When and how to plant Rhodiola rosea. Cultivation and medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea

  • 17.05.2019

Rhodiola (lat. Rhodiola) is a genus of perennials of the Crassulaceae family. Plants have long been used not only in gardening, but also in traditional medicine. The root of one of its species - Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) - has recognized healing properties.

The name of the genus has a Greek etymology from the words "rhodia" - rose or "rhodon" - pink, since the smell of the root when cut is associated with the aroma of the rose flower.

Rhodiola rosea


Distinctive feature of all plants of the genus is a caudex - a woody, powerful, mostly branching, many-headed rod, formed by a root in its upper part and a stem in its lower part. The rhizome of Rhodiola is fleshy, with thin adventitious roots, with a golden hue. The stems are erect or slightly curved, each plant has several of them. The leaves are alternate, clustered, scaly on the caudex, triangular or semicircular on the stem.

The flowers are four- or five-membered, occasionally - six-membered, collected in corymbose, or racemose or capitate-corymbose inflorescences. The fruit is a straight leaflet, a polysemyanka that opens along the seam with a leathery dry pericarp.

All types of Rhodiola are dioecious. Significant differences in height, leaf shape between male and female specimens make representatives of the same species dissimilar. Flowers of female plants are greenish, male - bright colors.

The structure of Rhodiola

Classification and popular types

About 65 species are described in the genus, which are found in the wild in Asia, Western Europe and most of North America.

R. pink(R. rosea) - the most popular species of the genus, better known by the name "golden root" because of the bright yellow color of the pulp of the rhizome. On a set of fleshy, erect stems, juicy, oblong-ovate leaves alternately sit, the lower ones are somewhat smaller than the upper ones. Single-sex, yellow, four-membered flowers form dense corymbose inflorescences crowning the stem.

The golden root is known as a strong adaptogen, stimulant of the central nervous system. It has antihypertensive, tonic, tonic properties. Tinctures and decoctions of the root are widely used in herbal medicine and folk medicine. Like all herbal remedies, they are non-toxic, have a wide range of uses and lack of side effects.

Rhodiola linearifolia

R. hairy(R. bupleuroides) - herbaceous perennial up to 60 cm high, with several stems covered with ovate or elliptical leaves. Flowers from red to black-violet color are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The petals are twice as long as the sepals.

R. Kirilova(R. kirilowii) is a common and easy-to-cultivate species. It has fleshy caudex up to 2.5 cm in diameter. A few peduncles reach 90 cm in height, densely covered with linear-lanceolate or linear leaves. The flowers are unisexual, green or yellowish-greenish, collected in inflorescences. There are varieties with bright red flowers.

R. frosty(R. algida) - low (up to 24 cm) and very decorative. Dense inflorescences consist of dark pink flowers, the petals of which are twice as long as the sepals and reach 8 mm.

R. pinnate(R. pinnatifida) - has a structure similar to other species, inflorescences of yellow flowers are crowned with erect stems.

Rhodiola pinnate inflorescence

R. raznotzubchataya(R. heterodonta) - male specimens of this species have dense inflorescences of brick-red flowers. It is widely used in horticulture due to its unpretentiousness and decorative effect.

R. sakhalinskaya(R. Sachalinensis) - the caudex of plants of this species also has healing properties. Low (up to 30 cm) species, common in the wild.

R. bright red(R. Coccinea) - a spectacular species, the flowers of plants of which have a dark red, sometimes red color with a pinkish tinge on the outside.

R. linearifolia(R. linearifolia) - resembles R. Kirilov, but smaller. Brick-red flowers that form lush inflorescences make this species attractive to gardeners.

R. four-membered(R. quadrifida) is a rare species with a very small habitat. Of interest to collectors.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

Rhodiola is undemanding to light and heat, but does not tolerate harsh winds, and it definitely needs abundant flowing moisture. With insufficient moisture after fruiting, the aerial part may die off.

The soil preferably slightly acidic or neutral, light, with the addition of sand. The area for growing Rhodiola should be dug up to a depth of about 30 cm and compost or rotted manure should be added.

In the care of Rhodiola unpretentious. Regular watering during dry periods, removing weeds, and fertilizing with slurry for blooming splendor are all necessary measures.

Important. A problem for young plants can be bulging roots, which leads to lodging. In its natural habitat, the root has good adhesion to the ground, so the introduction of sand, crushed stone or fine gravel into the soil prevents bulging.

