Why dream of shaking out the rug. Color: red, green, white, grey, black

  • 22.09.2019

Carpet hanging on the wall or lying on the floor is a symbol of wealth, stable prosperity. However, this is general information, some dream books interpret the vision differently, so the question of what the carpet on the wall is dreaming of is always open.

What if you dream of a carpet on the wall?

For example, Melnikov's dream book interprets the carpet on the wall as receiving financial assistance from friends. Apparently, the sleeper got into difficult situation and cannot solve it without the help of outsiders.

Important news promises a dream in which the dreamed carpet was blue color. This shade has always meant lightning speed of thought, peace and complacency, based on which the dream book concludes that the news will be pleasant.

Buying a carpet in the market and then placing it on the wall indicates wasted spending. The interpreter warns the dreamer that such an attitude towards money can make him a beggar. The dreamer needs to think about the distribution of funds in order to spend them more economically.

A carpet with holes hanging on the wall promises the loss of money, and their number depends on the size of the dreamed hole. The same dream in some cases means a quarrel with relatives, as if a deep hole appeared in the relationship between the dreamer and them.

The autumn dream book is sure that the dreamed carpet on the wall has a positive meaning. If the sleeper sees a beautiful carpet on the wall of his house, then financial assistance will not take long. If in a dream the sleeper removes the carpet from the wall to clean or knock it out, then this indicates that all existing problems will be solved by themselves.

Dream Interpretation Karatov has his own vision regarding the meaning such a dream. In his opinion, if the sleeper buys a carpet in a store, then an expensive gift awaits him. If the purchase had to be made in the market, then this indicates a monetary reward for a job well done. Apparently, the authorities entrusted the sleeping man with a project that no one could handle, but the dreamer did it brilliantly, for which he will receive a reward.

A dream is considered not very favorable for women, in which the carpet hanging on the wall is covered with an incomprehensible pattern. In this case, the dreamer should be wary of slander, as it will destroy the woman's well-established life.

Honor, glory, wealth promises a dream in which the carpet on the wall is embroidered with gold threads. However, if the same carpet turns out to be with holes, then the dreamer mismanaged money and will soon be on the verge of poverty.

A red carpet promises a new romantic relationship, which may end in marriage.

What portends?

According to Miller's dream book, a carpet on the wall portends a fun pastime, but if the coating has an unusual color, then the dreamer will receive unexpected financial assistance from an unfamiliar person. For an unmarried girl, a luxurious carpet on the wall promises a profitable marriage.

Wangi's dream book assures his admirers that the interpretation of a dream directly depends on the appearance of the dreamed carpet. If the carpet is new, it is pleasant to look at it, then in the life of the dreamer everything will turn out well and he has nothing to worry about. However, in the case when the carpet is old or torn, poverty and a bleak existence await the sleeper.

The Muslim dream book believes that if a person dreamed of a carpet on the wall, then there will always be peace and harmony in his house, and material difficulties will pass by. Also, this vision may indicate that the dreamer will become a popular person, universal glory and honor awaits him.

As can be seen from the description, a dream in which a new, beautiful or unusual carpet was dreamed of promises the sleeping wealth, happy life, glory and honor. However, the shabby carpet has a completely different meaning and this dream must be feared.

The article on the topic: "dream book to wash the carpet" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Adherents of mystical teachings claim that this flooring akin to a magical flying carpet that came to us from Arabian fairy tales. Colorful carpets create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the room, dream books interpret them as a positive symbol, brushing the carpet in a dream - in reality, make an attempt to improve life.

What if you dream of cleaning the carpet?

In order to make out why he dreams of cleaning the carpet in a dream, the dreamer needs to remember in which room he had to clean: in his own house, office, at a party, etc. Cleaning the carpet at home means that the dreamer wants to achieve spiritual comfort, establish or improve relations with the household, such a plot may have a different meaning: the dreamer in reality wants to put his house in order, start repairs, general cleaning. It is quite possible that the dreamer, who is waiting for pleasant changes, will not be deceived in his hopes, the dream promises profit and prosperity, but this interpretation is valid only when the carpet has a presentable appearance in a night dream. appearance.

Tidying up the carpet in the office means that the dreamer wants changes in the professional field, he wants to climb the corporate ladder, take a more prestigious position. Cleaning the flooring at a party means that the owner of the dream is trying to help friends for whom he is rooting with all his heart, but they do not consider it necessary to accept help.

Cleaning a carpet with large stains in a dream may mean that the sleeper wants to clean up his reputation, which was tarnished by ill-wishers, soon the dreamer will have to make a decision that determines the further course of events in life.

When interpreting a dream, some subtleties should be taken into account: color, appearance, location, as well as equipment with which the sleeper put the rug in order.

Cleaning the red carpet - to the upcoming glory and honor, green - the desire for peace and tranquility, white - evidence that at the moment there is a pause in the affairs of the dreamer. The advice of the dream book is to be able to rejoice at what is and to benefit from everything, to clean the purple rug in a dream - the owner of the dream wants to get rid of bad character traits.

