Plaza de España and the Trevi Fountain. Spanish steps and plaza spain in rome

  • 11.02.2022

Rome hotels near Plaza España

The Swiss is one of the most famous hotels in the area. It is located on Via Gregoriana, just between the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. The hotel has free Wi-Fi and is beautifully landscaped, making it suitable for families with children. The price includes breakfast. At the very top on the hill, there is a five-star "Hassler Rome" (hotel). Plaza de España is surrounded by other hotels - "Del Corso", "At the steps", "Inn" ... But hotels here are often very expensive, and they are preferred by wealthy American tourists. On the other hand, travelers recommend staying in this square because it is located in the heart of the city, and if you want to cover as many routes as possible in a short time, you should choose accommodation somewhere in the area. Of course, there are many expensive hotels here, but if you try, you can also find a budget hostel from the B&B series. You don’t have to expect luxury from such a hotel, but you practically don’t have to spend money on transport and you can wander the streets of night Rome as much as you like. Each of these hotels is located in an old house and imbued with an authentic Italian spirit. So, having lived in the Plaza de España, you will know the soul of the city. And you will feel its rhythm when you take a cup of coffee in the morning and watch the audience.

Why is Piazza di Spagna in Rome famous? What to see, what is interesting about the stairs and the fountain by Bernini. Other sights, photos and reviews.

One of the great squares of Rome - Plaza de España is best approached from Via del Corso. Via dei Condotti originates from here, the perspective of which is closed by a staircase going up the steep slope of Pincia hill. The decoration of the hill was the French church of Trinita dei Monti. Its two towers, crowned with hexagonal domes, and the obelisk transferred in 1789 by order of Pope Clement XII from the gardens of Sallust, stretch their peaks into the heavenly heights. This picturesque picture is completed by a fountain located at the foot of the stairs.

But before describing everything surrounding Plaza de España, I would like to say a few words about the history of this place.

Plaza de España - history

The square got its name thanks to the embassy, ​​which was located here in the 17th century. True, at that time only the southern part of it, which adjoined the embassy, ​​was called Plaza de España. The northern part was called the Place de France, because the embassy of this country was located here.

Plaza de España is unlike any other in the world and has a unique shape. Fashion designers call this form - a fitted silhouette. It narrows in the middle (at the waist) and then expands again. Apparently this is one of the reasons for the Couturier's love for the square, but more on that later.

Podium ladder

This place attracts not only tourists, the square is a favorite meeting place for young people. In the spring, a collection of flowers is exhibited on the 138 steps of the stairs of Spain. The travertine staircase, which has the shape of a filled goblet, comes to life with all the colors of fresh flowers. This staircase was built with the money of the French ambassador Etienne Geffier. Today it is one of the widest and longest staircases in Europe.

During the summer, the steps of the Spanish staircase turn into a podium to showcase Italian fashion. An enchanting spectacle takes place in the evening, when the setting rays of the sun disappear, and they are replaced by multi-colored soffits of spotlights, illuminating the moving figures of fashion models dressed by the best couturiers in Italy.

During the daytime it is a meeting place. People, sitting on the steps, communicate, relax and admire the beautiful view spreading at the foot of the hill from a height. And in winter, the staircase that decorates the Plaza de España turns into a stage for theatrical performances of nativity scenes.

Barcaccia Fountain

No less interesting is the fountain located in the center of the square at the foot of the Stairs, called the Barcaccia Fountain. In 1598, the Tiber overflowed its banks and flooded most of Rome with its waters. One of the boats that broke away from the pier was carried to the Plaza de España. Impressed by those events, by order of Pope Urban VIII, a fountain was installed, the prototype of which was that very half-submerged boat. Pietro Bernini worked on the project. This fountain has become one of the most famous works of the master.

Water flows slowly, supplied to it through the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, built back in the 1st century BC. The fountain adorned the Plaza de España in the late thirties of the 17th century.

When you first see the Plaza de España, you will immediately realize that its most striking elements are the stairs and the fountain. We already know a lot about them! But there are still many interesting places and structures that are worth paying attention to.

