Examples of facade insulation. Exterior decoration and insulation of the facade of the house, modern materials and technologies

  • 23.06.2020

After the introduction of a new standard for the thermal protection of buildings, insulation has become relevant even for those houses that were previously considered “safe”. Owners of old buildings can do nothing, but they must be prepared to pay rising energy bills. And the projects of new houses will not be approved if they do not meet the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003. There are several technologies that allow you to provide regulatory performance for buildings from any materials. The main thing is to choose the right insulation for the walls of the house outside in each case.

The house must be kept warm Source prolesa.com.ua

Why external insulation, and not internal

The most understandable argument for a non-specialist sounds very convincing, although this is a secondary factor - insulation from the inside “takes away” the usable volume of residential and office premises.

Builders are guided by the standard, according to which the insulation must be external (SP 23-101-2004). Warming from the inside is not directly prohibited, but it can be carried out only in exceptional cases. For example, when it is impossible to carry out work outside due to structural features or the facade “belongs” to the house, which belongs to architectural monuments.

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The result of proper internal insulation of the house on the video:

Internal wall insulation is allowed provided that a durable and continuous vapor-tight layer is created from the side of the room. But this is not easy to do, and if warm air with water vapor gets into the insulation or onto the surface of a cold wall, then condensation is inevitable. And the reason for this is the “dew point”, which will move either inside the layer of heat-insulating material, or to the border between it and the wall.

Even such protection from the inside will not provide a 100% guarantee against wetting the wall - water vapor will find a “way” at the joints of the film and attachment points Source domvpavlino.ru

That is, when deciding how to properly insulate a house, in the vast majority of cases, the answer will be based on clear regulatory recommendations - from the outside.

Popular thermal insulation materials

From a large list of thermal insulation materials, several of the most popular and those that are used if the budget allows or for other reasons can be distinguished. Traditionally, the popularity of materials is determined by a combination of good thermal insulation characteristics and relatively low cost.

  • Styrofoam

Better known as "styrofoam". To be precise, in addition to plates, this material is also used in granular form as bulk thermal insulation.

Its thermal conductivity depends on density, but on average it is one of the lowest in its class. Thermal insulation properties are provided by a cellular structure filled with air. Popularity is explained by availability, ease of installation, good compressive strength, low water absorption. That is, it is cheap, quite durable (as part of the structure) and is not afraid of water.

Styrofoam is considered low-flammable, and with the marking PSB-S - self-extinguishing (does not support combustion). But in case of fire, it emits toxic gases, and this is one of the main reasons why it cannot be used for insulation from the inside. Its second drawback is low vapor permeability, which imposes restrictions on the use of "breathable" materials for insulating walls.

Insulation of the wall of the house outside with foam plastic Source makemone.ru

  • Extruded polystyrene foam

It differs from polystyrene in a fundamentally different manufacturing technology, although the same polystyrene granules serve as raw materials. In some respects, it surpasses its "relative". It has the same percentage of water absorption (no more than 2%), an average of 20-30% lower thermal conductivity (table D.1 SP 23-101-2004), several times lower vapor permeability and higher compressive strength. Thanks to this set of qualities, it best material when insulating the foundation and basement, that is, the walls of the basement and the "zero" floor. The disadvantages of EPPS are the same as those of polystyrene, and it costs more.

XPS is usually made "colored" Source footing.ru

  • Stone, she is basalt, cotton wool

This is a subspecies of mineral wool, the raw material of which is rocks of stone (most often basalt). A completely different type of thermal insulation material, the low thermal conductivity of which is ensured by the fibrous structure and low density. It is inferior to foam plastic and EPPS in terms of thermal conductivity (on average 1.5 times higher), but unlike them, it does not burn and does not smolder (combustibility class NG). Refers to "breathable" materials - according to the new standard, this sounds like low "breathing resistance".

Mineral wool mats for wall insulation should be “hard” Source konveyt.ru

But there are other materials for warming the house from the outside, which, although they are used less often, have their own advantages.

Thermal insulation materials - novelties on the market

Additionally, you can always consider new options - they are slightly more expensive, but often somewhat more effective than traditional ones.

  • Foamed polyurethane

Common polymer material"home use". Also well known as furniture foam (in the form of "soft" mats) or as a gap-filling foam. When insulating, it is also used in the form of plates or sprayed insulation.

Polyurethane foam boards have low tear holding capacity, so it is not used in systems " wet facade».

But it is a common heat-insulating material for the manufacture of sandwich panels. The same technology underlies the production of thermal panels for facade cladding. Such a panel is a heat-insulating plate with a decorative layer already applied at the factory (clinker tiles or stone chips). Two types of insulation: polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. In the first case, the thermal panel is two-layer, in the second - three-layer (OSB or moisture-resistant plywood is used as the supporting base). Two mounting options: on dowels / anchors (open method) or on your hidden fastening system.

Three-layer thermal panel

Sprayed polyurethane foam is in demand if it is necessary to create a seamless layer of thermal insulation on complex surfaces. Until recently, there was the only technology for applying such a layer - using professional installations working with a two-component composition (mixing occurs during spraying).

PPU spraying on the basement of the house Source nauka-i-religia.ru

Now in Russia, for domestic use, the production of one-component polyurethane foam has been launched, which is produced in aerosol can with a capacity of 1 l. As the manufacturers assure (there are two competing companies), do-it-yourself insulation of 1 m2 is much cheaper than when concluding an agreement with specialized enterprises using professional equipment. And this option than to insulate the house from the outside is quite attractive, if literally 2-3 cm of the heat-insulating layer is missing.

Warming with sprayed PPU "Teplis" Source m.2gis.kz

  • Ecowool

Relatively new thermal insulation material. The technology of insulation of enclosing surfaces is based on cellulose fiber material, which is applied to the walls using a special installation. There are two options for insulation: filling the plane between the wall and the cladding, spraying with an adhesive binder on the wall with the crate installed (and subsequent installation of facade panels).

