What does the word aidar mean? What does the name Aidar mean, the mystery of the name

  • 13.03.2022

The name Aidar has several versions of origin. The first version of the appearance of the name is interpreted in the Turkic language. According to this version, the name was formed from the word "moon" - "ay", so more often the translation of this name sounds like "lunar".

The second interpretation of the name has Arabic roots and means "worthy", "authoritative". According to this version, the pronunciation "Haydar" is also considered correct.

According to the third version, this name was formed among the Kalmyks from the expression "braid on the forehead." It is believed that such a phrase used to denote men with an unusual hairstyle: the Cossacks shaved their heads baldly, leaving only a small forelock on their forehead, from which they braided a pigtail.

The name Aidar is pronounced differently among the peoples: in Bashkiria - Aizar; in Chuvashia - Aitar; in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tatarstan - Aidar.

Since the name Aidar is not attributed to either a Catholic or an Orthodox name, he does not have a name day.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Aidar

The owner of this name certainly has such a quality as devotion to the goal and cause. It will not be difficult for Aidar to achieve career heights in life, he is powerful, leads in his business and leads people who can help him achieve results. In the team, he is always held in high esteem, authoritative, has indomitable charisma, thereby endearing others to him from the first minutes of acquaintance.

The main thing for the Aydar man is to learn not to demand more from people (including himself!) than they can give.

Talent, ability and inclination for a certain type of activity, which will subsequently lead Aidar to the heights of his career, are obvious from childhood and only strengthen and develop over the years. Success in his life directly depends on how Aidar strengthens his efforts towards the realization of his goals.

Since childhood, Aidar has been hardworking, strong physically and morally, at the same time proud and even selfish. However, this does not prevent him from making new friends and becoming successful in his family and career. In any company, Aidar feels calm and confident, loves communication and easily finds a common language with everyone. He comes to the aid of a person if he considers him close to himself, otherwise he shows his arrogance.

Romantic, gallant, amorous, attentive to the female sex, Aidar does not know how to be faithful and marries late, if at all. Women consider him not serious, only a very strong girl can decide to build a family with him, able to turn a blind eye to betrayal and accept his complex character with all the "surprises" and excessive impulsiveness.

Aidar is very prudent and pragmatic. These qualities protect him from defeat, because before making a decision, he makes plans, thinking for a long time and considering his every step, considering all possible options.

Often Aidar has the ability to foresee the future, to feel it inwardly, therefore, among the owners of this name there are many predictors and psychics.

The name Aidar has several interpretations, the most common of which is “lunar” in translation from Turkic. The prefix "ai-" is often used by Kazakhs, Tatars and Uzbeks. This group also includes Turks and Azerbaijanis. A similar beginning is found in the names of sights and settlements. The ancient Turkic peoples revered the sky, denoting it in their myths with the word tengri, and the heavenly bodies, including the moon, denoted life. According to one of the beliefs, the moon saved humanity from the cannibal, so the name Aydar is considered honorary.

Among the Nogais who lived in the Caucasus, the Volga region and some coastal regions of the Black Sea, the name Haidakhar or Haidar was in common use, which sounds like “lion” in their native language. There is a version that the meaning of the name Aidar may be similar.

In Kazakhstan, it has acquired additional meanings. In one version, there are explanations for the appearance of a nickname among the Cossacks. The traditional form of Kazakh haircuts was called Aidar, later the Slavs adopted the word and slightly changed the meaning in their own way. This was the name of the Cossacks, who had a pigtail of a forelock flaunted on a bald head.

In addition, the Kazakhs gave an alternative definition - worthy, beautiful or respected. Now this is how children are called throughout the Caucasus, in Turkey and a large number of neighboring countries.

First years of life

A kid named Aidar is persistent even in small things. First, he learns to communicate with others and always tries to be the first in games. It can be stubborn, but in moments of sentimentality it can touch the most callous person. He has no strong attachment to his parents.

He is hardworking in business, brings what he has begun to a victorious end, looking for ways to solve complex issues.

In childhood, often becomes the leader of the company. Organizes friends who are always drawn to him. Likes to dream and listen to fascinating stories. He is interested in fairy tales with brave knights, fantastic heroes, takes an example from them for doing good and courageous deeds. He has many friends and makes new ones easily.

school time

Innate diligence will help a teenager named Aidar throughout his studies. Some subjects are clear to him without further explanation, while others will require additional classes. However, the student is aware of the importance of knowledge.