The yellow and orange shades of the carpet being cleaned in a dream characterize the owner of a night dream as an optimistic, sympathetic, trouble-free person, he always comes to the aid of people, work colleagues and friends. A black carpet put in order means that the sleeper is focused on his problems, he cannot get out of them himself, he was overcome by depression, the advice of the dream book is to try to solve the problem in a different way, not to concentrate on one solution.

What portends?

Cleaning a very dirty, dusty and dilapidated carpet, which is falling apart in front of the dreamer - to failure in business, the sleeper, who wants to improve relations in his environment, will not be able to fulfill his plan. Friends and relatives do not understand him, the advice of dream books is to reconsider their point of view, perhaps what the sleeping person wants to receive from loved ones, he will not need soon and fate will present something different, better.

Sweeping the floor with a broom - the desire to have a good time with friends, vacuuming - the dreamer's thirst to remove everything superfluous from his life, brush the carpet - the dreamer tries to solve the problem on his own, but he can not do it. The advice of the dream book is not to take on issues that are difficult to resolve on your own; to achieve success, you should seek help from professionals. To clean the wall rug - the sleeper in the near future intends to prove his case and confirm this with facts, to see how the pattern appears on the wet carpet - to unravel the family secret.

Cleaning the carpet in a dream symbolizes the desire for change, this is a good sign that emphasizes the desire to renew the dreamer, it is quite possible that his hopes will be justified, you just need to get down to business as soon as possible, show wisdom and determination.

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Carpet according to the dream book

Traditionally, the carpet in the room creates an atmosphere of comfort and prestige. In a dream, it is also a harbinger of wealth and prosperity, it is these meanings that are most often found in the dream book. The details of the dream help to more accurately interpret what this piece of furniture is dreaming of.

This symbol has many allegorical interpretations. For example, the red carpet represents glory and honor. Esotericists in their interpretations focus on all kinds of manipulations. A special meaning is invested in the manufacturing process and keeping it clean. This symbol reflects the current worldview and helps predict future events.

Miller's dream book is encouraging that if you dreamed of a carpet, you can rely on your influential friends and count on their support, especially when it comes to financial matters.

Other interpreters offer their predictions of what the carpet is dreaming of. The Muslim dream book considers this symbol from the point of view of the carpet trade. Buying portends good wealth, and selling - a pleasant and sensible pastime, such as a trip or a cultural event.


The carpet on the floor, on which it is so pleasant to walk barefoot, symbolizes the desire for luxury and comfort, which cannot be satisfied in any way. At the same time, the dream book also notes the ability to be content with little, the ability to enjoy simple joys.

If the carpet hanging on the wall is clearly remembered, the dream means that in the near future you will be provided with prosperity and family happiness. An unusual drawing once again confirms the meaning of the interpretation. The images on it can be interpreted literally.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus will tell you why a carpet rolled up in a roll is dreamed of. Someone is trying to hide the true state of affairs from you, perhaps for selfish purposes.

colorful rugs

Green has long symbolized peace and hope. If you dreamed of a green rug, you don’t have to worry about anything: your financial situation is stable, your friends are reliable, your soulmate is true.

What the red carpet is dreaming of, its cheerful colors will tell. The red color, especially complemented by a colorful pattern, symbolizes a passion that will not bypass even those who have been married for many years.

If you dreamed of a nondescript, plain, or even more so white flooring, the dream reflects the emptiness that reigns in your reality. Unfortunately, there is nothing to fill it in the foreseeable future. Look for novelty around and within yourself, or be patient until better times.

Magic carpet

Mankind has long been interested in what the carpet of the plane is dreaming of. This magical symbol has many interpretations. The most common of them says that the sleeper is simply tired of the gray everyday life and longs for a little fairy tale or at least adventure.

Often a flying carpet is a harbinger of an unexpected trip, travel. If you dreamed of such an unusual vehicle, the dream book believes that this is a good sign, a chance to change the situation for a while.

Putting in order

Often the covering under your feet in a dream reflects your true attitude to the surrounding reality. If you dreamed of a dirty carpet, the dream book suggests that you are really not at ease.

When it happens in a dream to clean the carpets, the interpretation warns that monotonous and monotonous work lies ahead in reality.

If you dreamed that the flooring had to be swept with a broom, the dream book in its interpretation mentions one circumstance that you carefully hide. And rightly so: this fact is not in favor of reputation.

A dusty rug seen in a dream indicates that you are tired of keeping someone else's secret, not being able to intervene in the course of events. Unfortunately, for now, everything will remain as it is.

If in a dream you had a chance to vacuum a carpet or carpet, the dream book portends an important mission: to become a mediator in a dispute between two people, each of whom is dear to you in its own way.

When you have to manually shake out the rug in your sleep, it's time to get into real estate transactions. It is quite possible that right now you will be able to open your own business in this industry.