Of the traditional materials, glass wool (a subspecies of mineral wool) can be mentioned, but due to brittleness and the formation of the smallest “dust” with sharp edges during installation, it was replaced by stone wool, which is safe both during installation and during operation.

The better to insulate the house from the outside - standards for the number of layers

If follow regulatory documents, there are two options for insulating a house from the outside by the number of structural and heat-insulating layers: two-layer and three-layer. Moreover, in the second case, the exterior paneling or plaster is not considered an independent layer, although their thermal insulation properties are taken into account. In three-layer walls, the structural material acts as the outer (third) layer.

Brick cladding with insulation Source pinterest.ru

In addition to this classification, there is also a division according to the presence of a ventilated and non-ventilated layer.

  • brickwork, reinforced concrete (with flexible connections), expanded clay concrete - all types of solutions;
  • wooden houses- Enclosing structures with two-layer, three-layer walls and with a ventilated air gap;
  • frame houses with thin sheet sheathing - three-layer walls with thermal insulation in the middle, as well as with ventilated and non-ventilated air gap;
  • cellular concrete blocks - two-layer walls with brick lining, as well as with a ventilated or non-ventilated layer.
In practice, for the insulation of low-rise buildings, such a variety of solutions comes down to a choice between a “wet” or hinged facade. Although, as heat-insulating materials, they consider exactly those recommended by the standard - mineral wool or expanded polystyrene (EPS as an alternative).

But each case has its own preferences.

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Clearly about the choice of how to insulate the house from the outside in the video:

The better to insulate the house from the outside, depending on the material of the walls

For warming brick house there are no restrictions on the choice of technology. Different variants can be considered only depending on the chosen method of finishing the facade:

  • Facing brick. This is a classic three-layer wall construction on flexible ties. Even using expanded polystyrene, a ventilated air gap is provided for weathering water vapor and preventing wall materials from getting wet.
  • Wet facade. You can use mineral wool and polystyrene foam. The first option is preferable ceramic brick vapor permeability is higher than that of foam. And according to paragraph 8.5 of SP 23-101-2004, the arrangement of layers should contribute to the weathering of water vapor in order to prevent the accumulation of moisture.

Wet facade scheme Source deskgram.net

  • Ventilated facade. with cladding wall panels or large-format porcelain stoneware on the crate. Insulation traditional for everyone hinged facades- mineral wool.

Scheme of a ventilated facade Source sk-optimus.com.ua

Wooden houses (log or timber) are insulated exclusively with mineral wool using the hinged facade technology.

For them, you can find examples of the use of expanded polystyrene and plaster using the "wet facade" method. In this case, a ventilated gap is made between the wall and the foam plates using a remote crate. Although this loses the main advantage of the "wet facade" - the simplicity of design and installation.

How to calculate the thickness of the insulation

If you “flip through” offhand SP23-101-2004 or similar in content, but a later set of rules SP 50.13330.2012, you can see that it is not so easy to calculate the thickness of the insulation.

Each building is "individual". During the development of the project and its approval, such a thermal calculation is done by specialists. And here a whole range of parameters is taken into account - the characteristics of the region (temperatures, the duration of the heated season, the average number of sunny days), the type and area of ​​​​glazing at home, heat capacity floor covering, thermal insulation of the roof and basement. Even the number of metal bonds between the wall and the cladding matters.

But if the owner of a previously built house decides to insulate it (and the new norms introduced in 2003 are much tougher than the old ones), then he will have to choose between three parameters " standard thickness» insulation - 50, 100 and 150 mm. And there is no need for precision calculations. There is such a scheme, which shows the equivalent dimensions of the thickness of different materials (in average form), the wall of which will meet the new requirements for thermal protection.

Only a house made of aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of 45 cm does not need insulation Source legkovmeste.ru

And then it's simple. They take the thickness of the wall from a certain material, see how much is missing from the standard. And then they calculate in proportion what thickness of the insulation layer of the wall of the house from the outside should be added. Taking into account that the wet facade has another layer of plaster, and the ventilated facade has an air gap, plus interior decoration facade walls, you can be sure of sufficient thermal protection.

And the question of roof insulation, floors and choice good windows decide separately.

Even easier is to use one of the many online calculators. The figure here, of course, is approximate, but rounded up to the nearest standard insulation thickness, it will give the required result.

How to properly install insulation on the facade

Before installation, the facade must be prepared: cleaned of old finish, remove dirt and dust, dismantle hinged elements of engineering systems, remove ebbs and visors (you still have to change them to wider ones), remove signboards, plates and facade lamps. Then the surface of the wall must be strengthened - cracks and chips should be repaired, crumbling areas should be cleaned, a deep penetration primer should be applied.

Applying a primer composition Source rmnt.ru

For reliable fastening of expanded polystyrene or rigid mineral wool mats in the wet facade system, the wall surface must be as even as the unevenness can be leveled with adhesive mortar. With a height difference of up to 5 mm, the solution is applied over the entire insulation slab, with irregularities from 5 to 20 mm - along the perimeter and in the form of "cakes" on 40% of the slab surface.

The first row of plates is mounted with emphasis on the starting bar, which also sets the horizontal level. The second and subsequent rows are set with a shift of the vertical seam (at least 200 mm), leveling the surface of the insulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints so that the height difference is no more than 3 mm. When insulating the walls around the openings, make sure that the seams of the plates do not intersect in their corners. Each plate is additionally fixed with umbrella dowels at the rate of 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

The surface of the plates before applying the plaster is reinforced with fiberglass, fixed in the middle of the layer of adhesive solution with a total thickness of 5-6 mm.

The density of expanded polystyrene is chosen equal to 25-35 kg/m3.

