Golden root cultivation and care. Rhodiola rosea

  • 08.06.2019

Golden root or Rhodiola rosea is a popular medicinal plant that, due to useful properties collected in very large quantities. This attitude led to the plant becoming less and less common and was listed in the Red Book. This situation has forced many lovers of herbal medicine to grow this plant in their flower beds on their own. And in this article we will get acquainted with the photo and description, as well as the features of growing Rhodiola rosea.

Botanical description

Rhodiola rosea is a herbaceous perennial plant with a thick and straight root system with fleshy roots that, when broken, begin to smell. It is thanks to this that Rhodiola acquired its name.

The aerial part does not exceed 50 cm in height. The leaves are quite dense, resemble an ellipse in shape, and have denticles at the tops. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in such a way that they form thyroid inflorescences. Flowering falls at the end - beginning of July. The fruits have a reddish or greenish tint, and they ripen closer to August.

In nature, it is found near mountain streams, because it needs in large numbers water.

Varieties and varieties

Today, botanists have confirmed the existence of about 90 species of Rhodiola, but we will consider the most popular species that can be found among gardeners most often:

  • Kirillov- in the wild, it can be found in the mountainous regions of Asia. The height of the bush reaches half a meter, its root system is tuberous, it begins to bloom in mid-May, the leaves are pointed.

  • linear leaf- has erect leaves and a stem that do not exceed 30 cm in height.

  • Miscellaneous- like most species, in the wild it can be found in the mountains of Asia. The root system is located shallow: most often the tubers rise almost to the surface. The leaves of this variety are pale green with a bluish tinge, and resemble in shape.

  • Golden root- we have already met with the description of this variety above.

Selecting a landing site

The golden root is quite unpretentious: its cultivation and care can be done in various areas, but in order for Rhodiola rosea to feel more comfortable and grow better, some recommendations must be followed.


The plant is undemanding regarding lighting: it can be planted both in a well-lit area, and in a shaded area. The only difference is that in an open area on dry days, Rhodiola needs more frequent and plentiful, since it is very moisture-loving even without drought.

The soil

Ideally, the soil should be sandy or loamy with the addition of. before spring or autumn planting a flower in open ground should be prepared from the end of summer or autumn. To do this, first make a deep one (to a depth of about 30-40 cm), then fertilize and dig it up again. As a fertilizer, dry manure is used with the calculation of 2 buckets per 1 sq. m or the same amount.
If the soil in the area is acidic, it must be limed at the rate of 500 g of lime per 1 sq. m. Before planting, if necessary, drainage is laid on the bottom, which consists of brick chips and river sand (in the absence of river sand, normal is also suitable), the layer should be about 10-15 cm. After that, the drainage should be covered with fertile soil.

Important!If the soil is sandy, then it is strictly forbidden to add drainage - this leads to the fact that the plant receives less moisture.

Planting Rhodiola Rosea

Planting such a perennial is carried out in two ways: by sowing seeds and by dividing the roots. Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, requires careful care and preparation in order for reproduction to be more successful.
To obtain not only roots, but also seed, reproduction is best done through sowing seeds. In this case, you will grow male and female bushes that will give new seeds in a couple of years. The planting itself can be carried out in autumn and spring. Autumn planting is carried out in November and in open ground. Before that, on a pre-prepared site, level upper layer earth, and then the seeds are poured into the soil at a distance of 15 cm from each other, slightly pressed and covered with earth, and then covered with a film or other material until spring.

Before sowing seeds in the spring, they should be hardened, in other words, carried out. To do this, at the end of January, the seeds must be soaked for a day in a growth stimulator, then wrapped in damp gauze and put in the refrigerator for 30-45 days, where the temperature should not exceed + 4 ° C.

Important!Throughout the stratification, you need to make sure that the gauze is always wet.

In March, after stratification, the seeds are sown in a box, lightly sprinkled with earth, covered with a glass plate or film, and the box is left in a room with a temperature of about 24 ° C; after germination, the cover is removed.

Rhodiola rosea: plant properties and its use

The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea have been known for a long time and have been widely used. The grass has chosen some regions of Russia as the place of its distribution.

Description and application of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is often known under the names "golden root" and "Siberian ginseng". All titles have a reasonable appearance. Golden - from the golden covering of the root. Ginseng - for the similarity of properties. Pink - for the emitted pink aroma when the root is cut. The photo of Rhodiola rosea shows the magnificent structure of its ground part.

Source: Depositphotos

Rhodiola rosea: blooming lush bush

The root of Rhodiola rosea is colored bronze with a pearly sheen. Its structure is fleshy and the shape is slightly twisted. The stems are straight without branching, the height of the plant reaches 0.65 m. The leaves on the flower are of two types:

  • scaly. Located at the very base of the shoot;
  • sedentary. Arranged along the entire length of the stem, alternate, green.

