Hot water shutdown schedule pgu. Information about hot water outages appeared on the city portal of public services

  • 16.06.2019

Water / Water outages

Shutdowns of hot water in Moscow at addresses. interactive service. 2019

Hot water shutdowns in Moscow in 2019 will begin on May 13. Shutdown periods should not exceed 10 days. When there is no hot water in your house, you can see it using a special online service on the website of the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK).

The service looks like this:

To find out information about your home, you need to start typing the address you are interested in in the information entry box, and then select it from the drop-down list of "tips".

If you did not find your address in the widget, please contact your management company for information about the timing of turning off hot water in your house. Most likely, hot water it is not MIPC that supplies your home, but another company.

Hot water shutdowns in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow (SAO). A bit of history and reasons

Publishing interactive graphs of hot water shutdowns at addresses in Moscow began about five years ago. Prior to this, MOEK, at best, posted Excel files on the Internet, with lists of houses and streets. Well, until the mid-2000s, it was possible to find out about hot water outages only from announcements in the entrance. And in this sense, of course, over the past ten years, the capital's communal services have come a long way.

Why is there a hot water problem? The fact is that the supply system for heat and hot water in Moscow was formed during the Soviet period and is characterized by extreme centralization. From large thermal power plants, the coolant (they say in a simple way, steam) is supplied directly to the houses. And only in very rare cases do houses have their own boiler rooms (heating boilers have been installed).

As a result, in order to carry out the necessary preventive and repair work, you have to turn off the coolant supply (and hot water is heated from it) for several quarters at once. Otherwise, the central heat pipe cannot be repaired. As a result, residents suffer. They have to sit for weeks without hot water.

Hot water shutdowns - dates and dates for the start of shutdowns in 2019

Hot water shutdowns in Moscow in 2019 begin on April 13. During shutdowns, preventive maintenance is carried out and overhaul at regional thermal stations and central heating points. Repair is carried out using modern energy-saving technologies. Diagnosis of networks, hydraulic tests, and, if necessary, re-laying of pipelines are carried out.

A few years ago, Muscovites lived without hot water for almost a month, then three weeks (21 days), then 2 weeks (14 days), and today the maximum period for turning off hot water is 10 days.

Why are hot water shutdowns in summer in Moscow?

Hot water shutdowns are associated with the so-called "hydraulic tests" tests. They are carried out following the results of a repair campaign on heating networks. What for?

Here is how the public utilities themselves formulate the goals of hydraulic tests:

checking the strength and density of pipelines and their elements, including all welded joints, as well as identifying weak spots caused by corrosion and fatigue of the pipeline metal;

  • checking the quality of repairs performed on heating networks;
  • detection of defects and elimination of the causes of heat and coolant losses;
  • ensuring trouble-free operation of heating network equipment, reliable heat supply to consumers during the heating period.

What does the legislation say about the rights of citizens in connection with the mass shutdowns of hot water in the summer?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation forms the requirements for the organization of hot water supply in apartment buildings in the following way.

Permissible duration of interruption of hot water supply:

  • 8 hours (total) within 1 month;
  • 4 hours at a time;
  • in case of an accident on a dead end highway - 24 hours;
  • during preventive maintenance (once a year);
  • shutdown of hot water systems should not exceed 10 days.

How is the payment for hot water when disconnected?

In the summer, when hot water is turned off for scheduled repairs, a recalculation must be made for consumers - hot water is not charged at this time.

In the event of an unplanned shutdown due to a malfunction engineering equipment- both main and intra-house, recalculation is also made. If the owner of the housing (premises) did not receive hot water in the required volume or there were interruptions in its supply, he can count on the recovery of moral damages and the payment of a penalty provided for by the Consumer Protection Law. It is 3% of the monthly tariff for each day of default management company or supplier organization.

A deviation from the standard values ​​​​by 3 degrees during the day and 5 degrees at night (from 0 o'clock to 5 in the morning) is allowed. If the temperature of "hot" water is below 40 degrees, you can pay for it as for cold water.

Turn off hot water in summer. How to be saved?

According to opinion poll data, 45% of Russians heat water on the stove during hot water outages. Women (52%) and low-income respondents (51%) do this especially often. At the same time, some of them are thinking about buying a water heater, while others consider this invention dangerous.

To turn off the water, those who use the stove have different attitudes. Some are very annoyed: “I’m going crazy from this”; “This shutdown just infuriates me!”; “Three weeks of hot water shutdown is an excessively long period for carrying out repair and maintenance work on heating networks”; "Horror . And I try to live somewhere else. Others take this period calmly: "adapt- no problem"; “Not the worst loss. Modern man may well do without hot water for a while.”

Every fifth respondent (20%) has got a water heater. More often, this solution to the problem is preferred by Russians aged 40-49 years (27%) and respondents with high incomes (23%). “Three weeks without hot water is a disaster!” they explain their decision. True, many of those who decide to buy a water heater say that for them, turning off hot water lasts more than three weeks: from a couple of months to decades.

