Lizun from citric acid. How to make a slime from glue and other improvised materials

  • 03.03.2020

Lizun (handgam, chewing gum for hands) - funny toy which attracts kids and adults. Such a "Velcro" is able to develop hand motor skills in children under 3 years old, stimulating speech and writing skills. It is very easy to create this funny fun with your own hands. There are many ways to make a slime at home using improvised means, but which one is the most effective?

The DIY cartoon character option will delight little ones as this colorful toy is fun and lovable. You can make a slime from various ingredients: water, starch, flour, soda, plasticine, soap, using chewing gum and even condensed milk to make the toy edible.

The content of the article:
  • In order for the work on creating Velcro to be successful, you need to be guided by the following tips:

    • during the manufacture of slime is best to use essential oils, which will give fragrant notes to the craft;
    • to make a luminous slime, cosmetic glitter or finely chopped pieces of foil should be poured into its composition;
    • so that the slime does not smear, you need to add a few drops of vinegar to the paint solution, and glycerin will make the toy slippery and vile;
    • to create a cartoon character, you must use hydrogen peroxide to make the slime light and airy;
    • you can stick eyes and a nose on the finished product so that the toy becomes animated;
    • store the finished slime in a closed container, in a cool place, out of direct sunlight.

    Do-it-yourself Lizun: cooking recipes

    How to make slime from water?

    Take 100 g of PVA glue, powder or 4% solution of borax, borax (available in pharmacies without a prescription), food coloring. When all the components are prepared, we proceed to the process of making slime.

    • Take a container with water and pour 50 ml into it warm water.
    • Add glue, the density of the resulting product will depend on its concentration.
    • Mix all components thoroughly, and then add a solution of borax, borax - 1 vial per 100 g of glue - or powder, after dissolving a tablespoon of the ingredient with 100 ml of water.
    • Transfer the finished mixture from the container to the bag and mix well until the composition thickens.

    Slime from the water is ready!

    Handgum from soda

    Such a product will not last long, a maximum of three to four days, but if you don’t need more, then this recipe is perfect. The manufacturing method is as follows:

    • Take plastic container, add 50 ml of water to it with a temperature of no more than 35 degrees, and the same amount of PVA glue to obtain a uniform consistency;
    • Pour in food coloring, mix thoroughly again;
    • Add soda diluted in a small amount of water;
    • Combine all the ingredients - the soda slime is ready!

    Attention: starch can be used instead of soda, stir it thoroughly to obtain a jelly-like mixture.

    Plasticine chewing gum

    Such a product perfectly holds its shape and is quickly produced. What needs to be done:

    • Pour cold water into a metal bowl and dissolve the gelatin in it according to the instructions on the package.
    • Place this mixture in a cold place for an hour and a half.
    • After putting the saucepan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil, as soon as the first bulbs appear, remove the mixture from the heat.
    • Prepare 100 g of plasticine.
    • Add 50 ml of warm water to a plastic bowl and stir the plasticine in it.
    • Now you need to combine both mixtures and put the finished mixture in the refrigerator to cool.

    Slime made of plasticine and gelatin is ready to use!

    How to make slime from shampoo?

    This recipe is even simpler, but not as reliable as the above recipes. To make such a slime, you need:

    • Take Titanium glue, shampoo, and also arm yourself with rubber gloves for safety and accuracy of work;
    • Now you need to combine glue and shampoo (3: 2), mix the composition well and get the finished cartoon character.
    • To add color, add a natural dye, you can take beetroot or carrot juice, as well as brilliant green or iodine.

    It is better not to use this method for preparing slime for children under 5 years old due to the toxic composition of the toy.

    How to make a slime without PVA glue?

    This option for creating a slime is quite long with a lot of necessary ingredients, but the result justifies even the wildest expectations.

    What ingredients do you need to prepare for this? These are sodium (boron) tetraborate, polyvinyl alcohol, a piece of bandage, water, food coloring and a plastic container.

    • Dilute alcohol with water (according to the instructions attached to PVA), boil this solution over low heat for 35-40 minutes;
    • Dilute boron powder in prepared dishes, pass the resulting mass through gauze, removing excess liquid;
    • Combine both mixtures and mix thoroughly;
    • To make the slime softer, add a drop of glycerin to the composition;
    • Mix with the selected dye, and so that the slime does not start to dry out, it must be periodically placed in a bowl with warm water.

    This version of the slime will be of the highest quality, but it is not suitable for use for children under 3 years old.

    How to make slime without sodium tetraborate?

