Vintage style is true. Vintage style in clothes - a modern look at the past

  • 14.06.2019

Things with history always attract people with some mysterious charm, that's why vintage wins our hearts so easily. But how to distinguish a real vintage from junk, because not all antiques are called vintage.

First, let's define the term. Word "vintage" borrowed from the terminology of winemakers. Vintage in winemaking is the year in which some unusual climate conditions gave the wine a unique taste and aroma. Today, "vintage" is the style of the past, and it's not just about clothes. Vintage jewelry, jewelry, accessories, furniture and even appliances are in fashion. In order for a thing to really be called vintage, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

Firstly, The main difference between a truly vintage item is its exclusivity. It must be the best thing of its time. It's just that old things are retro, but a vintage thing is always exclusive, whether it's a Gucci bag or a Chanel jacket, to which a slight shabby only adds charm. The main thing is that this thing was at the peak of popularity in its time, and you can determine the era by it.

Secondly, Of course, the producer is important. A vintage item is always a brand, or, alternatively, a quality handicraft. That is, the history of the manufacturer should stand behind the thing.

Thirdly, vintage items should not be confused with antiques. Fashion historians have set a clear time frame, with vintage starting in the Victorian era and ending in the 80s. However, if you have found an original 91 bomber jacket, do not rush to toss it aside. Currently, this is a rather serious investment, because over the years its price will only grow.

For lovers of antiquity, the question of how to combine vintage items with modern ones is extremely important. Here the main thing is to recreate the general appearance of the era, without breaking out of the given time frame, while it is important to remember the little things, because they are the ones that set the style.

Vintage nuances

Distinguish the real vintage clothes from an artificially aged amateur is impossible, because a huge number of nuances remain beyond the horizon of knowledge. Skills come with time, with constant practice, besides, knowledge of the history of clothing is a prerequisite. For example, when the zipper appeared, how long has it been used in everyday dress, what were its original colors, sizes, and location. Barely perceptible differences will allow you to correctly assess the year of tailoring the product. If the styles of clothing are transparent and intuitively we can determine the peak time of the popularity of products, then it is more difficult with its small details. In order not to make a mistake with the choice must be taken into account:

  • The appearance of the label (color, size, where it is sewn);
  • Font on the label;
  • Size ruler (corrected over time);
  • Line and overcast seams;
  • Fabric structure.

With vintage jewelry, things are no easier. Fashion trendsetters at all times were well-known and wealthy people. They set the lifestyle of jewelry: whether it be watches, brooches, necklaces, earrings. Jewelry is copyrighted, permission is required to copy them, so it is unrealistic to meet several ladies with emerald earrings in the style of J. Kennedy. Vintage jewelry needs to be worn correctly, but it does not mean that they should be worn once a year. The task of vintage jewelry is to turn every day into a holiday.

Each time is characterized by original design developments, exclusive patterns, a kind of faceting. precious stones. By purchasing a stylish thing from the past, you come into contact with the history of its creation, with the previous era.

In this article, we will try to answer in detail the following question: "Vintage style - what is it?". The relevance of the topic is obvious. Modern people today very often hear the word "vintage" in various contexts. And most often its use is associated with style, fashion. Why do you need to know what kind of style - vintage?

Vintage is...

The very concept of "vintage" is an inherited term that came from winemaking and is firmly entrenched in the fashion world. It, by analogy with the aging of high-class wines, characterizes original style, prompting many eminent fashion designers to look for inspiration in retro styles.

Since the 90s of the last century, branded companies, recognized giants of the fashion world, have invariably developed the vintage style among the many areas of their work. it coco chanel and GIorgio Armani, Christian Dior and Emilio Pussi, Pierre Cardin and Yves Saint Laurent. This list could go on and on...

What do they mean when they say that a person is dressed vintage? The latter denotes a commitment to hits no less than 20 years old. It's no secret that many modern women consider the images of Coco Chanel, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren worthy of imitation. These stars have not faded (and will not fade) for many years for a simple reason. They are style icons. Such was their fate.

