Abrasive detergents example. Cleaning pastes. Folk remedies for removing rust in the toilet

  • 03.07.2018

Mankind has known about abrasives for millennia. People used stones and sand to shape and sharpen knives, spears and arrowheads and fishing hooks. The first abrasive was sandstone, in which the role of the active substance was played by the smallest grains of quartz. Up to the discovery of metal processing methods, this abrasive material made it possible for the development of all mankind, since then people simply had no other ways to make tools for work and weapons.

Cleaning products for chemical cleaning are among the most dangerous of all cleaning products. Most contain harsh ingredients such as sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite that can permanently burn eyes and skin. Some may be fatal if swallowed.

Prevent drain blockage in the first place by trapping hair and other drain contaminants with inexpensive metal or plastic drain screens available in homes and stores household appliances. Regularly collect and remove hair that collects around the shower or drains, and do not let large pieces of food wash out kitchen sink.

What is it from a physical point of view

Generally, abrasives are very hard minerals that range in the upper end of the Mohs hardness scale, from quartz to diamond. But even soft materials can perform this function. Sponges, baking soda, and fruit pits can rightfully be called abrasives. We encounter them daily, and their significance is Everyday life man is great.

When a blockage occurs, use a "plumbing" plumbing tool to manually remove the blockage, or try removing the suction with a plunger. If you're buying a chemical drain cleaner, choose one of the two below, which uses enzymes rather than harsh chemicals to eat the chipped off. Like chemical cleaners, they are most effective on drains that are only partially clogged. Varnish and sodium hydroxide, which are corrosive and can burn skin and eyes, are ingredients in many oven cleaners.

In what processes can they be used?

The abrasive material is often called so not because of its physical properties, but because of the features of use. There are several classes of such processes. In particular, the sandblasting machine can be used the largest number materials that under normal conditions do not have pronounced abrasive properties. This equipment uses a powerful stream of air or water, in which small particles of some substances move at great speed. In some cases, an abrasive mesh is used, which plays the role of a chopper filter.

Alkaline cleaners. Pros and cons

Aerosol spray cleaners are easily inhaled into lung tissue. Prevent cakes from spilling onto the oven floor by lining them with aluminum foil and cleaning them before they have had time to dry and cook. To remove grease and charred food without resorting to caustic chemicals, try soaking oven surfaces overnight in a mixture of water, baking soda, and soap, then wiping down with baking soda and a soapy sponge. Or a washing soda and water paste can do the trick, but be sure to wear gloves when handling the washing soda.

Sandblasting machines are used for polishing and finishing details and finished products. In this case, virtually any abrasive material can be taken: from nut shells and seeds fruit crops, shells of mollusks and other organics to the smallest pieces of steel, slag, glass or even baking soda.

Main Components

Quartz sand is the most popular abrasive for sandblasting bridges and other steel structures. In this case, a very effective cleaning of rust occurs, which significantly increases the durability of engineering structures. This process requires high density abrasives. Typically, cleaning metal structures involves the use of compressed air. It acts as a particle accelerator and has no additional corrosive effect.

If you decide to buy a commercial cleaner, try any of the cleaning powders and creams we recommend on the next page. Some scouring powders contain silica, which is harmful when inhaled, as an abrasive cleaning agent. And some are made from chlorine bleach, which can cause skin and respiratory irritation and produce dangerous gases when mixed with ammonia or acid cleaners.

Abrasive tools: Scrapers, stones and sponges

Baking soda effectively picks up most of the dirt on bathtubs, showers, toilets, and countertops. However, wear gloves when handling laundry soda. Skin contact with furniture polish can cause irritation, and many brands contain nerve-damaging nerve distillates that are highly flammable and dangerous if swallowed. Some preparations may contain formaldehyde, a suspected carcinogen. Aerosol spray paints easily inhaled into the lung tissue.

However, in some cases, water can also be used. Particularly when cleaning concrete structures. Almost all structures built in the zone coastal strip need it from time to time. The fact is that a thick layer of salt and other aggressive compounds grows on their surface over time. Fresh water, to which the appropriate material (abrasive) was previously added, not only removes them from the concrete, but also produces a “desalination”. Again, this event significantly increases the service life of buildings.

