What fraction of crushed stone is better for drainage. What kind of crushed stone (gravel) is needed for drainage - which fraction to choose? What you need to know about gravel

  • 03.03.2020

What to choose crushed stone for drainage? This is a question of interest to many. Drainage is a way of collecting and diverting ground water from the site or structures using pipes, channels, wells, etc. The lack of drainage leads to the penetration of water into buildings and structures and a decrease in their strength. When garden plot the result will be waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots of planted plants.

Drainage is required in areas consisting predominantly of clay soils and in areas where there is no natural water flow. Best time for drainage design, this is early spring (flood time) or autumn during the rainy period. Calculations drainage system and the choice of its materials must be made precisely on the basis of the observations made during these periods.

Crushed stone is considered as a material for drainage. Gravel is also used for this task, but crushed stone has a significant advantage, which is based on the shape of the particles of this material. The gravel is of natural origin. Its particles are fragments of rock, polished in a natural way.

At the same time, crushed stone is formed during mechanical crushing, so it has a rough surface and an angular shape. As a result, when using gravel, its particles become caked and the distance between them decreases, which, accordingly, reduces its throughput. Crushed stone is devoid of this disadvantage.

What types of gravel exist?

Crushed stone for drainage can be of different types:

  • granite;
  • gravel;
  • dolomite, or limestone;
  • secondary;
  • slag.

Granite - the most durable, durable and frost-resistant type of crushed stone. Its disadvantages are the high price and the natural radioactive background that is characteristic of granite. Therefore, when buying this crushed stone, it is necessary to ask the seller for a special certificate, which should reflect the results of measurements of the radioactivity of this material. It must correspond to the first class of radioactivity (less than 370 Bq / kg). The service life of this rubble is about 40 years.

Gravel is a crushed rock. It is less durable than crushed granite, but also much less radioactive, and also less expensive with a similar bulk density and shape of stones.

Dolomite, or limestone crushed stone is made from sedimentary rocks. It is one of the cheapest types of gravel. It is non-radioactive and environmentally friendly. Less durable than the above types. Its service life is about 15 years. Also, this crushed stone is more demanding on the conditions of use. He needs dry, non-freezing and slightly acidic soil.

Secondary is made from construction debris. Most often, for its production, materials are used that are obtained during the demolition of houses or the replacement of asphalt. The advantage of this material is its low price, and the disadvantages include low strength and frost resistance.

Slag crushed stone is obtained by crushing slag from the metallurgical industry.

How to choose crushed stone?

What gravel is needed for drainage? One of the main factors to consider when designing a drainage system is the crushed stone fraction.

Depending on the particle size, the following fractions are distinguished:

  1. screening. It is the smallest fraction with particle sizes up to 5 mm. This is a residual product obtained during the crushing of granite.
  2. Small faction. Its size is 5-20 mm.
  3. The average fraction is 20-40 mm.
  4. Large fraction - 40-70 mm.
  5. Non-standard fraction - 70-120 mm.

The middle fraction is the main one for drainage.

The smallest fraction, screening can be used as a replacement for sand or expanded clay as the bottom layer of a drainage ditch. The fine fraction is the most expensive and is in high demand in construction, but is not entirely suitable for drainage, since small size particles limit the filtering capacity of this fraction.

Drainage system device

many owners country houses and garden plots are interested in how to make a drainage system on your personal plot. The device of the drainage system begins with digging a ditch, the depth of which should not exceed 1 m. We pour sand, expanded clay or screenings at the bottom. This layer has a thickness of 5-10 centimeters and should be well compacted.

Then the middle fraction of crushed stone is poured. The thickness of this layer depends on the density of the soil in the area. Most often, it is at least 30 cm. The choice of the middle fraction is due to its filtering properties. It removes contaminants and prevents silting without clogging the drainage system with its particles. However, if the drainage system is located at a depth of more than 80 cm, then crushed stone of a larger fraction (40-70 mm) should be used. A drainage pipe with holes lies on this layer. It wraps around to prevent clogging. As a winding, natural or synthetic material can be used, the choice of which depends on the type of soil. For example, geotextile fabric is better for sandy soil, while coconut fiber is better for clay or peaty soil.

