Fertilizer for raspberries in June. How to feed raspberries for a good harvest

  • 04.03.2020

Fertilizing the soil for raspberries and feeding the plant itself is the main factor in a good harvest. The shrub loves mineral and organic fertilizers, like all plants. If you want on your garden plot berries grew, not bushes, you should carefully monitor the soil. In the article we will consider how to fertilize raspberries correctly and in a timely manner (in spring, autumn), what types of dressings.

Types of fertilizers for feeding raspberries

Any fertilizer has its own specific composition and has a special effect on the plant. Thanks to various nutrients and beneficial elements, plants grow better, and the soil becomes more fertile.

All fertilizers are divided into mineral and organic. Minerals include:

  • Phosphoric;
  • nitrogen;
  • microfertilizers;
  • potassium;
  • complex.
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For organic:

  • bird droppings;
  • green manure;
  • manure;
  • slurry;
  • wood ash;
  • compost;
  • bone flour;
  • straw.

In addition, you can add local fertilizers, which are taken from industries. This:

  • Sapropel;
  • dolomites and limestones;
  • phosphogypsum;
  • phosphate slags.

Mineral fertilizers for raspberries

Tip #1 In the form of mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to use superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrogen fertilizer for raspberries. best time for such contributions, it is spring.

The best fertilizer for raspberries is complex.

Raspberries will yield a crop after top dressing in the form of potassium salt and superphosphate. If there is no potassium salt, then use wood ash. Ash can be diluted with water or poured dry. Her beneficial features have a positive effect on raspberries. Nitrogen is also introduced in the spring. Urea and ammonium nitrate can be used for this.

All these mineral fertilizers can be applied individually or in combination. With a complex introduction, they should be divided into two times. For the first time, top dressing is done in the spring, the second - at the beginning of the summer period. If desired, it is allowed to combine mineral and organic fertilizers.

If the dosage is calculated correctly, then the yield from one bush will be equal to one or two kilograms. The bushes themselves will be about two meters high. If the figures are too different, then increase the amount of fertilizer when feeding.

Approximate rates of application of mineral fertilizers

Item No./ Item Fertilizer name Norm Application time
1. Potassium salt 60 g/m2 Spring
2. Ammonium nitrate 12 g/m2 Spring
3. Urea 10 g/m2 Spring
4. In complex:
Potassium salt,
Ammonium nitrate
40 g/m2
60 g/m2
30 g/m2
1 time - in the spring
2 times - at the beginning of summer
5. Combination of organic and mineral fertilizers:
2 g/m2
3 g/m2
1.5 kg/m2
3 g/m2

Organic fertilizer for raspberries

Peat improves soil quality.

In organic matter, there are many macro- and microelements that a plant needs during its growth and development. For fertilizing raspberries use:

  • Manure;
  • bird droppings (especially chicken);
  • compost;
  • peat.

Most often, manure is used, which can be rotted and not rotted. It is advisable to pour bird droppings into the soil in autumn period so that during the winter it enriches the soil with all the nutrients. It is desirable to introduce compost rotted. Compost is made from tree leaves, peat, garden weeds, corn cobs, straw, peat, chicken manure and manure. Some gardeners add peat to the soil, it makes the soil of better quality.

Approximate norms for applying organic fertilizers

Item No./ Item Fertilizer name Norm Application time
1. rotted manure 7 kg/m2 Spring, autumn
2. chicken manure 8 kg/m2 Autumn
3. rotted compost 10 kg/m2 Spring, autumn

Spring feeding raspberries

Do not pour a lot of concentrated chicken manure under one plant.

In the spring, complex fertilizers will be the best for raspberries. They should include organic and mineral fertilizers. Their number depends on the harvest of the previous year. The complex may include:

  • peat;
  • compost;
  • manure;
  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • wood ash or potassium salt;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate.

Each gardener decides for himself what is more suitable for his soil and in what quantity. But we must remember that organic matter saturates the soil with various elements, thanks to which the plant grows and bears fruit. Peat is introduced not only in spring, it improves the structure of the soil.

