Alexander (Sasha): the meaning of the name, the character and fate of a man. Alexander - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

  • 13.03.2022

The meaning of the name Alexander for a boy, a guy and a man. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Alexander in this article!

Full name: Alexander

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Alexandros: alex - "protect" and andros - "man", "man"

Similar names: Alejandro, Alastar, Oleksandr, Alexander, Alexander, Alexander, Alexandros

Church name: Alexander

Middle name: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna

What does the name Alexander mean?

The harmonious name Alexander is perhaps the most common in the world. Even from the mere pronunciation of this name comes energy, subconsciously causing respect for its owner. You will not lose by naming your son Alexander, because he has many heavenly defenders who will surround his ward with reliable protection on the path of life. Having learned about the meaning of the name Alexander and its influence on a person’s character, you can take into account all the nuances in raising a child.

origin of the name Alexander

The name Alexander is of Greek origin. It harmoniously merged two Greek words: "Alex", which means - to protect and "andros" - a man. From a combination of words, a beautiful name was born - Alexander, meaning - "courageous defender", "male defender", which became the personification of victory and intercession. Full and church name - Alexander.

The diminutive name is pronounced in Russia as: Alex, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya.

In different countries, the name is transformed and pronounced:

  • in Greece, Alexandros;
  • in England - Xander;
  • in Belarus - Aliaksandr and Ales:
  • in Ukraine - Oleksandr, Oles, Les;
  • in Hungary - Sandor;
  • in Spain - Alejandro, Sanchez;
  • in Italy - Alesandro;
  • in Germany, Poland - Alexander;
  • in Romania - Alexandru;
  • in France - Alexandrine, Alejandro;
  • in Finland - Aleksanteri.

It is best to name a baby named Alexander, born on dates close to the days of the angel: August 25, June 5, September 12, December 6.

The name Alexander, under the heavenly patronage of Venus, personifying love and pleasure, endows a person from childhood with the ability to love and deeply feel the beautiful. Venus endowed Alexander with charm and attractiveness. The combination of the sounds of the name charges the owner with strong energy, making him confident, assertive, feeling his superiority over others. Let's trace the meaning of the name in different periods of life.

Name Alexander in different languages ​​of the world

In the Arabic language: الكسندر and الإسكندر

Armenian: Ալեքսանդր

In Belarusian: Alexander and Ales

Bulgarian: Alexander

Hungarian: Sandor

Greek: Αλέξανδρος

In Georgian: ალექსანდრე

Spanish: Alejandro

Italian: Alessandro

In Chinese: 亞歷山大

German: Alexander

Polish: Alexander

Romanian: Alexandru

Ukrainian: Oleksandr

Finnish: Aleksanteri

French: Alexandre

Swedish: Alexander

Japanese: アレクサンダ

Characteristics and astrology named after Alexander

Favorable day: Friday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Ruler Planet: Venus

Talisman Stone: Alexandrite

Blue color

plant: gladiolus

Animal: lion

What does the name Alexander mean for a boy, a guy and a man?

Since childhood, Sasha has been a charming and agile child, distinguished by curiosity. Until the age of 5, parents should continue to hide objects dangerous to the child that attract his attention. Sasha's head is a piggy bank of various knowledge that develops his imagination, fantasy and the ability to see something amazing and beautiful in an ordinary object. Sasha has an early tendency to creativity, which needs the support of his parents. In childhood, the boy usually grows thin and sickly, which does not prevent him from an early age from showing leadership qualities among his peers.

At school, Sasha has little interest in studying, although he copes with the school curriculum easily. The boy strives for active and creative activity. In school years, he can get carried away with drawing, classes in a drama club, dancing or sports. In his teenage years, Alexander will avoid age complexes, bad companies and will be calm about criticism. His father will be a big influence on him. If the relationship with the father does not work out, the teenager may withdraw into himself for a long time.

Alexander - the young man turns into a purposeful person, showing determination and perseverance. During these years, parents should give him more independence. The young man becomes the soul of the company, ready to help and give good advice to his comrades. However, his friends remain those who went through "fire, water and copper pipes" with him. If someone in the company wants to encroach on his leadership, he immediately enters into verbal and even physical combat with him.

Cheerful Alex is sometimes prone to mood swings, closes in on his problems and thoughts, but eventually overcomes psychological difficulties. Sport will help him to give self-confidence, strengthen nerves and health.

The guy takes relationships with girls seriously. Falling in love, can immediately propose. Youthful love often develops into a long-term relationship or marriage. Looking for his place in life, he chooses professions that allow him to realize himself and gain a decent income.

The portrait of an adult Alexander is characterized by self-confidence, love of love and sociability. The external manifestation of success often conflicts with his internal state: dissatisfaction with himself, inability to adapt to life and inner loneliness.

It is easy to communicate with him on friendly terms, but it is difficult to build business relations, since Alexander is convinced that everyone should reckon with his opinion. Distinguished by diligence at work, in his career he will not reach great heights due to excessive straightforwardness and unwillingness to obey his superiors.

An empty idea to convince him of something and force him to do what he does not want. Fortune is favorable to Alexander in entrepreneurship, especially in the area where his creative individuality is manifested. Relationships with women are not easy. Not striving to be a leader in a couple, he does not tolerate attempts by his lover or wife to limit his freedom, change his habits and behavior.

The nature and fate of the name Alexander

Astrologers have long struggled over the riddle of the controversial nature of the name Alexander. Why, with the strong energy of the name, in addition to strong-willed positive qualities of character, human weaknesses coexist in it. In the aura of the name, which manifests itself as a red field in the center, framed by narrow green stripes, the compatibility of contradictions - advantages and disadvantages - is clearly visible.

