Beautiful inscriptions on the collarbone. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the arm

  • 29.06.2020

Tattooing has become a real art today. There is not a single place on the human body that could not be decorated with an original and unique pattern on any subject. Particular attention should be paid to the tattoo on the collarbone, which can open up to the world or hide under clothing. This area is suitable for both boys and girls.

Benefits of a collarbone tattoo

  • The tattoo is able to draw attention to itself, so it is preferred by sports fans, athletes, men and women who take care of their bodies. A well-chosen sketch will demonstrate the excellent taste of the owner.
  • If necessary, the image can be easily hidden under clothing or a scarf. If an interview, a serious event or a meeting is expected, a shirt or blouse will be enough to keep the tattoo private.
  • This part of the body is practically not subject to age-related changes, fluctuations due to weight loss or gain, muscle mass. That is why even the brightest drawings will not lose their attractiveness and will not blur. Pigmentation is also preserved due to the fact that direct sunlight rarely falls on the collarbone.
  • The pattern can be easily combined with other tattoos on the forearm, chest, shoulder, abdomen, neck. In this case, you get a rich, original, fashionable plot that will look great from any angle.

The skin in this area heals quickly, but the pain is quite strong due to the lack of fat between the collarbone and the skin. Therefore, this work will only confirm the strength and courage of the person who wears it.

Original ideas for men

  • Inscriptions. Looks good in any language if you choose the right font. These can be various quotes or aphorisms, data about loved ones or about oneself, fragments of favorite works, creeds, popular expressions, etc. The most important thing is to convey the main idea. In this case, it is important to double-check the spelling and translation in advance so that you do not have to redo the drawing later.
  • Wings. For men, in most cases they are applied symmetrically. Wings mean freedom, they also speak of a love of adventure, frivolity of nature. The sketch can look like an angel, a bird, or follow the contours of the wings of supernatural beings.
  • Spiders. They are stuffed with or without cobwebs, schematically or super-realistically, one at a time and in whole families. This image speaks of the search for like-minded people, the desire to know oneself and others, to open up and learn new things.
  • Predatory animals. Usually they capture not only the collarbone area, but also other zones. The protrusion of the bone is used to create additional volume and intimidation.

The pattern also affects its meaning. For example, if the tattoo was made as close to the lungs as possible, then the owner seeks to breathe deeply, enjoying life every day.

Tattoo on the collarbone of the girls

Women's tattoos in this place, first of all, play the role of decoration. With the help of a drawing, you can emphasize the fragility and harmony of the owner, hide flaws and pay attention to the merits. And it really works if you turn to a good master and think over the sketch to the smallest detail. In addition, you should decide on the size, because too large images will be visible even under clothing.

Another reason why girls decide on this procedure is the excellent disguise of birthmarks, moles, scars, burns. Intricate plots with a certain meaning can turn any skin defect into a real work of art or hide it from prying eyes forever.

Clavicle tattoo options for women

  • Pair of tattoos. Usually a floral theme or abstraction is used, the pattern is depicted symmetrically on the left and right clavicle. The picture does not have to be the same, but be part of one whole.
  • Flowers and hearts. Old school or hyperrealism styles are often used. Rosebuds speak of the romance of nature, stars and birds show a creative character. Such compositions attract the attention of boys and girls.
  • Inscriptions. They are located on one side and have the same meaning as male version.
  • Feathers. The feather can be of any bird, supplemented with symbols, abstractions, inscriptions, patterns and ornaments.

Other ideas also include portraits of loved ones, celebrities and animals, which are gaining more and more popularity every year.

Tattoo with inscription and compass

The body of the inscription has three functions. This is a reminder to a person about an event or phenomenon in his life. The second meaning is to decorate the hands with the original symbol. The third purpose is to give life a certain meaning or turn.

When choosing a font, a tattoo artist must take into account the personality characteristics of a person, skin quality and visual effects.

Why Latin

Latin is considered the mother of many languages. This is a concise language, on the alphabet of which 80% of the language groups are built. Expressions in Latin clearly and laconic express the essence. This explains the popularity of tattoos on the arm, the inscriptions of which are made in Latin.

In tattoo culture, inscriptions in Latin are considered classics. They are recommended to young boys and mature men. Because for each period or state, you can pick up a wise saying or saying.

Women's tattoos include mostly English texts. They come down to short phrases, often initials. This is due to the fact that the emotional component is more important for a girl.

She does not use word tattoos as slogans or warnings. More often it is a memory or an expression of feelings. Often in girls on the arm, you can take away a tattoo made with thin ligature. Such a pattern adorns the skin, emphasizes the grace of her hands.

Many languages ​​now use the terms and concepts of Latin. This became the basis for creating small images with meaning, small tattoos with meaning become popular due to the beauty of the design.

Ideas for such inscriptions are present in every tattoo studio with translation for girls. These are beautiful phrases and motivating expressions for girls.

Tattoo inscriptions on the shoulder blade

Examples of a tattoo statement:

  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love.
  • Non progredi est regredi - not moving forward means standing still.
  • Gaudeamus igitur - let's start the fun.

Often short phrases are a priority for a tattoo. Latin is the second most popular language among those used to create drawings.

How to choose a font for a tattoo inscription

To turn a tattoo phrase into a beautiful picture, you need to choose a font. The same phrase made in the author's style will look like a unique tattoo. Choosing texts, the tattoo should aim to decorate the body and cause a certain reaction.

TIP: If you are in doubt whether to get a tattoo or not, for the experiment, make a temporary one, with henna. And then you can already make a permanent one, if the result suits you.
Recommended reading: Mehendi on the hand

The font itself is formed using Adobe Photoshop.

In order for the master to accurately guess your desire, describe your requirements in detail to him. How more details will be known to the artist, the more accurate the result will be.

Choosing a place for a female tattoo inscription

When choosing a place on your hand, you should consider the length of the sentence and the size of the font. For short phrases with ornate letters, it will do.

Often, for girls, a thin knit with elongated lines is performed on the arm.

If the phrase is short, it can be placed on .

Refined phrases of a personal nature are more often applied on the hand for girls, this emphasizes the significance of the message. On the wrist for girls, it is recommended to write a message to loved ones or express your feelings to your loved one.

Lettering tattoo, name

Many photos show decorated brushes, tattoos on the wrist have a couple of lines. If the font is small it makes the text expressive.

Sports girls prefer the forearm to write a long expression here by adding three-dimensional letters.

When composing a phrase, you should always choose a body part suitable for its placement. The master will help you choose the location in accordance with the idea.

Women's inscriptions

The nature of women's inscriptions is mainly addressed to sensory experience. The content conveys to the viewer either the life position of the bearer, or about her preferences.

Relationship texts are popular. Among the most sought-after phrases that motivate to be free and happy.


Love is one of the most sought after subjects. The feeling of love in the global sense is considered. It can be an expression of feelings for a loved one, nature, mother, homeland.

