We plaster the walls with our own hands: step by step instructions. How to plaster walls with your own hands Plastering old walls with your own hands

  • 27.06.2020

To level the walls and prepare them for decorative trim owners choose plastering. This is a complex process and it is difficult for a beginner to cope with the task.

But if you carefully study all the subtleties, watch a few videos, then it is quite possible to apply plaster on the walls with your own hands.

No matter what finish will be used for internal walls, they must be aligned. If the room is large, then to save time, choose drywall or gypsum board. Such materials simplify rough alignment, but finishing layer still do it with gypsum plaster.

In order to obtain ideal walls as a result, adhere to the following plan for applying plaster:

  1. Foundation preparation. It is necessary to remove all protruding elements, fasteners. Seal the cracks with repair mortar, and prime the base. On concrete or brick walls, it is necessary to make notches and deepen the seams. This will increase the adhesion of the solution and the base.
  2. . These are metal elements that will help you to qualitatively level the walls without difficulty.
  3. Spraying with plaster. The composition is applied with a ladle or a small spatula and makes up 80% of the entire layer thickness. This part does not need to be aligned.
  4. Application of soil (second layer of plaster). The applied solution is leveled using the rule, focusing on the installed beacons.
  5. Performing a cover. This is the third layer of plaster, the thinnest. It eliminates all minor irregularities and shortcomings.
  6. Grouting is the final stage of plastering. Perform before the cover dries.

Plaster can be applied manually or using a specialized device. The mechanized method of application is several times faster than the manual method. In addition, the layer turns out to be more even, which means that it will take less effort to make the walls have perfect smoothness.

How to apply plaster in new apartments

If a person buys an apartment in a new building, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that the walls in the apartment can be called even with a stretch. Builders are not responsible for the implementation of such work. Therefore, it is better to refuse such work altogether.

But if everything has already been done, then you will have to plaster the walls again. To do this, the applied layer is removed to the base and all work is carried out according to the above plan. In no case should you skip the stage of deep penetration soil treatment and. The primer will help to securely fasten the solution to the base, and the beacons will simplify the leveling process.

Required Tools

Before you begin to perform all the work, you should acquire all the tools and materials. This will reduce distractions and speed up the plastering process.

  • Mixture for plastering. Maybe ready - sold in containers, or dry - be in bags and before application, you need to prepare a solution with the addition of water.
  • Perforator with a nozzle for hashing.
  • Wide and narrow spatula.
  • Spray bucket.
  • Rule.
  • metal beacons.
  • Dowel.
  • Building level and plumb.
  • Deep penetration soil.
  • Roller or wide brush for applying primer.
  • An old ax for creating notches in concrete or brick.
Instrument nameViewMaterialPurpose
ruleLath length from 0.5 to 2 m from metal or woodChecking the correct application of the solution and leveling the surface
TrowelMetal or wood plate with handleThrowing mortar on the wall
FalconAnalogue of a trowel of a different sizePortion set of solution
PoluterokWooden or plastic plateSmoothing the mixture on the surface
GraterWooden or metal plate with handleGrouting a leveled surface, creating a relief
ScraperMetalSurface cleaning
Buchardmetal hammerRoughening
MaklovitsaBrushPrimer application
plumb lineCord, cargoDefinition of vertical
LevelMetalDefinition of vertical and horizontal
squareMetalSurface leveling
Corner LevelerMetal, type of graterAlignment of corners, varieties - for external and internal corners
Putty knifeMetal, plastic, rubberSurface puttying, various sizes and varieties

Techniques for applying plaster

As mentioned above, plaster can be applied manually or by machine. But such devices are expensive, so you should not buy them specifically. You can rent or use the old way - do everything manually.

To properly apply the solution, it is necessary to perform three different methods:

  1. Spray.
  2. Soil application.
  3. Creating a cover.

If the base does not have differences of more than 5 mm, then you can do without spraying and immediately proceed to applying the primer.

Application of the first layer - spray

To complete this stage of applying the plaster, it is necessary to protect yourself and other surfaces from the solution. The person performing the work wears goggles and a mask or respirator. The canvas of the window and doors is covered with plastic wrap on the whip.

For spraying, a solution is prepared, which in consistency resembles thick sour cream. It must fill in all the voids and notches that were made on the base. A solution is collected in a small bucket or on a trowel, and with a sharp movement of the wrist they throw it onto the base.

Please note that the movements must be carried out from the same distance from the wall. But it is not necessary to do this too abruptly, since the solution will scatter in different directions. After the entire surface has been treated, it is left to dry for a while. The solution should not dry out, as the next layer will not fit well.

Application of the second layer - primer

To apply a primer layer, a solution is prepared a little thicker, in consistency, than the previous one. For work, use a narrow spatula and a rule. With a spatula, a solution is thrown in small portions, which is then leveled with a rule.

If beacons were installed, then the tool is pressed tightly against the guides. Moving evenly from bottom to top and at the same time, performing oscillatory movements, from side to side, it is necessary to fill with a solution all the voids that remain after spraying.

One surface is divided into several parts. First they process one, and then they move on to the other. Necessarily increased attention give joints. After the applied solution has set a little, it must be rubbed.

Applying the finishing layer

After the soil dries, you can proceed to the next stage - applying the coating. The solution for this step is prepared carefully using a mixer. It is very difficult to manually make the perfect consistency without lumps. It is advisable to sift all dry components to remove elements larger than 2 mm.

The layer will be final. If it is done correctly, then after the solution dries, you can start painting the surface and sticking wallpaper. The prepared solution must be applied with a wide spatula. This is done like this:

  1. Not with a narrow spatula a large number of solution is placed on a wide tool.
  2. The spatula is pressed against the wall and a sweeping movement is made from the bottom up. Thus, the solution seems to be rubbed into the base.
  3. Some argue that arc movements are much more convenient. But here everyone chooses the option that suits him.
  4. Each subsequent movement covers the previous layer by a few millimeters.