The evolution of industrial abrasives

Or look at the solvent-free products that use vegetable oils as an active varnish. Look for Friendly Lands at natural food stores or mail order. Metallic polishes may contain nerve-damaging petroleum distillates or lung-irritant ammonia, potentially irritating the eyes, skin, or respiratory tract during use.

Instead, try cleaning your silver with toothpaste to remove the tarnish. For copper, dissolve salt in white vinegar or lemon juice and rub with a cloth; rinse with water. Bare brass can be cleaned with a clean paste of 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup white vinegar, and 1 cup flour. Or try these less toxic brands below, which can be found in hardware, home improvement, or grocery stores.

Polishing finished products

Polishing - here critical process, in which abrasives are in high demand. As a rule, special pastes or soft disks, as well as compounds based on synthetic resins, are used to perfect finished products or some parts. Even a simple abrasive sponge is in demand. Cerium oxide, diamond, quartz, iron oxide, and chromium oxides are the most commonly used compounds today.

One old-fashioned silver polishing method involves placing tarnished items in warm water with aluminum foil, salt and baking soda. Most of the main dishwashing detergents are based on oil, contributing to the depletion of this non-renewable resource and our country's dependence on imported oil. Instead, use detergents plant based. Choose colorless liquids: dyes can be contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic and lead, and can leach into the skin during washing and leave stains on dishes.

Novaculite (dense siliceous rock) is also a good raw material for the production of polishing materials. Cerium oxide is the most common mineral used to polish glass. This compound does not scratch it, but gives it a special smoothness and shine. In recent years, however, silicon carbide has been used more frequently for this purpose. Based on them, a particularly expensive and effective abrasive belt is produced. It is very well suited for processing particularly "capricious" materials.

While they temporarily kill germs on surfaces, they cannot kill germs in the air, and they do not provide long-term disinfection. Unless you have a compromised immune system or an illness that can make you particularly vulnerable to infection from germs and bacteria, you probably don't need to disinfect for most household needs. Household surfaces can be properly cleaned with hot, soapy water and a little elbow grease. To avoid diseases associated with food products: Rinse all foods thoroughly before cooking and be sure to rinse leafy greens, rinse at least three times, carefully pour the meat and eggs.

Use of magnetic fields

In recent years, more and more often in the industry begin to practice the process of abrasive sharpening. To do this, not pressurized water or compressed air is used: the smallest particles of abrasives float in a powerful magnetic field, which forms a “grinding wheel”. This method is used in precision engineering, as it can be used to polish or sharpen those parts that are normally too expensive and/or time-consuming to process. As an abrasive, aluminum compounds with those metals that have this property are most often used.

Eat only fresh fish and thaw frozen meats in the refrigerator. all cutting boards, utensils, knives and other surfaces that touch raw meat or eggs in hot soapy water before using on other foods that will not cook. Refrigerate food within two hours of cooking.

When did the "abrasive breakthrough" in the industry occur?

However, it does not kill all foodborne pathogens. Since they can cause allergies and possibly other health problems, we recommend against the use of synthetically scented air fresheners, especially those made from aerosol cans. Aerosol sprays produce tiny droplets that are easily inhaled and absorbed into the body, and their propellants, typically butane and propane, are flammable. Fragrances can cause asthmatic or allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Magnetorheological polishing methods

With the rheological polishing method "physical" abrasive tool not used at all. Materials are mixed with liquids, in the thickness of which they move under the influence of electric fields. This method is similar in many ways to the one described above, and is also used on some parts in precision engineering and similar industries.

But aerosol air fresheners may also be associated with other, less obvious health effects. Another concern is that young children may be tempted to try air fresheners that smell like fruit or candy. Children under the age of six participated in poison control centers.

