Presentation on the topic minerals preparatory group. Coal - the energy of light and heat

  • 20.09.2019

There are many minerals that are mined from the bowels of the Earth. All of them are extremely important, because they allow you to get the things necessary for a comfortable life. They make it possible to heat homes, eat, move in space at high speed, make wonderful decorations and much more. During research, scientists discover very Interesting Facts about minerals that allow you to learn more about the secrets hiding in the underground depths.

  1. Coal is the most common fossil used as a fuel. Few people know that only a 2-meter layer of coal is formed from a 20-meter layer of peat under pressure. If a similar layer of dead vegetation lies at a depth of 6 km, then the coal seam will have only 1.5 m.
  2. Malachite - semiprecious stone from which amazing jewelry is made. The largest stone that was mined weighed 1.5 tons. Having discovered such a treasure, the miners presented it to Empress Catherine II. Later, the stone became an exhibit of the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute.

  3. Obsidian - volcanic glass. This material has a high density. It is formed under the influence of very high temperatures during the eruption of magma. Archaeologists have been able to find evidence that the first surgical instruments made from this material.

  4. Today, everyone knows what oil is and how it happens. The first theory of the origin of this mineral suggested that oil is nothing but whale urine. Black gold began to be mined by collecting it from the surface of reservoirs. At the present time, oil is pumped out of the bowels of the Earth using pumping stations.

  5. Scientists continue to present new interesting facts about metals. So, gold has been recognized as one of the most flexible metals. It is even used to make sewing threads. From one ounce of gold, you can get a thread about 80 km long.

  6. Iron ore has been used by man for a long time. Archaeologists have proven that the manufacture of the first objects from iron ore dates back to the ll-lll centuries. BC. The first to use this mineral were the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

  7. Sodium chloride or salt is mined in most . Despite the need for this mineral for human life, only 6% of it is used for food. 17% of salt is used for sprinkling roads during icy conditions. The lion's share of this mineral is used by industry and accounts for 77% of all production.

  8. Extraordinarily interesting story has the queen of metals - platinum. In the 15th century, it was discovered by Spanish travelers who arrived on the coast of Africa. After studying this material, its refractoriness was discovered. For this reason, platinum was deemed unsuitable and was valued below the value of silver.

  9. Silver has long been famous for its bactericidal properties.. Even the warriors of ancient Rome used it for treatment. If serious wounds were inflicted on a person in battle, then the healers covered the places of injury with silver plates. After such procedures, the wounds healed quickly and without any complications.

  10. Marble has been used since ancient times to decorate rooms and create various decorative elements . This is due to the amazing hardness of the material and its wear resistance. Marble retains its original appearance for 150 years even when exposed to temperature, moisture or sunlight.

  11. Diamonds are recognized as the hardest minerals mined from the bowels of the earth. In this case, a blow applied with a hammer with great force can split the stone into small pieces.

  12. Uranium is a metal that is considered one of the heaviest chemical elements.. Uranium ore contains an insignificant amount of pure metal. Uranus has 14 stages of transformation. All elements that are formed during the transformation are radioactive. Only lead, which is the final stage of transformation, is considered safe. It will take about a billion years to completely convert uranium to lead.

  13. Copper is the only metal that does not spark when rubbed., so copper tools can be used in places where there is an increased risk of fire.

  14. There is a lot to learn about soil all the time. So, scientists investigated a common mineral - peat. They revealed in it peculiar threads that are distinguished by extraordinary strength. This discovery has been applied to light industry. The first products made from peat threads were presented in Holland. Peat is an excellent preservative. It preserves the remains that fell into it thousands of years ago. This allows scientists to learn interesting facts about the skeleton of a person who lived long before our days, and to study the remains of already extinct animal species.

  15. Granite is known as a durable building material. But not everyone knows that it conducts sound much faster than air. The speed of sound waves passing through granite is 10 times greater than passing through air space..


Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU No. 34
Location: Kurganinsk, Kurganinsky district, Krasnodar Territory

Synopsis of the GCD on local history in the preparatory group "Minerals"

Software content. To form initial ideas about the minerals of the Kuban. To consolidate knowledge about the work of adults in the region, professions through familiarization with the enterprises of the region. Emphasize the contribution of the Kuban to the development of the whole country.

