Ammonia against ants. Ammonia in the fight against ants on the land

  • 03.03.2020

Many of us are familiar with ammonia from a medical point of view. But not everyone realizes that this drug can also be used in the garden. Recently, such an application has become very popular, since its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. Many summer residents are beginning to wonder how to properly use this drug so as not to harm the plants, but, on the contrary, to have a beneficial effect on them.

Benefits of using

In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed with plants every few days. But if the slugs are already wound up, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. The pests should leave your garden soon.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia

Ammonia has already become a truly universal garden fertilizer, and the benefits of its use are beyond doubt. Unlike other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is completely harmless to both humans and pets. At the same time, ammonia is overnight both a fertilizer and a means of pest control.

However, this drug also has negative sides. For example, when oversaturated with it, problems with plant growth may arise. In this regard, it is not recommended to feed more than once a week. If ammonia is used for treatment, then solutions of low concentration should be prepared, and gradually increase it over time. Otherwise, instead of the expected miracle, you can get the opposite effect, and your garden culture will not bring you the joy that you so expected from her.

Every year, gardeners and gardeners make a lot of efforts to cultivate good harvest. However, all efforts will be in vain if garden plot ants spawned.

They damage the plant:

  • foliage;
  • fruit;
  • root system.

Regular use of insecticides is fraught with soil poisoning. A reliable tool in the battle with garden ants is ammonia. He releases on long time from annoying guests.

Ammonia- an aqueous solution of ammonia. Colorless liquid has a pronounced specific aroma. It is released without a prescription in the pharmacy chain. It is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in summer cottages as a cheap nitrogen fertilizer and pest control.

Ants in the garden: how they harm

Ants in the garden

Ants reproduce at a rapid pace. Ant colonies cover a huge area. Their nests are not visible, which makes it difficult for insects to resist. At the head of the colony is the queen, whose clutches reach thousands of eggs. Worker ants try to feed her and numerous larvae.

Because of their indifference to sweets, ants threaten supplies in the country and the harvest of berries and more. To get building materials, insects make moves in wooden buildings.

To get rid of insects in open and protected ground, apply:

  • boric acid;
  • Fufanon;
  • Muracid;
  • Ant.

The drug "Ant"

Insects penetrate easily into all parts of the infield.

This invasion has a negative effect on crop yields:

  • digging underground passages causes damage to the roots, first of all, in young seedlings;
  • omnivorous ants lead to eating adult crops and seedlings;
  • when extracting nectar, they harm the buds of flowers and their full disclosure;
  • fruit fruits, for example, apricots, plums, which are damaged by insects, become unusable, they cannot be eaten and stored;
  • the tunnels that ants make in wood cause it to rot and open access for other harmful insects.

Ammonia (ammonia)

The principle of the drug

It is important to know how to deal with ants in the garden with ammonia.

Ammonia is a productive tool in the fight against other pests:

  • bear and wireworm;
  • carrot and onion fly;
  • secretive proboscis.

Important! To prepare the solution, just fit filtered and boiled water. It will allow you to avoid a side chemical reaction. Ammonia must not be mixed with chlorine. Work with ammonia in a room that is well ventilated, and using personal protective equipment.

Product Benefits

The main advantages of ammonia, which determine the growing demand:

The effect of ammonia on ants

Ammonia (10%), which is in the home first aid kit, will remove ants from the infield.

Popular Methods

Watering the anthill

It is more correct to force insects to leave their habitat with ammonia:

  1. A solution is prepared, which consists of 5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. Dense material is impregnated with ammonia: 1000 ml of water is required per 100 ml. Cover the anthill carefully. For reliability, a layer of earth is removed from above and polyethylene is placed. Ammonia ambre repels harmful insects.

Special processing of crops

Ammonia is sprayed and watered plantings. In a bucket of liquid, dilute 10 ml of ammonia. The mixture is applied to the place of watering garden plantings under the root. She is a nitrogen fertilizer. For spraying seedlings, sugar is introduced into the composition in the amount of 3-4 tablespoons. Mix thoroughly and spray diseased cultures. The destruction of aphids leads to the elimination of ants.

