Scheme of hot water distribution in an apartment building. Water supply of an apartment building rules

  • 21.11.2020

Perhaps everyone knows that the huge cooling tower boilers and striped pipes emitting smoke, which are visible from anywhere in the city, belong to the thermal power plant. Moreover, many people know that these colossus provide our homes with light, heating and hot water. But what exactly is the process of generating heat and how cooling towers are involved in it is a rather confusing question.

Expendable materials

The entire process of CHP operation begins with water preparation. Since it is used here as the main coolant, before entering the steam boiler, where the main metamorphoses will take place with it, it requires preliminary purification. To prevent scale on the walls of boilers, the water is first softened - sometimes its hardness needs to be reduced by 4000 times, it also needs to be rid of various impurities and suspensions.

As a fuel for heating boilers with water at various power plants, as a rule, gas, coal or peat are used. The combustion of these materials releases thermal energy, which is used at the station to operate the entire power unit. Coal is ground before use, and the incoming gas is cleaned of mechanical impurities, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

Steam production

A huge steam boiler in the engine room - the height of a 9-storey building is not the limit - can be called the heart of the CHP. It is powered by prepared fuel, while releasing a huge amount of energy. Under its power, the water in the boiler turns into steam with an outlet temperature of almost 600 degrees. Under the pressure of this steam, the blades of the generator rotate, as a result of which electricity is created.

The CHPP also generates thermal energy intended for heating and hot water supply of the region and the city. To do this, there are selections on the turbine that remove part of the heated steam, while it has not yet reached the condenser. The removed steam is transferred to the network heater, which acts as a heat exchanger.

Heating network

Once in the pipes of network heaters, the water is heated and transferred through underground pipelines further to the heating network due to pumps that drive water through the pipes. Heating networks, as a rule, carry water of 70-150 degrees - it all depends on the temperature outside: the lower the degree outside, the hotter the coolant.

The transfer point for the coolant becomes the central heating point (CTP). It serves at once the whole system of buildings, the enterprise or microdistrict. This is a kind of intermediary between the object that creates heat and the direct consumer. If the water in the boiler room is heated due to the combustion of fuel, then the CHP works with an already heated coolant.

hot water recipe

The supply of the coolant ends at the entrance to the central heating station or ITP (individual TP) - for example, the coolant is transferred for further actions to the HOA or another management company. It is in the heating point that the hot water that we are used to dealing with is created - the water coming here from the CHP heats the clean cold water from the water intakes in the heat exchanger and turns it into the very hot that flows in our taps.

Heating the building and the room, this water gradually cools down, its temperature drops to 40-70 degrees. Part of this water is mixed with the heat carrier and supplied to our hot water taps. The road of the other part - again to the station, here the cooled water will be warmed by network heat exchangers.

What are cooling towers for?

The majestic and massive towers, called cooling towers, are not the reactors and centers of events at the CHP plant and actually play a supporting role. Surprisingly, they are used in thermal power plants to cool water. But why let the water that is constantly heated cool down?

Cooling towers use the second part of the “return”, which has passed through a heating-cooling cycle. But its temperature is still quite high: 50 degrees for further use is too high. The water that has been in the cooling towers is used to cool the condensers of steam turbines. This is necessary so that the steam that has passed through the steam turbine can get into the condenser and condense on the cold pipes inside it. These pipes are just cooled by water that has passed through the cooling tower, the temperature of which is now about 20 degrees. If they are not cooled, then there will be no steam flow through the turbine, then it will not be able to work. The condenser will again turn the steam into water, which will be recycled.

The wiring for hot water supply does not differ from cold, there are only a couple of nuances. Some consumers do not need hot water, some use their resources for heating. The washing machine and dishwasher can provide themselves with the working fluid of the desired temperature. This also applies to some other plumbing equipment, where hot water is not needed, and heating is carried out on its own.

The following pipe laying methods are used:

  • laying pipes for cold and hot water supply one above the other, then the top one will be used for hot water supply;
  • with horizontal laying, the right pipe belongs to the DHW;
  • open and closed methods, for which the rules described above also apply.

In the event of a water spill, closed laying methods cause additional obstacles in order to change the damaged pipes. Sometimes it is required that the replacement be carried out in a short time, this again refers to the advantages of open circuits. Laying pipes in recesses or special panels is used to give the apartment an aesthetic appearance. A protruding pipeline can spoil the look of an expensive repair, in which every detail matters.

Transportation of water from the main line to end consumers. Old schemes have low efficiency; during repair work, the replaced water supply systems are laid using improved technologies. New methods allow not to lose the temperature of the coolant due to constant circulation. Decent water quality is ensured on any floor, problems with temperature differences are a thing of the past.

Network diagrams

So, let's start with the question of how water enters our homes, I mean hot. It moves from the boiler house to the house, and is distilled by pumps installed as boiler equipment. Heated water moves through pipes called heating mains. They can be laid above or below ground. And they must be thermally insulated in order to reduce the heat loss of the coolant itself.

Ring connection diagram

The pipe is brought to apartment buildings, from where the route is branched into smaller sections that supply the coolant to each building. A pipe of smaller diameter enters the basement of the house, where it is divided into sections that deliver water to each floor, and already on the floor to each apartment. It is clear that such an amount of water cannot be consumed. That is, all the water pumped into the hot water supply cannot be consumed, especially at night. Therefore, another route is being laid, which is called the return line. Through it, water moves from the apartments to the basement, and from there to the boiler room through a separately laid pipeline. True, it should be noted that all pipes (both return and supply) are laid along the same route.

That is, it turns out that the hot water itself inside the house moves along the ring. And she is constantly on the move. In this case, the circulation of hot water in an apartment building is carried out precisely from the bottom up and back. But in order for the temperature of the liquid itself to be constant on all floors (with a slight deviation), it is necessary to create conditions under which its speed is optimal, and it does not affect the decrease in the temperature itself.

It should be noted that today separate routes for hot water supply and for heating can approach apartment buildings. Or one pipe with a certain temperature (up to + 95C) will be supplied, which in the basement of the house will be divided into heating and hot water supply.

DHW wiring diagram

By the way, look at the photo above. A heat exchanger is installed in the basement of the house according to this scheme.

That is, water from the route is not used in the hot water supply system. It only heats the cold water coming from the water supply network. And the DHW system at home is a separate route, unrelated to the route from the boiler room.

The house network is circulating. And the water supply to the apartments is produced by a pump installed in it. This is by far the most modern scheme. Its positive feature is the ability to control the temperature regime of the liquid. By the way, there are strict norms for the temperature of hot water in an apartment building. That is, it should not be lower than +65C, but not higher than +75C. In this case, small deviations in one direction or another are allowed, but not more than 3C. At night, deviations can be 5C.

Why is this temperature

There are two reasons.

  • The higher the water temperature, the faster pathogenic bacteria die in it.
  • But you have to take into account the fact that the high temperature in the DHW system is burns when in contact with water or metal parts of pipes or mixers. For example, at a temperature of +65C, a burn can be obtained in 2 seconds.

Water temperature

By the way, it should be noted that the water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building can be different, it all depends on various factors. But it should not exceed + 95C for two-pipe systems, and + 105C for single-pipe systems.

Attention! According to the legislation, it is determined that if the temperature of the water in the DHW system is 10 degrees below the norm, then the payment is also reduced by 10%. If it is with a temperature of +40 or +45C, then the payment is reduced to 30%.

That is, it turns out that the water supply system of an apartment building, meaning hot water supply, is an individual approach to payment, depending on the temperature of the coolant itself. True, as practice shows, few people know about this, therefore disputes usually never arise on this issue.

