Saint Veronica is the patron saint of photographers. World Photography Day: description, history and interesting facts

  • 21.09.2019

Photography is a professional occupation, passion and passion of millions of people, so it is not surprising that it has its own "Birthdays". And there are many of them. It is customary to celebrate holidays dedicated to fine art by holding exhibitions, master classes, serious seminars and fun flash mobs. Fans of the photo genre have several options for this.

First - world photography day. It has been celebrated since 2009. The initiative photographer Korske Ara (Australia) did not accidentally draw the attention of colleagues to August 19. On this day, almost 200 years ago, the French government announced to the general public about a breakthrough in technological progress - the emergence of a technique for obtaining daguerreotype prints. The patent for the invention of power was bought from Louis Daguerre.

The French chemist did not come up with the technology of fixing images on metal, but he was the first to implement it by fixing the world's first frame on a silver-plated copper plate. In 1839 he practical use The discoveries were called "a gift to the world". The day when the first step towards photography was made accessible to all, today has become a global holiday for all those who gave their hearts to photography. Together with professionals, those who appreciate photography and take pictures with pleasure, even with a smartphone, congratulate each other.

If one holiday is not enough for you, pay attention to a professional Photographer's Day, which in the West, and more recently in the post-Soviet space, is noted July, 12. If for Orthodox Christians this is, first of all, "Petrovka", dedicated to the apostles Peter and Paul, then for Catholics - St. Veronica's Day. She, according to the church, was a contemporary of the Savior and helped him on his way to Golgotha. She gave Christ water and a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her face. Arriving home, Veronica discovered that the imprint of the image of the Savior remained on the matter.

A piece of cloth that Catholic Church considers Veronica's real handkerchief to be kept in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, and on July 12, by decree of the Pope, photographs were made a holiday.

By an unusual and intriguing coincidence, he is associated with the world of photography not only thanks to his legendary patroness. On this day, the founder of the famous company Kodak was born.

Kodak founder George Eastman

Let's repeat together with George Eastman his slogan "photography is available to everyone" and we will congratulate on July 12 and August 19 everyone who is professionally engaged in wonderful art, likes to look at pictures or even pose for photographers.

Saint Veronica, whose memory is associated with the Image of the Suffering Savior Not Made by Hands, became one of the most popular folk saints, despite the fact that some church authorities and critical researchers spoke out against the historical accuracy of Veronica and her legend.

Let's try to restore the events. Betrayed and condemned martyrdom Jesus Christ went to Mount Calvary, carrying His cross to be crucified. The procession was surrounded by a crowd that accompanied the Savior to the suffering on the cross. Veronica merged with the human sea and followed Christ.

Exhausted, Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, and Veronica, taking pity on Him, ran up to Him, gave Him water to drink and gave Him her scarf to wipe the sweat from her face. Returning home, Veronica discovered that the holy face of the Savior was imprinted on the fabric. This veil of St. Veronica eventually came to Rome and became known here under the name of the Image Not Made by Hands...

In the Middle Ages, almost every church had an image of Veronica with her sir(sweat fee). In the mysteries of the Middle Ages, Veronica also took a strong place and is still the main figure of the sixth stop. way of the cross.

It is believed that the name Veronica is a corruption of the Latin vera icons(“true image”) - this is how they called the “plate of Veronica”, distinguishing it from other images of Christ. For the first time, the story of Saint Veronica appears in the apocryphal Acts of Pilate, dating back to the 4th or 5th century.

The image and deeds of Saint Veronica served to revere her as the patroness of photographers and photography. Therefore, amateurs and professionals of photography celebrate this day as the day of the photographer.

In honor of our holiday with you, I offer you a selection of "Photographers in sculpture"!

I sincerely congratulate everyone on our professional holiday!

1. Monument to the photographer in St. Petersburg.

For several years now, passers-by on Malaya Sadovaya have been "catching" through the lens of a bronze camera a short man with an umbrella and a cute bulldog. Crowds of curious people gather at the monument to Karl Bulle every day. The townspeople stroke the dog, study the old apparatus, and even the master himself is patted on the shoulder: they stand opposite, laugh - they are waiting for the “bird to fly out”. The photographer smiles sadly, looking at them - probably just as his famous prototype smiled, preparing to give eternity another moment from the life of the old, pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg.

Today, Bull's atelier still houses a photographic studio, the entrance to it is from Nevsky Prospekt. And at the window of the restaurant on the corner there was a bronze figure, frozen in silent expectation of the right moment, "the right light and position", counting the seconds until a blinding flash. A flash that separates the vanity from the beautiful.

