Shade tolerant plants for home and garden. The most beautiful shade-tolerant perennial flowers for the garden

  • 29.08.2019

Shady corners of the garden favorite place rest in the sultry summer, so the desire to decorate them is natural. And someone wants to arrange a beautiful flower garden under the trees growing on the site, or plant plants in the shade of a fence or buildings. For this, shade-tolerant and shade-loving representatives of the flora are suitable.

Demanding for light is one of the criteria by which plants are selected for planting in a shaded area. Flowers and shrubs that are in dire need of the sun will not be able to gain strength there or will die completely.

Other plants may be:

  1. shade-tolerant, that is, preferring penumbra.
  2. Shade-loving, growing well with minimal lighting.

This must be taken into account when planning landings. Ornamental-deciduous species usually like shade, although there are many beautiful flowering exceptions. When selecting plants, it is important to pay attention to preferences in the soil and its moisture content.

What plants to plant in the shade (video)

Popular Shade Tolerant Ground Covers

Crawling on the ground like a green carpet, ground cover plants will become excellent neighbors to higher inhabitants of the garden, will help decorate the soil around trees and shrubs, decorate the slopes of an alpine hill and fit into a rockery composition. Moreover, many of them perfectly survive the lack of sunlight.

tenacious creeping

A plant often found in forests, which has become a garden plant with light hand flower growers. This is a perennial with spreading shoots on the ground. Blooms early - in May. The inflorescences of the tenacious are spike-shaped: small blue or blue flowers are collected in axillary whorls. Such "candles" rise above the ground by 7–12 cm. Many decorative varieties with fancy colored leaves, thanks to which the tenacious looks original and noticeable, despite the small height.

tenacious creeping


It is a perennial plant, rarely bi- or annual. When planted alone, it forms green cushions, usually 5 to 20 cm high, in rare cases reaching 70 cm. Flowers with 5 petals, painted in pink or white, rise from lush greenery on thin legs. The main advantages of saxifrage are its unpretentiousness(the plant is frost-resistant and grows without problems on poor soils) and a long flowering that lasts all summer.

Gallery: shade-tolerant plants for the garden (25 photos)

European hoof

Another option for decorating the soil in a shady corner of the garden is a hoof that grows up to 30 cm in height. It has pretty leaves, the upper side of which is glossy, and the lower side is matte. Blooms in spring with heat setting, maroon bells.

European hoof


Cuff attracts attention primarily with its airy flowers, filling the garden with a honey scent in June and July. The multi-lobed leaves of the plant in many species have a silvery omission from the underside of the leaf. In the conditions of the middle lane it winters well, but for better preservation, the cuff bushes are still recommended to be mulched with peat.

sphagnum moss

In the wild, it is an inhabitant of swamps, but due to its high decorativeness, it is also used in garden compositions. Traditionally white-grey, but there are red, pink and red specimens. The height of the stems ranges from 10 to 20 cm, from which branched shoots depart in bunches.

All these plants do an excellent job with the main task: to decorate the surface of the soil with pretty greenery. Despite the small height, they definitely will not go unnoticed.

sphagnum moss

Choosing shade-tolerant flowers for the garden

If in some corner of the site there is not enough sunlight, this does not mean that there is no place for beautiful flowers. At least 5 plants are ready to fill the shade with their colors.


People often refer to her as a "broken heart" because of the characteristic and very unusual shape of the flowers. They are literally suspended in the air on long peduncles. The voluminous dicentra bush grows quite large in size: up to 1 m in height.

Doronicum orientalis

The plant has bright yellow flowers that look like daisies. Doronicum begins its flowering, which lasts more than a month, at the height of May. There are terry and dwarf varieties.

Doronicum orientalis


Very beautiful blooming liana, undemanding to lighting. In floriculture it is used for vertical decoration. The main wealth of clematis is its large flowers all kinds of colors: starting with white and ending with dark purple.


Or, as they call it, colchicum. This bulbous plant about 20 cm tall, which blooms in autumn. When in contact with colchicum, you need to be careful, because it is poisonous.