On top of the pipe we pour a layer of fine fraction of gravel or sand. The thickness of this layer should be 10-15 cm. At the end, the trench is leveled with a layer of soil that was removed when digging a ditch.

Water from arranged system drainage goes into the nearest body of water or into a gutter. If there are no such conditions, it is necessary to dig a well into which water will be collected. For its device, it is necessary to choose the lowest place on the site. The water from this well can be used for irrigation in dry weather.

The drainage system created in this way will successfully cope with the removal of soil, rain and melt water. However, for a long and effective work the drainage system must be periodically cleaned or flushed under pressure.

With a close location of groundwater to the surface of the earth, a drainage system is constructed. Often used. It will ensure the smooth operation of the structure.

Differences between crushed stone and gravel

These two concepts are confused with each other. This state of affairs is influenced by the name “gravel crushed stone”. Sellers who want to sell as much product as possible also help create confusion.
The differences between them are as follows:

According to the degree of adhesion, crushed stone outperforms gravel, therefore it is often used in construction works Oh.

Drainage system device

The absence of a drainage layer negatively affects the soil and worsens its structure during the spring flood. Humid environment harms vegetation and buildings, renders soil unusable. In such a situation, drainage is a necessity.

Many owners of dachas and country houses are concerned about the issue of creating a drainage system manually, on their own.

The drainage system consists of two main components: linear channels and point drainage systems. The device is carried out in several stages:

  1. Digging a hole no deeper than 1 meter. The ditch is sloped towards the drain.
  2. Sand is poured at the bottom, rammed it.
  3. Throw out the gravel. Experts recommend choosing the middle fraction. The amount of material is affected by the density of the soil. The minimum thickness is 30 cm.
  4. Installed over rubble plastic pipe with holes for water drainage.
  5. Wrap it around to keep debris out. The type of material (synthetic or organic) is affected by the soil. For sandy soil, geotextiles are chosen, for clay and peat soils - coconut fiber.
  6. Backfill is used - a layer of sand 15 cm thick.
  7. Finally, sod or soil is laid.

The drainage of water from the pipe should go to the gutter, stream, pond. If this is not possible, equip a well or cesspool.

Efficient water drainage provides gravel. It must be chosen correctly.

Types of crushed stone and its functions in the drainage system

When choosing gravel, its type, cost and other parameters are taken into account. There are 5 types of crushed stone.


The material is high-strength, resistant to frost. The minimum service life is 30 years. Features affect cost. Among the shortcomings are radioactivity. Experts say that the partial use of the material during construction is not dangerous. Measurements are taken at the mining sites. In case of doubt, the seller is asked for documents on the material. He must have certificates confirming harmlessness to humans. A permit for use for residential developments is required.


It is crushed rock. Its characteristics and cost are lower than that of the previous type. There are two material options:

  • natural pebble (sea, river origin);
  • chipped. It is mined in a quarry by mechanical grinding of rock.

Due to the sharp corners and numerous edges, crushed gravel for drainage is better suited.


Another name is dolomite. Obtained from sedimentary limestone rocks. The composition of the material does not contain components harmful to health, the gravel is not radioactive, it is inexpensive. The minimum service life for drainage will be 15 years. The increased acidity of the soil and low temperatures can reduce the durability of the material. It dissolves easily in water.


It is a by-product in the production of metals.


Made from construction waste. The material is fragile and unstable to low temperatures. Has the lowest price.

Granite crushed stone is the best for drainage. The alternative is gravel. It is more affordable, but lower in performance. Dolomite is mostly used for construction, it is not suitable for drainage systems.

The feedstock differs in the size of the elements that determine the fraction. It classifies the material, measured in millimeters.