  • nobility and generosity
  • perseverance and perseverance
  • purposefulness and diligence
  • independence and determination
  • sociability and wit
  • intuition
  • honesty and justice

A man named Alexander has a strong will, leadership qualities and a freedom-loving character. Stubbornly advancing towards the goal, he does not pay attention to others, communicating only with those who recognize his authority. He treats everyone with an open mind, demanding adherence to generally accepted norms. He hates betrayal, lies and injustice. Winter Alexander is ambitious, purposefully striving for leadership.

Born in the spring, representatives of this name have a fighting character, capable of heroic deeds. They are optimists, sociable natures with a sparkling sense of humor. Summer Alexanders are creative people, distinguished by love, romance and courtesy, which raises them high in the eyes of women. Alexander, born in autumn, is a responsible and calm person, able to perceive criticism and correct his mistakes.

  • arrogance and dominance
  • irascibility and sharpness
  • secrecy
  • gambling
  • imbalance and rapid mood swings
  • insecurity and fear of failure

Alexander is not able to perceive instructions and someone else's point of view. He does everything in his own way, even seeing that such actions harm him. Coming out triumphant in hopeless situations, in ordinary life he is sometimes lost, falling below the average. From time to time, Alexander begins to be overcome by indecision in making decisions, an unreasonable fear of failure. Characteristic features of winter Alexandrov are imbalance in a fit of anger and absent-mindedness. They are domineering and tend to exaggerate their dignity, which causes dissatisfaction with their position in society.

Of the negative qualities of spring Alexander, isolation and resentment stand out. He cannot forgive insults unfairly inflicted on him and his friends. Summer Alexander is capricious, selfish, subject to mood swings, which has a bad effect on relationships in the team and family. Autumn names are distinguished by a frivolous nature, leading to stupid deeds. When drunk, they like to brag and lose control of themselves.

The fate of Alexander

The fate of Alexander usually develops well. His perseverance, intellect, creative thinking and creative abilities allow him to achieve material well-being in life. The job, which he gave many years and effort to, can be changed when moving to another city, which opens up better prospects for the implementation of ambitious projects.

Heavenly patrons generously endowed Alexander with luck and friends who protect him from getting into life-threatening and business situations. A rich inner world brightens up Alexander's busy everyday life, helping to survive the imperfection of the world and human relationships. Carrying his moral values ​​to people, he tries to change those around him for the better, which often succeeds by taking the political path. He will not meet old age alone, he will be surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

By setting ambitious goals, Alexander can achieve success in his chosen field of activity with his energy and perseverance. His innate leadership inclinations, competence, justice and the ability to convince, allow him to become a good leader who has authority among his subordinates. However, often he does not strive for career ups, not wanting to obey anyone, to follow other people's instructions with which he does not agree. The main thing for Alexander is not a career, but self-realization, which provides material prosperity. He starts to work early, sparing no effort. Possessing a developed intuition, Alexander makes the right choice of business partners that help him create profitable projects.

Choosing a profession in his youth, the guy pays attention to courageous specialties that require endurance and physical strength: a military man, a rescuer, a policeman, a professional athlete. Alexanders, capable of exact sciences, become talented programmers, equipment designers, mechanics, and inventors. Prone to humanitarian disciplines and artistic natures achieve success in the acting profession, become famous directors, composers, designers, journalists.

Marriage and family

Alexander, who is in the "seventh heaven" from spiritual and physical intimacy with a girl, can marry early, radically changing his life. A sense of duty to loved ones makes him a caring husband and father. In his younger years, having entered into marriage, he sometimes will not be able to avoid a new hobby, which will probably cause a divorce at the initiative of his wife. Marriage in adulthood will be the foundation of a long and happy life. Feeling responsible for the family, he tries to pay attention and time to his wife, children and parents, taking on the burden of their problems. He makes all decisions quickly, sometimes unconsciously, turning family life into a seething whirlpool.

Alexandra, born in the summer, adore children, the rest treat them with restraint, not showing feelings. The main thing for him in family life is to turn the house into a full bowl. Continuing to value himself above others, Alexander expects mutual understanding and devotion from his wife. To avoid conflicts, she must make compromises, remembering that there is a big shortage of such caring and decent husbands. The ideal wife for Alexander is a faithful friend, a caring mother and a great lover.

Sex and love

Alexander is a charming and attractive man who loves beautiful intelligent women. He is sure that the ladies are obliged to achieve it themselves. Having reciprocated the beauty's attention, he presents himself as a charming boyfriend, familiar with all the rules of etiquette - he gives compliments, gives flowers, arranges pleasant surprises. Seriously falling in love, Alexander is ready for any exploits for the sake of his beloved. If she does not reciprocate, it will hit his pride hard.

Failures in love and intimacy forever remain a wound on the heart. Possessing increased sensuality and sexuality, he thinks not only about his pleasure from sex, but tries to make his partner enjoy it too. Sharing the concepts of sex and love, Alexander, even being married, does not see anything reprehensible, to have sexual contact on the side. However, fidelity and adoration are expected from a life partner and partner.


Alexander's health problems begin in childhood, which is manifested by a tendency to gastrointestinal diseases. Proper nutrition and exercise will be the salvation from diseases. Despite Sasha's natural stamina, overwork must be avoided, the daily routine and nutrition should be observed. If you do not adhere to a healthy lifestyle, with age, a predisposition to excess weight and heart disease may appear.

Problems in the family and at work can lead to mental and nervous disorders. At this time, it is important for a loved one to substitute his reliable shoulder. For the preservation of health, it is important to avoid bad habits - smoking and alcohol, which can cause an irresistible addiction.

Interests and hobbies

Alexander devotes his free time to reading interesting books that give food for thought. Communication with nature and fishing calm the nervous system, charging with positive energy. Alexander is essentially an artistic person. Among his interests are visiting theaters, museums, concerts. He is interested in sports, being an avid fan who loves attending sports competitions.

Being fond of creativity in childhood, becoming an adult and having achieved material prosperity, he can take up acting, learn to play a musical instrument or dance, having achieved a lot of success in this. Hobbies have a positive effect on Alexander's mood, help to achieve inner harmony.

