How to increase efficiency and maintain a good mood. Attention! How to increase efficiency - Laziness goes away forever

  • 11.10.2019


Establish a stable daily routine. Experts say that this is the simplest and most effective remedy raising one's own. It is the most underestimated and unloved by us (it's so boring - to streamline your every day). Nevertheless, it is a stable daily rhythm, based on the natural cycles of all life on earth, that is the most important condition for replenishing high performance. The correct mode of the day is a full sleep (for someone it is 5-6, for someone 9-10), easy morning awakening, energetic daytime wakefulness, evening rest and sleep again.

Get rid of blockages in the workplace. If you are an office worker, the easiest way to do this is to remove everything down to the last piece of paper on your desk. Sit down at a clean table, drink water, inhale and - take on. Get what you need as needed. In any case, you will make sure that more than half of what you have removed will not migrate back to the table.

Take care of fresh air. If there is no air conditioning, ventilate the room frequently and regularly. The lack of oxygen significantly affects the degree of performance, sharply lowering it.

Try to change something in your workplace. For example, rearrange a table, wardrobe, change lighting (for example, replace the deadly cold light of a desk office lamp with a lamp with a shade that gives warm light). By the way, experts say that it invigorates and activates brain activity. yellow. Put on your table or hang on the wall on which your gaze falls, an object of yellow color (shade, tone). Occasionally take a break from the process and just contemplate it. To avoid overstimulation from saturated yellow, experts recommend edging / shading it with green.

Do a little exercise from time to time. This is a great way to revitalize stiff muscles and joints. Particular attention should be paid to the warm-up of the muscles of the neck, hands, and feet. It is these parts of our body that have the maximum number of mechanoreceptors, the impact on which stimulates the brain.

Include in your diet foods that increase. First of all, these are nuts, carrots, ginger, oily fish, dried apricots, shrimp. But from the use confectionery it is better to refrain, tk. their digestion consumes a lot of B vitamins necessary for an active brain. An acceptable source of fast carbohydrates can be dark chocolate.

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Useful advice

Do not forget about a good rest after work. Do not join the ranks of workaholics, whose incredible performance and fantastic performance sooner or later burst like soap bubbles, leaving behind such "gifts" as neurasthenia, a nervous breakdown, or something worse.

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  • how to increase performance

performance- this is the ability of a person to perform certain work for the necessary time, without lowering the qualitative and quantitative indicators. The Internet is currently full of instructions that teach how to survive in the office. They often mention how to maintain and improve your performance.


To improve performance, you need to know and take into account the factors that affect it the most. Interest It will be much easier for you to perform the one in which you show interest. In such cases, we do not notice fatigue until it reaches its highest peak. Work that is not interesting to us lends itself to us with difficulty, we suffer while doing it.

A modern person needs to work very hard to achieve success in the professional field. You need to do a lot, both at work and at home, as well as constantly learning new skills. However, many of us are faced with weakness, fatigue and unwillingness to do something in the morning. The problem of decreasing efficiency worries everyone from time to time, because it is associated with such a concept as human productivity. Such a nuisance can be caused by constant stress, past illnesses, lack of vitamins and minerals, and other reasons. Since human performance and labor productivity are related, by improving the first indicator, you can get an improvement in the second. But how, how to increase the efficiency of the human body? Let's talk about it on

Signs of decreased performance

If during the working day you constantly nod and yawn, often make different, including rather stupid mistakes, maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe you developed a significant decrease in efficiency. If you systematically encounter pain in the lower back and neck, headaches, loss of appetite - do not leave these symptoms unattended. Also, signs of a decrease in efficiency should be considered noise in the head and pain in the eyes, thoughts about everything except work, etc. If you do not respond in time to such unpleasant symptoms, overwork can become chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with it.

What determines the highest human productivity?

In order to improve the condition of the body and increase efficiency, you need to pay attention to the following aspects of your life: rest, sleep, good nutrition, water procedures and physical education.

It is extremely important to get good sleep. To do this, a person should sleep at least six to eight hours, and go to bed should be before ten o'clock in the evening.

Physical Education

Modern people pay very little attention to sports, being mostly in offices, this is fraught with the appearance of quite serious health disorders and a decrease in working capacity. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that their patients systematically walk in the fresh air and attend various sports activities, to their taste. To increase the overall tone of the body and increase efficiency, you can sign up for dancing, aerobics, shaping, Pilates, yoga, etc. Such activities will also help saturate the brain with oxygen, increase the amount of adrenaline and endorphins (hormones of joy) in the blood.


