Gloria is the inhabited twin of the earth. Gloria planet (anti-earth) - exposing all revelations Is it true that there is a planet behind the sun

  • 31.03.2022

There is a theory that on the opposite side of the Sun in the orbit of the Earth there is a body similar to the Earth - the Anti-Earth.

In the orbit of the Earth (the Earth rotates in the third orbit), TWO planets move around the Sun: the Earth and some other planet. The sun looks at the Earth, the size (mass) of which is less than that of the planet behind it. The mysterious planet is located diametrically opposite to us, behind the Sun, so we do not see it! Obviously, the Egyptians tried to perpetuate the information received from the Nefers, so it was preserved not only on the walls of the burials of the Valley of the Kings, but also in the cosmogony of the neo-Pythagorean Philolaus, who claimed that in the orbit of the Earth behind the Sun, which he called Hestna (central fire), is similar to the Earth body - Anti-Earth.
Here are some interesting facts recorded by astronomers:
Early in the morning of January 25, 1672, the director of the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, discovered an unknown crescent-shaped body near Venus that had a shadow that directly indicated that the body was a large planet, not a star. Venus was crescent at that moment, so at first, Cassini suggested that it was her satellite that discovered it. The body size was very large. He estimated them to be a quarter of the diameter of Venus. 14 years later, on August 18, 1686, Cassini saw this planet again, about which he left an entry in his diary.
On October 23, 1740, shortly before sunrise, a member of the Royal Society and amateur astronomer James Short noticed the mysterious planet. Pointing a reflecting telescope at Venus, he saw a small "star" very close to it. Pointing another telescope at it, magnifying the image 50-60 times and equipped with a micrometer, he determined its distance from Venus, which was about 10.2 °. Venus was observed extremely clearly. The air was very clean, so Short looked at this "asterisk" at a magnification of 240 times and, to his great surprise, found that it was in the same phase as Venus. This means that Venus and the mysterious planet were illuminated by our Sun, and the crescent-shaped shadow was the same as on the visible disk of Venus. The apparent diameter of the planet was about a third of the diameter of Venus. Its light was not so bright or clear, but with extremely sharp and clear outlines, due to the fact that it was much farther from the Sun than Venus. The line passing through the center of Venus and the planet formed an angle of about 18-20° to the equator of Venus. Short observed the planet for an hour, but the luminosity of the Sun increased, and he lost it at about 8.15 in the morning.
The following observation was made on May 20, 1759 by astronomer Andreas Mayer from Greifswald (Germany).
An unprecedented failure of the solar "dynamo" that occurred at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries (which also manifested itself in the Maunder minimum, when there were practically no spots on the Sun for fifty years), caused the orbital instability of the Anti-Earth. 1761 was the year of its most frequent observations. Several days in a row: on February 10, 11 and 12, reports of observations of the planet (a satellite of Venus) came from Joseph Louis Lagrange (J.L. Lagrange) from Marseille, who later became director of the Berlin Academy of Sciences.
On March 3, 4, 7 and 11 she was observed by a member of the Limoges Association, Jacques Montaigne.
A month later, on March 15, 28 and 29, Monbarro from Auxerre (France) also saw a celestial body in his telescope, which he considered a "satellite of Venus." Eight observations of this body in June, July, August were made by Redner from Copenhagen.
In 1764, the mysterious planet was observed by Roedkier. January 3, 1768 she was observed by Christian Horrebow (Christian Horrebow) from Copenhagen. The latest observation was made on August 13, 1892. American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard (Eduard Emerson Barnard) noticed near Venus (where there were no stars with which to associate the observation) an unknown object of the seventh magnitude. Then the planet went behind the Sun. According to various estimates, the size of the observed planet ranged from a quarter to a third of the size of Venus.
If a bewildered reader has a remark about the achievements of modern astronomy and spaceships plowing the expanses of the solar system, we will immediately put everything in its place.
A very important circumstance that remains beyond the field of view of non-specialists is that vehicles flying in outer space do not "look around." In order to continuously refine and correct the orbit, the "electronic eyes" of space stations are directed to specific space objects used for orientation purposes, for example, to the star Canopus.
The distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth is so great, given the size of the Sun and the effects it creates, that a rather large cosmic body can “get lost” in the vast expanses of the beyond-solar space, remaining invisible for a long time.

System: Earth - Sun - Anti-Earth.