Vanga's dream book is less optimistic. According to the interpretation, everything that dreams of knocking dust out of the carpet is somehow connected with the past. One of the old almost forgotten stories will remind you of yourself, not the fact that these will be pleasant memories.

Wet cleaning

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation believes that washing carpets in a dream most often happens to those who are forced to cover their tracks in reality. The image is inspired by the habit of controlling the situation and not losing vigilance.

If you had a chance to wash rugs, the dream symbolizes your confidence in your own rightness. You are ready to take responsibility for making a collective decision. The dream interpretation with a high degree of probability believes that it will turn out to be true.

Gypsy dream book offers very interesting interpretation what is the dream of a wet carpet. If, under the influence of moisture, a drawing appeared on the coating, the dreamer will have to unravel the family secret.

If a clean carpet appeared in a dream, what you saw in a dream indicates your peaceful state, confidence in the future, peace of mind.

Update in the interior

The dream book of Nostradamus will tell you why the new carpet is dreaming. Since this is an element of the interior, the interpretation concerns the circle of the family and the immediate environment of the sleeping person. In this case, it is a harbinger of a joyful event, a family holiday.

If you remember most vividly the moment when you had a chance to buy a carpet, this means that happy changes will come in your family. What you see in a dream promises an unexpected, but very pleasant gift of fate.

AT modern interpretation an explanation of what a beautiful carpet is dreaming of sounds like this: the dreamer's family will be able to improve their living conditions in the near future.

If you dreamed how any carpet product was presented, expect the visit of honored guests soon. The meeting will be held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, you will make a good impression on your guests.

old carpet

If an old carpet appeared in a dream, be more economical. Industrial relations are now extremely unstable. A conflict with a superior person can adversely affect the financial situation.

Soothsayer Grishina shares the secret of what a shabby carpet is dreaming of. What you see in a dream means that you have morally grown out of your previous way of life, and it does not interfere with thinking about next steps.


The Chinese prediction of Zhou Gong believes that one who happened to lay a carpet in a dream will be able to enjoy stability in reality for a long time.

When in a dream it happens to hang carpets on the walls, you can safely go shopping. Whatever you buy at the moment will be very useful, and the prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Esotericists argue that weaving a carpet in a dream is a very rewarding activity, which in reality will receive a lively response. The sleeper's new hobby will be surprisingly promising and profitable.

Why dream that my mother cut off a piece of my carpet?

Wash the carpet simply with water and a brush, without any means (the dirt was easily washed off).

What does it mean if you see one carpet of the husband of another mother-in-law on the wall, but they haven’t bought me yet.

dream interpretation

wash carpet

Dream Interpretation Wash carpet dreamed of why in a dream to wash the carpet? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Washing a carpet by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why dream of washing the carpet - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

wash the carpet in a dream

The carpet dreams of making unexpected profits or the help of wealthy friends.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

why dream of washing the carpet

If you had a dream in which you are carefully trying to wash the carpet, it speaks of an undesirable reminder of circumstances about old affairs or cases that should not be remembered.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

wash the carpet in a dream what is it for

If in your dreams you wash the carpet, then soon, having incorrectly assessed the environment, fate will give you an unpleasant surprise.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

what does it mean if you wash the carpet in a dream

In the Islamic dream book, the interpretation of the carpet is a harbinger of family comfort and harmony. Cleaning the carpet in a dream suggests that thanks to your sense of rightness, in the near future you will make the most important decision, from which many people around you will hang.

Chinese dream book

dreamed of washing the carpet

Washing a carpet in a dream promises that in the near future you will have to restore your reputation and honor. To avoid this, you need to burn your old photo, then eat the ashes.

Family dream book

wash the carpet in a dream what is it for

What is happening with the carpet in a dream is a reflection of family happiness. Therefore, carpet cleaning leads to renewal in family life and purity of feelings.

Esoteric dream book

why dream of washing the carpet

Doing carpet washing in a dream is the most auspicious time start a business that is directly related to real estate. All operations will lead to success.

With sleep, people also dreamed of washing the carpet


Many people have experienced such a state when, upon awakening from sleep, it is impossible to move. You can not move a single limb, the body seems to be paralyzed.

Nowadays, people endowed with special gifts - psychics, can explain a lot that is connected with the world of dreams.

Why do we dream of people who are no longer with us? Why in a dream can we talk with a person whom we never knew, and could not recognize in reality? Why do the dead disturb our dreams?

German scientists from the Max Planck Institute conducted a dream control experiment in which subjects were told before falling asleep.

Some scientists believe that sleep serves as a preparation for the threat in real life. The brain imitates anxiety so that the dreamer can deal with it in reality. There are claims that such training helps humanity survive.

It turns out that in order to get enough sleep, it is not at all necessary to have super knowledge or super abilities, such as Napoleon, who needed 4 hours to sleep.

Difficulties and problems at work, worries, irritability, anxiety, nervous breakdowns; Ultimately, it all spills over into our dreams.