Tip #2 If you just planted raspberries, then for the next three years you need to use only fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

They are brought in as soon as the snow melts. When planting, it is necessary to saturate the soil well with all the nutrients. If nitrogen fertilizers are applied under old bushes, then do this before loosening the soil.

You need to start feeding with mullein or slurry. These components are diluted with water to a mushy consistency. Pour 500 ml with a bucket of water and this should be poured into 2 m 2. You can replace this top dressing with urea and mullein. 10 g of urea, 2 kg of mullein are diluted with 10 liters of water.

Chicken manure is an important and mandatory spring top dressing. It is diluted in proportions of 1:20. Infused for 5 to 10 days. Do not use a lot of this fertilizer, as it is very concentrated.

At the first top dressing, ammonium sulfate can be applied. Sprinkled under the bushes in the amount of 15 g per square meter. With all mineral supplements, wood ash is added with nitrogen, it removes excessive acidity. If the bushes are already 5 or more years old, you can feed them with such a complex: nitrogen, phosphorus, manure and potassium salt or superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate.

Tip #3 Raspberries should not be fertilized with potassium chloride. Chlorine has a negative effect on the plant.

Autumn feeding raspberries

In order to have a raspberry crop, fertilizer should be applied rationally

Before fertilizing in the fall, you need to determine the condition of the soil and pay attention to the raspberry variety. Read also the article: → "". After that, proceed to the calculation of the norms of the fertilizer itself. It is advisable to use organic matter in one year: chicken manure, rotted manure and compost. And on next year, mineral fertilizers: potassium, ammonium sulfate and phosphorus.

There are several options for such dressings.

  1. In a barrel we mix 300 g of wood ash, 300 g of sugar, 200 g of manure, 3 crayons, the fourth part of the barrel will be occupied by hay and grass. All this must be filled with room water. The composition should be infused in the sun for 8-12 days. After we breed in the ratio of 500 ml of infusion: 10 l of water. Pour three liters of one bush.
  2. Dilute 50 g of superphosphate and wood ash in 10 liters of water. Use on m2.
  3. We mix zinc sulfate, in an amount of 3 g, with 5 g of manganese sulfate, per m2.

How to determine the appearance of a lack or excess of fertilizer?

  • If the plant does not grow well and has yellowed leaves, then it lacks magnesium.
  • If the leaves are brown, as if burned and the plant disappears in winter, this is a lack of potassium.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and have green veins, this is an iron deficiency.
  • If the plants are small, faded and do not grow well, this is a lack of nitrogen.
  • If the shoots have become thin and weak, then the plant should be enriched with phosphorus.
  • If bushes, leaves and shoots grow excessively, and fruiting is at zero, nitrogen should be reduced.

Fertilizing raspberries in folk ways

An infusion on a banana peel is used with a lack of potassium in the soil.

Under folk ways involves the introduction of organic matter and vegetable fertilizers into the soil. Many gardeners prefer to prepare infusions for fertilizing raspberries.

  1. Nettle and comfrey tincture. Take for cooking equal amount weeds, with a total weight of 1 kg and pour ten liters of water. The container is placed in a sunny place and stirred regularly. This composition should be infused for two weeks. The finished fertilizer is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Pour 2 liters to the raspberry bush.
  2. Infusion of mullein, bird droppings, wood ash, manure and nettle. IN large capacity mix 2 liters of bird droppings and 3 liters of mullein, add 3 kg of manure, 250 g of ash, 1 kg of nettle. We fill everything with 20 liters of water. Leave in a warm place for a week. We dilute the solution in a ratio of 1:10. Pour 500 ml under each bush.
  3. Banana peel tincture. Pour the peel of three large bananas with three liters of water and insist for a week. Add 1 liter to the roots. This infusion is rich in potassium.
  1. Infusion of onion peel. Protects against pests and promotes the growth of raspberries. 50 g of husk pour 10 liters of water, leave for a week. We filter and water the plant.

In addition to these dressings, they use infusions of potato skins, sugar, eggshells and coffee grounds, manure and ash. A good harvest always depends on the right fertilizing and good care behind the plant.

Before applying any fertilizer in the spring, remove all weeds and cut off the shoots on raspberries.