Alexander name compatibility with female names

Knowing the compatibility of the names of a man and a woman helps to understand how they suit each other in love and marriage, what prospects await them in a life together.

Alexander name compatibility in love

The most important characteristic of the compatibility of people in love is the compatibility of temperaments in intimacy, the acceptance of each other's perception and the coincidence of spiritual interests.

The maximum compatibility of Alexander in love, expressed in sexual and spiritual harmony, will be with Ekaterina, Nadezhda, Natalya, Valentina, Dina.

Compatibility of temperaments in intimacy makes Alexander's life full of vivid emotions with Anna, Veronica, Inna, Angela and Galina.

The sensuality of Larisa, Marina, Oksana, Clara, Lina, Galina and Maria gives Alexander physical pleasure.

Little compatibility in the sensitive perception of intimacy is possible with Elena, Olga, Rosa, Vera.

Alexander name compatibility in marriage

Knowing about compatibility in marriage is important when creating a family in order to avoid fatal mistakes. In addition to compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac, name compatibility plays an important role in creating strong family relationships.

A strong marriage, sealed by mutual love, based on intimate compatibility, common views and interests, is possible with Catherine, Angela, Veronika, Zinaida, Lada, Lydia, Nina, Nona, Raisa, Tatyana.

The power-hungry and narcissistic Alexander needs a yielding and faithful wife in everything. Therefore, a strong marriage with self-sufficient and unwilling to obey the will of her husband Ada, Anastasia, Barbara, Vera, Diana, Evdokia, Zoya, Rose, Maria, Polina is not destined to develop.

The name Alexander, whose etymology is rooted in ancient times, is considered one of the most popular and common. Its origin is Greek, and many famous people bore this beautiful and majestic name.

The meaning and character of the name Alexander

Each name, including Alexander, has a certain meaning, and affects the character of a person, his communication with others, health and fate in general.

What does a name mean for a boy

Little Sasha has a great imagination and fantasy, he is artistic and dreamy. Despite the fact that these features make it difficult to draw a clear line between fantasy and reality, the boy is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit. He easily copes with his studies, if he wants to.

The main thing is to support Sasha in everything, then he will be able to solve any problem, showing considerable willpower and his creative abilities.

The name Sasha for a boy is not only a vivid fantasy and discipline, but also quite good health. With regular sports, the child rarely gets sick, is charged with positive and energy. Sasha's only weak point is the digestive system. This problem is solved by a well-designed diet or a special diet.

What does the name Alexander mean for an adult man

The characteristic of the name Alexander is determination, strength, firmness in decisions and courage. These traits usually show up from a very young age. In addition, the man has a good sense of humor, but in some cases he is sharp and quick-tempered. In any controversial situation, you need to be prepared that he will rebuff the offender. Of the shortcomings, vanity and pride are noted.

The bearers of this name are charming people, popular with women. Despite this, having met his soul mate, Sasha forgets about everyone else and completely immerses herself in relationships and family planning.

Origin of the male name Alexander

The male name Alexander, considered honorary by the Greeks, has several translations: defender; protecting people; courageous defender; defender of humanity. It appeared in ancient Greece, and the depth of the roots of the name explains the breadth of its distribution in various forms (included in the list of the most popular names in England, Germany and France).

born: 1961-03-22

Version 1. What does the name Alexander mean?

Alexander is a business man. Sober-minded, slightly ironic, easy to communicate with people, kind and cordial. By temperament, most often - a sanguine. An excellent athlete, most of all Alexander is fond of football.

Talented. Among the Alexandrovs there are many brilliant poets, generals, and scientists. The range of application of their abilities is very wide. However, he is rarely satisfied with what he has achieved. Attentive to women, but never opens up to them. For his wife, he always remains a mystery.

A good leader, but a lot depends on his patronymic. For example, it is undesirable for Alexander Nikolayevich to occupy a leading position, he is powerful and unpredictable.

Alexander is straightforward, proud, never humiliated.

born: 1933-03-28

Version 2. What does the name Alexander mean?

Men with the name Alexander are kind, sexually preoccupied, play well and win at gambling. The nature of this man is smart, subtle and therefore loved by everyone - by women, men, and children.

Contact, often witty, sometimes irritable.

As a child, Sasha suffers from lung diseases.

Alexander knows how to gather himself internally, he also has a need for self-expression, capturing space, he has self-discipline. Able to mobilize in time.

He quickly grasps the specifics, very quickly orients himself, self-confident and brave. Sometimes acts recklessly and risky. Alexander has strong emotions and a change of hobbies.

born: 1938-03-31

3 version of the meaning of the name Alexander

The male name Alexander comes from the ancient Greek words “aleko - to protect” and “andros” - husband, man, that is, “protector of people”.

As a child, Alexanders often get sick, but as teenagers they go in for sports intensively and grow up to be quite strong and purposeful men.

Alexander is able to achieve his goal, they make good leaders who know how to manage a team and pay tribute to capable, gifted employees. They have a reputation for being fair people. They like to drink, in a state of intoxication they become boastful, lose control of themselves. It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less, he often “gets ahead of the circle”, that is, he drinks even before pouring others. However, a strong life shock can permanently turn him away from the love of alcohol.

In relations with women, Alexander first of all strives to be charming. You rarely meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. To give a hand, to help put on a coat, to buy a bouquet of flowers - this has become a habit with him. The main weapon of Alexander is a compliment. No, Alexander does not play, he really believes in the sincerity of his compliments, as well as in the truth of his declarations of love. The trouble is that, having sworn to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor and faith in the feeling that has gripped him, will swear to another woman.

Alexanders born in summer are madly in love with children, including strangers, "winter", "spring" and "autumn" Alexandras treat children with restraint.

Alexandra with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich, Semenovich belong to complex natures.

The most successful marriages are with Agnes, Alina, Anna, Berta, Bogdana, Valentina, Wanda, Barbara, Venus, Vera, Veronica, Veta, Helena, Daria, Juliet, Elizabeth, Zoya, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalia, Nelly, Oksana, Polina, Roxana, Tamara.