Their things, classified as retro, have already become classics. Take a closer look, for example, at the style followed by Renata Litvinova. Does she remind you of any of the former stars outwardly? Like Marlene Dietrich?

Maybe vintage is your style

If you are by nature, then it is quite possible that it suits you. Unfortunately, at present, most people, even the wealthy, dress in consumer goods. They are harming themselves without thinking about it. After all, be that as it may, no one has canceled the principle that "they are met by clothes." This article is for those who want to express their personality more vividly. Vintage (such is its feature) allows you to realize this idea in many ways.

Which option to choose?

We popularly try to answer the naive question: "Vintage - what is it?". Usually we are talking about styles that dominated fashion from the second half of the 19th century to the 70s of the 20th century.

Today, this happy opportunity to choose "their" vintage style is used by many famous people, including the stars. For example, American actress actress and film director Drew Barrymore, famous singer Katy Perry. After all, people who are different in appearance, character, temperament, respectively, have different cuts, colors, etc.

Helping our readers to decide on the choice of preferred models, we will make brief digression in the history of fashion.

In the twenties and thirties, fashionistas followed the "Chicago style". Those were the days of Coco Chanel. It is distinguished by a low waist on dresses, boas, boas, cloche hats, a short hairstyle. Boy silhouette in 30s women's dresses, characteristic of the 20s, was replaced by a more feminine one: an elongated silhouette, draperies, graceful skirts. This is how Greta Garbo, Vivien Leigh, Marlene Dietrich dressed.

In the 40s, the military style became popular: shorter skirts, straight, strict jackets. However, this was the decline of fashion, it was not reflected in modern vintage looks. But already in the 50s, Dior created a very feminine new look style: a puffy wide skirt, a corset or a belt, and an elegant hat. He was followed by Audrey Hepburn.

In the 1960s, a new pin-up style: stilettos, flirty skirts, high-waisted trousers, shorts, bermuda shorts, short tops. Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot shone in this style. In the 70s, fashion became more democratic. Disco was also popular. Miniskirts and flared jeans are in fashion. In the 80s, sexuality was clearly manifested in clothes: leggings and leggings, mini-skirts, necklines, shiny fabrics. In the 90s, unisex style becomes relevant. Minimalism is felt in the cut of clothes.

Vintage items: authentic and stylized

However, to the delight of fashionistas, a vintage thing is not necessarily a carefully preserved original. Moreover, the number of such copies is always limited.

Often things are sewn independently according to old patterns from vintage fabrics that are relevant for a particular fashion. Accessories that look in harmony with them also do not always come from grandmother's chests.

Keeping the vintage style is a serious test for a fashionista. At the same time, it should harmoniously recreate a historically reliable type. It is important to comply with all characteristic features wearing a dress and accessorizing it organically to create a unique vintage look. This, besides the dress itself, also has matching vintage brooches, earrings, and a handbag. More often, accessories suitable for the image are made by hand. Modern fashion stores offer their entire collections, including bags.

So you've decided...

If you have completely decided, for example, that the new look sung by Dior optimally corresponds to the disclosure of a new image, then that's great! You are on the right track. In our time of unisex, focusing on femininity, you can really make a splash with your outfit. Alternatively, such a dress with a feminine silhouette in the style of the 50s can be ordered from an American online store. However, now vintage shops are open in Moscow. Choose according to your taste: dense fabric, fitted top, wide skirt just below the knee. It just needs to be seen: changing the unisex style for this kind of style, a woman changes dramatically!

However, that's not all...

It is quite obvious that the vintage look is completed with an adequate hairstyle and appropriate makeup. They can be described as works of art, uniquely presenting the high fashion of yesteryear.

Paying tribute to the authenticity of things, we note: necessary condition style is the perfect match to the figure. After all, only in this case, vintage creates a perfect image.

Instead of a conclusion

Finishing our review, we emphasize that vintage style is by no means second-hand.