9% of respondents do not experience any inconvenience due to the disconnection of hot water, as they are hardened enough to take cold showers. Men (14%) and those with high incomes (11%) are more likely to brag about this hardening. In their opinion, a cold shower invigorates and is good for the skin.

6% of Russians go to wash with friends and relatives during difficult times. “Very convenient: I ate, washed, talked,” they comment.

Another 3% of respondents believe that turning off hot water is a good reason to go to the bathhouse. “There is nothing more beautiful than on a hot summer day to forget about the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and find yourself in a sauna among beautiful and interesting people and wash at the same time. Moreover, the sauna is good for the skin,” the respondents said.

3% of respondents offered other answers. Here are the most interesting of them: “I go to the pool”; “I don’t wash”, “I wash at work”, “I swear”.

Some Russians are lucky and have no problems with hot water. 9% have a gas water heater.

Well, 5% of respondents do not turn off hot water in summer. Lucky))

In Moscow, annually from May to the end of August, hot water is turned off for preventive maintenance. The hot water shutdown schedule is drawn up and published before the start of the scheduled shutdown season. Enter your address in the line below and find out when hot water will be turned off in 2019.

2. Why is hot water turned off every year in Moscow?

Turning off hot water is a technical necessity for preparing communications for the heating season in order to ensure reliable performance all elements of a complex system district heating- thermal stations, main and distribution heating networks, central and individual heating points. Carrying out preventive work, as a rule, requires turning off hot water from consumers for a short period of time.

3. How long is hot water off?

Today in Moscow, the duration of blackouts is no more than 10 days. At the same time, in 2011, water was turned off for 14 days, and even earlier - for 21 days. 10 days is a reasonable term for turning off hot water without losing the quality and reliability of the Moscow heat and power system.

In new microdistricts, where new generation networks are laid, modern heating points are equipped, the shutdown period can be reduced to the minimum necessary for preventive maintenance, ensuring high-quality preparation of equipment. Replacing old motors, pumps and heat exchangers requires more time and attention. For this reason, the shutdown period may vary in different areas, quarters, and even neighboring houses.

The term for turning off hot water for the period of preventive maintenance is indicated from the time and date of the start of the shutdown to the time and date of the end of the shutdown of hot water supply, but cannot exceed 10 days, that is, it must be less than 240 hours.

4. In which houses in Moscow hot water is not turned off at all or is turned off for a short time?

In houses with alternative piping, hot water may not be turned off every year, or for a short period of time, because it is possible to check and repair the main system while hot water is supplied through the backup pipes. However, even the most modern equipment requires prevention, so it is not possible to completely refuse to turn off hot water in a metropolis with a centralized heating system.

5. Why isn't the cold water turned off?

The hot water shutdown schedule for 2018 is not much different from the schedule for previous years. Many cities have strict shutdown rules.

Usually hot water in apartment buildings in Russian cities disappears in late May - early June. The usual shutdown period for preventive maintenance is 14 days. It is this period that will be required to inspect all problem areas of highways, heating points and nodes. To repair pipes, water is drained from them for a short period of time.

Schedule for turning off hot water 2018 Moscow at the address of residence:

How long is the hot water off?

As a rule, residents lose hot water for 14 days. In some cities, such as Moscow, this period has been reduced to 10 days.

This is the longest planned outage of the year. But besides it, there are others. Thus, utilities have the right to turn off hot water for 8 hours during a month.

At the same time, hot water cannot be turned off for longer than 4 hours. Or for 24 hours in case of an accident on the highway.

However, many modern houses equipped with an autonomous boiler or CHP, so traditional schedules do not apply to them. Still, hot water cannot be turned off for more than 8 hours. But summer shutdowns will be set by the company that maintains the boiler house. Most likely, the shutdown will last less than 10 days, but the exact timing can be clarified either in the service or in the management company.

If the house has an alternative pipeline, then hot water may not be turned off.

The full schedule of summer hot water shutdowns can be found on the city websites or on the websites of the Criminal Code or the RNO.

Do I have to pay for hot water while it is not available?

We all pay for the consumed water according to the meter. Therefore, as long as there is no hot water, he will not count anything. However, often from a hot tap pours cold water and out of habit we use a hot valve. Therefore, advice - turn off the hot water to the apartment in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Water / Water outages

On May 10, hot water cuts began in Moscow, according to the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK, the largest heat supplier in the capital). The shutdowns will last no more than ten days. You can find out when there will be no hot water in your house using one of the special online services.

Schedule for turning off hot water in Moscow. Source - MIPC website

It is MIPC that is responsible for carrying out the repair company on the eve of the new heating season. She is also the primary source of information about the schedule for turning off hot water. Accordingly, MIPC publishes hot water shutdown schedules every year.

About five years ago, these were just Excel files that could be downloaded from the company's website. Today MIPC informs Moscow residents about the upcoming restrictions on hot water supply using an interactive service.