Rhodiola rosea root (R. rosea)



When growing Rhodiola from seeds, they are sown before winter in containers with a mixture of black soil, rotted manure and sand in equal proportions in volume. Rhodiola seeds are small, so embedding is not required, it is enough to roll them slightly. To preserve soil moisture, the containers are covered with glass or covered with foil and taken out to a dark, cool room, as an option - to the cellar.

In the spring, containers are placed in a lighted place with a temperature of 15-20 ° C and good ventilation. Under such conditions, seedlings appear quickly, the film can be removed. As seedlings grow, weak and poorly developing specimens should be removed. The plants will reach a height of approximately 12 cm and will be ready to be transplanted into open ground closer to autumn. They should be planted directly with clods of earth, watering abundantly and making sure that the renewal buds are sprinkled with a layer of earth no more than 1 cm.

Rhodiola rosea seedlings

A year later, the landing site of Rhodiola can be carefully reviewed again. Remove weak and underdeveloped plants, leave large ones or transplant if necessary. Adult rhodiola (from 2 years old) during the growing season easily tolerate transplants and quickly adapt.

In the third year, the perennial will begin to bloom.

The division of the bushes

You can use segments of rhizomes of plants from 3 years of age. Dig them in the spring, when the soil dries out, or in late summer - early autumn. With a sharp knife, the root is divided into small segments with growth buds, leaving adventitious roots. Delenki are planted in prepared and fertilized soil at a distance of about 25 cm.

Since the plant is dioecious, that is, it is either female or male, then during vegetative propagation of one instance of seeds from it, of course, there will be no.

Rhodiola rosea on the plot

Diseases and pests. Prevention methods

Rhodiola practically does not get sick.

Of the pests, the badan weevil is dangerous, the larvae of which hibernate in the rhizomes, and the beetles that emerge from them in the spring feed on the aerial parts of the plant.

For prevention, material for vegetative propagation of Rhodiola should be carefully selected. If the larvae appear, then they must be removed, and the rhizome should be treated with a solution of a suitable insecticidal preparation or table salt.

Also, the sedum weevil can damage the stems of the plant, where these beetles lay their eggs. The larvae gnaw passages in the stem, and the adult beetles feed on the leaves. Timely removal of insects will help to avoid serious damage to the plant.

Rhodiola rosea in rockery

Use in landscape design

Rhodiola is a recognized favorite of alpine slides and rockeries, the crevices between the stones are her natural environment a habitat. It looks beautiful both in bloom, forming bright spots among the stones, and in other periods of the growing season, when the fleshy stems, densely covered with leaves, create green accents.

However, the plant can be used in mixborders, especially bright yellow inflorescences look advantageous in combination with blue muscari. Green armfuls will decorate borders and flower walls.

Rhodiola rosea is a good solution for decorating a garden or plot, it is unpretentious in culture, it can grow in one place for many years. In addition, the use of its healing root in the form of decoctions and tinctures will improve health - increase immunity and overall body tone.

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You will need

  1. Rhodiola rosea
  2. its like ornamental plant. ... With seed
  3. Delenki are planted in holes to a depth of 7–10 cm, sprinkling the buds of renewal with soil with a layer of 2–3 cm. Planting pattern 20 x 45 cm. And already in 2 years, the mass of rhizomes with roots can increase by 80-230 g.


  • Generic scientific name of Rhodiola rosea ​.​ Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous dioecious plant. It has a thick rhizome with few roots and many renewal buds. Rhodiola got its second name - the golden root - because of the golden sheen of the rhizome. The stems and leaves of the plant are fleshy, juicy. Stems erect, not branched, up to half a meter tall. The leaves are entire, pointed, oblong-ovate, the upper ones are often larger than the lower ones. Flowers are small, yellow color, collected in corymbose inflorescences at the top of the stem.
  • To plant a golden mustache, prepare a soil mixture of humus, turf and sand in equal proportions. Although the plant can grow well in ordinary garden soil, subject to regular fertilizing with complex fertilizers.
  • Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous plant widely used in folk and official medicine. The golden root has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, improves mental and physical performance. Thanks to this plant, you can avoid stress, loss of strength during serious illnesses, and prolong working capacity in old age.
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  • : seeds and vegetatively.
  • In nature
  • , better known as the golden root, a plant very popular with ... Many would like
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Rhodiola rosea: cultivation and application | LS

Description of rhodioda pink

​Men's and female flowers located on different plants. Rhodiola blooms in late May - early June. The fruits are leaflets. The seeds are small, ripen at the end of June - in July.