The things made in it are elegant, made uniquely or in very small batches. They are considered classic. Due to the high quality of the materials used for their tailoring, vintage items are worn for several years. They are characteristic because they carry the breath of their era.

Take advantage of vintage items! You will feel the power of their impact on others. You will be given more attention, because vintage things really differ from consumer goods in their special style, cute elegant female silhouette, as well as the presence of unusual details and accessories.

The word "vintage" came to us from French, where it denoted a strong aged wine that had been waiting in the wine cellars for decades. Then the concept was transferred to the interior to indicate the style direction, where old things were transferred to a modern dwelling. But the vintage style in the interior implies not only their presence in the house - the very atmosphere in it has its own specifics.


A vintage item is a truly timeless item that is at least 30 years old and was fashionable some time ago. Retro is general concept style, which is characterized by both antiques and modern, antique-styled, "remakes".

Grandmother's chest, which once kept her dowry, is a vintage item, just like the sideboard in which she kept the service presented for the wedding. And an artificially aged table, a crocheted rug, embroidered with a cross in vintage style the tablecloth is retro. Vintage uses once fashionable things that have become popular again. Retro does not depend on fashion, it simply belongs to its era or depicts it.

Apartment design in vintage style

The main features of the vintage style

Today, the vintage style of the interior refers to the recreation of the environment of the late XIX-early XX centuries. But we already live in another century, so things related to the middle of the last century can already be considered vintage.

When choosing a vintage style direction for the interior, you need to decide which era is closer to you in spirit, what you want to embody in your apartment. Do not forget that all rooms of the dwelling should be decorated in the same style. Ultra-modern or, conversely, classic, and even more so - embodying the luxury of baroque and other similar styles cannot be combined on the same territory with vintage that breathes antiquity.

Important! The main requirement when decorating an interior in a vintage style is the presence of objects belonging to the era being recreated.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

In fact, vintage in the interior is not a heap old furniture, yellowed napkins and valances - things "with history" get along well with modern ones, and there are no strict requirements here. But there are no random objects here either, so such a design is created for a long time, gradually. You should not be like Plyushkin and bring into the house all the old things that come across - they must be carefully matched to each other.

It is not difficult to create a vintage interior - it is not necessary to purchase antique furniture and household items - your relatives of the older generation, parents of friends will gladly give away what lies idle in attics and garages. Something can be found at flea markets, something you can create with your own hands, artificially aging.

The main features of the vintage interior:

  • combination of ancient and modern items;
  • simplicity of the interior;
  • some randomness, a slight mess - a blanket casually thrown over the sofa, magazines left on the table, a basket with needlework;
  • touch of romance;
  • floral plots - on wallpaper, textiles;
  • scuffs, barely distinguishable inscriptions on things, as if (or really) erased from time to time.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Features of the design of the premises

If you decide to design an apartment in vintage style, you will have to give up some fashionable ideas:

  • stretch, suspended ceilings;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • plastic windows;
  • stone window sills, countertops;
  • built-in lamps and similar modern methods finishes.

It is not enough to fill the room with antiques. We need to create an appropriate environment for them. Therefore, you need to start with repairs.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

wall decoration

The best material for wall decoration is wallpaper. They must be paper, with small or large pattern. Floral, geometric patterns, necessarily contrasting, look good in a vintage interior. You can choose wallpaper in oriental style - Chinese or Japanese: butterflies, twigs, flowers, birds. However, if you plan to saturate the room with a lot of decorative details, it is better to choose plain wallpaper for the walls or just paint them in one of the pastel colors.

As an option for finishing - on painted walls, you can apply a rolling pattern using a rubber roller with a convex pattern: by applying paint to it, you can transfer the ornament to the wall. Stencils can be used for the same purpose.

Ceiling finish

The ceiling needs to be painted. Get him a white one. water-based paint. You can decorate the ceiling with stucco - just do not use plastic imitations, only gypsum rosettes and fillets are appropriate.