Unfortunately, each of us has to deal with nightmares from time to time. Horrible dream not the most favorable phenomenon, because sometimes it causes insomnia, which entails a number of problems.

Nightmares do not arise on their own, the reason sits deep in the subconscious - a person cannot solve the problem, he worries about his loved ones.

It is believed that not only restful sleep, but also human health, inner and family harmony depend on the correctly chosen place and location of the bed.

It happens that you need to sleep well, at night or in the afternoon before an important event, but you don’t feel like sleeping at all. You can use these tips.

So each person can independently check whether it is enough for him to sleep for 8 hours, paying attention to his well-being. If during such a time you feel that your strength has resumed, then you should adhere to such a schedule.

Psychologists identify 6 reasons why babies do not sleep at night.

Dream interpretation

Death is the most serious event in our lives. The appearance of a dead person in our sleep cannot be called an ordinary, meaningless dream. If the dead person appears in our dream.

It turns out that in a dream the human soul partially leaves the body, with the possibility of moving to those levels where the souls of the dead are.

You should take a closer look at the number if you had an ordinary, unremarkable dream, and suddenly a figure crashed into your memory.

To determine which days are prophetic dreams, you should know the famous divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic these days and other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all dates of the month can be found here.

Has it ever happened to you that in a dream you run away from someone, suddenly fall into an abyss and after flying for some time, you wake up? It was not quite a dream, but a reality.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream interpretation wash carpet

When a person dreams of something out of the ordinary, he immediately looks for the necessary information in the dream book. But what if you dreamed of an ordinary thing, a carpet? Many will ignore this night vision, and in vain. Do you remember this symbol? So there are reasons.

The palace is dreaming

The subconscious focuses on those symbols that carry the necessary information. Do not ignore dreams, let's see what the carpet is dreaming of?

Dream book opinions about dreams about carpets

I dreamed of a carpet, which means material well-being awaits.

It is known that carpets in the house create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. To understand what such a vision promises, you should turn to the interpreters of dreams who will put your vision on the shelves. Since such an interior detail can hang on the wall, lie on the floor, you can buy it, wash it, clean it, it can be old or new. In his nightly dreams, a person can even travel on an airplane carpet.

If you dreamed of a carpet

Women's dream book

  • The palace may signal that the dreamer's financial situation will soon improve. And wealthy acquaintances will help in difficult times.
  • Seeing a carpet for a young girl in a dream means that very soon she will be the mistress of a wonderful home.
  • Buy it - to prosperity in business.
  • Walking on them is happiness and monetary gain.
  • Selling carpets - a pleasant journey awaits you.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Why is the carpet dreaming? To a happy and long family life.

Carpet in the interior

If in a dream your attention was attracted by a new carpet that is in your home, no matter where, on the floor or wall, there will be a holiday in your house.

This interpreter pays close attention to the drawing. Flowers, bushes, flowering trees are depicted on the carpet, which means that the dreamer will experience happiness in love. If the drawing contains figures of children, you will have offspring that you can rightly be proud of. Many different things or food are depicted on the carpet - you will have a house, a full bowl.

How does he interpret this dream book, a carpet with strange symbols applied, the meanings of which you cannot make out, means that something important will happen that will directly concern the dreamer's family.

Why dream of a carpet with rich and bright colors? To life in abundance. Selling it means you will be temporarily constrained in cash.

Miller's dream book

  • Palace in a dream means that you will be a fairly wealthy person, among other things, friends are always ready to provide you with financial support.
  • Walking on the carpet - prosperity in business and happiness in the family.
  • Buy - profit.
  • Selling is a journey.

Interpreter of the sorceress Medea

This source focuses on color scheme, in which the carpet is made.

If you dreamed of a red carpet

  • Monotonous, worn, speaks of an unpleasant conversation with senior management.
  • Red, about happiness in family life.
  • Selling a carpet - to need and temporary difficulties.

Interpretations of other dream books

The esoteric interpreter says that standing on a carpet in a dream means that you will soon acquire real estate, a house, a summer house, a plot.

Sweeping with a broom, cleaning, washing - you will be lucky in transactions that will be related to real estate.

Weaving a carpet yourself, or applying a pattern to it - success in business.

If you dream of a carpet - an airplane, then you will encounter some kind of miracle, this is exactly what the idiomatic dream book thinks.

The Chinese, on the other hand, believe that if you see a rolled rug in a dream, spread it out - stability in business.

Location of the carpet

If after a dream you remember not only that you dreamed of this symbol, but also its location, then it is this detail that you should pay attention to.

On the floor - you are grateful to fate for what you have, and are ready to enjoy even the smallest.

Walking barefoot on a clean rug spread on the floor symbolizes the desire for wealth and luxury. The truth is that it is spread on the floor, it means that you are taking the wrong steps, which is why you cannot achieve the desired level of well-being.

The carpet on the wall promises mutual understanding in the family, as well as prosperity. The dream in which the carpet is red is considered the best.