Dead End Schemes

There are also so-called dead-end schemes in the DHW system. That is, water enters consumers, where it cools down if it is not used. Therefore, in such systems there is a very large overrun of the coolant. Such wiring is used either in office premises or in small houses - no more than 4 floors. Although all this is already in the past.

The best option is circulation. And the simplest thing is to enter the pipe into the basement, and from there through the apartments through the riser, which runs through all floors. Each entrance has its own stand. Reaching the top floor, the riser makes a U-turn and, past all the apartments, descends into the basement, through which it is discharged and connected to the return pipeline.

dead end scheme

The value of the temperature regime of hot water

Keeping track of what the temperature of the water flowing from the hot tap should be, not only for economic reasons, but also for reasons of epidemiological safety.

This point is especially relevant for young children, elderly people with disabilities and other groups of citizens. In order not to endanger the life and health of citizens, the water temperature should not deviate from the established norms more than the maximum possible deviations, both up and down.

The water temperature within the established norms is not just a matter of comfort, but also of the sanitary and epidemiological safety of citizens.

Sometimes, although it happens quite rarely, the water temperature can significantly exceed the established norms. Such a deviation creates a risk of thermal damage to the skin.

To prevent this, you should know what consequences for the skin can lead to exposure to hot water of a certain temperature:

  • + 50 ° C - when the skin is exposed to water of this temperature for more than 1.5 minutes, a slight thermal burn of the skin may occur;
  • + 55 ° C - when exposed to water of this temperature, a burn of the skin can occur within 15 seconds;
  • +60°C - thermal damage to the skin will occur when exposed for 5 seconds;
  • +65°C - severe thermal damage to the skin will occur when exposed to a duration of 2 seconds;
  • + 70 ° C - when exposed to water of this temperature on the skin, severe thermal damage occurs instantly.

Cases when water flows from a hot tap, the temperature of which is much lower than the standard, are very common. This not only leads to an increase in its consumption and, as a result, financial costs for paying for a poor-quality service, but also makes it possible to develop many negative situations.

For example, in a hot water supply system, in the event of a significant drop in water temperature, the most favorable conditions are created for the life and development of various harmful microorganisms that can cause a number of diseases in humans.

Most often in such conditions, the legionella bacterium begins to develop. Warm fresh water is the most favorable environment for its life and reproduction. This pathogenic bacterium is a gram-negative rod, the size of which does not exceed 3 microns.

The underheating of the water entering the hot water supply system leads to the fact that the most favorable environment for legionella is created in pipes and boilers.

As a result, they begin to develop rapidly and form huge colonies. This, in turn, poses a significant threat to human health.

For these pathogenic bacteria, the optimal habitat is warm fresh water. It is for this reason that they quite often infect low-temperature heating systems, where they create entire colonies.

Legionella can cause many diseases, the most severe of which is pneumonia with various complications.

This bacterium can enter your body while taking a bath or shower, when performing various hygiene procedures, as well as from dishes that have been washed with contaminated water as a result of underheating.

When the water is heated to temperatures that are set by the current regulations, then the bacteria have no chance to survive and multiply, which means that the likelihood of your infection is reduced to almost zero. For water to be fully thermally disinfected, it must be heated to at least 80°C.

Let's look at how water temperature affects the development and vital activity of legionella:

  • When the water temperature is less than 20°C, the bacterium loses its activity, it ceases to multiply, falls into anabiosis, but it does not die;
  • Water, the temperature of which ranges from 25 to 45 ° C, is the most favorable environment for the habitat, life and reproduction of this bacterium;
  • If the water temperature stays at 55°C for 6 hours, these bacteria will die;
  • If the water temperature is 60°C, legionella colonies will be destroyed within 35 minutes;
  • When the water temperature rises to 65°C, the bacteria are killed within 2 minutes;
  • At a water temperature of 70 to 80°C, there is a complete thermal disinfection of water.

Calculation of the required amount of hot water

A closed water supply system, just like an open one, requires the calculation of the required amount of hot water supply. The calculation is performed depending on some factors that are determined by the number of residents in a particular building and their lifestyle.

When calculating the hot water supply, the following is taken into account:

  • expected water temperature;
  • the number of people living in the building;
  • operational characteristics of sanitary equipment;
  • frequency of use of the shower, bath and other;
  • number of bathrooms that use hot water.

Consider the calculation on the example of a standard family of four people. For example, a 140 liter bath is filled in up to 10 minutes and a shower is used in parallel, which consumes approximately 30 litres. That is, it turns out that in 10 minutes the water heater must provide the building with water of the desired temperature in a volume of 170 liters. These calculations are given under the condition of average water consumption. In real life, the volume of hot water consumption may differ slightly.

Features of open hot water supply

When installing an open hot water supply, it is necessary to take into account the principle of operation. Open DHW is of two types, depending on the type of circulation and transportation of the coolant to the radiators. There are open systems with natural circulation and with the use of pumping equipment for this purpose.

Natural circulation is carried out in this way: an open system eliminates the presence of excess pressure, therefore at the highest point it corresponds to atmospheric pressure, and at the lowest point it is slightly higher due to the hydrostatic action of the liquid column. Due to the low pressure, natural circulation of the coolant occurs.

The principle of natural circulation is quite simple, due to the different temperature of the coolant and, accordingly, different density and mass, cooled water with a low temperature and a larger mass displaces hot water with a smaller mass. This simply explains the existence of a gravity-flowing system, which is also called gravitational. The main advantage of such a system is absolute energy independence, if parallel heating boilers do not use electricity.

It's important to know! Gravity pipelines are made with a large slope and diameter. .

If natural circulation is not possible, pumping equipment is used, which increases the flow rate of the coolant through the pipeline and reduces the heating time of the room. The circulation pump produces the movement of the coolant at a speed of 0.3 - 0.7 m / s.

Hot water supply of an apartment building

Hot and cold water supply systems in an apartment building are designed according to fundamentally different schemes.

A well-organized hot water supply is a centralized circulation system with one or two pipe risers.

In the first case, all risers of a certain section of the building are combined into one, which is called "idle", since it does not have consumers. The risers are looped along the height of the house in order to maintain the same pipe diameters throughout the building and provide better water distribution for each apartment.

At the same time, for buildings with a different number of floors, risers of a certain diameter are designed:

  • up to 5 floors - 25 mm;
  • 6 floors and above - 32 mm.

The heated towel rail in the bathroom is installed on the supply riser, which has its drawbacks: if the water in the boiler room is heated weakly, it will reach the farthest residents already cooled down. In order to avoid such situations, experts recommend inserting a special jumper pipe between the direct and reverse wiring (bypass).

In the case of a 2-pipe wiring, the system has 2 risers - for supplying and discharging water. The outlet circulation riser is nothing more than a heating elbow used as a heated towel rail.

Cold water supply of an apartment building

Pipelines for cold water supply to consumers of apartment buildings are made according to a dead-end scheme, that is, one branch running from the water supply source to the very last consumer, where it ends.

At the inlet of the cold water supply to the building, a water meter assembly is installed, consisting of steel pipes, fittings and a water meter. Initially, the meter is mounted in such a way that the direction of movement of cold water coincides with the arrow on the device case.

The node is rigidly attached to the surface (on the floor or on the wall), while paying attention to the fact that the meter axis is at a height of 30–100 cm from the floor. . Where the pipeline turns, metal supports are installed

Where the pipeline turns, metal supports are installed.

Water supply of an apartment building: snip

It should be remembered that the design of the internal water supply of an apartment building is carried out taking into account the relevant building codes and regulations, namely SNiP "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" (No. 2.04.01-85).