Countless clusters of ruby-red honey-sweet berries hang from powerful one and a half meter shoots - it is difficult to describe such beauty in words, it is better to see it with your own eyes once. There are legends about the yield of raspberries, but such impressive results are simply impossible without careful care of raspberry plantings. And in such care, feeding plays a huge role.

What do raspberries love?

At the beginning of the growing season, raspberries are in dire need of nitrogen fertilizers.

Have you noticed that you will not meet wild raspberries in a meadow or in an open field? Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found on forest edges, where the soil is rich in organic matter, which is formed from rotting leaves and branches. Therefore, it is not surprising that garden raspberries are also very demanding on organic fertilizers, without which there is nothing to count on a good harvest of this berry.

Many gardeners believe that fertilizing raspberries with mineral fertilizers is optional. However, this is not the case. Judge for yourself: in addition to the formation of the crop, the plant spends a huge amount of nutrients on the development of root offspring and replacement shoots. And how much of the nutrients are washed out by the rains, and also lost along with the removed weeds and extra annual offspring? In a word, it is simply necessary to feed raspberries, and what and how I will tell further.

Feeding raspberries: how to determine what plants lack

With a generous filling of planting pits, top dressing begins to be introduced only from the third year of operation of the berry plantation. Only in this case can one hope for big harvest large berries.

To find out what your raspberries are missing, just take a good look at the bushes.

With a potassium deficiency, raspberry leaves become small, their edges darken and crumple like an accordion. Phosphorus starvation is manifested in the thinning of the shoots and the formation of purple spots on the leaves in the middle tier of plants. And when plants lack nitrogen, they look depressed and produce weak, short shoots.

However, if the shoots have grown above two meters, the leaves have a bright green color, and the raspberries are full of overgrowth, then overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers takes place. In such a situation, the rate of nitrogen application from the next season should be reduced by 1.5 times.

When and how to feed raspberries

During the flowering period, plants remove a huge amount of nutrients from the soil.

On the different stages Vegetation raspberry needs different nutrients. It is advisable to apply organic nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the fall, as this contributes to better development replacement shoots, and less root shoots are formed (compared to top dressing in spring). However, spring top dressing with nitrogen is also acceptable.

Throughout the summer, you can regularly feed the plants with nitrogen-containing natural fertilizers, or complex mineral fertilizers. Better yet, alternate watering with "mineral water" and organic matter.

Do not be afraid to feed raspberries with nitrogen fertilizers (according to the instructions). Raspberries do not accumulate nitrates if nitrogen fertilization is completed before the plants enter the fruiting phase.

There are many options for feeding raspberries, here are the most successful of them:

Mulching plantings with fresh or rotted manure / humus / compost. Organics are scattered under the bushes in the fall at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per square meter of plantings. You can carry out this operation in the spring: for this, the soil on the raspberry bed is covered with a thin layer of manure, and a 10-15-cm layer of humus or garden compost is poured on top. When watering and raining, water will pass through the manure layer, be saturated with nitrogen and deliver it straight to the roots of plants. In addition, humus mulch will prevent unwanted nitrogen evaporation.

Mulching plantings with peat with the addition of urea or saltpeter. If you do not have organic matter at your disposal, then the soil in the garden with raspberries can be covered with peat at the rate of 1-2 buckets per square meter of plantings. At the same time, for every 10 liters (bucket) of fertilizer, 25-30 grams of saltpeter or urea are added.

Feeding raspberries with ash. In this case, wood ash (2 kg / sq.m.) is scattered between rows at the end of summer and lightly covered with a rake. Ash can be added in the spring, but in a smaller dose - 100 grams (1 cup) per square meter of plantings. By the way, regular addition of ash to raspberry bushes improves the taste of berries.

Watering raspberries with solutions of urea or saltpeter in the spring. For one-time top dressing per square meter of raspberries, 60-100 grams of one of these fertilizers is used. This dose can also be applied in parts, up to mid-June. During autumn mulching with organic matter, such top dressing is carried out only if there is a weak growth of shoots, while the dose is reduced to 15-20 grams of nitrate or urea.