Your actions

Sweeping rubbish from carpets, while trying to sweep rubbish under it - you want to hide the truth from others, you cannot come to terms with reality.

Sweeping with a broom - you refuse to be responsible for the events that occur in life.

A dream where you had a chance to sweep the paths with a broom is a warning, you have a monotonous and completely uninteresting job.

In a dream, do not sweep, but vacuum - you will become a referee between two people dear to you.

If you cleaned the carpet

The seer Vanga believed that any manipulations with the carpet that are associated with cleaning, sweeping, washing it belong to your past. A certain “dirty” situation from the past years will come out and unpleasantly remind of itself.

Wash the carpet - you are sure that you are right. They are used to making important decisions, which, as a rule, turn out to be correct.

In general, cleaning carpets in a dream means that you will live in harmony with your conscience. Cleaning carpets - peace and tranquility in the soul.

Why in a dream is a carpet - an airplane

It is believed that a carpet seen in a dream - an airplane portends the dreamer a completely unexpected journey. But at the same time, it will be pleasant and profitable.

In general, the carpet - the plane says that changes are coming in your life that may seem magical, a real fairy tale in reality.

Sudden wealth, perhaps winning the lottery, promises a dream in which the sleeper saw himself in a room completely hung with carpets. If a girl dreams of a room completely hung with carpets, this girl will soon get married; moreover, her chosen one will be a person who has weight in society and with money. ; Laying one carpet on another - to establish stability in a career. If in a dream the sleeper sweeps rubbish under the carpet - this clear sign the fact that there are secrets in his life. Standing on a carpet - to new acquisitions; building a house, giving, buying an apartment. Dreamed of cleaning the carpet? It is worth reviewing things in business or at work, they have long needed order. And why dream of a carpet just removed from a weaving loom? A successful enterprise is coming, which will end successfully.

Dancing on the carpet - to celebrate the good luck of friends. A carpet with a floral pattern, bright, noticeable promises love and happiness. If children's toys are scattered on the carpet in a dream - to the addition to the family. The dishes on the carpet symbolize prosperity and enrichment. An ornate pattern on the carpet promises significant changes in life. Buying a carpet promises easy money. In addition, influential friends can help if necessary. For an unmarried girl to see a carpet in a dream means successful marriage and family happiness.

In general, a dream carpet symbolizes wealth, quick money, and not always in an honest way, good luck and career advancement. The carpet itself is the personification of a carefree family life, mutual happiness. The meaning of sleep about a carpet depends on the type of its pattern, coloring. Orange, yellow pattern on the carpet - a happy family life. The material of the carpet matters.

Selling carpets to sleepers (especially if it goes well) promises a joyful and rewarding journey that will change his outlook on the world. A richly decorated carpet embroidered with gold - to wealth. If you dreamed of an attic covered with an old, tarnished carpet, you need to prepare; to hard times.

Other interpreters offer their predictions of what the carpet is dreaming of. The Muslim dream book considers this symbol from the point of view of the carpet trade. Buying portends good wealth, while selling portends a pleasant and sensible pastime, such as travel or a cultural event.

Traditionally, the carpet in the room creates an atmosphere of comfort and prestige. In a dream, it is also a harbinger of wealth and prosperity, it is these meanings that are found in the dream book more often. The details of the dream help to more accurately interpret what this piece of furniture is dreaming of.

The dream book of Nostradamus will tell you why the new carpet is dreaming. Since this is an element of the interior, the interpretation concerns the circle of the family and the immediate environment of the sleeping person. In this case, it is a harbinger of a joyful event, a family holiday.

If you dreamed about how the flooring had to be swept with a broom, the films in their interpretation recall one circumstance that you carefully hide. And rightly so: this fact is not in favor of reputation.

Carpet - profit and wealthy patrons. Walking on the carpet - prosperity in business, happiness. Buy carpet - before big profit, sell - for a pleasant trip, a good deal. For a young woman to see carpets - to become the mistress of a rich house (or furnishings), as the dream book says about this dream.

If in a dream you are on a carpet (sitting, standing, walking), then your financial situation will be strengthened and, perhaps, you will start building your own house or invest in other property. Shaking or knocking out the carpet in a dream means that now is the most favorable time to resolve business issues - all your undertakings will end in achieving your goal, all transactions will bring excellent profits.

Carpet - Carpets have always been considered a luxury item, and in fairy tales they often acted as a magical vehicle. If in a dream you buy a carpet, then this is a sign of the upcoming well-being in your life. Dreaming of walking on a carpet to gain fame. If the carpet in your dream is soft and very fluffy, then such a dream speaks not only of receiving a large amount of money, but also of love joy.

Carpet - the carpet dreams of profit: you will have rich, generous friends who will help you in difficult times. If in a dream you were walking on a carpet, happiness and prosperity are ahead. Buying carpets dreams of huge profits. Selling carpets - for a pleasant and profitable trip. If a young woman sees carpets in a dream, she will soon become the owner of a beautiful house.