The nature of the text matters. For example, a phrase might sound positive:

  • "Cor meum in aeternum" - forever in my heart
  • "Dum spiro, amo atque credo" - while I breathe, I love and believe
  • Or to express the position of disappointment in this feeling towards others:
  • "Solus amor est dignus mom" - only mother is worthy of love

The essence of the text and its energy filling is reflected in the form of the font and the manner of execution. For example, the third phrase can be performed in the style of trash polka. This will enhance the emotional impact of the essence of the text.

life philosophy

For men and young men, characteristic phrases in which the philosophy of life is expressed. Such inscriptions show others what kind of life a person has.

So for example: "Non est vivere sine vino" - there is no life without wine! The expression shows a person's easy attitude to events, his desire to live his fate cheerfully and carefree.

Reminders of the Transience of Life

Phrases about the transience of life came from the edifying instructions of the Catholic faith. They were composed in order to create a certain mood not only in essence, but also in sound. Such expressions are made out with additional elements: drawings, strokes, etc.

An example of such an inscription: "Deus pascit corvus" - God feeds the ravens. The phrase expresses fatality, emphasizing the inevitability of death.

thoughts of freedom

The idea of ​​thinking about freedom competes with the ideas of love. Expressions about this state signal to others that the bearer of the inscription values ​​it. Such phrases, due to the linguistic features of Latin, sound loud and concise.

An example of a phrase: "Vita sine libertate, nihil" - life without freedom is nothing!

Expressions about the freedom of the individual were widely used at the end of the 19th century among students. That is why the treasure trove of bold and witty phrases on this topic includes more than 13,000 expressions.

About family

The family was of great importance to the original speakers of the Latin language. That is why the word "family" (in Latin familia) entered our everyday life through the language of jurisprudence. As a result, we still use the word "surname" as a definition of the root or our primary source.

"Familia - circumierunt ducit nos in rectum cursum" - the family is a compass that leads us on the right course.

Photo tattoo inscriptions

Phrases for sketches with translation

Inscriptions for a tattoo with a translation can be chosen for every taste, below are the phrases in Latin, English and French. In order to fully satisfy the choice, it is necessary to decide on the desired message.

By depicting inscriptions on the skin, you can lay the protective function of the phrase. For example, laconically and beautifully sounds in Latin save and save the tattoo in Latin is written “protege et”.

Also, the text of the tattoo translation of which in Russian sounds rude in reading has a cute sonorous form. A professional tattoo artist knows such subtleties and will select an expression that is ideally suited to the client.

in latin

Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo - A drop hammers a stone not by force, but by frequent falling

Fortiter ac firmiter - Strong and strong

Decipi quam fallere est tutius - Better to be deceived than to deceive another

Ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, life is short

Benedicite! - Good afternoon!

Quisque est faber sua fortunae - Every blacksmith of his own happiness

Natura incipit, ars dirigit usus perficit - Nature begins, art directs, experience perfects.

Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing

Dulce laudari a laudato viro - It's nice to receive praise from a person worthy of praise

Potius sero quam nun quam - Better late than never.

Decipi quam fallere est tutius - It is better to be deceived than to deceive another

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori "- Love conquers everything, and we submit to love

Abusus non tollit usum - Abuse does not cancel use

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo - By hiding vice is nourished and maintained

Dura lex, sed lex - Harsh law, but it's the law

Repetitio est mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of learning.

O sancta simplicitas! - Oh, holy simplicity

Quod non habet principium, non habet finem - What has no beginning has no end

Facta sunt potentiora verbis - Actions are stronger than words

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - There is no cure for love (love is not treated with herbs)

Bene sit tibi! - Good luck!

Homo homini lupus est - Man to man wolf

Aequitas enim lucet per se - Justice shines by itself

citius, altius, fortius! - Faster, higher, stronger

AMOR OMNIA VINCIT - Love conquers everything.

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur - He who wants to be deceived, let him be deceived

disce gaudere - Learn to rejoice

Quod licet jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull

Sogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus - All of us, when healthy, easily give advice to the sick.

Aut bene, aut nihil - Either good or nothing

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro - He who wants to learn without a book draws water with a sieve

Bona mente - With good intentions

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides - Trust given to the treacherous gives him the opportunity to harm

Igni et ferro - With fire and iron

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - He lived well who lived unnoticed

Senectus insanabilis morbus est - Old age is an incurable disease.

De mortuis autbene, aut nihil - About the dead, or good, or nothing

A communi observantia non est recedendum - One cannot neglect what is accepted by all

Intelligenti pauca - The wise will understand

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas - Truth in wine, health in water.

Vis recte vivere? Quis non? - Do you want to live well? And who doesn't want to?

Nihil habeo, nihil curo - I have nothing - I don't care about anything

Ad notam - For a note, note

Panem et circenses - Bread and circuses

DIXI ET ANIMAM LEVAVI - I said and relieved my soul.

Sivis pacem para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war

Corruptio optimi pessima - The worst fall is the fall of the purest

Veni, vidi vici - I came, I saw, I conquered

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem - The wolf changes the coat, not the nature

Ex animo - From the heart

Divide et impera - Divide and Conquer

DOCENDO DISCIMUS - By teaching, we ourselves learn.

AUDI, MULTA, LOQUERE PAUCA - Listen a lot, talk a little.

Is fecit cui prodest - Made by the one who benefits

Ars longa, vita brevis - Art is long, life is short

Castigat ridento mores - Laughter castigates morals "

De duobus malis minimum eligendum - You must choose the lesser of two evils

Desipere in loco - Go crazy where it's appropriate

Bonum factum! - For good and happiness!

In maxima potentia minima licentia - The stronger the power, the less freedom

AUDIATUR ET ALTERA PARS - The other side should also be heard.

Usus est optimus magister - Experience is the best teacher

Repetitio est mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of learning

Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful (to you)

Memento mori - Remember death.

Вis dat, qui cito dat - The one who gives quickly gives twice

Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Nulla regula sine exceptione - There is no rule without exceptions.

Aliis inserviendo consumor - Serving others, I burn myself

Erare humanum est, stultum est in errore perseverare - It is human nature to err, it is foolish to persist in error

Primus inter pares - First among equals

Festina lente - Hurry slowly

omnia praeclara rara - Everything beautiful is rare

Repetitio est mater studiorum - Repetition is the mother of learning.

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas - Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae - A good name is better than great wealth.

Ipsa scientia potestas est - Knowledge itself is power

FRONTI NULLA FIDES - Do not trust appearances!

Qui nimium properat, serius ab solvit - He who is in a hurry, he later copes with business

Cornu copiae - Cornucopia

dum spiro, spero - While I breathe, I hope

Feci auod potui, faciant meliora potentes - I did what I could, whoever can, let him do better

Fortunam citius reperifs, quam retineas - Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Abusus non tollit usum - abuse does not cancel use

Fortunam citius reperifs, quam retineas / Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fiat lux - Let there be light

Melius sero quam nunquam - Better late than never

Et tu quoque, Brute! - And you Brute!

