Coco Chanel interview. Biography of Coco Chanel (Coco Chanel) - photos, quotes, career, personal life, success story

  • 17.10.2019

Coco Chanel (real name - Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel) was born on August 19, 1883 in the relatively small French town of Saumur, whose main source of income today is tourism, as well as the production and cultivation of grapes and winemaking.

Koko's father, a street vendor by trade, gave his three daughters to an orphanage after their mother passed away at the age of 32. The girl was 12 years old when she saw her father for the last time. After spending the next seven years of her life within the walls of the Obazinsky Monastery, Gabrielle brought up strictness in her character, and black and white became the girl's favorite colors. At the same time, the abundance of religious and ritual objects inspired her in the future to use in decorative elements its collections of baroque style, gold and precious stones.

After entering adulthood, Koko got a job as a seamstress in an atelier, and in the evenings she managed to sing in a cabaret. It was there that the name Coco stuck for Gabrielle. The guests addressed her this way because she often sang the song "Who saw Coco on the Trocadero?".

Having a boyish disposition, Gabrielle took the ideas of her outfits in men's fashion and dressed quite original for that time. She took her first models of ladies' hats from hats fashionable at that time and removed all unnecessary paraphernalia from feathers, which gave them lightness and elegance. Working-class girls were the first to appreciate fashion from Coco Chanel, but it quickly spread to high society.

Gabrielle's first love was the wealthy English aristocrat Boy Capel. He introduced the girl to literature, the East and esotericism. Under him, Chanel opened its first stores in Paris, Deauville and Biarritz. Work for her was a source of independence, Koko never wanted to be a kept woman with a rich husband, like girls from the high society of that time.

It may seem incredible that the efforts of just one person ended one era in fashion and began another, even more sensational for that time was that this person was a woman. Coco changed the female silhouette. She shortened the length of dresses and bared her ankles, freed women from corsets and introduced jersey clothing, as well as short haircuts and tans.

In 1918, at number 31 on rue Cambon in Paris, Mademoiselle Chanel opened her first fashion house. A little village girl who grew up in the Aubazinsky monastery became the queen of Paris. Before freeing the women, she freed herself.

The love story of Gabrielle Chanel ended abruptly with the death of Boya Capel in a car accident. For the first and last time in her life, Koko allowed herself to cry. "I will either die," she said, "or finish what we started together."

In 1920, when Europe was on the verge of another war, women enthusiastically greeted the outfits of Chanel, who gave them the right to convenience. Having lost the love of her life, she tried to drown the longing in her heart in Venice in the company of friends. Misya's friend introduced Mademoiselle Coco to Italy, Russian ballet and her friends Cocteau, Stravinsky, Diaghilev, Ravel and Picasso. After that, in the life of Gabrielle Chanel, there was an opportunity to work on creating costumes for the performances of Dullin and Cocteau, as well as to finance the production of the ballet The Rite of Spring. She later gave refuge to Stravinsky and his family, helped Cocteau during his rehabilitation, and secretly paid for Diaghilev's funeral in Venice.

After the 1917 revolution in tsarist Russia Coco Chanel had a chance to meet the Grand Duke Dmitry (cousin of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II), who was 8 years younger than her. The influence of the prince and his culture inspired the Great Mademoiselle to create Byzantine-style embroideries, furs and jewelry. Thanks to him, Coco met Ernest Beaux, a perfumer at the royal court, and in 1921 she released her famous fragrance SHANEL No. 5.

Once upon a time, a real aristocrat appeared in Coco's fate, the embodiment of British elegance and casual luxury. The Duke of Westminster, richest man Great Britain. Gabrielle was fascinated by him. It was beautiful story love, the duke invited her to his palaces and yachts, sent a private train for her, showered her with flowers and jewelry, but feelings cooled down before Coco became a duchess.

In 1926, Chanel, who could not stand the abundance of flashy multi-colored outfits, announced: "I will make them walk in black!" The fact is that at that time black was the priority of servants' outfits and mourning. But Koko elevated him to the rank of absolute. It became the instrument of her success and the birth year of the little black dress.

Fashionistas from all over the world wanted to wear Chanel dresses, and above all, Hollywood stars wanted it. However, the fashion designer did not succumb to the influence of the dream factory, as she understood the pressure of a huge industry hanging over her, and she decided to return to France, where she settled in the Ritz Hotel in order not to be subjected to someone's opinion, and then continue to work on her collections.

In 1936, during the spring strike, Coco, then the owner of many boutiques, faced a strike of 4,000 workers, this was the first time she had to give in to someone else's will.