    If you want to make a high-quality and long-lasting product, then you should tinker a little and invest small cash.

    The sequence of work is as follows:

    • Take ¼ of PVA glue, 1/3 of liquid starch, acrylic paints or food coloring and a plastic bag for mixing the composition.
    • Pour the required amount of starch into the bag, drop a few drops of gouache to color the product;
    • Add glue and bring the prepared mixture to a homogeneous consistency;
    • Leave the slime in a cold place for 4 hours.

    The version of the most successful slime, which you can make with your own hands at home, is ready.

    Soap handgum

    Such a toy requires special care, after each use of the slime you need to wash it under running water, and you need to store the product in the refrigerator - then the Velcro will last about a month or even more.

    Making a toy according to this recipe is very simple: you need to mix in equal amounts shampoo and liquid soap, close the container with a tight lid and place it in a cold place for 24 hours. Lizun is ready to delight kids and adults!

    If the slime didn't work out...

    The result directly depends on the constituent ingredients, each material differs significantly from its counterpart, depending on the manufacturer. You should not immediately give up, you need to experiment with the ratio of ingredients, to make it thicker you need to add more glue, and if the slime is too rough, soak it in warm water.

    Now you know how to make a slime at home using improvised means. Such a toy can cheer up children and amuse adults. Store the finished product in the refrigerator and, if dirty or spoiled, dispose of it so as not to harm the babies.

    Hello! In this article I will write several ways how at home you can make the famous and beloved slime by many. This toy was very popular in my childhood, because it was in the 90s that the cartoon and the movie "Ghostbusters" were shown. In this cartoon there was a ghost Lizun, which became the prototype of the famous toy. She could stick to a wall, a table, quickly change her shape.

    You can also make a similar toy yourself. This is a fun activity for kids (they love all sorts of experiences) and adults will enjoy the creation process too. So, I write some of the best ways.

    According to this recipe, I made a slime yesterday with my daughter. The process is very fast, it takes a couple of minutes. First you need to stock up on the necessary ingredients. It turns out according to this recipe a substance similar to " smart plasticine". For it you will need:

    • PVA glue - 100 ml
    • a solution of 4% sodium tetraborate (boron) - a few drops
    • food coloring (or brilliant green, or gouache)
    • plastic container
    • wooden stick (pencil or spatula)

    From these proportions, a fairly large slime is obtained. If you need a small one, reduce the amount. Can make multiple slides different colors, so the children will be much more interesting.

    I did it in a jar of gouache. You can use any plastic jar or container. First, pour PVA glue, add any dye that you have available to it. I took orange food coloring (I still have it from Easter). You can also paint with greenery or gouache. Mix the glue with paint thoroughly with a pencil until a uniform color.

    Then pour sodium tetraborate and mix well. If tetraborate is not enough, then add it little by little. The glue should become thick. The mass will begin to peel off the pencil and jar. After that, you can take it with your hands and knead. It relieves stress in adults well, on the table it slowly spreads into a small smooth puddle.

    The only thing I didn’t like was that such a slime (or smart plasticine, slime or handgam, which translates as chewing gum for hands) paints hands and a table. I think it would be better with gouache. It also doesn't have a very pleasant smell. Optionally, you can add flavorings to it, if there are any in the house.

    The price of such a slime is small. I bought glue for 35 rubles, sodium tetraborate is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription for 19 rubles, the dye cost me 5 rubles. Total - 59 rubles. But I used glue for one slime somewhere in the sixth part of the jar, less than a third of the tetraborate.

    It is important that the glue is fresh, homogeneous, without water. Nothing will work out of bad glue. Keep the mass in a closed jar so that it does not dry out.

    Here's what I got (video):

    Slime without sodium tetraborate

    You can make a slime very similar to the previous one, only use liquid washing powder instead of sodium tetraborate. It is the washing powder in the gel, not the fabric softener and other gels.

    Take a look at how the creation process takes place:

    We make a slime from plasticine and gelatin

    This method is popular and good feedback. They write that it turns out a good slime. But such a toy is short-lived. Suitable for young children to develop fine motor skills hands You will need:

    • plasticine (color optional) - 50 gr.
    • gelatin - 25 gr.
    • warm water - 30 ml
    • plastic container for mixing ingredients
    • a metal container for heating gelatin (you can use plastic or ceramic if you use a microwave)
    • wooden stick for stirring

    First, pour gelatin into a metal container cold water to let the water cover it. Leave for 20 minutes for the powder to swell. After that, it is necessary to heat the mass so that it completely dissolves. This can be done in a water bath or in the microwave. In the second case, heat the gelatin for about 2 minutes.