So, what else to see in Plaza de España:

  • If you stand facing the stairs, then to the right of it along the steps rises the house where the English poet John Keats spent the last days of his life. This building houses a museum today. In it you can get acquainted not only with exhibits related to the poet, but also with the English culture of the romantic era;
  • Slightly higher is Palace of the former Cardinal Lorenzo de Cubo. Built in the 15th century, the palace was reconstructed in 1936. Its changed facade perfectly fit into the general appearance of the square thanks to the architect Marcello Piasentini, who was the chief architect of Rome during the fascist regime;
  • To the left of the stairs is building that has housed an English tea house since 1896. In this unusual institution, all the rules of English tea drinking are still observed;
  • There is a column in the southeastern part of the Plaza de España. At its top is the figure of the Virgin Mary. On the pedestal at the foot of the column are the figures of the prophets: Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and David. The column "found a place" on the square in 1856 and is dedicated to the biblical story of the Immaculate Conception. Every year, on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Pope of Rome comes here. A wreath made of white lilies, brought by the Pope, is put on the hand of the Virgin Mary. At this time, the Plaza of Spain is filled with people who want not only to share the holiday with the faithful, but also to look at this sacred spectacle. This wreath hangs all year, until the next visit of the pope;
  • Not far from the square on Via Felice (which translates as "Happy Street") in house number 26 since 1837, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol lived for nine years. It was in Rome that he learned to cook spaghetti and surprised his friends with this dish when he came to Russia. The first volume of "Dead Souls" was also born here.

One of the fast food restaurants, McDonald's, is also open on the Plaza de España. In no case do we recommend that you satisfy your hunger in establishments like this one. However, coffee and other vital things - at your service

Where is it located and how to get there

The best way to visit Plaza de España is while walking along Via del Corso. It is located on the right side if you walk towards Piazza del Popolo, and behind you at the same time - Piazza Venezia. It is difficult to get lost, but in any incomprehensible situation, do not hesitate to ask for directions - Italians are mostly responsive.

You can use the metro, especially in Rome it is very simple (its scheme resembles Kiev, if you have come across). The nearest station to the square is called "Spagna" (in Italian - "Spain").

This is the Plaza de España. She managed to reconcile Spain, and, once at war, was able to charm both Europeans and Americans, and the inhabitants of the East. It is not surprising that it has become a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world.

Plaza de España in Rome is located in the central part of the Italian capital. The architectural ensemble was formed in the 17th century and has a complex geometric shape. The attraction is named after the building of the Spanish representation. The northern part of the complex is occupied by the original fountain, the Spanish Steps and the church. The southern block houses the Palace of Spain and sculptural compositions. Streets with shops of popular clothing brands originate from the square.

History of creation

The architectural landmark is located in the center of the Italian capital in the Campo Marzio area. According to historical tradition, the area was allocated for the accommodation of foreign immigrants and guests of the capital. On the hill from which the square originates, immigrants from France settled. In the first half of the 16th century, the Cathedral of Trenita dei Monti was erected on the territory. Church ceremonies in the temple are carried out in French.

Later, the territory of the square was occupied by English settlers. The historical tradition is associated with the presence of many hotels and hotel complexes in the location, which attracted citizens of foreign countries.

Spanish settlers began to occupy the territory at the beginning of the 17th century. By this period, the state of Spain bought a castle with rich decoration (Monaldeschi) for representation. Over time, for the Romans and guests of the city, the name of the Spanish Square was assigned to the place.

Evidence of belonging to immigrants from Spain and a staircase with baroque elements. The structure has 138 steps and leads from the square to the temple of Trinita dei Monti. The area is located at the base of the stairs, the slabs have different configurations, lined with travertine.

According to historical tradition, events are held on the site, fashion shows are organized, feature films are shot. In spring, flower exhibitions are held on the stairs, presenting varieties of azaleas, roses, tulips, etc. In the New Year's Eve weeks, colorful Christmas performances are organized in the architectural ensemble.