Lily of the valley

A modest and well-known lily of the valley willingly grows in the shade. Its snow-white bluebells usually appear in May. This is a perennial plant, undemanding to care.

In order for the plants to have abundant flowering, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. In hot weather, they will need watering.

Flowers for shady areas of the site (video)

Shade-loving ornamental shrubs and trees

If herbaceous plants reign in the lower tier of a shady corner, then the upper one is made up of trees and shrubs. Some of them do not suffer from a small amount of light while maintaining decorative characteristics.


Hydrangea is loved for its puffy hats made up of hundreds of small flowers. Abundant flowering lasts in July-September. To give the shrub a beautiful shape, it is usually cut in the form of a ball. It should be noted that in dry weather, he will need abundant watering.



There are various ornamental varieties of spruce. Some of them are creeping, shrub-like and even with falling branches, which looks very attractive. Even a spruce planted in the shade is actively growing. If desired, you can do pruning, giving the tree the shape of a cone or pyramid.


The holly holly, whose leaves are crowned with sharp thorns, is known as a Christmas plant in Catholic countries. Among gardeners, holly is famous for the fact that grows even in strong shade. The plant shows itself in all its glory in winter and autumn: against the background of green foliage, small berries turn red. This is true for those who want to enjoy the garden all year round.


A beautiful shrub whose double flowers reach a diameter of 4 cm. The leaves are lanceolate in shape, dark green with a glossy sheen. When planting a rhododendron, you need to know that it does not tolerate cold winds and waterlogging of the soil. The plant prefers acidic soil, therefore, peat is added to the earth with a neutral alkaline balance.


The evergreen yew endures any adverse conditions except stagnant water. The plant lends itself well to formation, so it is often used to create figures or green hedges. Yew is suitable for both single and group planting, becoming a green background for other plants.

Ornamental trees and shrubs need care, as do herbaceous flowers. For example, the application of nitrogenous fertilizers will be beneficial for foliage growth.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

Those gardeners who wish to use shady areas to harvest fruits and berries can plant certain crops. The harvest of most trees and shrubs suffers greatly from lack of sun, but there are those among them who endure shade.


This tall shrub is notable for its foliage, which can be yellow, green, purple. Not far behind in beauty and sour barberry berries, rich in vitamin C. The plant lends itself perfectly to shaping, and dwarf varieties are used for borders.


One of the few fruit trees that tolerate partial shade relatively well. A little more demanding on the lighting of cherry plum and plum. But a crop from a shady area will still be inferior in taste to a crop grown under a sufficient amount of light.


This is a very tall shrub, the woody shoots of which often grow up to 2 m in height, which must be taken into account when planting next to a flower garden or vegetables. In the middle of summer, blackberries are covered with white flowers, and in August, almost black berries with a sour taste appear in their place.


Kalina is one of the plants loved by the people. An extremely unpretentious tall shrub, the branches of which are covered with carved leaves. The special charm of viburnum is given by its scarlet berries collected in bunches. They remain to decorate the bush until late winter.


Dogwood blooms in early spring, attracts bees to the site for a month. For the whole summer, he decorates the garden with green foliage, and in autumn - with red berries, from which delicious and healthy jam is obtained. The only drawback of dogwood is its love of warmth., so the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

To make fruits and berries larger and tastier, it is recommended to use potash fertilizers for feeding - this slightly compensates for the small amount of sun.

Flower bed plants for the darkest places in the garden

Some plants can be called the most "resistant of the resistant", because they grow even where there is very little sunlight. And it does not worsen their appearance!


original plant, attracting attention with original flowers in the form of callas of various, often fantasy colors: white with pink, green with burgundy. The height of arizema grown in the garden usually reaches 50 cm.


Lush astilba bushes can grow up to 2 m. But this plant is remarkable not in size, but in panicle inflorescences. The flowering period is in June and July.


The beauty of ferns lies in their openwork green leaves. In the wild, the plant is located on the lower tier of dense forests, so the shade is familiar to it. There are also ground cover species of ferns that cover the ground with their lace.