This document normalizes important parameters that affect the quality of the water supply system. This SNiP contains sections that describe in detail information regarding:

  • temperature and other indicators of water in the internal pipeline network;
  • rules for calculating water consumption depending on the number of consumers and sanitary appliances;
  • the composition and rules for choosing a cold water plumbing system, depending on sanitary and hygienic requirements, technical and economic feasibility, etc.;
  • parameters of the hot water plumbing system;
  • fire water supply, etc.

Designing the water supply of an apartment building is a responsible and time-consuming task, which a true professional designer can handle competently and quickly.

Pipe selection

The hot water supply scheme - open or closed - sooner or later requires the replacement of pipes. What pipes can be used for hot water supply?


For a tenant of an apartment building, all calculations in an open water supply system come down to selecting the diameter of pipes (pipes and risers). What diameters to use when repairing, replacing or installing a hot water supply pipe with your own hands?

The standard size of steel water supply connections is DN15. A dead-end or circulation riser with draw-off points has a size of DN25 - DN32, an idle riser - DN20.

Water supply stands. Diameter - 25 mm

When choosing a pipe size, it is useful to remember a couple of subtleties:

  1. DU (it is also a conditional passage) approximately corresponds to the inner diameter of the pipe. Plastic and metal-polymer pipes are marked with an outer diameter, so their size should be one step larger than that of steel pipes (DN20 instead of DN15, and so on);

For steel pipes, the conditional passage is indicated, for plastic pipes - the outer diameter

  1. When replacing old pipes, the capacity of the new water supply should not be lower. Simply put, the inner diameter of new risers and piping should be at least as large as the old ones.


On hot water supplied from the elevator unit, only metal pipes can be used (see Service life of metal pipes) . The instruction is associated with the notorious instability of water supply parameters: in case of water hammer or overheating, metal-plastic or polypropylene water pipes very often cause apartments to be flooded.

Rupture of a metal-plastic pipe when the permissible pressure is exceeded

Note: if the tenant of the apartment changed the pipes on his own, and used material that was not provided for by the building project, he will have to cover all the damage from flooding.

Here they are:


copper plumbing

Copper (see. Copper pipes for water supply). They can be mounted on solder fittings, compression or press fittings. Copper tolerates pressure surges up to 200-240 kgf / cm2 and heating up to 150 degrees, water hammer and even defrosting.

In the photo - water supply connections made of corrugated stainless steel

Corrugated stainless. With the same characteristics, they boast extremely simple installation: the fitting connection is assembled in 30 seconds using a pair of gas or adjustable wrenches.


We figured out what an open hot water supply scheme is. Now let's try to evaluate it against the background of an alternative - a closed heat supply scheme (with water heating for household needs in a heat exchanger that uses the heat of the coolant).


They are obvious: simplicity and cheapness. The elevator assembly does not contain complex and expensive equipment. Its maintenance is reduced only to the annual revision of valves and valves, as well as to the periodic verification of the size of the nozzle (it also suffers from abrasive wear).

Elevator and nozzle removed for verification


Alas, there are many more.

  • Low water quality. If the water in the cold water system (heated in a heat exchanger in a closed heat supply system) is drinking water and must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, then the heating system coolant may contain a large amount of suspensions, iron oxides and other impurities;
  • High probability of water hammer. If you quickly stop the circulation in the heating main or elevator (for example, by sharply turning the ball valve lever), the inertia of the water flow will cause a short-term pressure surge at its front;

Consequences of water hammer in the DHW system

  • Strong influence of the human factor on the actual parameters of water supply. About this - a little more.

The main thing that differs from closed open hot water supply is the norms of temperature and pressure. They correspond to the parameters of the heating main: the pressure varies from 3 to 7 kgf / cm2, and the water temperature should be in the range of 50-75 degrees.

For comparison, water is supplied from a heat exchanger in a closed heat supply system with a pressure of 1.5–5 kgf/cm2 and a temperature of 50–65°C.

However, if a lazy or forgetful locksmith does not switch the DHW to the return line with the onset of cold weather, water from the supply will flow into the DHW system from the elevator unit, which, recall, can heat up to 150 degrees, which is prohibitively high for all types of polymer and metal-polymer pipes, flexible connections and rubber gaskets on crane boxes.

Plastic and flexible eyeliners do not tolerate prolonged overheating very well.

Dismantling the sewer in the apartment

Replacing an old sewer pipe with a new one has many nuances that must be taken into account in this process. Initially, it is necessary to determine the most vulnerable places in the pipe to deformation. It is also required to disconnect all existing connections from the pipe and remove all debris. All this is necessary to ensure more convenient work.

Then, near the riser, the tap is turned off, which supplies water to the apartment. If the replacement is long, then it is best to completely disconnect the entire riser from the water supply. At the very last moment, it is necessary to carefully dismantle the cast-iron sewer pipes. All this can be done with adjustable wrenches or other tools.

It is necessary to mount a new pipe in a complete set with a variety of adapters and couplings, since then it will not be possible to do it qualitatively. All connections must be coated with sealant to protect the riser from leakage.

Advice. All fittings or cuffs must be clean. Silicone grease should be designed specifically for connecting sewer pipes.

Hot water supply

Hot water supply in an apartment is a whole system of pipelines and various devices that are used to heat cold water and distribute hot water to consumers. In some cases, special pipes are used in bathrooms or toilets to heat such rooms in the apartment. They have the additional function of dryers.

Standard diagram of a hot and cold water supply system at home

All hot water supply systems can be divided according to several criteria:

local hot water systems;
centralized systems;
open heating networks;
closed heating networks.

According to the radius of action, hot water supply systems are divided into local and central.

Local hot water systems

Local hot water supply systems are equipped for a group of small objects or one building. Water in this case is heated directly by the consumer. Water heating is carried out using gas or electric flow-type boilers.

Such systems require regular maintenance and are used only if it is not possible to use a centralized hot water supply.

Local hot water system

The advantage of local hot water supply systems:

offline work;
ease of repair;
small heat losses.

Central hot water systems

The appearance of central systems for supplying hot water to an apartment is due to the elimination of district and local boiler houses, as well as heat supply systems. As for convenience, central hot water systems will be much more practical.

Scheme of the device for centralized hot water supply of an apartment building

All this depends on the fact that there is no need to install appropriate equipment for heating cold water and additional wiring. Also, the system of such hot water supply has its drawbacks. Pipes need to be constantly maintained and repaired, but local utilities can rarely fulfill customer requests. There are also large drops in water pressure in the system and insufficient temperature, which cannot be said about local water supply systems.

To heat water and supply it to the consumer, centralized systems can use open or closed heating networks. Open heating networks provide for the mixing of network water with that already heated in special equipment. After that, the water is supplied to consumers. Closed heating networks provide for heating water through the surface. The heat carrier (superheated water or steam) and the heated water do not come into contact in any way.

Open heating networks are considered more rational, but the quality of the supplied water can significantly deteriorate in terms of temperature. Such systems are currently very rare to find.

Closed scheme of heating and water supply at home

Hot water supply in the apartment can be carried out in several ways:

Heating water in the boiler room with subsequent supply to the consumer.
Water heating is carried out in special points located in neighborhoods or districts.
Water heating is carried out using special equipment, which is installed in the basement of a multi-storey building.
Water is heated in the consumer's apartment.

Hot water supply can be circulating. In this case, the water is constantly moving through the pipes and provides not only the supply of hot water, but also heating. The water is constantly heated. There is also a dead-end hot water supply. In this case, the water is not used immediately and may simply cool down over time. It is for this reason that special containers are installed in the apartment to heat and maintain the temperature of the water.

With regard to savings, it will be rational to use individual systems for providing hot water to the apartment. For the centralized supply of hot water, the user must pay a monthly fee.