In 1940, during World War II, Coco's nephew André Palace was captured by the Germans. Using all her connections, she manages to free him, but this freedom comes at a cost to Gabrielle herself. Military critic Hal Vaughan, in his post-war book In Bed with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War, openly states that Coco Chanel was officially on the staff of German intelligence and had not a single successful operation to her credit. This cooperation could not go unnoticed, and Koko was arrested on charges of complicity with fascism. It was only through the intervention of Churchill that the woman was released in 1944 on the condition that she leave France. Chanel was forced to move to Switzerland. To date, the official source of the Chanel fashion house omits this unpleasant page in the biography of its founder. The website of the House of Chanel casually mentions that Chanel closes its boutiques in 1939 and immediately moves to live in Switzerland.

Coco returned to France and the world of fashion only in 1953 at the age of 70. The first fashion show was held on February 5, 1954. Coco watched the show from the side, which took place in oppressive silence. The French press smashed the collection, calling it miserable and Chanel old. At the same time, America received the collection with enthusiasm, and the famous LIFE magazine wrote: "At 71, Gabrielle Chanel did not just create a new trend, she made a revolution." Chanel regained her former influence and the right to dictate her style to the whole world. Suits from Chanel fell in love not only with ordinary citizens, but also with movie stars. They were worn by Marlene Dietrich, Brigitte Bardot, Rommy Schneider, Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman, Elizabeth Taylor and others.

Throughout her life, Coco created her irresistible Chanel style. She owns the creation of beige sandals with a black toe, the previously mentioned little black dress, a fitted jacket, a quilted handbag with a chain over the shoulder. It may be hard to believe, but until 1955 there was no such a handbag with a shoulder strap that is familiar today. Women wore reticules, the long string of which was worn over the arm. Ridicules appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and served for a century and a half, since for a long time there were no pockets in the women's wardrobe.

Everything last years of her life, the Great Mademoiselle was terribly lonely and, at the age of 80, she still went to work every day, devoting herself to her works of art. Before Coco came to work, at the signal of the porter, the employees of the atelier sprayed her favorite SHANEL No. 5 fragrance on the stairs at 31 Rue Cambon.

January 10, 1971, Sunday, her only non-working day, at the age of 87, Coco Chanel died of a heart attack at the Ritz Hotel. She asked not to install gravestones on her tombstone, so that nothing would prevent her from "ascending to paradise and sewing clothes for angels." Buried in Switzerland. The upper part of the gravestone of a woman born under the sign of a lion and having a lion character is symbolically decorated with a bas-relief depicting five heads of lions.

Since 1987, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has taken over the leadership of the Chanel house, who continues the tradition of Coco Chanel to this day.

The woman is a legend known throughout the world. So simple and so mysterious. She made a huge contribution to the development of fashion, the beauty of outfits, feminine style and attractiveness. Thanks to her, women received a wonderful fragrance and a little black dress, chic hats and a fitted jacket. She is still a symbol of charm, elegance and fashion.

This woman had fame, honor and wealth, the veneration of people, the passionate love of many men. But was she happy as a woman? Coco Chanel's personal life will be discussed in this article. Readers will learn many secrets of her life, love and career.

The world's first female fashion designer was born in France. What other country could give the world a specialist with a delicate taste and a wonderful sense of style? France has always been considered the cradle of innovation and the patroness of beauty, fashion and love.

Coco Chanel was born in a small but beautiful old town of Saumur. It is famous for the mysterious ancient castle, which is located on the banks of the river. Her biography began in 1883. However, according to Coco's personal testimony, Auvergne was her birthplace. And she was born ten years later, according to her statement, which, however, has not been verified.

Gabrielle Boner Chanel

The life of Gabrielle Boner Chanel (that was actually Coco's name) was hard from the very beginning. Her mother died during childbirth. Soon the girl and her four brothers and sisters were sent to an orphanage by her father.

Carier start

When Gabrielle came of age, a new independent life began for her. She had to earn her own living. Her creative biography began with the fact that she got a job as a saleswoman in a clothing store. In her free time, Gabrielle Chanel sang in a cabaret. The girl's voice was good. She sang songs that were fashionable at that time, where the words were: “Ko ko ri ko” and “Kyu kua wu Koko”. From these words, instead of a name, she got a personal nickname: "Coco".

Coco's birthday - August 19 says that this woman was born under the fiery sign of Leo. This explains the great purposefulness, tirelessness in achieving their goals, as well as passion and temperament. Such women are usually attractive, but they are no less insidious. They often use the love of men for their own selfish purposes.

Coco was exactly the same. She did not achieve a great singing career. However, during her performances, she attracted the attention of a wealthy man. He invited the beauty to leave with him, promised mountains of gold.

The girl, who grew up in poverty and deprived of love and attention, responded to his proposal. And now she is already going to Paris with officer Etienne Balsan.