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit - The law does not require the impossible

in english

Language is the dress of thought. “Language is the clothing of thoughts.

While I'm breathing - I love and believe. While I breathe, I love and believe.

All we need is love. - All we need is Love.

Illusion is the first of all pleasures. Illusion is the highest pleasure.

I'll get everything I want. - I'll get whatever I want.

Everyone is the creator of one's own fate. - Everyone is the creator of his own destiny.

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. - Be loyal to those who are loyal to you.

Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds. - Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.

Remember who you are. - Remember who you are.

Everyone transfers something that changed him. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.

Fall down seven times, stand up eight. Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

The more you give the more you love - The more you give, the more you love.

If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself! “If you want to be someone, someone really special, be yourself!”

Let your fears go. Let your fears go.

I reject your reality and substitute my own! “I deny your reality and create my own!”

enjoy every moment. - Enjoy every moment.

When in doubt, tell the truth - When in doubt, tell the truth.

A life is a moment. One life, one moment.

Money often costs too much - Money often costs too much.

Never look back. - Never look back.

Lost time is never found again. “Lost time will never come back.

I shall not live in vain. “I will not live in vain.

That be or not to be. - To be or not to be.

Everyone sees the world in one's own way - Everyone sees the world in their own way.

Love is my religion. “Love is my religion.

live without regrets. - Live without regrets.

Destroy what destroys you. Destroy what destroys you.

Never stop dreaming. - Never stop dreaming.

I dont think…I feel…Feel that I love…

All we need is love - All we need is love.

In literature, as in love, we are astonished at the choice made by other people. - In literature, as in love, we are amazed at the choice of other people.

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. - Love is fire. But whether she's going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell for sure.

Love is a game that two can play and both win. Love is a game that two can play and both win.

Love is a serious mental disease. Love is a severe mental illness.

Love isn't blind, it just sees what matters. – Love is not blind, it only sees what is really important.

We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. We are never as defenseless as when we love.

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.

The course of true love never did run smooth.- The path of true love has never been smooth.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. “To love is not to look at each other. To love is to look together in the same direction.

Love begins with love. “Love begins with love.

If you wish to be loved, love! - If you want to be loved - love!

People say that love is in every corner…gosh! maybe i'm moving in circles. “People say that love is in every corner… damn it! Maybe I'm walking in circles.

Love as expensive crystal, you with it be careful!- Love is like expensive crystal, be careful with it!

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. - To fall in love does not mean finding the perfect person, but it means learning to accept the imperfect.

If you are destined to meet, the meeting is sure to be, no matter how long ways we did not go. - If you are destined to meet, then the meeting will definitely be, no matter how long we go.

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Love is the victory of fantasy over reason.

When love is not madness it is not love - If love is not crazy, then this is not love.

Always on my mind, always in my heart, always in my dreams, always, all the time. Always on my mind, always in my heart, always in my dreams, always, all the time.

Love is a game that two can play and both win. Love is a game that two people can play and both of them can win.

Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary. “Never love anyone who treats you like you're normal.

to meet you was fate. To become your friend was only my personal choice. But to fall in love with you was over my power. - Meeting you is fate. Friendship with you is my personal choice. But loving you is something I have no control over.

I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you. “I love you not because I need you. I need you because I love you.

Love: Two minds without a single thought. “Love is two minds without a single thought.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

Do it now. Sometimes “Later” Becomes Never. - Act now. Sometimes “later” becomes “never.”

I hate clocks. Hate to see my life go by. — I hate watches. I hate to see my life go by.

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

A man falls in love just as he falls downstairs. It is an accident. A man falls in love the same way he falls down the stairs. This is an accident.

Make love not war. - Make love Not War!

I can resist anything except temptation. “I can resist anything but temptation.

You can only be free when you have nothing to lose - You can only be free when you have nothing to lose.

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. All people seem normal until you get to know them.

Success is not in what you have, but who you are. Success is not in what you have, but in what you are.

Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest. Don't give up, it's always hard to start.

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. Finding happiness in yourself is not easy, but it cannot be found anywhere else.

Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept. Success is easy to find but hard to keep.

Fools grow without watering - Fools grow without watering.

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges - People are lonely because instead of bridges they build walls.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Life is not measured by the number of breaths, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.

When life gives you lemons, drink tequila! - When life gives you only lemons, drink tequila!

Love - as a war ... It is easy to begin ... It is difficult to finish ... It is impossible to forget! — Love is like war… It is easy to start…. It's hard to finish... It's impossible to forget her!

Failure does not mean I don't have it; It does mean I have something to do in a different way - Failure does not mean I have no ability; It means that I have something that I need to do differently.

Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you lose! Always imitate the behavior of a winner when you lose!

Everything is possible if you just believe. Anything is possible if you believe!

Nobody dies virgin cause life fucks everyone. No one dies virgin, for life has everyone.

Love is not blind, it just only sees what matters.
Love is not blind, it just sees what is really important.

Love is when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams… Love is when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than dreams.

The Life has taught me one important belongings - allow the people on distance of the extended hand only. So their more simply delete… - Life has taught me one important thing - to let people in only at arm's length. This makes it easier to push them away.

Failure does not mean I have wasted my life; It does mean that I have an excuse to start over - Failure does not mean that I was wasting my life; It means I have an excuse to start over.

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. No matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop.

Do not squander time - this is stuff life is made of. Don't waste your time - life is made of it.

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, would not make you cry. “No person deserves your tears, and those who do will not make you cry.

Your life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to be opened. Your life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be revealed.

For the world you may be just one person, but for one person you may be the whole world! —
For the world you are just one person, but for someone alone you are the whole world!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted - Kindness, even the smallest, is never wasted.

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

You can't make your heart feel something it won't. You can't make your heart feel what it doesn't feel.

Stretching his hand out to catch the stars, he forgets the flowers at his feet. As he stretches out his hand to catch the stars, he forgets about the flowers under his feet.

Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it - Do not be afraid of perfection; you will never reach it.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Keep love in your heart. Life without love is a garden without sun, all the flowers in which have withered.

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love. - The slightest drop of hope is enough for the birth of love.

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. One word frees us from all the hardships and pains of life: this word is love.

A good head and a good heart is always a formidable combination. “A good head and a good heart is always an amazing combination.

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — Whoever cannot change his views, cannot change anything.

Nothing is beautiful from every point of view. Nothing can be beautiful from all points of view.

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. - Life is a series of lessons that you need to live in order to understand.

Beauty is an outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused. “Beauty is a gift for which few people feel contempt, except for those who are denied this gift.