The architectural composition of the square has an unusual configuration, because unites 2 spaces (trapezoidal and unequal triangle). The design of the elements is predominantly baroque. The main historical complexes are represented by the Barcaccia fountain, a long staircase and the temple of Trinita dei Monti.

The square is surrounded by exquisite houses with original architectural solutions, preserved from the 18th century. Next to the fountain structure is the Palace of Di Propaganda Fide, which is owned by the Roman church. In front of the entrance to the castle there is an 11 m high column with an elegant figure of the Virgin Mary on a pedestal and a sculptural composition of biblical saints at the base.

The Spanish Steps in Rome are among the symbols of the Italian capital. The baroque landmark consists of more than 130 steps leading from the central part of the square to the picturesque hill and Pincio gardens. The complex offers panoramic views of Rome. The steps of the attraction have a concave configuration.

The construction project was proposed to equip the passage to the temple, which was under the auspices of the kings of France. The construction was carried out with funds left by the French citizen E. Geffier, who had been a diplomat for many years.

A competition for the implementation of the project was organized in 1717, by the decision of the commission, the construction of the object was entrusted to the well-known sculptors A. Specchi and F. de Sanctis. Construction began in 1723 and ended in 1726. The composition became a symbol of the political reconciliation of the French and Spanish states.

The steps are decorated with emblematic symbols of the Bourbon family (lilies) and signs of papal authority (tiara, eagle). The raw material for the steps is stone (travertine). The width of the slabs varies along the stairs from narrow to wide, and the dimensions of the spans also vary. Work on the restoration of the historical landmark was carried out at the end of the 20th century (1997).

The Barcaccia Fountain is located at the base of the Spanish Steps. The architectural project was implemented by P. Bernini in the first half of the 17th century at the request of the Roman authorities. The landmark in the Baroque style direction is made in the form of a half-submerged ship. The original design solution bears the name Barcaccia (translated from Italian as "boat"), which was assigned to the project as evidence of a flood that occurred at the end of the 16th century (1598). Water enters the structure from the Aqua Virgo canal.

The architectural solution included solving the technical difficulties of supplying water to the hill section. Berini solved the problem by creating a semi-submerged container into which he inscribed the sunken ship. The bottom of the fountain is deepened, the stern and bow have the same dimensions and proportions, because raised above the side edges. In the central part of the composition, the balustrade supports an oblong-shaped bathtub, from which jets of water flow and enter the lower part of the composition.

Water streams also follow from 6 other openings directed to a tank in the center of the vessel. The composition is decorated with emblems of the Roman church (tiara, bees) on the outer sides of the ship.

Church of Trinita dei Monti

On a hill, the temple of Trinita dei Monti was built, which completes the Spanish Steps. In front of the church there is an obelisk of Sallust 14 m high. On the left side of the church stretches the alley of the same name, famous for the castle of the Medici family located on the territory. The building was built in the 16th century, a few decades later it passed into the hands of the French state and transferred to the Academy of Fine Arts.

Fashion center of Rome

Plaza de España is not only an architectural landmark. Subsequently, the place became the center of fashion shows. Streets lined with shops of sought-after brands of clothing stretched from the square. Famous Italian fashion designers place workshops and galleries on the street. Condotti adjacent to the square. These are the brands Valentino, Gucci, etc. The area is recommended as the start of a journey to purchase fashionable clothes in the Italian capital.

Streets originate from the square, where paintings by contemporary Italian masters are presented. According to historical tradition, art workshops are located on the alleys, and talented writers, poets, etc. live here. In one of the houses on the street. Condotti rented an apartment in Stendal, in building number 17 on the street. San Isidoro lived N. V. Gogol. The poet D. Keats rented a house in the house next to the Spanish Steps in 1821, the museum exposition is still active, the mansion is called “Keats House”.

How to get there?

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Piazza di Spagna is one of the most famous squares in Rome. In addition, it is also one of the most beloved and popular places in the Eternal City among tourists. There are always a lot of people here, and at any time of the year.