Material. pictures (marl, sand, clay, oil, gas, marble, mineral water); (cards depicting industrial products from fossils, for example: gasoline - kerosene - brick); (a canvas depicting fossils and products made from them), a map of the Krasnodar Territory, symbols for designating fossils on the map., video projector, presentation "Minerals"

Preliminary work. Examination of the map of the Krasnodar Territory; didactic games "Third extra", "I don't exist without you"

Organizing time.

The teacher asks the children the following question:

Do you guys know what "minerals" are? (children's answers).

- What minerals are mined in our region.

The teacher invites the children to go to the cave, where there is a secret collection of minerals that are mined in our region.

Let's hear what they are talking about? (Yes)

Show presentation (slide number 1).

Sand:- I'm Sand, and where they just don't add me. I'll be honest: without me, not only to build a house, people will not be able to do real repairs. Can you tell me where they add me? (in earth, cement, lime).

The teacher offers to find out the properties of sand and make cakes from wet and dry sand and put them on a tray. Children determine that wet sand retains the shape of the container in which it was located, but dry sand does not.

V. What conclusion follows from this experience? (Children's answers.)

Conclusion(the teacher helps to formulate): when the sand gets wet, the air between the edges of the grains of sand disappears, the wet edges stick together with each other. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the map. Reports that sand is mined in the area of ​​Gulkevichi and Kropotkin. And near the village of Varenikovskaya, special sand is mined, from which glass is made.

What can be made from glass? (windows, vases, carafes, glasses, etc.) Children mark the city where the sand is mined with icons.

another, so wet sand retains the shape of the container.

Slide #2

- I, Marl or cement - the most important, the most necessary and necessary. Because it is to me that people owe the fact that they have cement. When this gray powder is mixed with water, a dough-like mass is obtained. It is impossible to do without it in construction. And after a while it becomes hard.


“Now we are going to check it out.” - a teacher with children conducts an experiment with cement. Pour some water into the container and add cement and sand. Then the mixture is transferred to a mold and left to lie down for a while.

The teacher explains to the children that the sand cake will fall apart when it dries, and the sand cake, to which cement is added, will retain its shape forever. (Shows for comparison a little cake made of cement, fashioned the day before.)

Conclusion: sand mixed with cement is used in the construction of houses for their high strength.

What can be done with cement? (houses, bridges, platinum, etc.) The teacher draws the attention of the children to the map, informing the cities near which marl is mined (Sochi, Novorossiysk). Offers to mark with an icon.

slide number 3

Clay:- I don’t understand something, there is a conversation about construction, but no one notices me, as if without me they, these braggarts, are capable of something. I am Clay, the only lady, the softest and most docile. I am stronger than granite and iron.

Who knows what they make of me? (bricks, dishes, you can sculpt figurines, porcelain).

Fizminutka. The game "Sculptor and Clay"

One of the participants gets the role of Clay, the other - the Sculptor. The sculptor must invent and fashion a sculpture from the Clay, forming it from the body of the Clay. His touch should be soft but firm. At the same time, the clay should try to be soft and as relaxed as possible, keep the shape that the Sculptor sets for it (not "help" the Sculptor and not resist).

When the sculpture is sculpted, the Sculptor asks Clay if she likes everything. If not, correct the details of the sculpture or "rework" it until both participants are satisfied. Then the participants switch roles.

The teacher draws attention to the map and reports that clay is mined in different places, and even here in Kurganinsk. “There is a brick factory in our city, where bricks are made from clay, and (the factory) is then fired in special kilns.”

Slide #4

Oil:- A shame! Horror! The only lady! Who do you think I am? Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Oil, nicknamed "rock oil". Look how black and shiny and oily I am. I live underground and form rivers, lakes and even seas of oil there. And my character is very quick-tempered, I just light up a little. This is why people appreciate me.

What benefit do I bring to people?

After the children's answers, the teacher suggests considering materials made from oil (fabric, fur, plastic, wax, etc.).

Oil:— Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce my companion — this Gas. He is always by my side, they called him “accompanying”.

Gas:- Good day! Yes, Neft and I are friends. And we are the cheapest fossils. After all, the details of many machines, knitwear, fabrics and even shoes, are made from oil and gas. And how many animals are we saving by giving people artificial fur.

Where else is gas used? (in houses for heating and cooking, in cars, when welding pipes, etc.).

The teacher informs the children that oil and gas are produced in the Krasnodar Territory in the area of ​​​​such cities as Abinsk, Khadyzhensk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban (children help find cities on the map and mark them with special icons).