You should not work continuously, small correct pauses will help you become more cheerful and add efficiency. But during such breaks, you should not pour coffee, go to the smoking room with colleagues, etc. It is better to walk down the street (if possible), perform several exercises from office gymnastics.

At home, in order to cheer up in general, you sometimes need to be lazy: lie in the bathroom, lie on the couch and listen to music, take a nap a little during the day.

Every year it is desirable to visit the sea. A lot has been said and written about the benefits of sea air and sea water. Yes, and a temporary change of residence, and even with good emotions, will only benefit.

Water procedures

Regular water procedures will help to saturate the body with energy and add efficiency. So in the morning you should accustom yourself to take a contrast shower, once every one or two weeks you can go to the bathhouse, in the evening warm water will help you relax and sleep soundly. Also, to increase efficiency, you can visit the pool and water aerobics. Such exercises will give a lot of energy, help get rid of negative emotions etc.

Drugs and folk remedies

The best human performance can be achieved by following the above and using drugs. To increase efficiency, you can also turn your attention to folk remedies (medicines based on various medicinal plants), as well as drugs from a pharmacy.

A good effect is the use of adaptogen plants. Preparations based on them can be prepared on their own, or can be purchased at a pharmacy. The most famous remedy of this type is ginseng, a tincture based on the root of this culture is advised to take thirty to forty drops in the morning on an empty stomach in the autumn-winter time, dissolving in a small amount of water. Such a medicinal composition perfectly tones, improves performance, stimulates the desire to perform physical or mental work.

Rhodiola rosea is another well-known adaptogen plant. Her tincture should be taken in the amount of six to ten drops once or twice a day.

You can also take medicine based on Leuzea safflower. Such a tool perfectly increases strength and stimulates a set of muscle mass, and also activates the activity of the brain and improves performance in general. To achieve a tonic effect, this medicine should be taken fifteen to thirty drops.

Many experts in depression, stress and intense stress advise taking tincture Chinese magnolia vine. It is worth consuming twelve to fifteen drops.

Eleutherococcus senticosus tincture is also quite often the drug of choice. To achieve a tonic effect, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of this composition in the morning.

Among other things, some pharmaceutical preparations can also be used to increase efficiency. Most often, nootropic drugs that stimulate brain activity are used for this purpose. But the expediency of their use must be discussed with the attending physician without fail.

In fact, fairly simple lifestyle changes can increase the body's performance by an order of magnitude. And folk remedies will only contribute to even more effective mental and physical work.

Many of us often experience symptoms of body fatigue: loss of strength, fatigue, memory loss. All this, of course, reduces performance. In our fast-paced time, not everyone manages to cope with stress, strong psychological and physical stress on their own.

There is a fairly large arsenal various means and methods that help fight fatigue, increase the tone of the body. Many biomedical agents speed up recovery processes, help improve overall health, and increase immunity. There are effective folk recipes aimed at improving the performance of the human body.

Let's look at some popular remedies that will definitely help get rid of apathy, fatigue, restore energy and performance.

Pharmacy funds

Drugs - Energy

In the pharmacy you can buy energy drugs. They are designed to quickly replenish energy, expended resources. These funds activate the functions of enzyme systems. Strengthen the body's resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

This group of drugs includes: asparkam, papashin, methionine. This also includes calcium glycerophosphate and calcium gluconate, as well as glutamic acid, other amino acids, or mixtures thereof.

Means of plastic action

These funds are aimed at accelerating the process of protein synthesis. They help the body to more actively restore cellular structures, activate metabolic, biochemical processes. All these properties help restore performance, maintain high level performance even during periods of increased stress. Therefore, they are very often used in sports medicine.

This group includes: riboxin, inosine, carnitine. Protein-enriched dietary supplements may be used.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamin preparations occupy a special place among the means that improve the quality of human life. Their deficiency in the body very often causes a decrease in efficiency, as well as the development of various diseases.

Aerovit- a vitamin complex that increases physical performance, activates the processes of recovery of the body after increased stress.

Decamevit- improves the state of the immune system, activates the recovery processes, prevents the aging process.

Vitamin C- it is known that the lack of ascorbic acid causes increased fatigue, apathy, drowsiness. In addition, a deficiency of this vitamin reduces the body's resistance to colds and flu. To improve performance, it is enough to take it daily.