Tiarca inflorescences are panicles of white, pink or purple. The most common tiarka is heart-leaved, with leaves in the shape of a heart.


The plant has leaves collected in lush rosettes and often variegated with all sorts of shades of green and white. Hosta is very unpretentious so it won't be a problem.

These plants can be planted in the most secluded corner of the garden.

What vegetables can be planted in the country in the shade

Shady places on the site are suitable for growing vegetables. Here are some of them that grow well in such conditions:

  • root crops (radish, beets);
  • members of the legume family;
  • cruciferous: cabbage and broccoli, as well as cauliflower and Beijing.

The shade is also suitable for perennial onions and leafy plants like sorrel, rhubarb, lettuce. You can also plant fragrant mint, tarragon, or cilantro: spicy herbs will certainly be needed in the kitchen.

Shade tolerant plants for the home

Flower growers are faced with a lack of light not only in the plots, but also in the house. What plants should not be afraid to put in the far corners of the room?

  1. Aspidistra, which is called "cast iron flower" for its amazing durability. It is a plant with several leaves on long petioles.
  2. Chamelodorea, resembling a palm tree with its airy leaves.
  3. Philodendron. Liana, stretching up to 2 m in length.
  4. sansweria("Mother-in-law's tongue") is distinguished by tall, long leaves that have a dense structure and are pointed at the edges. Sansveria has a variegated color and often a yellow border around the edges of feather-like leaves.
  5. Anthurium- a flowering plant of various colors.

In order for indoor plants to feel good and develop, they need to choose the right pot and soil; and ensure proper care in the future.


Examples of a combination of shade-loving plants in landscape design

How to create harmonious composition from flowering plants? You need to analyze each "candidate" and its features, and try to create the perfect flower garden. Here are some of the good examples:

  • green fern in one corner of the flower garden and the host in the other will be a wonderful green background for the flowering tiarka heartifolia. If you add a small stone or snag to the composition, this will add spectacularity to the flower bed.
  • Cuff and hoof will be good neighbors on the alpine hill.

Even from the school biology course, we remember that plants need sunlight. Without exposure to light, the process of photosynthesis in leaves and stems stops, and eventually the plant dies. Therefore, all recommendations for planting vegetables and berries begin, as a rule, with one sentence “choose a site well-lit by the sun”.

But in any country house there are places where the sun's rays rarely look. Under the crowns of fruit trees, by a fence, behind a house or behind a bathhouse, there is always an ownerless piece of land where one would like to plant something useful, but after all, a shadow. And what to plant in the shade if nothing grows there? It is not true, some vegetables and shrubs are acceptable in the shade, grow well and produce a crop, despite the meager “light ration”.

Immediately make a reservation that the shadow in the southern regions, in middle lane and in the north - these are different concepts. And if in the south in partial shade you can grow cucumbers, and zucchini, and pumpkins and watermelons, then in the north you will have to do with greens and salads. Here we will consider crops that can be easily planted in shaded areas of the middle lane.


A versatile vegetable whose sour stems can be used to make anything from soups to desserts. Rhubarb bushes grow well in the shade, if you do not forget about timely watering. If you want to plant rhubarb, it is better to ask your neighbors for a part of the rhizome - then the bush will grow faster, gain strength and give juicy stems. When planting seeds, you will have to wait a year or two until the plant gets stronger.


Lettuce, Odessa curly and other types of leaf and head lettuce, sorrel, spinach, chard, arugula, watercress, mustard leaf feel great in a shaded garden. Perhaps they will not give such powerful leaves as in the sun, but they will remain tender for a long time, will not coarsen, will not be bitter, and will not go into color for a long time.


Ramson or bear's onion, a plant that combines the taste of garlic and onions, is considered medicinal plant. By adding a couple of wild garlic leaves to your spring salad, you will provide yourself and your family with an additional portion of vitamins. Since in nature the wild garlic grows in the forest, under the powerful crowns of trees, a thick shadow for her is her home.

Borago - borage

In the spring, when their cucumbers have not even been planted for seedlings, the aroma and taste of a fresh cucumber in a salad will be provided by the leaves of cucumber grass - borago.