The applied layer must be allowed to set, after which a rough grout and smoothing are performed.

Wall plastering technology using dry gypsum mix

In order to complete the finish layer, a dry gypsum mixture is often chosen, for example, Rotband. It is attractive in that the base will white color, which means that it can be painted or wallpapered in any color.

Before preparing the solution, be sure to read the instructions. Manufacturers indicate in what quantities the components should be mixed in order to obtain a solution of the required consistency.

The application technology requires compliance with special environmental conditions:

  • The air temperature, as well as the base, should be in the range from 5 to 25 ° C.
  • Gypsum putty is afraid of moisture, so open bags with the mixture should be stored in a dry place. Such plaster is not suitable for finishing the facade and rooms with high humidity.
  • The solution quickly seizes, therefore it is prepared in small quantities.

How to apply gypsum plaster?

Regardless of whether the solution is cement-sand or with the addition of gypsum, it is applied in the same way. First, a small amount of the substance is thrown, and then leveled with a spatula or a rule. If the gypsum composition is chosen for the finishing plaster, then the solution is collected on a wide spatula and rubbed into the base, which should be slightly damp.

Gypsum mortar must be worked quickly, as it sets quickly. After hardening, it must not be diluted with water or other liquids, as properties are lost. After the applied layer has set, it is rubbed with a special tool dipped in gypsum milk. This will give the plaster strength and smoothness.

Puttying or smoothing the wall

For grouting choose special grater. For narrow places (near door and window openings), you need to take a trowel or a smaller grater. The hand moves counterclockwise in a circle. You need to work confidently, but do not overdo it so as not to tear off the applied layer.

Smoothing is also done with a grater, only with a rubber or metal overlay. Now the movements are only vertical and horizontal. First, the wall is smoothed from the ceiling to the floor, and then proceed to horizontal movements. The ceiling is smoothed first along the window opening, and then across.

Applying plaster to external walls

Plastering the facade is a long-known way to protect the main structure from the effects of negative factors. In production, synthetic components are added to the composition, which improve the properties of the plaster.

The main advantages of this finish:

  1. Fire safety. Plaster will protect any base from fire.
  2. Duration of operation. Some manufacturers give a guarantee of 20-25 years.
  3. Availability - the price of the compositions is democratic, because almost everyone can buy them.
  4. Soundproofing - a thick layer eliminates the penetration of extraneous noise into the premises.
  5. Versatility - can be applied to different grounds(brick, aerated concrete, foam plastic, foam plastic and wooden walls).
  6. Additional components reduce the weight of the finish, because it does not create an additional load on the main structure.
  7. Resistant to temperature extremes.

Types of decorative facade plasters

On the facade, plaster is applied not only as a leveling layer before painting or fixing tiles, but also as the main decorating material. To do this, special components are added to the composition of the mixture, which, when grouting, form an original pattern. This is the so-called "bark beetle" or "lamb".

According to the main composition of the plaster are distinguished into:

  • Mineral - consist mainly of cement and sand. An affordable option that has vapor-permeable properties. Pretty solid and easy to work with. Previously, a “fur coat” was applied to the wall with such a solution. The mixture was thrown onto the surface and not leveled.
  • Silicate - made on the basis of liquid glass and are only sold as-is. Do not accumulate dirt, durable. The price does not differ from the previous version.
  • Acrylic - contain synthetic resins. The mixtures are already colorized, but the pigment is quickly destroyed by exposure to sunlight. This disadvantage is eliminated by staining. The solution is applied easily on any surface, including gas silicate blocks.
  • Silicone - the most expensive option among decorative plasters for facades. The solution is quick and easy to apply, but you need to be able to work with it. This finish will last a long time without changes.

Stages of work

To properly perform work on plastering the surface of the facade, adhere to the following plan:

  1. Foundation preparation.
  2. Installing a heater.
  3. Application of plastering solution.

Each of these stages has its own nuances, so you need to talk about them in more detail.

Surface preparation

Facade decoration performs not only a decorative function, but protects the walls from destruction and heat loss, so the surface must be ready for work. For this:

  • Remove all hanging structures that may interfere with the application and leveling of the solution.
  • Remove fasteners, stains of dust, dirt, grease and vital activity of living organisms.
  • Close up cracks and potholes with repair mortar.
  • If there are no large differences on the surface, then there is no need to do a rough alignment under the insulation.
  • Treat the surface with a deep penetration primer.

Insulation installation

When everything dries up, you can begin to insulate the walls. To do this, choose sheet insulation. Styrofoam, foam plastic or mineral wool is suitable.

To securely fix the material, do the following:

  • Set the start profile. It will perform a supporting function. The guides are fixed exactly horizontally.
  • This will guarantee the reliability of the entire structure.
  • Insulation is installed from the lower left corner of the building.
  • For fixing choose the adhesive composition and mechanical fasteners. This option is great if the insulation will be covered with plaster.
  • In subsequent rows, the joints of the material should not match. To avoid this, the plate is shifted to half the bottom.
  • Joints are treated with sealant.
  • Further, a reinforcing mesh is fixed on the insulation. Prepare a solution for plastering and apply to the material. A fiberglass mesh is applied to the wet mortar and smoothed with a spatula so that it sinks.
  • After the layer has dried, you can start applying decorative plaster.

Application of decorative plaster

A solution of decorative plaster is prepared according to the instructions that the manufacturer indicates on the package. The proportions must be clearly adhered to otherwise, it will be bad to apply the solution.

  • The finished solution is collected on a wide spatula and applied to the wall.
  • The thickness of the layer corresponds to the size of the mineral components that will create a pattern when grouting. If the texture will be created using a decorative roller or improvised means, then you need to focus on the depth of the picture.
  • You should work in blocks. They process a small section of the wall, and until the solution is completely frozen, give texture.
  • After that, all the walls are plastered and a textured drawing is made, they are left until completely dry. During this period, the surface is protected from direct sunlight and rain.

If the mixture was used without a coloring component, then you need to start staining. It is better to use a compressor that will apply the paint in an even layer.