To get anywhere, strike out for somewhere, or you will get nowhere - To get anywhere, move in some direction or you won't get anywhere.

beauty is power; a smile is its sword. “Beauty is strength, and a smile is her sword.

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wisely grows it under his feet. —
A fool seeks happiness far away, a smart one grows it nearby.

Beauty is only skin deep, but it's a valuable asset if you are poor or haven't any sense. - Beauty is deceptive, but it is a valuable quality if you are poor or not very smart.

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid. - Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid.

Not the power to remember, but it's very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence. - Not the ability to remember, but quite the opposite, the ability to forget is a necessary condition for our existence.

Calamities are of two kinds. Misfortunes to ourselves, and good fortune to others. There are two kinds of disasters: the failures that we endure and the successes that accompany others.

Love is not finding someone to live with, its finding someone you can't live without. Love is finding someone you can't live without.

We do not remember days, we remember moments. We don't remember days, we remember moments.

Only love can break your heart so be sure it's right befor you fall. “Only love can break your heart and be ready for it before you fall in love.”

Failure does not mean I have disgraced; It does mean I have dared to try - Failure does not mean that I am disgraced; She means I had the courage to take a chance

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

Everyone going through something that changed him - Everyone went through something that changed him.

You think you have forever, but you don't. You think you have eternity, but you don't.

Success doesn't come to you. You go to it - Success does not come to you. You go to him.

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. “He who cannot change his thoughts cannot change anything.

If I ever surrender, it'll happen only in mercy to the winner - If I ever surrender, then only out of mercy to the winner.

Success is not in what you have, but who you are - Success is not in what you have, but in what you are.

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. “The secret of success is not not to make mistakes, but not to repeat the same mistakes twice.

The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something. “Now is the time to act. It's never too late to do something.

The worst bankrupt in the world is the man who has lost his enthusiasm. “The biggest bankrupt in this world is a man who has lost his enthusiasm for life.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do - We are glorious not because we never fall, but because we get up whenever it happens.

Success doesn't come to you… you go to it. - Success does not come to you ... you go to him.

Fortune favors the brave. - Fate favors the brave.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are - Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Success is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration - Success is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. “Experience shows that success is achieved not so much by ability as by diligence. The winner is the one who devotes himself to his work with both soul and body.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - You will miss 100 times out of 100 shots you don't make.

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest - Investment in knowledge always gives the highest return.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going - There are no shortcuts to a worthy goal.

Failure does not mean I'm a failure; It does mean I have not yet succeeded - Failure does not mean that I am a loser; It means that success is yet to come.

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs - Realize your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to make theirs come true.

Every solution breeds new problems - Every solution breeds new problems.

The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure….. - The only thing in life that comes without effort is failure.

Success is the child of audacity - Success is a child of courage.

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure - Have only ignorance and self-confidence in life, and success will not take long.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. “In many failures, people didn’t realize when they gave up how close they were to success.

French inscriptions

Telle quelle.
As she is.

Il n'est jamais tard d'être celui qu'on veut. Execute les rêves.
It's never too late to be who you want to be. Fulfill your dreams.

Ayant risqué une fois-on peut rester heureux toute la vie.
Once you take a risk, you can stay happy for life.

Sans espoir, j'espere.
No hope, I hope.

Heureux ensemble.
Happy together.

Je vais au reve.
I'm going to my dream.

Si on vit sans but, on mourra pour rien.
If you don't live for something, you will die for nothing.

La vie est belle.
Life is Beautiful.

Forte et tendre.
Strong and tender

Sois honnêt avec toi-même.
Be honest with yourself.

Jouis de chaque moment.
Enjoy every moment.

Chacun est entraîné par sa passion.
Everyone has their own passion.

amais perdre l'espoir.
Never lose hope!

Face à la verite.
Face the truth.

Les rêves se realisent.
Dreams Come True.

Ecoute ton coeur.
Listen to your heart.

Ma famille est toujours dans mon coeur.
My family is always in my heart.

C'est l'amour que vous faut.
Love is all you need.

Tous mes rêves se realisent.
All my dreams become reality.

Une seule sortie est la verite.
The only way out is the truth.

Respecte le passe, cree le futur!
Respect the past, create the future!

L'amour vers soi-même est le début du roman qui dure toute la vie.
Self-love is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Rejette ce qu'il ne t'es pas.
Drop what is not you.

Un amour, une vie.
One Love - one Life.

Toute la vie est la lutte.
All life is a struggle.


Sauve et garden.
Bless and save.

Rencontrerons-nous dans les cieux.
Meet me in heaven.

J'aime ma maman.
I love my mom.

Vivre et aimer.
To live and love.

Une fleur rebelle.
Rebellious flower.

A toutprix.
At any price.

Cache ta vie.
Hide your life.

Croire a son etoile.
Believe in your star.

Que femme veut - Dieu le veut.
What a woman wants is what pleases God.

Tout le monde à mes pieds.
All at my feet.

L'amour fou.
Crazy Love.

Ma vie, mes regles.
My life my rules.

C'est la vie.
That is life.

Chaque chose en son temps.
Everything has its time.

L'argent ne fait pas le bonneur.
Money can not buy happiness.

Le temps c'est de l'argent.
Time is money.

L'espoir fait vivre.
Hope sustains life.

Le temps perdu ne se rattrape jamais.
You can't get back the time that's gone.

Mieux vaut tard que jamais.
Better late than never.

Tout passe, tout casse, tout lasse.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.

L'homme porte en lui la semence de tout bonheur et de tout malheur.
Man carries within himself the seed of happiness and sorrow.

Mon comporment - le resultat de votre attitude.
My behavior is the result of your attitude.

Aujourd'hui-nous changeons "demain", "hier"-nous ne changerons jamais.
Today - we will change "tomorrow", "yesterday" - we will never change.

Le meilleur moyen de lutter contre la tentation c'est d'y ceder.
The best way to fight temptation is to give in to it.

Ce qui ressemble a l'amour n`est que l'amour.
What looks like love is love.

Personne n'est parfait... jusqu'à ce qu'on tombe amoureux de cette personne.
A person is not perfect...until someone falls in love with that person.

Jouis de la vie, elle est livree avec une date d'expiration.
Enjoy life, it comes with an expiration date.

Un amour vrai est une drogue dure, il faut trouver les rélations qui ne provoqueront jammais l'overdose, mais au contraire, l'extase éternelle.
True love is a drug, and relationships are needed that will not lead to an overdose, but will make you get ecstasy.

Je prefere mourir dans tes bras que de vivre sans toi.
Better to die in your arms than to live without you.

Le souvenir est le parfum de l'âme.
Memory is perfume for the soul.
Qui ne savait jamais ce que c'est l'amour, celui ne pouvait jamais savoir ce que c'est la peine.
Who never knew what love is, he could never know what it's worth.