The probability of Alexander's unsuccessful marriage is high with Alevtina, Vladlena, Danuta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia, Svetlana.

born: 1942-05-25

4 version of the interpretation of the name Alexander

1. Personality. The ones who hide.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Blue.

6. The main features of the name Alexander: intuition - will - activity.

7. Totem plant. Lilac.

8. Totem animal. Crab.

9. Sign. Cancer.

10. Type. To understand the Aleksandrov, one must remember that their totem animal is a crab that attacks with claws, backs up, drags its prey, and if the fight is unequal, it burrows into the sand.

11. Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more introverted, running away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. Alexanders often try to justify their actions in advance, especially when they are frightened or afraid of condemnation.

12. Will. At first glance, very strong, but in their determination there is some instability, shakiness.

13. Excitability. In Alexander's perseverance, one feels some kind of anxiety, which emphasizes a certain inconstancy of character.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Friendship is taken very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear, fear of failure, most often unreasonably.

15. Field of activity. They are not attracted by science, or rather, Alexander studies for himself. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process, they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. Alexander can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, television workers. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have retired from society, which they reject, an engineer for installing and configuring computer networks.

16. Intuition. Female type.

17. Intelligence. Synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and a frightening curiosity.

18. Susceptibility. They are difficult to understand, they are very independent, although they strive to find a haven where they could find care and peace.

19. Morality. Alexander is capable of dubious deeds.

20. Health. Average, easily overtired. They suffer from gastric diseases, so they must take care of their digestion.

21. Sexuality. Their sexuality is mostly speculative. Tend to dream of love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

22. Activity. This is not their forte. Sometimes it seems that while working, Alexander only dreams of returning home, where he can do what he likes ... or do nothing at all!

23. Sociability. Often they expect something impossible from friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

24. Conclusion. Alexander has been looking for support all his life in a strong partner - be it a mother or a wife.

born: 1937-05-30

6th version of the meaning of the name Alexander

Alexander - from the Greek courageous defender; colloquially Lexander.

Derivatives: Alexandrushka, Aleksanya, Sanya, Sanyura, Sanyuta, Sanyukha, Sanyusha, Apeksakh, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashukha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashuta, Sashura, Shura, Shurunya, Alexa, Aleksyukha, Aleksyusha, Alya, Lexa, Leksanya, Lexasha.

Name days: March 8, 22, 26, 28, 29, April 23, 30, May 3, 26, June 2, 15, 22, 23, July 16, 22, 23, August 14, 24, 25, September 12, 11 October, 4, November 22, December 6, 25.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

On the night of August 25, various ghosts walk on the graves of Alexander the Martyr; whistles, howls and songs are heard; a white horse runs; whoever dares to saddle him, the horse will carry him to the cemetery - and at the first cock's cry, not a horse, but a tombstone will be under the rider at the first cock's cry.


Alexander can be very generous and magnanimous, he can sacrifice his wealth without looking back, but he is not very inclined to sacrifice himself, and this, when close to him, creates an obstacle to close communication. Despite success in business, study, creativity, and universal recognition, they are constantly dissatisfied: everything is missing something important.

Alexander is artistic, always seems to play a certain role, waiting for the moment when you can become yourself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always brings Alexander to the rapids of life! He tends to dream of love rather than love. Women in life with a man with that name, oh, how hard it is!

born: 1951-06-14

Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia

7 version of the meaning of the name Alexander

The secret of the name Alexander - "courageous protector" (Greek)

He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But often he is quick-tempered, impudent, sharp, does not respect the boundaries of decency. Whoever tries to influence him from a position of strength, the path does not count on success.

By nature, Alexander is an introvert, trying to escape from reality, hiding in his subconscious. He has a vivid imagination and incredible curiosity. Has a synthetic mindset and a reliable memory. Justifies his actions and deeds in advance, especially when he deserves condemnation. At first glance, he has remarkable willpower, and he can make every effort to achieve the goal, but there is still a certain amount of doubt and shakiness in his determination. He is afraid of the unknown, often and unreasonably afraid of failure. There is some anxiety in perseverance, and it determines the inconstancy of character.

The speed of Alexander's reaction to events is so great that sometimes it takes the form of an escape from unwanted situations. And then he even gives the impression of a frivolous person. It is difficult to understand him, he is too independent, although he strives for a haven where he would find care and security. The true face is revealed only after actions that are contrary to moral standards. Then he breaks the veil of mystery and seeks help from friends. He perceives friendship deeply, often passionate love develops into a strong friendship with him, but this offends many women.

Alexander is quite active, but he tries to give the impression that work in production is tiring for him, and he dreams of returning home, where he can do whatever he pleases. In fact, the wife has to wait a long time for him to return home from work. Often looks for something incredible and misses the real opportunity. Luck and a happy fate help to escape from unpleasant situations. This man needs a strong partner all his life - be it a mother or a wife.

Alexander is not attracted to science, and if he is attracted, it is only for the sake of personal ambitions. This is the type of an independent loner who does not tolerate the pedagogical process in a school where one has to study under compulsion. Has an artistic nature. He can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, radio and television worker, but he can also be a lone traveler, sailor, lawyer. Artists or journalists with the name Alexander are able to reproduce the image of a person with extraordinary truthfulness.

Alexander's health is not too strong. Easily overtired. He should take care of the stomach and intestines. His sexuality is mostly psychic. He tends to dream of love instead of living it. His sensuality carries something childish with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

"Winter" Alexander is unbalanced, his interests are disordered.

"Autumn" - more balanced, but no less reckless. He can do a lot of stupid things, but then, after analyzing, stubbornly correct the situation. Alexander can make a good entrepreneur, a worker in the trade sector. The name is suitable for patronymics: Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Anatolyevich, Emmanuilovich, Grigorievich, Valentinovich, Yakovlevich.