2. Sculpture "Unknown photographer with a Kodak camera"

Located near Arch Barracks in St George's Terrace, Perth, created by local sculptors Ann Neal and Greg James

3. Monument to the photographer in Vancouver

4. Monument to the photographer in Krasnoyarsk

The bronze photographer appeared on Prospekt Mira on September 3, 2003. The monument immediately fell in love with Krasnoyarsk residents.

True, many passers-by are still surprised by the combination of an old camera and quite modern clothes. The author of the work, Andrey Kiyanitsyn, explains that, by design, such a synthesis clearly conveys the connection of times. After all, the ancient invention has not sunk into oblivion, but has only changed and still serves people. Starting from the opening of the monument and until now, the townspeople have been arguing whether the photographer is right. According to some, it should be turned 180 degrees, and look through the lens at the road. There is also a version that the photographer was created specifically to “shoot” the artist Pozdeev. However, all these speculations are groundless. The sculpture was made by order of the Kodak salon: to decorate the adjacent square and to attract customers. The idea of ​​such an original advertisement belongs to the architect Mikhail Merkulov. At one time, there were ill-wishers who accused the sculptor of almost plagiarism. Allegedly, the Krasnoyarsk "frame master" is literally copied from St. Petersburg. In fact, in the Northern capital on Malaya Sadovaya in 2001, a monument was erected to a real person named Karl Bulla (1853-1929). famous photographer the beginning of the last century is depicted with a dog and with an umbrella, the clothes on it correspond to the style of the past era, and he looks at those passing by with some kind of slight sadness. The photographer from the capital of Krasnoyarsk is a collective image, so he has no face, or rather he is not visible from behind the camera. The similarity of the monuments to people of the same profession is the only thing - a camera. Moreover, perhaps, the fact that both sculptures are made in full size of human growth. By the way, Andrei Kiyanitsyn revealed a secret to Press Line. Since he did not have to sculpt any particular person, he blinded the photographer by looking at himself in the mirror. By the way, after the opening of the monument, the chairman of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia Sergey Anufriev said that the need to install such a monument is long overdue, since the photography of our region is known not only in Siberia, but also far beyond its borders. It is interesting that immediately after its appearance, and still a frail bronze figurine on Mira, it is the subject of a dispute: “Are such structures needed at all?” Meanwhile, street polls organized by the news agency prove that Krasnoyarsk residents do not mind seeing bronze sculptures on the streets of the city. And not only pedestals in honor of leaders and writers, but also those that are called, simply, to cheer up. This is probably why the townspeople quite often linger at the Kodak, study the old apparatus, stand opposite, smile and wait for the bird to “fly out”.

5. Monument to the cat and the photographer in Belarus, the city of Baranovichi. Installed at the entrance to the photo studio.

6. Monument to the photographer, Nizhny Novgorod

7. Monument to the photographer, Omsk

8. Monument to the photographer. Permian

Opposite the monument "Permyak - salty ears" there is a monument to a photographer whose camera is aimed at a frame with ears that everyone can try on.

9. Sculpture "Photographer" at the exhibition "Masterpieces of World Art. Parisian school. Kharkov

10. Monument to the photographer. Baden. Austria

11. Monument to the photographer. Abakan

12. Monument to the photographer. Dusseldorf. Germany

13. Monument to the paparazzi. Bratislava. Slovakia

14. Monument to the legendary Latvian photographer Filip Halsman

Bronze - 2m, Riga, Latvia 2011

May 2 in Riga, near the Museum decorative arts and design, opposite the home of Philipp Halsman st. Kalku 6, a monument to the great photographer Philipp Halsman was unveiled. A citizen of Latvia has become the one through whose lens we know Marilyn Monroe and Churchill, Salvador Dali and Einstein. Because of the war, he was forced to emigrate to the United States. And in the end, he glorified Latvia with his work.

In the monument to Halsman, Gregory used a simple idea: in the 20th century, photographers covered themselves with a canvas while working, and this moment, when he lifted the canvas, he seemed to acquire wings. There is a feeling of flight. Hence the unexpected decision. When photographs are developed in a developer, separate parts of the images first appear - there is a head, a frame, a canvas, like bird wings, a camera ... The rest did not appear. And there is a realistic abstraction, which the artist embodied.

We must pay tribute to the holiday of photographers, and therefore we would like to delve into the history of the creation of the first photograph. The first photograph was taken in 1826 by the French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, he called the photograph "View from the Window". Filming lasted 8 hours. The first black-and-white photographs were born, and the first color photographs appeared in the middle of the 19th century, three cameras were used to create each picture - a light filter was installed on each camera, that is, the shooting took place in three stages: photographed in red, blue and green filter, and then joined the photo.

1838 - a photograph taken by another person.

The first photomontage - 1858.

Henry Peach Robinson in 1858 made the first photo montage by stacking five negatives into one photograph. The picture was called "Fading Away", the photo shows the death of a girl from tuberculosis, the photo caused a lot of controversy.

