriveled in the period of full maturity, it does not lose its taste. Sugar pea seeds are canned and frozen.

Shelling peas are distinguished by hardness and unpretentiousness in cultivation. This subspecies is most often used for drying and then used in side dishes and soups. Mature shelling pea seeds can also be frozen and canned.

Pea seeds are classified according to maturity:

  1. Early, ripening no more than 60 days: Avola, Berkut, Vera, Vegetable 76, Early Gribovsky 11, Premium, Amber
  2. Medium - 70 days after germination, you can collect edible fruits (Adagum, Emerald, Dinga, Fragment, Winner T-33)
  3. Late - more than 80 days pass from germination to the formation of peas (Atlant, Sugar 2, Voskhod, Late-ripening brain improved, Perfection 653).

Each vegetable grower has his own goals in growing peas. When choosing, you need to build on this. By planting several varieties of different ripening periods, you can significantly extend the pea season.

Features of growing at home

For balconies and apartments, pea varieties with limited growth are better suited. In this case, you do not have to build complex structures for the arrangement of vertical lashes.

Of the peeling varieties for home cultivation, suitable:

  1. Adagum- ripens early, does not require supports, is used for fresh consumption and canning
  2. Early Gribovsky 11- early ripening, fruitful, rises no more than 60 centimeters in height, has a universal purpose
  3. Vegetable 76- a very early productive variety with medium-sized peas with excellent taste and a stem height of 70 centimeters
  4. Hava pearl- in room conditions the height of the plant reaches 80 centimeters, the peas have an unusual greenish-yellow color, they are mainly consumed fresh.

At home, you can plant low-growing sugar varieties:

  1. Zhegalova 112- a plant up to 60 centimeters tall, very tasty peas do not have voids
  2. Sugar- on a stunted stem less than 60 centimeters high, there are many branches with tasty beans with a delicate structure
  3. Sugar 2- the stem stretches to a height of up to 70 centimeters, but does not lie down, only requires a garter as insurance.

To grow peas at home, you will need a planting container (wooden box or plastic container) and seeds. The soil substrate should consist of a third of loosening materials: humus, sawdust, straw. Mineral fertilizers dissolved in water can be used to enrich the planting soil.

Seeds are planted in even rows in moist, loosened soil to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. The interval between peas should be 1-2 centimeters, between rows - 2-3 centimeters. After planting, beans are recommended to be carefully watered using a strainer for better water spraying.

Until the moment sprouts appear, the container must be kept in a warm place, but not on a radiator. Putting it on the windowsill is also not recommended: due to the low temperature, the seeds can rot in the ground.

Before the first shoots appear, you need to regularly moisten the soil, preferably with a sprayer. Green seedlings will appear in boxes in a few weeks. Peas can be further grown on the windowsill or young plants can be transplanted into open ground.

How to plant on the windowsill?

To grow peas on the windowsill, you will need plastic or wooden boxes. Sprouts are planted in even rows in grooves at a distance of 20 centimeters. Between plants, an interval of 10-15 centimeters should be observed.

After that, the grooves should be carefully sprinkled with earth, lightly tamped and watered from a watering can. The place for the location of peas on the windowsill should be chosen on the sunny side of the room, since this is a light-loving plant.

When the sprouts reach a height of 20 centimeters, you need to hang a coarse mesh over them, along which the green shoots will curl. This ensures the convenience of harvesting. For a uniform distribution of light for each sprout, it is necessary to direct the stems climbing along the grid.

Growing on a balcony

Peas love good lighting, so it is recommended to choose the lightest balcony for its cultivation. A plant that can withstand low temperatures down to -5 ° C will bring good results even on an unglazed balcony, although for initial stage growing it is better to use the window sill in the apartment.

A flower pot is not suitable for the role of a planting container for peas. It is best to use an oblong plastic or wooden box with holes at the bottom for the outflow of excess moisture.

Pea care at home

In care, the plant is very unpretentious, so growing it at home is not difficult.