Important! Do not try to get rid of all the cracks on the surface of the ceiling, walls. This is vintage, and small bumps, cracks will only emphasize the stylization, the main thing is that there are not many of them, and they would not be very deep.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Floor finish

Laminate is not suitable for finishing the floor, it is better to use parquet or ordinary wooden board. They will the best option for living room, bedroom, other living rooms.

You can lay linoleum on the floor, because it has been known since the end of the 19th century, although it was not so popular until the 1980s. It is better to use it for the kitchen, hallway, bathroom. For these rooms, tiles can also be used.

The choice of materials for decorating a vintage interior will depend on what you decide to focus on, which creates a stylization - if furniture, then limit yourself to calm colors for walls, painting them in pastel colors or pasting them with light wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. If you want to create a bright environment for furniture, then you can choose wallpaper with a bright ornament or a pastoral pattern, complementing the interior with a little detail.

Any finishing materials should be artificially aged to give the impression that they have experienced the test of time.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Vintage style color palette

Vintage is a romantic style, so the color scheme characteristic of it consists of pastel shades- ashen, beige, light pink and light blue, delicate green tones. White, milky colors can be used as the main ones, but against the background of soft warm colors, white, beige, shabby, patina-covered furniture will look harmonious, and the interior itself will be filled with light, warmth and comfort.

Important! Colors should appear faded from time to time.

Bright color accents can be burgundy, purple, blue. Brown, green colors are more often used in textiles. Decor elements such as napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads are often chosen in white or unbleached linen colors.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Furniture bearing the stamp of time

The correct, harmonious vintage style is the obligatory presence of real antique, retro furniture against the background of antique-styled walls. Appropriate in the interior:

  • high wardrobes;
  • sideboards with slightly peeling paint, scuffs;
  • forged furniture;
  • chests of drawers covered with patina;
  • low coffee tables on a copper frame and large wooden tables;
  • whatnots, carved shelves.

If the furniture is wooden, it may have traces of cracked varnish, and painted surfaces - cracks in the paint, abrasions.

Important! Do not create a "junk shop" out of the room - everything should be in moderation, although you should not combine ultra-modern and antique furniture in one room.

There should be harmony in everything: in the bedroom, a wooden chest of drawers with a cracked facade will complement a wrought-iron bed covered with a lace bedspread, lay a knitted "grandmother's" round rug on the floor. In the living room, you can put a round table with a white tablecloth, on it - a simple vase of flowers. A cuckoo clock on the wall and black and white photographs on a shelf complete the styling.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Features of vintage room decor

To complete the styling, you need to pick up lamps, textiles and other items that fill the space in the same style.

Lamps in such a room can be as simple as possible, having strict geometric shapes, or complex, with numerous details, volumetric compositions:

  • chandeliers with thick glass shades, an abundance of screws, brackets, metal parts. They are attached to the ceiling with a strong chain;
  • lamps with wooden shades;
  • floor lamps with large lampshades;
  • designer lamps self made- from metal, wood. Their shape can be different: in the form of an old kerosene lamp, a domed cage.

Important! Both lamps and other decor items should correspond to the era you are stylizing.

That is why here they may be appropriate as an old copper samovar, a cast-iron iron, sewing machine from the Singer factory, as well as a chandelier-fan belonging to the Soviet era, an abundance of glass and crystal in a lacquered sideboard.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

To complement the interior of the living room in a vintage style can:

  • floor or Wall Clock with a cuckoo;
  • a mirror in a carved frame - you will find an old one with black spots on the amalgam - it will be perfect;
  • black and white photographs on the wall or on a cabinet shelf;
  • carpet on the floor (such as they used to hang on the walls);
  • gramophone or reel to reel tape recorder - depending on the period that is embodied in your room.

On the walls of the bedroom, hallway, decorated in the spirit of the 50-60s of the last century, posters, posters, theater posters of that time can be placed, there is also a place for a forged or wooden whatnot, dressing table. Put a floor lamp on a high leg with a fabric lampshade by the bed.