Corymbose inflorescences grow on the tops of the shoots. The plant is dioecious. Rhodiola rosea is planted exclusively by seeds. Seedlings are transferred to open ground after almost a year. Caring for Rhodiola rosea is simple. It is enough to regularly loosen and moisten the soil, removing weeds. Breeding can also be done by dividing the rhizome.

Its flowering takes place in the summer, after which the fruits are formed. They are leaflets of reddish or yellow-green color. Rhodiola rosea for women is of value in that it has the ability to smooth out age-related wrinkles in the neck and face.

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea

To extract useful properties, a rhizome with roots is harvested. In this case, the plant is selected on which there are more than 2 stems. After flowering and collecting seeds, the rhizome is dug up, washed and everything superfluous is removed from it. Then, divided into parts, they are sent to the oven or dryer, setting the temperature to 50-60 ° C.

An indicator of the complete drying of the root will be manifested yellow when the surface is damaged. If you break a piece of dry root into two parts, you can see its brown color at the break. A delicate aroma will also begin to exude. It is worth noting that in the area where the plant was grown, it will be possible to harvest again only after 10 years.

Rhodiola can treat such diseases:

  • schizophrenia;
  • overwork;
  • neuroses;
  • low pressure.

Before taking Rhodiola rosea, you should definitely get acquainted with the dosage. An overdose may cause side effect in the form of drowsiness and general fatigue. Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated only in hypertensive crisis.

The medicinal plant can be eaten as a tea. In addition, it is bred in garden beds as an ornament. Multifaceted Rhodiola is deservedly popular with flower growers.

There are plants that are legendary. First of all, ginseng can be attributed to them. One has only to ask someone about him, and he enthusiastically begins to list amazing properties relic plant. But also Golden root no less famous. True, most people do not always know that the real biological name of this plant is rhodiola rosea. And Rhodiola received its second, intriguing name because of the bronze-golden reflection of its rhizome.

Culture features

The name Rhodiola itself comes from the Greek word meaning "the Rose", since when the rhizome breaks, it exudes a scent reminiscent of pink.

(Rhodiola rosea)- perennial herbaceous dioecious plant. The concept of dioecious means that male and female flowers have him are on different plants. Radiola has juicy, fleshy leaves and stems up to half a meter high. It is classified as a leafy succulent. Rhodiola flowers are small, collected in inflorescences at the top of the stems. Since there are a lot of renewal buds on its rhizome, Rhodiola rosea usually forms a bush with an abundance of stems - up to 15. Such a bush looks very impressive, especially during flowering. And it is no coincidence that Rhodiola can be found not only in the pharmacy garden of gardeners and summer residents, but also in flower beds. It is often planted on alpine hills, where it organically fits into the composition of other alpine plants.

It is very important that you can grow valuable rhizomes yourself. Indeed, in natural conditions in the habitat - in the Altai Mountains, in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East, as a result of the active collection of medicinal raw materials, the number of plants has significantly decreased, and now Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Growing Rhodiola Rosea

Therefore, anyone who wants to use this plant for medicinal purposes should try to grow it in their garden. Agricultural technology is not very complicated, the main thing is to get seeds, and even better - a piece of rhizome with several renewal buds. seeds in Rhodiola rosea, they are small, so they are sown on the surface of the soil, mixed with sand, in autumn (in October) or early spring. They sprout difficultly, stratification is desirable.

A small bed for breeding Rhodiola is best prepared in the fall. Soils for Rhodiola require fertile, light in composition without excess moisture. When shoots appear, you need to take care of them - loosen the soil, water regularly, weed out the plantings, feed - it is better to use organic fertilizers, for example, fermented slurry, thoroughly diluted with water. Delicate young seedlings should preferably be shaded for the first time. They are transplanted from the seed bed to a permanent place in the garden at the age of two.

More effective method breeding Rhodiola rosea - vegetative- a piece of rhizome, on which there should be several buds. When planting on a garden bed, the rhizome is not buried - the kidneys should be close to the soil surface. According to experts, it is best to divide the rhizome for reproduction in April or at the end of July. Since Rhodiola rosea is a dioecious plant, if you buy one rhizome for propagation, you will not get seeds - male and female flowers are on different plants. Will have to propagate only vegetatively.

The tuberous rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea are dug up not earlier than the fourth year of the plant's life. The bush should be strong, overgrown. From plants with only 1-2 stems, rhizomes are not collected. You can start digging up rhizomes at the end of flowering, and you can do this until the end of the growing season.

The dug out rhizomes are carefully washed in running water, then dried in the shade in a draft. Then divided crosswise into small pieces. A characteristic difference between Rhodiola rhizomes is that when a fresh rhizome is cut, an aroma resembling pink appears. Finally, experts recommend drying the crushed rhizomes in dryers at a temperature of 50 ... 60 ° C. Do not dry in the sun. The prepared raw materials of the golden root are stored in a sealed glass container in the dark for 2-3 years.