The square got its name from the Spanish embassy in the Vatican located on it, which began to work in the 17th century. The embassy was housed in the building of the Palazzo Spagna (Palace of Spain) of the 1622 model.

Several hundred years ago, the Campo Marzion area, where the square is located, was the outskirts of Rome, and now it is part of the large historical center of the city.

Attractions of the Plaza of Spain in Rome

The area has the shape of two unequal triangles.

In the northern part is spanish stairs and the beautiful church of Trinita dei Monti. The Spanish Steps has 135 steps and is recognized worldwide as one of the most beautiful staircases. Its opening took place in 1725 under Pope Benedict XIII, who held the solemn ceremony. The staircase was built to connect the Spanish embassy below with the church of Trinita dei Monti above. The last restoration of the stairs was made in 1995.

How to get to Piazza di Spagna in Rome

The nearest metro stop near Plaza España is called Spagna. You need metro line A.

For example, from San Pietro metro station, you can take bus number 64 to Termini station, transfer to metro line A and get off at Spagna station.

From the Colosseum you can get to the Trevi Fountain stop by bus number 85, and from there walk to Piazza di Spagna on foot (less than 500 meters).

You can also use taxi services. You can call a car using the Uber app on your smartphone or use the services of one of the local companies (for example, Radio Taxi at 06-3570 or Pronto Taxi at 06-6645). But taxis in Italy, and especially in Rome, are expensive, one of the most expensive in Europe.

If you like to walk on foot, then you can easily walk to Plaza de España from the main sights of the city.

Below are the most popular routes from the main attractions of Rome, St. Peter's Basilica and the Colosseum.

Walking route from St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican) to Plaza de España:

Walking route from the Colosseum to Plaza de España:


Piazza di Spagna is located relatively close to the Trevi Fountain, so on the very first evening in Rome we decided to walk around the city at night and walk from Trevi to Piazza di Spagna. In 15 minutes we were already in one of the most picturesque squares in Rome. The square got its name from the building of the Spanish embassy located on it. In the center of the square is the famous Boat Fountain by Pietro Bernini, made together with his son, the famous Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1627-1629). This is, indeed, a living and figurative embodiment of a sinking boat, from the stern and bow of which streams of water flow.

The name "Barkachcha" (longboat) was given to the fountain due to its shape of a half-submerged boat and was installed in memory of the flood that occurred in 1598, when a boat ran aground on a flooded square. The fountain is supplied with water from the ancient aqueduct Aqua Virgo.

In the foreground, the Barcaccia fountain, in the form of a boat, and in the distance near the Palace of Spain rises the marble “Column of the Immaculate”, embodying the idea of ​​the Immaculate Conception and the figure of the Virgin Mary at the top of the monument. She stands on a ball and a crescent - the symbols of the top of the world. Under her feet is a serpent, which has long been associated with original sin, but here it is defeated.

The pedestal of the column is also marble, on it are the figures of the biblical prophets Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and the great king David. They are not only a decoration of the column, but also serve as additional supports for it.

A wreath of flowers always hangs on the right hand of the statue. And it is not bronze or plastic, but the real one. Every year, on December 8, the Pope of Rome comes to this square with a wreath of fresh flowers. As a rule, these are white lilies - a symbol of purity. With the help of a crane, these flowers are placed on the hand of the Virgin Mary and there they hang for a whole year - until the next ceremony.

This column, dedicated to the virginity of the conception of the Virgin Mary, was installed in the Plaza de España in 1854. Unlike the Christian Church, Catholics firmly believe that the Virgin Mary was also conceived outside of sin.

On this occasion, I recall the story of the guide in the Vatican. She cited the motto of Italian students: "Sin without conception, and conceive without sin!"

Plaza de España is also famous for its Spanish Steps, the steps of which rise up to Piazza Trinito dei Monti.