Means - adaptogens

Adaptogens are called substances that have tonic properties that improve overall well-being. They increase energy levels, improve physical and mental activity.

This group includes extracts, tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Preparations based on aralia, Chinese lemongrass are very effective. It is useful to take funds based on deer antlers, as well as mumiyo, etc.

Toning baths

Water treatments: contrast showers, various baths have an excellent tonic effect, activate blood flow, improve body functions.

Pine bath- It is useful to take it after increased physical exertion in order to speed up the recovery process.

Bath with the addition of sea salt (500 g of salt per bath) - promotes relaxation, relaxation, rest of the body. After such a procedure, a rested person receives additional energy. It is recommended to take before bedtime, after which you need to properly

Improving the performance of the human body folk remedies

To restore strength, eliminate fatigue and weakness, prepare such a folk remedy: Grate peeled fresh red beets, one or two, on a medium grater. Pack three-quarters of the mixture into the jar tightly. Top up with good quality vodka. Place the jar in a dark, warm place. Let it stand for 2 weeks. Ready tool take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, before meals.

To increase the tone, improve the general condition, pour 2 tsp into a saucepan. Icelandic moss (sold in a pharmacy). Pour 400 ml of clean, cool water. Boil. Remove from stove immediately. Wait for the infusion to cool down on its own. Strained remedy, the entire volume, drink per day. Drink little by little, in small portions. Be healthy!

  • Make your brain sweat
  • Eat Right
  • Don't Overeat
  • Wake up easy
  • Do a head massage

Pace modern life with his constant overload and stress does not contribute to clarity of thought and mental performance. Inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, lack of interest, weakness, indifference are clear signs decrease in brain function. They can not betray much importance if they appear in the evening or when you go to bed, because during the night the body will rest and gain strength. But what if the same signs are on the face in the morning? How to increase the efficiency of the brain?

How to improve brain performance

Make your brain sweat

Exercise for the mind improves the neural connections of the brain and creates a reserve of intellectual power. Follow special memory exercises, start learning foreign languages, solve crosswords and solve mathematical problems, play games that develop thinking (for example, in board business games). Tighten your gray matter more often, and you won't have to wonder - "How to increase the efficiency of the brain."

Surrounded by all sorts of gadgets, we rarely use our brains. Put the calculator aside and do the math in your head (if you take out the calculator every time you need to add more than two numbers, you won’t be able to increase your brain’s performance, and your mental abilities will weaken day by day), plan your trip mentally without resorting to the help of a navigator , try without looking into notebook, remember the phone number you need (the more numbers are spinning in your head, the more new connections between neurons appear).

Eat Right

It is known that the brain needs sugar to work, and many, wanting to increase the efficiency of the brain, eat sweets in kilograms. With sedentary work, this is a sure way to obesity: after all, sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat foods that contain natural starches and sugars: potatoes, legumes, rice, black bread, nuts, etc. These foods will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough energy for several hours.

About how to eat right improve mental performance find out in the article - Vitamins for the mind - food for memory».

Not only what we eat is important, but also what we drink. A mug of coffee every hour is not the best way to increase brain performance. Put a bottle of plain water on your desk and drink a glass every hour, even if you don't feel like drinking. This will save you from the heat (it will come soon) and from dehydration of the body (including dehydration of brain cells), which is often the cause of loss of efficiency and overwork.

Don't Overeat

The performance of the brain depends on the amount of food we consume. Scientists from the University of Florida, with the help of an experiment, proved that satiety leads to stupefaction and negatively affects mental performance.

During the experiment, laboratory rats were divided into two identical groups. The first group received food in excess, while the diet of the second group was significantly limited.

Regular observations have shown that the body of malnourished rats produces an order of magnitude less cytochrome (a protein that destroys brain cells), which, according to scientists, causes irreparable harm to the brain, and therefore affects the performance of the brain in general, and in particular on decision making process, on the development of memory and thinking.

The reaction of the second group of rats, hungry, was much better than those who ate as much food as they wanted. The interview that scientists gave to the media, they summarized following words: « Now we can say with confidence that hunger is good for health and has a positive effect on increase in brain performance ».

Surely many who overeat during lunch feel their performance deteriorating, and pulls you to sleep right at the workplace. So don't overeat!

Read more useful literature

The benefits of reading to increase the efficiency of the brain, I think, no one doubts.