He is on home page(as far as you can understand, in a somewhat truncated functionality) and in a special section of the company's online services

It looks like this:

To find out when there will be no hot water in your house, you must enter the address in the search field. To help users, the service provides a list of "tips" from similar addresses. In addition to the shutdown date, the service also indicates the time (up to an hour) when hot water will be turned off and then turned on at this address.

Hot water shutdown schedule on the website

Since last year, interactive graphs of hot water shutdowns have been published by the Moscow portal

The service is located in a special section, which is called just that - Hot water shutdown schedule in Moscow.

This section looks like this:

You can find out when hot water will be turned off in your house right here by typing your address in the box that says "Enter the address of the house"

Hot water shutdown schedule in the Open data section

Department website information technologies Moscow - Another source where you can get information about turning off hot water in the capital. Or rather, not even the DIT website itself, but a portal where the city authorities publish an array of information as part of the Open Data project.

It has a section "Hot water shutdown schedule". There you can also find the object you are interested in and find out the terms for turning off hot water in it.

The service looks like this:

The service is not as convenient for the average user as MOEK and informers, but it makes it possible to download data on the timing of water shutdowns in different formats, as well as learn about changes in already approved schedules. Sometimes this is important.

Why are hot water shutdowns in summer?

Hot water shutdowns are associated with the so-called "hydraulictests" tests. They are carried out following the results of a repair campaign on heating networks. What for?

Here is how the public utilities themselves formulate the goals of hydraulic tests:

  • checking the strength and density of pipelines and their elements, including all welded joints, as well as identifying weak spots caused by corrosion and fatigue of the pipeline metal;
  • checking the quality of repairs performed on heating networks;
  • detection of defects and elimination of the causes of heat and coolant losses;
  • ensuring trouble-free operation of heating network equipment, reliable heat supply to consumers during the heating period.

What does the legislation say about the rights of citizens in connection with the mass shutdowns of hot water in the summer?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation forms the requirements for the organization of hot water supply in apartment buildings as follows.

Permissible duration of interruption of hot water supply:

  • 8 ocloc'k (total) within 1 month;
  • 4 hours at a time;
  • in case of an accident on a dead end highway - 24 hours;
  • during preventive maintenance (oneonce a year) shutdown of hot water systems should not exceed 10 days.

How is the payment for hot water when disconnected?

In the summer, when hot water is turned off for scheduled repairs, a recalculation must be made for consumers - hot water is not charged at this time.

In case of an unscheduled shutdown, which is associated with a malfunction of engineering equipment - both main and in-house, a recalculation is also made. If the homeowner (premises) did not receive hot water in the required volume or there were interruptions in its supply, he can count on the recovery of moral damages and the payment of a penalty provided for by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. It is 3% of the monthly tariff for each day of non-fulfillment of obligations by the management company or supplier organization.

Allowed deviation from standard values ​​by 3 degrees during the day and 5 degrees at night (With0 hours to 5 am). If the temperature "hot» water below 40 degrees, you can pay for it as cold.

Turn off hot water in summer. How to be saved?

As evidenced by the data of a recent sociological survey, 45% of Russians during hot water outages heat water on the stove. Women especially do this. (52 %) and respondents with low income (51 %). At the same time, some of them are thinking about buying a water heater, while others consider this invention dangerous.

To turn off the water, those who use the stove have different attitudes. Some are very annoying: "I'm goingcrazy about it"; "Methis shutdown is just infuriating!”; "Threeweeks of hot water shutdown is an excessively long time for repair and maintenance work on heating networks”; "Horror. And I try to live somewhere else. Others take this period calmly: "adapt- no problem"; "Notthe worst loss. A modern person can do without hot water for some time.”

Every fifth respondent (20 %) got a water heater. More often, this solution to the problem is preferred by Russians aged 40-49 years. (27 %) and high-income respondents (23 %). "Three weeks without hot water is a disaster!” they explain their decision. True, many of those who decide to buy a water heater say that for them, turning off hot water lasts more than three weeks: from a couple of months to decades.

9% of respondents do not experience any inconvenience due to the disconnection of hot water, as they are hardened enough to take cold showers. Such hardening is more often boasted by men (14 %) and high income holders (11 %). In their opinion, a cold shower invigorates and is good for the skin.

6% of Russians go to wash with friends and relatives during difficult times. "Veryconvenient: ate, washed, talked, ”they comment.

Another 3% of respondents believe that turning off hot water is a good reason to go to the bathhouse. "NotNothing is more beautiful than on a hot summer day, forgetting about the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and finding yourself in a sauna among beautiful and interesting people, and at the same time taking a bath. Moreover, the sauna is good for the skin,” the respondents said.

3% of respondents offered other answers. Here are the most interesting ones: "I'm walking in the pool"; "Not wash", "I wash myself at work", "Swearing».

Some Russians are lucky and have no problems with hot water. 9% have a gas water heater.

Well, 5% of respondents do not turn off hot water in summer. Lucky))