The invisible portion of the Earth's orbit behind the Sun is equal to 600 Earth diameters.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149,600,000 km, respectively, the distance from the Sun to the Anti-Earth is the same, since it is in the orbit of the Earth behind the Sun. The equatorial diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000 km or 109 Earth diameters. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km. If we add up the distances from the Earth to the Sun and from the Sun to the Anti-Earth, taking into account the diameter of the Sun, then the total distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth will be: 300,592,000 km. Dividing this distance by the diameter of the Earth, we get 23564.75.

Now let's simulate the situation, representing the Earth as an object with a diameter of 1 meter (ie, on a scale of 1 to 12,756,000), and see how the Anti-Earth will look compared to the Earth in the photograph. To do this, take 2 globes with a diameter of 1 meter. If the first globe of the Earth is placed immediately in front of the camera lens, and the other Anti-Earth is placed in the background, observing the scale corresponding to our calculations, then the distance between the two globes will be 23 kilometers 564.75 meters. Obviously, with such a distance, the Anti-Earth globe on the received frame will be so small that it is simply invisible. The resolution of the camera and the size of the frame will not be sufficient for both globes to be visible on the film or print at the same time, especially if a powerful light source is placed in the middle of the distance between the globes, imitating the Sun 109 meters in diameter! Therefore, given the distance, size and luminosity of the Sun, and the fact that the gaze of science is generally directed in the other direction, it is not surprising why the Anti-Earth remains unnoticed.
The invisible space behind the Sun, taking into account the solar corona, is equal to ten diameters of the lunar orbit or 600 diameters of the Earth. Therefore, there are more than enough places where the mysterious planet can hide. The American astronauts who landed on the moon could not see this planet, for this they would have to fly 10 -15 times further.
In order to make sure once and for all that we are not alone in the universe, and that “brothers in mind” are very close, but not where astronomers are looking for them, one should take photographs of the corresponding part of the Earth’s orbit. The SOHO space telescope, which constantly photographs the Sun, is close to the Earth, therefore, in principle, it cannot see the planet behind the Sun, unless it once again changes position as a result of powerful solar magnetic storms, as happened at the end of the XVII-beginning XVIII centuries.

The position of the SOHO telescope relative to the Sun and the Anti-Earth.

A series of images from stations in near-Martian orbit could clarify the situation, but the angle and magnification must be sufficient, otherwise the discovery will again be postponed. The secret of the Anti-Earth is hidden not only by the abyss of outer space, the blindness and indifference of science to what is stored in historical monuments, but also by someone's invisible efforts.
In connection with all the above facts, it can be assumed that the disappearance of the Soviet automatic station "Phobos-1" was most likely due to the fact that it could become an untimely "witness". Launched on July 7, 1988 from the Baikonur cosmodrome towards Mars and, having entered the calculated orbit, in accordance with the program, the station began to take photographs of the Sun. 140 x-ray images of our star were transmitted to Earth, and if Phobos-1 had continued shooting further, it would have received a picture, followed by a landmark discovery. But in that 1988, the discovery was not supposed to happen, so all the news agencies of the world reported the loss of communication with the Phobos-1 station.
Il. 6. The planet Mars and its satellite - Phobos.
At the bottom right is a photograph of a cigar-shaped object, next to Mars' moon Phobos, taken from the Phobos-2 station. The size of the satellite is 28x20x18 km, from which it can be judged that the photographed object was of a huge size.
The fate of Phobos 2, which launched on July 12, 1988, was similar, although it managed to reach the vicinity of Mars, probably because it did not take pictures of the Sun. However, on March 25, 1989, when approaching the satellite of Mars Phobos, communication with the spacecraft was interrupted. The last image transmitted to Earth captured a strange, cigar-shaped object, which was apparently rejected by Phobos 2. This is a list of far from all the "oddities" that occur in our solar system, which official science prefers to hush up. Judge for yourself. Says astrophysicist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov.
“The presence of a planet behind the Sun and the reasonable behavior of certain forces in connection with it are indicated by unusual comets, about which quite a lot of data has accumulated. These are comets that sometimes fly behind the Sun, but do not fly back, as if it were a spaceship. Or another very interesting example is the Roland Arena comet of 1956, which was perceived in the radio range. Its radiation was received by radio astronomers. When comet Roland Arena appeared from behind the Sun, a transmitter was operating in its tail at a wavelength of about 30 meters. Then, in the tail of the comet, a transmitter started working on a wave of half a meter, separated from the comet and moved back behind the Sun. Another generally unbelievable fact is the comets that flew by as if with an inspection check, flying around the planets of the solar system in turn.
All this is more than curious, but let's not digress from the main thing and return to the past.
The crescent-shaped body that appeared from behind the star is the very 12th planet, which was not enough for a harmonious and stable picture of the structure of the solar system, which is consistent, among other things, with ancient texts. By the way, the Sumerians claimed that it was from the twelfth planet of our solar system that the “Gods of Heaven and Earth” descended to Earth.
It should be emphasized that the location of this planet just behind the Sun places it in a region favorable for life, in contrast to the planet Marduk (according to Sitchin), whose orbital period is 3600 years and whose orbit goes far beyond the "belt of life" and beyond the solar system makes the existence of life on such a planet impossible.
Agree, such a turn is somewhat puzzling - but gradually everything begins to fall into place. Therefore, the first conclusion from the foregoing, which we will put in a prominent place, is that the “Source” of ancient knowledge was apparently of alien origin! the world, man, the actual history of the Earth and our amazing ancestors.