Si tu ne me parles pas, je remplirai mon coeur de ton silence pour te dire a quel point tu me manques et combien il est dur de t'aimer.
If you don't talk to me, I will fill my heart with your silence so that I can tell you later how much I miss you and how hard it is to love.

Chaque baiser est une fleur dont la racine est le coeur.
Every kiss is a flower whose root is the heart.

Il n'y a qu'un remède l'amour: aimer plus.
There is only one remedy for love: to love more.

On dit que l'amour est aveugle. Trop mal qu'ils ne puissent voir ta beauté...
They say love is blind. Too bad they can't see your beauty...

De l'amour a la haine il n'y a qu'un pas.
There is only one step from love to hate.

L'amitié est une preuve de l'amour.
Friendship is proof of love.

Le baiser est la plus sure façon de se taire en disant tout.
Kissing is the surest way to remain silent when talking about everything.

Chaque jour je t'aime plus qu'hier mais moins que demain.
Every day I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.

Si la fleur poussait chaque fois que je pense à toi alors le monde serait un immense jardin.
If a flower bloomed every time I think of you, the world would be a huge garden.

Aimes-moi comme je t'aime et je t'aimerais comme tu m'aimes.
Love me as I love you and will love you as you love me.

Le plus court chemin du plaisir au bonheur passe par la tendresse.
The shortest road from pleasure to happiness is through tenderness.

L'amour qui ne ravage pas n'est pas l'amour.
Love that does not empty is not love.

L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la deraison du sage.
Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.

J'ai perdu tout le temps que j'ai passé sans aimer.
I lost all the time that I spent without love.

Plaisir de l'amour ne dure qu'un moment, chagrin de l'amour dure toute la vie.
The pleasure of love lasts only a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime.

Aimer c'est avant tout prendre un risque.
To love is, first of all, to take risks.

The history of drawing on the body dates back to ancient times, when people lived in tribal communities. With the help of images on the skin, they emphasized belonging to a community or type of activity.

Today, tattoos are used for self-expression. Collarbone tattoos have become especially popular in recent years. Gentle sketches are created for girls and women, emphasizing their beauty and femininity.

Tattoos on the collarbone for girls are usually stuffed along the clavicle towards the shoulder. Particularly elegant in this area look small drawings made using thin lines and patterns. Large tattoos on the collarbone are pricked with the capture of the shoulder area.

Among the advantages of tattoos on the collarbone are:

  1. Brightness. A girl with a pattern on her collarbone stands out from the crowd.
  2. Originality. The collarbone area is not so often chosen for tattooing, so choosing the right sketch can emphasize your individuality.
  3. The beauty. A high-quality tattoo will decorate the owner and add charm.

The disadvantages of tattoos in this area are:

  1. The need to hide a tattoo under clothing in the summer (subject to work requiring a dress code).
  2. Soreness. When a needle enters the zone of the clavicle bone during the creation of a pattern, extremely unpleasant sensations arise.
  3. The need for correction. In the summer, under the influence of the sun, the tattoo begins to fade and quickly fades, so to preserve the beauty of the picture, you will have to renew the tattoo every few years.

The meaning of the place of the tattoo on the collarbone

Tattoos on the collarbone for girls are leading in almost all salons. Men choose other areas of the body, as they prefer large drawings that take up a lot of space. The collarbone area is more suitable for miniature tattoos. Inscriptions in different languages, small images of animals and birds, as well as various patterns and ornaments look good here.

A tattoo in the collarbone area characterizes girls striving for independence and freedom. They are not afraid of conventions and difficulties. Such women overcome obstacles in their path, love to shock others. According to psychologists, collarbone tattoos are made by extroverted individuals with unrealized sexuality. Through the drawings on the body, they express themselves and their potential.

Tattoo color and its meaning

Before choosing a pattern for a tattoo, you should decide on the color scheme. Some tattoos are stuffed exclusively in black, while others are filled with all the tones of the rainbow. Girls choose bright and colorful tattoos, although this also depends on personal preferences. Choosing a sketch of a tattoo, a person subconsciously stops at drawings made in shades close to him.

  1. Black is the most used color. It is used to outline the sketch or serves as the base for the entire tattoo. The black shade symbolizes mystery, night and silence. In the Christian tradition, it is the color of sorrow, death and despair. In addition, the black tone is associated with magic, mystical phenomena and the occult sciences. Therefore, tattoos made in dark colors are perceived with negative connotations. However, black is associated with women's mysteries, determining the cycle of life and death, and it is also a symbol of infinity.
  2. White- Rarely used in tattoos. This is due to the fact that the color stands out weakly on the body and you often have to make corrections to maintain the quality of the picture. White put highlights and set off bright colors. The tone is used in the sketches of flowers, such as lilies or daisies, as well as for the image of birds and feathers. Symbolically, the meanings white color are considered: innocence, purity, freedom, kindness, deliverance from sins, truth, faith, the path to enlightenment, life, light.
  3. Red color is a symbol of male energy, strength and sexuality. This shade emphasizes the desire for one's goal, activity and passionate love. The Christian meaning of color is blood, painful death, prohibition. Also, red can mean sensuality, rage and aggression. This shade is chosen by confident natures, prone to shocking and drawing attention to their person.
  4. Green considered the most positive shade of the color scheme. It is connected with nature and all its manifestations. Green color symbolizes the awakening of life, spring and fertility. The shade is associated with hope, harmony and joy. Green suits cheerful people who radiate kindness and have an inner core.
  5. Yellow the color symbolizes belonging to the sun, energy and life. In Slavic interpretations, the shade has a negative connotation. It is associated with jealousy, inconstancy, betrayal. Yellow tone turning into gold means sociability, beauty and tolerance.
  6. Orange- a fiery color associated with summer, hot sun and positive. It expresses activity, movement and joy of life. The orange shade relieves sadness, stimulates brain activity and gives inspiration. Color reflects creative thinking, friendly communication and good mood.
  7. Blue indicates depth, wisdom and tranquility. The color represents the vast expanse of the sea and the endless expanses of the sky. In religion, shade means holiness, striving for perfection and purity from sins. Blue color symbolizes: peace, spirituality, happiness, comfort, perfection, truthfulness, constancy, nobility, courage, power.
  8. Blue color represents coldness, air element and purity. It is considered a symbol of indifference, independence and detachment from the world. Hue is associated with loneliness, intellectual work, tolerance. Blue color creates an atmosphere of spirituality, contemplation and tranquility. The color also means freshness, lightness and melancholy.
  9. Violet the tone is chosen by calm girls, focused on their inner world. The color symbolizes nobility, luxury and elegance. It is associated with magic, sorcery and mysticism. Violet color is able to reveal sensuality, and harmonize relations with the outside world.
  10. Brown- the color of sanity, comfort, family hearth. It shows the desire for peace and tranquility. Brown, as one of the most discreet colors, is chosen, as a rule, by family women who know exactly their life goals and clearly set priorities. Hue associations: earth, strength, autumn, devotion, will, mature sexuality, home, protection of ancestors, withering, forest magic.
  11. Pink color evokes associations with romantic love, tender love and girlish naivety. The addiction to pink shades is attributed to insecure, dreamy people of a young age. The color symbolizes the rebirth of nature, sentimentality and kindness.