Estimated cost of work

Price per square meter The plastered facade will depend on the materials (putties, tools, paints, insulation and fasteners) that are used for finishing, and therefore the work will be done independently or with the involvement of a professional team.

If the owner independently acquires all the necessary materials, as well as all the work, he will spend half the money. The cost of the construction team will be approximately the same as the price of all materials.

If you do a major overhaul, then you will definitely need to finish the walls with plaster. The owners of "Khrushchev" first of all will need to completely remove the old plaster.

As for new buildings, there is also enough work here. Often, new settlers are greeted with concrete walls that require finishing. And here you will need cement plaster walls.

This method has been used for a long time. It allows you to prepare the surface for a fine finish.

What is suitable for plastering walls?

The composition of ready mixes must be selected taking into account the materials used in construction.

For brick surfaces, cement mortars are needed. Lime is added when outdoor work is carried out, and when there is excess moisture in the room.

Internal wall plaster is applied in an even layer. IN brick house plaster is applied with a layer of 30 mm. When the indicator does not exceed 20 mm, it is necessary to perform reinforcement with a mesh.

Solution. How to make the right choice?

A mortar for cement-based wall plastering is prepared as follows. Cement is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1/2. In addition, you can increase the amount of sand up to 5 parts.

The composition is thoroughly mixed, then water is gradually poured into it. The solution should resemble dough.

To prepare a cement-lime mortar, cement with sand and lime is needed. One part of cement accounts for 6-8 parts of sand and up to 3 parts of lime. First of all, cement is mixed with sand. Milk of lime is poured into the resulting composition. All components are thoroughly mixed together.

If the solution is too thick, dilute it with water. After adding the liquid, all components must be mixed again.

If the walls are lined with facing bricks, their plastering should be entrusted to professional builders. Plaster adheres poorly to material with a polished surface.

It will be difficult for a beginner without experience to properly plaster the surface. As a result, the plaster can peel off and fall off the wall in pieces. Professionals, in addition to their knowledge and skills, use fittings with a special primer.

If you have to plaster a smooth concrete wall, gypsum with quartz particles is added to the cement mixture. The latter give the surface the roughness necessary for good adhesion to the mortar.

Lime-gypsum mortar is prepared from gypsum (1 part) and lime (3 or 4 parts). Water is first poured into the solution container, then gypsum is poured into it, and everything is thoroughly mixed. The consistency of the mixture should be semi-liquid. Lime is added, all parts are mixed again.

For a rough concrete wall, Betonokontakt can be used, and mortars are used on both cement and gypsum bases.

Foam concrete walls are treated with deep penetration primers before plastering. You can choose at your discretion gypsum or cement mortars.

The wall plaster photo shows the best design ideas for the interior. The coating will be of high quality if it is chosen correctly. You can consult with the manager of the hardware store.


The modern market offers a wide range of mixtures that are easy to prepare. To get the finished composition, they just need to be mixed with water. An example of such a mixture is Rotband.

Plastering technology

When finishing wall plastering is required, many people prefer to contact construction companies. The cost of plastering works varies depending on the shape of the surface.

If the wall needs to be leveled, the service will cost the customer at least 2 times more. For 1 m2, the client will have to pay about 15 USD. This does not include the cost of materials.

but plastering work can be done by hand. A diligent performer who knows the technology will be able to do plastering with high quality.

The preparatory stage involves the removal of old finishing materials. IN brick wall in the seams of the masonry, recesses of about 1 cm are made to improve the adhesion of the plaster to the wall.


Notches are applied to the surface of a smooth concrete wall using a gear with a hammer. For a wooden wall, you will need to install a crate made of wood or a chain-link mesh.

It is necessary to clean the floors and walls from dirt and dust.

Walls made of brick and wood are moistened with water. For concrete, use the primer "Betonokontakt". Walls made of porous materials are treated with a deep penetration primer.

Solution preparation

For each plaster there is an instruction that should be followed.

For example, if you want to prepare Rotband plaster, you need to mix 30 kg of the mixture with 17 or 18 liters of water.

Water is poured into a large container, 6 or 7 trowels of the mixture are added. Mix everything together. After that, pour out the rest of the contents of the bag and knead with a drill with a special nozzle.


How is plaster applied?

Plastering can be done in a variety of ways. The first layer was called "spray". The solution is thrown onto the wall with a plaster spatula. Spreading is a method that is not popular.

The second layer of “primer” is applied after the “splash” has dried. When leveling the plaster, the master must use the rule.

The third layer "covering" is used for fine finishing. Its thickness does not exceed 2 mm.

Plaster grouting is carried out in a round or overclocking.

Photo of the process of plastering walls with your own hands

Starting repairs in an apartment, it should be understood that you cannot do without plastering the walls, since they are never even. This is not an easy task and requires certain skills, so you must first familiarize yourself with the rules and technology for this type of work.

Why plaster walls

Plastering is important process, which is necessary not only for leveling walls, but also has a number of other functions:

  • reliably protects from moisture and air locking;
  • increases sound and thermal insulation;
  • gives strength to brickwork;
  • serves as a decorative coating.

With proper plastering, the walls will look aesthetically pleasing and neat.

Material preparation: what you need for work

Before plastering, it is worth preparing essential tool and material. It is necessary to decide on the type of plaster mixture, since today there are a large number of them, it happens:

  • cement-sand;
  • plaster;
  • cement-lime.

When choosing, it is necessary to build on the type of wall, durability, and when decorating an apartment, do not forget about environmental safety (it is better to take it on a water basis). In the presence of concrete, aerated concrete or brick walls, a cement-lime mixture is suitable. There is a universal view - cement-sand, it is applicable for plastering different walls. Currently the most popular gypsum mixture. It is easy to work with and the quality of the walls is excellent. But it is expensive, and it cannot be used in a room where there is high humidity.

