Equipment cleaning. Food industry Means for chemical cleaning of metal-cutting equipment

  • 04.03.2020

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Where is the washing of technological equipment used?

Cleaning of equipment with ultra-high pressure is carried out in the range from 150 bar to 1500 bar (power from 3 to 55 kW).

  • At the enterprises of the energy industry and mechanical engineering. Boilers, machine tools, equipment, tools are cleaned without surface damage;
  • In chemical production (factories for the production of paint, plastic, rubber and other products). Used to clean equipment from chemical synthesis products, oil pollution and other deposits;
  • At the enterprises and organizations of the food industry. It is used to clean tanks from scale, soot, rust;
  • Metallurgical and oil refining industries. Ultra-high pressure flushing technology is used to flush tanks and other tanks from oil products: oil, fuel oil, etc.

Benefits of cleaning equipment with us

  1. Ecological cleanliness of the process. All work is carried out using safe environment funds.
  2. Complete safety for others. You do not have to stop production for a long time.
  3. The absence of a large amount of waste and, as a result, problems with their disposal.
  4. Efficiency combined with an acceptable cost of work.

Many years of experience in washing boilers, heat exchangers, pipelines, containers and reservoirs of any type, qualified personnel and reasonable prices will allow you to do right choice. Call and order professional equipment cleaning. Our experts will answer all your questions and select the best solution for any problem.

Regular cleaning of interior and exterior surfaces industrial equipment allows you to effectively control the functional state, reduce the risk of premature equipment failure, eliminate malfunctions and accidents.

To ensure an efficient and uninterrupted production process, our company produces:

  • Cleaning of industrial equipment, cleaning of presses, cleaning of conveyors, robotic lines, cleaning of machine tools, cleaning of metal structures, painting lines, etc.;
  • Internal cleaning of industrial equipment during its installation, repair work;
  • Preparation of metal structures and equipment for painting.

Depending on the specifics of the production process, the nature of pollution and the type of equipment, the specialists of the group of companies develop and implement innovative technologies cleaning, adequately meeting the conditions at the Customer's enterprise.

Regular cleaning of the internal and external surfaces of industrial equipment makes it possible to ensure its performance at the level of design parameters, effectively control the functional state, reduce the risk of premature equipment failure, and eliminate malfunctions and accidents. Otherwise, the equipment will operate with a low coefficient useful action, and its productivity will be reduced, and the quality of the final product will drop.

To ensure an efficient and uninterrupted production process, our company produces:

External cleaning of industrial equipment: spray booths, presses, machine tools, welding stations, conveyors, robotic, automatic lines, conveyor systems, ventilation units, lifting equipment, containers, tanks, metal structures, air ducts, pipelines, bus ducts, drain pits, transport skids, floor gratings, technological equipment.

Internal cleaning of industrial equipment during its installation or repair work: painting equipment, heat exchangers, cooling systems, furnaces, boilers, tanks, tanks, electroplating baths, fire hazardous air ducts, technological pipelines, stamps, molds.

Our company applies methods:

Hydrodynamic cleaning– using high-pressure apparatus from 200 to 2000 bar. Water under high pressure destroys most solid deposits. This method allows cleaning of paintwork, rust, polymer, polyurethane or epoxy coating, rubber, hardened concrete residues, bitumen, glue, tar, plastic and other deposits. Advantages: does not have an abrasive effect on the surface to be cleaned, several times reduces the complexity of cleaning in comparison with other methods (saving the time allotted for cleaning), allows cleaning hard-to-reach places. A variety of devices and accessories provides the optimal solution for a specific cleaning task.

Cleaning by cryogenic blasting- with the help of dry ice pellets at a pressure of 8-10 bar. Cleaning of strong oil pollution, soot, coatings, glue rust, resin. Advantage: environmentally friendly safe method. As a result of cleaning, a dry residue of cleaned contaminants is formed, which significantly reduces the cost of waste disposal. Has no harmful effect on the surface to be cleaned. Usability this method where it is impossible or ineffective to use manual, wet, chemical or mechanical cleaning.

Chemical cleaning- using chemicals. Cleaning of paint and varnish coatings, scale, rust, soot, glue, resin, hydrocarbons. Advantage: high degree of cleaning quality internal surfaces and hidden cavities. Complex contaminants of various nature. Chemical cleaning can be done by applying to local surfaces, or by full immersion

Pyrolysis cleaning- with the help of furnaces by heating units, parts of mechanisms in high temperature regime up to 450 degrees, depending on the cleaning technology selected by specialists. Allows you to clean organic contaminants from metal surfaces. The main consumers of the service are industries working with paints, plastics and rubber. Benefits: Removal of solid dirt inside and out at the same time. Reducing the cleaning time by 2 times. Waste disposal costs are minimized as much as possible. Thermal cleaning without negative consequences, such as deformation and changes in the physical properties of the object. Possibility to simultaneously clean a large number of products.

Order cleaning Request a call

Industrial plants have to solve numerous and sometimes very specific tasks of cleaning equipment, parts, molds, paths and storage areas both indoors and outdoors. outdoors. Each of these tasks is difficult in itself, and even more difficult is the integration of all cleaning processes into a well-functioning system that ensures maximum efficiency and economy. The creation of such a system requires a lot of experience and a lot of special knowledge. As a leading player in the global cleaning market, we have over 80 years of experience in the field to offer you unique system solutions that provide whole line compelling benefits.