"Summer" Alexander is a tireless seeker of love adventures, which gets him into trouble. Excellent graphic artist, writer.

"Spring" Alexander is a poetic nature. Cheerful, smart, reckless. But also touchy, sensitive. The name is suitable for patronymics: Dmitrievich, Bogdanovich, Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Evgenievich, Danilovich.

born: 1949-06-28

Russian actor, director, poet, public figure, People's Artist of Russia

8 version of the meaning of the name Alexander

From the library of names: Alexander is the protector of people (Greek names).

Name day: March 8 - The Monk Alexander (5th century), leaving the military field, accepted monasticism, founded nine monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rank of “unsleeping”, that is, constantly, day and night, worship.

August 25 - The Holy Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by God's direction, was elected a bishop from coal sellers; pleased God with humility and good deeds; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century. December 6 - the memory of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, who secured the western borders of Russia with victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle on the Ice, 1241).

Zodiac sign - Taurus.

Planet - Venus.

Blue color.

Auspicious tree - chestnut.

Treasured plant - gladiolus.

The patron of the name Alexander is a bull.

Talisman stone - alexandrite.


Alexander is so deep in himself that he strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it for himself; And he won't stop until he breaks firewood.

Artistic, always seems to play a certain vital role, looking forward to the moment when you can become yourself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always takes Alexander to the rapids of life!

Alexander tends to dream of love rather than love. It is not easy for women with him!

born: 1951-09-13

Soviet and Russian singer, poet, composer, actor, People's Artist of Russia

11 version of the meaning of the name Alexander

The name Alexander corresponds basically to a sanguine temperament with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, but not superficiality.

The signs of the name Alexander also include cordiality and kindness. In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: as a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to remain within the easy a flirtation that ends as readily as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not explode with the plow of inner life, if they cannot be described as sliding on the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: in this way two adjoining shafts conscientiously rotate one another without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end.

With a gear clutch, each of the wheels must rotate in rhythm with the other or move away so as not to be broken, and when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and it is almost indifferent to each of the shafts how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about Alexandrov's life relationships, but the same is about mental contacts. Here the same mobility and readiness, as well as the same indifference, or rather, the same non-admission of thoughts under the skin. Alexandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this mind is self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and, naturally, can upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is rather broad, but self-protective from the pathos of universality, strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; rightly weighing a lot, but not plunging into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but to save himself from shock.

The nobility of this spiritual disposition, chivalry, is not a flash and impulse, but an inclination shaped like a rule, and therefore easily acquires a somewhat artificial character. Then this nobility is programmatic and abstract, but not as a mask of cunning, but rather as a sincerely valued role, which one must hold on to partly because of pride. The readiness to stand up for any truth is too formal, and the truth in general may be a lie for Alexandrov in particular, in a particular life. Some coldness of the mind, for the sake of maintaining harmony, is replenished by affectation.

This “in general” in character makes it typical for great people, it is most characteristic of them, because “in general”, said in a loud voice - and this is exactly how the great ones say it - becomes universal and truly human. The name Alexander wants to be a microcosm1 and, when he receives sufficient nourishing material for decoration, he becomes one: a genius. But this harmony and self-satisfaction of the name may not be up to everyone: not having the strength to become even great, he, in addition to desire, reaches for greatness. A baobab in a flower pot is all a baobab, though emaciated and frail, but if someone said that it would be better for him to be only a radish under the given conditions, he probably would not be mistaken. However, his advice would be in vain. So Alexander is Alexander. But "greatness" in small sizes, the "greatness" of ordinary Alexandrov gives dwarf trees of Japanese gardens.

There is usually some subtle detachment from life in Alexanders. Some of the thinnest, almost invisible hair roots are cut off, but these roots are essential for nutrition: they go into the bowels of life, into other worlds. Hence - a certain bias towards abstract principles, building life according to schemes, rationalization, albeit in a very subtle form: Alexander is abstracted not by the will of rationalism, not by the heat of a self-affirming mind, but by the lack of life principles that feed him; his rationalism is not positive, but negative. Therefore, this subtle rationalism is devoid of offensive energy, fanaticism, passion, it reveals a readiness for flexibility and compliance, it is soft, or, more precisely, elastic and worldly comfortable. The Alexandrov program itself, which was mentioned above, has its source in the absence of a sufficiently close contact with space; Alexander does not see his deliberateness, because he does not have an influx from the outside, the existential viscosity of which would oppose his behavior according to schemes: he takes abstract schemes as a basis, again not out of special love for them, but for lack of initial life impressions from the depths. And his deliberateness is assessed by him not as insincerity, but as a life remplis sage2 of the best kind - yes, from remplis sage, this is really the best outcome; in fact, if I have no inspiration to act, but it is necessary to act, then deliberate nobility is preferable to such ignobleness.

The great Alexander, being a microcosm, would have found in himself the sources of the desired solutions; little Sasha, also self-enclosed, must look for sources in himself, and the solution naturally comes from reason - schematic and abstract, but still as harmonious as a rational decision can be.

In connection with the property for which there is no more suitable name than abstraction, although this name is not entirely successful, the name Alexander gives legislation to the personality. Not by will to power, but by his supra-vital and partly extra-vital structure, Alexander easily becomes the center of certain norms for those around him and sits down, seated or pretending to sit down, on a certain platform. This manifests the above-mentioned self-isolation, self-sufficiency of Alexander: he is a monad3 that has no windows...

On large scales, this property of sufficiency is the condition of genius. In small ones - some kind of inability to live, although in a more subtle sense than external success; Alexander's work and life are accompanied by success, even much above average, but he does not cancel the more subtle impression of some sort of lucklessness, or incompleteness.