Going in for sports, he achieves great success. He plays for school teams, proud of his own achievements and enjoying fame. With pleasure participates in theatrical, humorous productions.

Classmates love and respect him, small conflicts periodically occur with teachers. The fact is that the name Aidar goes to guys with a heightened sense of justice and a fair amount of pride. Uses only verified facts in a dispute and never slides down to the level of gossip or fiction. Protects girls and weak guys from offenders. It cannot be defined in the humanities or attributed to mathematicians.

In any science, he tries to find out more important information, considering intellectual development as his priority.

Family and love

A man named Aydar likes fragile and tender girls. With his somewhat domineering and wayward nature, it is difficult to find a suitable life partner.

Aidar Akremetdinovich Gainullin (Russian bayan player of world renown, famous vocalist and composer)

  • In his youth, he does not take relationships seriously, but he makes every effort not to upset the lady.
  • He devotes more time to self-improvement, career and strengthening of positions in society, attaches importance to education.
  • He meets his one and only true love quite late.
  • Having settled down, he does not turn into a homebody, he brings his wife to the company and shares with her experiences due to global problems.
  • It can be too suspicious, so scandals in the family are inevitable due to imaginary betrayals, communication of the spouse with familiar men.

Suitable for the name Aidar, . C and the marriage will fail.

prone to disease

Newborns named Aydar rarely get sick. In general, they have good health. Regularly maintain the condition in the gym, swimming pool, tennis court. They prefer to relax in the fresh air, and spend holidays near the sea. Children get used to sports early. Can engage in hardening and practice various methods of proper nutrition.

Talismans, heavenly patrons

Lunar reflection, which means the name Aidar, is applicable as an epithet to the topaz stone-talisman. A charm made of this stone guards the karma of its owner. It is advisable to wear topaz products on the right hand if it is a ring, and brooches and pendants are made of yellow gold.

  • In astrology, the main sign of the zodiac for Aidar is Pisces, and the patron among the planets is Neptune.
  • From plants, you should choose lilies, roses, scarlet poppies, and magical colors - all shades of blue, turquoise.

The name Aidar has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word "moon" ("ay"). Therefore, the name Aydar is translated as "lunar".

According to the second version, the name Aidar is an Arabic name. According to Gafurov Alim Gafurovich, a Tajik onomatologist, the name Aidar is one of the pronunciations of the name Haidar, meaning “authoritative”, “worthy”, “prominent young man”, “from among worthy men who do not abuse the power given from above”, the second translation is “ a lion". According to the third version, among the Kalmyks, the name Aidar means "braid on the forehead." It is quite possible that the Slavs began to call any man that way - not a Slav, who had a different hairstyle than was customary among the Slavs.

Since it was not customary for the Cossacks to shave off the hair on their foreheads from birth, by adulthood everyone had a braid on their foreheads, which the Cossacks themselves called sedentary, and for the rest, this hairstyle meant “tuft, forelock”, “with a month in the forehead” , "round Cossack haircut". The origin of this concept in the Turkic vocabulary is described in more detail by Budagov Lazar Zakharovich, a lecturer at St. Petersburg University.

The name Aidar among different peoples sounds differently: for the Bashkirs - Aizar, for the Chuvash - Aitar, for the Tatars, Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Nogais - Aidar. By this name, as a worldly, non-church, Russians could call their sons. Aidar grows up as a hardworking and strong-willed young man. By nature, he is a conqueror. Attentiveness, sociability and pronounced leadership qualities help him succeed in life. He is a worthy and prominent representative of the male sex. The owner of such a name has a share of selfishness and pride.

It is better for such a man not to get caught in anger. Aidar is a romantic, amorous and dreamy young man. Under certain circumstances, he shows his impulsiveness. He is considered a windy young man. Only a strong-willed personality is capable of creating a real strong family with him. In a noisy company, Aidar always feels at home. He is cheerful and prone to grand gestures.

Aidar helps people and never remains indifferent to their problems. At the same time, some representatives of this name, due to inflated conceit, become arrogant people. They can be moody. Representatives of this name often have psychic abilities. Often the soft romantic nature of this person is skillfully hidden behind a screen of practicality.