Video description

Visually about the insulation of mineral wool in the video:

Russian mineral wool mats trademarks for the “wet facade” system, they must comply with index 175, imported ones must be labeled “facade” and have a density above 125 kg / m3.

Attention. In the "wet facade" system, the insulation is mounted in only one (!) layer. The vertical surface of two layers of "soft" slabs with a load in the form of plaster behaves unpredictably, especially with changes in temperature and humidity conditions. Do not be deluded by the arguments that the second layer of plates overlaps the seams of the first and eliminates "cold bridges".

Rigid mineral wool mats with a density of 80 kg/m3 or more are used in the ventilated facade. If the surface of the mats is not laminated, then after they are attached to the crate, the surface is covered with either fiberglass or a vapor-permeable membrane.

The step of laying out the crate is chosen 2-3 cm less than the width of the mats. In addition to fastening to the crate, the insulation is additionally fixed to the wall with dowels-umbrellas.

The size of the air gap between the insulation and the cladding should be in the range of 60-150 mm.

Important. Size 40 mm is standardized for non-ventilated air gaps.

For ventilation of the layer in the cladding, inlets are arranged in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basement and outlets - under the roof eaves. The total area of ​​the holes must be at least 75 cm2 per 20 m2 of the wall.

Ventilation grilles in the wall Source tproekt.com

As a result - is it worth it to insulate

Home insulation is a profitable investment even in the short term. Invested funds will quickly pay off due to lower heating and air conditioning costs.

Our website also lists companies specializing in facade and finishing materials, which are presented at the exhibition of houses Low-rise Country.

Insulation of the facade of the house is an important stage in the process of creating a reliable and durable structure. For external insulation today use the most different materials, each of which has its own characteristics. Consider the main types of heaters.

Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam as insulation

Expanded polystyrene, or as it is more commonly called polystyrene, is one of the most popular insulation materials. The main reason for the increased demand for it is its special physical and chemical properties, as well as an affordable price. The production of polystyrene foam is deployed almost throughout Russia, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of shipping plates to the facility for insulation by an order of magnitude.

To the main advantages of expanded polystyrene include high rates of heat and sound insulation, reliability, practicality and durability. They can be used to insulate a facade of any type, and can be used to create a design for ventilated facades.

Its disadvantages include instability to sunlight, direct hit of which can lead to premature destruction, as well as susceptibility to rodents. Choosing the right finish for a house insulated with foam plastic will extend its life to a hundred years.

Based on polystyrene, another material for external insulation is produced - extruded polystyrene foam. It is a plate of numerous small cells that do not absorb moisture.

Extruded polystyrene foam demonstrates excellent thermal insulation performance, is convenient to use and durable. As for the disadvantages, they include high cost and high density along with low throughput for adhesive solutions.

Mineral and basalt wool as insulation

Mineral wool is a roll insulation, which is good for insulating the facade and roof of the building.

It is an excellent heat insulator, affordable, easy to use and transport. It is very important to correctly install mineral wool, taking into account the low density of the material and high performance vapor permeability using superdiffusion membranes responsible for the removal of condensate.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool as a heater is the inability to remove excess moisture, which leads to the removal of heat outside from the room.

Basalt wool - a type of mineral wool, also comes in rolls, but more often in more expensive slabs. The main advantage of wool is its thermal insulation properties and incombustibility. The material should especially insulate the facade of houses at risk of fire - cotton wool will block the flame in the room in the event of a fire.

The minus of basalt wool is the same as that of mineral wool - it absorbs moisture and is not able to remove condensate. In addition, basalt wool is not an environmentally friendly material, as it contains formaldehyde resins necessary for fixing components.

polyurethane foam for home insulation

One of the most modern insulation for exterior walls is polyurethane foam, which retains heat better than all the materials listed above. Polyurethane foam will not require additional work on vapor and waterproofing, it will last for many years, provided it is protected from sunlight.

The material is applied to the facade with special equipment, by spraying. Its main advantages include:

  • high rates of thermal insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of application;
  • interaction with surfaces of any type.

The disadvantages include the high cost and costs associated with transportation..

Thermal panels for wall insulation

Not so long ago, thermal panels began to be used to insulate the exterior walls of the house. In European countries, this particular method of warming is the most popular, which indicates its justification in all respects.

There are two types of thermal panels: for brick and for painting. The first initially imitate brickwork and are great for cladding and home insulation. The second can be painted in any color, achieving similarity with natural materials.
Thermal panels are produced at special factories. Each product consists of:

  • insulation;
  • outer cladding layer.

It is convenient and simple to use panels for insulation. The materials are attached to the facade without the use of adhesives and plasters in any weather and season. Simultaneously with the insulation, you can solve the problem of decorating the walls of the house in the desired style.

How to choose the right insulation for the exterior walls of the house?

If, after analyzing the above materials for insulation, you still have not made your choice, then it does not hurt to get answers to the following questions from the seller before buying:

Comparison of polyurethane foam and mineral wool
  1. What is the thermal conductivity of the material? Remember that the lower the thermal conductivity, the smaller the thickness of the material for insulation.
  2. What are the indicators of moisture absorption? The moisture absorption coefficient should be small, only in this case we can talk about the moisture resistance of the material.
  3. What are the indicators of hydrophobicity and vapor permeability? It is important that the material not only absorb moisture as little as possible, but also be able to remove excess condensate from the room through the walls.
  4. How high is the fire resistance? It is important that the insulation is as non-combustible as possible, and does not allow the spread of fire in the event of a fire.
  5. Maximum shelf life? A good insulation should last at least 50 years.
  6. How environmentally friendly is the material? To confirm the words of the seller, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions must be provided.
  7. How big is the mass of material? The lower the weight of the insulation, the cheaper and easier the work on insulation will be.