Ways to use ammonia

The use of ammonia in the garden provokes a feeling of an unpleasant ammonia smell, but after a few minutes it will completely disappear. Insects will remember the scent for a long time.

Ammonium chloride includes up to 82% of nitrogen molecules of the total mass, which are suitable for fertilizing the soil. The yellowness of the foliage and the wilting of the plantations indicate a nitrogen deficiency.

Folk recipes with ammonia

A distinctive feature of ammonia in the breeding of ants and aphids is the possibility of use throughout the growing season: from the appearance of sprouts to ripening and after harvesting. It is useful to mix shampoo, tar or laundry soap into ammonia to give sticky properties and increase product productivity.

On a note! To combat ants and aphids in the garden, 50 ml of the product, 10 liters of water and 10-15 ml of liquid laundry soap are combined with ammonia. Treat affected cultures.

Attention! Treatment of aphid cultures with ammonia is required for at least 10 days, a two-day break is required between procedures.

Prevention measures

To prevent pests in the country, hygiene rules are followed:

  • storage of sweets, chopped fruits, meat products, drinks in containers that are hermetically sealed;
  • timely remove the leftover food from the table and wash the dishes;
  • throw away rubbish.

Prevention measures

Repellent aromas are used against pests on the site. Cultures are watered twice a month, adding ammonia (a tablespoon).

Ammonium chloride is used for preventive spraying in the spring of a site from aphids. Before the operation, micro-remains of organic matter from the previous year are painstakingly removed: grass, fallen leaves, branches. Garbage is a potential habitat for aphid larvae. Biowaste must be burned. Preventive spraying is carried out three times.

Use manual methods:

  • Dusting of ant paths with tobacco dust. Ants cannot stand the smell of tobacco;
  • Citrus. Fresh lemon peel and citron aroma repel harmful insects;
  • Garlic. Garlic arrows are laid out on the beds. This is a proven remedy for the treatment of phytodiseases and pest control;
  • Wormwood, mint, tansy. Planting herbs in the country and cutting for layout under trees, bushes - protection from insects and mice;
  • Boiling water. Pour into minks. Prepare a couple of buckets of water. The procedure is carried out when the sun sets, and all the inhabitants of the anthill are at home;
  • Balls with boric acid. Boil 3 eggs and potatoes. Peel, mash the yolk with potatoes and mix in 20 g of sugar, vegetable oil together with boric acid. Balls are formed from the mixture and laid out in places where pests are concentrated.

Folk ways to deal with ants

All gardeners want to protect their summer cottage from adversity. Solve this problem ammonia from ants in the garden.

Ammonia is not harmful environment, not dangerous for crops, birds, water reservoirs, beneficial insects, does not accumulate in fruits and soil like nitrate. According to gardeners, it refers to productive, simple and inexpensive methods of dealing with ants.

We used to count ants beneficial insects. However, this is not entirely true. Ants that have chosen a house or a garden as their home are quite a tangible problem. To combat ants in this case, it is recommended to use ammonia, which will permanently repel insects from your possessions.

Ammonia is a solution of ammonia, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. This tool is desirable to have in any home first aid kit. In addition to medical purposes, it is used to control various insects and as an inexpensive nitrogen fertilizer.

Harm caused by ants in the garden

Ants can reproduce very quickly. These insects can quickly occupy a large area. At the same time, their nests are usually not in plain sight, which makes them difficult to detect. The basis of any colony of ants is the uterus, which is capable of giving life to thousands of ants. Worker ants must provide food for the queen and growing larvae.

Ants are big lovers of sweets, so they are happy to feast on the harvest of sweet berries and food supplies in the country or at home. Insects are able to penetrate absolutely any part of your garden, because there are almost no barriers for them. can cause damage to plants, reduce their productivity. Building their passages underground, ants can damage the roots of plants, especially young seedlings and seedlings. In addition, young leaves and sweet fruits can suffer from ants.

(reklama) Sweet or other fruits attract the attention of ants. After the fruit is damaged by ants, it will become unsuitable for storage. In addition to the harm listed, ants also damage tree trunks by gnawing their passages. The wood becomes rotten and more accessible to other pests.