    In a plastic container, pour plasticine with warm water, mix with a wooden stick until smooth. Add the cooled gelatin to the plasticine and mix everything thoroughly again. Then put in the refrigerator to harden our slime. When it freezes, it's ready! The finished toy should also be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container.

    How to make slime with starch and PVA glue

    This is also an easy way, like the first with the second. The difference is that liquid starch is taken as a thickener (and not boron or liquid powder). Required components:

    • PVA glue - 100 ml.
    • liquid starch (this is not food starch, but chemical agent for washing). You can take food, but with it the result will be worse. If you take food starch, it will need to be mixed with water - 140 ml
    • dye (brilliant green, gouache, food)
    • plastic bag

    They write that it is according to this recipe that the slime will turn out, as in the store. To make such a slime, you need to pour starch into a small bag, add paint and glue to it.

    Mix everything thoroughly with your hands until smooth through polyethylene. After that, the mass should be given time to freeze slightly in the refrigerator (about 3 hours). Everything, the toy is ready, you can play!

    If excess liquid remains after mixing, it must be drained.

    Other slime options at home

    There are many more various options. But they do not guarantee a good result. Most of those who did according to other recipes write that nothing happened. For example, they make slime with baking soda. Only in this case a very hard substance is obtained, which cannot be called a lizun, a handgum, etc. in any way. There's no way to crush her. So it's better not to waste your time making such a creature.

    There is also a way to make slime from shampoo and titanium glue. But the slime by this method, too, most likely will not work. It will spread, stick to your hands.

    There is also a way to make a toy using polyvinyl alcohol instead of glue. But this method is quite troublesome. First, you need to find this very alcohol in powder, dilute it correctly with water. And then cook for 35 minutes. I think not everyone wants to bother like that when there are ways that are more affordable and faster.

    In some sources I found a recipe for making slime from flour, water and dye. But every person knows that by mixing flour with water, you get dough. You can sculpt from this dough, it's safe for kids, good for fine motor skills, but this is not slime. I make this colored play dough for my kids because it is softer than plasticine.

    1. Store the slime in a closed jar with a tight lid. Otherwise it will dry out.
    2. Do not store the toy in warm places. Moreover, do not put it on the battery, in the sun.
    3. Do not place handgams on a fleecy surface. Because of this, hairs will stick to it, it will lose its structure and smoothness.
    4. You can add flavorings or essential oils during cooking to kill the smell of glue and other ingredients.
    5. You can experiment with the composition of the mixture. Two drops of vinegar can be added to the paint mixture - the slime will stretch better. If you add a little hydrogen peroxide, the mass will turn out to be more airy, not sticky. If you add glycerin, then the "crusher" will become slippery.

    If you know others good ways how to make another slime at home, write in the comments! And share this article with your friends on social media. networks. See you!

    Evgenia Smirnova

    To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


    All children remember such a wonderful cartoon called "Ghostbusters" and its outstanding hero Lizun. After all, he served as a prototype for creating a strange, but captivating toy for children with the ability to stick to surfaces, hands, and bring a lot of delight. It is interesting for children to play with such a toy, and it is even more exciting to learn how to make a slime with their own hands. Take advantage of the moment to spend pleasant and useful time with your child, creating an unusual toy together.

    How to make slime at home and what you need for this

    Making a slime at home is very easy. Homemade option cartoon character, will not glow in the dark, like a real one, but it will spread, stick, change its shape. There are many options for creating this unpretentious toy, as well as a variety of materials for its manufacture: for example, chewing gum, starch with water, glue, flour, gouache, alcohol, some even use condensed milk if they want to make an edible toy. You can choose a variety of colors, using food coloring or, for example, gouache.

    All you need is to prepare the necessary materials in advance, choose the way in which you will act and enjoy the very process of creating a slime. This is very interesting, even if you do not have children, and you have long grown out of childhood.

    To prolong the life of the product and give your child the joy of playing, study the following points:

    • a necessary condition for storing a toy is a closed container (for example, a small jar with a tight-fitting lid);

    • do not leave the slime in the open sun, on heaters, batteries: he loves coolness;
    • do not put the toy on fleecy surfaces, such as carpet, clothes, because micro hairs will stick to it, and a non-uniform surface will result;
    • to make the toy original, use essential oils during manufacture, which will give a pleasant aroma to the craft;
    • for a slime with a “twist”: it is interesting to pour cosmetic glitter into the mass being produced and get a “glamorous” cartoon character;

    • to add flavor to the toy: add salt, sugar, condensed milk to the rest of the ingredients during the creation process;
    • add a couple of drops of vinegar to the paint solution - the slime will stretch better, it will not smear;
    • with the help of glycerin, it will turn out slippery, vile, just like a real one;
    • use hydrogen peroxide to make the homemade cartoon character light, airy;
    • if you want the toy to look more alive, stick rubber button or paper eyes on.