Marble:- I am the old noble Marble - the most important thing, because I give people beauty. But if anyone is against it, then let people coat their houses with clay or oil for beauty, and make monuments out of sand.

Educator:— don't be upset, dear Marble. Guys, please tell me why people need marble? (for finishing and decorating houses, making monuments).

What is this bottled water? (mineral)

Why is she called that? (it contains minerals).

- How is it useful? (medical)

The teacher invites the children to try mineral water from different sources and tell you how it's different.

The teacher reports that mineral water is also a mineral. By the name of the bottle you can find out where this water is produced. Then, together with the children, he finds settlements on the map where mineral water is mined and marked with icons.

Summary of the lesson.

- What minerals did you get acquainted with?

— Let's close our eyes now and imagine that these minerals do not exist. What will happen then? (children express their assumptions, then the teacher sums up). Yes, guys, if there were no fossils, we would not have cars now, no planes, no electricity, no beautiful clothes and many other interesting things. But even fossils must be treated very carefully, as they can also run out.

Application for the competition

Name: Synopsis of GCD on local history in preparatory group"Minerals"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, local history, Preparatory group for school

Elena Batseva
An exemplary summary of a lesson on the cognitive development of older children preschool age"Minerals"


Introduce children to several minerals(granite, salt, chalk, coal, sand, clay, oil, gas, peat).

Show them application in human life.

Form at children's cognitive activity through acquaintance with the wealth of the native land;

Build initial concepts minerals of their country; To consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, to distinguish between objects of nature and the world of things;

Raise interest in nature and pride in their country.

Integration of educational regions: "Socio-communicative development» , "Artistic and aesthetic development» , "Speech development» , « cognitive development» .


Invented by someone, simple and wise

Say hello when meeting: "Good morning!"

Good morning! Sun and birds

Good morning! smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting

Let good morning, lasts until the evening!

caregiver: Children, I am very glad to see that you have good mood. And today I want to tell you an extraordinary story. It is called THE FAIRY TALE, EXTRACTED FROM UNDER THE GROUND.


Do you want to listen?


What we don't have on earth!

And once, a long time ago, there was not much on earth.

There were no kettles, pencils, bicycles, televisions, and many other items that we now call essentials.

Well, since there was nothing of this on earth, we had to extract it from underground. Over time, people learned this.

First they mined teapots, frying pans, keys, and then steam locomotives and steamboats ...

Planes and Starships...

Spaceships fly into space, but they got them out of the ground!

True, not ready-made.

You won't find even a simple nail in finished form under the ground - unless that you will bury it there first.

Underground, everything is unfinished. Bicycles, frying pans, televisions, movie cameras underground in an unfinished form.


What do you think in the form of what?

Answers children.

caregiver: As mineral.

caregiver: Why useful?

Answers children.

caregiver: Why fossil?

Answers children.

caregiver A: Because it accounts for a lot of land dig to get what's for us on earth healthy.

Educator Do you want to know more about them?


It is very strong and resilient

Builders - reliable friend:

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will be beautiful and noticeable.


Granite - mineral resource. It is not only durable, but also beautiful. It is called decorative. Meets different colors black, pink, green, yellow.

The black variety is the most common.

caregiver: Where do you think granite is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Such rocks are widely used in architecture and construction.

Mineral resource of this type is an ideal material for finishing embankments, including the coastal strip. This stone is remarkably resistant to influence. time: Even after five hundred years, the destruction is just beginning to show. Atmospheric influences also have little effect on granite.



This master is white-white

The school does not lie without Affairs:

Runs across the board

Leaves a white trail.

caregiver: Of course it's chalk. They call it Limestone.

Limestones are most often colors: white, grey, yellow, pink, "peach", gray-lilac, brown, brown, blue, as well as all their possible combinations and shades.

caregiver: Where do you think limestone is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Limestone is the most important construction material, facing plates are made from it, wall blocks, sculptural and architectural construction products, crushed stone

Applies in the manufacture of paints, putties, rubber, plastics, soaps, medicines, mineral wool, for cleaning fabrics and processing leather, liming soils.


He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

It even melted into glass.

caregiver: Sand is a sedimentary rock that arose as a result of crushing and grinding hard rock particles.

caregiver: Where do you think sand is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Application natural sand - the widest!


If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or vase -

She'll be needed right away.

caregiver: Clay is a very common rock.

Clay is widespread in nature, occurs at shallow depths.

caregiver: Where do you think clay is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Usually brick and tile factories are built on the clay deposit itself.