Callisia does not like stagnant water, so pour drainage from gravel or expanded clay 4-5 cm into the bottom of the pot, fill in the soil and lightly compact. Make a hole with a wooden stick and place a rooted stalk in it, press the ground down and water it abundantly. You can plant 2-3 seedlings in one pot.​

The main value of Rhodiola rosea is its rhizome, from which infusions, extracts, and extracts are prepared. The excavated plant has a characteristic delicate aroma of rose oil, the roots are bitter-astringent in taste, have the color of old gold - hence the second name of this plant "golden root". The agrotechnics of growing a plant is quite simple, it is quite possible to grow it in your garden, but you need to take into account some features and preferences of the golden root. Rhodiola rosea prefers fertile, fairly light soils. On heavy clay soils, in conditions of constant waterlogging of the soil, the plant develops poorly and the roots rot, for which it is grown. A good result is given by organic top dressing, regular weeding and loosening of the soil - in such conditions, the root mass grows faster, which allows you to get good harvest medicinal raw materials. For propagation of the golden root, sowing seeds and dividing the roots are used. The most affordable option is to propagate plants by dividing pieces of rhizome with several renewal buds. It is necessary to carry out the division in the spring, when Rhodiola has not yet grown. First, you should prepare the bed, add humus, peat, wood ash and a little river sand to it to improve the soil structure. A place for planting should be chosen sunny - Rhodiola rosea grows worse in the shade. You need to plant plants according to the scheme of 30 x 30 cm, this is necessary so that the seedlings do not shade each other. You can not dig out the old plant completely, but only dig up easily accessible roots and cut off delenki with buds with a sharp knife. In this case, the rhizome will continue to grow on the old plant, which will allow further harvesting of roots from it. Wounds after cuts should be sprinkled with wood ash, the roots should be covered with soil. After planting the rhizome divisions, it is necessary to water the plants, preventing the soil from drying out and waterlogging. A full-fledged crop of roots can be removed from this bed only after 3-4 years. If you think over the organization of planting areas, the alternation of plantings and harvesting, then it is quite possible to organize a continuous conveyor for the procurement of medicinal raw materials. To do this, you will need to have 3-4 beds for growing the golden root, each of which will have plants of different ages. We must not forget about crop rotation: after digging up the rhizomes in this place for 2-3 years, you need to plant other plants, and prepare another site for the golden root. Rhodiola can also be propagated by seeds, but this is a rather laborious task, in most cases it is used only by enthusiastic breeders to create new cultivars of this plant. The seeds of the golden root are very small and do not germinate well with normal sowing. To achieve seedlings, you need to sow Rhodiola in late autumn. The soil for sowing should be loose, consist of 2 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of sand and humus, 100 g of wood ash and 20 g of superphosphate per bucket of soil. After that, the mixture must be leveled, compacted with palms and spilled with water. Spread the seeds on the surface of moist soil and cover with glass or a plank, then bury them in a snowdrift or put them in a cold cellar for stratification and make sure that the soil does not dry out. At the end of February, a container with seeds should be brought into a warm room and wait for seedlings. Plants are planted in a permanent place in late May-early June and cared for like other plants. ​

Growing Rhodiola

  1. , planting and care, diseases and pests,
  2. June 27, 2012
  3. rhodiola rosea


Rhodiola is a secret, not knowing which, ...

Pests and diseases of Rhodiola

Another way to propagate fragrant callisia is to plant cuttings directly into the ground. Cut the cuttings (they should have 3 knees), plant in the ground, water and cover with a glass jar. Periodically ventilate and remove condensation from the walls. After 3-4 days, the jar can be removed.

Uses of Rhodiola Rosea

Golden mustache, as well as live hair, homemade ginseng or Far Eastern mustache, is popularly called fragrant callisia, belonging to the Commeline family. This plant, due to the content of a large number of biologically active substances in it: beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, helps to cure a wide variety of diseases, strengthens the immune system and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.


​…​Due to predatory harvesting, it has become an endangered species. However, to obtain healing raw materials, the golden root is quite ...her on their site. ... Golden root in nature


Rhodiola rosea: reproduction and cultivation | Let's go to the garden!

Golden root

Listed in the Red Book and generally protected by the state, although earlier than stocks

​Rhodiola rosea can be easily grown in lighted areas with loose, well-drained, slightly acidic fertile soil both on special beds, and in a large rockery, on an alpine hill.​ The golden root is grown as an ornamental plant in various flower beds, for alpine slides and rockeries. Rhodiola is also used in folk medicine (its root is used). Sometimes in the market instead pink rhodiola sell some types of stonecrop (sedum large). Rhodiola is easy to distinguish from them: its rhizome has a golden or metallic sheen, and when it is scraped off, a lemon-yellow layer appears. Yes, and the smell of the rhizome resembles the smell of a rose. Choose an open sunny area in the garden for Rhodiola. Rhodiola grows well on ordinary garden cultivated land. It does best in light sandy soils. to heavy and clay soils you need to add sand.