Diagram of a boiler device for heating water

If it is possible to use a boiler to supply hot water to the apartment, then this will be the most economical option, since water is paid for by a cold water meter. The consumer provides himself with hot water.

Equipment required for network operation

A closed DHW system is a rather complex engineering and technical system, and a set of certain equipment is required to ensure uninterrupted, and most importantly, safe operation.

Water metering unit

It is through it that water is supplied to the house plumbing. It has a water meter installed. In addition, the design of the unit provides for the possibility of shutting off the water supply during the repair of pipeline fittings, both scheduled and emergency. The composition of the water meter unit is installed:

  • magnetic or mesh coarse filter;
  • taps and valves through which cold water is supplied;
  • measuring instruments - manometers, thermometers;
  • bypass - a bypass pipeline, which is used during the maintenance of the water meter unit.

Of course, to ensure the operation of the DHW system, a pipe system is involved, it can be divided into three groups:

  • bottling;
  • risers;
  • carts.

Water is transported to the risers through spills located in the basement of the building. Through them, it is supplied directly to the apartments and through the supply lines it goes to the end consumers - sanitary equipment, household appliances, heated towel rails, etc. There are many schemes for the location of pipes for each group. For example, through risers located in one apartment, water can be supplied to neighboring housing.

Pipe diameters are determined when designing a building, but as a rule, the following dimensions are maintained:

  • Bottling from 32 to 125 mm;
  • Risers from 25 to 40 mm;
  • Eyeliners within 15 - 20 mm.

When developing a project for a closed DHW system, the following materials are laid:

  • metal-plastic;
  • pipes made of food grade stainless steel;
  • galvanized pipes.

When ordering pipes, remember that metal-plastic pipes can be designed for different pressures and different operating temperatures. By the way, during the overhaul, dishonest contractors install pipes that do not meet the requirements of the working documentation, the same applies to pipeline fittings.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

An open DHW system is advantageous for maximum heat transfer at minimum heat carrier costs. The equipment itself has a low cost and does not require additional installation of expansion tanks, pumps and other accessories.

The systems do not require additional operating costs, and also have high safety and reliability indicators. The advantage of using it is that it is easy to drain and refill the water from the system, which is important in the summer-winter period. The expansion tank makes it easy to fill the system and bleed excess air.

Regardless of the leaks, the structure continues to function. The working pressure is not large and the presence of malfunctions does not affect it. Thanks to this, it is easy to exercise and recharge. It is not necessary to monitor the maximum pressure and therefore you can add water directly to the tank with a bucket.

It's important to know! The disadvantages include the fact that with intensive analysis, the liquid cools quickly and heats up more slowly. . The quality of water in the heat carrier for hot water supply leaves much to be desired, therefore, for purification and further use, one has to spend money on deaeration and chemical water treatment.
Application of the system is not possible during the summer period

Heating the heating circuit to produce hot water is unprofitable.

The quality of water in the heat carrier for hot water supply leaves much to be desired, therefore, for purification and further use, one has to spend money on deaeration and chemical water treatment.
The system cannot be used during the summer period. Heating the heating circuit to produce hot water is unprofitable.


Finally, we will answer a few questions, one way or another related to the tariffs for heat and hot water growing every year.

How is heating and hot water billed?

The key parameter in calculating payment for heating is the amount of heat used to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartment or to heat water. The cost of thermal energy for 2017 is 1000 - 1800 rubles per gigacalorie, depending on the region.

Utility tariffs for 2017 for the city of Berdsk

However, heat meters are far from being in all apartments, so the receipts appear much more often:

  • Fixed payment for heating per square meter (it is calculated as the product of the heat consumption standard for a given region and the price of a unit of thermal energy);

Simplified scheme: the cost of heating is calculated by the footage of the heated area

  • The cost of a cubic meter of hot water, taking into account the meter (90-170 rubles per cubic meter).

How can you save on heating?

To reduce costs you need:

  1. Install heat meters on each radiator;
  2. Mount chokes or thermal heads on the connections to limit the flow of coolant through the heater.

In the photo - a sectional radiator with a heat meter and a thermostatic head that throttles the supply

Can hot water be used to heat an apartment?

Technically yes. To do this, it is enough to form a closed heating circuit (for example, the simplest one-pipe Leningrad) and connect it to the gap in the DHW riser. Since there are no metering devices on the riser, the heat received in this way will be absolutely free for you.

The simplest heating system - Leningradka


  • Any change in the configuration of public utility networks requires the approval of the housing organization and, in the case of hot water and heating, from the relevant service providers. Of course, none of the organizations will give permission for such a change in the heat supply scheme;
  • Uncoordinated redevelopment of communications is an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine with an order to restore the original configuration at your own expense;

The Housing Code considers uncoordinated redevelopment of communications as an administrative offense

  • Finally, the main thing: you can disconnect from the central heating system only at the entrance or at home, with the provision of an alternative heating scheme plan and coordination with electricity or gas suppliers (alternative heat sources). Without the official termination of the heating service, you will continue to receive bills that you want to get rid of.

To stop paying for central heating services, you need to cut off the heating devices from the heating risers and draw up a disconnection act with representatives of the housing

The device of an open water supply scheme

Any type of water supply provides for a source of water, a pump used to lift water, lay pipelines, collectors that distribute water through pipes, and a water heater is additionally installed for hot water.

Water supply can be carried out according to an open or closed scheme. The main difference between the schemes is that in closed cycles, water circulates in a closed circuit, and the consumer does not have access to it. In the open, devices capable of consuming are connected to itself. Therefore, an open DHW system requires constant replenishment from a water source. In them, water is the heat carrier.

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So, when installing an open type of water supply, it is necessary to correctly place all its elements:

  1. in order to evenly and constantly ensure the flow of water, a pump is installed, with its help, the required water pressure is set throughout the scheme. They can be submersible or external. The location of their installation depends on this;
  2. to distribute liquid and heat throughout the house, pipes are installed through which the coolant will be carried;
  3. since water from the very entrance to the house is distributed between two schemes - cold and hot water supply, a distribution manifold is installed for this purpose. The wiring diagram will also include tie-ins for consumers - taps, showers, bathtubs, sinks, etc. Their number and placement will depend on the layout of the house and the needs of the residents;
  4. further, for the functioning of an open hot water supply system, it requires the installation of a water heating device - storage or flow, this provides heat supply to the building. The features of their functioning are explained by the name: the storage one first collects water and then heats it, and the flow one heats it right in the pipe. For large buildings, one water heater is not enough, so a central heating station is usually built - a central heat point that plays a major role in ensuring the functioning of heat supply and hot water supply at home;
  5. for various needs, various additional devices can be installed - various automatic devices, filters, relays, etc. Their number and composition depends on the complexity of the project as a whole.

An open heating and water supply system may differ in the type of circulation. In the previous description, a circulation scheme is given on a forced basis, i.e. the movement of fluid through the pipe is produced by a pump. But installation is also possible without a pump, the so-called. scheme with natural circulation. The advantage of an open, naturally circulating hot water system is that it is economical, as no electricity is required to circulate the water.


What violations in the operation of the water supply system can the owner of the apartment eliminate on his own? Here are some of the most typical situations.

Leaking valves

Description: leak on the stem of screw valves.

A typical leak location is shown by an arrow.

  • Reason: partial wear of the oil seal or wear of the rubber sealing ring.
  • Solution: open the valve knob as far as it will go. In this case, the thread on the rod will press the stuffing box from below, and the flow will stop.

Noise of cranes

Description: when opening a hot or (more rarely) cold water tap, a loud noise is heard and the mixer is vibrating. Alternatively, your neighbor's faucet may be the source of the noise.