Clay is indispensable in art, plastic colored clay is an excellent material for creating sculptures. Deserved wide popularity in agriculture au pair: for laying furnaces, claying currents, whitewashing walls, etc.



It's black and shiny

A real helper for people.

It's light all around,

Helps to melt steel

Make paints and enamels.


Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms in the earth's seam.

caregiver: Where do you think coal is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Coal is an excellent fuel. It is believed that this is the most ancient view fuel, which was used by our distant ancestors. Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms in the earth's seam. Coal is an excellent fuel.


Separately - I'm not so tasty

But white and salty

And in food - everyone needs. (salt)

caregiver: Salt When crushed, it is white crystals of various sizes.

caregiver: Where do you think salt is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Salt has the main value in the food industry in the form of seasoning.



She cooked for a long time

In the blast furnace

Got famous

Scissors, keys.

caregiver: Iron. Iron ore is a natural mineral formation.

caregiver: Where do you think iron ore is used?

Answers children.

caregiver A: Iron ore is the main raw material for iron production. It enters the open-hearth or converter production, as well as for the reduction of iron. From iron, as you know, they produce a wide variety of products, as well as from cast iron.


In mom's kitchen

The assistant is great.

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match.

caregiver: Natural gas - mineral resource group of sedimentary rocks, which is a mixture of gases.

caregiver: Where do you think gas is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Natural gas is used as a highly economical fuel for power plants, for the cement and glass industries, for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, for the production of building materials, and for the production of various organic compounds. This important resource is used for and for household needs.


Won't run without her

No taxi, no motorbike

The rocket will not rise.

Guess: what is this?

caregiver: Oil is important mineral resource. It is of sedimentary origin and is mined all over the world.

caregiver: Where do you think oil is used?

Answers children.

caregiver: Freshly mined (raw) oil is not normally used. Fuel oil is obtained from oil, plastic and other materials are made from it. Thanks to this, the movement of transport throughout the planet does not stop. Most of the usual items are also made from petroleum-based materials. It's literally all the attributes modern life, starting from packages and plastic windows and ending with cases for the latest computers.

caregiver: Guys, today we will talk with you about mineral, which a person extracts in the mountains and bowels of the earth. And I have to you question: Are they accurate? useful?

Answers children


Burning peatlands occupy vast areas, the fire spreads very quickly and it is very difficult to extinguish it.

Oil spill

Risk of fire and/or explosion from gas.

caregiver: Guys, tell me it turns out that people without minerals can not be lived. And if so, how should a person act in relation to minerals?

Answers children.


Minerals are natural resources. Deep in the earth, sand, coal, oil, gas, granite, clay, peat, iron ore are waiting in the wings. Everything minerals nature itself creates. Nature needs not a year or two to turn ordinary stones into minerals. This takes thousands of years.

Outcome classes:

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Here you are come, home today, and one of your relatives, mom, grandmother, dad or grandfather, will be asked what new you learned today, what will you tell them?

stories children.

Analysis teacher training

Municipal state preschool educational institution
Iskitimsky district of the Novosibirsk region
Kindergarten "Rodnichok" Lebedevka

Summary of GCD for older children
"In the world of minerals"

Done: educator
first classification category
Vdovina S. G.

Target: Formation of local history curiosity, cognitive interest in the surrounding world and the world of inanimate nature of the native land.


  • To acquaint children with the properties of minerals (sand, clay, coal, chalk.), Compare how they differ.
  • Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Cultivate respect for natural resources.
  • Continue to acquaint with the profession of a geologist.
  • Strengthen research skills; the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments.
  • Establish safety rules for experiments.
  • Continue to acquaint with the wealth of the native land.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Educator: (There is equipment for geologists on the table: a compass, a pickaxe, a map, a rope, pencils, a notebook and containers for samples.) Look guys, what kind of equipment is on the table

Children: Equipment for geologists.

Educator: Guys, tell me who are geologists?

Children: Geologists are people who study and search for minerals.

Educator: And what are minerals?

Children: Minerals are natural resources that people extract from the depths of the earth or from its surface and use in the economy.

Educator: Guys, let's be geologists today and go on an expedition to a mineral deposit.

We collect a backpack and what is needed on the expedition.

Teacher: Ready.

Educator: Will we become geologists?


Everyone will be proud of us.

Yes! Yes! Yes! (clap over head)

What lies ahead for us?