Creating a vintage interior in a modern apartment is exciting, interesting. Registration will not take much time and will not require significant costs, but you and your friends and relatives will have the opportunity to plunge into past eras, relax your soul from the reactive rhythm of modern life.

Video: Vintage style in the interior

50 interior design photos in vintage style:

In life, we often encounter the concept of "vintage", and, as it turns out, many misunderstand its meaning. So what does the word "vintage" really mean? This is what we have to figure out.

The meaning of the concept

The concept of "vintage" comes from the history of French winemaking. Previously, this was the name of fine wine, which was highly valued and insanely expensive. The term itself can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, this was the name of the process of selecting grapes for elite varieties of wine. Secondly, the elite wine itself.

In the future, the concept of "vintage" was assigned to any exquisite and expensive thing, sometimes rare, that is, very, very rare.

The concept appeared in the middle of the 20th century, but became widespread only by the beginning of the 21st century. So, vintage is rare, refined, elite. This is the original understanding of the term. We'll get to know each other a little later.

The main characteristic of vintage

In addition to elements that relate us to the fashion of the First World War and until the end of the 90s of the XX century, the vintage style is distinguished by its particular elegance, restraint, and conciseness. Main characteristic is the age of the thing - not less than 20 years. The most valuable are copies made not by a streaming version, but in a single number, unique and unrepeatable. And better - handmade. So, a different understanding of the term: vintage is unique, unique, inimitable.

In addition, the basis of a thing, its historical component, must be preserved unchanged. Vintage is not a fake, but a truly designer work of art.

Fashion and vintage

In modern fashion, trends are gaining momentum that turn us to the past in history and art. The style of "vintage" in fashion as a trend is associated with the use when creating modern models clothes - stylistic elements, details, materials, even technology that were used in the creation of clothing models in past centuries for different segments of the population. Moreover, a clear time period is determined: from 1914 to the 1990s.

You can conditionally divide the fashion of "vintage" into several directions according to their characteristic features.

Firstly, the fashion style of the 20s: furs, hats with a veil, a closed collar at the blouse, a shiny fringed dress. Materials for this direction: silk, satin, velvet, soft, plastic, flowing, emphasizing the flexibility and seductiveness of forms. Type, prototype: Marlene Dietrich.

Secondly, the fashion of the 40s: jackets and dresses with shoulders and an accentuated waist, a flared dress with a mid-calf length, small hats (sometimes with veils). The lines are simple and geometric. The severity and conciseness of the image. Reminds me of a military cut.

Model: military uniform.

Thirdly, fashionable in the 50s: bodices (often strapless), corsets, stiletto heels. The image is complemented by bright red lipstick. The main idea is the idea of ​​freedom, looseness, brightness of personality.

Fourthly, the fashion of the 60s, creating diverse and vivid images, reminiscent of dudes: bright colors are used, stable heels, a simple cut of dresses: flared and a-line, club blazer jackets. The style of minimalism and conciseness.

Model: dudes.

Fifth, the style of the 70s: flared and loose-fitting trousers and jeans, shirts, stable high wedge shoes, etc. Fashion, which is akin to eclectic style. Fashion freedom of expression and self-awareness, freedom of the individual from society.

Type: hippie.

Styles cannot be mixed: all things in the image, hairstyle, makeup and accessories must belong to the same historical era. The image is completed by the internal component, when the person himself, who tried on the image, was imbued through with the aroma and feeling of the era, became in harmony with it. At the same time, a new, fresh stream, introduced into the image, is welcomed.

Vintage and jewelry

It is the refined and sometimes even eccentric details and accessories that make the model and image vintage. Especially valuable jewelry is what your mothers and grandmothers wore.

But even if you want to prove yourself as a designer in the "vintage" style, then it is not difficult to do this, or at least inexpensively.