Noisy neighbors tap can be a source of a lot of negative emotions

Cause: a deformed and crushed gasket on a screw valve box in a half-open position causes a continuous series of water hammers. Its valve closes the seat in the mixer body with a frequency of fractions of a second. On hot water, the pressure, as a rule, is noticeably greater, so the effect is more pronounced on it.


  1. Turn off the water to the apartment;
  2. Unscrew the problematic crankbox;
  3. Replace the gasket with a new one;
  4. Remove the chamfer from the new gasket with scissors. The chamfered face will prevent the valve from beating in the turbulent water jet in the future.

Replacing the gasket on the screw crane box

By the way: ceramic crankboxes are fully compatible with screw threads, and are devoid of the described problem.

Pictured is a ceramic crane box

Cold towel warmer

  • Description: The heated towel rail in your bathroom is cold and does not heat up.
  • Cause: if the water supply scheme of a residential apartment building uses continuous circulation of hot water, the air remaining in the jumper between the risers after the water is discharged is to blame (for example, for revision and repair of valves).
  • Solution: go up to the top floor and ask your neighbors to bleed air from the jumper between the hot water risers and heated towel rails.

If for some reason this is not possible, the problem can be solved from the basement:

  1. Shut off the DHW riser passing through your apartment, to which your connections are connected;
  2. Climb into the apartment and open the hot water taps to failure;
  3. After all the air comes out of the riser through them, close the taps and open the tap on the riser.

If a vent is installed on the riser, it can be bypassed directly from the basement

Nuance: immediately after the end of the heating season, there may be no pressure difference between the heating mains. In this case, the heated towel rails will be cold even if there are no air pockets in the risers.

Immediately after the end of the heating season, the difference between the lines of the route can be zero

Components of a central water supply system. Types of schemes

As a rule, the water supply system consists of:

  • distribution channel;
  • water intake structure;
  • Cleaning plant.

Before water is supplied to the premises, it goes a long way directly from the pumping unit to the reservoir. After complete cleaning and disinfection of water, it enters the distribution channel. The distribution channel provides water flow to special installations.

Note that the water supply system is divided into 3 types:

  • Collector;
  • Sequential;
  • Mixed.

Often, collector wiring in a house is used if a huge amount of plumbing equipment is equipped in the apartments. The collector circuit ensures the stable operation of all sanitary installations and appliances.

Where to start Choosing a water heater

Hot water supply of a country house can be performed in many ways. The main thing is to choose the right equipment for heating water. Water heaters differ in design, power source, power. On the market you can find a huge number of models of these devices, but they all fall into two categories:

  • flowing;
  • cumulative.

Already, judging by the names, one can understand the functional features of each of these species.

Important! The most practical are gas water heaters and capacitive and flow type. And there are also indirect heating devices that operate on the heat given off by a heating boiler and electric water heaters.

Flow heaters

They heat constantly flowing water and do not have a supply of it. This circumstance places very high demands on them. Everyone knows that water is an extremely heat-consuming substance. For its heating in real time, a huge consumption of thermal energy per unit of time is required. In addition, flow-through water heating equipment should be brought into working condition almost instantly: turning on - hot water is pouring, turning off - heating is stopped.

Scheme of operation of a conventional instantaneous water heater

By the way: the gas water heater familiar to many is the clearest example of a flowing gas water heater.

Storage heaters

Dead-end system for organizing hot water supply

A given volume of water is heated very slowly, while consuming only 1 kW / hour. Heated water is consumed as needed. They also work instantly when the tap is opened, but at this time the power indicator will have a minimum value. The only drawback of storage water heaters is their overall dimensions. If large volumes of water are needed, then the heating tank must be of impressive size.

This is an extremely common way to provide domestic hot water. Heating boilers are of 2 types:

  1. Single-circuit - heat only tap water.
  2. Double-circuit - are used both for heating water and for heating.

Where to go if hot water is not up to standard

If the hot water temperature does not meet the standards, and you want to achieve a recalculation, then you should act in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings." It is in this document that the procedure for your actions is prescribed.

Let's take a quick look at how you should proceed:

  • If you find that the temperature of hot water deviates significantly from the norm, you should immediately notify the dispatcher of the management or resource supply company. In this case, the notification is possible both in writing and orally;
  • The dispatcher whom you notified of this fact is obliged to record your appeal;
  • In the appeal that you submit to the dispatcher, clearly state the essence of the problem that has arisen, indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and contact details, including address and telephone number;
  • The dispatcher who accepted your appeal must introduce himself and state his position. After he registers your appeal, you should check with him under what number it is registered;
  • If the dispatcher is aware of the causes of your problem, he should inform you about them, as well as about the measures that are being taken to eliminate them;
  • If nothing is known about the reasons that caused your problems, then an appropriate check will be carried out upon your appeal. If necessary, the time of its holding will be agreed with you;
  • Based on the results of the audit, an appropriate act must be drawn up. It will record whether violations were identified during the audit, the reasons that led to them, the methodology by which measurements were taken, as well as other information;
  • The above act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to you as the applicant, and the second remains in the organization that carried out the verification;
  • If the results of the audit do not suit you, you have the right to insist on repeating it with the involvement of independent specialists.

In the case of an audit with the participation of an independent specialist, the time when it will be carried out should be agreed with all interested parties.

This check will be carried out at the expense of the management or resource supply company, however, if its results confirm the results of the previous check, you will have to reimburse all costs for its implementation.

Actions after you receive the document

Having received an act in your hands, which records the fact that the temperature of hot water does not meet current standards, you can safely demand that the management or resource supply company recalculate.

In the event that, upon your appeal to the dispatcher, and even more so after the re-inspection, no actions are taken to eliminate the causes of the problem, you have every right to file a complaint with the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and well-being of a person, or file a lawsuit with a justice of the peace.

A little about the regulatory framework

Any modern person is well aware that without most utilities, including the availability of hot water, it is not at all comfortable to live. And often the central water supply system does not always provide consumers with access to hot water. But if you read the regulatory documentation, namely the sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN), then the requirements for the temperature of hot water in a city apartment will become clear. The limiting temperature should not exceed 60 - 75 degrees. This level is mandatory at all consumer connection points. Maintaining this temperature is necessary to prevent the spread of bacterial and other infections that can harm the health of people living in the house.

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  • Everything is done by the wife.
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Features of a closed system

The heat main is made in the form of a separate closed circuit. The water in it is heated through heat exchangers from the CHP main. Additional pumps are required here. The temperature regime is more stable, and the water is better. It remains in the system and is not taken by the consumer. Minimal water losses are restored by automatic make-up.

A closed autonomous system receives energy from the coolant entering the water. There, the water is brought to the required parameters. For heating systems and hot water supply, different temperature regimes are supported.

The disadvantage of the system is the complexity of the water treatment process. It is also expensive to deliver water to heat points located far from each other.

Closed DHW system

The closed system is based on the following principle: cold drinking water is taken from the central water supply and heated in an additional heat exchanger. After heating, it is supplied to the water intake points.

A closed system implies a separate operation of the coolant and hot water, it is also distinguished by the presence of a return and supply pipeline, which are used for the annular circulation of water. Such a system will provide normal pressure even when using the shower and sink at the same time. Among the advantages of the system, the simplicity of regulating the temperature of the hot liquid is also noted.

DHW can be circulating and dead-end. The dead-end system consists only of pipes supplying water, the method of connection of which is the same as in the first case.

The advantage of closed DHW is cost savings due to stable temperatures. It is possible to install a heated towel rail. In a closed hot water supply, water heaters are needed, the types of which we will consider later.

open system

An open DHW system is characterized by the presence of a coolant circulating in the system. Hot water comes directly from the centralized heating system. The quality of tap water and heating equipment is no different. As a result, it turns out that people use a coolant.