Watering raspberries with liquid organic fertilizers in the spring. Solutions of slurry (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20) moisten the soil around the raspberry bushes at the beginning of the growing season (May - early June) at the rate of 3-5 liters per square meter. In total, it is enough to carry out 2-3 such top dressings. If there is no manure, then you can water the berry plantations with herbal infusions, humates and yeast.

Application of mineral fertilizers. During fruiting under the bushes, you can add 30-50 grams of nitroammophoska or 50 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate (potassium magnesia) per square meter. After harvesting berries, raspberries can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers (for example, 50-80 grams of nitroammophoska per square meter). A complete mineral fertilizer can also be replaced with 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20-30 potassium sulphate (potassium magnesia) per square meter.

Mineral and organic top dressings are applied only on spilled, wet soil, otherwise a high concentration of dry substances can cause burns of young raspberry roots.

Compost and humus plus ash can serve as a full replacement for any other fertilizer if applied annually ( better in autumn) and in an increased dose - from 10 to 15 kilograms of humus and 1-2 kilograms of ash per square meter of raspberries. Then your raspberries will not need any other top dressing for the whole next year.

If you want to receive abundant harvests of large and delicious berries, then it is necessary to fertilize raspberries. Naturally, in order for top dressing to be effective, you need to know when (at what time), how and with what to feed raspberries in spring, summer and autumn (after fruiting), so that the shrub is always provided with all the required macro- and microelements.

Raspberries, like any other berry shrub, are quite demanding on nutrition and, accordingly, sensitive to its deficiency.

Naturally, the shrub needs the whole complex of macro- (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and microelements (most importance has magnesium, as well as sulfur, boron, calcium, iron, etc.)

Essential elements nutrition for raspberries are potassium and nitrogen, but we must not forget about phosphorus (especially after fruiting, although it is also necessary in the period before and after flowering, but in smaller quantities than potassium).

Due to the lack of phosphorus, the number of ovaries decreases, and therefore, the yield, as well as the sugar content in berries, decreases sharply (they simply cease to be sweet).

Nitrogen - is required for the active growth of shoots (stems) and leaves.

But! You can not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers and use them only before flowering, otherwise raspberries will drive shoots and foliage to the detriment of fruiting.

Potassium - is responsible for pouring berries, namely, it has a direct effect on its size (large fruit) and sweetness.

In addition, potassium tends to increase the immunity of the plant, which means that raspberries will be able to better resist various diseases.

Thus, spring feeding of raspberries, which should include the entire balanced set of macro- and micronutrients, is performed for normal growth and development of the plant, in particular, to increase its productivity (and not only in terms of quantity, but also large-fruitedness), improve the taste of berries.

When to fertilize raspberries in spring: optimal timing and scheme

Feeding raspberries in the spring follows a certain pattern, so it is extremely important to know when and at what time to fertilize. In this case, it is most convenient to rely on certain phases of plant development.

Many experienced gardeners adhere to the following scheme for feeding raspberries in spring and summer (after harvest) or in autumn, focusing on the phases of shrub development:

Note! It is not worth rushing with the first dressing. The roots of the plant still begin to absorb and assimilate fertilizers only when the soil temperature is not lower than + 5-10 degrees. Although many advise to apply fertilizer earlier, still in the snow, so that they are absorbed together into the soil when it (snow) melts.

  • The first feeding of raspberries is carried out in early spring when a positive temperature is established (the snow begins to actively descend or has already disappeared) and the shrub begins to wake up (buds begin to swell), that is, after you cut, loosen and weed the bushes from weeds.

At this point, the plant needs a lot of nitrogen to grow green mass. Ammonium nitrate or urea is your choice. Alternatively, you can, in principle, apply a complex fertilizer such as nitroammofoski.

  • Just before flowering (during the period budding).

In order for raspberries to gain weight - to be large and sweet, they need more potassium and phosphorus. That is why the composition of top dressing must necessarily include potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as a little nitrogen (but much less than during the first top dressing). You can still use NPK, but diammophoska is better. In this case, you can also use potassium humate.

  • During flowering and start fruiting.