Reading not only increases concentration, but also stimulates the imagination: the content of the book turns into visual images in our heads. Therefore, the brain works. Scientists from the Mayo Clinic (USA) are convinced that reading reduces the likelihood that over time we will be stupid for any reason. " new material- this is not only new information, but also new images in the head. Any history book will force you to make comparisons with the present, which will activate the analytical abilities that the right brain is responsible for. says one of the Mayo Clinic researchers.

Instead of staring at the TV, grab an educational book and spend at least 30 minutes reading it (reading for half an hour a day will increase your brain's efficiency).

Speaking of informative and useful literature, I mean domestic and foreign classics, historical and specialized literature, and poetry. But the yellow press (who is with whom, who has more, and who has more), comics and other similar reading is unlikely to have a good effect on increasing the working capacity of the brain.

Relax, Relax and Sleep

Working without rest always leads to loss of efficiency. The American Journal of Epidemiology recently published a study that states: Fifty-five or more hours of work per week (eleven hours per day for a five-day period) result in fairly low scores on tests for vocabulary and ingenuity. The best option is 35-40 hours work week ". It is clear that you will not approach the authorities and say: “ If you want your team to work better, reduce working hours". In such conditions, you can increase your efficiency by taking small breaks.

Feel free to scratch your tongue over coffee with work colleagues. Here is what Oscar Ibarra, author of one of the studies conducted at the University of Michigan, says about this: “ Sometimes idle talk is helpful. Those who take breaks from work and chat with co-workers for ten minutes do better on intelligence tests than those who take them all at once without talking. And that's why - communicative communication sharpens memory and activates other brain functions, because it requires information processing (for example, to determine whether the interlocutor is lying or telling the truth)».

The same ones who remote work , can control their working hours without fear of being reprimanded to take a break for an hour or two. The main thing is not to sit like a robot and remember that if you are distracted and rested, this will increase your performance.

Don't forget to take your days off (especially for those who work at a distance and for themselves). Best holiday- camping! Hunting, fishing, hiking in the forest for berries, mountain climbing, barbecue in the country - all this good ways give your brain a break from stressful everyday life, recharge your batteries and increase brain performance.

And of course, speaking of rest and its impact on increase in brain performance, it should be noted the importance of healthy and full sleep. After all, it is known that lack of sleep and lack of sleep lead to premature overwork and short-sighted decision making.

Follow the routine: every day go to sleep and wake up at a certain time. Even on weekends, try to stick to the established routine.

Wake up easy

Physiologists around the world advise to increase mental performance learn to wake up without an alarm. If you get up at the right time without the help of an alarm clock, you feel more sleepy. Therefore, you have more energy and strength, clearer head and better mood.

Give up bad habits

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, but there are people who claim that tobacco and alcohol (especially smoking) stimulate the efficiency of brain activity. However, doctors with their numerous experiments (I will not go into details) proved that the opinion about tobacco and alcohol as stimulants of brain activity is false and unfounded. Tobacco, like alcohol, is not true, but a false stimulant of working capacity and productivity. It creates only the illusion of "enlightenment" of the head and a surge of strength. In fact, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol do not focus on study and work, reduce the level of efficiency, reduce the amount of work performed, and also worsen their quality.

Don't know how to improve brain performance? The first thing to do is stop smoking and excessive drinking!

Force yourself to move as much as possible

Daily physical exercise will help improve the elasticity of blood vessels and blood circulation, help restore lost neural connections and contribute to the emergence of new ones, which will lead to improved brain performance.

Do a head massage

Head and neck massage improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex, and therefore is beneficial for cellular cerebral circulation. If possible, visit a professional massage therapist, if finances or time are tight, self-massage will help. Information on how to do self-massage of the head and collar zone on the Internet is a dime a dozen. I will only say that if you perform this massage every day for ten minutes for several weeks, you will notice that by the evening the ability to think clearly and clearly will not disappear, and fatigue will not be so obvious.

Use colors and aromatherapy

It has been proven that some smells and colors have a calming effect, while others, on the contrary, are stimulants and irritants for the brain (for more details, see the article “Color Therapy”). The work of the brain is well stimulated by the yellow color - it tones and invigorates, increases mental performance and uplifts the mood (you can hang a picture over your desktop in which this color prevails). Of the smells, in order to increase the efficiency of the brain, citrus and woody aromas are well suited. Use natural essential oils rather than air fresheners.