Before starting any business, he usually thinks and reflects for a long time. Due to his qualities, he is rarely deceived by appearances. Constantly seeks to delve into the essence of the issue.

The name Aidar has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word "moon" ("ay"). Therefore, the name Aydar is translated as "lunar".

According to the second version, the name Aidar is an Arabic name. According to Gafurov Alim Gafurovich, a Tajik onomatologist, the name Aidar is one of the pronunciation options for the name Haidar, meaning "authoritative", "worthy", "prominent young man", "from among worthy men who do not abuse the power given from above", the second translation is " a lion".

According to the third version, among the Kalmyks, the name Aidar means "braid on the forehead." It is quite possible that the Slavs began to call any man that way - not a Slav, who had a different hairstyle than was customary among the Slavs. Since it was not customary for the Cossacks to shave off the hair on their foreheads from birth, by adulthood, everyone had a braid on their foreheads, which the Cossacks themselves called sedentary, and for the rest, this hairstyle meant “tuft, forelock”, “with a month in the forehead” , "round Cossack haircut". The origin of this concept in the Turkic vocabulary is described in more detail by Budagov Lazar Zakharovich, a lecturer at St. Petersburg University.

The name Aidar among different peoples sounds differently: for the Bashkirs - Aizar, for the Chuvash - Aitar, for the Tatars, Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Nogais - Aidar. By this name, as a worldly, non-church, Russians could call their sons.

Aidar grows up as a hardworking and strong-willed young man. By nature, he is a conqueror. Attentiveness, sociability and pronounced leadership qualities help him succeed in life. He is a worthy and prominent representative of the male sex. The owner of such a name has a share of selfishness and pride. It is better for such a man not to get caught in anger.

Aidar is a romantic, amorous and dreamy young man. Under certain circumstances, he shows his impulsiveness. He is considered a windy young man. Only a strong-willed personality is capable of creating a real strong family with him.

In a noisy company, Aidar always feels at home. He is cheerful and prone to grand gestures. Aidar helps people and never remains indifferent to their problems. At the same time, some representatives of this name, due to inflated conceit, become arrogant people. They can be moody. Representatives of this name often have psychic abilities.

Often the soft romantic nature of this person is skillfully hidden behind a screen of practicality. Before starting any business, he usually thinks and reflects for a long time. Due to his qualities, he is rarely deceived by appearances. Constantly seeks to delve into the essence of the issue.

The meaning of the name Aidar
The meaning of the name Aidar The name Aidar has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word "moon" ("ay"). Therefore, the name Aydar is translated as "lunar".

Source: kakzovut.ru

Different versions are put forward regarding the origin of the name Aidar, but experts agree that it came from the Turkic or Arabic language. In the first case, it is formed from the word "ai", meaning "moon". For this reason, the name is translated as "lunar". It is an honor for the Turks to wear it, as there is a legend according to which the moon once saved mankind. Translated from Arabic, this name means "authoritative" and is derived from the word "haidar" - the name of a special hairstyle that was allowed to be worn only by worthy people.

Little Aidar is a person who, even at such a tender age, is characterized by firmness of character and willpower. These traits are manifested in the unwillingness to obey the requirements of the parents in what this child does not like.

Over the years, these features only progress. The boy is distinguished by perseverance, responsibly treats any business and always brings what he has begun to the end. He has a purely masculine trait of character - increased responsibility.

Aidar works hard on himself, often as a result of this he becomes authoritative in the team. He is an inquisitive student who is interested in everything new, and a purposeful person with good abilities, who easily achieves results.

The grown-up Aydar is the owner of a difficult temper. It's all about a heightened sense of justice. In his presence, it is difficult for anyone to lie, as this young man will expose him. The young man seeks to protect his innocence in any way, which often leads to a showdown and conflicts.

Hardworking and strong in spirit, is a conqueror by nature. Elements of assertiveness and self-confidence help him always stay afloat. Attentive and sociable Aydar is endowed with a share of egoism and pride, but these traits do not interfere with him at all.

He is extremely romantic, dreamy and amorous, immersed in dreams and feels uncomfortable when he is abruptly torn away from them.

Aidar is the person who always helps others. He is in no hurry to embark on any serious action, but first he thinks everything over to be sure of his next steps one hundred percent.

He really likes to communicate and show himself in all its glory, but sometimes this man becomes arrogant because of the peculiarities of his nature, which he does not seek to change. He is not characterized by self-digging.