Koko did not yet understand that it was not at all the desire to marry that attracted a wealthy officer to her. The caustic word has not yet reached her: "kept woman", by which a woman will be called until the end of her life. But Coco has already guessed to use Etienne's love for her own selfish purposes.

It was difficult then to call Coco Chanel the officer's favorite woman, but quite a favorite toy. Although we should not forget that only thanks to this person she found changes in her difficult biography, freedom and peace of mind: she didn’t have to rack her brains over how to earn another piece of bread for herself and her hungry brothers and sisters. Whether she loved this handsome officer, whether she was happy with him in her personal life, it is difficult to say. Most likely, she just caught floating luck by the tail.

At that time, Koko increasingly dreamed of a career as a milliner. Grandiose plans came to her mind to realize her dream. One day, Koko initiated her lover into the course of her thoughts and plans. But he did not share her dreams, did not support, but only laughed. A beautiful, spoiled girl - that's what Chanel was for him and nothing more. Etienne did not see her creative potential, did not believe in the development of her creative biography. However, since she still insisted, he introduced the girl to an enterprising Englishman, who became her sponsor.

After meeting Arthur Capel, big changes took place in Koko's personal life. She truly fell in love with this man and moved to live with him. Moreover, Coco Chanel claimed that Arthur is the love of her life. The only man she truly loved.

In addition, he became for her not only another lover, but also a friend and assistant in the discovery own business. It was thanks to the help of a wealthy Englishman that in 1910 Coco opened her own salon in Paris, where she began selling hats. By the way, it still works. In the photo of those years in her chic hats, Coco Chanel is simply inimitable. God gave this woman beauty, intelligence, and talent. However, this does not always mean a happy personal life.

Career development as a fashion designer

In 1919, Coco Chanel suffered a serious test. Her lover Arthur Capel died in a car accident. It was a real grief, a great loss in her personal life. She dreamed of having children from him, but fate decreed otherwise.

Thereafter tragic event Koko decides to mourn. However, society would not justify this act of hers. The fact is that if a woman was not married to the deceased, she did not have the right to mourn for him. Then the wise woman went to the trick.

It was at this time that Coco created the legendary "little black dress". She could wear it freely in society, with various decorations, and accordingly satisfy her mourning mood. The little black dress is still popular today. Women all over the world fell in love with this model and thanks to light hand Coco have been wearing it for a hundred years!

At that time, Koko increasingly began to show her abilities as a fashion designer. It was she who began to introduce elements into women's fashion. menswear. In the 1920s, the length women's dresses decreased significantly. Many perceived this as impudence and depravity. And many women were simply afraid to wear men's jackets.

Coco Chanel came up with the idea of ​​making a women's version of a men's jacket. She fitted the jacket to a female figure. Many people liked it. But, of course, there was enough criticism of the unusual fashion designer.

It was also at that time that Coco invented her famous perfume smell, which was named after her - Chanel No. 5. The refined taste of the fashion designer was offered different types perfume smells. But she approved only the one that she liked more than the others. Women all over the world still highly appreciate these perfumes and consider them a very expensive gift. Now this is the most expensive fragrance in the world! It costs about 6 thousand dollars per liter!

At the same time, Coco Chanel came up with women's handbags on a chain. She motivated this by the fact that she constantly forgets her handbags everywhere. And if you hang it on your shoulder, then you can not worry and completely forget about it.

Gradually, Coco Chanel's business went uphill. She has her own modeling agency. She came up with more and more new models and delighted women all over the world with their show. The most willing to work for her beautiful models. This talented woman was respected by many and considered a legend.

But Coco Chanel had many more trials ahead of her. Including in personal life. If you briefly describe her fate, then we can say this: glory through tears.

In the 1920s, the famous milliner began to be actively invited by many theaters to make costumes and scenery. So in 1924, she was the author of costumes for the ballet "Blue Express" by D. Millau. And four years later, Coco created outfits for Stravinsky's Apollon Musagete.

In 1929, Koko heard a rumor about the fatal illness of the outstanding Russian theatrical figure Diaghilev. He died in France. She and her friend came to him and literally took his last breath. Koko also donated a large sum of money for his funeral, since the person who gave so much effort and money to the theater was dying in great poverty.

During the Second World War, Coco Chanel was accused of collaborating with the Nazis. One of the writers in his book of those years openly called her a German spy.

The woman was credited with supplying information to the Germans about the French troops. Although such information has not been confirmed in any way. Such rumors were born after Coco entered into a love affair with the German spy Hans Günther von Dinklage. The poor woman tried to justify herself by saying that only a bed connected her with the German, but all in vain.

A year before the end of the war, Koko was arrested. But Churchill, who was always impressed by a talented woman, petitioned for her release. Koko was released from prison on the condition that she leave the country. Chanel left France and was able to return to her homeland only in 1953.