    Ways to make a slime with your own hands - instructions with a photo

    There are both primitive and harmless ways to create a sticky toy - for the smallest children (for example, an edible slime), and more "professional" ones. Some of the methods will be covered in detail in the creation instructions, using comprehensive illustrations. Here you will find a list of necessary materials, information about where it is all purchased. Let's start step by step description making slime with your own hands.

    From PVA glue, borax and water

    This fast way make a sticky toy without spending special efforts. A craft made in this way will turn out elastic, it will be able to bounce off surfaces, almost like a jumper, it will remain soft. A slime made in this way is not "afraid" of water (you can safely wash it).

    Source materials:

    1. Pure PVA glue white color, with an up-to-date expiration date (this is important, because it will affect the quality of your slime), in an amount of 100 g;
    2. One glass of water at room temperature;
    3. Borax (sodium tetraborate under medical term or borax). Buy it at any pharmacy, radio or chemical stores, there are no special conditions or restrictions on its sale. Ask for either a 4% solution or regular powder.

    1. Zelenka, food coloring, gouache, acrylic paints - to make a cartoon character colored;
    2. Any tank (with a volume of 0.5 liters), in which mix it all and a stirrer stick.


    • mix a quarter of the water with the same amount of glue, adding the dye of your choice, for example, brilliant green;

    • then prepare one tablespoon of borax;
    • gradually add borax to the previous ingredients, stirring constantly, as a result of which the liquid will gradually begin to become thick, you will get a viscous substance - slime.

    Plasticine and gelatin

    An easier way to make a slime with your own hands is with the help of improvised tools such as plasticine and gelatin. The toy will not last you long, but will create any shape that you give it. It is recommended for the youngest toy lovers as able to develop motor skills of small hands. Required Ingredients:

    1. Plasticine of any color, approximately 100 g;
    2. Two packs of edible gelatin, 25 g each;
    3. Warm water, at least 50 ml;
    4. Two containers: one metal for heating certain components, the second plastic for manufacturing;
    5. Mixing container.

    Let's start the manufacturing process:

    • in a metal container, dissolve gelatin in cold water, leave to brew for an hour;
    • after the specified time, put the gelatin on the fire, bring to a boil with steam (heat in a water bath), remove from heat;
    • in a plastic container, mix plasticine with warm water, use a wooden stick for this;

    • after the gelatin has cooled, add this liquid to the plasticine, then mix thoroughly until a thick uniformity is obtained;
    • we send the resulting substance to the refrigerator until it hardens - the slime is ready.

    From starch and soda

    This type of making a cartoon character is easy to make, the ingredients for it will always be found at home, you don’t need to purposefully go after them, spend additional funds. However, the result of the resulting toy will not please you very much, because. its properties will not be the same as we would like: the slime will turn out to be hard, but there is a plus here: he knows how to jump well. Craft Ingredients:

    1. Water at room temperature, about a glass;
    2. Starch (100 grams), which can be replaced with soda and you get the same effect;
    3. PVA glue, 100 gram jar.
    4. Any dye: brilliant green, gouache, food coloring, acrylic paints.

    Manufacturing instructions:

    • take starch / soda and mix with water 1: 1 until a jelly-like consistency of the substance is obtained;
    • add glue and mix thoroughly;
    • even when the consistency is liquid, while stirring, add the selected dye, for example, gouache;
    • in order for the slime to turn out to be close to a cartoon ghost, the part of the added water should be more in comparison with the part of the starch or soda.

    From shampoo and gouache

    Another way to make a sticky hero is with shampoo, a certain brand of super glue, and gouache. Why do you need to use a certain brand of glue, because only this type has the necessary properties that give the toy softness, the effect of sticking and spreading. So the main ingredients are:

    • 90 g super-glue "Titan";
    • 30 g of shampoo of the desired color, which is only available (take an inexpensive one);
    • Gouache, any dye to give a multi-colored effect;
    • Gloves for accuracy of work;
    • A small package in which our ingredients will be mixed.