To clear odors, improve ventilation by opening windows and using fans. Baking soda is good at removing odors, as is a spray of lemon or any citrus air freshener. Wooden cedar blocks, clean essential oils or sachets of natural dried flowers or herbs provide a milder flavor. Read the labels: Look out for potpourri that list "fragrance" as an ingredient, and especially avoid deodorizing agent blocks that contain paradichlorobenzene, a carcinogen as a moth repellent.

In general, in recent years, abrasives pre-mixed with liquids or synthetic resins have increasingly begun to be used in production. A good example is the GOI moistened abrasive paste based on It has been known for a long time, but only in recent years has it received special attention. The reason is simple - the low cost of this compound and its high efficiency in polishing. In addition, the abrasive paste acts gently on the material being processed without scratching or damaging it.

Consumer access to chemical information

Often, retail household cleaners contain substances that are considered hazardous. Changes to the rules for reporting chemicals are ongoing. A clean home reduces exposure to allergens, pesticides, consumer chemicals, and pests and urine, and reduces pest hiding places. While it is important that your home is clean to ensure a healthy environment, product cleaning labels often display complex chemical terms. In addition, commercial advertisements may exaggerate the performance of cleaning products.

Abrasive wheels for angle grinders ("grinders")

They are used for more than just polishing. Abrasives can also cut particularly hard materials. To do this, use thin grinding wheels made on the basis of aluminum oxide and phenolic resins. In rare cases, a metal abrasive disc is used. Such tools are indispensable, in particular, in the extraction of marble in quarries. The fact is that this mineral is very dense, it is difficult to cut with ordinary saws.

Application of dry and liquid abrasives

Therefore, in order to make informed decisions when comparing product performance and safety, consumers need to be familiar with the most common ingredients found in cleaning products. This publication provides definitions of common ingredients and guidelines for selecting products for home use. Types of cleaning products include.

Disinfectants are more commonly used in clinics and hospitals than in household products. A disinfectant is a chemical that completely destroys all disease-causing organisms. These include pathogenic strains of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Disinfectants are applied directly to non-porous surfaces such as changing tables, countertops, door and hand cabinets, toilets, and other bathroom surfaces.

As we have already said, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, artificial diamonds and boron carbide are used for sawing. An abrasive disc can be made from them, and special saws for especially durable materials are formed from them.

Basic tools used for industry

Thus, these compounds are necessary for sharpening, polishing, cutting materials. Modern industry most often uses an abrasive tool of artificial origin. The reason for this is the relatively low cost of synthetics. Compounds of natural origin are much more expensive. These include aluminum oxide, which we have repeatedly mentioned, as well as silicon carbide, zirconium dioxide, and so-called superabrasives (diamond or boron nitride).

Disinfectants for household use

Liquid chlorine bleach is a common household disinfectant. See the "Whitening Agents" section of this post. Quaternary ammonium compounds are commonly referred to as quarts. These are salt compounds used with various additional ingredients to create a safe and effective disinfectant. They are effective in killing a wide range of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Cats are economical and effectively control odors when used as directed by the manufacturer.

Exceptions are rare and are represented mainly by corundum. It is very expensive, and its use in production is quite limited. In even rarer cases, natural diamonds are used that are unsuitable for cutting due to their extremely small size or structural defects.

The evolution of industrial abrasives

The history of industrial abrasives for grinding wheels began with natural minerals - quartz and silicon, as well as corundum. It was the latter, by the way, for the first time that received the name "emery". It was the first abrasive block. The rejection of natural minerals began in the first half of the twentieth century and was almost completely completed by its end. And the point here was not only the high cost of natural materials. The fact is that they all have strictly defined properties that cannot be changed in any way. Synthetic abrasives, created under certain conditions, can be completely different and better suited for solving some atypical tasks.

They can be used on sensitive floor surfaces and will not damage floor coverings. Pine oil cleaners are all-purpose cleaners made from natural resin distilled from pine trees. Pine oils are combined with alcohols and quats to enhance their disinfectant and cleansing properties.