Last years

In 1954, Coco, who was then already over 70, presented her new collection to the world. Her admirers were women from the richest strata of society. The so-called "tweed" suit became popular thanks to this talented stylist. A tight skirt and jacket were part of it and became the dream of many women of that time.

In addition, Coco began to collaborate with Hollywood. It was she who began to create outfits for such stars as: Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and others.

In old age, Koko began to engage in patronage. She donated large sums of money to talented artists: Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

It is known that the first lady of the United States considered it an honor to dress with this talented milliner. For some time, Coco created outfits for Jacqueline Kennedy.

In early 1971, Coco Chanel died in the rich Ritz Hotel. She often lived there in the last years of her life. The cause of death was given as a heart attack. She died alone, because all her lovers either died already or left her. No one ever called her "mom" in her life. Coco Chanel's entire life was devoted to career and love. She was 87 years old.

Even during the life of Coco, a musical dedicated to the legendary woman was staged on Broadway. He was called "Coco". A few years later, the feature film "Coco Chanel" was shot. Many more similar films were made about the life of this mysterious woman.

Interestingly, in 1983 came out gold coin with a picture of Coco Chanel.

Personal life

Biography of Coco Chanel and her personal life very interesting. This woman had many men, but could not give birth to children.

After the death of Arthur Capel, Coco was in mourning for a year. She said that she would never love anyone else in her life like that. However, a year later the woman met the Russian prince Dmitry Romanov. It was a nephew reigning emperor Nicholas II. He, like the rest of the men, literally lost his head from the beauty and attractiveness of Koko.

Their dizzying romance lasted several years. A wise woman was able to use these relationships for the benefit of her business. It was he who helped her create the famous fragrance "Chanel No. 5". The prince also helped to find beautiful girls-models for fashion show. He sponsored her undertakings a lot.

Despite the fact that he was ten years younger than his beloved, their romance was stormy. But, unfortunately, the prince had to leave for Russia soon. They corresponded until the end of his life (he died in 1942).

The next outstanding man in Coco Chanel's personal life was the Duke of Westminster. He was fabulously wealthy. Koko lived in his palace like a queen. And they led a corresponding lifestyle: rich balls, receptions, visits. He loved Coco very much and was ready to make her his wife.

The obstacle was that the duke needed an heir, and Koko could not have children. Affected by stormy youth and numerous abortions. Then he broke up with his beloved after almost fifteen years of marriage.

The last lover of the legendary woman was the German Hans Gunther von Dinklage. They went abroad together after Coco was kicked out of France. But their life together was not peaceful. They often fought. In the course were sometimes fists.

So a beautiful and talented woman died all alone.

Coco Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in Saumur, France. Her parents were not married. The mother could not feed the child and gave her to an orphanage. When Gabrielle was 12 years old, her mother died, and her father gave the girl to a Catholic monastery, and then to a boarding school. Having been forced to wear a uniform for many years, she dreamed of dressing all women in her own way.

The founder of the most famous and chic fashion house many decades ago, laid the tradition of timeless elegance, timeless. Instead of endless innovations, Gabrielle Coco Chanel offered an updated classic of pleated skirts, women's trousers and blazers. Coat, and, of course, the famous Chanel-style suit. The ideas that she embodied at the beginning of the 20th century turned out to be truly revolutionary: she freed women from suffocating corsets, long puffy skirts, extravagant hats and intricate jewelry. Simple, strict, clear lines, emphasizing the dignity and hiding the flaws of the figure, have replaced ruffles and frills. Women enthusiastically accepted the ingenious philosophical concept of Chanel: to look great, it is not necessary to be young and beautiful. Chanel fashion never gets old. All her things - simple and comfortable, but at the same time stylish and elegant - remain relevant from year to year, regardless of the changes taking place in the fashion world.

After leaving the orphanage, young Gabrielle decided to try herself in the musical field. The untalented but very attractive cabaret singer often sang the song "Soso", after which she received her nickname Coco, which was fixed for life. She did not achieve much success in her musical career, but she made close friendships with several wealthy men. Chanel was familiar with such celebrities as Toulouse Lautrec, Renoir, Picasso, Diaghilev, Stravinsky. There, in "La Rotonde", Gabrielle, who never knew her father's affection, met a wealthy businessman Etienne Balzan and settled with him in the aristocratic suburb of Paris - Vichy. She wanted to dress differently from the wealthy courtesans who also lived in the area, and favored formal suits that were complemented by small, elegant hats.

Balzan bought her a store where she sold her hats, which eventually became a great success. Feeling confident, Chanel left Balzan and began to live on her own, maintaining a close relationship with Balzan's friend Kopel.

