How to replace cast iron sewer pipes with plastic ones. If you need a pipe replacement, we can help! What materials and tools will be required

  • 29.08.2019

Metal pipes today can no longer be called the only material suitable for arranging a pipeline. To replace metal products came plastic, having a huge amount positive qualities. Plastic pipes are so good that even an existing pipeline made of steel pipes often completely changed to plastic. This article will discuss how to change pipes to plastic ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes

Polymer products have a lot of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • Long service life (modern plastic pipes can sometimes work for about 100 years);
  • light weight material;
  • Complete resistance to corrosion;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Good strength indicators;
  • Good level of sound insulation;
  • High elasticity;
  • Environmental safety (plastic pipes do not change the chemical composition of the transported water);
  • Low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Versatility;
  • Ease of transportation;
  • Small cost.

The list of benefits is impressive. The described qualities provided plastic pipes with recognition and the title of one of the best materials for the arrangement of any pipelines - it is not just that old pipes are replaced with plastic ones in most houses and apartments.

Of course, plastic pipes also have disadvantages, but their list looks much more modest than the list of advantages:

  • Polymer pipes have restrictions on the temperature of the transported substances (specific values ​​\u200b\u200bdepend on the material);
  • Variety of mounting technologies (for mounting different types plastic pipes, different technologies are used);
  • Exposure to certain types of alkalis and acids (when choosing pipes for transporting aggressive substances, one has to carefully study their characteristics).

Classification of plastic pipes

There are several materials based on polymers. The final products differ in their composition and production technology, so before purchasing, you need to study them in order to choose the best option.

The following types of plastic pipes are found on the market:

  1. Metal-plastic (MP). This material is made, as the name suggests, of metal and plastic. This combination withstands both low and high temperatures well - certain types of metal-plastic pipes can operate at a carrier temperature of 900 degrees. The main disadvantage of this material is its low flexibility, so the pipes must be bent very carefully.
  2. Polyethylene (PE). Polyethylene pipes it is quite possible to mount even with negative temperatures, so they are often used for emergency repairs. When choosing PE pipes, you need to pay attention to the fact that it can be calculated to work in conditions of either low or high pressure.
  3. Cross-linked polyethylene (PES). This material is made under pressure with the help of various additives, and its production method is called "crosslinking" - hence the name. Cross-linked polyethylene can be used both in the water supply system and in heating systems- characteristics allow the pipes to work at a sufficiently high temperature.
  4. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). One of the components used for the production of PVC pipes is chloride, the effect of which on the human body cannot be called positive. PVC pipes are not used when laying domestic pipelines.
  5. Polypropylene (PP). Polypropylene pipes are the best material for laying water supply systems. The multilayer construction provides such pipes with good strength and the ability to work at high temperatures. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the very poor elasticity and the inability to painlessly replace individual elements - the connection of polypropylene pipes is carried out by welding, so the damaged areas will have to be cut out completely.

Replacing pipes with plastic ones - how to change it yourself

The first step is to figure out how to replace metal pipes with plastic ones. This process is not very complicated, but the work must be approached with all responsibility - even the best material cannot compensate for the incorrect assembly of the pipeline.

Before replacement, it is necessary to draw up a work plan that, in in general terms as follows:

  • First you need to draw a plan that will display all the actions;
  • Next, the required amount of materials is calculated (if the plan was drawn up on a scale, then you can use it);
  • According to the calculations, materials, connecting elements and tools for working with them are purchased;
  • Immediately before the start of work, the water is blocked;
  • The old pipeline section is being dismantled;
  • Plastic pipes are installed on the vacated place;
  • After assembly, the system must be checked for operability;
  • The last step is the removal of construction debris.

Knowing how pipes are changed in an apartment, and having a detailed plan will allow you to carry out all the work consistently and carefully.

Dismantling of old pipes

Dismantling the old pipeline is a process that must be approached individually. Some elements of the system may be able to be dismantled with a screwdriver or adjustable wrench, while in other situations a grinder will be required.

The general set of tools required for dismantling is reduced to the following list:

  • Hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Perforator;
  • Chisel;
  • grinding discs;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • A pair of spanners.

It will be ideal if the replacement of pipes with plastic ones is carried out along with the repair of housing - firstly, you won’t have to take out the garbage twice, and secondly, during the repair it is much easier to hide communications in the walls, if such a desire arose.

Installation of plastic pipes

After the dismantling of the old parts of the pipeline, events can develop according to two scenarios:

  • In place of the removed elements, parts made of plastic will be installed;
  • The entire pipeline will be re-laid.

In any case, no matter which scenario is chosen, pipes will still have to be connected, and for this it is necessary to select the appropriate technology. In most cases, plastic pipes are connected with a special welding machine or installed using fittings.


Replacing plastic pipes with your own hands is quite possible and not particularly difficult. First you need to compose detailed plan actions - and half of the work can already be considered completed. The implementation of the plan will be the second part of the work, and after its successful completion, the only thing left to do is rejoice at the upgraded pipeline.