The right choice of insulation for the facade of the house will significantly reduce the cost of heating the premises in the cold season. In winter, the house will be warm, and in summer it will not be so hot, which will allow you not to use air conditioners and fans. In addition, the right insulation will protect the walls from sudden temperature changes and extend their service life.

The main criteria for choosing a material for thermal insulation

Of course, each buyer, choosing materials to insulate the house, is guided by personal preferences. However, there are certain criteria that should be followed when making your choice.
One of the most important criteria in our time - this is the cost of material for thermal insulation.

When planning a purchase, one should take into account not only the price of the insulation itself, but also the cost of its installation and delivery. The thicker the insulation, the more expensive it will be to install it.

The material for thermal insulation with stone is hydrophobic and shows excellent resistance to moisture, so such heaters are more suitable for work than others. So, for example, stone wool is suitable for insulating almost all types of buildings, from the basement to the roof.

It is customary to insulate private houses and cottages with materials without additional coating, and baths, saunas and similar structures - with heaters with a layer of foil, which will be responsible for heat reflection.

Finally a little reminder for the buyer:

  1. There is no universal material for thermal insulation.
  2. For each type of building, the most suitable insulation should be selected.
  3. To insulate the roof, it is better to use fiberglass and basalt materials.
  4. To insulate the basement, moisture-resistant extruded polystyrene foam is suitable.
  5. Wet facades are best insulated with stone wool.
  6. In ventilated facades, it is better to use basalt and fiberglass slabs.

At a time when everyone wants to reduce all costs, the owners of private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings are looking for effective ways insulation and facade finishing.

These two processes cannot exist without each other. The heat insulator requires protection from external influences, and the finish on its own does not always cope with the task of retaining heat.

You can insulate both new and old buildings. Moreover, if a person is only planning to build his own house, then in the plan it is better to immediately note what the finish will be, as well as calculate the heat-insulating layer. With an old building, it is a little more difficult, because over time, cracks and voids appear in the walls, so the thickness of the insulation will have to be increased.

You should not choose the cheapest option, it is important to choose the right absolutely all materials. If they are different technical properties, then difficulties and problems may arise during operation. What does it mean? Let's take a closer look:

  1. Materials must be able to pass steam. This is especially important if this indicator for the base material is high. If this factor is ignored, moisture will accumulate under the insulation, which will lead to the rapid destruction of the supporting structure. In addition, the indoor climate will also worsen.
  2. The thickness of the insulation is selected according to climatic conditions, as well as the material and thickness of the main wall.
  3. It is important to correctly fix all the elements.
  4. Be sure to take into account the strength of the house. For buildings with a long service life, you should not choose heavy cladding, the walls can simply collapse.

Seek help from a professional if there is a need to insulate and finish the facade of the house. There are many nuances in this matter that are unknown to a person who does not have a certain education. Take the time and money to do everything right and with high quality.

What insulation to choose for the house

There are many options for warming. The building materials market offers everyone famous species mineral wool and completely modern technologies with the application of polyurethane foam. But when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  1. The location of the house on the cardinal points. For the southern walls, you can choose a thinner insulation than for others. From this side, the sun warms the surface all day, so the rooms are always warmer.
  2. Climatic conditions of the region.
  3. What is the base made of.
  4. What will the cladding be?

A specific building requires individual calculations and options. If you take into account such nuances, you can achieve the maximum result. This means that over time, heating costs will decrease, but at the same time, the comfort of staying in the rooms will not worsen.


This heater has been on the market for a long time. building materials and is very popular with builders. Polyfoam has a lot of advantages, but it has not been without its drawbacks. Let's start with the positive points, because they are what make the heat insulator popular:

  • affordable price. The cost is relatively low because it is available to buyers with different incomes;
  • excellent thermal insulation performance. Reduces heat loss by 60–70%;
  • water-repellent properties;
  • resistant to the development of mold and fungus;
  • can be mounted without choosing weather conditions;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • light weight.

The list is quite large, which is really impressive. But do not forget about the shortcomings. Let's consider them:

  1. Poorly passes moisture from the interior. This point does not allow the use of foam plastic for finishing houses made of wood or aerated concrete. Such finishing and insulation will simply be meaningless, since moisture will accumulate in the base, which will lead to the rapid development of mold, and hence destruction.
  2. If a poor-quality material was purchased, there is a high probability of ignition of the heat-insulating layer. Therefore, the foam is considered dangerous for wooden buildings. The quality version is covered with flame retardants that resist fire, but the foam will begin to melt, releasing caustic substances.
  3. Unstable to ultraviolet and organic solvents. Therefore, immediately after installation, it is required to close the casing and carefully select the adhesive composition.
  4. Rodents use insulation to create nests. Therefore, if the house is located where there are many rodents, it is not advisable to use foam.

Consider both positive and negative points. This also depends
the quality of insulation, and the safety of the residents of the house.

Extruded polystyrene foam

They are made on the basis of polystyrene, like polystyrene, but the production is significantly different. This explains the presence specifications that foam does not have.

  • increased density. If a foam sheet 10 cm thick is required for insulation, then 5 cm thick polystyrene foam will easily replace it;
  • improved strength - withstands high mechanical loads;
  • longer service life;
  • resistance to sunlight and chemically active substances.

In addition, extruded polystyrene or penoplex (the second name for insulation) does not absorb moisture from environment and has soundproof properties. There are also a few downsides:

  1. The cost is higher than that of foam.
  2. It does not let steam through, which means it cannot be used as a heater for a house made of timber or porous blocks.
  3. Releases when melted harmful substances.


This is a completely new thermal insulation material. It consists of cellulose fibers and additional components that improve the properties of the insulation. The main positive points of use are as follows:

  • insulates from noise and heat loss;
  • fit in a continuous layer, without seams;
  • safe for the environment and humans;
  • has vapor permeability.