High mountain (showing with hands)

Stormy river (show with hands)

You can't get around her (stomp their feet)

You won’t swim through it (“float”)

You can't fly it ("wings")

Need to go straight.

We can do everything, we can do everything

And we will reach our goal.

Yes! Yes! Yes! (clap over head)

Here is our first hurdle. A stormy river runs here, we need to carefully walk across the bridge and not fall. (Children walk along the bridge. And they see the poster “Chernorechensky Quarry” on the easel)

Educator: Guys, who will tell where we have come?

Children: To the "Chernorechensky career" (or to the chalk deposit)

Children: Chalk is mined here. Chalk is a type of limestone.

Educator: We select a sample and go further. Our next obstacle is the tunnel.

.(Children pass through the "tunnel". And they see a poster of the "Elbashinsky quarry" on the easel)

Educator: Guys, who will tell where we have come now?

Children: To the "Elbashinsky career"

Educator: And what is mined in this quarry?

Children: Sand and clay. Sand is mined on the banks of the Berd River.

Educator: We select samples and go further.

Our next obstacle is the “swamp”. (Jumping on two legs over bumps, through the swamp.)

And they see a poster on the easel (“Gorlovsky cut”) Educator: Guys, who will tell where we have come now?

Children: To the "Gorlovsky cut"

Educator: And what is mined at this section?

Children: Coal.

Educator: We take a sample and go to the laboratory.

Why are we going there?

Children: To explore and experiment with minerals and find out where they can be used.

We return. And we go to the laboratory.

Educator: Here we are in the laboratory. Take off your backpacks. Get samples, put them on the table. Put on your aprons and I'll lay out the samples.

Guys, remember what rules you need to follow when conducting experiments.

1. Listen carefully to an adult.

2. Do not take anything in your mouth and do not try.

3. Do not shout or make noise.

4. Special substances can only be used by an adult, while children watch.

Educator: Guys guess the riddle and we will experiment. (The teacher makes a riddle about clay. Ask any child to tell about clay. A story about clay.) Say what icon clay is indicated on the map.

Guys, listen to the following riddle.
(The teacher makes a riddle about the sand.)
Right. This is sand. (Child's story about sand) Tell me what symbol sand is indicated on the map.

Experience with sand and clay.

Equipment: plastic bottles by the number of children, water in a carafe, sand, clay.

We cut off the plastic bottles, turn the upper part of the bottle over and insert it into the second part. We pour sand into one bottle, and clay into another. And pour the same amount of water.

We observe whether water passes through sand and clay.

Conclusion: Sand passes water well, and clay is bad. She sags and becomes sticky.

Listen to the next riddle.

(The teacher makes a riddle about coal.)

Correctly, this is coal. (A descriptive story of children about coal.)

Educator: You said that coal is solid, but if you hit it with a heavy one, what will happen to it? .. Let's see what will happen to it. What is the symbol for coal on the map?
And the last riddle. (The teacher makes a riddle about chalk.) A descriptive story of children about chalk. What is the symbol for chalk on the map?

Guys, chalk still knows how to get angry, do you want to check? Take a pipette, draw lemon juice into it and put it on the chalk. What happened?

Children's answer.

Conclusion: (children answer)

Guys, let's go to our map. You were so good today, share your impressions of the trip. (Children answer) This is a map of the Novosibirsk region. Today we took samples and conducted experiments with them. You told me a lot about minerals. Name them. (Coal, chalk, clay, sand.) These minerals are mined in the Iskitim region. They are marked with icons on the map.

Organization: MBDOU DS / KV No. 134

Location: Irkutsk region, Bratsk

Purpose: To form in children ideas about minerals, their role in human life.

  • Introduce children to appearance minerals, with their properties (coal, oil, salt)
  • To expand children's knowledge about the use of minerals by man.
  • To consolidate the ability to explore an object with the help of different senses, name its properties and features using models;
  • Develop curiosity logical thinking, speech, interest in natural resources.
  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards the Earth, its riches.

Material: Globe, map, collection of minerals, models of the use of minerals (oil, coal), materials for experiments (dry fuel, coal, oil, salt, magnifiers, pipettes, flasks)

Preliminary work:

  • reading fairy tales: "Minerals", "The Tale of Coal", "Danilo the Master".
  • games "Journey around the globe", "Geologists".
  • modeling, experimentation, collection of minerals.