​Place the pot of golden mustache in a well-lit window. Sunlight should not be direct, as under its influence volatilize beneficial features callisia. - cuttings of a golden mustache;

By choosing

Rhodiola rosea


Rhodiola rosea

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  2. Botanichka.ru | Rhodiola rosea. Golden root. Care

    This plant is also called golden root. Refers to varieties of Crassula. The crown consists of small thick leaves, the inflorescences are golden. The roots are quite massive. It looks like a bush, and it also looks like some types of stonecrops. It is very popular not only as a garden ornamental plant, but also as medicine. It is not found in the wild in nature, but it is quite possible to grow it in your own area. rhodiola rosea(Rhodiola rosea L.), or golden root, refers to those ... When only seeds, and lovers share ... About how to There were so many... Seeds are sown before winter (November) or in spring after stratification (then they are kept in wet sand for a month at a temperature of 0 ... + 3 ° C in the refrigerator before sowing). In early March, you can sow in a container - evenly, without deepening. For sowing, use a steamed soil mixture consisting of equal parts sod land, deoxidized peat and sand.
  3. Growing Rhodiola Rosea| PRIVATE HOUSE. GARDEN

    The golden root propagates by seeds and vegetatively. It must be remembered that Rhodiola has male and female plants. Therefore, if the plants did not form seeds during vegetative propagation, you have individuals of only one sex. Segments of rhizomes five centimeters long with a pair of renewal buds are planted in the ground. The buds should be no more than one and a half centimeters below ground level. Subsequently, caring for the plant comes down to regular watering. In summer, do this daily, and in winter - once every two to three weeks with settled water at room temperature. The earth ball should not be overdried, but do not flood the plant either, as the roots of the golden mustache can rot and it will die. - expanded clay or gravel; The difficulty of growing is that the seeds must be stratified. If it is impossible to do this under the snow, on the street, then the container with the seeds already planted can be placed in the refrigerator. And you can lay in the sand or peat moss. The temperature should be in the range of 0 + 6 degrees.​ ​for your garden, you will not only decorate it ...​ breeding
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    Rhodiola rosea growing rhodiola rosea May 1, 2010 The container with sowing is covered with glass or film. After germination, the glass (film) is removed. Often, crops are affected by a black leg, so seedlings that are weak and lagging behind in development are removed, and the remaining ones are provided with ventilation and good illumination. ​Special for LadySpecial.​ But still more often Rhodiola is propagated by seeds. It is best to sow the seeds in October. For sowing in the spring, stratification of seeds is necessary at a temperature of 0 ° C for one month. There are two ways to do this seed. First, the seeds are mixed with sand, placed in a box and buried in the snow. The second is to wrap the seeds in gauze, moisten and put in a bowl in the refrigerator.
  5. Rhodiola rosea, golden root - Gardenia.ru

    Loosen the soil periodically. Spray the plant and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Some flower growers recommend wiping them with milk. Transplant the plant annually. - pot. Propagated by seeds and dividing the radiola bushes. Sowing should be done in February - March in a container with a height of at least 10 cm with the addition of humus, peat, sand. Seeds are planted on the surface, without falling asleep with earth. Then the seed containers are taken out into the street, placed in a snowdrift, covered with a layer of snow and covered with glass. For about two months they are kept in this state, then returned to heat. When shoots appear, the glass can be removed. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, it can be planted in the ground. It is better to prepare a pre-dug bed for this. Between shoots, the distance should be about 15 cm. After planting, watering and fertilizing with peat or humus is required. After 2 years, each plant can already be planted in the places chosen for them. By seeds, many plants are already normal in the 2-3rd year ...(Rhodiola rosea L.) is one of the famous medicinal plants. But to many people ... Agricultural technology​
  6. Rhodiola rosea: reproduction and cultivation- Supersadovnik.ru