    How to do:

    • mix glue and shampoo together in a bag;
    • proceed from the proportions of 3: 2 glue and shampoo, vary the amount of added ingredients as desired;
    • it is not at all necessary to adhere to proportions if you want to experiment and get the desired properties: add more shampoo - the toy will be more elastic, more glue - it will turn out denser;
    • in the course of mixing, add gouache to give the slime a shade, or to make the color more saturated;
    • if you used a transparent shampoo, then the finished slime will be translucent, and if the shampoo was white, then gouache will come in handy.

    How to make liquid slime without sodium tetraborate

    If there is a desire to tinker a little and additional money to stock up necessary materials, then make a slime without sodium tetraborate, and it will turn out to be of very high quality, it will be vague, as close as possible to that which is produced in the factory. To achieve this result, stock up on the following tools:

    1. One fourth of unexpired PVA glue;
    2. One third of liquid starch. Please note that this tool belongs to the number of economic and household chemicals and is used during washing clothes;
    3. Preferred coloring agent: gouache, acrylic paints, brilliant green, food coloring;
    4. Small plastic bag as a mixing container.

    Step by step instructions for making:

    • pour the indicated amount of starch into the bag;
    • there, drop a couple of drops of your chosen coloring agent, for example, gouache;
    • pour in the specified amount of glue;
    • mix the resulting consistency thoroughly with the help of your hands until uniform and obtain desired color;
    • leave the almost ready slime in the cold for 3-4 hours to lie down, for example, in the refrigerator;
    • after the specified time, remove the substance;
    • the version of the perfect slime is ready!

    Video tutorials for the phased creation of a slime

    For a comprehensive guide on making your own slime, watch the video tutorials below. They will help you prepare for this interesting activity, show you step by step the manufacturing steps, and tell you some tricks to create the perfect slime. You will be convinced that the creation process itself will not take much time, and the result will please not only your child, but also yourself.

    Step by step slime recipe:

    We make slime from flour and water:

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    How to make slime

    Slimes have been a fairly popular toy for a long time. It is popular both among children and adults, because few people can resist the temptation to crush this multi-colored, and sometimes even, substance that can easily take various forms right in your hands.

    At the moment, you can find a lot on the Internet various recipes slimes, but not all of them are written correctly, so homemade slimes often do not work out. Further, only proven recipes will be written so that everyone can make this toy at home, which will be no worse than the purchased one.

    without PVA glue and without sodium tetraborate

    To make a slime without PVA glue and without a thickener, carefully follow the recipes. If you are making a slime for the first time, then you need to control the proportions. It is better not to experiment when you are a beginner. To make a slime without PVA glue, carefully follow the steps, ingredients and proportions.

    Slime recipe without plasticine glue

    Not everyone knows, but plasticine can also be involved in the creation of this hand gum. If you have all the ingredients from the list below to make a slime, then be sure to try making one at home. You must like it!

    So here's what you need:

    • Plasticine of any color you like (100 grams)
    • A small bag of gelatin (15 grams)
    • Water (250 ml)
    • metal bowl
    • plastic bowl
    • Spatulas or sticks for stirring

    Step by step slime recipe without glue:

    • In a metal bowl, soak the gelatin in 200 milliliters of water at room temperature. Let this mixture sit for an hour without stirring.
    • After the allotted time, when the gelatin swells, put the bowl on the stove on the slowest fire so that the heating of the mass is more even. Constantly stirring, keep an eye on when the gelatin boils and then immediately remove the bowl from the stove.
    • While the gelatin is cooling, it is necessary to knead a piece of plasticine with your hands until it becomes soft and pliable.
    • Mix the softened plasticine with the remaining water and mix.
    • Gelatin should have cooled down by this point and now it is necessary to mix it with plasticine. Mix as thoroughly as possible!
    • Leave the slime in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. You can leave it for a shorter time if the slime is the softness you need.

    That's all! It was easy and quick to create a slime without PVA glue, which you will definitely like!

    Slime recipe without cornstarch glue and shampoo

    With the shampoo that everyone has, you can also make slime without glue! Of course, to create it, you also need corn starch, but it can also be at home, and if not, it is very easy to find it in any grocery store.

    These ingredients are needed for cooking:

    • Plastic bowl for mixing ingredients.
    • Shampoo (120 ml). It is better to use thick.
    • Corn starch (280 grams).
    • A glass of water at room temperature.

    Step by step recipe:

    • Add shampoo to the bowl and add coloring or glitter if you decide to decorate the slime. Stir.
    • Add cornstarch.
    • If after the first two steps you are satisfied with the density of the slime, then you will not need water and then your slime is ready.
    • If you want a softer slime without PVA glue, then slowly add one teaspoon of water to the mass, stirring each time with your hands to understand when there is enough water.