In 1918, Kopel died in a car accident. Coco again returned to the circle of Parisian bohemia. At this time, she was often seen on the French Riviera in the company of a friend of a pianist. Rumors spread about the milliner's bisexuality. Despite the fact that Chanel introduced the fashion for women's trousers, she rarely wore them herself, because she believed that a woman would never look as good in trousers as a man.

A short romance with one of the Russian Grand Dukes made her pay more attention to the details of the Russian folk costume, the motifs of which appeared in her styles. She had a close relationship with the French mystic poet Pierre River and with one of the closest relatives of the English queen.

During the difficult war years, many Parisian fashionistas lost their brocade dresses and ostrich feather boas. Instead, Chanel offered them simple shirt-cut blouses and knee-length skirts, replicas of her own unpretentious but always up-to-date wardrobe. Parisians enthusiastically accepted the "elegant simplicity of Chanel", and in the early 50s, fashionistas who recognized Chanel's style could already be seen throughout Europe. A well-dressed suit, a flirty hat that covers half of the face, high heels- the image of an elegant, confident and sexy lady without age. All that was missing was the last, barely perceptible, but necessary accent - a drop of perfume that would emphasize this image. Then Chanel created a perfume that became the most famous in the world and recognized as a work of art by descendants. Coco called her perfume "Chanel N 5", All her life she considered the five to be hers lucky number, invariably bringing her good luck. It is no coincidence that she always showed her new collections on the fifth day.

Already the uncrowned queen of Parisian fashion, Chanel offered her clients a few more revolutionary changes: plaid trousers, a short haircut and her famous "little black dress", in the past - the uniform of Parisian saleswomen, without which now any fashionista's wardrobe is considered incomplete.

In order to expand the circle of her clients, and at the same time to draw new creative ideas, Coco Chanel did not stop rotating in the circles of Parisian bohemia. It was here that she met the great Pablo Picasso, the famous ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev, composer Igor Stravinsky, playwright Jean Cocteau. Many were looking for communication with a famous fashion designer just out of curiosity, but they were surprised to find Coco a smart, witty, original-minded woman. Picasso himself called her "the most sensible woman in the world; men were attracted to her not only by her appearance, but also by her extraordinary personal qualities, strong character, unpredictable behavior. Coco was either irresistibly flirtatious, then extremely sharp, straightforward, even cynical. self-confident, satisfied with herself and her successes woman.

And suddenly at the end of the 30s, being at the top of her fame, in the prime of life and creative energy, Chanel unexpectedly closed her boutiques and retired to Switzerland. The reasons for this unexpected act were called equal: both disappointment in her craft, and exhausting ten-year competition with another famous fashion designer, Elsa Chiaparelli, and of course the impending World War II. One way or another, the next few years of voluntary imprisonment became the saddest chapter in the life of the great couturier. The already difficult situation was extremely complicated by Coco's love affair with a high-ranking German officer Walter Schellenberg, assistant to the SS commander Heinrich Himmler.

In the post-war years, Coco had a dangerous competitor - Christian Dior, who made women look like flowers by dressing them in crinoline, tightening their waists and putting numerous folds on their hips. Chanel laughed at this "hyperfemininity": "A man who has not had a single woman in his entire life strives to dress them as if he himself were a woman."

Mademoiselle Coco was generally jealous and stingy. She always wore scissors tied to a ribbon around her neck. There was a case when Chanel, seeing a Givenchy suit on one of her fashion models, came up and instantly ripped it open, saying that now the suit looks better.

In 1954, at the age of 70, she triumphantly returned to the world of fashion. "I could no longer see what designers like Dior or Balmain had done to Parisian haute couture," she explained her return.

The first reaction of connoisseurs and the press to the show of the new Chanel collection was shock and indignation - she could not offer anything new! Alas, critics failed to understand that this is precisely her secret - nothing new, only eternal, ageless elegance. In any case, less than a year later, a new generation of fashionistas began to consider it an honor to dress from Chanel, and Coco herself turned into a tycoon, managing the largest house in the global fashion industry.

There have always been many love affairs in the life of this woman, but none of them ended in anything serious. Offers, sometimes very tempting, of course, were made to her. Once the Duke of Westminster asked for her hand, to which she replied with her usual directness and irony: "The world is full of all kinds of duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel." After all, her work was the meaning of her life.

Until her old age, Chanel retained the flexibility of her figure and was very hardworking. Ideas for new costumes came to her even in a dream, and then she woke up and started working.

Gabrielle Chanel died a quiet death on January 10, 1971, at the age of 88, in a suite at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, across the street from the luxuriously decorated, world-famous House of Chanel. Her empire earned $160 million a year, and only three outfits were found in her wardrobe, but "very stylish outfits," as the Great Fashion Queen would say.