The open system is so named because hot water is supplied from open taps of the heating system. The hot water supply scheme of a multi-storey building provides for the use of an open type. For private houses, this type is too costly.

You should be aware that the cost savings of an open system occur due to the fact that water heating devices are not needed to heat the liquid.

Water supply of an apartment building rules

In a modern metropolis, it is difficult to find a high-rise building in which there would be no running water. ABOUT water supply systems of an apartment building, their features and principles of operation, we will talk today.

Though systems cold and hot water supply of multi-apartment houses may have differences, in any of their versions you can find three universal elements. They will be present in any design. These main elements include:

highways, that is, pipes and systems that supply water from external sources to intra-house common risers;
risers that are installed inside a high-rise building and serve to conduct water to the wiring systems;
wiring and branches necessary for supplying water to taps located directly in the apartments.

Failure of one of the universal elements leads to the fact that the water supply is interrupted

Therefore, it is important to understand who is responsible for the normal functioning of each of the structures. If a breakdown occurs on the highway, then city services, and not management companies, are involved in its elimination.

City services also carry out scheduled replacement and monitoring of the functioning of highways.

The management company is responsible for the common house risers, its representatives must be contacted if there is a failure in the operation of this system. Many apartment building water pipes are in a deplorable state, and there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.

Firstly, the riser is located in each individual apartment, which means that not only employees of the management company, but also the residents of the house should evaluate its integrity. And how many of us regularly inspect the riser? This is hardly the case.

Employees of the management company must periodically go around the apartments and ask residents to show the riser, but, firstly, some unscrupulous organizations may simply not do this, and secondly, sometimes apartment owners simply prevent the system from being inspected.

Remember that it is extremely important not only to inspect the condition of the riser, but also to promptly report its improper functioning or the need for replacement. Otherwise, it may simply break through, and then you will have to deal with the flooding of the apartment, and, most likely, not only your own, but also located below.

Homeowners should assess the condition of wiring and branches. They also replace these elements of the system on their own or by invited specialists who can be found in specialized commercial organizations or in the same management company.

Top and bottom system wiring In most cases, modern houses have a lower wiring of the water supply system. This means that the main pipes bring water to the basement, from where it enters the common house riser. This is the most reasonable and economical design, so almost all modern houses use it.

Top wiring today can also be found in megacities. A feature of this design is that a special water storage tank is installed at the top of the building. Water enters it through pipes that are laid inside the house. Further, the water is distributed to the apartments through a common house riser. The use of this wiring is often unjustified, since in addition to the riser it is necessary to install additional pipes, the very ones that carry water from the main to the storage tank. This increases the cost of water supply services, therefore it is unprofitable for either the residents or the management company.

It is worth noting that any element of the water supply system can fail, but the part of the structure that is responsible for supplying hot water still breaks much more often. That is why in megacities there are still periods of preventive shutdown of hot water, usually in the summer.

During this time, the services not only check the integrity of the structure, but also eliminate all breakdowns. Inside the hot water pipes, rust deposits are more likely to form, which makes it difficult for the flow of water to pass, and also increases the likelihood of their breakthrough.

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Drawing up a heat supply scheme

The heat supply scheme is a pre-project document that reflects legal relations, the conditions for the functioning and development of the system for providing heat to an urban district, settlement. In relation to it, federal law includes certain rules.

  1. for settlements are approved by executive authorities or local self-government, depending on the population.
  2. There should be a single heat supply organization for the respective territory.
  3. The scheme indicates the energy sources with their main parameters (loading, work schedules, etc.) and range.
  4. Measures are indicated for the development of the heat supply system, the conservation of excess capacities, and the creation of conditions for its uninterrupted operation.

Heat supply facilities are located within the boundaries of the settlement in accordance with the approved scheme.

Autonomous heating of a residential building

In buildings of the old type, the project provides for a centralized system. Individual schemes allow you to choose the types of heat supply systems in terms of reducing energy costs. Here it is possible to turn them off mobile if not needed.

Autonomous systems are designed taking into account heating standards. Without this, the house cannot be put into operation. Following the norms guarantees the comfort for the residents of the house.

The source of water heating is usually a gas or electric boiler. It is necessary to choose a method for flushing the system. In centralized systems, the hydrodynamic method is used. For standalone, you can use a chemical. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the safety of the influence of reagents on radiators and pipes.

Principle of operation

The hot water supply system can be dead-end or circulating. The dead-end circuit is used for the constant use of hot water. With intermittent water intake, the water in the pipes cools down and comes in not too hot. In order to get water of the required hot temperature, it will take quite a long time to drain it, which is not very convenient. With a circulation scheme, water is always supplied hot, but such a system is more expensive. This scheme is well suited in cases of periodic water intake. The water temperature is constantly maintained, and users receive hot water.

The circulation system in such systems can be of two types.

  • Forced. This type uses pumps as in a building heating system. Forced systems are used in multi-storey buildings with a height of two floors.
  • Natural. In one- and two-story houses, the arrangement of natural circulation is used, since the length of the pipelines is small. It operates on a system of circulation pipes, based on the difference in the mass of water at different temperatures. This method is the same as the water heating method using natural circulation.

Hot water supply consists of the following elements:

  • water heater or generator;
  • pipeline;
  • water points.

Several types of water heaters can be generators.

  • High-speed water-to-water heaters work on the basis that hot water, which comes either from a boiler room or from a district heating system, passes through brass pipes. They are inside steel pipes, and the space between them is filled with heated water. Thus, heating occurs.
  • The steam water heater operates due to the steam entering the heater. Water is heated by passing through brass pipes located inside. Such systems are used in dwellings with a constant flow of water and its high consumption.
  • In houses with periodic and low water consumption, storage water heaters are used. They not only heat, but also accumulate hot water.

The pipelines of both hot and cold water supply are a single system, they are laid in parallel. Mixers are installed at the water intake points, which allow you to get different temperatures (from +20 to +70 degrees Celsius) due to the mixing of hot and cold water. In the hot water system, it is better to use galvanized or plastic pipes so that corrosion does not occur. Pipelines and risers are best insulated to avoid unnecessary heat loss. In modern homes, hot and cold water meters are installed to account for water consumption, which allows you not to overpay for consumption, but pay only for the consumed water.

Providing hot water to a multi-storey building is not easy, because the DHW system must have water under a certain pressure and at a certain temperature. This is the first. Second: the hot water supply of an apartment building is a long way of the water itself from the boiler house to consumers, in which there is a huge amount of various equipment, devices and appliances. In this case, the connection can be made according to two schemes: with upper or lower wiring.

Network diagrams

So, let's start with the question of how water enters our homes, I mean hot. It moves from the boiler house to the house, and is distilled by pumps installed as boiler equipment. Heated water moves through pipes called heating mains. They can be laid above or below ground. And they must be thermally insulated in order to reduce the heat loss of the coolant itself.

Ring connection diagram

The pipe is brought to apartment buildings, from where the route is branched into smaller sections that supply the coolant to each building. A pipe of smaller diameter enters the basement of the house, where it is divided into sections that deliver water to each floor, and already on the floor to each apartment. It is clear that such an amount of water cannot be consumed. That is, all the water pumped into the hot water supply cannot be consumed, especially at night. Therefore, another route is being laid, which is called the return line. Through it, water moves from the apartments to the basement, and from there to the boiler room through a separately laid pipeline. True, it should be noted that all pipes (both return and supply) are laid along the same route.