    I’ll tell you at the site ... For the purpose of accelerated ... Rhodiola Rosea In early June, three-month-old seedlings are carefully planted with a clod of earth on beds with an interval of 15 cm between plants and 45 cm between rows. Landings are shaded, watered as the soil dries and carefully weeded. In wet areas, plants should be planted on ridges 7–10 cm high. Seedlings develop very slowly in the first year, growing only 6–12 cm. Further care is simple: regular weeding, adding soil with strong bulging of rhizomes, watering in May - July in dry hot weather. In nature, seedlings first bloom and bear fruit at the age of 12–20, and sometimes even later. In culture at good care flowering may occur as early as the 3rd year.
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    ​en - Margot​ Stratified seeds germinate very quickly when sown in spring. For germination, only a temperature of 15 ° C -20 ° C is needed. Before sowing seedlings, the land must be very carefully treated from weeds. Seedlings need to be watered and shaded. Rhodiola, grown from seeds, blooms in the second or third year of life. An adult plant with leaves of at least 20 cm in length and cranked shoots with rosettes has medicinal properties. A variety of infusions, decoctions, ointments and oil are prepared from them.
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    In early autumn, the stems of the radiola become dry. It feels like the plants are dying. In fact, rounded buds remain on the bushes below. With the advent of spring, they will grow. Radiola seedlings grow quite slowly. Only by the 6th year the roots will reach their maximum mass. They usually dig out in the 7th year. They are washed with water and dried. Cut into pieces and then dried in ovens or an open oven at a temperature of about 60 degrees. Golden root by seeds and vegetatively. Soil: growing breeding
  9. Rhodiola rosea: cultivation and application - Female

    - Golden Root - Siberian Ginseng. In ... with a pharmacy, many gardeners Vegetative propagation​Posted in category Flower garden​ Rhodiola is affected by insects such as Rhodiola rosea received its specific name because of the similarity of the smell of a freshly broken rhizome with the smell of a rose. golden Radiola is used in the treatment of many diseases. In folk medicine, it is used to treat diseases such as scurvy, fever in the form of decoctions and tinctures. Often use grass for colds, to increase vitality. Pink radiola is also effective in stomach diseases, diabetes, anemia. Decoctions are also used for toothache.
  10. Rhodiola rosea- Golden root - Rhodiola rosea - photo

    My flowers: rhodiola rosea The golden root is relatively simple. Rhodiola...​ apply cuttings. Often grown in dry and hot summers, the seeds do not set or turn out to be puny, with low germination. Therefore, the simplest and easy way- vegetative propagation by segments of rhizomes. In nature, Rhodiola rosea can only be found far from roads and settlements. Due to predatory harvesting, it has become an endangered species. However, to obtain healing raw materials, the golden root can be quite easily grown in the garden.

Rhodiola rosea, better known as golden root, is a very popular plant among amateur gardeners. Many would like to grow it on their plots. This invariably raises questions about agricultural technology, medicinal properties, and the use of the golden root.

Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Crassulaceae family. It has a thick and short tuberous rhizome resembling a human hand with five half-bent fingers. It is located almost on the surface of the soil, and tail-like roots go deep into. The scales of the rhizome have a golden color, which is why the people got the name "golden root", while the botanical name - "Rhodiola rosea" appeared due to the characteristic smell of a rose when the rhizomes were broken.

The stem is erect, unbranched, up to 65 cm high. There are 10-15 stems on one rhizome. Sessile fleshy leaves, like all Crassulaceae, oblong-ovate, serrated and pointed at the end. The flowers are collected in a dense corymbose inflorescence. The fruits are leaflets, 6-8 mm long.

In nature, Rhodiola rosea grows in the north of the European part of Russia, in the mountains of Altai, Eastern Siberia, in the north of the Urals and the Far East. And on household plots it can be grown almost everywhere.

The golden root in nature reproduces only by seeds, and amateurs divide the rhizome in the same way as, for example, with potatoes, choosing where there are more renewal buds.

Soil preparation

The plant is moisture-loving, but wetlands are unsuitable for it. When preparing the soil per 1 m2, 1-2 buckets of well-rotted manure or peat-compost, 10-15 g of nitrogen fertilizer, 15-20 of potassium salt, 20-25 of granular superphosphate and 20-30 g of lime (for acidic soils) are added. Everyone digs a shovel onto a bayonet.

Reproduction by seeds

It is necessary to pay attention to one feature. Rhodiola rosea seeds are very similar to stonecrop seeds.. But these two plants can be distinguished literally a week after germination. The cotyledons of Rhodiola have elongated "legs" (petioles) and at a week of age they are arranged in the form of the Latin letter V, and in the cotyledons of stonecrop the petioles are not visible. They sit side by side, and real leaves grow literally "out of the trunk." If you are observant, you can avoid misunderstandings and not spend years growing stonecrop.