The meaning of symbols for a tattoo on the collarbone

A tattoo on the collarbone for girls usually has a specific meaning. A tattoo in this area is almost always on public display, so the symbols applied to the body should have a special meaning. Girls should know that any drawing and sign has a definition and symbolism.

Different cultures, peoples and religious groups interpret drawings in their own way, which must also be taken into account when choosing a sketch.

Symbols and their meaning:

  1. Feather– speed, air, resurrection.
  2. Cross- Christianity, faith in God, eternal life.
  3. Key- freedom, prosperity, knowledge.
  4. Spiral- space, feminine, cycle of deaths and births.
  5. tail biting snake- karma, eternity.
  6. Wheel- sun, luck, fate.
  7. Moon- rebirth, intuition, cyclicity.
  8. Shamrock- luck, profit, sign of the Trinity.
  9. Yin Yang- the harmony of male and female, light and darkness.
  10. Butterfly- transformation, immortality, impermanence.

Beautiful female inscriptions on the collarbone in Russian, Latin, Chinese and other languages ​​with translation

Laconic inscriptions look especially graceful on thin female collarbones. As a future tattoo, girls choose beautiful quotes, lines from poetry or just words that will serve as a motto in their lives. Often, the names of relatives and the dates of birth of children are pricked on the collarbones.

On the general form tattoos affect the font in which the phrase will be written. It must be chosen from the context and meaning of the text itself. Rounded and soft lines are suitable for quotes about love, while sharp and clear letters indicate rigor and hope for the realization of what is written.

In recent years, tattoo inscriptions have come into fashion in Russia not only in foreign languages, but also in Russian. So the owners want to emphasize patriotism and surprise foreigners with an unusual tattoo while traveling.

The most beautiful phrases are:

  1. The one who can wait wins.
  2. Everything is stored in us.
  3. Don't betray your dream.
  4. Everything passes and this will pass.
  5. Families First.
  6. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
  7. Life is Beautiful.
  8. Listen to the voice of the heart.
  9. Love, like life, is one.
  10. God is always by my side.

Inscriptions in rare languages ​​- Chinese and Latin - do not disappear from leadership positions in tattoo parlors. They characterize the owner with their meaning and meaning.

Latin Translation Chinese Translation
Ars amandiLoving is an art命运 Fate
carpe diemseize the moment无限 Infinity
Qui estisBe yourselfLove
Vivere est agereLife in action祝你好运 Luck
Te amo est verumThe truth is in love with you和谐 Harmony
Si vis amari, amaLove is born in reciprocity权力 Strength
Qui sine peccato estNobody is without sin这个家庭 A family
meliora sperohope for the best自由 freedom
Magna res est amorLove is the most important希望 Hope
Nosce te ipsumKnow yourself快乐 Joy

Lovers of originality choose phrases in English, French and other languages. Despite the prevalence of these European languages, tattoos with their use look unusual and elegant.

Language Phrase Translation
EnglishDreams come true

A life is a moment

follow your heart

All we need is love

Dreams come true

Love is endless

Life flies like a moment

follow your heart

Love is the only thing we need

SpanishYo mismo me hago la vida

Sueña sin miedo Vivo con la esperanza

I am the master of my own life

Love and passion

Don't be afraid to dream

Life with hope

The price doesn't matter

FrenchCroire a son etoile

Ecoute tones

Heureux ensemble

Believe in a lucky star

follow your heart

Being together is happiness

That is life

On the way to a dream

The meaning of the colors on the collarbone

Femininity and romance are emphasized by flower tattoos. Buds look very elegant on the collarbone, complemented by patterns or weaving from the stems and leaves of the plant. Such drawings look succinctly both on one collarbone and on both.

Symbolism of flowers:

  1. Rose- queen of flowers Rose buds are most often used in the creation of tattoo sketches. The flower is considered a symbol of love, hope and beauty. A rose crowned with thorns symbolizes loss and pain. Depending on the color of the bud, the meaning of the tattoo changes. A red rose is passionate and sincere love, a pink one is love and hope for the development of feelings, and a white one is purity and innocence.
  2. Lotus in the East is a symbol of spirituality and the desire for enlightenment. It is stuffed as a sign of belonging to the Buddhist and Hindu religious movements.
  3. Cherry blossoms carries a deep meaning. It means the transience of life, the choice in favor of spiritual beauty and the acquisition of wisdom from a young age.
  4. Lily It is considered a sign of purity, chastity and reason, devoid of sinful thoughts. The plant is a symbol of strong marriage and true love.
  5. Peony symbolizes wealth, generosity and good luck. The flower is also considered the personification of masculinity and fertility.

Female tattoos on the collarbone are not limited to the choice of these colors. They are only considered the most popular.

To emphasize their originality, girls prick more rare flowers:

  • chrysanthemum - perfection;
  • cornflower - refinement;
  • carnation - fidelity;
  • jasmine - happiness;
  • bell - constancy;
  • orchid - mystery;
  • violet - modesty;
  • dandelion - coquetry;
  • narcissist - pride;
  • iris - passion.

Animal tattoo

Since ancient times, it was believed that the sign of a certain animal can give a person the features characteristic of this beast and spiritual strength. Such animals were called totem.

AT modern world this tradition is supported with the help of tattoos, giving the drawing a special meaning and meaning:

  • Fox is a symbol of cunning, cunning and mischief. Many cultures associate animals with eroticism and sexuality. The sign of the fox is able to reveal mental abilities, ingenuity and playfulness.
  • Squirrel, depicted on the collarbone, is suitable for girls who dream of family life. The animal symbolizes endurance, modesty and efficiency.
  • Cat means grace, femininity and sexuality. The animal is also associated with magic and witchcraft. The image of a cat emphasizes waywardness, love of freedom and independence.
Sketches for a tattoo on the collarbone with cats for girls.
  • Deer indicates inner strength, nobility and stamina. The animal is a sign of fertility, wisdom and longevity. In some cultures, the deer is considered good luck on the road and suitable for travelers.
  • Wolf Symbol in the female incarnation of a she-wolf, she is associated with fidelity, courage and self-confidence. The animal indicates the qualities of a leader who knows how to take responsibility and be responsible for his words.
  • Bear tattoo means family warmth, care and a strong feminine. A she-bear with a cub symbolizes maternal energy and connection with ancestors.

bird tattoo

Bird tattoos are another favorite motif for girls. Drawings of birds are chosen by romantic, freedom-loving women, who are accustomed to boldly face life's difficulties. The clavicle area is great for depicting almost any bird.