That is, it turns out that the hot water itself inside the house moves along the ring. And she is constantly on the move. In this case, the circulation of hot water in an apartment building is carried out precisely from the bottom up and back. But in order for the temperature of the liquid itself to be constant on all floors (with a slight deviation), it is necessary to create conditions under which its speed is optimal, and it does not affect the decrease in the temperature itself.

It should be noted that today separate routes for hot water supply and for heating can approach apartment buildings. Or one pipe with a certain temperature (up to + 95C) will be supplied, which in the basement of the house will be divided into heating and hot water supply.

DHW wiring diagram

By the way, look at the photo above. A heat exchanger is installed in the basement of the house according to this scheme. That is, water from the route is not used in the hot water supply system. It only heats the cold water coming from the water supply network. And the DHW system at home is a separate route, unrelated to the route from the boiler room.

The house network is circulating. And the water supply to the apartments is produced by a pump installed in it. This is by far the most modern scheme. Its positive feature is the ability to control the temperature regime of the liquid. By the way, there are strict norms for the temperature of hot water in an apartment building. That is, it should not be lower than +65C, but not higher than +75C. In this case, small deviations in one direction or another are allowed, but not more than 3C. At night, deviations can be 5C.

Why is this temperature

There are two reasons.

  • The higher the water temperature, the faster pathogenic bacteria die in it.
  • But you have to take into account the fact that the high temperature in the DHW system is burns when in contact with water or metal parts of pipes or mixers. For example, at a temperature of +65C, a burn can be obtained in 2 seconds.

Water temperature

By the way, it should be noted that the water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building can be different, it all depends on various factors. But it should not exceed + 95C for two-pipe systems, and + 105C for single-pipe systems.

Attention! According to the legislation, it is determined that if the temperature of the water in the DHW system is 10 degrees below the norm, then the payment is also reduced by 10%. If it is with a temperature of +40 or +45C, then the payment is reduced to 30%.

That is, it turns out that the water supply system of an apartment building, meaning hot water supply, is an individual approach to payment, depending on the temperature of the coolant itself. True, as practice shows, few people know about this, therefore disputes usually never arise on this issue.

Dead End Schemes

There are also so-called dead-end schemes in the DHW system. That is, water enters consumers, where it cools down if it is not used. Therefore, in such systems there is a very large overrun of the coolant. Such wiring is used either in office premises or in small houses - no more than 4 floors. Although all this is already in the past.

The best option is circulation. And the simplest thing is to enter the pipe into the basement, and from there through the apartments through the riser, which runs through all floors. Each entrance has its own stand. Reaching the top floor, the riser makes a U-turn and, past all the apartments, descends into the basement, through which it is discharged and connected to the return pipeline.

dead end scheme

Wiring in the apartment

So, consider the water supply scheme (HW) in the apartment. In principle, it is no different from cold water. And most often, hot water pipes are laid next to the cold water elements. True, there are some consumers who do not need hot water. For example, a toilet, washing machine or dishwasher. The last two themselves heat the water to the required temperature.

Wiring diagram for hot water and cold water pipes

The most important thing is that the distribution of water supply in the apartment (both hot water supply and cold water) is a certain norm for laying the pipes themselves. For example, if the pipes of two systems are laid one above the other, then the top one should be from hot water supply. If they are laid in a horizontal plane, then the right one should be from the DHW system. In this case, on one wall it may be in the depth of the strobe, and on the other, on the contrary, closer to the surface. In this case, the laying of the pipeline can be hidden (in strobes) or open, laid on the surface of walls or floors.

Conclusion on the topic

The seeming simplicity of hot water supply in apartment buildings is determined by the inhabitants by piping inside the apartments. In fact, this is a fairly large variety of different schemes in which pipes are stretched for several kilometers, starting from the boiler room and ending with a mixer in the apartment. And, as practice shows, even in old houses today the hot water supply is being reconstructed for new improved technologies that provide hot water and reduce the loss of heat itself.

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The pipeline for hot centralized water supply cannot be made according to the cold water supply scheme. These pipelines are dead-end, that is, they end at the last draw-off point. If you make a hot water supply in an apartment building according to the same scheme, then the water at night, when it is little used, will cool down in the pipeline. In addition, there may be such a situation, for example, residents of a five-story building located on the same riser went to work during the day, the water in the riser cools down and suddenly one of the residents on the fifth floor needed hot water. After turning on the tap, you will first have to drain all the cold water from the riser, wait for warm, and then hot water - this is an excessively high consumption. Therefore, hot water pipelines are made looped: water is heated in the boiler room, heating unit or boiler room and is supplied through the supply pipeline to consumers and returned back to the boiler room through another pipeline, which in this case is called circulation.

In a centralized hot water supply system, piping in the house is carried out with two-pipe and one-pipe risers (Fig. 111).

Rice. 111. Schemes of hot water distribution in centralized systems

A two-pipe hot water supply system consists of two risers, one of which supplies water, the other drains. Heating devices - heated towel rails are placed on the outlet circulation riser. The water was heated anyway and served to consumers, but it is not known whether they will use it or not and at what time, so why waste it, let this water heat the heated towel rails and the air in, by definition, damp bathrooms. In addition, heated towel rails serve as a U-shaped compensator for thermal expansion of pipes.

A single-pipe hot water supply system differs from a two-pipe one in that in it all circulation risers (within one section of the house) were combined into one and this riser was called “idle” (it has no consumers). For better water distribution to individual points of water consumption, as well as in order to maintain the same diameters over the entire height of the building in single-pipe hot water supply systems, the risers are looped. With a ring scheme for buildings up to 5 floors inclusive, the diameters of the risers are 25 mm, and for buildings from 6 floors and above - 32 mm in diameter. Heated towel rails in single-pipe wiring are placed on supply risers, which means that with weak heating of water in boiler rooms, it can reach distant consumers cooled down. Hot water will not only be disassembled by nearby consumers, but it will also cool down in their heated towel rails. In order for the water not to cool down and reach hot to remote consumers, a bypass is cut into the heated towel rails.

Two- and one-pipe hot water systems can be made without heated towel rails, but then these devices must be connected to the heating system. At the same time, heated towel rails will not work in summer, and in winter, the total cost of hot water supply and heating will increase.

To ensure air removal from the system, pipes are laid with a slope of at least 0.002 to the pipeline entry. In systems with lower wiring, air is removed through the upper tap. In the case of top wiring, air is removed through automatic air vents installed at the highest points of the systems.

Water supply is very important for the normal functioning of many construction projects. The water supply system of an apartment building is represented by a central water supply line, intra-house piping and piping for water supply to an apartment.

It is very difficult to establish water supply for a multi-storey building with numerous consumers. Each apartment in the house should be considered as a separate object for providing water: pipes of different diameters represent a single structure with rather complex wiring. It is for this reason that it is considered very difficult to supply water to a multi-storey building.

The system is a whole complex of pumping equipment with installed filters and metering devices, as well as shut-off and control valves and apartment-by-apartment piping.

Mandatory in this scheme will be pressure regulators. The water that enters the apartments first goes through several stages of purification from mechanical impurities. Also very often carry out disinfection of water by means of chlorination.

Central water supply and plumbing

The most convenient for people who live in apartment buildings is the water supply from the central water supply. Such a system involves the supply of high-quality water under good pressure. Central water supply is carried out by means of a water supply system, which is available in all cities and villages. As a rule, water enters pumping stations from surface reservoirs, which are located far from sources of pollution.

The central water supply system has three components:

  • water intake facilities;
  • cleaning stations;
  • distribution network.

Water flows from the pumping station to a certain reservoir. There it goes through numerous stages of purification and only then enters the distribution network to supply water to the necessary facilities.

The water supply system functions normally if high-quality and correct piping is done. System pressure also plays a big role.