    Slime recipe without glue from shampoo and salt

    If you couldn’t find the starch for the previous recipe, then this recipe is definitely suitable, since absolutely everyone has salt!

    Here's what you need to prepare:

    • Thick shampoo (200 ml).
    • Salt.
    • Dyes and/or glitter for decoration.
    • Mixing bowl.

    Step by step recipe:

    • Add the shampoo to the bowl and add any embellishments if you use them.
    • Start mixing the shampoo and gradually add one tablespoon of salt into it. Add salt until the mixture becomes thick and lumpy.
    • Put the mixture in the freezer for 60-90 minutes. The time depends on how thick you want the slime to be.

    This is how, with the help that every home has, you can cook a good slime without glue. But it is worth considering that such a slime will melt in your hands and become more liquid, for this, just re-freeze your slime.

    Slime recipe without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate from soap and hand cream

    From any hand cream and detergent or soap, too, you can make a slime without glue! Let's see what is needed for this and how to do it.


    • Soda (teaspoon).
    • Soap or dishwashing liquid (tablespoon).
    • Hand cream.
    • Mixing bowl.
    • Spatulas for mixing ingredients.
    • Dyes and various decorations.

    Step by step recipe:

    • In a bowl, thoroughly mix baking soda and soap.
    • Add hand cream and mix thoroughly again.
    • If you want to decorate the slime, then add the desired decorations to the mixture and mix until smooth.
    • Transfer the mixture to a small transparent bag and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. If after the specified time you do not like the consistency of the slime, then leave it for the same amount.

    If you choose a cream with your favorite scent, then the benefits of such a toy will be even greater!

    Clear liquid soap and sugar slime recipe

    Such a slime without glue can be decorated with any glitter and dyes, which will turn it from a boring transparent substance into a fun and colorful toy!

    You need the following ingredients for cooking:

    • Thick clear soap or shampoo (5 tablespoons).
    • Sugar (2 tablespoons).
    • Mixing bowl with lid.

    Step by step recipe:

    • Mix sugar and soap or shampoo, whichever you choose to use, in a bowl until smooth.
    • Close the bowl tightly. A food container is better suited for such purposes, which come with lids on special clips that allow you to tightly close the container.
    • If you do not have such dishes and there is nothing to tightly close the bowl, then you can simply wrap it with a bag and secure it with a rubber band.
    • Put the finished mixture in an airtight container in the refrigerator for at least a day. After a day, if the consistency of the slime did not suit you, then leave the substance for another day in the refrigerator.

    Slime recipe without flour glue

    Such a slime can be made for the smallest and most curious, since there is nothing harmful in the composition and nothing bad will happen if the baby tries the mixture.

    To make this slime without glue you will need:

    • Wheat flour of any grade (400 grams).
    • Hot water (50 ml).
    • Cold water (50 ml).
    • Food coloring if the slime is made for a child. Adults can use any dyes and other decorations they wish.
    • Mixing bowls.

    Step by step recipe:

    • It is better to sift the flour into a bowl so that the consistency is more homogeneous.
    • Pour cold water into the sifted flour in a thin stream and stir at the same time so that no lumps remain.
    • Now add hot water in the same way while stirring.
    • Next, add decorations and mix thoroughly.
    • Upon completion of the previous points, the mass should be left to cool. Time can be different for everyone, so check the slime every hour.
    • If the finished slime sticks to your hands, you can lightly sprinkle the toy with flour.

    In order for the slime without glue to please you as long as possible, it is better in a package. It is worth considering that since all the ingredients are natural, then the shelf life of such a slime is a maximum of 5 days!

    Slime recipe without toothpaste glue

    This glue-free slime is also very easy to make, since toothpaste is used every day, so finding it is not difficult.

    For this slide you need:

    • Toothpaste. A whole tube of plain white paste without dyes is better.
    • Any decoration of your choice.
    • Metal bowl for mixing.

    Step by step recipe:

    • Squeeze the entire tube of toothpaste into the bowl.
    • Next, any decorations and dyes you choose are added.
    • Thoroughly mix the paste with the decorations so that the mixture is uniform in color and consistency.
    • The bowl is placed on low heat so that the mass heats up gradually and evenly. It is very important!
    • Constantly stir the future slime for 10-15 minutes, and then immediately remove from heat and let cool for a while.
    • When the mixture becomes warm, you can start kneading the slime with your hands. If the slime sticks strongly to your hands, then you can grease your hands a little with sunflower, or any other, oil and continue to knead.