Fraction sizes

The size of the stones is an important characteristic, which is often decisive. Before going on sale, the substance is sieved and divided into several categories. Consider what fraction of crushed stone is needed for drainage.

The data are presented in the table.

Size (in mm)


Up to 5.0 - dropout

A quarter of the composition is made up of dust particles. For drainage structures, the size is not used, it will be washed away.

From 5 to 20 - fine fraction

Expensive. Used in construction. Use as a drainage is economically unprofitable.

From 20 to 40 - medium

The best option for arranging a drainage system. It is located in the middle price segment and has the appropriate characteristics.

From 40 to 70 - large fraction

Suitable for drainage layer. Backfilling the trench will become more difficult due to the large size of the stones.

From 70 to 120 - very large

It is used in the construction industry: the construction of walls, concrete foundations. Helps to create attractive decorative compositions: paths, tiles and more.

Fraction 20 by 40 mm - suitable for drainage. Screenings are used for the lowest layer in the trench. Pebbles do not allow the system to quickly filter the water. Low volume will require effort to increase speed. A large fraction creates voids, which leads to soil washing.

physical characteristics

To choose crushed stone for drainage, other indicators are also taken into account: strength, frost resistance, flakiness and radioactivity.


The sign indicates the elongation and flattening of the components. The higher the score, the worse the quality of the material. We covered this issue in more detail earlier in. On this basis, several types of rubble are noted:

  • ordinary;
  • cubiform;
  • flaky;
  • improved.

The cuboid shape is considered the best. With its help, the most dense tamping is obtained.

The use of crushed stone with high flakiness is advisable in the construction of roads and railways.

Frost resistance

It is distinguished by the number of freeze and thaw cycles. Their number is indicated by the marking F and the number. According to this indicator, the type of crushed stone varies from 15 to 400. For construction work, the most suitable option- crushed stone F300.


The scope depends on the level. It must be supported by certificates and other documents. Material with an increased radiation background is used in the construction of roads that are located at a distance from settlements.


The indicator indicates the load force that the material can withstand without deformation. The parameter is important in the manufacture of concrete with increased strength.

These factors are no less important than the fraction and type of drainage gravel.

Construction of a drainage system without the use of gravel

There is no way to use gravel for drainage. There are several reasons: lack of funds, difficulties in delivering material, placement of engineering underground communications at the required depth.

If water is present in the soil, a drainage system is created without the use of drainage pipes. In this case, the beginning will be located at the top, and the end - at the bottom. The drainage system will look and function no worse than with pipes and gravel. Drainage includes the following elements: drainage channels 0.5 meters deep, drainage sods (installed at a 10-meter distance from each other), water storage.

Among the alternative options for creating a drainage system without crushed stone, the following are noted:

  1. Installation of communication systems without crushed stone filling. To prevent the holes from clogging, the pipes are wrapped with geotextiles. This design is temporary.
  2. Filling ditches with expanded clay.
  3. Fake variant. The recesses are covered with fascines, which in appearance resemble brushwood, and sand.

It is impossible to specify the duration of operation of the drainage without the use of crushed stone. It depends on several factors: soil moisture, material quality.

Drainage is used to drain soils on summer cottages and construction sites. And many people are concerned about the question of what kind of rubble is used for drainage. After all, the right choice of material will allow you to make a high-quality and efficient construction!

What is the function of crushed stone in the drainage system?

Carrying out planning suburban area, it is advisable to think over the plan of the drainage system in advance. The durability and practicality of the buildings that you will build depend on its functioning. The main task of such a system is to remove liquid from buildings, to protect materials from moisture. The pipes used in the drainage structure have small holes through which water enters. This is greatly "helped" by the difference in pressure both inside and outside the pipes.

In order for such a system to function efficiently, there should be no impurities or dirt in the water. And therefore, before laying pipes at the bottom of the dug pit, you need to lay sand and gravel there- they will serve as filters that trap fine dirt and other particles. As you can see, a lot depends on what kind of crushed stone is used, on its properties and qualities. But if you carefully read our articles and study the video tutorials, you will not have any particular problems with the choice of materials.