For example, for the style of the 70s. you can make vintage jewelry yourself: learn to weave a variety of “baubles” bracelets from a garus thread, drag your head over your forehead with a woven braid in the form of a “pigtail”, “flagellum”, decorating the temples with tassels, or use a leather strap or plastic lace. You can decorate your neck with the same cord or strap. And attach a stylized "razor-blade" in the form of a keychain to it.

You can walk around flea markets - sometimes you can buy a completely unique vintage thing for very little money. You can do it yourself according to the sketches that have been preserved, and photographs in old magazines from libraries. To create vintage jewelry, modern art stores sell various elements and materials. They can be used in a variety of techniques: patina, crequelure, decoupage, helping to artificially "age" a vintage item.

Vintage art and design

A special role is given to vintage things in the design of bags and the life around us.

Bags are an important component of the image we create. The most appropriate are such models as: a reticule, a bag, a Chanel bag, a briefcase, a pear bag. They are created using a variety of different materials from the past: natural leather, textiles, velvet, silk and brocade, fur. As decoration materials: beads, large plastic and glass beads, buttons, logos, sometimes simple or complex stitching, metal lining, etc.

As for vintage in the interior, here, on the contrary, it is supposed to use a combination of things from different eras, among which there must certainly be old things, perhaps not valuable then, but made by them. good materials and reflecting the era, as well as attracting attention with their unusualness. Often "reanimated" things can be used not for their intended purpose. So, in this case, the interior in the concept of "vintage" is an interior where elements and materials of several styles are successfully mixed.

The color of such an interior is usually restrained: muted, "dusty" colors, monochrome, lack of contrasts. The choice of materials depends on the idea: the most unthinkable combinations are possible. In general, the "image" of the environment should be a little "shaggy", but always cozy and soothing.

Vintage and art

In this case, vintage is works of arts and crafts made in the style of the historical periods indicated above, or created in those days and miraculously preserved. A special place in arts and crafts is given to vintage dolls, which have recently become a common object for collecting. They are also used for interior decoration.

Various materials are used to make vintage dolls: wood, fabric, porcelain, metal, plastic, celluloid, etc. These dolls have a special "humanity", childish naivete and sincerity. No less interesting are other vintage toys.

Now quite a lot of exhibitions are devoted to the history of toys and dolls, where you can see how they looked in different periods of the development of the toy industry in different countries. And by their authentic costumes to learn the features of the history of fashion.

Particular attention is drawn to antique clocks, table ink devices and calendars, fireplace figurines, painted dishes and samovars, as well as items in the style of folk crafts: birch bark and bast weaving, wood and stone carving, embroidery and lace, etc.

How to distinguish vintage from junk? A vintage thing is a rare, unique, unusual item that attracts attention with some kind of zest, and not just old thing created in the 20th century.

It is easy to be stylish, bright, unique if you use vintage style. Nowadays, when designers and couturiers offer unusual and even futuristic looks, you can appear elegant and luxurious in vintage clothes every day.

Vintage style 2018

In view of the mass character of modern fashion, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd, but possible. Vintage style is the very key that in today's realities will help create a sophisticated style that is characteristic of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. The luckiest of us will be able to find a coveted chest or bag filled with real treasures - well-preserved outfits that were the main trend in a certain era.

If we talk about the current season, then the vintage style of 2018 is multifaceted, as it covers a huge gap in terms of fashion - the 20s-80s of the last century. A truly vintage thing not only belongs to the 1910-1980s, but was also created by the hands of a real designer, it is a kind of masterpiece. Vintage style in women's clothing can take other forms:

  1. The trend towards neo-vintage is in demand, that is, to new things that copy, imitate a certain fashionable squeak of a bygone era.
  2. The highlight of your wardrobe can be clothes that have a vintage element, such as chic lace, gorgeous buttons, a luxurious belt.
  3. One of the brightest trends that does not let go of the hearts of true ladies is floral romanticism, pea magic and philosophy.