The most affordable method of propagation of Rhodiola rosea is seed. Seeds are sown in late autumn or winter in a small box filled with light, nutritious, breathable soil. A 5 cm layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the box. The soil is shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and slightly compacted. After that, the seeds are evenly scattered over the surface, lightly press them with the palm of your hand. A layer of sand (about 2 mm) crumbles from above. The box is covered with foil and exposed to the balcony or garden. If there is already snow, you can cover the crops with snow and re-cover with a film that protects the seeds from erosion during thaws and from birds.

In mid-March, the box is installed in a warm, bright place.. After a few days, when friendly shoots appear, the film must be removed. Watering should be done very carefully.

The first days of the plant develop very slowly. It may happen that in one part of the box the seeds have sprouted densely, and in the other there are clearings. Therefore, at a week of age, you can start planting the plant. But this must be done very carefully, although everything is quite simple. Both the place of the proposed planting and the plants themselves are well watered. The main "tool" for transplantation is a match. A “hole” is made with a match, then a plant with a clod of earth is hooked with the same match and transferred to the hole.

You can use another method of growing Rhodiola, which also justifies itself, and the seedlings in this case are even stronger and more developed. Rhodiola is sown in standard planter boxes that hang on the balcony. In winter, the cache-pot is tied with a film, and with the onset of spring, a visor made of a wire frame covered with a film is strengthened above it on the railing. In spring, seedlings appear friendly and in their development overtake even those that were in the apartment.

After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden. You can do this at any time, but only carefully, with watering, and if it's hot, then shade. Even in the first year, some plants bloom, although they do not give seeds.

And one more tip for beginners - do not strive to have many Rhodiola plants of the same age. Due to the fact that golden root rhizome reaches maturity by 4-5 years, it is better to have plants of different ages, planting new ones every year.

Reproduction by division of rhizomes

Rhodiola can also be propagated by dividing the rhizome. But here you should pay attention to one feature. It has long been noted that some Rhodiola plants produce seeds, while others do not, although all bloom. The fact is that Rhodiola is dioecious plant so not all plants have seeds. It may happen that, having acquired a perennial rhizome and cut it for propagation, you will have normal plants, but you will not get seeds, since all its plants will be of the same sex.

Starting from the second year, rhizomes that have reached a mass of 30 g or more can be divided, as a rule, into 2 parts. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and ash. The division of the rhizomes of the remaining plants is carried out in the spring on the 3rd year.

The rhizomes are rolled in ash and planted in pre-prepared holes, into which 1 liter mug of sifted humus (compost) mixed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon of each) is added. Preliminarily, 0.5 l of potassium permanganate solution is poured into the well Pink colour. Rhizomes are also covered with humus, leaving renewal buds on the surface, lightly watered (for soil settlement) and mulched with weathered peat.


Rhodiola rosea responds very well to organic fertilizers, and given that it has been growing in one place for at least three years, care should be taken to pre-apply humus or compost - 10-12 kg per 1 m2 or more. If there is little organic matter, then it is better to bring it into the hole (0.5-1 kg). It's a good idea to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ash. Nitrogen fertilizers should not be carried away (except for diluted bird droppings 1:20). It is not recommended to allocate a plot for Rhodiola after potatoes or cabbage.

When growing Rhodiola rosea from seeds, by the end of the first year, small rhizomes are formed that have a cylindrical or conical shape. Their mass usually does not exceed 1-2 g, but sometimes there are separate relatively large specimens (4-5 g) with 2-3 "legs" and 3-7 renewal buds. These (elite) plants can be distinguished from the rest by the height of the shoot, which reaches a height of 15-20 cm. It is better to plant them separately from the rest.

When the plants reach a height of 4-6 cm, the first top dressing is done with a solution of bird droppings (1:20) with the addition of half a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate to a bucket. After watering, mulching is required. For the entire growing season, 4-5 of the above top dressings are carried out. The latter, phosphorus-potassium, is done in late August - early September, dissolving 1.5 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Such top dressing favorably affects the overwintering of plants. For the winter, plantings of Rhodiola rosea are mulched with peat in a layer of 1 cm. At the end of the 2nd year after transplantation, the rhizomes reach a mass of 25-40 g, and elite ones - up to 60 g.