The Spanish Steps, built in Rome over three centuries ago, is a famous architectural monument whose history can impress everyone. It got its name thanks to the idea of ​​the French ambassador in Rome, Etienne Geffier, who proposed to connect the church of Trinita dei Monti and the Spanish Square as a sign of the indestructible union of the French and Spanish powers.

And this idea so captured the imagination of the representative of France that he decided to create a monumental structure at his own expense, which he announced in his will, separating 20,000 skudos for the construction of the stairs.

The notorious Cardinal Mazarin also took part in the construction of the Spanish Steps, thanks to which the top of the building was crowned with a statue of Louis XIV. It is interesting that some documents that have come down to posterity since those times testify to the intention of the cardinal to realize the dream of the ambassador not in Rome, but in Italy. Upon learning of this, the Pope was very angry at the mere thought that the top of Pincho's hill in Rome would be crowned with a statue of the French king. Of course, the staircase construction project was rejected, but only for a while.

Already in 1717, it was launched again, but the architectural ensemble itself was erected according to the sketches of Francesco de Sanctis, an architect unknown at that time. The construction of the building continued for two years and in 1725 the Spanish Steps appeared in Rome, but without the statue of Louis XIV: at the place of its alleged placement there is an eagle and a crown, attributes of papal power, as well as symbols of the royal house of Bourbons.

The building originates in Piazza de Spagna, from the middle of which it rushes up to the very hill of Pincio. The Spanish Staircase is made of travertine and has 138 steps, each of which has a concave shape and a different length. Created by the architect de Sanctis, the building has only undergone one restoration, which was already carried out in our time in 1997, and it seems that the second restoration is now taking place in 2016, since the staircase is closed to the public, and we did not succeed climb 138 steps. It's a pity, we specially trained before the trip to Chisinau on our granite stairs near the Komsomol lake, which has 218 stepsJ

If we had managed to climb, then on the top platform of the Spanish Steps, in front of the church of Trinita dei Monti, we would have seen the obelisk of Sallust. The dark obelisk is visible in the photograph against the backdrop of the white church.

The Obelisk of Sallust is an ancient Roman imitation of Egyptian designs, made in the era of the Empire. Then the obelisk was in the luxurious gardens of Sallust, located north of the city. The Romans "copied" the hieroglyphs on it from the Egyptian prototype of the 13th century BC, which they brought from Heliopolis and installed in the Great Circus.

The Obelisk of Sallust was damaged during the sack of Rome by the Goths in 410. And at the end of the 18th century, Giovanni Antinori installed it in this place. In addition to the cross, the lily of the French kings was added to the bouquet at the top of the obelisk.

On this our walk through the night Rome ended, and we used the metro to get to the hotel.

April, 2016

(In writing this essay, various sources of the Internet were used)

"You can take the whole world for yourself, but leave Italy to me"

Giuseppe Verdi

More details about walks in Italy can be found in the book: " ITALIAN HOLIDAYS"


This book can serve as a short guide to Italy in 7 days:

Three days in Rome(Venice Square. Piazza Navona. Trevi Fountain. Piazza di Spagna. Capitoline Hill. Roman Forum. Colosseum and Arc de Triomphe. Mouth of Truth. Bridges and Tiber Embankment. Pantheon and Rotunda Square. Roman Castles (Castelli Romani). Appian Way. Grottaferrata, Crypt Ferrata, Frascati, Castel Gandolfo, Tusculum, the streets of Rome.

Two days in Florence: Church of Santa Maria Novella. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Baptistery of San Giovanni. Republic Square. Signoria Square. Ponte Vecchio. Uffizi Gallery. Basilica of San Lorenzo. Santa Croce ("Holy Cross") Piazzale Michelangelo. Palazzo Pitti.

One day in Venice: Murano. Mark's Square and Cathedral. City Tour.

I also included non-tourist routes in the book, which are very interesting and little known to a wide range of travelers. I hope that the book will arouse interest among those who have already visited these places, and they will be pleased to once again mentally walk through familiar places, remember and compare this virtual trip with their own impressions of this amazing and beautiful Italy.

The price of the book is 100 rubles