Before us is the owner of charisma, which will allow him to lead people. Such a man enjoys authority among others. It is important to determine as early as possible the identification of the abilities that he possesses in order to develop them as efficiently as possible. Aidar will become an excellent leader, but for this he must not let selfishness take over.

The meaning of the name Aidar, the origin, character and fate of the name Aidar
See the description of the name "Aidar", its meaning and origin. Learn the fate and character of a person with the name "Aidar".

Source: kto-chto-gde.ru

Aidar name meaning. Name interpretation.

The meaning of the worthy name Aidar is fate, health and character

The male name Aydar, popular in many countries, has many meanings, the most popular of which is “lunar” in translation from Turkic, since their word Ay means “moon”. In the Arab countries, the forelock on the head of the warriors, resembling the crescent of the moon, was called Haidar, later the letter “x” was removed and the name Aidar was obtained, which they began to call the boys in the hope that they would grow up worthy and fearless warriors.

Aidar name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Aidar mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Aidar, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

What does the name Aidar mean?: lunar, with a month in the forehead, vortex, forelock, with the features of the month (Tatar name Aidar of Muslim origin).

It is believed that there are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the name was formed from the word "moon" - "ay" in the Turkic language. That is why the name Aidar is often translated as "lunar".

Also, the meaning of the name Aidar can be interpreted as "worthy", "prominent", "authoritative". This is an Arabic name, which may be one of the pronunciations of the name Haidar.

Finally, there is a third version, according to which the Kalmyks formed the name Aidar from the phrase "braid on the forehead." Perhaps this is how the Slavs called men whose hairstyle was very specific. For example, the Cossacks are known for shaving off their hair, leaving a forelock, which could be the reason for the appearance of the expression and name itself.

For different peoples, the name Aydar may sound differently. So, this is Aizar for the Bashkirs, Aitar for the Chuvash, Aidar for the Nogais, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Kirghiz.

Aidar Angel Day: the name Aydar does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

  • Zodiac Aydar - Pisces, Sagittarius
  • Planet Neptune
  • The color of the name Aidar is a sea wave
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • The cherished plant of Aydar - poppy
  • Aidar's patron saint is a whale
  • Aidar's talisman stone - topaz

The nature of the name Aidar: In numerology, the meaning of the name Aydar is determined by the number 9. From his ward, he requires devotion to the goal and talent. Only then can Aidar succeed in life. He is quite capable of becoming a leader and leading people, because he enjoys authority among others, has an elusive charisma that increases the degree of trust in him. It is very important that a man with the name Aidar does not demand more than necessary from himself and others, does not resort to disrespectful actions in the process of achieving his main goals. He needs to identify his talents and abilities as early as possible in order to develop them effectively later. Aidar's success in life largely depends on how much he can combine all his efforts and direct them towards the implementation of a particular task.

Health and talents named after Aidar: The meaning of the name Aydar from the point of view of medicine. Since childhood, Aidara has been distinguished by diligence and some kind of inexplicable inner strength. But at the same time, he often has overly developed pride and selfishness. Having eradicated these qualities in himself, at least partially, Aidar will be able to make friends, become more successful in his career, and build family relationships. By the way, as for the family, the name Aidar is often distinguished by windiness, which, of course, does not contribute to marriage, and therefore, he marries late.

Aidar is a man full of dignity, honor, greatness and natural charm. His character is consistent with the translation of the name. From the Arabic name Aidar means "worthy of the worthy." In the Muslim world, the name Aidar is quite common. Some researchers consider it a form of the name Haidar, which in turn means "lion". Others attribute the name Aidar to the name of the hairstyle of Turkic warriors.

The origin of the name leaves an indelible imprint on its bearer. Aidar is a brave, passionate and independent man. He is not at all worried about the vicissitudes of fate, he goes straight to his goal.

Bright personality traits

Aidar is a born leader. First, he is completely disinterested, open and somewhat naive. Secondly, a man believes in the best in people, and if this is not the case, then he will certainly turn even the last scoundrel to good thoughts. Aidar is the soul of any company, he is loved in the family, at work and among friends, because he is sincere, truly attached to others and kind, he is one of those who are always ready to get out of trouble, help in word and deed.

Although he can be called an idealist, he does not have his head in the clouds. This is a prudent, intelligent man, able to calculate his actions many steps ahead. The name Aidar usually belongs to intellectuals who spend a lot of time on self-education.