Weeding and loosening

Growing peas in the garden, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil, which provides access to the roots of oxygen plants. Regular weeding of the site will help get rid of weeds that interfere with the normal growth and development of plants.


As the surface layer of the soil mixture dries, the peas should be watered. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen it. The maximum penetration of air to the root system contributes to a good harvest of beans at home.

Peas also respond well to hilling, which is best done after watering. To reduce evaporation of moisture, it is recommended to mulch the soil between the grooves.

Soil preparation

Peas can be planted in harvested from September-October garden soil. It is recommended to take the land from those areas where nightshade or pumpkin crops have recently grown. In a ratio of 1:3, the taken soil is mixed with loosening components: small stones, sand, peat, sawdust.

It is better to treat the soil mixture before planting peas on the balcony with a special preparation Fitosporin (15 milliliters diluted in 10 liters of water) to prevent fungal and other diseases.

Soil top dressing

The quality of the beans depends on the timely feeding of the crop. To fertilize the earthen mixture, you can also use liquid mineral top dressing (Juno, Oracle, Uniflor). Before the formation of ovaries, plants must be fertilized with phosphorus (simple and double superphosphate) and potassium (potassium salt, potassium chloride), mineral preparations.

Outdoor cultivation

Pea seeds are planted in open ground in April-early May, when the ground is still wet. Pea seedlings are planted in late spring. Peas are a great predecessor for everyone vegetable crops. Nodule bacteria, which are found on its roots, enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Seeds are buried in the soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters, otherwise the birds will peck the grains with pleasure. Plants should be watered regularly: with a lack of moisture, ovaries and flowers fall. Peas grown for grain are harvested once when the crop is 70% ripe. The culture intended for canning or fresh consumption is repeatedly harvested every 2-3 days.

Before growing peas in the country, it is better to germinate its seeds, pre-soaking for 12-18 hours and regularly changing the water every 3-4 hours. You can place the seeds in a damp cloth for several days to ensure that the sprouts sprout as soon as possible. For garden or summer cottages, tall varieties are used, under which the supports are adapted.

Peas can be grown by combining with other crops. With mutually beneficial joint planting of plants, each of them contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the qualitative growth of the other. Nitrogen-enriching peas go well with carrots, corn, and for a reason different terms maturation does not compete with them for nutrients.


Peas bear fruit for 2 months. Ripe pods are harvested morning hours. From one shoot per season, you can get about half a kilogram of juicy peas. After fruiting is completed, the plants must be cut.

Peas can be planted for more than just beans. A substitute for lettuce leaves will be juicy greens containing a sufficient amount of biologically active substances and useful vitamins. For example, only 100 grams of young peas contain a daily dose of vitamin C.

When growing green peas, it is better to choose undersized varieties that have more juicy leaves than cereals. To constantly get fresh greens, you need to sow peas in stages. After cutting the coarsened stems and cutting off the leaves, the plant develops new shoots.

Many prefer all year round have in the diet fresh vegetables and arrange a small garden on the balconies or loggias. At any time of the year, they pamper themselves and the household with self-grown green vitamins. Peas are an undemanding crop that can be grown at home. Pods with sweet peas grown on the windowsill are healthy and tasty, and every home agrarian, having collected a ripe crop, immediately tries to germinate pea seeds for new plantings.

Conditions for growing at home

It is possible to grow peas in non-standard home conditions, but for this you should take into account all the preferences of the culture. By creating plants the necessary conditions you can get a good harvest. To grow peas indoors, you will need:

  • Large, capacious container.
  • Nutritious, light soil, enriched with useful substances.
  • Adequate amount of light, but no direct sunlight.
  • Regular soil moisture.
  • Fertilizers and top dressings.
  • The most favorable temperature regime.

Soil and containers

A spacious and roomy container is suitable for growing peas at home. You can use a wide container for balcony flower plants. The box should have good breathability and be able to attach garters and supports.

Homemade peas prefer loose and moderately moist soil, the fertility of which in a closed space is compensated by all kinds of biological additives, dressings and nutrients.