    The recipe is not suitable for all pastas. Some pastes do not thicken, if yours is just like this, add starch. Such a slime will not stretch, unfortunately, but it can be crushed and rolled. Photo taken from the Internet, may differ slightly from the result.

    Now you know how to make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate.

    • If the recipe requires heating the mixture on the stove, then this is done strictly on low heat, so that the heating occurs smoothly and nothing can spoil the future hand toy.
    • When using dyes, it is best to add them starting with one drop, as if you go too far, your slime will be colored, which few people will like. The dye can always be added and re-mixed into the slime, and it will not work to remove the excess.
    • It is better to store all ready-made slimes in a bag or airtight container so that it does not dry out and thus please you longer.
    • Clearly observe all proportions, otherwise the slime may not work out, and you will be dissatisfied with the result.


    As many could understand, having read these recipes, chewing gum for hands, slimes or slimes, call it what you want, can be made from almost everything, the main desire! Even if you don't have an ingredient at home, you can always find it in any grocery or hardware store, unlike sodium tetraborate, which is not always available. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

    Find more recipes

    Lizun is a children's toy in the form of a bright jellyfish that looks like chewing gum with a jelly-like structure. IN English language this toy is called “Slime”. Below we will look at how to make slime at home.

    Lizun can take any shape, stretch, take the form of a container in which it will be placed. Despite the fact that the slime has been on sale for a very long time, it is still popular and in demand among children both in our country and abroad.

    However, making a slime with your own hands is much more interesting than buying it in a store, because in this case you can do exactly what you want, with individual characteristics, texture, color, smell and properties.

    For a children's toy, of course, we will choose the most natural materials, you can also make the slime colorless in case of an allergy in a child. In our article we will tell you how to make a slime. To do this, you will need to stock up on all the necessary components so as not to be distracted during the process and fully surrender to creative work.

    To make this toy, you can use a wide variety of materials - from glue to shampoo.

    How best to create and store slime

    Some tips to help you make your creation better and more interesting, as well as extend its life.

    Tips for making at home:

    1. Add gouache to the solution, you need colors so that your slime is bright
    2. For more beauty and originality, you can add cosmetic sparkles
    3. For a pleasant smell, toys can be dropped into a mixture of essential oils.
    4. In order for the slime not to spoil clothes, leaving marks, and also to be more viscous, you can add 2-3 drops of vinegar.

    Storage Tips:

    1. Keep the slime in a closed container, otherwise it will dry out.
    2. Do not put the toy near sources of high temperature - near a fireplace or radiator, as well as in the sun
    3. Do not put the slime on fleecy surfaces - woolen and other clothes or carpets, otherwise it will quickly become clogged

    Now let's look at how to make slime. Read all and choose the most suitable for you.

    Method number 1

    Lizun from silicate glue and liquid detergent

    Probably the fastest, easiest and reliable way making such a toy.

    We will need:

    1. Silicate glue (1 bot.)
    2. Liquid Concentrated Gel Laundry Detergent
    3. Dye
    4. Container and spatula

    We take a container, pour about 1 tablespoon of glue there, add dye, mix well, then take the washing gel and pour a teaspoon into our container. All this must be mixed well again. It turned out a viscous substance, we take it in our hands and knead it well until a homogeneous state. Our slime is ready.

    Video of quick slime making from silicate glue and liquid laundry detergent

    Method number 2

    From PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

    In order to make such a toy, we need:

    1. PVA glue (preferably with a fresh date of manufacture)
    2. Sodium tetraborate (available at the store chemicals or any pharmacy)
    3. Gouache or food coloring for color
    4. Plastic container 2 pcs and a spatula for mixing
    5. Rubber gloves (can be medical, so as not to get your hands dirty)
    6. Paper towel or napkin
    7. Measuring cup or spoon

    We put on gloves, otherwise, as you like, take PVA glue and pour 100-200 ml of glue into a plastic container, depending on right size. Add gouache, and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. After we take a solution of 1-2 bottles of borax, depending on how much glue you have chosen (100ml - 1 bottle, etc.), if the borax is in the form of a powder, then dilute it in water (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of warm water ), mix well. The resulting mass is put on paper towel so that all excess moisture is gone, then return the slime to the bag for 5 minutes and knead it well, take out the finished toy from the bag.

    The method does not work with PVA glue from all manufacturers. Which glue is better to choose, you will see below in the video. In any case, this method is not the best.