Biography of Coco Chanel, fashion designer, designer, perfumer

Coco Chanel (fr. Coco Chanel, real name Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, fr. Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel; August 19, 1883, Saumur - January 10, 1971, Paris) - French fashion designer who founded the Chanel fashion house and had a tremendous impact on the fashion of the 20th century [* one]. The Chanel style, which contributed to the modernization of women's fashion, is characterized by borrowing many elements of the traditional men's wardrobe and following the principle of luxurious simplicity (le luxe de la simplicité). She brought the fitted jacket and little black dress into women's fashion. She is also known for her signature accessories and perfumes.

The famous Mademoiselle inscribed her name in the history of fashion in golden letters. It is customary to talk about Coco only with epithets - great, incomparable, grandiose, revolutionary, etc., etc. But few people know that, in addition to designing clothes and creating perfumes, Gabrielle Chanel had another occupation that brought considerable dividends. During the Second World War, the Great Mademoiselle worked for the Nazis.

Of course, the Chanel fashion house in every way rejects this, as well as the accusations of anti-Semitism against Mademoiselle. However, facts are stubborn things.

In 1939, when World War II broke out, Coco closed all her fashion stores. Only the perfume line remained in operation: the company producing perfume for Chanel owned a controlling stake. And its owners - the Wertheimer brothers - did not want to lose their income. Well, no - so no, - agreed mademoiselle and left Paris. She settled in Switzerland, where she planned to wait out the horrors of the war. But it was not possible to sit on the sidelines: in 1940, her only nephew, Andre Palace, was captured by the Germans. And the loving aunt, in the hope of rescuing the young man, turned to her pre-war friend, Baron Hans Gunther von Dinklage. True, in peacetime, the imposing diplomat did not expand on the fact that he was a colonel in the Wehrmacht and was in the service of the chief of political secret intelligence, Walter Schellenberg. He preferred to lead a beautiful social life and was known as the favorite of women. They even called him Spatz, which means "sparrow" - for the ease with which he lived, with which he won the most impregnable hearts. It was to this 44-year-old Sparrow that the 57-year-old Chick turned. With unexpected, but very pleasant consequences for himself: the baron not only secured the release for Andre, but also became Mademoiselle's lover. Needless to say - a bonus is a bonus!

Of course it wasn't the best time to start an affair with a Nazi officer. Chanel understood this, but she was also well aware that Sparrows was almost her last chance. In addition, the Great Mademoiselle simply lost her head - the baron was very attractive, educated, interesting, moreover, thirteen years younger than her. And - importantly - he did not betray his German origin in any way: the conversations were conducted exclusively in English language. However, even in English, Spatz managed to convince Chanel that she should use her authority and influence to end the war as soon as possible. He simply recruited her: in Abwehr, the Great Mademoiselle was listed as agent F-7124 with the code name "Westminster" - this is how Chanel's long-term romance with the Duke of Westminster echoed. Spatz decided to use the connections of his mistress in order to contact Churchill and convince him of the need for secret Anglo-German negotiations for a separate peace.

Operation Fashionable Hat was developed by Schellenberg personally.

It was decided that the easiest and most reliable way to arrange a meeting with Churchill was through Chanel's longtime acquaintance, the British Ambassador to Spain, Sir Samuel Hoore.

Allegedly then, in order to revive the "House of Chanel", the Great Mademoiselle went to Madrid. But not alone - but in the company of her former fashion model Vera Beit. The latter was needed as an additional "bait" - Vera came from an old English surname, was related to royal family and, most importantly, she was known as Churchill's favorite.

Vera found out about the true purpose of her visit to Spain already in Madrid - Chanel decided that there was simply no need to hide further. She also spoke about the instructions received from Schellenberg, and also boasted of her first success in the field of peacekeeping: the ambassador accepted the German message from her hands and promised to deliver it to Churchill personally.

She did not take into account only one small circumstance - the English aristocrat and former model had long been in the service of the Intelligence Service. So the very next day, British intelligence was aware of all the details of the Fashionable Hat. But the case was finally "failed" by Churchill's illness - the prime minister's condition was characterized as critical and all meetings with him were cancelled.

I had to leave Madrid without salty slurping ...

But unaccustomed to defeat, Gabrielle did not calm down. On the eve of the new year - 1944 - she went straight to Berlin, to an appointment with Schellenberg. What their conversation was about is not known for certain. Chanel herself always insisted that she only wanted a speedy end to the war, for which she used all her influence.