When mixed in water, pine oil cleaners do not dissolve, but instead make a milky soap. Most people love the way they smell and the fact that they can both cleanse and deodorize at the same time. In general, they are good cleaners. Caution: These cleaners are highly flammable. They can be very dangerous if swallowed or if the vapors are inhaled. Use with adequate ventilation and follow all labeled precautions. Do not use these products to their full potential or leave them absorbent on waxed or freshly painted surfaces.

For example, through new technologies, a compound with a particle shape resembling a chip can be created. This material is ideal for applying polishing wheels to the surface. In addition, completely new materials can be created by combining, for example, titanium oxide with aluminum compounds. These abrasives are ideal for particularly hard surfaces.

In what processes can they be used?

It is updated periodically, but it is not full list. Disinfectants are commonly used in restaurants and household products. A disinfectant is a product that reduces the growth of germs on a surface to a level considered safe by public health codes or regulations. Many disinfectants are a mixture of detergent and disinfectant. Disinfectants can be used on food contact surfaces such as utensils, utensils and cutting boards.

When did the "abrasive breakthrough" in the industry occur?

The modern production of abrasives, including the production of grinding wheels and emery cloths, is difficult to describe due to the mass of trademarks and patents, which in many cases describe the same product. The solution to such collisions is simple - because of the smallest differences in the chemical composition, you can register a new trademark. But what serves as the basis for synthetic abrasives, and when did the industry get the opportunity to use them on a mass scale?

A truly significant event was the discovery of silicon carbide, a mineral not found in nature. The creation of synthetic alumina in the 1890s only stimulated the beginning of research in this area. By the late 1920s, synthetic alumina, silicon carbide, garnet, and corundum were the main industrial abrasives.

But the real breakthrough came in 1938. It was then that it became possible to obtain chemically pure aluminum oxide, which immediately found the widest application in mechanical engineering. It soon became clear that a mixture of zirconium dioxide and alumina was ideal for demanding cutting jobs in particularly hard metals. This is a truly unique abrasive powder: it retains high performance, but is relatively cheap. Today, the palm is still held by synthetic aluminum oxide, which has retained the original microcrystalline structure of bauxite raw materials. In particular, the unique Cubitron™ was created in this way, as well as ceramic-based abrasives under the SolGel™ brand.

About "girls' best friends"

Natural diamond is the oldest abrasive stone. It became popular in 1930. There were two reasons for this. First, until that year, the volume of diamond mining was simply negligible and physically could not cover the growing needs of the industry. Secondly, due to the acute sense of impending war, many countries began to urgently look for ways to process with the help of machines. This substance is still used in the production of armor-piercing cores.

The problem was the unrealistic hardness of this material, which abrasive processing simply did not take. Research conducted in the 1960s by General Electric led to the development of synthetic diamonds. Ultimately, research in this area leads to the discovery of cubic boron nitride, CBN. This compound, which has the hardness of diamond, is widely used in the manufacture of other abrasives, as it can literally grind hard steels into dust.

Of course, all these abrasive substances, in addition to all their wonderful properties, have one huge drawback - the cost. A recent exception is the Abral abrasive, synthesized by the European concern Pechiney. This company has developed a kind of "substitute for diamonds", which, while not inferior to them in hardness, significantly wins in price.

But it wasn't just the abrasives themselves that propelled the industry forward. Of great importance were the materials used as the basis for their application. In particular, when Bakelite was created, it became possible to produce lighter yet more durable grinding wheels. They grinded more evenly, and abrasives were better distributed in their internal volume. This provided a significant the best quality material processing.

emery skins

Emery skins use artificial and natural fabrics, films and even plain paper reinforced with woven fibers as a base. In some cases, "sandpaper" is obtained by impregnating a fabric with a solution based on phenolic resins or water (with the addition of abrasives, of course). An abrasive sponge can also be obtained. Such tools are widely known to almost everyone, we encounter them constantly and daily.

We have described many areas of application of these materials. But the fact is that the average average person does not encounter most of them in their life at all. So, many people know about the bars or the same sandpaper, someone used an abrasive mesh. But few people know the specific types of substances that are used, for example, by manufacturers of bearings or high-quality knives made of super-hard steels. The latter, by the way, are almost impossible to sharpen at home. "Sharpeners" for them need quite special.