    Video of making slime from tetraborate and PVA glue

    Method number 3

    How to make a slime without tetraborate, from PVA glue and starch

    What will we do:

    1. starch in liquid form
    2. PVA glue
    3. Plastic bag
    4. Dye

    We take a bag and pour in about 100 ml. liquid starch (pre-diluted starch 1: 2), add quite a bit of natural dye, add PVA glue 30 gr. close the bag well and mix until thick. Drain the rest of the water and mash the slime in the bag for 5 minutes. Store the toy in a closed container and in a cool place (valid for about 7 days). If the slime sticks to your hands, then you need to make it again, reduce the amount of starch or put more glue.

    In the first two cases, we prepared a slime from PVA glue. This toy is not expensive at all. It is very good when a child participates with you, this is a good developmental process and just activities for children. Next, we will consider several more cooking methods, but without glue.

    Method number 4

    Lizun without PVA glue, from soda, sodium tetraborate and dish detergent

    Ingredients needed to make slime:

    1. Dye
    2. dish detergent

    Pour dishwashing liquid into the container, the amount at your discretion, it can be somewhere around 50-100 gr., Gradually pour in water to control the density. Next, add the dye, and then pour the soda. When you mix everything, it can get thick, add a little water and mix again. Your toy is ready.

    This slime is not very natural, so after the child plays with it, you need to wash your hands.

    Now we will consider the safest type of slime, this is a flour slime, of course, you can’t eat it either! But for kids, it is more than suitable.

    Method number 5

    How to make slime without PVA and sodium tetraborate, from flour and water

    1. Hot water
    2. Cold water
    3. Dye natural, food

    Pour about 100 g of cooked flour into a container, first pass it through a sieve. After pouring about 50 gr., Not much hot water. Next, we mix everything until a homogeneous mass, and make sure that there are no lumps, you can do this with a mixer. After we add the dye, and mix again, a sticky mixture is obtained. If it turned out liquid, you can add flour, or, on the contrary, water if tight. In this container, put the slime in the refrigerator, where it will reach full readiness.

    Method number 6

    Lizun from washing powder and PVA glue

    What you need to create such a toy at home:

    1. Liquid laundry detergent
    2. PVA glue
    3. Food coloring
    4. Container and spatula
    5. Rubber gloves

    We take PVA glue and pour it into a bowl, the amount of glue depends on the desired size of your slime. We drip a little dye, literally three drops. Then we take the powder 3-4 tbsp. spoons and put in a container. We mix everything well. We bring our slime to the desired elasticity. After we take it out and begin to stir it, like dough, until a homogeneous state. We store in a closed container, the validity period is 1 month. Refrigerate if necessary.

    The next type of slime will be the longest in its preparation, but the result will please you. it will be as close as possible to the store. Do not forget to involve children in the process, it should be interesting and entertaining for them to make a toy for themselves.

    Method number 7

    Lizun from plasticine and gelatin

    Another manufacturing method is to make it from gelatin and plasticine. Such a slime will keep its shape well and will be less amorphous than slimes made according to other recipes.

    To create this type you need:

    1. Children's plasticine
    2. Food grade gelatin
    3. Two containers (plastic and metal)
    4. shoulder blade

    In the first container, put 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour one glass of warm water and leave to stand for one hour. When the specified time has passed, place the container with gelatin and water on gas, bring to a boil and remove from heat. After that, carefully knead 100 grams of plasticine in your hands. Tear the plasticine into small pieces, put in a plastic container, pour 50 grams of water and crush the plasticine in the water with a spatula.

    Then thoroughly mix the contents of both containers until you get a homogeneous mass and refrigerate until the slime has cooled. Lizun from plasticine is ready!

    Method number 8

    Making slime from shampoo

    Such a slime is quickly made at home, but is not very durable. But due to the ease of manufacture this way quite popular.

    Ingredients that are needed:

    1. Any shampoo;
    2. As fresh as possible glue "Titan";
    3. Gloves

    Take a strong plastic bag and pour the shampoo and glue into it. The ratio - shampoo two parts, glue - three. Seal the bag and mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes thick. For better consistency, you can put the bag in the refrigerator. Slime is ready to use!

    You and I have learned how to cook slime different ways Of course, you can choose any of your choice. But sometimes it happens that the toy turns out to be either sticky, or liquid, or even completely falling apart and not homogeneous, do not be afraid to add the main ingredient until the desired elasticity is formed. And if at all something went wrong, take and redo the toy. Because there is no limit to perfection.