Means for cleaning with hydrochloric acid. We choose a toilet bowl cleaner from those that the market offers, and make it from improvised means with our own hands. Composition of special and universal means

  • 04.07.2018

Unfortunately, even the cleanest housewife is not immune from dirty plaque on the walls of the toilet. It is sometimes very difficult to clean it - limescale and urinary stone deposits are very firmly eaten into the enamel surface. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to quickly and effectively remove all contaminants from the walls of the toilet bowl.

Step 7: Designed for Toilet Owners

If you have a toilet but not a hanging toilet, you should also clean the screws that attach the bowl to the floor and the transition between it and the toilet. Here it is good to choose not only disinfectants, but also antifungal drugs, because, as a rule, the first ones appear in joints with mold! Don't forget to thoroughly clean the outside of the toilet as well.

Not only for destruction, but also for disinfection, you must have everything that comes between using the toilet and washing your hands - shredding, lid, flushing, sink and battery. If you're going to wash your hands in the bathroom then both the door cranks and shift cranks.

Causes of pollution

The water that enters our homes and, in particular, the toilet tank, can hardly be called clean. It has a lot of impurities and, often, it is very tough. It is the hardness of the water that leads to the fact that limescale begins to appear on the walls of the toilet bowl. In addition, if the toilet bowl is not cleaned after each use, over time, urinary stone deposits are added to the limescale. This contamination is a plaque of yellowish minerals. It accumulates mainly under the rim of the toilet bowl. Added to these two problems is the rust that comes out of the tank with every flush.

On the ceiling you started, you are on the floor. After cleaning, disinfect and mop the floor. If you have tiles here, be sure to take proper care of them. To clean the toilet, many people like to use disposable cleaning and disinfecting wipes that they throw away, many look inorganic and expensive, and still use microfiber cloths. For all the tools you use to clean the toilet, you should keep them separate and definitely not use them when cleaning other rooms!

Cleaning products may also be intended

And what procedure should you wash in the toilet? Does that fit or are you doing something else? Cheap and very useful product is a baking soda that can effectively remove sediment from the toilet bowl. Stains and sediment from the water on the bank and inside the toilet can be removed with a dense mass of baking soda and water. Simply dip the wet wash into the mass and then rub into the dirt. In case of stubborn stains applied to the mass, and leave for 15 minutes, then try to remove the stain. Unfortunately, this can take a while, but if you donate it once, you should be able to remove all stains and dirt.

Over time, the enamel of the toilet bowl becomes rough; if aggressive and abrasive substances are used to clean it, various defects may appear on the enamel. Such a surface becomes dirty even faster, and it is much more difficult to clean it. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for the toilet from the moment you buy it.

General rules for cleaning the toilet

Pour a glass of vinegar on the wall of the toilet, then leave for about an hour. Vinegar is ideal for removing rust and any stains, and also has bleaching and disinfecting effects. Use a wire brush or washer to clean the toilet, especially on the water line and on the bottom of the toilet. Then rinse with water and check for stains and dirt. If so, use more vinegar or baking soda and water. You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice, which will not only help remove stains but also give your bathroom a fresh scent.

Remember to mix these ingredients slowly because the baking soda will start to form bubbles when it reacts with the vinegar. Wait until they stop forming, then mix the solution and pour it down the toilet. Let the mixture soak for about 5 minutes, then start scrubbing.

Whatever means for cleaning the surface of the toilet bowl you choose, you must be guided by a few general rules:

First of all, before starting work, you need to put on gloves on your hands. This is necessary in order to protect the skin from exposure to aggressive chemicals, as well as for reasons of hygiene;

The high content of phosphoric acid contained in it perfectly removes rust, stains and other accumulated dirt. Just pour a can of one of these shells and go for about an hour. Then clean the stained area or simply rinse with water. So, as you can see in the kitchen, there are many products that can be used elsewhere in the house. Additional benefits include low cost, availability and environmental efficiency.

Effective toilet cleaning, once done consistently, will protect us from direct contact with bacteria and microorganisms. All you have to do is create good habits so that hygienic cleanliness is present in our bathroom, not only after a general cleaning, but every day.