However, whether it is genius or lack of vitality, but both, as a property of the monad, lead to inner loneliness. Friends and beloved comrades, valuable interlocutors and welcome guests in relation to everyone and in general, the Alexanders cannot and do not want to become such in particular and in relation to unique persons, such uniqueness would intrude demandingly into their harmonious little world and open the windows that should be in it are closed. The best that can exist, friends, Alexandra are not the best friends, precisely because they are not the essence, that they, like round ones, roll towards everyone, not sticking into anyone with a sharp edge, but not catching on anyone either. Maybe friendship, like cement, needs suffering, and where everything is smooth, there is no ground for unification that breaks the monadic shells. The pleasantness of Alexandrov does not allow them to be completely close and completely open in particular: such closeness is always accompanied by a tragic sound, and tragedy and Dionysianism4 are inseparable from each other. The Alexandrians, on the other hand, do not want Dionysianism, as directly opposite to their already given wholeness. Closeness to the end seems to Alexander both shy and unfair, and besides - affected. It is noteworthy that they recognize real affectation in the style of French tragedies, when it is conscious, and they are afraid, as affected, of the excesses of life, when they are spontaneous - they are afraid of Greek tragedy.

By virtue of their self-sufficiency, by virtue of their monarchical nature, Alexandra can be very mercenary5, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without looking back. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this, when close to them, creates a barrier to very close communication, and vice versa - hence the feeling of their detachment. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they feed trickles of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite the universal recognition, they are not satisfied: everything is missing something important. But this pessimism of them is neither a theoretical conviction, which, on the contrary, is rather optimistic, nor an organic pain, but something secondary and derivative, although necessary: ​​the shadow of their self-sufficiency, inseparable from them.

As a result: Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most proportional within itself.

1 Microcosm - a person as a likeness, reflection, symbol of the Universe of the macrocosm.

2 Higher wisdom (fr.).

3 Monad - unity, unity.

4 On behalf of Dionysus - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of wine and fun.

5 Thorovaty - agile, dexterous, generous.

Name day Alexander

January 8, January 10, January 14, January 17, January 31, February 7, February 17, February 19, February 20, February 21, March 5, March 6, March 7, March 8, March 9, March 10, March 14 , March 17, March 22, March 25, March 26, March 28, March 29, March 30, April 9, April 23, April 27, April 28, April 30, May 3, May 4, May 24, May 26, 27 May, May 29, June 1, June 2, June 5, June 8, June 11, June 20, June 22, June 23, June 26, June 27, July 1, July 6, July 10, July 16, July 19, July 21, July 22, July 23, August 2, August 7, August 11, August 14, August 20, August 24, August 25, August 27, August 29, September 2, September 3, September 4, September 9, September 10 , 12 September, 13 September, 17 September, 18 September, 20 September, 22 September, 26 September, 3 October, 4 October, 5 October, 8 October, 9 October, 11 October, 13 October, 14 October, 24 October, 25 October, October 30, November 2, November 3, November 4 November, November 5, November 12, November 13, November 14, November 16, November 17, November 20, November 22, November 23, November 25, November 27, December 2, December 3, December 6, December 7, December 8, December 17, December 22, December 23, December 25, December 26, December 28, December 29, December 30,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Notable people named Alexander

born: 1961-03-22

Russian musician, actor, producer, TV presenter

born: 1933-03-28

Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia

born: 1938-03-31

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

born: 1942-05-25

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Alexander Abdulov

born: 1953-05-29

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, People's Artist of Russia

born: 1937-05-30

Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

You will find useful information about the meaning of the name Alexander, how to interpret, historical facts and where the name Alexander (Sasha) came from.

The meaning of the name Alexander

What does the name Alexander mean? The ancient Greeks interpreted it as a "protector".

Short form

Sasha, Sanya, Sanek, Shurik, Sasha, Alex, Sanka, Shura.

What does the name Alexander mean?

The meaning of the name Alexander comes from the merger of two Greek words, which literally translate as "man" and "protection". The name can be interpreted in different ways, but all these variations will come from the word “protector”: “reliable husband”, “brave fighter”, a real man in the moral sense. The name Alexander means that its bearer has such qualities as courage, fearlessness and wisdom. Sasha is not afraid of responsibility and will always be a reliable protection for others.

Origin of the name Sasha

What does the name Alexander mean? It is formed from the ancient Greek words "alekso" and "andres", which literally translates as "male protector."

Alexander's patronymic

Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna.

Patron saints and the day of the angel Alexander

Sasha's name appears quite often in the church calendar, because his name day comes every month.

Its patrons are:

January 17 - Martyr Skalsky. He zealously and faithfully preached the commandments of God and did not deviate from his principles even on his deathbed.
June 5 - the great Russian prince A. Nevsky, canonized.
November 22 - Hieromartyr of Thessalonica.

Positive features

Alexander- a hero in his role model. Whatever business he undertakes, he will always persevere to achieve his goal. Such a man is very focused and purposeful in work, often he even forgets about rest. In family affairs, he seeks to provide comfort and security to loved ones. In friendship, there is no more reliable ally than he.

Negative Traits

We found out what the name Alexander means, and according to these data it seems that men with this name have no flaws. This is a delusion: he can sometimes cross the line of power, becoming despotic and aggressive. It is difficult for him to give in on any issue, and also often he cannot delegate duties to another person. Such a man is often proud. It is difficult for him to hear the other person, even if he is right.

Alexander's character

What is the meaning of the name Alexander in terms of character? He is a real man in every sense of the word. Earlier, we already found out what the name Alexander means - this is a protector. By nature, he is a very reliable person who can be trusted with a lot. Because of this, he often suffers, as he agrees even to those things that he does not really want to do. Sasha, like many of his namesake commanders, is a born boss. From birth, a thirst for leadership flares up in him. If a man with this name does not realize the need for leadership in something, he withdraws into himself and becomes embittered.

Sasha does not like loneliness, although he can tolerate it. It is important for a man with such a name to have a sensitive and loving woman next to him, as well as friends who support his undertakings. He is noble, intelligent and ambitious. Such a person demands from his environment the same exalted qualities.