Getting rid of ants with ammonia

Ammonia will help to cope with the invasion of ants in the garden. An aqueous solution of ammonia helps to cope with harmful insects, while not harming either humans or plants. It is important to know that concentrated ammonia can cause burns to the mucous membranes and skin, and ammonia vapor can harm the lungs. In addition, it must be borne in mind that ammonia should not be mixed with chlorine. Work with ammonia is carried out either on the street or in a well-ventilated area. An aqueous solution of ammonia will also help against insect bites. To do this, the bite site must be lubricated with an aqueous solution of ammonia (take 1 to 3).

For you need to find their anthill. Some dig up the anthill and move it outside the garden. But we must understand that this is not the easiest thing, and with a high degree of probability the ants will return back. Therefore, we must try to force the insects themselves to leave their home. To do this, it is recommended to pour an anthill and those places where their tunnels pass with an aqueous solution of ammonia. To combat ants, prepare the following solution: take a couple of tablespoons of ammonia and five liters of water.

You can also use another method. It is necessary to take a cloth that can absorb liquid well, moisten it well with a solution and place it on an anthill. A thick cloth or polyethylene should be placed on top of the fabric so that the ammonia vapor does not evaporate very quickly. The smell of ammonia will scare away insects and force them to leave the home.

You can treat plants from ants with a solution of ammonia. To prepare the mixture, take 10 ml of ammonia per ten liters of water. This solution can be watered plants under the root. In addition to pest control, this method will also become nitrogen fertilizing for the plant at the same time. If you spray the plant, then in the above composition you will need to add another three to four tablespoons of granulated sugar, dissolve them and then spray the affected plants with the mixture.

Very often they use ammonia from ants in the garden. This drug allows not only to get rid of pests, but also makes it possible to feed the plants growing in the country.

Ammonia - a little chemistry

Ammonia is one of the most important products chemical industry, it finds application in various fields of human activity. It is also used to obtain ammonia. The fundamental difference between these products is that ammonia is a gaseous substance that liquefies at -33°C. Ammonia gas or "alkaline air" was obtained in 1774 by the English scientist J. Priestley. The chemical composition of the new substance was determined in 1785, at the same time it got its name.

There are several theories as to where this name came from. One of them is associated with the name of the ancient Egyptian god Amun. Believers during ritual ceremonies sniffed ammonia - a white crystalline substance that releases ammonia when heated. The second version is the existence of the Ammon oasis in North Africa, located at the intersection of busy caravan routes. Permanent residence in its territory a large number pack animals led to the accumulation of their waste products. Urea under the influence of high temperature emits a sharp ammonia smell.

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia, more specifically ammonium hydroxide. By appearance It is a colorless transparent liquid with a pungent odor.

On a note!

In addition to its medical purpose, the tool is often used by summer residents while working in the garden. This is due to the fact that plants need nitrogen to actively build up green mass, set buds and form fruits. In ammonia, its mass reaches 82% of the total composition of the drug.

A high concentration of an alcohol solution, low price and cost-effectiveness of use are the factors that explain the high demand for a pharmacy product, which is confirmed by consumer reviews.


The use of ammonia and its derivatives as a fertilizer is not all of the useful uses of the chemical. You can get rid of with the help of ammonia from various pests that surround a person in everyday life and cause him concern.


Home and garden are quite often found in the garden, in the greenhouse, at home. With the help of ammonia, pests can be easily eliminated. The advantage of this effective method is its complete safety for humans. Ants have, therefore, having noticed at least one "scout", you should immediately start fighting them.

Insects are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. They are able to destroy the harvest of berry and fruit crops, damage the roots and foliage of young plants, and get to the food available in the apartment. Pests in search of "building materials" gnaw through wooden structures and trunks garden trees, after which they become rotten and become unusable.

On a note!

Ammonia in the garden helps to get rid of pests of green spaces, such as. The main role in this process is played by a sharp specific smell, which repels the "lovers" of the crop and flowers. It is necessary to fight pests competently, otherwise it will very quickly restore the number of insects in the chosen area.