For a large number of users, the central water supply system may have a well, which is arranged using a special water intake tower. It is best to use an artesian well: water is drawn from a great depth, the water quality is at a high level.

But this method of water intake is considered quite expensive. It is usually used to provide water to an apartment cottage.

Scheme and arrangement of the water supply system of an apartment building

Water supply system with water tower

Such a system has several main elements: a caisson, a main water intake tank and a pumping station.

The principle of operation of the water tower

The caisson is a metal container, which is located at a depth of 2-2.5 m above the well itself. A pipe is mounted in it to bring water out of the well. A concrete ring caisson is considered less sealed, since it is often flooded by rising groundwater.

Through the pumping station and the caisson, water enters the storage tank. It has an automatic float valve. It turns on the pump when the water in such a container falls and does not reach a certain level.

The total pressure in the system directly depends on the volume of the storage tank or tank. Even in the event of a power outage, water will flow steadily into the apartments. But until the moment when the water level in the tank drops and, accordingly, the pressure decreases.

Scheme of the device of the water tower

Types of pipes that are used for water supply

Steel pipes

To date, steel pipes have practically ceased to be used. Over a fairly long period of time, such materials for plumbing have used up their resource. In addition, the price of steel pipes is quite high.

Installation of steel pipes is also expensive and takes a lot of effort and time. The disadvantage of such a system is that condensate is strongly collected on it, which can destroy the pipe material. Rust and scale will gradually form inside the steel pipe, which reduces the volume of the pipe. Thus, the throughput is also reduced.

Copper pipes

The most important advantage of using copper pipes is their service life, which reaches 50 years. Steel pipes are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy them. The advantage of steel pipes is that they do not form rust. In addition, copper has antibacterial properties.

Copper pipe wiring

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are very popular today. They are quite practical and are considered reliable. Installation of a metal-plastic water supply system is very simple. All you need is a special tool. Pipes are joined with fittings. The pipe can withstand significant mechanical and physical stress.

Metal-plastic pipes

Apartment water supply schemes

The stability of the operation of all household equipment that is connected to the water supply directly depends on how well the installation of the water supply system is performed.

The water supply scheme should provide the apartment with water from the central water supply to all necessary supply points. For some equipment, it will be necessary to ensure a constant pressure of water in the pipes. At the moment, plumbing for an apartment can be done in several ways: a serial connection scheme, a collector and a mixed system.

The scheme of the consistent water supply of the apartment

The simplest and most practical way to supply water to an apartment is considered to be a serial connection scheme. This is an affordable option for the price and for engineering communications. Such a scheme, as a rule, is found in the buildings of residential buildings.

According to this scheme, the installation of main pipelines with the supply of hot and cold water is carried out in parallel. Each equipment in such a system is connected using tees. It is for this reason that very often the series connection scheme is also called a tee.

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The serial scheme implies the presence of a common highway for a large number of users. From such a central pipe, wiring is also done using tees. The main pipe has a fairly large diameter and plays the role of an elongated collector.

Consistent piping in the apartment

Such a water supply system is currently considered not only common, but also the most ideal for use in an ordinary apartment, which has one bathroom and a small number of household appliances that operate on the basis of water supply.

The sequential scheme has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • significant pipe savings;
  • simplicity and ease of the project;
  • reducing plumbing costs.


  1. Pressure drop at the end points of the water supply if several open appliances are used at the same time.
  2. The lack of the possibility of selective shutdown (in the event of a breakdown of one of the pipes, it will be necessary to completely turn off the apartment).
  3. Difficulty in locating a leak.
  4. Lack of free access to all distribution tees of the system.
  5. In the event of an accident, it will be necessary to break the finishing layer on the surface of the floor or wall.

The distribution of pipes in the apartment should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. Only then the probability that the pipe will start to leak will be small, and the pressure in the system will be normal.

Collector scheme

Due to the fact that at the moment the apartment uses a large number of devices that operate from water supply, their work may be disrupted, since the pressure in the general system is greatly reduced. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to choose a collector connection scheme.

Installation of such a water supply system is considered expensive and rather complicated. Initially, the pressure drop in the system is already excluded, and it is for this reason that all points of the plumbing equipment can be used at the same time.

This is due to the fact that a separate pipe is laid to each such point of water supply. It can be simply closed if necessary. The main pipe with this type of connection has no branches, which ensures the safety of using the water supply system. Also, the possibility of leaks will be greatly reduced, since the collector pipe runs parallel to the main water supply pipe and has only one connection with it.

Collector scheme of water supply of the apartment

The advantages of such a system:

  • due to the small number of connections - the reliability of the system;
  • adjustment of the operation of a separate plumbing fixture;
  • ease of maintenance and repair of the entire system;
  • hidden installation of pipes that will not spoil the interior.

Sewerage in the apartment

Water supply and sewerage systems at home play an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of a person. Only specialists will be able to correctly calculate and carry out the installation of engineering structures of this type. The entire installation process must be carried out according to a previously developed scheme. Proper installation of sewer pipes will eliminate all possibilities of leakage and deformation of the sewage disposal. Often, the installation of sewer waste in an apartment is associated with turning off the water supply through the riser. Works are carried out quite quickly and very high quality.

Advice. If the sewer pipes in the apartment are laid for the first time, then it would be better not to change the usual location of all plumbing fixtures.

It would be better to use the old scheme. At the same time, it is recommended to sketch out an approximate work plan on paper and clearly measure the distance between the sink, toilet bowl, bathtub and other equipment that runs on water supply. It will also be necessary to determine the location of the clamps and the central sewer pipe. A slope is considered mandatory when laying sewers. Do not forget about the quality material in this process.

Before you lay or change the sewer in the apartment, it is necessary to assess the condition of the common sewer riser.

Sewerage and water supply risers in the apartment

If the common sewer pipe does not have external signs of corrosion, then you can not change it. If replacement is necessary, then this must be done very carefully due to the fact that a damaged pipe can be very easily deformed, and then the entire riser will have to be completely changed.

It happens that sewer pipes in an apartment are laid with the aim that more equipment has appeared that runs on water supply. For example, dishwasher or washing machine. Another option for laying sewers as an additional structure may be when it is necessary to connect additional plumbing equipment.

Scheme of the sewerage device in the apartment

Necessary equipment for the installation of high-quality sewage:

  • pipes;
  • accessories;
  • compositions for fixing and sealing;
  • instruments;
  • fitting;
  • appliances.

When installing a new sewer riser, it will be necessary to take into account the fact that plastic pipes for draining water will not be able to withstand the compressive loads of a piece of cast-iron pipe that may be on top of the riser. A special replacement fragment will need to be attached to such a pipe in order to ensure a tight and durable fixation of the junction of pipes made of different materials. For the tightness of such connections, adapters-cuffs are used, which are made for such combinations (“cast iron-plastic”, “plastic-cast iron”).

Dismantling the sewer in the apartment

Replacing an old sewer pipe with a new one has many nuances that must be taken into account in this process. Initially, it is necessary to determine the most vulnerable places in the pipe to deformation. It is also required to disconnect all existing connections from the pipe and remove all debris. All this is necessary to ensure more convenient work.

Then, near the riser, the tap is turned off, which supplies water to the apartment. If the replacement is long, then it is best to completely disconnect the entire riser from the water supply. At the very last moment, it is necessary to carefully dismantle the cast-iron sewer pipes. All this can be done with adjustable wrenches or other tools.

It is necessary to mount a new pipe in a complete set with a variety of adapters and couplings, since then it will not be possible to do it qualitatively. All connections must be coated with sealant to protect the riser from leakage.

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Proper installation of plastic sewerage

Advice. All fittings or cuffs must be clean. Silicone grease should be designed specifically for connecting sewer pipes.