Gravel and crushed stone for drainage: the main differences in the material

Many people believe that gravel and crushed stone do not differ, because at first glance there is no fundamental difference between them. But if you look at the materials in detail, you can see the difference! Let's start by studying the definitions of what gravel is and what crushed stone is.

  • Crushed stone is a material that is formed during the crushing of rock. Crushed stone for drainage, the fraction of which may have different sizes and shapes, is used in a variety of industries, including the production of concrete mix.
  • Gravel is obtained by the natural destruction of rock. This material is distinguished by the presence of various impurities and a smooth surface, which significantly impairs its adhesion to the concrete mix.

Main differences:

  1. Appearance of the stone. gravel has enough smooth surface, but the rubble is distinguished by sharp corners and roughness. In terms of size and color, crushed stone is larger than gravel and has a uniform hue.
  2. Usage. gravel at the expense of his appearance more often used for decorative purposes, but crushed stone, due to its properties, is used in the construction of drainage and when pouring the foundation.

What crushed stone is used for drainage: varieties

To choose the right one, you need to know what types exist, what characteristics they have, what are their advantages and disadvantages. This will allow you to make high-quality and practical drainage in your summer cottage.

Gravel types:

  • gravel, different low level radioactive background. This material is quite cheap, but not as durable as other types of gravel. There are several varieties of it: chopped, which is mined mechanically(rock is crushed) and natural (pebbles or gravel). Despite the fact that the price of each type is almost the same, it is advisable to choose crushed gravel for drainage systems. And all due to the fact that the surface of this material has sharp edges - they hold dirt much better. When choosing this type when installing drainage, pay special attention to its dense laying.
  • Granite type, which is best suited for drainage due to its hardness, strength, frost resistance and durability - its service life is about 40 years. However, this type of material is also the most expensive. Many are afraid that this stone has a radioactive background, but you should not be afraid. But to protect yourself, check in advance with suppliers quality certificates and other documents confirming that the material corresponds to the first class (less than 370 Bq / kg) of radioactivity. If your financial capabilities allow, be sure to purchase this type of material.
  • Dolomite crushed stone, mined from sedimentary rocks. Compared to other types of crushed stone, it is considered the cheapest. At the same time, it has a number of advantages - a zero level of radioactivity, environmental friendliness, complete harmlessness to health, the absence of harmful additives and impurities. But also, when compared with crushed granite and gravel, it is worth noting that it is not so durable and reliable - its average service life is about 15 years. That is why it is better to use it in a dry area, the soil should be with a low level of acidity.

Tip: in order not to make mistakes when choosing the required materials, study the samples in advance - before you decide to import a batch of material to your site. It is also important to remember that it is necessary to rinse the crushed stone with high quality, since this will significantly reduce the silting of the entire drainage system.

A lot depends on the fraction of the material, which you also need to know about in order to make drainage of high quality and practical, because it affects the entire system. Unfortunately, few pay attention to this factor, overlooking it, which often leads to problems in the end. Crushed stone can be divided into the following fractions, which depend on the size of the "grain":

  • Small gravel - up to 2 cm.
  • Medium - up to 4 cm.
  • Large - up to 7 cm
  • Material of non-standard shape - up to 12 cm.
  • Screenings - residual material crushing, in which the material reaches only 5 mm.

You can also use well-washed screenings instead of expanded clay or fine sand, laying the bottom layer of drainage. Small gravel is the most expensive type, however, despite this, is in great demand. However, it is not very suitable for creating drainage due to its small size and low-quality filtration capabilities.

For the practical arrangement of the system, crushed stone of medium size (up to 4 cm) is most often used. This option can be called the most optimal, since such material provides high-quality filtration, eliminating pollution and stopping silting.. Large fractions are characterized by the passage of dirt and small debris, which threatens to break pipes.