Vintage style in clothes

The revival of the entourage, the spirit of an era gone a few decades ago, its moods - all this is a kind of tribute to the fashion of that period, undisguised admiration for talent and unsurpassed quality. A girl's vintage style of clothing is always high fashion, and not all that is found in the attic. Modern luminaries of style include in this concept attempts to stylize under the original images of past decades.

Each decade has left such an indelible mark on history that fashionistas of any age would like to plunge into the atmosphere of bygone days, creating an image in vintage style:

  1. Each decade is distinguished by the expressiveness and elegance of dresses.
  2. The sixties were marked by an incredible boom in denim, the popularity of which has not declined.
  3. In view of the trend towards feminine and relatively closed underwear, vintage sets find fans anywhere in the world.

Vintage style dresses

Permeated with history and mystery, the vintage-style dress is multifaceted, as it affects the time period from the 20s to the 80s of the XX century. A 1920s-30s Chicago-inspired outfit made from flowing iridescent fabrics, dropped to the hips and knee-length. There are no sleeves, instead of them there are straps or wings. Fringe, feathers, flounces, folds, glitter are used as decor.

The vintage style of dresses from other decades appears quite different:

  1. Dresses of the 40s have a strict cut, subtly similar to a military uniform due to raised shoulders.
  2. The outfits of the 50s are distinguished by a riot of colors and the beauty of colors. The silhouette has changed - a fitted top and a flared bottom have replaced the straight cut.
  3. The outfits of the 60s are distinguished by originality and a certain rebelliousness. Along with elegant models, designers created dresses with very puffy skirts, youth versions of the A-line and straight cut in juicy colors.
  4. Dresses of the 70s are diverse. Disco style short length and sewn from sparkling fabrics. The romantic floral print of the hippie wardrobe coexisted with practical elongated plaid, houndstooth, and striped outfits.

Vintage style dresses

Jeans in vintage style

While fashionistas are stubbornly looking for the perfect style of jeans, the stars are already flaunting time-honored classics - the reference Levi's, Diesel, Wrangler, Lee. The seemingly limited possibilities of vintage models actually give considerable scope for creating authentic bows :

  1. A pair of masculinely laconic straight models will be an oversized jacket or coat. Simple shoes-boots will complement the image, pumps, on the contrary, will make it more sophisticated.
  2. If you want to recreate the rebellious atmosphere of the 90s, combine jeans with rough boots and a leather jacket.
  3. High-waisted jeans are also good as part of a romantic bow: an exciting blouse with ruffles, a clutch and heeled sandals.
  4. Pair denim pants with crop tops for a vintage-chic look: high-waisted styles go great with high-waisted tops.

If finding a vintage pair is too much or too expensive for you, take a look at our many vintage style jeans. Scuffs, colorlessness and the current shapeless style of Mom will help you look stylish and modern, provided that you have a perfect fit. The bottom of these jeans can be tucked up, which is considered a fashionable wearing nuance.

Underwear in vintage style

The latest trends in lingerie have turned in the opposite direction: maximum frankness has changed to closed, but no less erotic forms. Vintage style in this context is more in demand than ever: maximum sexuality with a complete absence of vulgarity - powerful weapon mass destruction. Characteristic details and nuances speak in favor of vintage notes:

  • sexy high waist panties;
  • delicate bras-corsets - a work of art;
  • an abundance of bows, ruffles, ribbons, lace - feminine elements;
  • the presence of cute and exciting fantasy belt.

The image of the bride in vintage style

vintage gentle style touched on such a delicate area as a wedding dress. In the last few seasons, this is one of the most popular options that future brides are happy to choose. Incredible tenderness, sophistication and beauty, which gives a wedding look in vintage style, is to the taste of the girls preparing for the celebration.

Antique styling is a sure win-win option. The wedding itself can be chic, both at the Chicago parties of the unsurpassed Great Gatsby, and organized in a narrow family circle. Choosing chic or modest wedding attire in vintage style, you unmistakably demonstrate good taste - it is difficult to look bad in outfits of past eras.