For work, stock up:

  • dowels, paint beacons, self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver, hammer, grinder, scissors for cutting metal;
  • building level, plumb line, tape measure;
  • thread and pencil;
  • spatulas - narrow and wide;
  • brush, roller, stroked;
  • mortar, putty, primer;
  • aluminum rule;
  • perforator with a set of drills and a nozzle for a mixer;
  • a container for mixing the solution;
  • work clothes and gloves.

After preparing everything you need, you can get to work.

Plastering walls with cement-sand mortar

Cement-sand mixture - universal and can be used for walls different type(concrete, brick, wood). It has been used as a repair material for a long time. This mixture is cheap, and the process itself is quite simple and you can do it yourself. In addition, only this solution is suitable for wet rooms. Consists of cement, sand and various additives for the fortress.

Despite its simplicity, it is heavy and not easy to work with. In addition, when using this mixture, it is impossible to make perfect flat surface and therefore not suitable for painting. More often it is used when it is planned to finish with ceramic tiles in the future.

If you decide to make the solution yourself, then the proportions are as follows: 3-4 parts of sand are added to 1 part of cement (depending on the brand of cement). Water should be poured little by little until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

wall spatter

Spray - the first layer of coating. It is applied with a thickness of 5-10 mm. The thickness depends on the smoothness of the wall, the smoother it is, the thinner the layer. If plastering occurs on a grid, then the thickness is 1 cm.

The mixture is applied using two spatulas, wide and narrow. The solution is applied to a wide spatula, from which we take the mixture narrow and applied to the wall with pressing movements. The spray is applied from the bottom up. Since the layer is considered preparatory, it is not leveled and should be laid immediately without major irregularities.


The soil is plaster coating, which is covered with a second layer. Its composition is denser and has a pasty consistency. Application thickness - 1 cm, this layer must be well leveled. If this does not work in one layer, a second layer is applied. Make sure the first layer is completely dry before applying the next one.

The soil can be thrown with a trowel or smeared with a spatula. After application, it should be leveled with a plaster rule. It should be noted that without the use of guide beacons, it is difficult to perfectly align the plaster.


The last layer is the lining. The solution for this layer is required to be semi-liquid, applied with a thickness of 5 mm with a wide spatula, the surface must be leveled in advance.

When applying the mixture and smoothing it, plaster is collected on the tool, it must be removed in time and mixed with a fresh composition.

The technology of plastering walls with dry gypsum mixtures

Dry gypsum mix is ​​simple and easy to apply. Unlike cement mortars, gypsum have some advantages:

  • even a thick layer of it dries quickly;
  • plastic, so it cracks less;
  • has good adhesion, suitable for use on any surface;
  • easy to prepare and easy to use.

Plastering walls with a gypsum mixture includes several stages:

  1. Surface preparation - cleaning the walls from dust and dirt, removing irregularities. Then coating with a primer, preferably acrylic. If the wall is new - one coat of primer is enough, with an old surface - two. The primer should dry out within a day.
  2. Installation of beacons - they are mounted on a gypsum mixture perpendicular to the horizon with a distance of 1 m. Using a stretched cord (from one edge of the wall to the other), it is determined how far the beacon protrudes forward and its position is corrected. After that, the gap between the beacon and the wall is filled with mortar.
  3. Preparation of the mixture - according to the instructions. The mixture is poured cold water and stir until smooth. The solution will set faster if diluted with hot water. It should be mixed in small volumes (10-15 kg) in order to have time to use the solution before it sets.
  4. Application of the mixture - it should be thrown at a time in height up to a meter. The solution is smoothed from the bottom up, if uneven areas are found, the mixture is reported on them and leveled again.
  5. The final layer - after plastering the wall completely, is applied last layer solution. This is done with a spatula, the mass is applied and the excess solution is removed with the next movement.
  6. Grinding - done when all layers of the solution are dry.

Now you can start finishing work.

Sequence of work

In order for the plaster to lay down better and last longer, you should prepare the wall. The surface is cleaned to the ground - old wallpaper and trim are removed. If cracks are found on the walls, they must be covered up, as the plaster applied to them will also crack.

Crack repair

There are several ways to close cracks, which one to choose depends on its thickness and their number:

  • If the crack is not wide, then most likely it is deep. Therefore, it is necessary to expand it in order to free access inside. The resulting gap is cleaned of dust and treated with a primer. After drying, it is smeared with putty, you can use cement or gypsum.
  • If there is a very narrow and not going deep into the crack, it is sealed with sealant.
  • To seal a wide gap, you can use mounting foam.

Now, everything is ready for the next stage of work.

Brick wall preparation

If the brick wall has old plaster, it should be moistened with water using a sponge, then it will fall off more easily. With a spatula and a hammer, carefully remove the old finish. After that, using an iron brush or grinder, it is necessary to process the wall.

At the next stage, recesses are made between the bricks up to 7 mm. They are necessary, as the plaster will go into them and be stronger. The recesses are cleaned with a brush and a damp sponge. The process ends with the treatment of the wall with a primer, it should be applied in 2 layers.

How is a concrete wall prepared?

Clean concrete wall old finish lighter than brick, because it is smooth. Can be used the following ways:

  • in the presence of whitewash, it is wetted with a sponge and cleaned with an iron brush, after which the wall is washed well;
  • there is another, dry way - a thick layer of paste is applied to the whitewash and when it dries, it is scraped off together with the plaster with a spatula.

When the surface is cleaned, small notches need to be made on it, this is quite difficult, but necessary. If you do not want to make notches, you can use another method - priming the walls with a deep penetration composition, to which fine quartz sand is added. If you feel a roughness on the wall, then the plaster will hold tight.

wooden walls

Old plaster from a wooden surface is removed very easily. The wall is tapped with a hammer, and the finish crumbles. Therefore, to make it easier to remove garbage, lay an oilcloth under the wall.

In order for the plaster to hold better, you should fill the slats of wood (shingles). They are stuffed diagonally. In addition, they play the role of beacons when leveling the surface.