It is necessary to clean the entire surface of the toilet bowl. Therefore, before using the selected detergent, you need to completely get rid of the water at the bottom. To scoop up water, you can use a jar, disposable cup or syringe. Dry the rest with a rag;

To effectively remove dirt from the walls of the toilet, you must carefully read the instructions for the cleaning agent. Keep the product on the walls of the toilet for as long as the manufacturer advises. If you decide to use home cleaning products, then, in most cases, they should be left overnight. This rule does not apply to the use of very aggressive substances (for example, electrolyte) - it should be used only in extreme cases and kept on the walls of the toilet for a short time.

Unfortunately, the cleanliness of toilet sinks is affected not only by the deposition of lime deposits, but also by the fecal flora that spreads around the room after each flush. The first step in maintaining hygienic cleanliness is to lower the toilet bowl before starting the flow of water. However, even such a habit adopted by every toilet user is not sufficient to prevent bacteria from escaping the bathroom.

Because of this, we use strong chemicals to completely remove them. For this, special preparations are used, which the special semi-liquid texture makes it not flow directly into the shell, but settle on the walls of the toilet. The left ones for a long time, for example, at night, are designed to destroy microorganisms that are located in the recesses of the toilet. For this reason, cleaners have a special spray shape that is adapted to the application of the composition in hard-to-reach areas of the toilet.

How to clean the toilet with folk remedies

Sometimes it happens that you need to clean the toilet, and a suitable household chemicals not at hand. In order not to have to run to the store and waste your money and time, you can use those improvised means that you will probably find at home. Moreover, the result from their use is often no worse than from purchased chemicals. Let's look at what home remedies can be used to clean the toilet from pollution.

Remember to use this type of care to keep your palms safe - they do not come into contact with corrosive substances if they are covered with long sleeved rubber gloves. This type of protection will also be required when, after some time, we improve appearance toilet bowl with a special brush. Like the last one protective gloves cannot be used in other parts of the house. When cleaning the inside of the toilet, rinse with water not only the gloves and the brush, but also the container that collects the contaminated water.

Household chemicals

Therefore, it is more advantageous to use a brush-container set in which the latter is not permanently attached to the wall, which prevents its effective cleaning. Stone deposits that build up in a toilet can also be removed using specialties other than specialized cleaners. Here we need to mention borax, vinegar, baking soda and citric acid. Unfortunately, we cannot use the combination of citric acid and boiling water in this case, because porcelain topped with hot water, may break - in this case, we are cold and no more warm water to rinse off dirt and cleaning agent residues.

How to clean the toilet with household chemicals

To date, the shelves of the household departments are littered with various cleaning products specifically designed to remove difficult dirt from the walls of the toilet. Cleaning agents containing hydrochloric acid showed themselves best in the fight against plaque on the toilet bowl. Alkaline-based cleaners are just as good, but they're better for fresh stains. It will not be so easy for them to cope with an old raid. And it is best to apply alkaline cleaners for a long time (for example, at night) - then the effectiveness will be much higher.

In order to keep the hygienic toilet clean, it is best to cover the interior with a cleaner once a day, preferably in the evening, when we can leave detergents on the toilet walls. However, even places away from the toilet are not free from pathogenic bacteria, because the fecal flora sits on the surface throughout the room. Therefore, it is important that you change your towel frequently for the washbasin in the toilet, and if it is connected to the bathroom, this applies to all towels. In this room, cabinets will also be used to store cosmetics, toothbrushes, detergents, clean towels and all toiletries.

Most often, liquid bottles are equipped with a special spout, with which it is easy to process the surface of the toilet bowl under the rim. After applying such a product, you must wait about an hour for all the main plaque to come off (check the time in the instructions for the product). Then it remains only to treat the surface with a brush and rinse off the water. With strong old pollution, in order to obtain the desired effect, the cleaning procedure will need to be repeated 2-3 times.