Of the disadvantages of ecowool, a complex laying process is distinguished. In order for the layer to be as uniform as possible, a special machine for filling voids should be used. In addition, it is difficult to work with the device, and it is expensive. The insulation is flammable, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use it around chimneys and boilers.

For safety, borax and boric acid are added as a fire retardant. This also contributes to the fact that rodents and insects do not start in ecowool.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool has been used for a very long time, but even today it has not lost its position in the construction market. All thanks to the exceptional technical properties:

  1. Versatility of use - suitable for any grounds.
  2. Reduces heat loss, as well as the penetration of noise from the environment.
  3. Quickly and in large quantities passes moisture from the interior.
  4. Fire safety - the material does not burn.
  5. Environmental Safety.
  6. Rodents don't start.

But there are also several negative points. Let's pay attention to them:

  1. Fragility of the fibers - the need to work in protective clothing.
  2. Quickly absorbs moisture from the environment - the use of hydrobarriers eliminates this drawback.
  3. Low strength.
  4. It may settle over time. But proper fixing will extend the service life.
  5. High price.

Choice of finishing materials

Exterior finish houses with insulation necessarily require the use of facing materials. All thermal insulation materials require protection from the effects of negative factors. If this is not done, then the insulation will not be able to perform its functions. Therefore, you should also choose the material for decorating the walls outside.


This cladding has been known for over 200 years. But today they create material with the help of modern technologies which makes it possible to produce high quality products. This may be a facing brick, clinker tile or sandwich panel with an external decorative layer.

Clinker has the following properties:

  1. Natural color from red-orange to dark brown and even black.
  2. High strength, even the thinnest tiles.
  3. Resistance to abrasion, therefore they are used both for blind areas and for tracks.
  4. Withstands solar radiation.
  5. Does not absorb moisture.
  6. Passes steam.
  7. Serves more than 100 years.

Decorative plaster

And this option facade decoration known for a long time. Today there are ready-made compositions that greatly simplify the process of decorating the facade. In addition, special components are added to the mixture that improve the properties of the applied layer and extend its service life.

Manufacturers also offer decorative bark beetle plasters. With their help on outer wall you can make an original pattern. It will not only decorate the facade, but also highlight the house from the overall picture of buildings. Such a facade is easy to update. It is enough to paint the walls and the house will be transformed again.

For any base and insulation there is the desired version of the plaster composition. Therefore, without fear, houses and cottages made of wood, foam block or brick are covered with plaster. It is worth saying that this option exterior finish also has thermal insulation properties.

Decorative rock

For those who want to do appearance at home as natural as possible, but there is not enough money for natural stone, an artificial stone was invented. Outwardly, it practically does not differ from natural. At the same time, manufacturers are trying to create maximum diversity.

The technical characteristics of the decorative analogue are as close as possible to natural material. The advantage is ease of installation. Fake diamond made in the form of plates that can be glued to a flat base or fixed to.

The only drawback of some options is the hygroscopicity of the surface. But special water repellents will protect the finish. Be sure to regularly update the protective layer, which prolongs the service life.

Work performance technologies

Before choosing a material for insulation and finishing, you should first decide on the technology that will be used to process the facade. The set of materials that will be needed will depend on this. There are two main technologies:

  • dry.

Let's figure out how they differ and, of course, features.

Wet facade

This technology has acquired a name because liquid mixtures are used in the process of arrangement. After drying, no traces of moisture remain, so there is nothing to worry about. The main components of this technology are:

  • glue;
  • dense insulation;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • waterproofing;
  • soil solution;
  • decorative material.

Most often used as decoration facade plaster. But you can also use decorative tiles, which are lightweight. Each element of the "wet" facade is an important component, without which to create robust design impossible.

Therefore, they trim the facade, adhering to just such a plan. After applying one layer, it is allowed to dry well. Not even a large number of moisture in the previous layer will reduce the attractiveness of the finish.

dry method

This technology involves the use of mechanical fasteners to fix the layers. To do this, a frame is constructed, which is also the basis for attaching decorative materials such as siding, corrugated board or other panels, and support for insulation.

The dry facade consists of:

  • waterproofing;
  • any heater;
  • windproof membrane;
  • a frame made of wood or metal (the crate can be installed before fixing the insulation or after);
  • ventilation gap - a space where the air flow removes moisture that has come out of the interior;
  • decorative upholstery.

If the task is not to insulate the house, but only to update appearance, then you can do without heat-insulating material. But still, insulation will allow much longer to keep warm in the rooms.


To calculate how much it will cost to finish and insulate the facade of a house, you can use the online calculator, which can be found on the websites of construction companies or material manufacturers. The price of the issue depends on many factors:

  1. Foundation states.
  2. The scope of work.
  3. Work performance technologies.
  4. Type, and hence the cost of insulation.
  5. Facing material.
  6. Work will be done by hand or by a professional team.

Therefore, for each house, calculations are made individually. Buying all the components by eye is not worth it, because it is not always possible to match the finish of the same color.

Since you and I happened to be born in the northern hemisphere, it means that we will have to talk about warming. And we wish the inhabitants of the south to discuss issues about air conditioning systems. In fact, in most CIS countries, insulation is not a matter of desire, but only a matter of degree. It is clear that the inhabitants of the sunny Crimea need this less than, for example, the inhabitants of the harsh Arkhangelsk. And yet, the question to insulate or not is not worth it. How to insulate the facade of the house, why exactly the facade, what approaches to thermal insulation of building facades are used for different types designs? In this summary article, we will discuss the different, key aspects of this construction issue. The step-by-step instructions presented in this article will greatly help you when insulating the facade with your own hands.