One of the favorite variations of future brides in vintage style is a wedding dress in the style of the 20s, which successfully combines the courage of the girls of that time period and elegance. A long, straight dress with an open back, subtly embellished with lace and fringes, is complemented by bright traditional accessories - strings of fine pearls, a headdress with feathers, stones and sequins, veils and must-haves.

luxury Wedding Dresses in retro and vintage style, they often have other outlines:

  1. If you want to focus not on a revealing outfit, a slightly flared laconic dress in the style of the 40s with a strict shirt style with a high collar and long sleeves will do.
  2. Often, girls who marry prefer lush, airy models that are mid-calf or knee-length with bare shoulders. The perky model will give an incredibly good mood.
  3. Fans of the eclectic 70s and 80s should turn to hot topic puffed sleeves, puffy long skirts and a pronounced veil.

Vintage style wedding dresses

Wedding rings in vintage style

An integral attribute of any wedding or wedding ceremony - wedding rings - are always selected by future spouses especially scrupulously and verified. After all, they will remain with them for the rest of their married life as a symbol eternal love and promised fidelity. Fashion has also touched on jewelry, one of the brightest trends - vintage style - is more relevant than ever.

More specifically, vintage wedding rings, they have the following features:

  1. A true vintage ring is a real find, an elite thing. But it is worth remembering that any jewelry has a story, and it is not always happy.
  2. The vintage style ring is distinguished by its massiveness and richness of decor. This is not a cast product, but a beautiful decoration with an ornate oriental or openwork pattern.
  3. Often used inlays of diamonds, sapphires, garnets.
  4. They make rings in vintage style, combining red, yellow gold, platinum, silver.
  5. Sometimes in vintage wedding couples the women's ring is decorated with a large stone in the central part.

Wedding hairstyles in vintage style

An addition in the form of a hairstyle with a bias in the old days will become an exquisite accent of the wedding look:

  1. The styling in the style of Chicago, characteristic of the 20-30s, has a special sophistication. Short or medium length hair is styled in an American wave, the head is decorated with a headband or decorative brooch.
  2. Another chic option- vintage Grace Kelly style hairstyle: large curls are laid on the side, the forehead remains open.
  3. Strict voluminous “babette” bunches in the style of the 60s are perfectly combined with puffy knee-length dresses.
  4. Wedding hairstyles in vintage style include styling in the style of the 40s: hair in large curls is crowned with famously twisted bangs.

Bags in vintage style

Onions without additions are bland and boring. Vintage style accessories are represented by unique bags:

  1. A bag-bag with a frame lock of a strict, laconic design is ideal for a business look.
  2. Romantic notes will complement your outfit with a vintage bag-bag, decorated with pebbles, beads, beads, sequins.
  3. Gorgeous reticule bags in classic and even unexpected configurations.

Bags in vintage style

Vintage style jewelry

Jewelry is the weakness of any woman, and having a history is a real masterpiece, carefully stored in a box. The assortment is wide: cute brooches, magnificent cameos, original bracelets, accessories, beautiful multi-level beads, stylish clip-on earrings and earrings in vintage style will be the highlight of your jewelry collection. Even being jewelry in their time, they are priceless in our reality due to sophistication and the ability to harmoniously fit into modern look women.

Vintage hairstyle

Vintage style hairstyle is the standard of femininity, softness and tempting tenderness. Rebellious Hollywood waves, delightful large curls, slanting devices, exquisite curls win the hearts of modern fashionistas and sound completely modern in our reality. Any styling is suitable for an evening dress, even if it does not belong to the vintage style.

Vintage manicure

The new old style is reflected even in such an area as nail art. Vintage style manicure - pure luxury:

  1. Relevant painting in the technique of decoupage, the application of monograms, the use of baguette molding, powder "velvet sand".
  2. Manicurists apply images in the form of brooches and cameos.
  3. Of the popular drawings - openwork, three-dimensional textures, frame images, angels, hearts.