We already wrote about what the name Alexander means.- This is a man who seeks to protect someone. That is why often Sasha shows such a character trait as generosity. The meaning of the name Alexander is also manifested in his communication with the world. The girls around him often turn to him for financial help. He repeatedly donated funds to help those in need. At the same time, he keeps his altruistic deeds a secret, since he does not consider it necessary to boast of them.

Sasha has great potential in the field of knowledge. Their mind is able to contain information on any topic. They are interested and easily versed in both art and the exact sciences. Sasha is an interesting conversationalist. He knows how not only to talk about something, but also competently enter into a discussion. The meaning of the name Alexander can also be seen as "the defender of truth".

All the troubles of a man with that name come from unfulfillment. If he does not find support among other people and cannot take his place in his favorite business, he is immediately disappointed in his own abilities.

Alexander compatibility with female names

Knowing what the name Alexander means, we can conclude that that relations with Anna, Karina, Xenia, Lyudmila, Evgenia, Valeria, Natalia and Serafima are especially successful. It will be difficult to find a language with Lydia, Anastasia, Tatyana and Yulia.

Family and Love of Alexander

This person knows how to love and knows how to make his family happy. If on his life path he comes across a girl who knows what the name Alexander means and is ready to be under his protection, then he can become the head of a harmonious family. Sashas usually know how to communicate with the opposite sex. The meaning of the name Alexander attracts women, as they feel very comfortable with him.

The choice of profession by Alexander

The meaning of the name is sometimes interpreted as "boss", so he is good in a leadership position. In whatever area he enters, he will cope well with great responsibility. He can be a military man, a scientist, a director of an enterprise, a businessman, a director, a judge.

Alexander's health

Initially, he is given excellent immunity in order to realize the meaning of the name Alexander. The state of health depends entirely on his efforts. Tempering and timely visits to the doctor are the components of the well-being of a man who was given the name Alexander.

Alexander's career

He easily moves up the career ladder in two cases: if he works for us and if there is a prospect of becoming a boss in his field. As a rule, Sasha is an enterprising and diligent careerist.

Great personalities named Alexander in history

Macedonian, Nevsky, Suvorov, Radishchev, Pushkin, Griboedov, Butlerov, Lazarevsky, Scriabin, Blok, Flemming and others.


Characteristics of the name Alexander

Alexander is not very attracted to science, but if she is attracted to something, then he does it only for the sake of his own ambitions.

Most often, a person who bears this name independent loner who hardly endures the educational process where they are forced to study.

Alexander has artistic nature. He can be a talented actor, director or TV presenter. At the same time, he can become a traveler who loves loneliness or a lawyer.

It is worth noting that the artist Alexander can very accurately reproduce the image of another person.

With health at Alexander not always stable- he can easily overwork, and also need to pay more attention to the stomach and intestines.

The nature of the name Alexander

* Alexander, born in winter, may be unbalanced, and its interests are not ordered in places.

* Alexander, born in autumn on the contrary, more balanced, and yet some recklessness may also be present.

Despite the fact that, due to his nature, Alexander can do stupid things, he analyzes his actions and then tries to correct the mistake.

A person bearing this name can become a good businessman in the trading field.

* Alexander, born in summer, in a constant search for love adventures, thereby increasing the risk of getting into trouble.

* Alexander, born in spring, draws well, writes well and has a good sense of humor. However, he can be very sensitive and easily offended.

The meaning of the name Alexander

Nature rewarded Alexander with wonderful qualities, among which courage, assertiveness, confidence, and in addition to them, there is also authoritativeness, tk. he was destined to manage everything and everyone, leading people.

It is believed that a man named Alexander can achieve any goal. A good leader named Alexander is able to skillfully coordinate the work of his employees, giving special attention to gifted employees.

Most often, Alexander fair and honest, however, this rule is violated when honesty gets in the way of achieving his goals, to which he will persevere.

It is also worth noting that Alexander boasts good intuition and extraordinary mind.

Alexander debt to your family is one of the most important things in life. He loves and appreciates his brothers and sisters, parents very much, but at the same time, for example, he will be able to lend only in exceptional cases, without making an exception even for family members.

A rock

The main stone is alexandrite.


The name "alexandrite" comes from the name of the Russian emperor Alexander II, and all because alexandrite was found in the Urals on the day when the emperor celebrated his coming of age in 1834.

It should be noted that alexandrite is rare gem whose color changes red-violet to bright green. Therefore, he is also the talisman of card players who believe that he will help them win.

The ability of a stone to change color affects the emotional component of a person.

Since alexandrite can have a red-violet color, it is believed that it has a positive effect on human blood: it improves blood circulation, affects the speed of stopping bleeding, cleansing the blood, and strengthening blood vessels. In addition, alexandrite can positively influence the process tissue repair, spleen and pancreas.

In addition to it, there are other stones such as mudstone and chrysoprase.


This stone got its name from two Greek words: argillos - clay and lithos - stone. Argillite is also called zebra stone, mud stone, mudstone and hailite.

It is believed that argillite has a positive effect on human health, and specifically on the genitourinary system, kidneys, liver and pancreas.

And yet, lithotherapists believe that this stone should not be worn by those who have one of the above organs unhealthy.


This stone is apple green in color. Its name comes from two Greek words "chrysos" - gold and "prazos" - leek.

There is an opinion that this stone helps business people, whose talisman it is.

It is believed that chrysoprase in the role of a talisman is able to protect from danger and help in difficult situations.

It is also worth noting that chrysoprase is a stone of new ideas and inventions.



Since Alexander is an artistic person, he seems to play a role in life, and is waiting for the moment when he can finally get out of the image and become himself.

But it is worth knowing that sometimes it will be either very difficult for Alexander to do this or even impossible.


Alexander may not be very attracted to science, or rather, he will study mainly for himself. He is independent and prefers to do things on his own. In addition, Alexander does not really tolerate the pedagogical process and the coercion that accompanies it.