Warming for Russia and many other countries is not a matter of desire, but only a matter of degree

Why do buildings need to be insulated? This is related to the concept of thermal conductivity. Any material has the ability to conduct or transfer heat to an object adjacent to it. And as you probably guessed, different materials or substances have these properties to varying degrees. And you, most likely, also guessed that concrete, brick and other materials for walls are those substances that conduct heat very well. This means that the energy that is generated by the heating system of your house is well “conducted” by the walls and freely enters space :). The photo below shows which structural elements of the house transmit heat and in what quantity.

Avoiding heat loss completely will not work, and this is not necessary. In this case, the house would turn into a thermos. When we open the thermos, we see a large amount of steam. This is what our house would look like if the walls did not have the ability to remove excess heat. But, here is a good balance between ventilation and heating - this is worthwhile goal for every owner. As you can see from the illustration, the outer wall is an element of the building that needs special insulation. There are many options for façade insulation. Let's first look at the materials and methods of insulation.

Materials and methods

How to insulate the facade of the house from the outside? The main materials for facade insulation are:

  • Polyfoam (polystyrene foam, foam plastic);
  • Mineral wool (for the facade in tiles);
  • Thermal panels.

There are also rarer representatives of this "type", such as polyurethane foam (PPU) and ecowool.

Of course, the first determining factor for choosing a heater is the price. Sadly, it is she, and not environmental friendliness, that is often almost the only factor influencing the choice. Insulation of building facades should be considered on concrete examples which are given below.

The price in most cases determines the choice of insulation

Styrofoam is the cheapest insulating material, or rather, has the highest price / quality ratio. Of its advantages - low thermal conductivity, ease of installation. Of the minuses, a “non-breathable” facade, the likelihood of fungus and condensation due to improper installation, as well as the danger of poisoning with harmful fumes in a fire. Nevertheless, reviews of this heater as a whole remain positive.

Polyfoam has the highest price / quality ratio.

Thermal panels inside are filled with expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam. Their plus is ease of installation and attractive, "dry" external decor. Most often, panels with clinker tiles are used.

Mineral wool has a much greater vapor permeability than polystyrene, it does not burn and does not even melt! This means that houses insulated with mineral wool are safer for living. However, the material has a higher price.

Ecowool and PPU also have their advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed in the relevant articles. For example, ecowool requires special equipment for production and installation. Given the specifics of this material, it is much more difficult to find specialists who are ready to work with this material.

Among other things, well-known brands like Rockwool or TechnoNIKOL produce sets of materials. Wall insulation and facade decoration with such sets becomes an easier process. These rather new approaches have already proven themselves among specialists in Russia and the CIS. For example, the well-known Rockwool facade insulation system.

Naturally, a non-residential building requires less facade insulation than a residential building.

So let's sum it up materials: what is the best way to insulate the facade of the house? Most of those reading this article will choose foam. That's the statistics. And somewhere such a view can be understood. low price, ease of installation and a controversial issue of health effects ... In general, foam - good insulation for the walls of the house. If you consider yourself a fan of choosing, weighing and evaluating, think about mineral wool. If you like the exclusive, and you are ready to spend money on it, explore ecowool as a heater.

But, when it comes to the insulation of the facade from the outside, the question immediately arises about the facade cladding.

There are several options for finishing facades:

It should be said right away that warming and finishing the facade of a house is cheaper in a wet way. Anything harder to install is always cheaper. And vice versa, if most of it was already done for you at the factory, you will pay double for it. All major facade insulation systems are divided into:

  • Ventilated;
  • Non-ventilated.

As you understand, the principle of mounting the insulation on the facade follows further: wet and dry. Dry, in turn, can be ventilated and non-ventilated, and wet are only the latter. The advantage of facade ventilation is the ability to remove more moisture from the room, but, alas, their high cost reduces the popularity of this technology for insulating houses.

Would you like a little test? Based on the diagram above, determine whether the insulation of the facades of private houses with foam plastic is a wet or dry method of insulation?

  • Wet?
  • Dry?

Yes, wet. As shown in the photo, when using this material, wet processes are used: glue is applied to the wall, and all insulation is also rubbed with a solution. Warming of the house and finishing on top of the foam is most often carried out, also, in a wet way.

But what about the last, decorative layer? It was not without reason that we discussed above the issue of “wet” and “dry” approaches to insulation. Since the last layer is also divided into these two types. There are wet finishes such as:

  • bark beetle;
  • Lamb (fur coat);
  • Or paint.

By the way, in the photo below you can see exactly the house, finished under the "bark beetle".

And there are dry ones, for example:

  • Facing elements;
  • Prefabricated metal structures.

As is the case with the insulation itself, wet decoration methods are also usually cheaper in finishing.


If everything is quite extensive with the choice of material, the principle of installing insulation as a whole is quite simple. Thermal insulation of facades requires several main steps:

  • Wall preparation;
  • Installation of a crate or basement profile.
  • Applying adhesive to the insulation;
  • Sticking;
  • doweling;
  • Installation (laying) of the upper decorative layer.

How to properly insulate the facade? Depending on the choice, dry or wet facade finishing, these steps may vary. For example, when installing thermal panels, some special preparation of the wall is not always necessary, and large gaps are hidden due to polyurethane foam. When insulating with foam, they do not use a crate - the insulation is attached with glue and dowels (nails with large caps). And mineral wool boards are fixed in two different ways for external insulation of facades:

  • With the help of guide profiles + dowels;
  • Via glue and fasteners-umbrellas.

In general, before installing the insulation, the walls are leveled with plaster. But, even if the wall does not need leveling, it may well need a primer. If it lags behind the wall old paint or pieces of decoration fall off after holding it with your hand - the wall needs to be primed. The primer will betray the integrity of the foundation of the future facade. The technology of facade insulation with different heaters is discussed in more detail in the relevant materials on our website.

The wall primer will be a good basis for securely fixing the insulation elements.