Carpet - a carpet seen in a dream - a symbol of a happy family life. To see a new carpet in your home - for the holiday in your house, blooming garden, depicted on the carpet - to love and happiness, figures of children - fortunately in offspring, fruits or things - to wealth and abundance. A strange pattern on the carpet means something serious that concerns the whole family. A very juicy and beautiful pattern on the carpet - for money, selling it - for lack of funds, walking on it - for honor.

Carpet - Seeing a carpet in a dream means profit and rich friends who can help you if necessary. Walking on the carpet - happiness and prosperity. - To dream that you are buying carpets means a huge profit. If you sell carpets, you will have the opportunity to go on a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey. For a young woman, seeing carpets in a dream means that she will soon become the owner of a beautiful house.

Carpet - a carpet in a dream can mean an increase in wealth, as well as wealthy friends who can help you if necessary. For a young woman, such a dream means that she will soon become the mistress of a beautiful home. Walking on carpets - for happiness and prosperity. Buying carpets in a dream is a huge profit. Selling them is a pleasant and at the same time profitable trip.

Rug - You want comfort and peace, you are terribly tired of the last period of your life. Why dream of a rug - If you see a chic Persian carpet, and even more so, walk on it or lie on it, then your path in the near future will be literally strewn with roses without thorns, and life will be filled with happiness.

A carpet in a dream is a symbol of prosperity and unexpected profit. If you dream that you are buying a carpet, then very soon you will have influential friends who will help you fulfill many of your desires. Selling a carpet in a dream is to succeed on your own. It is also likely that you will be offered to go on a long trip, which will be not only interesting, but also profitable.

Yellow carpet - fortune is about to turn to face you, you just need to make sure that not material, but spiritual values ​​form the basis of your being, that is, you need to pay more attention not to making money, but to communicating with those people who can be called wise.

The carpet is red - get ready, a dangerous period is coming in your life when every step can bring trouble. Be careful, now you are walking through the "mine" field of your destiny. Think well before you do anything.

What is the dream of the carpet

Miller's dream book

Seeing a carpet in a dream means profit and rich friends who can help you in case of need.

Walking on the carpet - happiness and prosperity.

To dream that you are buying carpets means a huge profit.

If you sell carpets, you will have the opportunity to go on a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey.

For a young woman, seeing carpets in a dream means that she will soon become the owner of a beautiful house.

What is the dream of the carpet

Family dream book

Carpet - dreams of profit: you will have rich generous friends who will help you in difficult times.

If in a dream you were walking on a carpet, happiness and prosperity are ahead.

Buying carpets - dreams of huge profits.

Selling carpets - for a pleasant and profitable journey.

If a young woman sees carpets in a dream, she will soon become the owner of a beautiful house.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A beautiful, clean carpet lying on the floor is a symbol of your strong, reliable position and successful progress in business.

A carpet with a hole is most often a warning: some kind of negligence threatens to damage your well-being.

A worn, dirty carpet - encourages you to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps in real life your position is far from being as strong as it seems.

What is the dream of the carpet

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Carpet - the planned profit will be much higher.

What is the dream of the carpet

Spring dream book

To see a lot of carpets in a dream - to prosperity in the house.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dreamed carpet - predicts prosperity and family happiness, if you see it hanging on the wall. If it lies on the floor, it is a sign of profit and rich friends who are always ready to help with money.

Walking on the carpet in street shoes - to happiness and prosperity, barefoot - to important event, the success of which will depend on how you behave in an extraordinary situation. Buying a carpet in a dream - in real life you will incur big expenses.

An old, moth-eaten carpet - portends a forced trip without a penny in your pocket. Beating carpets or cleaning them with snow - in reality you will be engaged in cleaning, repairing or something else in the same vein, just to distract yourself from the heavy thoughts that have overcome you.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Carpet - rest, peace, wealth; to buy - to wealth; walk on the carpet - to glory.

What is the dream of the carpet

Esoteric dream book

Be on the carpet - build new house, cottage or buy a new apartment.

Knock out, shake out - it's time to get into real estate transactions and real estate-related business.

Weaving, drawing is a very successful enterprise that will lead to stable well-being.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Carpet in a dream - can mean an increase in wealth, as well as wealthy friends who can help you in case of need.

For a young woman, such a dream means that she will soon become the mistress of a beautiful home.

Walking on carpets - to happiness and prosperity.

Buying carpets in a dream is a huge profit.

Selling them is a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Buying a carpet is for money; walk on the carpet - to glory.

What is the dream of the carpet

Modern dream book

Seeing a carpet in a dream means profit. In addition, rich friends in case of poverty will come to your aid.

Walking on the carpet - to happiness and prosperity.

To dream that you are buying carpets is a big profit.

If you sell them, you will have a reason to go on a pleasant and profitable journey. For a young woman, a dream about carpets promises that she will become the owner of a beautiful house in which servants will await her orders.

What is the dream of the carpet

Eastern dream book

Carpet - dreams of profit. In addition, it testifies: if necessary, rich and influential friends will help you.