This plant is not afraid of shading and short-term frosts, is practically not affected by pests and does not cause any trouble in growing. But early vitamin greens are regularly supplied to the table by borage.


For those who are not fond of canning vegetables for the winter, do not like hot sauces, do not dry garlic for powder, but grow it exclusively as a spicy seasoning that does not need much, you can easily plant garlic in the shade under apple trees, plums or between currant bushes. The heads, perhaps, will be smaller, but then a whole garden bed will be freed up for more light-loving vegetables.

Greens and herbs

Some spicy herbs, for example, basil, will not survive without the sun, but parsley, celery, cilantro, mint, oregano, lovage, tarragon, lemon balm, thyme will grow in the twilight and delight you with their aroma. If you decide to grow a “green garden” under apple trees, do not forget to cover the plantings with a film while spraying apple trees with chemicals to prevent poisons from getting on edible greens.


Gardeners growing beetroots are divided into two categories: some believe that beets should be powerful and large, others prefer small root crops, which are both tastier and more convenient to cook. If you are closer to the second position, then feel free to plant beets in the shade of trees. Rare sunlight penetrating through the crown will be enough for her, and the root crops will not outgrow. You can also grow root parsley and parsnips in the shade.

perennial bows

Chives and slime thrive in partial shade, and their greens become more juicy. Chives grow well and in a couple of years can fill all the space allotted for it without your participation. In addition to early greenery, chives produce beautiful lilac flower caps that delight people and attract insects to the site.

Beans and bush beans

Not all beans and bush beans grow well and bear fruit in the shade, but you can pick up shade-loving varieties. It is especially recommended to plant them under apple trees and, after harvesting, leave the tops as a green fertilizer to improve and enrich the soil.


Horseradish is the king of the shadow. Plant it in the darkest place in the garden, it will still grow and give excellent harvest tender leaves for use in pickling cucumbers.

Berry bushes growing in the shade

Shade is well tolerated by shrubs that grow in nature under the forest canopy: irga, viburnum, chokeberry (chokeberry), blue honeysuckle. With them, the shady area will turn from a barren place into a real berry conveyor - just have time to collect.

Many wild roses are shade-loving. In the first half of summer, you will rejoice at their bright fragrant flowers and a cloud of useful bumblebees curling around, and in the fall you will harvest vitamin berries for drying.

If you have an unoccupied dark patch of land along the fence, plant fragrant raspberries there - raspberries in the shade will be larger and juicier.

In the south, only in the shade can you plant red and black currants. Accustomed in nature to the moisture of swamps, the currant will not tolerate the southern drought if it grows in the sun. In the middle lane, currants (especially red ones) can also grow in the shade, but the berries will ripen later.

Use the shaded areas of your garden to the maximum, do not be upset if some of the recommended shade-loving vegetables do not work out for you - there are many options, and one of them will definitely turn out to be yours.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Already in early spring, we begin to think about the layout of our garden, distributing the plants that we will plant in different parts of the summer cottage. As a rule, most are faced with the problem of choosing a plant for planting in shady places that you really want to decorate with beautiful flowers or shrubs, because such areas often remain empty and unkempt.

What to plant in a shady place or which plants are shade-tolerant

A shady place is considered to be the area where sunlight falls no more than 3 hours a day, and the rest of the time there is a deep shadow.

Every garden has some shaded areas, such as the northern or western slopes, places near the fence or between large trees.

In fact, the most shady places in the garden are the best places, because, as a rule, this is where your favorite bench for relaxing on a hot summer day is located. However, not every plant will be able to withstand the shade, grow successfully and delight the eye with its flowering.

Shade-loving plants include those plants that, no matter how strange it sounds, do not tolerate sunlight at all or suffer from its excess. As a rule, they have bright juicy and green foliage.

All shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants can be divided into 2 varieties: decorative leafy and flowering.