Temperature and light

Create the necessary temperature conditions for home cultivation is quite simple, since the most acceptable air temperature is in heated rooms for living. After the appearance of the first shoots, the container with the plants is rearranged in a well-lit place. The container should be kept away from glass and direct sunlight. Perfect for this wide window sill or a bright corner on a heated loggia.

Preparing beans for sowing

At home, sugar and peeling varieties of green peas grow well. To get healthy and strong plants, the seed material for planting is prepared in advance. First of all, the beans are sized and discarded.

Harvested grains are sorted, sorted and seeds with obvious defects are removed. The selected material is placed in a saline solution, which is prepared with the calculation of 1 large spoon table salt per 1 liter of warm water. The solution is stirred before use.

Empty, incompetent peas float up, they are thrown away. Quality specimens suitable for planting sink to the bottom of the vessel. The grains are taken out and slightly dried. Thus, all beans with defects are calibrated by the selection method.

Do seeds need to be germinated?

On the topic of germination of pea seeds among gardeners, there are ongoing disputes. Most are sure that only swollen grains with germinated sprouts will quickly sprout after planting and will grow and develop better.

Adherents of dry planting claim that soaking is not necessary, as regularly moistened soil will do its job, saturate the seeds with moisture and enable them to germinate in their natural environment.

Pretreatment and germination

If the decision is made to plant peas, before planting, it is necessary to pre-treat the seeds and start sprouting. To do this, gauze folded in several layers is moistened and laid out on a saucer. Prepared grains are placed in a container and covered with the same layer of cloth.

The plate with seeds is removed in a warm place. The grains should be soaked for several days, periodically soaking the gauze with moisture. After the expiration of the term, the germinated peas must be washed in clean water and only then proceed to planting.

It is possible to germinate seed material in biogrowth stimulants. After soaking in special formulations sprouts will appear much earlier.

Landing technology

Growing peas on a balcony or loggia is not difficult, since even a novice gardener can plant peas in the ground, and subject to all agrotechnical requirements, the result will please. When finished preparations start planting seeds. The landing technology is carried out in this way:

  • The container is filled with soil, which is harvested independently or purchased at specialized outlets.
  • The soil is moistened and shallow holes are made in it. The distance between them can be several centimeters.
  • One seed is placed in each hole, with the sprout down.
  • The pits are lightly sprinkled with earth, without compacting, and covered with film material.

The first shoots usually appear two weeks after planting. When the main leaf appears on the sprouts, the film material is removed. During this period, crops require only timely watering.

Home care

The rules for caring for growing plants are simple, but you still need to follow some requirements. Preliminary preparation and cultivation of culture on the loggia provides that peas need a long daylight hours; for this, a fluorescent lamp is installed for the winter period.

When the plants reach 15 centimeters, a coarse mesh is hung vertically above them. As the shoots grow, they are directed along the trellis so that the light is evenly distributed over the lashes. Pea lashes grown at home are able to lie down and shade each other.

The main care of the crop is timely watering and regular loosening of the soil. Before the flowers appear, the plants are watered sparingly. After the beginning of flowering and the formation of pods, soil moisture is increased. The culture in the flowering phase is regularly fed with nutrient solutions.

Growing peas at home is a fascinating and entertaining process. People leading a healthy lifestyle, accustomed to comply with the norms proper nutrition, receive the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements grown by their own hands.

Sprouted peas as food

Every healthy person should have some legumes in their diet. Peas are rich in protein and so nutritious that they can even replace meat products, but sprouted peas are the most beneficial.

It is a valuable food product for vegetarians, indispensable for raw foodists. When losing weight and dieting, it saturates the body with useful substances and trace elements. In its fresh form, it is considered the most useful and is used for the prevention of diseases and during treatment.

Adherents of dietary, healthy food prepare vitamin salads with sprouted peas and all kinds of greens, since the product rich in amino acids is a good alternative to animal proteins.

Growing green vitamins at home is easy. The main conditions in this process are the fulfillment of all agrotechnical requirements and instructions. Even starting this lesson for the first time, you can get a harvest.