The meaning of the name Aidar is easiest to understand by referring to its sound content. Each sound is associated with its symbol, it means a well-defined emotion, direction, image. Their combination forms words that influence our feelings and thoughts, and hence our actions. Associations born from sounds are usually national, they are based on some kind of deep order.

The first letter forms the framework of the name - a powerful creative principle, internal forces to fight for the implementation of their ideas. The rest complement the meaning of the name Aidar and are associated with such qualities as:

  • Self-confidence.
  • Bravery.
  • The ability to take risks, putting everything at stake.
  • Kindness.
  • Striving for harmony with other people and the world.
  • Romance.
  • Desire to help others, improve their lives.
  • Intuition and insight.
  • Discretion.

Thus, the name Aidar belongs to a kind, sympathetic man who is not alien to contemplation and peace, but at the same time who wants passion and enthusiasm, the struggle for ideas and new discoveries. The most striking features accompany a man all his life, while some appear in childhood quite a bit, reaching a peak by youth or even old age.

origin of the name Aidar

Synonyms for the name Aidar. Aitar, Aizar, Haidar.

Name origin Aidar. The name Aidar is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh. The name Aidar has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word "moon" ("ay"). Therefore, the name Aydar is translated as "lunar".

According to the second version, the name Aidar is an Arabic name. According to Gafurov Alim Gafurovich, a Tajik onomatologist, the name Aidar is one of the pronunciation options for the name Haidar, meaning "authoritative", "worthy", "prominent young man", "from among worthy men who do not abuse the power given from above", the second translation is " a lion".

There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, it is of Turkic origin and translated from one of the dialects means "moon, lunar". In another version of the translation, this is “a worthy man”. According to another point of view, the name came to us from Bulgaria. Aidar in the old days there was called a tuft of hair on a smoothly shaved head, which men wore as a hairstyle (like a sedentary forelock among the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks).

In childhood and in early youth, Aidar has pronounced leadership qualities. He strives to be the first in everything: in studies, in sports, and in extracurricular activities. At the same time, he is distinguished by diligence and perseverance. He likes to communicate with peers, meet new people, in the company of like-minded people, the young man is almost always in the spotlight.

Naturally, with a set of such positive qualities, Aidar can achieve everything in life that he himself wants. Only too high self-esteem and not always adequate behavior in anger can prevent this. If Aidar is angered, it is difficult for him to control his emotions.

In relations with the fair sex, the bearer of this name is an incorrigible romantic. He is very generous, ready for grand gestures and crazy deeds. Some Aidars are very windy, prone to frequent change of partners. But theoretically, they, nevertheless, are focused on creating a family. But only in the case when they are completely confident in their life partner. Aidar may like not only an attractive outwardly, but also a strong, self-confident girl who is not afraid of difficulties and is ready to accept all the undertakings of her beloved.

Aidar has many friends. He loves big companies, he never stays on the sidelines there. Has a good sense of humor, loves to have fun from the heart. Ready to help a friend in difficult times.

Despite the fact that the owners of this name, for the most part, are indifferent to spiritual life, some of them early manifest supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, the ability to heal).

At work, the young man is a hardworking and responsible employee. At the same time, he is inclined to think for a long time before this or that action, weighing all the pros and cons, to think not in breadth, but in depth. Thanks to these qualities, he makes the right decisions. But it is better for Aidar to rise to the top of the career ladder in adulthood, with a solid store of knowledge and experience.

What does the name Aidar mean?

The name Aidar is rather unusual for men in Russia. As a rule, Tatars, Chuvashs, Kalmyks, Arabs, Bashkirs, Kirghiz are called by this name.

By nature, the bearer of the name Aidar is a romantic with a subtle soul, he is dreamy and gentle. However, parents from childhood should develop in it practicality, love for physical labor, rationalism. Then in adult life all the qualities of his personality will be properly balanced.

One of the famous people bearing the name Aidar can be considered:

  • Aidar Khusainov (writer, poet, playwright from Russia);
  • Aidar Akaev (former adviser to the Minister of Finance in Kyrgyzstan, owner of the largest GSM operator in Kyrgyzstan called Bitel);
  • Aidar Shaydullin (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).