The first color photograph was taken in 1861.

A Scottish physicist and theoretical mathematician named James Clerk Maxwell first took a color photograph in 1861. From now on, photographic plates are kept in a museum, formerly in Maxwell's house at 14 India Street in Edinburgh.

The first self-portrait - 1875.

The first self-portrait was made by the American photographer Mathew B. Brady, that is, by photographing himself.

The first underwater photograph was taken in 1856.

The first underwater photograph was taken by William Thompson with a camera mounted on the bottom. Seaweed was present in the photo. Photo taken near Waymont, UK.

The first frame from space was filmed in 1946.

On October 24, 1946, a photograph was taken from a height of 65 miles above the Earth with a 35 mm camera, the camera was located on a V-2 rocket.

The first photograph taken from the air appeared in 1903.

Birds were the first photographers in the air. Photographer Julius Neubronner In 1903 took a camera and connected it to a timer, attaching it to the neck of a dove. Subsequently, this technique was noted in the German army and used for military intelligence.

The first color underwater photograph was taken in 1923.

IN Gulf of Mexico in 1926 Dr. Dr. William Longley Charles Martin took the first color photograph underwater.

The first picture of a fully illuminated Earth - 1972.

The first image to show a fully illuminated Earth, this photo became popular as "The Blue Marble". The frame was taken on December 7, 1972, this photo was born - the team spaceship Apollo 17. The Sun was behind the Earth, and when the team photographed the Earth was completely illuminated.

Here are the amazing first ten photos from around the world.
And to all photographers, amateur photographers and just people who are somehow connected with photography, I congratulate you on the day of photography, new creative ideas to you and amazing masterpieces.

Since the invention of photography, people with a camera in their hands have firmly entered our lives - photographers. The first itinerant photographers, in addition to a bulky camera and a tripod, carried a whole laboratory on themselves in order to develop and print photographs right at the shooting location. Modern digital cameras are available to everyone, but the work of professional photographers always surprises and fascinates us. To catch and stop an elusive movement, to find an elegant angle, to make a photo "alive" - ​​only true masters of their craft are capable of this.

But if there is a profession of a photographer, then there must be - photographer's day. And while there is no such official holiday in our country, the masters of photography celebrate it on July 12, the day of St. Veronica.

Saint Veronica is a woman who gave Jesus, who was walking with a cross to Golgotha, her handkerchief to wipe sweat from her face. The imprinted face of Christ remained on the board, which later came to Rome and became known as the miraculous image. Well, after the invention of photography, Saint Veronica was declared the patroness of all photographers by papal decree.

Now on the day of veneration of Veronica, all photographers, amateurs and professionals, celebrate their holiday. Interestingly, although the new style of St. Veronica's day is July 25, photographers left the date July 12 for their holiday. This is also due to the fact that it was on this day that George Eastman, the founder of the world famous Kodak company, was born.

within the framework of which seminars and master classes are held on photojournalism, extreme photography, landscape, sports, wedding and family photography. Photomasters from all over the world, stars of world photography take part in the photo festival. Large-scale photography exhibitions and the Photographer of the Year award ceremony attract many people interested in photography to the festival.

And on August 19, we celebrate World Photography Day. On this day, the French government, having bought the patent of Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, made the method of obtaining a print (daguerreotype) invented by him public, and the whole world learned about the appearance of a photographic prototype.


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Professional holiday "Photographer's Day" celebrated annually on July 12. It is dedicated to people who have the gift of capturing moments of life, capturing rare moments and capturing them in a frame that sometimes contains someone's life, history. The holiday helps photography specialists to unite, to feel their need, to instill perseverance and responsibility for their work.

History and traditions
The date of the holiday is symbolic meaning. July 12 (according to the old style) is the day of memory of Saint Veronica, the patroness of photography. This woman was a witness to the Way of the Cross of Jesus Christ. The legend tells that when Jesus followed the road to Golgotha ​​and his strength left him under the weight of the cross, Veronica handed him a handkerchief to wipe his face. Returning home, Veronica unfolded the scarf and saw the holy face displayed on the fabric. Since then, the handkerchief, famous as the Image Not Made by Hands, has been in Rome. After these events, the face of the Savior was imprinted on the fabric, and the holy Christian went down in history as the "creator" of the first photograph.

According to another version, the date of the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of George Eastman, an American businessman, inventor and founding father of Kodak.

In Russia, Photographer's Day is gaining popularity every year. Masters hope that soon their professional holiday will be given official status. On this day, festivals, competitions, open lessons, exhibitions, meetings and group classes are held for those who want to improve their photography skills.

Interesting Facts
The first photograph in the world - "View from the window". It was made in 1826 by the Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
The first color photographs appeared in the middle of the 19th century.