As a repetition and addition, watch the video: "10 stages of warming."


We tried to bring out the average prices for the insulation of facades of houses. We will focus on the price of one square meter of the insulated facade of a private house or apartment building.

Work on the installation of mineral wool and polystyrene is approximately 350-400 rubles per square meter. The cost of the material itself, for example, take foam 35, (Density 35 kg per cubic meter), starts from 250 rubles / m 2. Polyfoam PSB-S will cost 150-190 rubles for the same unit of measurement. So, 1 square of insulated surface will cost from 500 rubles if you use the services of hired workers.

Mineral wool boards cost from 170 to 440 rubles per square meter. It depends on the rigidity of the plate and its thickness. For the lowest price, you can buy a semi-rigid board with a thickness of up to 100 mm and a density of up to 75 kg per cubic meter.

Work on applying ecowool costs about 400 rubles per square meter. We are talking about a layer with a thickness of 50-70 mm. If you have already installed facade cladding, blowing ecowool will cost about 250 rubles per square. We hope these figures will be very useful to you when drawing up the insulation project.

A little later, we will prepare a calculator for calculating facade insulation in various ways. However, it is worth remembering that if you still succeed in doing the facade insulation with your own hands, it is better to overpay for the work of professionals. In the end, your time, effort, emotions and lack of guarantees with a lack of experience also have a "price".

As we have seen, there are different ways insulation of facades and each of them has its own characteristics and subtleties.

And before leaving, another video about warming:

It is possible to provide your home with warmth in the winter season and keep cool in the summer, while significantly saving energy resources, with the help of facade insulation from the outside. The materials used for insulation should be those that would not carry an additional load on the foundation. How to insulate the house from the outside and how? What kind of insulation to use for walls made of a particular material? We offer for review examples of various technologies and recommendations on how to insulate private houses from the outside.

How to insulate the house from the outside and how? Types of thermal insulation materials and their properties

When answering the question, what is the best way to insulate the walls of the house from the outside, you should familiarize yourself with the types and characteristics of materials for insulation. The main criteria for choosing thermal insulation materials are thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and vapor permeability. We will find out how you can insulate houses from the outside, using current types of thermal insulation.


Expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) - a material consisting of air bubbles placed inside the foamed polystyrene. Produced in the form of plates, different in density. It has good insulating and moisture-resistant qualities, but is vulnerable to sunlight, flammable, and emits harmful substances when burned. At direct interaction with liquid collects moisture.

The process technology is thoroughly demonstrated by the video “How to insulate houses with foam plastic from the outside”:

Mineral wool

Minvata (mineral wool) - fibrous material. Produced in the form of plates and rolls. The density of the material ranges from 20 to 200 kg/m?. The main advantages of mineral wool are its excellent sound insulation, vapor permeability and fire resistance. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the possibility of absorbing moisture and, as a result, the loss of insulating qualities, as well as the likelihood that small rodents can start in it. On the Internet, you can find examples of the video "How to insulate houses from the outside with mineral wool."

Extruded polystyrene foam

Penoplex (extruded polystyrene foam) is an example of the modern generation of heat-insulating materials. Foam boards have high compressive strength, low vapor permeability, resistance to burning and minimal thermal conductivity. Due to its low water absorption, this material can be used in all weather conditions. Foam boards are easy to cut with a knife and quickly mounted. To learn more about foam insulation technology, you can watch thematic videos on the Internet "How to insulate a house from the outside with foam foam with your own hands."

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a liquid insulation, the technology of which ensures the absence of cracks and joints. When insulated with polyurethane foam, cold bridges do not form, which contribute to the formation of condensate and wetting of the wall. It does not have hygroscopicity, can be used as a waterproofing, and is environmentally friendly. Differs in frost resistance and heat resistance.

Basalt slabs

Insulation in the form of large rectangular slabs based on basalt fiber. Among the advantages: excellent soundproofing, high thermal insulation, incombustibility, resistance to high temperatures and its differences, water resistance. Insulation made of basalt slabs is not subject to the process of decay, mice and other rodents do not start in it, and due to the sufficiently large size of the slabs, it easily and quickly covers a significant area of ​​the wall. Sufficient insulation density allows you to arrange a layer decorative coating on the front of the wall. Operational terms reach one hundred years.

Careful acquaintance with the properties of heaters will allow you to determine the best way to insulate houses from the outside. The video “How and with what to insulate brick houses from the outside” will help to understand the issues of thermal insulation:

Reasons and methods for insulating external walls

Many to save comfortable temperature in winter and at the same time save money, they try to insulate houses from the outside with their own hands. There can be many reasons for this: from cracks, drafts and ending with the poor functioning of the heating system. But still, the main source of reducing the temperature in the house are walls made of materials that do not have thermal insulation properties.

Having decided to insulate the walls, it is important to know that it is their outer sides that should be processed. Insulation of the walls from the inside will cause the insulation to stop the access of heat to the very surface of the wall. The dew point will move towards the room, which will lead to the formation of condensation and humidity. This will lead to the appearance of a fungus that is so detrimental to the human body.

There are several ways to insulate walls outside in a private house:

  • it is possible to glue the insulating material on the facade wall using a special glue, followed by finishing the walls with plaster (“wet facade”);
  • arrange walls of three non-ventilated layers. The insulation is fixed with a solution. Then a small air space is left and an outer wall one brick thick is erected;
  • mount a facade with ventilation. To do this, a heater is applied to the waterproofing layer. It is covered with a windscreen and sutured vinyl siding or other decorative and protective material.

An example of the arrangement of a "wet facade"

When determining how to insulate brick houses from the outside, it must be borne in mind that each version of the thermal insulation device has its own technology and, depending on this, can be produced at different times of the year.