The fewer unnecessary items left in view, the easier it will be to wash the surfaces of the bath and thus effectively clean potentially dangerous areas. Admit if you are a toilet cleaner or a lazy little guy paying close attention to what goes on under the toilet. If you carefully close your eyes with a dirty brush, sink, and empty packaging after freshening up, it's mustache time! The toilet needs to be cleaned very regularly, numerous bacteria are just waiting to spread throughout the apartment.

If you're dealing with a decent cleaning of a room where even a king goes at least once a week, you deserve credit. You probably don't even need to wear rubber gloves to clean the toilet, because you and the rest of the household take care of the ongoing removal of impurities from the surface of the projectiles. Cleaning this temple at the moment is not an annoyance, but it is one of the ordinary daily activities that is of little interest.

Cleaning the toilet with harsh chemicals

Sometimes pollution is so strong that all household and folk remedies can't deal with them. In this case, in order to clean the toilet with high quality, it is necessary to use stronger means. When using them, care must be taken not to neglect rubber gloves, as there is a risk of serious chemical burns during operation. And remember: aggressive substances should not be left on the walls of the toilet for a long time, as this can damage the surface. So, how else can you clean heavy dirt on the walls of the toilet?

However, if the need to clean the toilet makes you feel uncomfortable, it's time to recognize that something is wrong and ask for advice. Proper disinfection and cleaning of toilets should consist of several steps. Make sure you are within easy reach.

Special disinfectant. Toilet brush. Long rubber gloves. General purpose cleaning fluid. You will also need it from time to time. Inform all homeowners that they will not be able to use the toilet for the next hour and a half and thoroughly cover the area under the bottom edge of the sink with disinfectant. After this time, thoroughly clean the inside of the shell with a brush. Get deep, brush to get rid of the sludge.

How to prevent urinary stones

It is always easier to prevent the formation of complex contaminants than to get rid of them. Compliance with several simple rules will allow the toilet to always remain snow-white.

  1. Be sure to monitor the serviceability of the drain mechanism - water should not continuously run into the toilet. If the drain works properly, this reduces the formation of limescale. When choosing a new toilet, pay attention to models that have two buttons - so you can control the volume of flushed water yourself.
  2. Buy at the hardware store special agent, which softens water and disinfects the surface with each flush. Usually they are released in the form of tablets that fall into the tank. And you can buy a tool that is attached under the rim of the toilet.
  3. Use a brush regularly - it is advisable to walk it on the surface after each visit to the toilet.
  4. Use a detergent to clean the toilet bowl at least once a week. This way you can avoid the formation of a strong plaque.
  5. Remember that on a damaged rough surface, plaque builds up much faster. Therefore, when cleaning, it is not recommended to use strong abrasive substances.

If your toilet is already old, scratched, and the surface has become rough, then the easiest way is to replace it with a new one. When buying a new toilet, remember that only proper care and regular cleaning will help maintain its original whiteness.

A damp sponge is impregnated with a small amount of universal washing liquid, the boards are washed out and outside the sink. Wipe wet to remove liquid. Now you can simply wipe down the toilet to dry it or wipe it down with a cloth and a little dishwashing liquid.

From time to time, such as once a week or every few weeks, put a small glass of baking soda in the toilet and drain the water. Thanks to the miraculous effects of baking soda, unpleasant odors will disappear and drain pipes will clear up. There are places for the toilet that are difficult to access during the current cleaning. There is practically no space in the area around the hinges. However, this problem can be solved by unscrewing the board and brushing all corners and crushing with a toothbrush dipped in water with cleaning liquid.

Maintaining order in the bathroom and toilet is not an easy task for the hostess. The cleanliness of bathtubs and toilet bowls depends on both the frequency of cleaning and the quality. Let's see how to get rid of it.

Reasons for the formation of plaque

First of all, limescale can appear on the toilet due to the high content of calcium and magnesium minerals dissolved in sewage water. In most cases, it forms on the walls of the toilet due to leaks from the tank, which can be caused by an incorrectly adjusted float. An important role in the formation of plaque is played by the material of manufacture of the toilet bowl. If it is not covered with glaze or has a porous and rough surface, then dirt will accumulate on it faster.