  • After fruiting and harvesting (late summer-autumn).

The purpose of the last top dressing is for the raspberries to lay flower buds = prepare for the next harvest, and also strengthen before wintering, in other words, so that they do not freeze. Therefore, the shrub also requires potassium (as an option, and potassium sulfate or simply potassium monophosphate).

Video: a variant of the raspberry feeding scheme

How to properly fertilize raspberrieswhat types of dressings are there, their specificity

  • Raspberries planted last year do not need to be fertilized in the spring if a sufficient amount of nutrients = fertilizers was introduced into the soil during planting.

Feeding begins only after 2-3 years, because only by this time the plants will pull out of the soil all the nutrients introduced during their planting.

  • Before feeding raspberries, it is recommended to first shed the bushes with plain water, because. it is always necessary to fertilize on moist soil, especially with mineral fertilizers.

By the way! You can water the day before or 1-2 hours before applying liquid top dressing.

  • If during the root dressing you get on the leaves and fruits, then try to then rain (lightly rinse) with plain water.
  • Top dressing is desirable to produce in the morning or evening, but not at noon, when the sun is at its zenith, or you can choose a cloudy day.

Advice! Any granulated mineral fertilizer(especially ) better pre-dissolve in a separate container in hot water(possible in boiling water), since the granules tend to dissolve in cold water pretty bad and slow.

Methods or types of feeding

Exists 2 ways or types of feeding any plant(including raspberries): root (watering under the root) and foliar (along the leaves). Let's look at each of them in more detail.

As a rule, exactly spring basic root top dressing(more often in liquid form, but it is also possible in dry form - scatter the granules and cover them with earth. Further, the fertilizers will gradually dissolve during irrigation or rain). And now in summer can be done and foliar top dressing(for leaves).

Root top dressing

Root top dressing involves the application of fertilizers directly under the raspberry bushes or at some distance from them.

For root dressings, as a rule, mineral fertilizers are used with macronutrients, as well as organics.

Foliar top dressing

Fertilize raspberries in the spring for abundant fruiting = you can harvest not only under the root, but also along the leaves.

Note! It is believed that foliar top dressing is most effective when the plant especially needs certain trace elements (which is manifested in its appearance), in other words, they are carried out as needed.

Thus, foliar top dressing, as a rule, is carried out with the help of fertilizers, which include trace elements.

Obviously! Foliar dressings cannot completely replace root dressings. Therefore, the root ones are the main top dressings, and the foliar ones are additional (if necessary).

How to feed raspberries in spring for a good harvest: options for effective spring fertilizers

Naturally, before buying and fertilizing, you need to figure out what (what fertilizers) you can and better feed raspberries in the spring.

As with many other crops, both mineral and organic fertilizers can be used to feed raspberries.

Note! Do not apply potassium chloride and phosphorus fertilizers under raspberries(for example, potassium chloride, potassium salt and diammophos). Such top dressing can provoke plant disease. chlorosis.

By the way! Almost all berries are very sensitive to an excess of chlorine, in particular red and white currants, strawberries (strawberries), grapes, and to a lesser extent black currants and gooseberries.

Nitrogen supplement

Remember! Applies only 1 time, early spring.

mineral nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Urea(Urea) - 46% nitrogen (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water or per 1 sq.m);

By the way! Many gardeners recommend feeding raspberries for the first time in early spring, even in the snow, with urea (urea).

  • Ammonium nitrate- 33% nitrogen (30-40 grams per 10 liters of water or per 1 sq.m);

organic nitrogen fertilizers:

  • chicken manure(as a rule, 1 to 20 with water, or you can simply sprinkle it in the trunk circle);

By the way! Please note that purchased poultry manure contains the entire complex of macronutrients, as well as some trace elements.

Video: feeding raspberries in spring with chicken manure

  • infusion cow dung or mullein(1 to 40);
  • green manure(that is, nettle infusion).

It is also very good to mulch the near-trunk circle compost or humus.

Complex mineral supplement

It is very convenient to use complex mineral fertilizers, which have all the macronutrients.