The mystery and meaning of the name Aidar

What does the name Aidar mean?: lunar, with a month in the forehead, vortex, forelock, with the features of the month (Tatar name Aidar of Muslim origin).

It is believed that there are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the name was formed from the word "moon" - "ay" in the Turkic language. That is why the name Aidar is often translated as "lunar".

Also, the meaning of the name Aidar can be interpreted as "worthy", "prominent", "authoritative". This is an Arabic name, which may be one of the pronunciations of the name Haidar.

Finally, there is a third version, according to which the Kalmyks formed the name Aidar from the phrase "braid on the forehead." Perhaps this is how the Slavs called men whose hairstyle was very specific. For example, the Cossacks are known for shaving off their hair, leaving a forelock, which could be the reason for the appearance of the expression and name itself.

For different peoples, the name Aydar may sound differently. So, this is Aizar for the Bashkirs, Aitar for the Chuvash, Aidar for the Nogais, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Kirghiz.

Angel Aidar Day: the name Aidar does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

The name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word "moon" ("ay"). Therefore, the name Aydar is translated as "lunar".

The nature of the name Aidar

The name Aidar among different peoples sounds differently: for the Bashkirs - Aizar, for the Chuvash - Aitar, for the Tatars, Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Nogais - Aidar. By this name, as a worldly, non-church, Russians could call their sons.

Aidar grows up as a hardworking and strong-willed young man. By nature, he is a conqueror. Attentiveness, sociability and pronounced leadership qualities help him succeed in life. He is a worthy and prominent representative of the male sex. The owner of such a name has a share of selfishness and pride. It is better for such a man not to get caught in anger.

Aidar is a romantic, amorous and dreamy young man. Under certain circumstances, he shows his impulsiveness. He is considered a windy young man. Only a strong-willed personality is capable of creating a real strong family with him.

In a noisy company, Aidar always feels at home. He is cheerful and prone to grand gestures. Aidar helps people and never remains indifferent to their problems. At the same time, some representatives of this name, due to inflated conceit, become arrogant people. They can be moody. Representatives of this name often have psychic abilities.

Often the soft romantic nature of this person is skillfully hidden behind a screen of practicality. Before starting any business, he usually thinks and reflects for a long time. Due to his qualities, he is rarely deceived by appearances. Constantly seeks to delve into the essence of the issue.

Health and talents named after Aidar

Since childhood, Aidara has been distinguished by diligence and some kind of inexplicable inner strength. But at the same time, he often has overly developed pride and selfishness. Having eradicated these qualities in himself, at least partially, Aidar will be able to make friends, become more successful in his career, and build family relationships. By the way, as for the family, the name Aidar is often distinguished by windiness, which, of course, does not contribute to marriage, and therefore, he marries late.

In the company of Aidar - like a fish in water, because he really likes to communicate. Aidar can always come to the aid of a person, but sometimes he is too arrogant and capricious due to the peculiarities of his nature.

The name Aidar always seeks to hide excessive softness behind a mask of pragmatism. By the way, the desire for prudence often helps him avoid defeat in various situations, as he carefully considers the plan of action, which leads to success, which will spur Aidar to new achievements.

Characteristic features of the name Aidar

Since childhood, Aidar has been distinguished by diligence, masculinity, and will. This is a responsible boy, sociable and attentive. The innate inclinations of a leader will greatly help him in achieving success in life. He knows how to set goals and work to achieve them. He does not need to be taught to work on himself. The financial situation in this regard is very prosperous.

A young man named Aidar is amorous, romantic and dreamy. In the company, he is a prominent and authoritative personality. Cheerful, never refuses to help, capable of grand gestures. He tends to idealize others. However, before starting any business, Aidar carefully thinks through the entire strategy. Therefore, it will not be possible to deceive him only by appearances.

  • power
  • comfort
  • capriciousness
  • sociability
  • friendliness
  • psychic ability
  • dogmatism
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence

Famous owners (namesake) of the name Aidar:

  • Aidar - the king of the Volga Bulgaria of the early period (the end of the VIII century - 865).
  • Aidar - Prince of the Horde, son-in-law of Khan Ulu-Mohammed.
  • Aidar is a Crimean prince, the son of the Crimean Khan Azi Giray.
  • Khusainov, Aidar Gaidarovich - poet, prose writer, translator, playwright, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Istoki";
  • Aidar Halim - Tatar writer, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1976, chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Tatar people;