  • To the shade-loving flowers and flowering shrubs include the following: weigela, matthiola bicorne, daisy, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco, astilbe, brunner, lungwort, hydrangea (large-leaved, tree-like, serrate), geyhera, honeysuckle, hawthorn, bergenia, rogersia, arizema, cornflower, volzhanka, aquilegia, dicentra, aconite, tenacious (ayuga), May lily of the valley, cuff, astrantia, kupena, black cohosh, buzulnik.
  • To the shade-loving decorative leafy bushes includes hosta, fern, astilboides, spindle tree, Thunberg barberry, privet.

Advice! When you arrange a shady area with plants, do not plant only monocultures, shade-loving perennials and annuals look great in close proximity.

Popular shade-loving shrubs

From shrubs for shady places is ideal barberry Thunberg. In deep shade you will hardly get bright yellows and reds, and most likely it will just be a uniform green, but nevertheless, it is still a very conspicuous shade-tolerant plant.

Another small and shade-tolerant shrub is euonymus. Its variegated and low form looks very good in the garden.

Under the shade of trees, a low shrub will be quite noticeable privet. His lemon color the leaves seem to illuminate a shady place.

If you want to plant a taller shrub in a shady corner of your garden, and even with useful berries, then it is best suited for these purposes. hawthorn.

And if you need a flowering shrub, then this is suitable weigela. However, different varieties relate differently to the shade - there are more shade-tolerant, there are less.

Very decorative in a shady corner will look cotoneaster. It has beautiful dark green leathery and shiny leaves. Again, varieties differ markedly in shade tolerance.

Imagine how pleasant it will be to sit in the gazebo, which is entwined honeysuckle with its magnificent flowers.

By the way, decorative Kalina Buldenezh ( Snowball) also shade tolerant.

Popular annual and perennial shade-tolerant flowers

Favorites among the flowers for a shady garden will be bicorn mattiola, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco.

Fragrant tobacco

If we talk about seasonal and annual shade-loving plants, then under the trees, where there is a big shade, in the spring you can safely plant,, and, because they will bloom in all their glory long before the leaves appear on the trees.

Brief descriptions of the most popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennials: shrubs and flowers


According to many flower growers, the host is just the queen of the shady garden. She has the most diverse color of leaves, ranging from gray to yellow-green, there are even leaves with a white border.

It is very appropriate to combine hosta with a wide variety of fern varieties, planting them in the shade of a house where everything is in order with humidity (it is high).

Video: care and cultivation of shade-loving hosts


This is a quirky plant that thrives in the shade and thrives in moist soil.

Video: growing and caring for shade-loving astilba


The most striking feature of this plant is the original large leaves. Its leaf can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

One more distinguishing feature astilboides is that the stalk is not usually attached to it: it grows directly from the middle of the leaf. In other words, it turns out such an umbrella on the leg.

This luxurious and spectacular plant loves to grow near marshy rivers, it is best suited for decorating artificial reservoirs.


There are a lot of varieties of buzulnikov. Those that grow naturally have dark green leaves and irresistible buds. yellow color.

Artificially bred buzulniks often have dark brown, even actually burgundy foliage and unusual, daisy-like, yellow flower stalks that can last for a whole month.


This is a completely unique plant, perfect for planting in the shade. In winter it leaves in a green state and after winter it again appears green to the eye. The fact is that under the snow the bergenia does not shed its leaves and does not die, but remains green all the time.

The flowers of this plant are unpretentious and modest, but very cute.

Another interesting property of bergenia is that its old leaves, which turn dark or brown, have special healing properties. In Tibet, they are brewed as a rejuvenating tea.

Video: unpretentious and shade-tolerant bergenia

Brunner (forget-me-not)

Indispensable for decorating a small shady area.

In addition to the beautiful leaves of impressive coloring (variegated and green with a silvery cobweb), it also blooms angelically charming - small blue forget-me-nots.

You can look at her for hours, she is so airy and beautiful. It's just impossible to look away!

Video: planting and caring for a shade-loving plant, large-leaved brunner

Volzhanka (Aruncus)

It remarkably withstands partial shade, but in deep shade it blooms a little less plentifully. And still, the unpretentious Volzhanka blooms its inflorescences again and again!