Medicinal uses of golden root

Now Rhodiola rosea, which is popularly called Siberian ginseng, is a very popular medicinal plant. In its underground part, scientists have found almost 140 different components. The rhizomes and roots of the plant contain essential oils, glycoside rhodioloside, tyrosol, tannins, malic, gallic, citric, succinic, oxalic acids, glucose and sucrose ...

Therefore, in scientific medicine extract from the roots and rhizomes of the golden root apply with neurosis, hypotension, with physical and mental overwork, with vegetovascular dystonia. Its preparations are recommended to increase mental performance, improve memory. They increase the body's resistance to adverse effects, help with impotence.

Available, like any medicinal plant, contraindications . Preparations of the golden root should not be taken with increased excitability, hypertension, psychosis!

If you were able to grow a golden root in your garden and dried it as mentioned above, then you can cook it yourself medications, for example, tincture or decoction.

For cooking golden root tinctures grind the dried rhizome into powder and fill it with vodka in a ratio of 1:5 and insist in a dark place at room temperature for at least three weeks. After the end of the infusion, strain - the tincture is ready. It should be taken carefully: 20 drops three times a day 20 minutes before meals with overwork, to increase immunity and in diabetes.

Easy to do and golden root decoction. To do this, 1 teaspoon of root powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water and then boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to defend the broth and strain. Take it 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals - with overwork and diabetes.

Before you start taking drugs from this plant, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

E. Valentinov


Many people know about the Pink Radiol, especially from the various legends associated with this plant. It is quite possible to grow a flower from the Red Book on your site, especially if you use our advice.

What is Radiola Pink

To date, about sixty species of this plant are known, but only a few are the most popular.

Radiola Kirillov can reach a height of up to thirty to forty centimeters. It has a tuberous root system and rich green leaves. The flowering period falls on the beginning of May and lasts about one month.

Linear-leaved Radiola grows in the mountains and meadows of Central Asia and belongs to dioecious perennials. The stems are erect and do not grow above thirty centimeters.

Raznozubchataya radiola grows best on rocky soils. Leaves with a bluish tinge are triangular in shape. The roots are superficial and can often crawl out of the ground.

Golden root is a variety of radiola, which is used for medicinal purposes. The homeland of the plant is the Far Eastern and Altai regions of our country.

Radiola pink - planting and care

For planting a perennial, light sandy soil should be prepared, which also has good drainage. Also, the place should be sufficiently lit, but protected from the wind. In the second half of summer, the landing site should be deeply dug up, weeds and roots should be removed, after which the site should be tamped. After the landing site is marked, you can proceed to the process itself.

Plants need to be planted every fifty centimeters. After the roots are in the ground, the entire planting must be watered, and the next day covered with mulch.

Radiola pink behaves well with the constant addition of fertilizers. Before planting, it is recommended to add organic matter to the soil in the form of manure or compost. In addition, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, lime and granular superphosphate will not be superfluous. Top dressing should be applied once a season.

Reproduction methods

Radiola reproduces quite simply and quickly by sowing seeds or dividing the root.

To obtain the root and seeds, it is necessary to sow a perennial. Seeds in this case can be collected only in the second or third year. Sowing should be done before winter period or in early spring immediately in open ground or in containers. Seeds should be scattered over the surface of the earth and cover the planting with film or glass.

A container with seeds is buried in the ground for the winter, and in the spring they are transplanted to a sunny place, again in a container.

For spring sowing, the seeds must first be stratified, for which the soaked seeds for a day in a stimulant solution are placed in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, they should be in wet sawdust and stay there for about one month.

Using the root for propagation can significantly speed up the process. Plants divided in the root system are best planted in the fall. Each part must have at least two kidneys. Treat the cut places with charcoal powder, and after a few days plant them in the ground, deepening by one and a half centimeters.

Features of caring for Radiola Pink

After the seedlings have appeared on the surface of the earth, their growth is very slow. Only after a year, the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. After the plant reaches a five-centimeter height, top dressing is recommended. In the dry season, regular watering should be organized, and for wintering, the planting must be covered with mulch.

Within a year, the root system will be able to get stronger and grow. You should know that a medicinal plant becomes only in the fifth or sixth year after sowing the seeds. If reproduction is made with the help of a root, then it can be dug up after three years.

What and who is afraid of Radiola Pink

The perennial rarely becomes infected with any diseases and is attacked by pests. However, sometimes you can see bergenia or sedum weevils on it. First of all, pests damage the root system, so when buying roots for planting, you need to carefully examine them. If larvae are found, you can get rid of them by placing the root in a solution of manganese for several minutes.

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