If there are old slats on the wall, they must be removed, as they could rot or have insects in them. Therefore, before stuffing a new shingle, wooden surface should be treated with an antiseptic, this will protect against mold and insects. Having stuffed the slats, you need to do the processing with this composition again. Instead of shingles, you can use a chain-link mesh, which is attached not to the wall itself, but to the slats. Apply the solution only on dried walls.

Foam concrete walls

The work associated with the preparation of this type of wall is quite long. At the first stage, the wall is cleaned, this requires a metal brush. Cleaning should be done thoroughly and pay attention to the presence of grease stains on the surface. Grease spots must be removed, for this clay is taken. It is applied to the oily area, and then removed. If this does not help and the stain remains, it is cut down, and the hole is sealed with a solution.

The cleaned surface is primed in several stages. After applying the first layer, it is leveled with a spatula and allowed to dry. Then, the second layer is applied. Regardless of the unevenness of the wall, the primer should not exceed 2 mm. If there are large differences, they must be eliminated by mounting drywall in these areas.

The next step is to install a reinforcing mesh, it is fixed with dowels. Now you can start plastering.

Ways to level walls

Plaster is a material that lends itself perfectly to alignment. There are two ways to level walls when plastering.

Alignment without beacons

This method is more economical, as the consumption of the solution is reduced. When leveling without beacons:

  • putty 3-5 cm thick is applied to the cleaned and primed surface with a spatula, and then it is partially leveled using the rule;
  • when this layer is dry, the missing areas are equal to the rule.

Displaying beacons: metal, plaster, plastic

Alignment in this way ensures uniform application of the solution. Beacons from each other are installed at a distance slightly less than the length of the rule. Start making the first two markings should step back from the angle of 15-20 cm. A vertical line is drawn and holes for dowels are made on it. They are installed on self-tapping screws in the same plane. A small amount of mortar is applied to the line between the fasteners, beacons are fixed on it. This is done by pressing the rule, the beacons are attached to the caps of the screws. The excess solution that has come out is removed. After placing the beacons, the evenness of the installation should be checked and, if necessary, their location is adjusted.

Lighthouses are of several types:

  • Metal - galvanized iron with holes that serve as a limiter during plastering. Excess solution is removed by the rule. Their usual length is 300 cm, and the depth is 3.6 and 10 mm. They are attached with screws.
  • Gypsum - using them saves time and plaster, because it will not be necessary to pull out the beacons and close up the holes. The installation process is as follows: dowels are attached, with the help of a level they are set to the desired height, they are superimposed on the hats metal profiles or a block of wood. A gypsum mixture is laid under the profile. After removing the excess solution, the profile is removed. The resulting strip of gypsum is a beacon, such strips must be made over the entire surface.
  • Plastic - they are similar to metal, but consist of durable plastic. Fixed to the wall with screws. Their only drawback is that they can break with a strong blow with the rule.

Plastering technique

After installing the beacons, you can start plastering.

It should be noted that when applying a thick layer, the solution must be thick. If the surface strongly absorbs moisture, then it must be moistened.

Plaster is applied by throwing it on the wall. It aligns from bottom to top. Then, leading the rule from below and holding it at an angle, the excess mixture is removed. If bubbles appear on the surface, then these areas need to be redone. So, it should be done until the ceiling is reached. Areas near the floor and ceiling are made after the wall has dried.

To check the result, the rule is applied from different angles. If there are metal beacons, they are removed, and the holes from them are sealed.

If the wall has large irregularities, then the plaster is done in two layers. First rough, without alignment, and after 2 days the second, finishing.

After applying the plaster, grouting is done. At the same time, the plaster is used more liquid and it is better if the wall is not completely dry. The solution is applied to the malka and smeared with a thin layer. When the wall is dry, you should walk with a wooden trowel and finally sand the surface by attaching felt to the grater.

How to plaster walls yourself

If you decide to plaster the walls yourself, then you should familiarize yourself with the technology and the sequence of work. Examine the available compositions and choose the best one. In the manufacture of the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions.

In addition, when starting work, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions, there should not be: drafts, high temperatures. To avoid cracks, do not apply the solution to a poorly dried previous layer. Do not dilute too much solution, it dries quickly, and you will work slowly, because you do not have experience.

Who is better to entrust the work

The services of a qualified decorator are quite expensive, although with the availability of funds the quality will be better, and in time repair work complete faster.

However, if you want to save money and test your strength in this field, then go for it. Of course, the process will take a lot of time and effort, but this type of work can really be done by yourself. In addition, you will gain new skills and be proud of the result of your work.

In any case, you can’t do without plastering the walls when repairing an apartment. And it is important to do it right so that the invested money and labor are not in vain. And the result did not disappoint, but delighted you with a new interior.

Reviews about us

Kyiv City

Very friendly punctual and responsible guys. They suggested how best to do it, and what materials to buy based on their experience. They work neatly, they do very high quality, there is something to compare with.

The Let's Do-Repair company is really a pro.

Kyiv City

I contacted them because I needed repairs before selling the apartment. The apartment was inherited from my grandmother, and repairs were done in it a very long time ago. After the arrival of the measurer, I was advised to make cosmetic repairs, so that they would later give me an apartment for good price. In general, everything was done as I wanted and not at all expensive. Thank you very much.

Kyiv City

Ordered apartment renovation (three rooms, kitchen, bathroom). The work was completed even a couple of days ahead of schedule. In the process of buying building materials assistance was provided in choosing based on the requirements: price-quality. Adequate craftsmen brought all our ideas to life. I was very pleased with the efficiency and quality of work performed.

*according to the results of an independent survey conducted in 2017-2020

All human labor requires physical strength, a waste of time, nerves, financial costs. This rule does not bypass the construction industry, namely, the plastering of walls, which will be discussed later.

Plastering walls with your own hands is not an unrealistically difficult process, anyone can learn it, you just need to prepare yourself psychologically. It has been proven that plaster directly affects the improvement of sanitary and hygienic standards, heat and sound insulation, protects the room from atmospheric influences (snow, rain, heat, wind), and also increases fire resistance, which adds a huge plus to such laborious work.