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Elizabeth Babanova


Do you dream of waking up every day filled with energy, positively tuned in to the upcoming work, with full confidence that you can handle everything?

And after dinner, instead of the usual fatigue, feel a surge of fresh energy?

And at the end of the working day, be still emotionally filled to communicate with family and friends? So the question “How to improve efficiency and performance” is relevant for you.

Today I will share with you effective methods, who helped me turn from a person with eternally low blood pressure and a lack of stable quality energy into someone who enjoys getting up at 4 in the morning. At the same time, during the day, instead of the recession typical for all people, I experience an energy upsurge. That is, throughout the day I experience increased performance.

When I follow all these tips (and it really is possible!), I live to the fullest, and such a day ends with a feeling of deep satisfaction and confidence that I lived it to the maximum.

In thinking about how to improve efficiency, we constantly draw energy from different sources: food, people, books, movies. But we often take it “on credit” (coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food), and after a while we pay with our physical and mental health. And you can develop healthy habits in yourself, which, due to the right lifestyle in the present, will give us energy and increased efficiency, without stealing all this from the future.

For example, a breakfast of fruits, nuts, organic cottage cheese increases mental and physical performance, and also gives you the same burst of energy as a coffee sandwich, but in the second case, fatigue and apathy will come after a few hours, oh increased efficiency I don't have to say anymore.. Caffeine first gives energy, then a decline and deterioration follows. Proper food not only provides energy immediately after eating it, but also supports increased performance throughout the day. This happens with many other factors that affect the quality of our lives.

So let's get straight to the methods that will help you become a more energetic and more efficient person.

Physical body

1. Want to know how to be more efficient and get more done throughout the day. Get up at 4 am. Maximum 5.

2. Take a contrast shower (1-3 minutes of the most hot water, which you can only withstand, 15-60 seconds of cold, repeat 3 times). This recommendation is definitely not for everyone, but for people with enough healthy body. However, if you do this, increased performance from the very morning and throughout the day is guaranteed to you.

3. Drink 1 liter on an empty stomach clean water room temperature or slightly warm. This amount of water is no less important than a morning shower. Your body will be cleansed of toxins released at night. This means that the quality of your energy will increase significantly and you will be able to increase the efficiency of any of your activities.

4. Go to bed no later than 22.00.People who do not have enough energy and who are wondering “How to increase efficiency” very often do not follow the sleep regimen. Late going to bed does not increase mental and physical performance, but lowers it.

5. At least 2 hours before bedtime, do not watch or read anything aggressive, do not watch the news. Looking at something unpleasant before going to bed, you will deprive yourself of a relaxing rest and the next day you will be overwhelmed, from which your performance will decrease significantly.

6. Try to be at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air and in the sun. In this way, you will be able to significantly increase your performance.


7. In the morning, drink a vegetable smoothie or eat a piece of fruit (such as an apple). After 20-30 minutes you can have breakfast. I prefer nuts for breakfast, mint tea with honey, or organic kefir with a spoonful of honey. Pay attention and, especially if you often ask yourself the question "How to increase efficiency."

8. It is very useful to eat 1 teaspoon of pollen in the morning. You can also eat pollen during the day when you need a boost. Increased performance is then guaranteed to you.

9. Never overeat. If you have done this more than once, then most likely you have noticed that after overeating, the forces begin to leave the body and you want to sleep. Heavy snacking is not the best way to increase your efficiency.

10. 80% of the food consumed should be vegetables, 20% - fruits, cereals, nuts. Very few dairy products. If you eat meat or fish, eat these foods a maximum of 2-3 times a week and only at lunchtime. In the evening, they do not have time to digest, which makes sleep restless. Accordingly, the next day you feel overwhelmed and you have to think about how to increase your performance with low-quality energy sources.

11. Sprout wheat or green buckwheat - they give a huge burst of energy and rejuvenate the body, as well as increase mental and physical performance.

12. Always drink BEFORE meals, do not drink after meals for at least an hour, preferably two.

13. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.

14. If you still drink alcohol, then do not drink more than 1 glass of wine (no hard liquor!) in one evening. Remember that alcohol is a loan of energy from the future, and sooner or later you will have to pay for it with a lack of energy and increased efficiency.