So, raspberries in the spring (before flowering) can be fed with the following complete mineral fertilizers:

  • Nitroammophoska(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - all 16% each). Prepare the solution at the rate of 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

  • diammofoska- 10% nitrogen, 26% phosphorus and potassium (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water).

Note! The composition of these fertilizers does not include any trace elements, and it is very desirable to make them. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add humates to the solutions, which are described in more detail later in the last paragraph.

Mineral and organic potassium-phosphorus top dressing

Suitable for top dressing before and after flowering, as well as in autumn.


  • Superphosphate- nitrogen 6-9%, phosphorus - 26-30% (20-30 grams).

  • potassium sulfate(potassium sulfate) - 46-52% potassium (30-40 grams).

Everything (superphosphate and potassium sulfate) dissolve and mix in 10 liters of water, and then pour 5 liters of solution under each bush.

Video: feeding raspberries in spring with superphosphate and potassium sulfate

By the way!Instead of potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate), you can usepotassium nitrate(Nitrogen -13.6, Potassium 46%).

Also very convenient to use potassium magnesia, which, in addition to potassium (32%), includes such an important trace element as magnesium (12%).

Organic potassium-phosphorus top dressing

If you supporter of organic farming, then you can as potassium supplement use by preparing the following solution (or even better infusion extract): 100-200 grams of ash per 10 liters of water, and then pour 5 liters under each bush.

Concerning phosphorus, then it is present in the same bone or fish meal (100-200 grams per 1 sq.m).

Video: phosphorus fertilizer for shrubs (bone meal)

Fast digesting phosphorus supplement

Suitable for feeding before and after flowering (during fruiting).

To make an easily digestible infusion for spring feeding of raspberries, you need:

Take potassium monophosphate, dissolve in water and feed. However, it is not always possible to find it in the store, and it costs a lot.

Therefore, you can prepare it from superphosphate (preferably double):

  • 1 kg double superphosphate pour 5 liters of boiling water;
  • after the water has cooled, add 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar;

Acidifying the water will help convert calcium phosphate to a more soluble form.

  • Let it brew for 12-24 hours, shaking and stirring occasionally.
  • Add another 5 liters of water, bringing the total volume to 10 liters.
  • Then dilute 1 liter of superphosphate received infusion with 10 liters of water (1 to 10).
  • Carry out feeding.

Advice! The remaining phosphorus sediment can be dug up under fruit trees.

Autumn potassium-phosphorus top dressing (after harvest)

An excellent option for feeding raspberries after fruiting and harvesting (that is, at the end of summer - closer to autumn) can be the following combinations of mineral and organic fertilizers.

First option:

  • Superphosphate- nitrogen 6-9%, phosphorus - 26-30% (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water).

  • potassium sulfate(potassium sulfate) - 46-52% potassium (15-20 grams per 10 liters.

Second option:

  • Nitroammophoska- 2 tbsp. spoons (25-30 grams).
  • - 1 cup (100-200 grams).

Third option:

  • diammofoska- 10% nitrogen, 26% phosphorus and potassium (20-30 grams).

Fourth option:

  • Potassium monophosphate(Phosphorus - 50%, potassium - 33%) - 15-20 grams;

You dissolve everything, mix it in 10 liters of water and pour 5 liters of solution under each bush.

Ready-made fertilizers for raspberries

If you don’t want to bother (you are a “lazy” summer resident), then you can buy one of the special complex fertilizers for raspberries (berry bushes), which already has all the macro- and microelements (apply and dilute everything according to the instructions on the packages):

  • Gumi Omi "Berry" for raspberries, strawberries ( garden strawberries), currants and other berry bushes (based on chicken manure).

  • Specialized fertilizers are especially popular prolonged action(granular, it is desirable to make them dry in the holes according to the diameter of the bushes, and then water them). For example, " berry bushes» from Fusco.

  • and others.

Fertilizers with humates and trace elements

very good to use humates, which contribute to better absorption of mineral fertilizers. Therefore, you can first prepare a solution of humate (for example, Humate Potassium), and then add a complex mineral fertilizer to it, for example, the same Nitroammophoska.