Video: unpretentious Volzhanka for planting and flowering in the shade


Geichera looks absolutely wonderful, which won the hearts of many gardeners. The number of colorings of the leaves is surprisingly rich: from lilac-steel to bright red and greens.

The sizes are also quite diverse: from miniature forms to quite tall specimens.

It's absolutely unpretentious plant, which does not require special attention, grows well and does not lose its decorative effect from May to October.

In addition, geykhera is very winter-hardy and perfectly tolerates the first autumn frosts, leaving under the snow with leaves covered with hoarfrost.

And in the month of May, geyhers start very quickly and gain their color due to the amazingly beautiful foliage.

It blooms marvelously beautifully, flower stalks rise high enough above the plant and last quite a long time.

In the recent past, botanists crossed geyhera and tiarella and got a new variety of geyherella. The plant has become even more resistant to the preservation of colorfulness, and the color range is much wider.

Video: all about growing shade-loving geyhera

Dicentra (Broken heart)

It can grow both in open and sunny areas, and in shaded areas. However, in the sun, the buds open and bloom early, and the peduncles do not differ in particular size and splendor. In shady places, the color picks up more slowly, but the flowers are brighter, larger and give pleasure with their wonderful appearance until July-August. Therefore, it will be good to plant a dicenter, for example, closer to the gazebo or house, the shadow of which will fall on the plant for most of the day.

It will also look good next to the fence.

Video: how to grow a dicentra or a broken heart in a shady garden

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga)

His name, of course, is not entirely harmonious, but the foliage is so openwork and pretty that when you see it, you will most likely just fall in love.

At the end of summer, he usually throws out a peduncle - a long panicle with silvery flowers. The spectacle is impressive! It is simply impossible to pass by without stopping.

Another important advantage of this shade-tolerant perennial is the fact that it can grow for quite a long time in the same place.


In our summer cottages, this flower is not widely used, but nevertheless it is a very friendly plant, which, like no other, is suitable for the shady side of the summer cottage.

Its coloring can vary from dark green to variegated, when the green leaf is bordered on the edge with white stripes.

Delicate white and pink flowers all over the stem, resembling something like a lily of the valley, are a very pleasant sight.

The plant grows quickly enough, so if you need to fill the shady space under fruit trees or plant it in the shade next to conifers, then kupena deserves your attention.


Another shadow king is the fern. Of course, he does not give flowers, no matter how much we want and do not expect, but he has amazing foliage, which comes in various colors, different sizes and shapes. He lives best in a damp shady corner.

We are used to the fact that the fern is always dark green, but now we have developed varieties with a dark brown color, lilac centers and silver leaf edges.

If you plant a fern in the shade of your garden house or in another shady place, then it will completely take all your attention and the attention of the guests of your garden.

Video: caring for a fern and growing it in the shade under the crown of trees


Many flower growers call her the queen of the shady garden, which grows to a height of 1.5 meters.

Thanks to the magnificent large leaves, Rogersia is very picturesque throughout the season.

Fluffy and fragrant panicle inflorescences of white, pink or cream color bloom in early July and can bloom for more than a month.

Shaded area design idea! In the background, plant such tall and shade-loving plants as buzulniki, black cohosh and ferns, make the second tier from the host, and on the lower plan - geyhera and geyherella.

In your summer cottage, only shaded places remained unplanted, and is it difficult for you to find suitable plant specimens to revive them? Use our tips and recommendations for landscaping, and then the whole mosaic of your garden will come together.

Video: what plants to plant in a shady area

Many people think that the dark corners of the garden look dull and even depressing. This is not entirely true. Of course, such a riot of colors as light-loving perennials, shade-loving plants will not please you, but still there are those that will make even the darkest corners of the garden bright and lively.

Sometimes it seems that the flowers in the garden - which love the shade - glow from the inside, thereby illuminating the garden. And if you choose them correctly, then with your own hands you will create a flowering corner that will delight you with colors throughout the year.