For what tasks is this or that abrasive suitable?

For specific needs, superabrasives are needed, which we have already briefly mentioned above. They are also presented in the form of emery skins, abrasive brushes, discs and circles. So, in the production of knives from standard steel grades, manufacturers use aluminum oxide and silicon carbide. Mass production, on the other hand, usually requires more extensive use of sandblasting machines: stainless steel, ball bearings and mass processing of especially hard woods. However, in most cases, industrialists remain true to the "good old" aluminum oxide. This one is cheap but very effective.

In conclusion

Abrasives directly or indirectly play a role in the production of almost all things that people deal with on a daily basis. In particular, without them it is impossible to create cases from which are so popular among fans of "apple" products. Do not forget that a simple abrasive stone "grinder" or even an ordinary sandpaper- the fruit of the activity of many generations of scientists and artisans who have collected and systematized their knowledge over the years.

Companies issuing different kinds abrasives, grinding wheels and emery skins, use theoretical knowledge that is present in many related industries. They are guided by the data obtained during the study of ceramics, widely practice applied chemistry, physics and metallurgy. Abrasives will always be useful, they are a key feature of modern production cycle many enterprises.

The toilet is such a delicate thing that many take for granted, but do not discuss.

But the state of the toilet says a lot. No wonder people who are going to buy an apartment, first of all, look into ... the toilet!

The toilet bowl can tell not only whether the housewife lives in an apartment, but also about the condition of pipes, plumbing and water.

If the pipes are old and rusty, then the water will simply be stuffed with rust, which will constantly leave rusty stains on the walls of the toilet.

But even if the plumbing is new and the pipes are plastic, and there is a rusty border on the inner walls of the toilet, then this indicates poor-quality water or worn pipes, through which water runs to this apartment. And if the pipes in the apartment itself can still be changed, then in the latter case, no matter how much the toilet is cleaned, it will still quickly turn yellow.

Buyers, of course, can refuse to buy an apartment, but what should tenants do? It remains to roll up the sleeves and clean. It’s good that there are so many detergents and cleaning products on sale - your eyes run wide! So what to choose?

Cleaners that work well with rust can be both dry and liquid.

Abrasive cleaners. Pros and cons

Dry cleaners are abrasives. In their composition, of course, there are active substances that fight rust, but in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to make every effort.

But it is not enough to open the toilet lid, pour in the powder and wait for the rust to disappear by itself. It is necessary to sprinkle powder on the places chosen by rust, wait a bit until the powder begins to act. Then, wearing rubber gloves, you need to carefully and persistently rub the surface contaminated with rust with a brush. And it's not a fact that rust will succumb.

First, the cleaning agent itself matters.. Which one to choose? "Pentalux", "Pemolux", "Comet" ... On the label of each of them, manufacturers indicate both the composition and promises that their product is the best. There are powders with chlorine, there are more gentle - with soda.

For example, "Comet" copes well with a rusty coating, but if there is not much of it. But any of these means has a "reverse side of the coin." With their frequent use or with the use of brute force, the surface of the toilet gets the smallest scratches invisible to the eye, and the integrity of the coating is violated. These grooves clog up quickly dirty water, the contents of the toilet (how sad it is). Well, rust does not miss the opportunity to settle there too.

Secondly, the ability of the cleaning powder to cope with rust also depends on the material from which the toilet is made. That is, the smoother glossier surface the easier it is to deal with pollution. But the smooth, expensive surface of the toilet bowl is very easy to “hurt” with abrasive powders.

Thirdly, abrasive powders will not cope with old rust, no matter how high-quality they are..

Therefore, abrasive cleaners are fine, but only good for keeping a new toilet clean, or if there is a slight rusty streak. And to combat stubborn rust, it is better to use a liquid cleaner. But here, too, everything is not so simple.

Alkaline cleaners. Pros and cons

Liquid cleaners are alkaline and acidic.

Alkaline cleaners such as Domestos or Dosia certainly help with plaque, but they are more suitable for dealing with limescale or grease, yellowness or dirt.