By the way! Now humates are initially added to some complex mineral fertilizers. For example, " Fortress" from Fusco with humates and trace elements.

In general, it is very convenient to use for feeding raspberries. ready-made cocktails of the most important trace elements type Humate +7 Iodine.

Folk remedies

Among folk remedies yeast is very popular for feeding raspberries.

This top dressing is best done before flowering.

  • 100 g of fresh yeast (or 30-35 grams of dry, i.e. 1 to 3 ratio) and 100 grams of sugar are dissolved in 5 liters warm water and insist for 1-3 days (to start the fermentation process), while not forgetting to stir occasionally. Then the resulting mother liquor is diluted 1 to 10 with water, poured into a watering can and watered abundantly (pouring about 5 liters) each plant.

Important! The introduction of yeast into the soil negates the presence of potassium in the soil (dissolves it), so after about a week, add a potassium supplement, for example, feed or potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate).

Video: feeding raspberries with yeast

Video: ammonia- super means to increase the yield of raspberries

Powerful raspberry bushes strewn with large fragrant berries are the dream of every gardener. One of the most important conditions for its implementation is the timely application of fertilizers. Therefore, gardeners do not stop worrying about how to feed raspberries in autumn and spring, in summer during flowering and after fruiting, in order to have abundant fruit-bearing plants on the site.

Drought and stagnant moisture are detrimental to raspberries

Like most cultivated plants, garden raspberries need regular feeding. Even if the fertilizer was applied in full before planting on the site reserved for raspberries, over time the supply of nutrients will be depleted. This is due to 2 factors:

  1. Raspberry roots draw essential nutrients from the soil.
  2. Abundant summer rains wash out micro and macro elements from the upper fertile layer, and the bush, deprived of food, begins to starve.

In search of an answer to the question of what raspberries lack, gardeners are also faced with a different situation - a long absence of precipitation. The lack of moisture prevents the shoots from receiving the necessary nutrition, as a result, the bushes begin to suffer. Detrimental to the fruit crop and moisture stagnation, which impairs aeration.

Plants need additional feeding for other reasons:

  • a harsh winter damaged the shoots;
  • an overabundance of certain trace elements arose in the soil;
  • raspberries suffered during the drought.

Most affordable way identifying an excess or lack of nutrients - a careful examination of the plant. There is the following relationship between visual changes and nutrition of raspberry bushes:

In practice, summer residents often observe a lack of 2-3 components. With a simultaneous lack of phosphorus and potassium, the buds slowly open, the shoots grow for a long time. With a minimum amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, the foliage acquires a light green color and becomes rigid. If there is a lack of all 3 components, the raspberries weaken, bear fruit poorly, and freeze in winter.

How much seasonal top dressing is required for ordinary and remontant varieties?

Mandatory fertilization of raspberry bushes is carried out twice per season.

  1. In the spring, at the end of April, when the buds begin to swell, or in early May, when the leaves appear.
  2. In August, after fruiting, or during the preparation of the garden for wintering in September. Fertilizing during this period stimulates bud formation for the new season.

If the raspberry is located on loamy or sandy soil, or the bushes are not powerful enough, it is recommended to carry out additional feeding in early June, during the period of intensive growth of shoots and ovaries. This measure is aimed at obtaining a significant yield from the bushes. The scheme of seasonal feeding of raspberries in different regions shown in the table.

Due to the almost continuous fruiting, raspberries are fed more often and more abundantly. remontant varieties, namely:

  • for the first time, the soil under the plant is fertilized in early spring before the snow melts (at the end of March or at the beginning of April);
  • the second top dressing is organized in May, during the blooming of the leaves;
  • the next portion of fertilizers is applied in the summer, during the fruiting period;
  • they finish fertilizing in the fall to prepare raspberry bushes for wintering.

In spring and early summer, organic and mineral fertilizers with a high percentage of nitrogen are favorable for active growth. They are especially effective at short-term drops in temperature.