Perhaps, especially before the holidays, when you are expecting guests, you will notice with concern that you were not able to effectively remove all the sediment from the depth of the toilet. The sludge looks a bit aesthetically pleasing, so try to get rid of it environmentally. Get water out of the toilet and cover the walls with paste and vinegar. Leave the mixture for several hours, then dry the surface and rinse thoroughly.

Take care of household members to always supervise the condition of the toilet and help keep the body perfectly clean. If your toilet cleaner isn't working, try home remedies. What can burax, fabric bleach, vinegar or Coke do?

The best choice to complete the bathroom will be the purchase of a porcelain toilet, which has a very smooth surface. It is less prone to pollution, but its price is higher.

Other types of pollution

In addition to limescale, rust and urinary stone are problems.

Rust can form due to the high content of ferrous constituents in water and due to poor condition sewer pipes made of metal or cast iron.

Sprinkle the stone-covered cleaning powder on the dirty surface of a wet toilet bowl. Leave the powder on for a few minutes and then scrub the toilet with a toilet brush. Pour a quarter cup of undiluted bleach into sinks and let sit for a few minutes. After this time, scrub the toilet with a brush and rinse. If this does not help the stone, pour bleach again and leave for half an hour. However, be careful not to use bleach when you use the cleaning cubes in the toilet.

They often contain ammonia, which can release toxic fumes when mixed with bleach. Mix borax paste with lemon juice. Then flush the toilet and wipe the paste wherever the slag is. Leave everything for 2 hours and then scrub. When the shell is washed, the precipitate should disappear.

A urinary stone forms when urine gets on the rough surfaces of the toilet bowl and, if not regularly cleaned and flushed, dries out, growing into a very unpleasant-looking deposit.

Limescale removal: methods and means

To deal effectively with limescale, you must first of all not run your toilet, regularly cleaning it. But if the problem has reached a large scale, then it must be addressed immediately. The answer to the question of how to remove plaque in the toilet lies in the choice between home cleaning methods and special cleaning products. It is decided purely individually, based on the capabilities and desires of the hostess.

Home methods for dealing with limescale

There are many ways from limescale at home, which are available to almost everyone:

  • Use of vinegar. Acetic acid has proven itself in the fight against various types pollution. To clean the toilet bowl, it is necessary to pour 200-250 ml of 9% or 70% vinegar into a container and, having covered it with a lid to prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor, heat it up to a temperature of 40 ˚С. Then carefully pour on the area affected by limescale. Under the influence of acetic solution, the contaminated place should remain for 3-4 hours. But for the best effect this way best used at bedtime, letting vinegar fight plaque throughout the night. If traces of limescale remain after flushing, the procedure is repeated.
  • Use of citric acid. In order to cope with limescale on the toilet, many housewives recommend using citric acid. Enough 100-150 grams of the substance for one dose. Acid powder is sprinkled on the site of plaque formation and left for 2-3 hours. After this time has elapsed, it is necessary to drain the water from the tank and treat the affected area with a brush or a stiff brush. If this procedure does not bring the desired result, it is recommended to repeat it until the pollution disappears completely.
  • Use B Soviet times many people knew a way to clean the toilet from limescale. It consists in using dry powder of oxalic acid. Since this preparation is caustic, hands should be protected with rubber gloves before use. You can apply oxalic acid powder to a damp, thick cloth and clean the contaminated surface with it. But most often it is recommended to simply sprinkle the powder directly on the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet bowl. Leave for an hour or two, then rinse thoroughly with a brush or brush.

A radical way to deal with limescale at home

If the limescale on the toilet is of an old nature and the fight against it does not bring the desired result, craftsmen suggest using the most radical method. It consists in the use of an electrolyte. This method requires compliance with increased security measures: the presence of a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves. Pour the electrolyte into the place of limescale formation in the toilet bowl very carefully: in a thin stream and avoiding splashing. This is dictated by the fact that during evaporation, the electrolyte emits vapors of harmful sulfuric acid, which is dangerous for the respiratory system and skin. Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons before using this method.