If abrasive powders can rub a place with rust, then liquid alkaline products are used differently. You need to pour liquid on a rusty stain. Then leave for fifteen minutes and then rinse with water. Yes, the toilet will “shine clean,” as they like to say in advertising. Microbes are killed, dirt and a small amount of rust are removed. But with a large amount of rust, alkaline substances may not be able to cope..

Plus, it has a strong smell. And by no means pleasant. Still, alkaline cleaners contain sodium hypochlorite or sodium hydroxide. Simply put, the products are made on the basis of chlorine or soda, and also diluted with some other chemistry in the form of caustic soda.

To remove rust, you can use the usual "Whiteness". To do this, fill the rusty places in the toilet with this liquid, pour it into the toilet and leave it overnight. Wash off in the morning.

Acidic cleaners. Pros and cons

If there is a lot of rust on the toilet and it is stubborn, then you need to take drastic measures in the form of acid cleaners. Here they will definitely cope with rust!

There are a lot of such funds on the shelves of stores. These are “Teza”, “Dez-3”, “Blitz”, “Toilet Duck”, “Cillit Bang”, “Sanitary Gel”…

In any of these compositions there is an acid - hydrochloric, oxalic or formic. Which immediately translates these funds into the category of potent, effective and dangerous to humans (if used incorrectly).

Any of these tools copes well even with old rust.. It is enough just to fill the places of contamination with a cleaning agent, wait a bit, and then rinse with water.

At the same time, it is imperative to wear rubber gloves, a gauze bandage so as not to breathe acid fumes, open windows and take the household out into the street.

The time that you need to wait after treating the surface of the toilet bowl with a composition is individual for each product. This should be written on the label. For example, the Blitz tool is left on the surface for a very short time, because it contains hydrochloric acid, which perfectly corrodes not only rust. If a drop of this acid gets on the skin, then a red spot will remain - a burn. And if the acid is not immediately washed off with water, then an ulcer may form.

Some housewives, having weighed all the pros and cons, do not want to resort to chemical cleaning agents and use those that they have in the kitchen.

Folk remedies for removing rust in the toilet

Yes, there are some. And a lot.

Every hostess has vinegar or acetic acid. It is necessary to moisten a cloth with vinegar and put it on a surface contaminated with rust. Wash off with water after half an hour. If the rust is in the toilet itself, then you need to pour vinegar into its hole and leave it there for a while. Then rinse clean water. It has the same properties lemon acid.

Oddly enough, but modern cleaning products can be replaced with ordinary coca cola or sprite. Of course, they will not wash off strong rust, but they will be able to do a light rusty coating. And at the same time they will remove lime scale and other pollution.

But there is a folk remedy that removes rust very well. This battery electrolyte. This tool is quite affordable for those who have a car. But you need to remember that this substance can violate the integrity of pipes if they are made of plastic.

Will cope with a light touch of rust and toothpaste. True, this method is costly, but if you need to quickly bring the toilet to a more decent look, and there is no cleaning agent at hand, then toothpaste will do. But not gel, but regular.

To do this, squeeze toothpaste onto a rusty stain and rub it well with a brush. Toothpaste acts as a mild abrasive, so the toilet becomes cleaner and the washroom is filled with a fresh scent.

If the medicine cabinet has hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, then some housewives recommend this method: 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide must be mixed with 5 g ammonia. Moisten the places with rust with this solution, and after half an hour rinse with water.


In order for the toilet bowl to really shine with cleanliness, and there was not even a hint of rust on its walls, you need to wash the toilet bowl not from time to time, for example, before the arrival of guests, but to keep it in perfect condition every day.

Moreover, it is necessary not only to use it correctly, but also to ensure that its entire system works properly. That is, water did not leak, and the pipes and the system itself in the barrel were not rusty.

To make this work easier for the hostess, you need to place a special tablet in the tank, the validity of which is several weeks. It softens water, removes small contaminants, deodorizes both water and the room. And also does not allow rust to linger on the walls of the toilet.