What tools will be needed when plastering walls:

Preparing the room for plastering

It’s great when we plaster an empty room, but often repairs have to be done in living rooms that need to be prepared. We must take out all possible furniture, what is hard to transport - we shift it to the center of the room, cover it either with plastic wrap or with newspapers. Take care of the wiring, it is better to isolate it.

Having freed the room, we proceed directly to preparing the surface for plastering. First you need to decide on the choice of application method, as you know, they are of two types:

  • "wet" - traditional, implies the application mortars(cement, gypsum, clay);
  • “dry” - in part, it is not plaster, but rather wall cladding using various building materials, for example, drywall sheets, etc.

The next step is to avoid defects in plastering, here you need to have a little information that contributes to success, which is:

  1. Use of solutions of normal fat content.
  2. Do not allow lumps of lime to enter the solution (lime must be well quenched) - this will lead to bumps on the plastered surface.
  3. Do not apply the mixture on a very dry, dusty, or dirty wall.
  4. It is not desirable to apply the next layer of plaster on the previous batch that has not set.
  5. It is better to take river sand, not coarse-grained, in order to avoid surface roughness.

Having learned the little subtleties, we proceed to clean the ceiling and walls. Accordingly, we remove the whitewash, hot water and an ordinary spatula, scraper, hammer will act as an assistant. We turn to the old wallpaper, using the previous inventory to help: we moisten it abundantly warm water the surface itself and after, remove the remnants of paper with a steel brush, scraper.

The prepared surface may not turn out to be perfectly flat, having many small nuances that will ultimately affect the result of working with negative side, they must be eliminated. It is necessary to carefully examine the walls, ceiling. All detected cracks, chips, other obvious flaws, without putting it off, clean it of dirt, wet it well with water using a brush (sponge) and seal it with a new mixture.

Upon careful examination, the possible detection of so-called dutik, which must be eliminated. Therefore, the surface moistened with water is cleaned, then the cleared area is plastered with lime mortar. If the plaster peels off, then that piece should also be removed, the surface washed, and plastered.

Materials for applying plaster

Quite a few an important factor, affecting the plastering work, will be the material from which the walls are made. There are brick, concrete, wooden and other walls that require a variety of cleaning methods, taking into account individual qualities.

Preparing the surface of brick walls for plastering

Initially, we get rid of the old plaster, if any. To make it lag better, we moisten it several times with a damp sponge. We remove the plaster layer, a spatula and a hammer can help here: we tap the necessary areas with a hammer, we pick up the cracks that have appeared with a spatula. Then we pass the surface with a brush (iron) or use a grinder of the desired nozzle.

The final stage of preparation is the application of a primer, always in two layers. As soon as the first one dries completely, we cover the walls a second time.

Preparing concrete block walls

Concrete walls are better cleaned than the previous ones, because the plaster keeps much worse there. Here cleaning will be only two stages:

  1. We soak the whitewash abundantly, using a sponge, then comb it with a brush (iron). Then we wash the surface well. You can use a paste with which to cover the wall with a thick layer, after drying, comb off unnecessary material.
  2. The second stage is the application of notches (shallow), which guarantees the best result. Some builders replace the notches (after all, the work is not easy) with a simple, not tricky way of priming the walls, famously known, with a deep penetration composition (with the addition of sand). True, this method may not always work, so it is better to play it safe by processing a small area.

The next step is important enough. For the "iron grip" of the plaster with the surface, we deepen the seams between the bricks by 5-7 mm. Again, it is advisable to clean the wall, only this time using a soft brush, followed by a damp washcloth.

Preparation of wooden walls for plaster

Everything is simple with the preparation for plastering wooden walls, it is only necessary to tap the wall with a hammer, as the previous mixture itself flies to the floor. To avoid excess debris, dirt, pre-lay under your feet polyethylene film.

There are small nuances, they should be taken into account when plastering wooden walls, which are as follows:

  • the mortar used is firmly held, having previously stuffed the slats on the wooden wall, which are called shingles (they are stuffed diagonally and fixed with nails);

  • before stuffing the crate and after, it is recommended to treat the wall with a wood preservative to protect it from mold and harmful insects;

  • the wall is well dried - feel free to proceed to the next steps.

Exposure of lighthouses

Having previously prepared the existing surfaces, we proceed to the placement of beacons, which are an integral part of the plastering of the walls, using our own efforts. As a result, do-it-yourself plastering of the walls along the lighthouses contributes to the even application of the mixtures used.

To set up the beacons, we need a dowel-nail (self-tapping screw), hammered along the edges of the wall from above and below, opposite each other. After that, we proceed to pull the thread or fishing line from edge to edge in a horizontal direction. Further along the entire perimeter of the wall, every 1 m 80 cm, self-tapping screws are hammered (wall from a foam block, gas block) or a dowel-nail (brick, concrete wall), to which the same thread (fishing line) is strictly attached. Using the level and the rule, the level of the wall is determined.

Step number three is throwing plaster mortar. Focusing on the stretched threads, we throw the batch available for work with small tubercles, into which we press a special metal beacon.

Solutions for plastering walls

Now that the surface has been prepared and the beacons have been set up, it is necessary to move on to the most important “culinary masterpiece” that exists at the construction site, the preparation of a “meal” under a low-profile name - mortars for wall plastering.

An excellent and durable result is guaranteed if the plastering takes place in three layers:

  1. The first, so-called “splash” is the strongest, sour cream-like consistency, which is applied to a surface 5 mm thick (concrete, brick walls) and 9 mm thick (wooden walls). To carry out such a process, you can use a trowel or manually, wearing thick rubber gloves.
  2. The second layer is referred to as "primer" - the dough-like mixture is applied with a thickness of no more than 10 mm, using such improvised building tools as a wide spatula or trowel, and then leveled until an even smooth surface is obtained.
  3. The finishing one, which is also the third one, is called "nakryvka". Like the first covering layer, it should resemble a creamy mixture. It is made from fine-grained sand, which is sifted through a construction sieve with cells measuring 1.5x1.5 mm.