If any of the readers have the feeling that they have a fantastic novel in front of them, and the very possibility of the existence of deep scientific ideas among our distant ancestors is still in doubt, let's make a short digression and make sure that the worldview of the ancients, at least in its origins , was deeply scientific.
To do this, let's digress from the image from the tomb of Ramses VI, which contains a fragment of the Book of the Earth. In fairness, it is worth emphasizing that the title of this fragment in the translation of classical Egyptologists sounds like this: “He Who Hides the Clock. Personification of the water clock" or "Phallic figure in the water clock"!? How are you? Such a ridiculous translation is the result of an incredible way of thinking and incorrect translation of hieroglyphs.

The presence or absence of the Anti-Earth confirms the theory about the absence of the concept of infinity.

According to some experts, the extraterrestrial intelligence that we have been looking for for so long is closer than we think. Our planet has a twin planet, and it moves in the same orbit as the Earth.

Earth has a twin planet!

Planet Gloria. This twin planet has approximately the same mass as the Earth, moves at the same speed, and most importantly, has conditions similar to the Earth for existence. It is almost always located, relative to our planet, at the same point - directly opposite. Only it is always obscured from us by the Sun. Gloria remains invisible to the human eye, telescopes and interplanetary vehicles. The fact is that each probe that is sent into space has well-defined goals and is directed to a strictly specified point, and cannot “look” around uncontrollably. And the task of flying around the Sun has not yet been set before a single space expedition.

The fact that our planet has a twin can be found in historical sources. The famous astronomer Giovanni Cassini, back in the 17th century, observed a certain planet through a telescope. Cassini suggested that this planet is one of the satellites of Venus. This planet was seen years later by other scientists. The last time this cosmic body was observed by the American astronomer Edward Bernard in 1892. Today it is known for certain that the "Morning Star" never had and does not have satellites, which means that the planet Gloria can really hide behind the Sun.

The most important thing is that if Gloria really exists, then there can certainly be intelligent life on it. This planet receives from the Sun the same amount of energy as the Earth, that is, it is in the "comfort zone" of our planetary system. Experts believe that the Earth is a minor and artificially inhabited planet. And Gloria is much older than the Earth, and therefore - civilization on it develops much longer.

According to some researchers, the civilization that lives on Gloria may well be the oldest ancestors of mankind. And it was this civilization that “tuned” the solar system for itself, it was it that created favorable conditions for its existence and the existence of our planet. She "constructed" a protective barrier on the Sun, which prevents the ignition of nearby planets, and it is the civilization of this planet that controls the entire outer space, having managed to enclose it with an invisible dome that protects this unique ecosystem inside.

At this stage, these are just assumptions and hypotheses, although they are quite convincing. If we assume that the twin planet Gloria really exists, then many mysterious facts of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations become quite explainable ...

According to the theory of astrophysicist and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kirill Butusov, there is another earth in the orbit of the Earth third from the sun, it was given the name "Gloria" (or the antipode planet), which is located on the opposite point of the Earth's orbit. Rotating with the same speed and trajectory as the earth, we cannot see it. it is closed from us by the solar disk. And the size of this mystery planet is more than 2 times our "living planet". According to the professor, there are many undeniable scientific facts in favor of this theory.