The appearance of an insect at home or in the garden threatens the viability of green spaces. Aphids can penetrate into a human dwelling with beautiful bouquet. Pest control is necessary in all conditions, since one female is capable of producing approximately 100 larvae. If you do not take action in time, then in a short period of time the voracious aphid will destroy your loved ones. houseplants. A similar problem will affect cultural plantings in the country house and garden. Moving in whole colonies, pests leave lifeless plants behind. In this case, ammonia from ants and aphids will become an indispensable and effective remedy.

Secreted by aphids in a sweet secret called honeydew. Therefore, they protect pest populations and contribute to their reproduction. This "care" allows you to increase the amount of food. The symbiosis of insects is manifested in the fact that with the onset of the first cold weather, the ants transfer the aphids to the anthill, and in the spring they return to the young shoots.

This fact indicates that the garden follows simultaneously with the destruction of aphids, thereby depriving the first food sources.

Pest control in the garden and at home

Get rid of garden ants and aphids will help people's councils. You can eliminate and prevent the appearance of harmful insects using the following recipes that are safe for humans and the environment:

  1. Ammonia against ants in the garden. You should take 1 liter of water and dilute 100 ml of the drug in it. The prepared solution must be poured over the entire anthill. Before processing it is desirable to remove upper layer structures or dig it with a shovel to get as close as possible to the lair of the uterus.

    On a note!

    The working solution is prepared only on filtered or boiled water. This will prevent chemical reaction ammonia and possible impurities.

  2. In order for insects to leave their lair at their summer cottage, it is necessary to take a cloth and soak it with a pharmaceutical preparation. Lay the canvas on, and cover with polyethylene on top, then the ammonia against the ants will not evaporate quickly. An unbearable smell will force insects to leave a dangerous place.
  3. To treat plants from aphids, you can use a composition prepared from 8 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Infuse the liquid for 30 minutes and spray the plants with it. Such a low concentration of ammonia will not harm the plantation, but will destroy the aphids.
  4. To prevent infection, ammonia from ants and aphids is used as follows: 10 liters of water are combined with 10 ml of ammonia solution. Once a week, trees and vegetation in the garden are treated with this composition. Watering crops should be strictly under the root. This will not only scare away pests, but will also become a good nitrogen fertilizer for garden and horticultural plantings growing on the beds.

During processing and after it, the smell of ammonia will remain for some time. The aroma will disappear, and the effect achieved in the fight against ants and aphids will remain for a long period.

To do this, it is necessary to dilute a pharmacy bottle of ammonia in a liter of water. The resulting solution processes all kitchen surfaces and objects inside and out. The strong smell will dissipate within half an hour, but the ants will feel it for a very long time. This disinfection should be carried out at the first sign of the appearance of insects in the room.

The use of ammonia solution from pests and ants is an effective, simple and low-cost method. This is confirmed by the information that people share on the Internet.

Some summer residents resort to the help of insecticidal preparations, while others use ammonia for such purposes. ammonia as one of folk methods acceptable for the price, and very effective in terms of the effect on the ants. In his arsenal, all the necessary characteristics that can destroy ants and other pests.

What harm do ants do to plants?

Interestingly, the biggest danger comes not even from ants, but from aphids, which they use for food. Insects feed on the sweet secret that aphids secrete, so they protect it, promote its reproduction, which allows them to increase the amount of food (after all, the population is constantly increasing).

The symbiosis of aphids and ants even goes so far that in the fall, when the first cold weather sets in, the insects take it to the anthill, place it on the roots of plants, and in the spring they take it back to the foliage.

Symbiosis of two species of insects

Deciding to enter into an active fight with ants, the first thing to do is get rid of aphids, thereby depriving them of a food source for insects. After that, black ants, as a rule, leave the site themselves, and it is easy to deal with the remains, using, among other things, ammonia in the garden and professional insecticides.

Some experts believe that the fight should be reversed - first you need to remove the ants, and the aphids themselves will disappear. In practice, neither one nor the other species will completely disappear on their own, so you need to systematically destroy both species in order to save your site.

You can deal with black and red ants in safe ways

In search of a solution to such a problematic situation, you can resort to the help folk remedies. Ammonia from ants is also an excellent fertilizer for plants, which can be used almost without restrictions. But what to poison the ants on the site, you will learn a little later.