The teacher invites the children to go to the group and sit on the carpet (there is a globe in the middle of the carpet),

Guys, what is this? (Globe).

What does it represent? (Earth model)

What color is it? (colorful)

What is marked in brown on the globe? (Mountains)

Is brown the same everywhere? (no). Why? (Where it is darker, there are high mountains, etc.)

Guys, today I want to introduce you to the minerals that a person extracts in the mountains and the bowels of the earth. Mountains were formed over many millions of years, they were formed from the remains of animals and plants, therefore minerals are found in the mountains and the bowels of the earth. (The teacher removes the globe, shows the map). What is it? (map). Yes, that's right. The map is also a model of our land. Here are the mountains too (show). Look, there are also various black icons on this map. These icons show where, what minerals are located.

Tell me, who is engaged in the search for minerals and arranges these icons? (geologists). Here geologists gave us boxes with minerals. Let's go and look at them. (Children come up to the tables and examine, touch minerals. The teacher draws attention to coal. He takes it in his hands and invites the children to consider it).

What color is coal? (black)

What does it feel like? (hard, rough)

Does it smell or not?

You know, guys, although coal is hard, it can easily crumble upon impact (the teacher shows how coal crumbles).

Coal also what? (brittle).

Tell me, who mines coal? (miners).

Where is it mined? (in mines)

Why does a person need coal? (children's answers)

Let's check if coal burns well and gives off heat? (experience: we set fire to coal, the children watch it burn, then the teacher offers to hold his hands over the fire).

What did you feel? (heat)

We know how a person uses coal. Let's lay out a model of how and where a person uses coal. (children select pictures where coal is used and lay out the model)

Look, here's another mineral (showing oil). The children come to the table.

What do you think it is? (oil). Yes, that's right, it's oil. Scientists believe that oil was formed deep in the earth from the remains of animals and plants that lived many millions of years ago.

Is oil a rock? (liquid)

What color? (black)

Let's sniff her. Is there a smell? (there is). Oil is a black oily liquid with a pungent odor.

Can you tell me where oil is produced? (in the bowels of the earth).

What is the name of those people who extract oil? (oil workers).

Oil workers build drilling rigs (illustration display) and extract oil.

Why do you think a person needs oil? (children's answers).

Yes, that's right, oil, like coal, burns well, it does not dissolve in water. Let's try it. (the teacher pours oil into the water, the children watch what happens to the oil).

If oil enters the sea, the ocean, it pollutes the water and all living things die. (The teacher pours some oil in a saucer and sets it on fire. Children watch what is happening. Put their palms over the fire.

Oil burns well and releases energy. Guys tell me why a person needs oil? (to make gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, lubricants, etc. out of it).

And how should a person handle oil? (carefully so as not to pollute the atmosphere). Now I will see what you know about how a person uses oil. Here I have a diagram - a model, try to supplement it with those pictures that show how a person uses oil (children spread and give explanations why they chose this particular picture).

We have another mineral. (salt in the flask).

What do you think it is? (salt). Why did it end up among the minerals (it is mined from the bowels of the earth). What color is the salt? (white). Do you think she's hard as coal? (children's answers). Let's check. (the teacher takes a lump of salt, presses it lightly and it crumbles).

What happened? (salt spilled)

What salt? (loose)

Take your cup of salt. Smell the salt. Is there a smell? (yes, but not strong). Take a magnifying glass and examine the salt through it. (children look).

What is salt made of? (from grains, crystals).

Do you think salt dissolves in water? (Yes).

The teacher takes a glass of water and adds salt to it. Children watch what is happening.

What happened to the salt? (dissolved). What do you think the water is like? (salty). Let's try. (the teacher drops droplets onto the tongue with a pipette).

Conclusion: salt white color, with a slight odor, free-flowing, consists of crystals, dissolves well in water.

Why does a man need salt? (children's answers). Guys, I invite you to go to the carpet. (children sit down). Today we got acquainted with minerals, name them? (children's answers). Tell me, are minerals important to humans? I want to read you a fairy tale about how minerals argued, and you listen and determine which of them is the most important. (The teacher reads a fairy tale from the book "The World Around Us." Questions after reading).

What were the minerals arguing about? (which one is the most important)

Who do you think is the main one? (they are each in their own way).

It is true that all minerals are important to humans in their own way. After all, without them, human activity is impossible. Unfortunately, minerals are such riches that cannot be restored. After all, they were formed over many millions of years, and therefore people should carefully use the underground wealth.


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