From the point of view of astronomy, there is a special point behind the Sun, being at which, the planet can be easily knocked off the trajectory by any cosmic gravitational influence, for this reason we can still sometimes observe this planet.

A bit of history. In 1672 and 1686 the director at the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, was able to see her twice: but then it seemed to him that it was a satellite of Venus. James Short, an English astronomer, observed it in 1740, and in the same century in 1759. German Andreas Mayer. And because of the powerful solar disturbances of the 17-18th centuries, they led to the fact that, in 1761. in France and Denmark, astronomers observed the planet, mysterious to them at that time, for several days. Gloria appeared for the last time in August 1892. according to the American Edward Barnard, its size was about three times smaller than Venus.

After a while, no one remembered this planet, until today. And now a new interest has awakened, but what is it so conditioned by? And the fact that one of the ufologists said - if this planet exists, then intelligent life must be present there, since the same conditions and laws of physics operate on it as on our Earth. And also it would become an ideal base for - UFOs. It is convenient for spaceships starting from this planet to land on Earth. In this case, it is not necessary to move from orbit to orbit, it is enough to only slightly speed up or, conversely, slow down the flight of the spacecraft.
But why, with our current technology, can't we all see it whenever we want? The thing is that our spacecraft cannot perform a similar function - to look around (since they are aimed only at fulfilling specified objects), and even moreover, despite the fact that the distance from Earth to Gloria is 300,595,000 km. To see Gloria, you need to go to a certain distance from the earth, the so-called near-Martian orbit, which modern technology simply cannot reach.

With all of the above, I want to say that even serious astronomers admit the possibility of the existence of Gloria. They explain it this way - not everyone knows that there are actually at least two moons above the Earth, the second we do not see, due to the fact that it consists of tiny meteorite fragments and dust, grouped at the so-called libration point. According to the laws of celestial mechanics, near the Earth system - Near the Moon there is a certain point - a trap into which the gravitational field can drive its prey. Like lunar points, the systems Sun - Earth, Sun - Mars, Sun - Venus, etc. have the same ones. It turns out that dust twins (planets) are not so rare in the solar system. Only here to hope that life is present on such twins, intelligent life is not necessary. Because living in a cloud of dust is not very comfortable.

But it is possible that we will get the answer thanks to flights in the future on interplanetary reconnaissance probes.

A few centuries ago, scientists were able to see another planet behind the sun. Planet X. It looked a bit like the earth.

This unknown planet X hung motionless for several days, and then disappeared behind the sun. When telescopes appeared, the number of mysteries increased even more. Scientists studied star systems, the location of planets from the sun, and they noticed that large planets are always located closer to the star. In the solar system, everything is done the other way around. The giant planets are on the outskirts, and four small planets: Mercury, Earth, Mars, Venus, are located closer to the sun.

And everything looks as if they are specially close to the sun. Scientists believe that several millennia ago, the sun had a completely different design. Any astrophysicist can say this, that the solar system has an irregular shape. All this happens only when artificial placement of planets is performed. To draw such a conclusion, many texts were analyzed by scientists. They were compared with modern ideas about the structure of star systems.

As for the asteroid belt that is around us and our sun, it did not exist before. In its place was the planet Phaeton. Mars was closer to the sun. All three planets in the solar system were inhabited by humans. Scientists think that some highly developed civilization was able to give a lot of scientific knowledge to earthlings.

They realized a long time ago that most discoveries can fit into mathematical formulas. It was then that scientists began to pay less attention to telescopes, and took up mathematics. It was found that there is a special law - doublet.

The meaning of this law is that the large bodies that are in the solar system are duplicated. That is, they exist in pairs. Scientists began to compare the size, density of other bodies in the solar system. All of them can be divided into several groups.

The first group contains objects - Neptune, the planet Earth, Mercury. They are 18 times smaller than each other by weight. They have a connection with each other. The second group has planets: Uranus, Mars, Venus. Here, too, everything is provided. The researchers were able to conclude that the last in the second group is the sun. It is heavier than this planet.

Simply put, the Saturn group may well be the children of the sun. But the first group of Jupiter must also have some kind of planet, but this body must be several times larger than Jupiter itself. It should be huge and look like a star.

Now scientists have confirmed that many star systems have two stars. It turns out that in our sky there used to be several suns. By the way, this is mentioned in the myths of many peoples.