Do-it-yourself drainage - fast and cheap

After reading our instructions for creating drainage, you will understand that you no longer need to spend money using the services of expensive specialists. In this work, there will be no particular difficulties, the main thing, as you understand, is to choose high-quality crushed stone. The device of this system begins with digging a trench - dig it around the house, which will protect the building from flooding. The distance between the buildings and the trench should be about a meter.

After the trench is ready, we put a layer (5-7 cm) of fine sand on its bottom, then we lay a similar layer of crushed stone of the middle fraction. This “cushion” will become the main one for laying pipes, on top of which we re-fill smaller gravel. The final stage is leveling the trench with the help of the top layer of soil, which we removed when digging a ditch. The experience of many summer residents perfectly shows that this drainage system is the best, working flawlessly. As you can see, it is not difficult, and this work does not take much time.

During the construction of buildings and structures, a drainage system is used to drain groundwater. These can be channels, wells or pipes. Lack of drainage can lead to water intrusion into the house, thereby reducing its strength. In the process of creating a protective system, crushed stone is used for drainage. But for its competent use, you need to know what material is best suited for these works, and what fraction of gravel is needed to lay a reliable drainage system.

Crushed stone accompanies the construction of houses and landscaping of the site everywhere Source sslandscapesupply.com

What you need to know about gravel

This is a natural free-flowing granular product obtained in the process of processing rocks. Gravel production consists of dividing large rock fragments using special crusher machines. This makes it possible to produce crushed stone of different grades, a certain caliber. One of the advantages of crushed stone is a rough fault line, which has a positive effect on filtration in general.

About the characteristics of crushed stone

The main characteristics of the product include the following concepts:


    frost resistance;



Now about the characteristics of each direction separately.


This parameter determines the number of grains of needle and lamellar shapes. According to the level of flakiness, crushed stone is divided into 3 groups:

    Cuboid no more than 10%.

    An improved version with indicators of 10-15%.

    Standard (normal) 15 to 25%.

If you choose which crushed stone to use for drainage according to this classification, experts recommend a product with a high flakiness, since in this case for the manufacture concrete mixtures less binder will be used.

Individual stones in a pile of rubble may be different, but the best option will be a mixture with most of the flaky Source homerenovates.com

Frost resistance

Assess this indicator of resistance to negative temperatures possible by defrosting and freezing cycles. If the resistance is low, then it is no more than 15 cycles. Grade of material with high rates can go up to 400 cycles. Experts suggest using a material that can work out 300 or more cycles.


The overall strength of the material is determined by the ability of the grain to collapse in a state saturated with water. In this case, the pressure on the grains of weak rocks should correspond to 200 atm. The indicator in question is:

    High strength - up to 5%.

    Durable: 5-10%.

    Average 10 to 15%.

    Weak strength: 15% or more.


Those who decide to engage in individual construction are interested in the issue of the radioactivity of the drainage material. Crushed stone is divided into three classes of radioactivity:

    Not more than 370 Bq per kilogram.

    From 370 to 740 Bq/kg.

    More than 740 Bq/kg.

When choosing which class of crushed stone is needed for drainage, you can safely use the first two. By the way, the third class is also allowed for construction, but is recommended for work with non-residential buildings outside the city limits.

Regardless of the crushed stone fraction, the level of its radioactivity is also important, the lower the better. Source tiu.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer sewerage and water supply services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Varieties of crushed stone

According to the type of rock that is suitable for the production of crushed stone, the product is divided into three types:


This is the most durable and frost-resistant natural material. Operational period within 50 years. It is important that granite does not crack when exposed to temperature changes.

It is interesting! Centimeter bedding is able to withstand up to 100 tons of rated load.

Unfortunately, granite has a number of significant drawbacks, which include: natural background radiation and high cost.

Granite crushed stone is the strongest, but also the most expensive


The strength is lower than granite, but the radiation background is lower. The cost is somewhat less compared to the material described above. There are two types of crushed gravel: chipped, which is obtained as a result of rock crushing. And a natural product, which includes river and sea pebbles.