After the liberation of Paris, in the spring of 1945, Mademoiselle was immediately taken into custody. The French "Purge Committee" had questions for Chanel - mainly about her connection with von Dinklage (at that time her relationship with Schellenberg was simply not known). Then, justifying her connection with the German, she said: “A woman of my age, if she is lucky and she managed to find a lover, is unlikely to look into his passport ...” And yet, accusations of “horizontal” collaborationism were made against her. : in those days cohabitation with the Germans was regarded as a betrayal. Churchill stood up for Chanel. And therefore have Great Mademoiselle there was a choice - either emigration or prison. She preferred the first option and went to Switzerland, where she waited with horror for the investigation and trial in the Schellenberg case. Is there anything he could say?

Fortunately for her, the German intelligence officer did not utter a word about his connections with the French fashion designer. He was given a relatively short term - only six years. But in 1951 he was already released - for health reasons. And where do you think he settled? That's right, in Switzerland. On a fake passport, he lived next to Chanel - and she completely supported him along with his wife. Then, when the dependent was calculated, he had to move to Italy - but even there Mademoiselle paid for Walter Schellenberg's accommodation.

Peace is expensive. But money was not a problem for Chanel - she was a very rich woman. But the question of reputation worried her seriously. No matter how much Gabrielle said: “I don’t care what you think about me, I don’t think about you at all,” she valued her worldwide fame. And that's why she paid well. As a result, she died rich and famous - with an unsullied reputation.

Coco Chanel is perhaps one of the brightest personalities of the last century, who was able to change fashion in the direction of convenience and elegance. Emerging into the high society from a plight, she became an example for many people, showing that the origin can mean absolutely nothing if there is a clear goal. The French still associate the phrase "The Art of Living" with Chanel.

  • Real name: Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel
  • Years of life: 08/19/1883 - 01/10/1971
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 169 centimeters
  • Weight: 54 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 67 and 99 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 35.5 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

Koko was born in an orphanage in the city of Symora. His workers gave the girl the name Gabriel, in honor of one of those who delivered the baby. Coco Chanel's mother was Eugenie Jeanne Devol, a carpenter's daughter, and her father was Albert Chanel, an ordinary market trader. Parents were not married then, lived in poverty.

When Gabrielle was eleven, her mother died, and her father left the girl with her sister and two brothers alone. The Chanel children went to an orphanage at the convent, where Gabrielle stayed until she came of age. Coco Chanel was already aware of her position as a child, but despite everything, she did not stop dreaming of a good life.

The beginning of the ascent

At the monastery, Coco Chanel was given a recommendation that helped her get a job as an assistant to a linen merchant in a small store. At the same time, she sang and danced in a cabaret, tried out in the theater, but did not succeed in this. In one of the cafes, the nickname Coco stuck to her, because the girl loved to sing the songs “Kui Kua Wu Koko” and “Ko Ko Ri Ko”.

Despite the lack of particular success, the cabaret made it possible for Coco Chanel to get closer to the life she dreamed of: it was there that the wealthy retired officer Etienne Balzan saw her, who was so fascinated by the girl that he took her to his house, which turned out to be a real castle.

Coco took a long time to get used to the role of an officer's mistress, she always lacked something. One day she realized that she wanted to be a fashionista. Etienne only laughed at this, but brought her together with Arthur Capel, an English industrialist, who agreed to support Chanel's ideas, despite her lack of the necessary experience.

Close people of Arthur called him Boy. Despite his youth, he was successful entrepreneur who knew how to move things forward. In addition, he was also interested in fashion, and with his help, Coco Chanel was able to open her first hat shop for Parisians. The case turned out to be successful. Three years passed, and she opened a second store, already in the city of Deauville.

Path to high society

Success liberated many talents in Coco Chanel. Lacking entrepreneurial experience, she managed to quickly not only promote her business, but also keep it afloat even during the First World War. In addition, she herself came up with the design of all the things that she sold, and everything that came out from under her hands carried a genuine elegance and convenience.

Gabrielle's dream came true: she became a famous milliner, she was talked about in high circles. The most famous ladies of Paris came to her, they talked about Coco Chanel, recommended her to each other, and soon she became the first cutter in history who managed to gain access to aristocratic circles not as a servant, but as an equal member of society. Her name became a phenomenon, it thundered all over the world.

Coco Chanel attracted the attention of high-born persons even in other countries, she knew the Grand Russian Duke Dmitry, became close to the English Duke of Westminster, she began to be surrounded by composers, choreographers, and people of art.

Coco Chanel reached the pinnacle of her fame by the age of fifty. Despite the fact that this age is already considered quite old, it was by her fiftieth birthday that she really blossomed, reached perfection both in appearance and in the image that she had been creating all this time.

Decline and new breakthrough

When the Second World War began, the woman had to close all her salons and shops. She accepted the fact that no one cares about fashion at a time like this. Years of prosperity left her with many connections, which she had to use to rescue one person from her inner circle from German captivity. To do this, Koko had to turn to a German officer, and when this became known, she was arrested. The conclusion lasted only a few hours - Coco was released on the condition that she leave France, and the woman settled in Switzerland for almost ten years.