Varieties of shade-loving plants

Garden flowers - which grow in the shade, are adapted to poor lighting, but like sun-loving ones, fertile, loose soil suits them. Watering depends on their location.

So, if the plant is in the constant shade of a tree growing nearby, or, as well as near the building, then there is no need to moisten the soil too often. The more light a plant gets, the more often it needs to be watered.

Be sure to feed your plants.
Choose fertilizer for each individually, the instructions for it have information on the amount and frequency of feeding.

Flowers for the dark corners of the garden

Garden flowers - which love the shade, mostly perennials.

If you think that there are few of them, then you are deeply mistaken, there are a lot of varieties, so even the darkest areas will become a wonderful flowering place.

  • They feel great in partial shade, and under the condition of constantly moist soil in the illuminated areas, foxglove, catchment area and gravel.
  • Shade-loving garden flowers - black cohosh, epimedium, mertensia. They should be protected from the sun until at least noon.
  • Will delight with the beauty of the leaves of the cuff, bergenia, funkia, geyhera.
  • Buzulnik, volzhanka, astilba will add rich colors.
  • Dicentra splendid and kupena are among the most elegant inhabitants of the realm of shadows.. Their stems look like threads, and delicate flowers look like beads.
  • Will decorate the foot of the tree and shrubs with white and blue flowers, oak anemone, noble liverwort, spring umbilical, which bloom starting from April.
  • Corydalis, large-rhizome geranium, epimedium will please with the May flowering.
  • In the summer, there are not so many blooming shade lovers - bell, lactiferous meconopsis, astrantia.
  • Do not know what garden flowers grow in the shade in autumn? We answer - Japanese hybrid anemone, wrestler, fuchsia bloom until October.
  • As soon as winter recedes, black hellebore and eastern hellebore will delight with fresh flowering..
  • If you learn how to combine crops correctly, you can make dark corners bloom all year round., without a fern, of course, not one can do.

The main features of shade-loving colors

Growing a shade-loving plant is not difficult - some of them are propagated by seeds, the price of which is quite affordable, others by cuttings. Whatever cultures you choose, it is important to know their main characteristics so that in the future you can create a unique composition for dimly lit places.

When planting, do not confuse cultures that love shade and partial shade.
In the shade, the plant receives three hours of direct light in the middle of the day, and in partial shade - 3 hours of light either in the morning or in the evening.

Name Height cm Color of flowers Image flowering period Short description
Epimedium 20-40 Yellow, pink, white, orange.

April May The flowers look like an orchid, hanging in small panicles over large foliage. In the form of a dense bush. He loves shade and partial shade, especially near a tree or shrubs.
catchment 20-80 Purple, blue, white, red, yellow.

May June The flowers look elegant, while filigree hanging on straight peduncles, which cannot but attract attention. The best place for planting - partial shade, flowering rabatka, near shrubs or a lawn.
Black cohosh 100-200 Creamy white, white.

It has tall peduncles and lowered leaves. Gardeners do not recommend transplanting this perennial. Shade and partial shade under a tree or at the edge of shrubs is an ideal place to plant.
Digitalis 50-180 Red, pink, yellow, white.

June August It has tall candle-shaped inflorescences. It propagates by self-sowing, as it is considered a wild perennial. He likes partial shade and places along the edge of shrubs. Tolerates sun and dry soil.
Fighter 80-150 White, blue, pale yellow, pink.

July-August, September-October Thanks to the shape of the flowers in the form of a helmet, the plant got its name. Perennial especially suitable for farms. Moist soil and shade are the main conditions for growth.
Avens 20-60 Red, yellow, orange.

May-August It is distinguished by a particularly rich color of flowers, while it has evergreen leaves. Flowering will repeat immediately after pruning. IN winter period requires protection. Feels good in partial shade, in places along the edge of shrubs.
Anemone tender 10-20 White, blue.

March-May It is considered one of the shortest among other shade-loving flowers. In the spring it will cover a large area with a solid thick carpet, and in winter it will require additional shelter from frost. Covers vast areas in spring.
Dicentra 20-80 White, pink.