Rhodiola rosea is not afraid of transportation and shipment, only for one-year-olds, the transportation time should not exceed 2 days, otherwise the rhizomes may dry out and the plants will get sick or die for a long time. It is best to send rhodiola in small boxes, pouring the rhizomes with a slightly moistened sifted torr with the addition of 3-5% ash so that mold does not appear. Before planting, they should be washed (5-10 minutes) in a 3.1% solution of potassium permanganate, kept in soft water (possible with trace elements) for 1-3 hours to restore turgor, sprinkled with ash and planted in a permanent place.

Harvesting rhizomes

Medicinal raw materials (rhizomes with roots) of Rhodiola rosea are usually harvested from late July to mid-September (up to the first frost). The rhizomes are dug up, washed from the ground in cold water, cleaned of brown cork, rotten parts, cut across into pieces up to 10 cm long and dried at a temperature of 50-60 °.

Medicinal properties

If in official medicine Rhodiola rosea is used mainly as an adaptogenic and stimulant, then folk herbal medicine finds application for the plant. for a wide variety of diseases: gastrointestinal, liver, anemia, impotence. In practically healthy people, golden root preparations increase efficiency in physical and mental fatigue, normalize metabolic processes, improve memory and attention.

In everyday life, water infusions and teas are most acceptable. Tea from the golden root is used as a means of stimulating the central nervous system. “To prepare a drink, take one teaspoon of crushed root per liter of water, boil for 7-10 minutes, infuse for 30-40 minutes and drink 2-3 glasses a day, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Golden root tea is very popular with the addition of the following medicinal plants: bergenia (black leaves), strawberry leaves, blackberries, raspberries and black currants; St. John's wort flowers, shrub cinquefoil, thyme herb, taken in equal amounts. Two or three tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs insist 1 hour in 1 liter of boiling water, add honey or sugar to taste.

But you should not drink such teas all the time.. They are recommended only during hard work, both physical and mental, with colds and other painful conditions. The best thing to do in such cases is to consult a doctor.

From dosage forms Rhodiola rosea is known practically only one - liquid extract, which is prepared in the factory on alcohol.

"Rhodiola rosea liquid extract" is prescribed by doctors to patients with neurosis, hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia and other diseases (5-25 drops 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals, the duration of treatment is from 10 days to 4 months). It has also been noted to have a stimulating effect during overwork in practically healthy people and patients with asthenic conditions after somatic and infectious diseases.

Rhodiola rosea(Golden root) belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The rhizome is powerful, tuberous, with a large number of adventitious buds of renewal and a few thin roots that smell like roses. The surface of rhizomes and roots is covered with a smooth, exfoliating bark of a grayish-beige color, with a metallic golden sheen. Hence the name "Golden Root".

Stems few, erect, unbranched, 25-50 cm high, 4-6 mm in diameter, dressed at the base with membranous scaly leaves. Stem leaves are alternate, sessile, thick, juicy-fleshy, light green, oblong-ovate, lanceolate, 7-35 mm long and 3-15 mm wide, pointed, entire or with several teeth in the upper part.

Inflorescences are terminal, dense, corymbose, many-flowered, 3-6 cm in diameter. Flowers are small, unisexual, usually four-dimensional with yellow-green lanceolate sepals about 2 mm long and linear lemon-yellow petals, twice the size of the calyx, reddening when ripe.

The fruits are leaflets. Blooms in June - July. Seeds ripen in July-August.

In the roots and rhizomes of the golden root, glycoside salidroside, p-tyrosol, flavonoid, kaempferol, tannins of the pyrogallic group, lactones, fats, waxes, sterols, organic acids, essential oil and more than 20 trace elements.

Flavone compounds were found in flowers, leaves and stems, and tartaric and malic acids were found in leaf juice. The plant contains a large number of sugars, mainly glucose and sucrose.

Liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is prescribed as a stimulant and adaptogenic agent for diseases of the nervous system (insomnia, neuroses, increased irritability), with severe physical and mental work, hypotension, with occupational hearing loss associated with constant exposure to noise, metabolic disorders, with sexual disorders (impotence), with mild forms of diabetes, to stimulate hematopoiesis, in sports practice to eliminate fatigue, as a tonic.

The golden root strengthens the body's defense systems, enhances resistance to the adverse effects of external and internal environmental factors, acting much more efficiently than Manchurian aralia, Leuzea.

The therapeutic effect of the liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea, as an adaptogen, preserves the field of ingestion for 6 hours. The extract is contraindicated in persons with pronounced symptoms of nervous diseases, with exhaustion of the cortical cells of the brain, hypertension caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Under natural conditions, Rhodiola rosea is found in mountainous regions, in the Urals, Altai, Sayan Mountains, etc. It grows along the rocky shores of mountain streams and lakes. In cultivation, the plant prefers moist, loose, well-drained sunny areas with light sandy loam soil. For digging the soil, it is desirable to add humus (6-8 kg / m²), ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), potassium nitrate (15-20 g) and superphosphate (20-25 g).