Naturally prepared bags of plaster can be purchased at any hardware store, but very often the mixtures are made independently, using cement, lime, gypsum. The most durable is the plaster, which is based on cement. For preparation, three parts of sand take one part of cement (3: 1).

Often other well-known solutions are used:

  • lime mixture - 1: 3 is taken, where 3 parts are sand, similarly one is lime;
  • cement-lime - includes such proportions 1: 5: 1 (where 1 part includes cement and lime, and 5 parts sand);
  • gypsum-lime mixture - one part of dry gypsum (in other words, alabaster), respectively, three parts of a pasty lime mixture.

Methods for applying plaster on walls

Plastering walls with your own hands requires certain skills and ideas about the application technology. The technology for applying plaster to walls includes three main points: the main ones are the conditions under which the solution is applied; the next aspect is the tools used; the application methods play an important role.

As mentioned above, plastering walls for a result that will please and faithfully serve for a certain number of years must go through three stages, in other words, layers for which certain work skills have been developed.

The foundation layer is sprayed. The strength of the plaster depends on correct application precisely this initial and very important layer. Throw slides of the initially prepared mixture, using a wooden chip or trowel, from the bottom of the wall to the top. The main thing at this stage is to properly spray the wall - we stand close to the object and make a sharp wave of the hand, more precisely with a brush, which allows you to “smear” the solution, for better adhesion to the plane. Using the rule, you should level the appeared layer of plaster: having installed it along the guide beacons, pressing on the plaster mixture, pull it up, distributing the batch with these movements.

The next step is to apply the primer, just making sure that the first coat has set perfectly. Plastic due to its properties, we apply the batch for the second stage using a wide spatula (for convenience, you can take a spatula with a medium width spatula from the container, transferring it to a wide one).

If the plaster passes through the lighthouses, then the second layer (primer) should be leveled along the previously recessed slats, by drawing only a rule.

The final stage will be the well-known covering, the thickness of which should add up to about 2 mm. The essence of this layer is to smooth the surface, correct all previous defects. The end result is a perfectly smooth surface. The coating is applied to a wet primer, if it has had time to dry, then it should be moistened with a roller. To achieve the desired smoothest walls, builders often illuminate surfaces with a light bulb so as not to miss a single detail that can distort the result.

The dried top coat should be rubbed off. Grouting basically goes through two stages, involving roughing and smoothing (finishing) work. Rough grout passes in circles, pay attention, in the opposite direction of the clock with a wooden or plastic grater. The last step is the final sanding of the walls: we use the same grater, only with felt material. Here the movements go from top to bottom (from the ceiling to the floor), then they are replaced by horizontal ones.

A lot of modern firms in the construction industry are keeping up with the times and acquiring machine stations. Machine plaster still has a number of its advantages, the most important of which is incredibly smooth snow-white walls, which can be immediately pasted over with wallpaper. Indisputable is the speed of plastering, financial and labor costs, as well as significant savings in the materials used.

Do-it-yourself high-quality cement plastering of walls with your own hands depends on many factors, which are the steps explained above, but the most important is a properly prepared batch. cement mixture at each stage is prepared in different proportions:

  1. spray - 1: 2.5 - 4, where, respectively, 1 part of cement and 2.5-4 - sand;
  2. soil - 1: 2 - 3 (cement: sand);
  3. covering - 1: 2, the components of the proportions are similar to the previous ones.

Do-it-yourself plastering of walls with gypsum plaster is in most cases used as a finishing layer, due to the fine fraction and giving a well-groomed, as well as even appearance.

Sometimes gypsum plaster plays the role of a basis for further wall decoration, without changing the application technology in such cases. But often the initial scope of this mixture is Finishing work. She also good helper when sealing cracks, chips and leveling significant irregularities and other obvious defects. A significant advantage of gypsum plaster is the ease of application in comparison with cement and, of course, the versatility of use.

Repairing a house is always a personal matter, and it’s up to you to decide what and how you will do, whether you yourself or hire specialists, choose cement or some other plaster, set up beacons, or do without extra costs. Everything is in your hands and the comfort in the house also depends only on you.

Plastering gives the walls an aesthetic appearance. This is one of the most time-consuming and expensive stages of work, without which it is impossible to have high-quality premises. Those who like to do everything on their own and want to learn how to level walls need to know the execution technique and some rules.

Why you need to plaster the walls in the apartment

What gives wall plastering:

  • Levels the surface and eliminates defects.
  • Increases the strength of walls.
  • Protects from excessive moisture.
  • Improves insulating qualities.

What are the application methods for beginners: options for how to quickly plaster

It is applied in three layers in the following order:

  1. "Splash" or "splatter".

It is formed by throwing the solution on the wall, in order to fill all the irregularities and voids, as well as improve the adhesion between the wall and the finishing layer of the solution.

  1. Soil application.

It is applied for leveling after partial drying of the first coating. It is superimposed in several layers until the desired thickness is formed. Everything is carefully leveled.

  1. "Nakryvka".

Fine plaster, allows you to get a perfectly flat surface. It can serve as the last step before wallpapering or puttying.

After the last layer has set, grouting can be done, which will remove all irregularities, roughness, and allow you to get a smooth and even surface.

How to learn how to plaster at home with your own hands: detailed complete instructions for a beginner

Wall plastering is the basis of repair, so this process should be given special attention.

What material and tools are required for plastering at different stages

For plastering on your own, you will need whole line tools and materials:

  • spatulas of various widths;
  • trowel for applying mortar;
  • alignment rule;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • two-meter bubble level;
  • wide;
  • scraper for cleaning walls;
  • construction mixer or perforator for making mortar;
  • beacons 3-9 mm;
  • large capacity for mixing the solution;
  • metal scissors for cutting beacons;
  • steel stroked;
  • plaster mixture;
  • hand protection gloves;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • dowels, drills for perforators, wood screws.