For example, the Indian texts also speak of the Raja-sun. It was much brighter than our sun and was constantly in the sky. Then for some reason it suddenly disappeared. We now know that stars eventually die. In this case, the Raja-sun could burn out many millions of years ago. Most likely, this body was huge in mass. Now it is clear that the children of the Raja-sun is the group of Jupiter.

It's just that these planets then came to our Sun. But there is a riddle here, where are the now extinguished sun? Saturn gave us the answer. He and his companions represent the solar system in miniature. Scientists believe that many thousands of years ago the Great Catastrophe occurred and the people who inhabited Phaeton and Mars were able to move to earth.

Most likely, the builders of the solar system have not gone anywhere. There is another undiscovered planet behind the sun and scientists are talking about it. This is a large planet, and most likely it is inhabited by inhabitants.

She has all the ideal conditions for life. But our modern science about this planet now knows nothing. If you read the ancient texts, then there is some knowledge about this. It definitely talks about the coexistence of this planet. The texts say that aliens came to earth and gave people knowledge.

They provided information about mathematics and other subjects. All this knowledge came from this planet. By the way, one scientist was able to calculate the location of the planet using conventional mechanics.

The satellite system of Saturn should ideally repeat the entire solar system. Saturn has two moons at the same distance. Why they behave this way is the real mystery of the solar system. Most likely, there are also two bodies in the Earth's orbit. This was confirmed by mathematical calculations. There is still some hidden mass in Earth's orbit.

This planet revolves around the sun and is behind the sun in Earth's orbit. We do not see it because the sun hides a huge area from us. All spacecraft that have been launched have never been aimed at the earth's orbit. The distance is very large and the land itself is not even easy to see.

Here the theory is confirmed by the behavior of the planets of the solar system themselves. If Venus begins to run faster in its orbit, then Mars lags behind. If Venus, on the contrary, is late on schedule, then Mars is ahead of it. This is possible only when there is another body in the intermediate orbit. It is it that can influence one and the other body, and such an effect will occur. That is, one body speeds up the movement, the other slows it down.

The planet that hid behind the sun is called Gloria. It has been observed several times by astronomers in past centuries. Scientists saw when they pointed their telescopes at Venus as some other body that was behind the sun.

In 1764, Gloria was again able to emerge from behind the sun, and apparently became in her orbit, and was never shown to people again. But strange "comets" began to appear, and most likely they are around the planet in the form of space starships. If the "comet" flies behind the sun, then it does not fly out from there. Where can she go? The trajectory does not lead to the fact that it fell into the sun. All these oddities indicate that that planet still exists and there is life on it, and comets are their spaceships.

Many different cataclysms are happening on the earth now, and we can hope that those civilizations that are on the planet behind the sun will not let the earth perish. The orbit of our planet will not change, and we will continue to develop and prosper for a long time to come.

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Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body, which is the twin of the Earth. What is the Anti-Earth and how did the researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and the unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priority areas for the development of mankind.

Twin of the Earth - the planet Gloria

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the ideas of the Egyptians about the world of "doubles" that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had done before, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the orbit of the Earth in a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called Anti-Earth.

To date, we do not have exact evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny such a possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of the Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For the Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rocks, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days.

Astronomy assumes the probability of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever wondered: “Is the Sun covering a large area from our eyes?”. The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 Earth diameters.

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. Considerations that it really is - a few. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth's group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical with respect to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed for the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant, and surpasses Saturn by 3 times. But the mass of the Earth's neighbor - Venus is inferior to us by as much as 18%. From this we can conclude that the Earth's orbit cannot be special, but still it is. Second. The theory of the motion of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They could not understand the quirks of her movement. She is either ahead of the estimated time, or behind it. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces act on Venus. Mars does the same. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can be explained only by the presence of some common cause.

Gloria announced its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Cassini Observatory in Paris saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a heavenly body, but not a star. Then he thought he had discovered a moon of Venus. The size of this alleged satellite was huge, about 1/4 of the moon. Short saw the object in 1740, Mayer in 1759, and Rothkyer in 1761. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object spoke of its large size, but it was not a new star.
Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energy, astral double. Later they began to call him the Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates. Researchers believe that our "double" is inhabited. After all, it is located almost at the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and the speed of its movement is almost the same. The twin planet research team says it has found 1,094 planets that are suitable for Earth's twins. When scientists approve the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, let's wait for new discoveries ...