When choosing a sketch, you need to pay attention to symbolism in order to most accurately express the idea of ​​​​a tattoo. The bird is associated with freedom, the element of air and omens. In Christianity, the bird is considered a sign of divinity, fortitude and kindness.

Bird Tattoo Meanings:

  • Pigeon- peace, freedom, family.
  • Martin- good luck, spring, hope.
  • Owl- wisdom, intelligence, prudence.
  • Crow- wisdom, prediction, loneliness.
  • hummingbird- well-being, love, beauty.
  • Eagle- kingship, pride, power.
  • Peacock- happiness, greatness, glory.
  • Gull- independence, luck, self-confidence.
  • Swan- fidelity, love, beauty.
  • Phoenix- rebirth, overcoming obstacles, fortitude.

Stars on collarbone

Tattoos on the collarbone for girls in the form of stars look spectacular. Owners of tattoos usually stuff several stars of different sizes at once. Sketches of ordinary five-pointed stars have nothing to do with prison tattoos, therefore they carry a radically different meaning.

The star is a sign of good luck, the unity of the natural elements and the spirit, as well as the fulfillment of desires. The symbol is attributed to belonging to magic, sorcery, the harmony of the male and female principles, since in ancient times sorcerers, shamans and clairvoyants were marked with a star.

A shooting star is depicted to receive the favor of fortune and success in business. A scattering of small stars symbolizes female power, mystery and mystery. The six-pointed star or Star of David is related to Judaism.

Paired clavicle tattoos: design ideas

With the development of the art of tattooing, it has become fashionable to fill paired tattoos. They are pierced by couples in love to emphasize the strength of their feelings. Sometimes such images are used as a sign of fidelity and replace wedding rings with them.

Tattoos, emphasizing the importance of loving people for each other, reflect the sincerity and trust of the partner, the willingness to go with him for a long time. life path. To fill a paired tattoo, you need courage and confidence that in a few years you will not have to reduce or overlap the drawing.

  1. Married couples choose tattoos in the form of crowns - for the king and queen. They emphasize the importance of a loved one and belonging to each other.
  2. For young lovers, a tattoo based on the story “The Little Prince” with a fox and the prince himself, who, although separated by distance, have warm feelings, is suitable.
  3. Images of the sun and moon, made in retro style, look original as a paired tattoo.
  4. The tattoo of a hand squeezing a red thread on both partners symbolizes Chinese wisdom. It says that if people are destined to be together, they will, because they are connected by an invisible red thread.

Also for such purposes use:

  • Yin-yang symbol;
  • two puzzle pieces that fit together;
  • initials of a loved one;
  • characters in love in literature or cinema;
  • the Infinity symbol.

What should not be tattooed on the collarbone

Although the clavicle area is well suited for applying almost any pattern, some motifs should still be avoided. The fair sex will not fit rough sketches and images of angry animals. It is also worth refraining from stuffing gloomy tattoos related to the image of death and evil spirits.

When choosing a picture, it is better to avoid prison symbols. The most used signs indicating belonging to the criminal environment are eight-pointed stars, crosses and skulls. In order not to be in an awkward situation, you need to responsibly approach the choice of a pattern that will remain on the body for life.

A tattoo on the collarbone will characterize the open and freedom-loving nature of girls and women. A correctly selected sketch, in accordance with the symbolism and color of the drawing, will reveal the inner potential and help express yourself.

Interesting videos about collarbone tattoos for girls

10 questions for a tattoo artist:

The process of creating a small tattoo on the collarbone:

bird tattoo

On the collarbone, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tender chest in girls, ideal for paired and single drawings. Here you can fill a whole saying or draw a colorful picture.

Miniatures are made in a variety of styles: linework, minimalism, sketch style, realism, ethnicity and watercolor.

The value of the tattoo on the collarbone for a girl

Tattoo girls on the collarbone is an opportunity to pay attention to the beauty of the skin and silhouette. The tattoos inflicted here mean that the girl dreams of becoming a guiding star for the chosen one. On the chest, all meanings are reduced to the line of the heart.

The most popular symbols mean:

  • flowers - femininity ;
  • sprigs of plants - a bright path to the future;
  • birds - freedom of thought;
  • cat tracks - ease of perception of the world;
  • foxes - cunning and easy temper;
  • asterisks - love of travel;
  • butterfly - soul;
  • inscriptions - a message to the heart;
  • pen - purity of thoughts.

This is a popular place for stuffing memorable dates. Any number written here means that the bearer will never forget what happened.

Very often, light drawings with a large number of thin lines are performed in the clavicle area. This is done in order to emphasize the grace of the wearer.

The watercolors look amazing. Birds, flowers or butterflies seem to be painted on the skin. This turns the tattoo into an ornament, adding charm to the appearance.

Drawings are made in pairs or asymmetrical. For paired works, a plant theme is chosen. Ornaments from branches or leaves are perfectly combined with the theme of femininity and sophistication. Single works can be done in any style, welcome.

You should avoid the abundance of black, hard lines. Large drawings with a rich range of black shades will turn fragile shoulders into angular ones. If a girl has full shoulders, they will look like blots or bruises.

The same applies to various snakes and scorpions. Girls should avoid aggressive themes on the collarbones, as this will make the image more rough and unapproachable.

Popular stories

Popular and women's theme. Women's tattoos should emphasize fragility, tenderness and vulnerability. They are performed as decorations, not a manifesto. That is why minimalism is considered the best style.

  • flowers, rose ;
  • sprig of field herbs ;
  • birds;
  • heart;
  • butterfly;
  • feather ;
  • sea ​​creatures ;
  • fox ;
  • bows ;
  • stars ;
  • crystals, etc.

The most suitable composition will be a small flower and ribbons. All animal tattoos with which you need to perform with great care are also suitable. Do not beat growling or attacking. But the animals prepared for the jump look dynamic.

The color range is not limited. You can determine your palette by skin color. Light milky shades allows you to perform any pattern. Bright yellow and with hints of olive is favorably emphasized by the tints of purple, violet, white, blue and aqua.

Dark skin closer to a brown tone or coffee with milk perfectly highlights bright colors: bright blue, white, pink. It is worth avoiding beige tones with a transition to purple current. With this combination on any skin, the tattoo looks like a bruise.

The drawing must obey the laws of composition. To the shoulders, the elements can increase in size; along the collarbone line, all the details are distributed evenly. Closer to the center of the chest, there should be a minimum number of them.

Does it hurt to get a collarbone tattoo?

The pain map shows that the area below the clavicles belongs to the green sector. Here you can perform work with a minimum amount of anesthesia. However, the collarbones themselves belong to a place with a large accumulation of nerve endings.

A large jugular vein runs in the area under the clavicle. It supplies the heart with waste blood coming from the head. Here lies part of the carotid artery, which supplies fresh blood to the upper body. Thus, these places are included in the zone, which is little clogged with muscles.