Spring dressing of raspberry bushes

To get a good harvest, it is most important to feed raspberries in the spring. If remontant varieties are located on the site, the first portion of fertilizers is applied before the final snowmelt, usually in the first half of April. Grooves or grooves are made around the shoots. In them in

The result of proper care

mullein infusion prepared in a ratio of 1:5 or chicken manure diluted 1:10 is poured. Organics can be replaced with ammonium nitrate and wood ash.

Fertilizers are not laid out directly on the snow cover. When it starts to melt, a significant part of the nutrients will be washed away with water.

It is better to feed ordinary raspberries in late April or early May, before the leaves appear. When upper layer the soil dries up, it is loosened to a depth of about 10 cm, trying not to touch the roots, then mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.

Wood ash as a source of potassium

In the first 2 years after planting, they are needed in the following quantity (per 1 m²):

  • 13-16 g of urea;
  • 6-8 kg of humus or peat in the form of mulch.

In the following years, the amount of fertilizer applied is changed. Gardeners prefer to use one of the following options:

  1. Take 7-8 g of urea (can be replaced by 10 g of ammonium nitrate) per 1 m² and 200 g of ash for each fertilized bush.
  2. For another option, wood ash (30 g), superphosphate (50 g) and ammonium nitrate (20 g) per 10 liters of water are suitable.
  3. Adherents of organic farming use an infusion of mullein or chicken manure, diluted 1:5 and 1:20, respectively, followed by mulching the soil with ash.

When the first leaves appear, the second dressing of remontant raspberry varieties is carried out. For her, use granulated ammonium sulfate (15 g for each shrub) or a solution of "Kemira" (1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water).

  • Is it possible to feed raspberry bushes during flowering?

The end of May is the time for the opening of flower buds on the shoots, so fertilizers are indispensable. Shallow grooves are dug around the plants, a solution is poured into them, which includes wood ash (3-4 tablespoons), 1 tbsp. urea and superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

What fertilizers are applied under raspberries in the summer before and after harvesting?

Summer feeding of raspberries is organized to increase the chances of getting a high yield or to restore vitality shoots after active fruiting.

In early June, when flowering continues and ovaries appear, raspberries are fertilized in one of the following ways:

For summer top dressing, complex fertilizers are suitable, for example, "Ideal" (3 tablespoons per bucket of water). Such a fertilizer mixed with potassium magnesia is also used to feed remontant raspberries during fruit ripening. This amount is enough for watering 5-6 seedlings.

With an unsatisfactory condition of the leaves and a small number of ovaries, the foliage is sprayed with a composition prepared from:

  • 5-10 g of manganese sulfate;
  • 1-2 g of copper sulfate;
  • 2-2.5 g of boric acid;
  • 2-3 g of ammonium molybdate;
  • 2-3 g of zinc sulfate;
  • 10 liters of water.

Raspberries can be fed in August, when the last fruits are harvested from most varieties. During this period, most summer residents carry out foliar feeding with "Crystal" or other complex fertilizer. After harvesting in raspberries, it’s a good idea to sow green manure, for example, leafy mustard. Before the onset of cold weather, it is cut, crushed, dug up together with the soil to a depth of 20 cm.

Video and feeding raspberries with ammonia.

Autumn top dressing of raspberries

So that next year the fruit perennial will please with a rich harvest, in September, after pruning the shoots and removing excess root shoots, they act in the following sequence:

The rest of the time, autumn feeding of raspberries is carried out with mineral fertilizers in one of the following combinations (per 1 m²):

  • 40-50 g of superphosphate granules and 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 50 g of superphosphate granules and 40 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 50 g of superphosphate granules and 30 g of potassium magnesia;
  • 40 g of superphosphate and 100 g of wood ash dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Nitrogen fertilizers, necessary in the spring, cannot be applied under raspberries in the fall. They will provoke unwanted growth of shoots, as a result, the plant will freeze out when frost occurs.

Fertilized plants are watered thoroughly so that the granules dissolve and the nutrients become available to the roots. At the base of the raspberry stems, peat is laid with a layer of at least 10 cm. It will not only prevent the soil from drying out, but will also help the plants survive the cold period better.

Video about preparing raspberries for winter.

As you can see, for enhanced growth and abundant fruiting, it is important not only to feed raspberries in autumn and spring, but also in summer.