After the war, Coco Chanel had many competitors in her favorite business. Some of the most successful were Dior and Balenciaga. Power in the world of fashion from women's hands passed into men's, but not for long. When Coco Chanel turned seventy, she returned to Paris and reopened the salon. The critics smashed it. But Coco didn't seem to care. Three years later, she not only regained her former glory, but, perhaps, even multiplied it. The woman explained this by saying that she lived full life of its time and gave the costumes freedom of movement, which was the real elegance.

Chanel Coco died at the age of eighty-seven. It happened at the Ritz Hotel due to a heart attack. The last refuge of the famous milliner was the Swiss Lausanne, and the last decoration was five lions on a tombstone.

Most Famous Achievements

The name Coco Chanel is associated with the emergence of a fashion for tanning. Once a woman went on a cruise and in this voyage she got very tanned. When she arrived in Cannes, she did not hide her tan, and people followed her example.

The world-famous perfume, which received the name Coco, Chanel began to use and sell after Ernest Beaux, a perfumer who immigrated to Russia for court service, offered her a choice of five fragrances. The woman settled on the last of them, the fifth, because it was artificially synthesized and did not resemble a single flower. This is how the fragrance "Chanel No. 5" was born.

Women praise Coco Chanel for introducing the little black dress. It could be worn all day and evening without changing clothes, and depending on the need, simply change accessories to better match the environment. According to legend, she came up with it when her friend, the same Arthur with the nickname Boy, died. Wearing mourning for those who were not a spouse was considered reprehensible at that time, and this dress became a kind of expression of her attitude to what happened.

Another very important merit of Coco Chanel is the introduction of handbags on long chains that could be worn on the shoulder. According to the woman herself, she constantly forgot about reticules, left them everywhere, and besides, it was hard to carry them in her hands. Handbags thrown over the shoulder did not cause such inconvenience.

Coco Chanel's personal life

Despite the huge success, Coco Chanel was not too happy. Her personal life is full of twists and turns and deep drama. You should start with the fact that with an abundance of admirers, she was never married, in addition, Coco could not have children, because she turned out to be barren.

The name Chanel Coco achieved such wide popularity not only thanks to her undoubted talents, but also with the help of bed. Her projects required large investments, and she did not hesitate to ask her lovers for them. Because of this, she was known as an eternal kept woman, and the first who took her for maintenance was the already mentioned Etienne Balzan.

After that, Coco Chanel had a love affair with Arthur Capel, who helped her start the business. They were together for a long time, but not all this time Chanel was happy. The fact is that Arthur, nicknamed Boy, was still a womanizer. At first, he held back, as if he had settled down, but over time, old habits took over, and he began to cheat on his beloved milliner. Chanel's love was so strong that she turned a blind eye to it, they say she even forgave Arthur for leaving her for another socialite and choosing her as his wife. According to rumors, Coco even had to sew for Boy's new chosen one. Wedding Dress. She admitted that she loved this man more than anyone else. The death of Boy in an accident severely crippled her, she was depressed for a long time.

Only a year later, she again started an affair, this time with Prince Dmitry Romanov. Coco Chanel was older than him by more than seven years, but this did not prevent their stormy relationship. This union turned out to be very fruitful: the prince gave Chanel the idea to make beautiful girls fashion models, he sponsored her projects and introduced her to the imperial perfumer, who created the famous perfume for Coco. The relationship lasted a year when the prince left for America to marry a wealthy girl.

Coco did not have to stay alone for long. She began an affair with the Duke of Westminster, and this relationship was truly royal beauty. When things were already moving towards the wedding, it turned out that the duke wanted children from Chanel. Again, children became a stumbling block in Coco's relationship. The affair with the duke lasted fourteen years, but the couple still broke up. Chanel herself loved children and wanted them, but after numerous abortions in her youth, she could no longer have them.

During World War II, Coco Chanel met a German diplomat named Hans Günther von Dinklage. It was because of him that she was drawn into spy games, with his help she rescued her nephew from captivity and ended up in a bad standing with the French authorities, it was because of him that she was forced to leave for Switzerland. As a result, this union also broke up, Coco Chanel and Hans Gunther von Dinklage not only quarreled a lot, but even fought.

This was her last novel. After him, she completely went into the fashion business, collaborated with Hollywood, changed all ideas about clothes and style. The children of Coco Chanel could inherit all the achievements of this outstanding woman and all her fortune, but Karl Lagerfeld had to revive her fashion house. He was able to preserve the great legacy of the great fashion designer and did not let the abyss that made Coco, the talented Chanel, one of the most amazing women of the twentieth century.