15. During the day, after a morning liter of water, drink another 2-4 liters.

16. Gradually minimize caffeinated drinks. Drink only herbal teas and water. Previously, I could not imagine life without a cup of coffee in the morning and strong tea in the afternoon, but as soon as I completely gave up caffeine, my strong breakdown disappeared around 10-11 o'clock and in the afternoon around 15-16 o'clock. I forgot what pre-lunch and after-lunch fatigue syndrome is!


17. Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes a day. Many experts recommend exercising 2-3 times a week. This may be enough to maintain physical fitness, but to increase energy and personal efficiency, you need to give yourself physical activity every day. You don't only eat 3 times a week. And sport is just as important a source of energy as food.

18. Try to combine cardio training (running, jumping, aerobics, dancing, cycling) with stretching (yoga, Pilates, at worst, remember school gymnastics) and strength training (do not confuse it with pulling bags from the grocery store). Exactly exercise stress will help you increase your efficiency and performance at times.


19. If your main engine (body) is in order, you need to take care of the emotional component of your fuel in order to increase your efficiency. To start the day on a positive wave, use these options for morning emotional recharging:

  • Watch a video of one of your teachers/person who inspires you. After that, a surge of increased efficiency will come by itself, because nothing inspires like a personal example.
  • Read a few pages of books on personal or spiritual development.
  • Meditate for 15-30-60 minutes right after waking up.
  • Listen to audio recordings during your morning routine. It is useful for the beautiful half of humanity to combine guidance of the morning marathon with audio programs. Now you can combine perfection appearance with a qualitative improvement in the inner world.
  • Make an entry in your diary - spend 10-15 minutes writing down either your latest thoughts, observations, or what you have learned over the last day. As Tony Robbins says, "If your life is worth living, it's worth writing down."

20. Do short sessions several times a day. breathing exercises, with a deep exhalation and inhalation, focusing on the breath. This will help you constantly feel the flow of energy, and therefore increase your efficiency.

21. Constantly pay attention to everything that develops positively during the day. We have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong, and by focusing on the positive aspects, we reprogram ourselves and begin to see the whole picture of the day in an increasingly objective and positive way.

22. If you love prayers, read them several times a day. If your path is meditation, periodically turn your attention inward and concentrate on the feeling of “here and now”.

23. Eliminate idle pastime from your life (empty broadcasts, gossip and discussion of things that do not add value to your life). You have a choice: you can chat for 15 minutes with colleagues during a break, or instead read a chapter of a book on personal development. What will give you a greater impetus to development? Remember that "those who read books control those who watch TV."

24. Keep a list of things to stop doing. Stop doing it. You will free up a huge amount of energy for more important things.

25. Tonight, write down at least 5 things you are grateful for today.


26. Make a list of important tasks that will help you (or your firm) achieve new level development, but for which there is often not enough time. A list of important tasks will boost your mental and physical activity, because it will inspire you to new achievements.

27. Start your day with these. Dedicate 1-2 hours of your most valuable morning time to creative tasks.

28. For progress in important matters turn off Skype, phone and exit Email. Work for at least 60-90 minutes before getting distracted. Working in this mode will bring much more results than working with constant interruption.

29. Take a short break every 2 hours. Stretch, walk around the office, if you work from home - jump in place, do some stretches. This is one of better ways increase your efficiency, because our brain is much easier to work when it periodically switches.

30. Do a liver cleanse (I use the Andreas Moritz method). If you asked the question “How to increase efficiency and performance”, then, first of all, pay attention to your health. It should be ok.

31. Take oils (linseed, nut, etc., which suit you best).

32. Use a body brush before showering to cleanse your pores. The body will absorb more oxygen through the open pores, filling your body with additional energy.

33. Gradually switch to environmentally friendly products for body care and house cleaning.

34. Visit the sauna at least once a week.

These tips are my concentrated experience over 10 years of improving my daily routine and increasing my efficiency at work. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the techniques that can be applied to improve the quality of life, but if you want to,, and succeed in other areas of life, they may come in handy.

But if you constantly feel low on energy, start gradually implementing these principles into your life, and over time you will feel like a different person - energetic, filled with positive energy and much more efficient.

Remember that life is not a sprint, but a long marathon, so it is better to introduce new habits day by day than to try to do everything at once and quickly burn out. Consistency and constancy - that's the secret of the most successful and effective people in our world.

Did you notice that the title of the article promises 35 tips, but only 34 are given? In the 35th paragraph, I will post on my blog the most interesting recommendation of my readers. Share what methods of effective recharging you use and become my co-author in this article.