Increase the profitability of your enterprise and the quality of your products through an intelligent approach to all cleaning work! At the same time, our innovative cleaning technologies provide you with optimal care for all production equipment.

Using our problem-based solutions ensures that industry standards for sanitation and safety are reliably met and allows you to perform cleaning tasks even in areas with particularly difficult conditions, such as equipment-filled rooms, explosive or high-temperature areas. In addition, it contributes to a significant reduction in downtime.

And especially stubborn dirt and deposits are easily dealt with by our ultra-high pressure cleaners: a powerful jet of water removes dirt, old paintwork and even hardened concrete traces from any surfaces that can be treated.

Breaks in work are necessary - but only those that are planned in advance. Therefore, we offer you harvesting technology that can be integrated into technological processes and operated without stopping production, and with minimal cost time and effort to prepare and re-equip.

You have to solve a lot of complex production problems. Therefore, you will be pleased with the ease of handling of our harvesting technology - even with machines designed for special tasks. Disposing of dirt after cleaning will not be a problem either: we offer efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for treating wastewater contaminated with industrial waste.

Cleaning industrial equipment - tips and tricks.

At any industrial enterprise, there is a need to clean industrial equipment from contaminants that form on its parts during operation. Cleaning of industrial equipment can be carried out different ways, and each head of the enterprise chooses the most suitable one in terms of efficiency, labor input and cost.

Mechanical cleaning options

Contaminants that require mandatory cleaning are the remnants of old grease, process dust, carbon deposits, soot, and much more, which are possible at food industry enterprises. The presence of such contaminants often hinders the efficient operation of equipment. Cleaning of industrial equipment may also be required during repairs, but in this case, complications such as rust, corrosion and residues of old coatings are added - all this must be removed before the restoration of the protective coating layer is carried out.

The mechanical method is a classic option and can be performed both manually and using a specialized power tool, which greatly speeds up the process. The faster the cleaning is done, the sooner the equipment will be back in service, which means downtime at the plant will be reduced - as well as the associated costs.

A variation of mechanical cleaning can be considered sandblasting, which is carried out using suitable abrasive materials(As the name of the method implies, sand is often used for it). The abrasive is applied to the surface to be treated by means of a sandblaster, physically removing contaminants. different kind. This is often more convenient than mechanical restoration, however, it can damage the surface of the equipment and leave a lot of scratches on it.

Modern chemical cleaning methods

The chemical industry suggests the use of industrial cleaners in order to put in order the components and parts to be cleaned. Such detergent, like MAZBIT TURBO, is universal, so it is suitable for all surfaces and most types of dirt. Oil pollution, soot and soot, grease and oil-fat residues - all this can be easily removed by applying the cleaner to the desired part, holding the time required for exposure and rinsing with warm water.

The advantages of modern compositions lie not only in their effectiveness, but also in the fact that they do not contain mercury, heavy metal compounds, acids and other harmful impurities, which means that they can also be used in the food industry. An additional advantage is the variety of applications: cleaning can be carried out both manually and using low or high pressure equipment.

Equipment operated in various industries, as well as special equipment, need regular cleaning. It is necessary for continuity technological process, ensuring the necessary performance and extending the life of the equipment.

Until recently, this problem was solved in several ways, depending on the specifics of production. For this, strong chemical solvents, sandblasting and hydrotreating were used.

Disadvantages of chemical treatment technologies

  1. toxicity of chemicals;
  2. toxicity of sand containing silicon dioxide and has long been banned for use in most developed countries;
  3. the need to collect and dispose of consumables after completion of work; the need to suspend production for a while technological service(cleaning);
  4. the need to protect certain parts of the equipment from the ingress of aggressive substances, sand or water;
  5. high costs time and labor resources;
  6. high cost of work performed.

Industrial equipment cleaning with soda blasting technology

The advanced technology of soda blasting solves the above problems with ease. It not only saves money and time for clients, but also provides an order of magnitude higher quality of work.

Soft blasting technology has become an ideal way to perform such types of work:

Removing the old layer of paint and dirt

Removal of old paint from equipment using a special abrasive Armex is carried out quickly, efficiently and at minimal cost. The basis of abrasive particles is sodium bicarbonate - simple soda, which is mixed with chalk. These natural, environmentally friendly components guarantee complete safety of work.

The composition of Armex is sprayed with special compact devices onto the surface to be cleaned. During the collision of the granules with the surface, they are destroyed with the simultaneous destruction of the surface layer of pollution.

Since the density of the abrasive is low, it removes only those substances that have the same or lower density, without damaging the surface being cleaned.

Blasting industrial equipment

Soft blasting has a number of advantages when cleaning equipment:

  1. no need to use harmful chemicals;
  2. cleaning is easy to carry out;
  3. the remains of abrasive granules are easily dissolved in water, which makes it possible to simply wash them off without additional cleaning and disposal of materials after cleaning;
  4. no additional preparatory work, for example, protection of equipment from abrasive ingress into mechanisms;
  5. you can clean chrome, nickel, galvanized and aluminum surfaces without fear of damaging them;
  6. allows cleaning engines and other parts of mechanisms without dismantling and disassembly;
  7. leftovers consumable do not accumulate inside the mechanisms, as they are easily removed with water;
  8. in case of unwanted dust formation, the abrasive can be used together with water;
  9. significantly reduces the time spent on cleaning and its cost.

Armex blasting technology

Due to its versatility and simplicity, the technology can be applied to any modern enterprise, ensuring the excellent condition of the equipment, saving time and money.