How to grow golden root?

When sowing seeds, they are pre-frozen for 1.5 months. In the first year of plant life, from 2 to 10 above-ground shoots appear, reaching a height of 6-12 cm, and small tuberous rhizomes weighing 1-2 g. Plants are planted in a permanent place in the third year. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the apical wintering buds are located at the level of the soil. Seedlings are plentifully watered and mulched with peat chips.

For vegetative propagation, take segments of rhizomes older than 5 years, 3-5 cm long with an apical bud of renewal.

The growth of the aerial part of the golden root begins very early. In early June, the plant blooms, and by mid-July the seeds ripen. Root harvesting begins in the second half of August and continues until frost. Harvesting is subject to 5-6-year-old rhizomes obtained from sowing seeds, and 3-4-year-old, propagated by segments of roots.

Their weight reaches 700-1500 g. The dug out rhizomes are washed, cleaned of the old brown cork, rotting parts and dried in the shade. Then the rhizomes are cut across into pieces 2-10 cm long and dried at a temperature of 50-60 °. The shelf life of dried raw materials is three years.

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Many people know about the Pink Radiol, especially from the various legends associated with this plant. It is quite possible to grow a flower from the Red Book on your site, especially if you use our advice.

What is Radiola Pink

To date, about sixty species of this plant are known, but only a few are the most popular.

Radiola Kirillov can reach a height of up to thirty to forty centimeters. It has a tuberous root system and rich green leaves. The flowering period falls on the beginning of May and lasts about one month.

Linear-leaved Radiola grows in the mountains and meadows of Central Asia and belongs to dioecious perennials. The stems are erect and do not grow above thirty centimeters.

Raznozubchataya radiola grows best on rocky soils. Leaves with a bluish tinge are triangular in shape. The roots are superficial and can often crawl out of the ground.

Golden root is a variety of radiola, which is used for medicinal purposes. The homeland of the plant is the Far Eastern and Altai regions of our country.

Radiola pink - planting and care

For planting a perennial, light sandy soil should be prepared, which also has good drainage. Also, the place should be sufficiently lit, but protected from the wind. In the second half of summer, the landing site should be deeply dug up, weeds and roots should be removed, after which the site should be tamped. After the landing site is marked, you can proceed to the process itself.

Plants need to be planted every fifty centimeters. After the roots are in the ground, the entire planting must be watered, and the next day covered with mulch.

Radiola pink behaves well with the constant addition of fertilizers. Before planting, it is recommended to add organic matter to the soil in the form of manure or compost. In addition, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, lime and granular superphosphate will not be superfluous. Top dressing should be applied once a season.

Reproduction methods

Radiola reproduces quite simply and quickly by sowing seeds or dividing the root.

To obtain the root and seeds, it is necessary to sow a perennial. Seeds in this case can be collected only in the second or third year. Sowing should be done before winter period or in early spring immediately in open ground or in containers. Seeds should be scattered over the surface of the earth and cover the planting with film or glass.

A container with seeds is buried in the ground for the winter, and in the spring they are transplanted to a sunny place, again in a container.

For spring sowing, the seeds must first be stratified, for which the soaked seeds for a day in a stimulant solution are placed in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, they should be in wet sawdust and stay there for about one month.

Using the root for propagation can significantly speed up the process. Plants divided in the root system are best planted in the fall. Each part must have at least two kidneys. Treat the cut places with charcoal powder, and after a few days plant them in the ground, deepening by one and a half centimeters.

Features of caring for Radiola Pink

After the seedlings have appeared on the surface of the earth, their growth is very slow. Only after a year, the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. After the plant reaches a five-centimeter height, top dressing is recommended. In the dry season, regular watering should be organized, and for wintering, the planting must be covered with mulch.

Within a year, the root system will be able to get stronger and grow. You should know that a medicinal plant becomes only in the fifth or sixth year after sowing the seeds. If reproduction is made with the help of a root, then it can be dug up after three years.

What and who is afraid of Radiola Pink

The perennial rarely becomes infected with any diseases and is attacked by pests. However, sometimes you can see bergenia or sedum weevils on it. First of all, pests damage the root system, so when buying roots for planting, you need to carefully examine them. If larvae are found, you can get rid of them by placing the root in a solution of manganese for several minutes.