  • flower tattoo
  • Tattoo inscription on the collarbone

  • dog tattoo on collarbone

  • Tattoo on the collarbone

  • Arabic tattoo

  • Jellyfish tattoo, photo from: Tat on the collarbone, photo from:
  • flower tattoo

  • watercolor bird tattoo

  • flower tattoo

  • rose tattoo

  • leaf tattoo

  • tattoo inscription

  • tattoo inscription

  • arm tattoo

  • elephant tattoo
  • constellation tattoo
  • flower tattoo
  • bird tattoo
  • airplane tattoo
  • flower tattoo

Fat deposits here are minimal. For this reason, the ligaments, tendons, and heads of the muscle come close to the surface. Without proper anesthesia, sensations will deliver a lot of discomfort.

The choice of analgesic should be clearly regulated by the master. The client must not be allergic to the anesthetic drug. Recognized means that do not cause an allergic reaction are:

  • Nano Meter 2 Minutes;
  • GEL Mei-Cha;
  • goochie;
  • Mei-Cha X-IT;

These are gels made with a multicomponent composition. They do not contain lidocaine, which is at risk for most people. At the same time, the freezing effect comes already at the 15th minute after application.

The effect lasts 25-40 minutes. When applied repeatedly, it does not cause an overdose. What is important, since all substances from this area are sent immediately to the head or heart area.

The collection of the world piggy bank of original sketches was replenished with mechanical birds and dragonflies. The style is classically classified as thrash. Because it is close to biomechanics. However, light lines and the color of copper metal can do wonders for perception.

Romantic natures will suit a light stroke of the stars that have developed into a constellation. It can be either a favorite cluster or a zodiacal one. In addition, the stars can lay out patterns, the geometry of which will create an attractive outline under the collarbones.

Gently look flowers in the style of graphics. The specificity of drawing a picture is small dashes and lines. This gives the impression that a real plant lies on the skin. Works in 3D look similar.

If the goal is to highlight the tattoo as an independent decoration, watercolor will do. Bright strokes will create a festive atmosphere. They will attract attention, forming a favorable image.

Works in the style of geometry look fresh and unusual. The meaning embedded in the images will tell you that the bearer has a lively mind.

Linework creates a similar effect. Delicate lines and a thin cobweb of the pattern give an openwork to the fragile lines of the collarbone. If you put into work several shades of a non-bright color, the creation of a gentle image of a vulnerable girl is ensured.

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Today, collarbone tattoos for girls are more popular than ever. The appearance of these body jewelry is very aesthetic, this can be seen when studying photo examples. The upper torso is an ideal platform for reflecting sincere emotions and self-expression necessary for every person. For those who are not indifferent to tattoos in the clavicle area, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with useful discussions on this topic.

The female sex often chooses this particular area of ​​the body for the arrangement of drawings of different content. This cannot be said about the male field, they use the collarbone a little less often, mostly phrases, drawings on the theme of significant events, important dates and names flaunt there. The ladies' arsenal of images is many times wider, most often it is:

  • birds;
  • flowers;
  • insects;
  • asterisks;
  • all kinds of ornaments;
  • bows;
  • patterns;
  • inscriptions in Latin, English and Chinese;
  • ancient runes.

In addition, male tattoos are larger in size, mostly have a horizontal orientation and extend along the entire shoulder girdle. Women's - more often placed vertically or diagonally. There are many examples of female tattoos on both collarbones, but this option is chosen less often than the image on only one side.

red bow on collarbone

rainbow figure on collarbone

black birds

If there is a strong belief in the desire to place a tattoo on the collarbones, then you should still take into account a number important points, namely:

  • it must be remembered that in the warm season it is this zone that women often find themselves on public display, so large drawings covering a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper body are difficult to hide;
  • the process of tattooing on the collarbone is considered painful, but this fact does not repel girls due to the seductive result;
  • large images imply the processing of a large area of ​​​​skin, while areas that are as close as possible to the bone will inevitably be affected, for someone it is easier to give preference to smaller tattoos;
  • not always the drawings in this place hide a deep meaning, when they do not contain a semantic load, they serve solely for the sake of aesthetic pleasure;
  • if an inscription is chosen, then you will have to carefully consider its content, as well as the size, do not insist on too small a font, since the tattoo will inevitably deform over the years and small letters can merge into an incomprehensible and untidy spot;
  • to select a suitable pattern, you can study many sources of information, but it is better to consult an expert who understands the meaning of tattoos, he will definitely focus on applying such an image, the relevance of which will not be lost for a person after many years.

wolf on collarbone

bird on collarbone

realistic wolf

flying bird on collarbone

Women's tattoos on the collarbone

Why do girls like collarbone tattoos?

Professional tattoos on the collarbone for girls are so attractive because of the special relationship to this delicate area of ​​the body. It is obvious that almost all modern girls live in a regime of diets and an endless pursuit of getting rid of excess weight. Really, beautiful figure assumes harmony of forms. So, the prominent collarbones, no doubt, testify to the thinness of the body and the refinement of character. Ladies of different ages, reverently related to the clavicle zone, decide to decorate it with a tattoo to attract increased attention from society. They sincerely want this attractive area to be seen by everyone and be sure to be appreciated as an attractive and elegant object.

fantastic bird on collarbone


If the figure is far from ideal, then by means of tattoos on the collarbones it can be slightly adjusted. You can see that the artist’s competent work with light and shadow can create the illusion of prominent collarbones, which means visually add thinness to the physique. It must be admitted that such women are right, because beautifully executed tattoos on the upper body give the girl sexuality and individuality.

fairy beast on collarbone

small bike

Double collarbone tattoos

Masters more often than others fulfill orders for symmetrical tattoos, located on both sides. On both clavicles, drawings identical to each other are applied. For example, it can be two roses. With the correct application of such double patterns, which may not necessarily be represented by colors, a geometrically correct and surprisingly harmonious composition is obtained. Instead of roses, you can stuff swallows, diamonds or stars - these are the options that are most in demand today.

fantasy birds

red roses on collarbones

black roses on collarbones

Large collarbone tattoos

True connoisseurs of the art of tattooing are not at all embarrassed by the high degree of pain in the collarbone area, where there is an unusually thin skin and practically no fat or muscle layer. Of course, drawings that cover large areas of the body are more often chosen by men, but in some cases girls also decide to do this. For example, the work of a tattoo artist can begin on the neck and end on the collarbone or in any other area. It all depends on the scope of imagination, preferences and patience of the customer.

large toothy dinosaur skulls

big bright bird

In some cases, collarbone tattoos for girls are absolutely unacceptable. This happens if you fundamentally need to see your tattoo and admire it with your own eyes. If this zone is selected for drawing a picture, then this is impossible. This composition will be visible only to others and accessible to the eye of its owner only through a mirror. This cannot be said for many other parts of the body.