Gravel is more accessible and safer in terms of radioactivity Source grand-oxota.msk.ru

lime crushed stone

The product has a different name - dolomite. The material is cheaper compared to granite, does not emit radiation. And absolutely inert, which is important from an environmental point of view. Unfortunately, the operational period is limited to 15 years. In this regard, it is not used as a material for the drainage system.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services, which include the installation of drainage systems. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

About fraction sizes

One of important factors, which should be paid attention to when arranging drainage is the fraction of the material, its dimensions. The gradation is as follows:

    Screening is the smallest fraction. The particle size of the residual product during the extraction of granite does not exceed 5 mm.

    The size of the fine fraction is within 5-20 mm.

    The middle fraction is considered to be a product with particle sizes from 20 to 40 mm.

    The large fraction is from 40 to 70 mm.

    Non-standard option- then fractions from 70 to 120 millimeters.

On a note! For the arrangement of the drainage system, it is better to take crushed stone with an average fraction.

Video description

What to look for when choosing the characteristics of crushed stone, see the video,

About the device of the drainage system without the use of gravel

It is known that in drainage, natural material reinforces the soil and acts as a filter for runoff. The use of natural material and the laying of a water drainage system make the construction estimate heavier. The cost of the system is affected by the crushed stone fraction.

Scheme of the drainage system without the use of crushed stone Source flowercenter.spb.ru

But today you can refuse to use rubble. For example, trademark Softrock offers drainage systems in which crushed stone is replaced with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.

Video description

How crushed stone is used in the drainage device can be seen in the video:

Dolomite crushed stone has the shortest service life, which is not very good for the drainage system Source vse-o-kanalizacii.ru


What crushed stone will be better for drainage, first of all, depends on the size of the fractions, their “purity” and the cost of the crushed stone itself. With an eye on the last point, you can pay attention to the use of modern gravel-free systems - but for this you need to calculate the cost of drainage specifically for your home and determine what financial plan more profitable.

High soil moisture in the area or the presence of groundwater in its upper layers can cause significant damage to the house. Washing and wetting of the foundation will sooner or later lead to its destruction. After him, the walls will begin to get wet, and this is a direct threat to a comfortable life.

fraction 5 20 fraction 20 40 fraction 40 70

Crushed stone for drainage - an indispensable element of the drainage system

The drainage system helps to ensure the removal of excess moisture from the foundation and significantly reduce its level in the soil on the site. Its scheme is based on the data of geodetic surveys. In order to drainage pipes earth and dirt did not fall, which could cause clogging and swamping of the entire system, a layer of sand is poured to the bottom of the dug trench and crushed stone is laid on top of it. Their thickness depends on the depth of the trench itself, but on average it is about 15 cm.

What gravel is needed for drainage

It all depends on the financial capabilities of the customer. One of the elements of the drainage complex can be crushed stone of any kind, without exception. Granite crushed stone has maximum strength and is able to withstand a large number of freeze and thaw cycles. At correct device, the system will last more than 40 years.

What type of crushed gravel to use for drainage

The best material for the drainage system is gravel. According to its physical characteristics, it is close to granite, but unlike it, it does not have a high radiation background. When choosing crushed gravel, it is better to dwell on crushed rock, and not on natural gravel: pebbles, which have a rounded surface. The task of the crushed stone is to prevent the penetration of dirt into the pipes. The ribbed surface of rubble copes with this task much better than smooth pebbles.

Fractions of crushed stone for the drainage system

It is better to filter water using fine fractions. Crushed stone with a size of 5 to 20 mm has a good flakiness, fits snugly to each other, ensuring the penetration of water into the pipes of the drainage system, leaving sand and dirt on its surface. Small gravel has the highest cost, if the budget does not allow it to be purchased, then you can buy a medium stone with a particle size of 20 to 40 mm. When buying, you also need to clarify the level of flakiness and the degree of cleaning of gravel. A large number of dust on the surface of crushed stone can play a negative role and also lead to a quick failure and clogging of the drainage.