What mixture to do the job best: the better

Types of mixtures and their characteristics:

  1. Cement

Very durable. Requires additional coating with putty. Can be used for both outdoor and indoor work.

  1. lime

Easy to apply, soft and elastic, also requires additional putty. Used for interior decoration.

  1. Acrylic, silicone and silicate

For use in thin layers only. Provides perfect evenness. Can be used in wet areas.

  1. Gypsum

The most common. Allows you to level with a thick layer, does not crack. After applying this mixture, the surface is even and smooth. Plastic, easy to work with. Economical, because when finishing smooth surfaces does not require the use of reinforcing mesh. It has low sound and thermal conductivity. It is undesirable to use in damp rooms and on the street.

The sequence of preparatory work

The first step is to clean the walls from traces of the previous finish, dust and dirt.

Depending on the type of base, for better adhesion of the mixture to the surface, it is necessary to prepare the walls as follows:

  • On the surface concrete pavement with a hammer and a gear, you need to make shallow notches and treat with the Betonokontakt soil mixture.
  • On the wooden walls, attach a mesh netting or shingles, which is made by stuffing thin slats diagonally.
  • In a brick wall, recesses are made between the bricks.

It is desirable to moisten wooden and brick bases with water before plastering.

Porous surfaces should be treated. You can proceed to plastering only after it has dried.

How to apply plaster evenly

Dilute the plaster according to the instructions on the package.

To apply the first layer, the consistency of the mixture should be thicker than sour cream. It is thrown with a trowel with sharp movements of the brush along the plane of the wall. The applied plaster is leveled with a grater. Beginners can use a simplified method - make the solution more liquid and "spill the walls with it."

After the initial layer has dried, you can start applying the next one.

Prepare the solution to a pasty consistency. Throwing it on the wall, you need to fill all the voids and recesses, level the surface as much as possible and create the desired layer thickness. When working, the rule is to direct from the bottom up and evenly distribute the solution. Then, traversing the surface up and down with a trowel, achieve complete alignment of the wall. Let dry well.

To hide all the flaws and shortcomings of the previous layers, use the finishing layer "Nakryvka".

Sift all ingredients before mixing to avoid lumps. Moisten the wall with water and apply the mixture in a thin layer with a trowel.

At the end, smooth the surface with a trowel in a circular motion.

Without waiting for drying, you can proceed to the grout. To do this, press the trowel firmly against the wall and, making circular movements, rub the surface, cutting off all the bulges and smoothing out the bumps.

Finishing technology self-applying

After laying the main layers of plaster, the surface has a roughness and graininess, therefore, in order to obtain an even background, it is necessary to apply a finishing fine putty.

You can buy it ready-made or buy a dry mix and carry out the kneading process yourself, according to the instructions on the package.

Before puttying, the wall must be well moistened, this is done in order to remove contaminants and improve the penetration of the mixture into the surface pores.

With a narrow spatula, apply a small amount of the mixture to the edge of a wide spatula. Then spread the putty on the wall with vertical and crosswise movements. It is recommended to start tightening the mixture from the corner.

The trowel blade must be clean to avoid streaks.

To level the putty, the spatula is applied at a slight angle to the beginning of the site and with little effort is drawn over the surface.

The thickness of the layer depends on the angle of the spatula, the more you tilt it towards the wall, the thicker the layer will be.

After the mortar has hardened, it is necessary to grind with sandpaper.

How to make high-quality plaster in a new building on brick walls: step by step instructions

When settling in new house almost every newcomer has to face the problem of leveling the walls. How to do it yourself?

The order of work of rough processing

For work it is better to use . First, it is necessary to clean the surface to be treated with a metal brush, deepen the seams of the masonry, and clean it from dust. To reduce the absorbency of the brick and improve adhesion, coat the wall with a deep penetration primer.

So that cracks do not form during shrinkage of the house, it is necessary to use a reinforcing mesh made of plastic. It can be laid in two ways:

  1. Attach with hooks that are driven into the seams of the masonry.
  2. Spray the solution on the wall and press the mesh into it.

Then set the beacons, knead the solution. For the first layer, the solution should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency; for the second application, knead a thicker one.

1st layer: moisten the wall with water, spray a solution of 5mm, smooth it slightly. Let dry.

2 layer: throw the mixture on the wall. Pressing the rule to the beacons, and moving from the bottom up, level the surface. Add mortar to the resulting voids and level again. Smooth out with a trowel.

An easy way to apply plaster to cracks

Sealing cracks in a brick wall can be done using a gypsum mortar in several stages:

  1. Clean the crack from dust and debris, rinse the edges with a damp washcloth.
  2. Dilute the plaster mix.
  3. Using a spatula, fill the space with mortar.
  4. After drying, clean the irregularities with sandpaper.

Rules for placing beacons

It is better for beginners to carry out plastering work.

  • In the upper left corner of the wall, hammer in the dowel, but not completely: between the cap and the wall there should be a distance equal to the thickness of the planned plaster layer.
  • Using a plumb line, set the diagonal and drive in the second dowel at the bottom.
  • Repeat the procedure in the right corner of the same wall.
  • Pull the threads between the top, bottom, and then opposite bottom and top dowels.
  • Place a thick solution along the entire length of the proposed lighthouse.
  • Using the rule and level, press the beacon into the solution 1 mm below the level of the thread.
  • Mount the rest of the beacons.

How to work on foam concrete

Plastering of foam blocks occurs in the following order:

  • Clean walls and joints with a wire brush.
  • Coat with a primer for foam blocks.
  • Knead the mixture, strictly adhering to the recipe.
  • Starting from the bottom, apply the first layer of plaster.
  • Allow to dry slightly, press in the reinforcement mesh and secure with dowels.
  • Apply the next layer of plaster, leave to dry completely.
  • Cover with a thin finishing layer.

Plastering the walls in an apartment on your own is a doable task even for people who do not have experience in construction. The main thing is to have a desire, but you can learn everything.

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