Walking on a soft carpet - to prosperity and well-being.

Buying carpets is a huge profit.

For a young woman to see carpets in a dream is a sign that she will be the mistress of a large beautiful home.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

rest, peace, comfort and wealth.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Carpet - you see a carpet in a dream - your activity will bring profit; you can, if necessary, count on the participation and help of wealthy people. A young woman sees a carpet in a dream - this woman will be the hostess in a large, well-furnished house; A girl will help her with the housework. It is as if you are walking on a luxurious soft carpet - the prosperity of your affairs and happiness in your house go hand in hand; in difficult times, friends will always come to help. It is as if you are buying a carpet - a dream - for good luck, for acquisitions, for profit. You are selling a carpet - in the upcoming journey you will be able to combine pleasure and benefit; You will return from your trip refreshed and rejuvenated. Your carpet is as if new and very expensive - you have always felt the desire for luxury in yourself, you could not calmly pass by an expensive thing, but the constraint on funds did not allow you to turn around; now your affairs will go so well that you will finally allow yourself what you have long dreamed of. Your carpet is old and worn out in a dream - you will soon have to give up the luxury and comfort you are used to; you will again remember what unsatisfied desires are. You are dreaming of a room whose walls are completely hung with carpets - you will turn over a lot of money; never before have your possibilities been so great. The girl dreams of a room hung with carpets - this girl will soon get married; her chosen one will be a famous and rich man.

What is the dream of the carpet

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The carpet is a symbol of a happy family life, happiness that seemed lost or lost will be saved.

Everything that happens to him in a dream will accordingly happen to your family happiness.

To see a new carpet in your home is a holiday on a joyful occasion in your home.

A strange drawing on it means something significant concerning your family.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Carpet - glory; prosperity; comfort.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does Carpet mean in a dream - A gift from a rich friend. Imagine this luxurious, beautiful carpet covering the floor of your home.

What is the dream of the carpet

Phoebe's big dream book

Carpet - for expensive gifts. Imagine that you are at a party, in a store or in the market, and saw a large luxurious carpet. You express admiration for this carpet, and in response to this, the owner or seller offers it to you as a gift, free of charge. You gratefully accept the gift, and now the carpet covers the floor in your house. You admire it and step on it with pleasure, feeling how soft and pleasant it is to the touch.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dream to see about the Carpet - The meaning of the carpet clarifies the type of its pattern, coloring. A plain carpet or in an interesting pattern is the main point of the dream message. A monophonic, especially worn carpet, promises difficulties in relations with superiors. The red pattern on the carpet is a happy family life. Selling a carpet is a hard time in life.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

Carpet - The color of the carpet under your feet can describe you. What color was the carpet in your dream? What did he look like? Whether it was a flying carpet that could take you to magical lands, or a dirty, rat-eaten carpet in need of cleaning, it will tell you what you think about what lies at your feet. In a dream, you will sweep garbage under the carpet - it means in reality that you are hiding something or do not recognize the obvious. If the carpet is new - to wealth. If shabby - to poverty. A richly decorated or oriental carpet - to wealth. An old shabby carpet is dreamed of as a prediction that hard times await you.

What is the dream of the carpet

Home dream book

This symbol has many allegorical interpretations. For example, the red carpet represents glory and honor. Esotericists in their interpretations focus on all kinds of manipulations. A special meaning is invested in the manufacturing process and keeping it clean. This symbol reflects the current worldview and helps predict future events. Buying a carpet foreshadows good wealth, and selling it is a pleasant and sensible pastime, for example, a trip or a cultural event.

What is the dream of the carpet

Jewish dream book

What does Carpet mean in a dream - Lying on a carpet A dream that occurred on Monday night - to the expectation of good news. If you saw him on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to overwork or boredom. On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the birth of a child. Rolling up the carpet Seeing this in a dream on Monday night means that you refuse to believe the rumors that have reached you; but on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he portends difficult times. On the night of Saturday or Sunday - to the loss of all hope. Weave a carpet - make plans to change your life. Hanging a carpet on the wall - there will be a lot of interesting and varied news.

What is the dream of the carpet

Women's dream book

Carpet - A carpet in a dream can mean an increase in wealth, as well as wealthy friends who can help you in case of need. For a young woman, such a dream means that she will soon become the mistress of a beautiful home. Walking on carpets - to happiness and prosperity. Buying carpets in a dream is a huge profit. Selling them is a pleasant and at the same time profitable journey.

What is the dream of the carpet

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Carpet - wealth, a good dream - to walk on a beautiful carpet. To see a carpet on the wall is to have wealthy friends. To sell a carpet is to carry out a profitable business, to sell - to a profitable journey. If a young girl dreams of a room covered in carpets, she will become the mistress of a beautiful large house and will have servants.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does Carpet mean in a dream - financial condition; comfort. Walking on the carpet - the desire to increase your profits; walk along the carpet - honor; buy a carpet - improve your financial situation; carpet on the wall - confidence in the future.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Walking on a carpet in a dream - the desire for comfort and luxury is unlikely to be realized in the near future. But you don't have to worry about your health.