By nature, he is an artistic person, which means that he is quite capable of becoming a talented actor, director, journalist or presenter, as indicated by the impressive list of Alexander's travelers, inventors and writers.


As mentioned earlier, Alexander will stubbornly go towards his goal. Moreover, if necessary, he will lead people, which means that a good and fair manager can come out of him.


A man named Alexander is beautiful knows his own worth. From a young age, he pays attention to women and tries to establish contact with them.

It may be that he won't pursue a woman, expecting it to be the other way around.

Alexander spends most of his energy on achieving other life goals than love.

Be that as it may, Alexander always trying to be the best and this does not exclude the realm of sex. He tries to dominate in relationships, and along with vanity, dominance moves him to the heights cherished for him. At the same time, Alexander is unlikely to strongly show his emotions.

There is a high probability that Alexandra's partner will not be able to fully master it, because. for him, a woman does not stand at the top of his hierarchical pyramid.

Alexander, born in autumn, can stand out in a special way. kindness and tenderness. He prefers these same qualities in his partner.

Alexander, born in spring, loving. Strong erotic emotions can be seen in him - he clearly separates love from sexual desire.

In his youth, he can get psychologically traumatized by an unsuccessful romance, and will remember this for a very long time.

Alexander chooses his wife with special care not to make the same mistakes.

Alexander Horoscope


Controversial. He wants both stability and independence in his life. Passionate, impulsive, treats his soul mate as an owner. Getting along with him is not easy - he can be rude, selfish, and sometimes impatient for the opinion of another person.

Alexander Taurus

Boasts impressive inner strength. Balanced, thoughtful, monogamous. Can become a good father and friend. He loves a soft character in his soul mate and chooses female hostesses. If only one minus is stubborn, especially when striving for a specific goal.


Charming. Popular among the fair sex, but it is not constant. It is easy for him to get along with people, he is flexible - he quickly adapts to the environment.


Too emotional. The character is weak - too easy to influence from the outside. He lacks self-confidence. Too careful. Sometimes it is not easy for women with him, because. he doesn't know exactly what he wants. Sometimes capricious.

Alexander Lev

Strong physically and spiritually. His power attracts women. Doesn't like criticism. Sometimes he speaks too harshly. Can become a faithful husband.


Decent. Likes to think. Do not rush and do not fuss in making decisions. All actions are considered in detail. He tries to keep his promises. Its disadvantage is that sometimes it can think about its actions for so long that in the end it will not make any decision.


Romantic. He understands women well. He loves harmony, so people like to communicate with him. Faithful companion for life.

Alexander Scorpio

Get used to adventure. The character is changeable - it can quickly go from a calm state to unbridled anger. It boasts good intuition, which it often uses in life. It is not easy to live in tandem with him, because. his mood often changes, which makes it difficult to understand his feelings.

Alexander Sagittarius

Closed. Too trusting. Can be offended by a trifle, but quickly "departs". It can take a very long time to look for the very one, and is often mistaken. Since in life he can often be disappointed in women, he can remain a bachelor.


Family man. A devoted life partner and friend. Can be a good father. Too impressionable - sometimes shows too much emotion. He knows his shortcomings well.

Alexander Aquarius

The main thing is work. Realist. I tend to believe more in friendship than in love. A stormy relationship can scare him. Given this, he will choose a life partner who will be modest and tactful.

Alexander Pisces

Too impressionable. For the sake of a beloved woman, he can go to rash acts. Able to express deep feelings. It is vulnerable and can become depressed. He will be forever faithful to the one who understands him.

Name compatibility

Often Alexander wants to prove to everyone his superiority in at least one area, and in this case, marriage and personal life are no exception. The name itself suggests authority, and this, in turn, can have a strong influence on compatibility.

Alexander and Alexandra

Although the names sound the same, they have little in common. And yet different characters can be attracted to each other, and the romance between Alexander and Alexandra may well be bright. A marriage can last a long time and be happy.

Alexander and Alla

In love: 90%

Married: 50%

In such a tandem there is a place for passion, and sparks in the eyes, and optimism, and a keen interest in the second half.

Alexander and Alena

In love: 100%

Married: 70%

Combining these names unleashes a sense of freedom in the relationship. They gradually begin to become attached to each other, being married.
Alena - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Alexander and Angela

In love: 100%

Married: 75%

Excellent compatibility in love and marriage - both hate loneliness and silence, and are able to make a holiday out of their life together.

Alexander and Ludmila

They will look at family relationships from different points of view, and prioritize in their own way. Also at this point they have different goals. In order for a couple to exist in a good marriage, partners must give in to each other, trying not to be stubborn and not impose their point of view in terms of how the relationship should develop.

Alexander and Marina

At first it may seem that your couple has a lot in common - you communicate a lot and spend time actively.

But when you are alone, serious arguments can begin, or vice versa, cold-blooded silence. In fact, the relationship between Alexander and Marina can be very stormy, and they will last exactly as long as you are ready to accept your partner as he is.

Alexander and Lisa

This tandem has many common interests. A couple can be incredibly passionate, but things can end quickly. And in love, and in friendship, the chances of this couple are very high.
Elizabeth - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Alexander and Oksana

The connection of this couple is strong, but at the same time invisible. They understand each other perfectly, and sometimes words are completely unnecessary. This couple is passionate, and this passion strengthens their relationship. They may have the same outlook on life. And yet it should be noted that they should not get hung up only on each other.

Alexander and Maria

In personal relationships, this couple can be very successful. No matter how long the partners have known each other, it will always seem to them that the relationship has been going on for centuries and is stronger than ever. Paired with Maria there will be a strong attraction. Their relationship will revolve around such passion. Intimacy will constantly revitalize the relationship. Each representative of this union should pay more attention to trifles, thereby reducing the chances of its collapse.

Alexander and Catherine

This is a strong alliance in which relations are built on common interests. Both Sasha and Katya have irrepressible energy, which helps them to realize their many undertakings. It is impossible not to say that the partners in this tandem understand each other perfectly.