Carbonated drinks as a means of getting rid of limescale

Do not know how to clean the toilet from limescale? Take advantage of the proven, easy and in a safe way. It is enough to buy a couple of bottles of highly carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi or Sprite. Pour their contents into the toilet and let stand for a couple of hours. During this time, active soda will soften the limescale, and it will remain to be washed off with a brush or a sponge treated with ordinary detergent.

Using cistern tablets to combat limescale

As a prophylactic to help get rid of limescale and other contaminants, it should be noted tablets for the drain tank. They not only help keep the toilet clean, but also fight against unpleasant odors in the toilet room. Their principle of operation is based on the gradual dissolution in the water that fills the flush tank. When this water is washed off, all harmful deposits from the walls of the toilet (except for those of an old nature) are cleaned with it. Manufacturers offer the buyer a wide range of cistern tablets to choose from. Among them, quite effective are:

  • cubes for the Domestos drain tank, their average price is 130-150 rubles;
  • Bref cubes, which can be purchased for 150-165 rubles;
  • cleaning tablets for the Chirton tank at a price of 60 to 70 rubles.

Modern chemical industry produces a wide range of products that help housewives in cleanliness. According to the type of components contained, limescale removers can be divided into the following conditional groups:

  • Abrasive cleaners. Their main component is an abrasive, which can be fine-grained elements with high hardness. They can be finely ground quartz sand, various types of pumice) and of artificial origin. The main disadvantage abrasives is that they scratch and damage the surface of the toilet bowl, making it rough, which can further contribute to the rapid accumulation of dirt.
  • Alkaline cleaners. As the name implies, they are based on alkaline compounds, the ph value of which ranges from 8 to 12. Depending on the level of alkali content, the ability of these products to resist stubborn dirt varies. But it is worth considering that alkali practically cannot cope with mineral deposits, including calcareous ones.
  • Acid-based cleaners have acid as their main ingredient. Their ph value ranges from 1 to 5. Unlike alkaline products, they are able to cope with the most persistent pollution. But when using acid cleaners, you need to carefully take care of safety measures: rubber gloves, respiratory and eye protection.

A Brief Overview of Abrasive Toilet Cleaners

Of the cleaners containing abrasives in their composition, powdered ones can be distinguished: Pemolux, Sorti. Their price ranges from 30 to 70 rubles. Many housewives have long used the well-established Sanita paste, whose price for a 400 gram container does not exceed 60 rubles. These powders and pastes do a good job of removing dirt, but require the hostess to apply physical force to mechanically affect the lime deposit. Let's not forget that the use of powder adversely affects the surface of the toilet bowl, making it rough, covered with microcracks. Therefore, you should pay attention to the means produced in the form of a liquid or gel. They are more gentle on the surface.

A Brief Overview of Alkaline Toilet Cleaners

The most famous and well-proven remedy for limescale on the toilet bowl is the popular "Whiteness", the price of which is very democratic. It contains an active disinfectant and antiseptic substance.

To clean the toilet with the help of "Whiteness" it is necessary to pump water out of it. Then pour the product into the toilet and leave overnight. In the morning, it is enough to flush the water in several steps. As practice shows, after the application of "Whiteness" limescale completely disappears.

The most affordable for the wallet is a liter bottle of "Belizna" (its average price is 25-35 rubles), manufactured at the MMZ enterprise.

Acid-Based Toilet Cleaners at a Glance

According to market research, one of the most the best means for the toilet, you can rightly call the Cillit Bang lime and rust toilet gel in a 500 ml package. Its basis is characterized by high aggressiveness. Of the advantages of this tool, it should be noted the convenience of packaging, high efficiency in the fight against various types of stubborn contaminants, and a very thick concentration. Of the shortcomings - a rather high price that you have to pay. In addition, Cillit Bang lime and rust packaging does not have child protection.

More affordable and no less useful in the fight against limescale is the Domestos gel, the average price of which is 200 rubles. It also contains hydrochloric acid. It has a thick concentration and is economically consumed. Its packaging is equipped with a convenient cap that provides reliable protection from children. One of the significant disadvantages of Domestos gel is its irritating, pungent odor. But according to consumer reviews, we can say that this product is ideal for cleaning the toilet.