VIDEO: Hellish mixture against diseases and pests in the garden and vegetable garden

How to get rid of insects with ammonia

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia) with a very pungent odor. Ammonia is used not only to bring a person to consciousness, but also to provoke vomiting, as a disinfectant for washing hands, to anesthetize the site of an insect bite, etc.

Ammonia is used in everyday life and medicine

But in everyday life, such a tool is very useful, in particular, ammonia is useful in the garden, for suburban area and even in a house where there is winter Garden and where aphids and ants settled.

You can eliminate the ubiquitous harmful insects using the following recipes:

  1. The easiest way to use ammonia in the garden. We take 1 liter of water and half a glass of ammonia. Thoroughly mix these two components. Pour the entire anthill with the finished liquid. Before adding the ammonia solution, experts strongly recommend removing the top layer of the anthill (at least 50 mm). Our task is to get to the oviposition and uterus of the ants. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly and effectively carry out pest control.

It is necessary to dilute ammonia only in boiled or filtered water. This will avoid the reaction of ammonia to all kinds of impurities, which, in turn, will reduce its effectiveness.

  1. Preparation of a solution for treating the plant itself in order to eliminate aphids. To do this, combine 8 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Pour the working fluid into a spray bottle and irrigate a plant or tree damaged by aphids. The solution infusion time is 20-30 minutes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve uniform distribution of the active substance in the total water mass. Do not be afraid that ammonia water will harm your plant. Such an insignificant dosage of ammonia acts for plants even more like a fertilizer.
  2. Ammonia against ants can also be used for prevention. Once a week, treat trees and vegetation in the garden with a solution at the rate of 10 ml of ammonia per 10 liters pure water. Plants are watered directly under the rhizome.

After and during the application of this remedy, a distinct ammonia "ambre" will be felt. But it won't last that long. After a few minutes, the “aroma” will disappear, but the effect will persist for a long time.

Where could I buy?

You can buy ammonia both in the pharmacy kiosk and in specialized stores where goods for pest control are sold. Depending on the quality, there are a lot of varieties of this drug. In addition, the country of origin also influences the pricing policy.

On average, the price of ammonia tincture is 20 rubles. There are, of course, samples for 14 rubles, as well as for 30 rubles. When choosing such a product, it is necessary to look at the concentration of the active substance. This will organize proper cooking working solution for disinfection.

Another use of ammonia

If after disinsection you still have such an anti-ant remedy, then you can find another use for it:

  1. To protect yourself from attacks of mosquitoes and midges, you need to treat the space next to you with a light solution of ammonia, using a spray bottle for this. And not a single midge, not a single mosquito "dares" to fly up to a place treated in this way.

Ammonia also copes with mosquitoes "excellently"

  1. Ammonia is used not only in the garden, but also in the house. After washing the windows, wipe them with ammonia tincture. This will facilitate their subsequent cleaning from contamination. Moreover, thanks to such actions, it will be possible to create a kind of film on the windows, which will prevent dust from settling on the glass.
  2. A mixture of ammonia and glycerin (in equal proportions) is an excellent remedy for cracked and dry soles of the feet. If you rub the sole every day in the morning and in the evening with a glycerin-ammonia solution, then it will very soon become smooth and soft.
  3. Use ammonia when washing linen, cotton and woolen items. If before washing, soak things in water with the addition of 5 tbsp. l. ammonia solution, then it will be possible to clean them of old stains. Also, using this drug, you can bleach darkened things.

What is ammonia good for plants

Most often, it is recommended to use for plants, since ammonia contains nitrogen molecules that the soil needs. The lack of nitrogen fertilizer leads to blanching of the deciduous seedling system, its yellowing and wilting.

If you use such a tool in the garden, you can enrich the soil with the necessary nitrogen minerals without using other fertilizer preparations for this.

Ammonium chloride is practiced as a fertilizer not only when the first signs of nitrogen deficiency appear, but also as a preventive measure.

Knowing how to use ammonia, you can not only protect your land from the attacks of harmful insects, but also make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil, providing plants with good nutrition.

VIDEO: Ammonia from pests. Recipes