Preparing the surface of external walls for processing with insulation

Once you decide how to insulate the walls of the house from the outside, you need to start preparing the surface of the walls for processing with a heat-insulating composition. First remove the layer old plaster or other finishing material of external walls. If there are irregularities and depressions on the surface, they must be leveled with a mortar, and all bulges should be cut flush with the wall.

The further finishing walls or cladding. For this, plumb lines and beacons are used. Anchors are attached to the upper edge of the wall surface, threads with plumb lines are hung on them and lowered down. With the help of horizontal threads, a surface control grid is arranged for a guide when constructing a frame or directly thermal insulation.

How the wall of a brick house is insulated from the outside will depend on the quality preparation of the surface of the walls for thermal insulation.

How to insulate houses outside with foam plastic and polystyrene with your own hands

Thermal insulation boards of foam plastic and foam plastic are used mainly for insulation of brick, block and concrete walls houses. When the surface outer wall prepared, they begin to insulate the house from the blocks from the outside. If foam is used as an insulating material, it is very important to dry the walls thoroughly, otherwise the material may become saturated with moisture and lose its thermal insulator properties. This nuance especially needs to be taken into account before insulating a block house from the outside.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside with foam plastic for subsequent finishing decorative plaster? Sheets of foam or foam plastic are attached to the wall using a special adhesive. In order to glue the first row of plates evenly, it is recommended to fix the finishing bar along the bottom edge of the wall. After applying the adhesive, the sheets are pressed against the wall with little effort. You can additionally fix the sheets with dowels-fungi in the center and at the corners of the sheet. With the help of the level and plumb lines, the plane of the applied foam layer is controlled.

As soon as the first layer is well seized, proceed to the installation of the next. It is recommended to offset the sheets of the second layer of foam relative to the rows of the first layer. This will allow the dowels to hold the middle of the sheets of the previous foam layer.

In places where windows and corners of the wall are located, a frame is installed from the corner to which the insulation is attached. Docking seams are sealed with reinforcing tape. As soon as the insulation is applied to all walls, the surface is reinforced with a plaster mesh. Next, the surface is treated with a primer and plastered. It is necessary to carefully monitor that there are no cracks and gaps through which the insulation is visible.

Sometimes they use the method of wall insulation with foam plastic by means of wooden slats. This installation of insulation allows the use of rack lathing for wall cladding finishing material(lining, siding).

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside with slats? First, a frame is made. The width of the rails for the frame must be greater than the thickness of the heat-insulating material - then a cavity for ventilation is formed between the foam and the lining material. The distance between the frame rails should be slightly less than the width of the inserted insulation sheet, so that it holds tightly between them on the spacer.

Learn the advice of professionals on how best to insulate brick house outside. On the Internet, you can see the video "How to insulate houses from the outside with foam plastic with your own hands."

How to insulate houses from the outside with mineral wool

Many people use mineral wool for thermal insulation. This type of insulation is suitable for a house whose walls are built of blocks, bricks or wood. In order for the fastening of the insulation to be of high quality and reliable, a frame made of rails is used. Here, the spacing method is also used, i.e. the distance between the laths of the crate should be slightly less than the width of the mineral wool slab. This can achieve a tight entry of the insulation between the racks of the frame.

If insulated log house outside, the walls of which have an uneven surface, two-layer mineral wool slabs with different layer densities are used. Looser layers of insulation provide high-quality adhesion to the uneven surface of the logs. For the arrangement of wind and hydro protection when insulating walls with mineral wool, you can use polyethylene film. As facing material use decorative brickwork, siding and other materials.

How to insulate wooden houses from the outside with your own hands

How to properly insulate wooden houses from the outside so that the facade remains aesthetically pleasing? Experts recommend doing this using mineral wool, paying attention to the fact that the vapor permeability of the walls must be ensured. As a vapor barrier, use polyethylene film or aluminum foil.

Arrange vapor barrier using rails. They are fixed to the facade vertically and a vapor barrier material is mounted to them with the help of brackets. After these stages, the facade is sheathed with decorative material.

How to insulate log house outside using mineral wool? Before insulating a house from a bar from the outside, familiarize yourself with the main stages of the technological process:

  • arrange vapor barrier using various films. To do this, slats are nailed vertically to the facade of the house from a bar and vapor barrier material is attached to them with the help of brackets. As a vapor barrier, a polyethylene film or aluminum foil is used. To ensure high-quality ventilation, ventilation holes with a diameter of 200 mm are arranged between the main rails;

  • Next, a frame for insulation is arranged. wooden boards 50 mm thick and about 100 mm wide are attached to the wall vertically on the edge and layers of insulation are inserted between them. It is recommended to insert the insulation boards closely, leaving no gaps, so that the entire surface is tightly covered with them;
  • when laying the second layer, the slabs should be positioned so that the butt joints of the second layer fall in the middle of the slabs of the first. The thickness of each layer is 5 cm. Due to their properties, mineral wool boards hold tightly between the boards, do not slip and do not require additional fixation;

  • the next step is a waterproofing layer. The waterproofing film is attached to the crate with staples or nailed. It is recommended to cover with a film with an overlap and process the connecting seams with a self-adhesive film in order to exclude the ingress of water;
  • for sheathing an insulated facade, slats with dimensions of 30x50 mm are stuffed over the waterproofing film. Then air exchange will be ensured between the vapor barrier and the wall cladding, which contributes to the natural drying of moisture. The lower end of all layers is closed with a mesh to avoid penetration of rodents. The facade of the house is lined with decorative material based on personal preferences.

For a more complete picture of the technology for performing thermal insulation work and to study the opinions of experts about the best way to insulate wooden house outside, take an interest in the information that is on the network. Feedback from craftsmen and home owners from the video "How to insulate wooden houses from the outside" will be especially useful in this matter.

Given the fact that the walls occupy a significant part of the area, their insulation can give the maximum effect of keeping the heat in the house.