What is the dream of the carpet

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that you were embroidering a pattern on a carpet (weaving a carpet, hemming, buying, selling), then any purchases that you make now will turn out to be very profitable. To maximize the benefit, pour 3 handfuls of coarse salt under the carpet for 3 days.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were cleaning (knocking out, washing) a carpet, then very soon you would have to restore your honor and reputation. To avoid this, burn your old photo and eat the ashes.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

Carpet - "walk on carpet paths" - glory; “everything in carpets” (wealth), “flying carpet” (wonderful), “hide behind a carpet”.

What is the dream of the carpet

Old Russian dream book

to buy - to money; walk on the carpet - to glory.

What is the dream of the carpet

Idiomatic dream book

“Step on the carpet paths” - glory; “everything in carpets” - wealth; "flying carpet" - wonderful.

What is the dream of the carpet

Online dream book

According to the dream book, the carpet is a symbol of the fact that lack of money does not threaten you, even difficult moments of life can turn out to be good for you, however, not without the help of influential friends.

If it is new, a family celebration awaits you around the hearth.

If it is worn out and damaged, you will have to go on a long journey without funds for that.

You dream that you are busy cleaning carpets - any housework will help to cope with emotional unrest, be sure to do it.

To acquire them - to a very quick and rapid enrichment.

Selling carpets in a dream - an exciting trip awaits you, which will bring you considerable benefits.

Red carpet - well-being in the family, good relations, support, mutual assistance.

Carpet plane, according to the dream book - desires cannot be fulfilled at the present time. Efforts must be made to implement them.

To clean the carpet in a dream - you are destined to commit an unseemly act, for which you will have to blush with shame.

What is the dream of the carpet

Universal dream book

The color of the carpet under your feet can characterize you. What color was the carpet in your dream? What did he look like?

Whether it was a flying carpet that could take you to magical lands, or a dirty, rat-eaten carpet in need of cleaning, it will tell you what you think about what lies at your feet.

The expression "called to the carpet" means to appear before an authoritative person and receive a reprimand. Are you or someone else in a similar situation in your dream?

In a dream, you will sweep garbage under the carpet - if you are hiding something or do not recognize the obvious.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Carpet - rest, peace, comfort, wealth.

What is the dream of the carpet

Old English dream book

If you see yourself in a dream in a room covered with carpets, you will noticeably get rich.

What is the dream of the carpet

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams of a carpet, this means that she will marry the owner of a luxurious house.

Why dream of a carpet on the floor? The dream interpretation suggests: this symbol in a dream promises a happy family life, success in business, stable income. However, it can also portend financial difficulties or warn against making mistakes.

Secure position, stable income

If a young woman dreamed of seeing him, the dream book promises: she will soon become the owner of a large house, as she will marry his owner.

Why dream of a beautiful clean carpet on the floor? It symbolizes the strong reliable position of the sleeper, the successful course of affairs.

A red pattern on a carpet in a dream means: your family life will be happy, even if it seemed that happiness was lost.

A dreamed juicy beautiful drawing promises stable incomes, prosperity. There will be an opportunity to set aside some amount.

Don't keep feelings inside, get distracted

Why dream of knocking out or cleaning the carpet with snow? The dream book tells you: you will soon be engaged in repairs, cleaning or other activities in order to distract yourself from overwhelming obsessive thoughts.

Cleaning a dirty carpet in a dream means: the sleeping person keeps all his experiences inside, and this can worsen his mood and condition.

What did you do?

The interpretation of sleep largely depends on what you happened to do with the carpet on the floor:

  • to see - rich friends who will help in case of need;
  • buy - big profit;
  • sell - financial difficulties;
  • to lay - there is a holiday in the house;
  • clean - you will soon have to restore your reputation;
  • nailing to the floor is a success that no one can interfere with.

Also, laying carpet in a dream promises stability, the cessation of frequently changing situations.

Miller's dream book: prosperity ahead

Not only seen soft, with beautiful pattern carpet on the floor, but walked on it? In reality, prosperity and happiness await you.

Work on mistakes, try to avoid them

Dreamed of dirty, worn out? You need to realistically assess the situation, because your position in life is not at all as strong as it seems.

Vacuumed the carpet? The dream book tells you: you are ready to work on your mistakes, to develop. However, vacuuming clean indicates that you are overly pedantic (not to say boring). Better pay more attention to your own state of mind.

A floor carpet with a strange pattern in a dream - in reality something serious will happen that concerns the whole family.

Why dream of a carpet on the floor with a hole? The dream book warns against making a mistake. Now any negligence threatens to seriously harm the well-being of the dreamer.

Hard work will ensure your well-being

Had a dream of shaking out, knocking out a carpet? In reality, you can do real estate transactions - they will be successful. The real estate business will also be successful.