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Replacement of old steel pipes

Often in our apartments, replacement of water pipes is required, since most of the old ones have been standing since the commissioning of the house, and this is decades of service! Usually this metal plumbing, which today no longer meets all standards and requirements, as it cannot provide the proper water quality, safety, and ease of use.

Increasingly, plastic pipes are being used, which are not only more durable and stronger, but also easier to install and maintain. Such plumbing can be easily installed with your own hands in just a couple of hours.

In order to replace pipes, you do not need to have special knowledge or expensive equipment: polypropylene pipes, special fittings and other simple tools can be bought at any hardware store.

Such a replacement can be carried out not only with the help of metal-plastic ones, they have shown themselves well, but their cost is quite high, so the installation of plastic ones is increasingly being preferred.

From metal to polypropylene

Today, four types of water pipes are used for installation in apartments, including:

Elements for metal-plastic water pipes: 1 - adapter; 2 - square; 3 - elbow connection; 4 - tee; 5 - union nut; 6 - fitting; 7 - valve; 8 - metal-plastic pipes.

  1. Metal, having a different diameter. It can be steel, cast iron, galvanized water pipes. Pros - strength, reliability, long service life. But there are numerous disadvantages, among which it should be noted: the complexity of installation (it is necessary to cut threads, use a welding machine to connect pipes), the walls are covered with rust and plaque from the inside. In order to crash into a water pipe, you must have the appropriate skills. In addition, the metal requires careful maintenance, constant checking for leaks, and painting.
  2. Copper pipes more reliable, replacing water pipes made of copper can increase reliability and durability, in addition, copper is very aesthetic and looks great in any bathroom. But even here there are drawbacks: in order to replace copper pipes, you need to have special skills, the cost of products is very high, stray currents may occur.
  3. Plastic pipelines are easy to install, they are reliable, durable, they can be connected to ordinary metal ones, but at the attachment points, due to sudden temperature changes, they can begin to leak, so the connection method using special welding is often recommended.
  4. Polypropylene are considered the best option when installing plumbing in an apartment. Polypropylene is a very reliable material, withstands temperature extremes, and the connection method is simple and reliable. Polypropylene pipes are used for cold, hot water supply, heating, sewerage. The diameter can be different, so it is very easy to select them, and the cost is affordable.

Materials and equipment will need the following:

Replacing polypropylene water pipes is simple, but you should prepare everything you need for work in advance. Today, several ways of laying are offered. Depending on choice specific method, the set of equipment also differs:

  • pipe cutter (cutting scissors);
  • pipe bender (to give the plumbing the necessary shape);
  • soldering iron and nozzles (for hot, so-called diffuser welding);
  • calibration scan (when using the press method);
  • press tongs (for the press method);
  • glue, building level, sandpaper, nozzles for any diameter for a soldering iron, fittings, couplings, adapters and more.

Methods for replacing old pipes

  1. Cold welding of plastic pipelines involves processing the inner surface of one pipe, after which a special adhesive composition is applied to the end of the other. It only takes 15-20 seconds to bond. Such plumbing installation considered the easiest, anyone can do it.
  2. Press fittings provide more reliable connection. For fastening, a pipe is put on the press fitting, the crimp sleeve is pressed with special tongs. The work is done very quickly, you only need to select the fittings right size and diameter. Additional sealing is only necessary when connecting to mixers and metal pipes.
  3. Hot welding is carried out using a soldering iron, while the seams become monolithic, such a connection is the most reliable, but often requires the presence of a specialist.

What should I pay attention to before replacing steel pipes?

When replacing the plumbing in the apartment, you must pay attention to the following:

  • whether replacement of water meters is required or simply laid polypropylene pipes;
  • what material the pipes will be laid from (plastic, metal, copper), what installation method is chosen, what pipe diameter is required;
  • which inlet taps are installed on the riser (valves to shut off the water);
  • what tools are needed for laying pipes in an apartment (depending on the material).

Often the quality of water in our taps leaves much to be desired. To ensure higher water quality, coarse and coarse filters are used. fine cleaning. Such filters help to extend the life of steel and plastic pipes by cleaning their inner surface from rust, silt and other things.

Such filters are placed at the inlets, before installing plastic and other pipes. With such an installation, it is necessary to foresee what diameter the pipes will be, what connecting elements are necessary for this.

Cost of work: calculation example

Before changing the pipes in the apartment, it is necessary to correctly calculate all the costs that will be spent on such plumbing work. We offer a calculation for the replacement of pipes in standard apartment, which includes the cost of dismantling old metal pipes, acquisition of new ones, their installation:

  • replace the wiring from the inlet taps - 5000-5500 rubles;
  • replace the riser - from 1800 rubles;
  • replace existing pipes from inlet taps, install water meters - from 7,500 rubles;
  • replace the hot water riser and heated towel rail - from 4500 rubles.

Carrying out plumbing work in an apartment is a rather responsible, difficult task, which, however, can be done with your own hands. Often this is a simple replacement of old metal pipes with new and reliable plastic ones, installation of meters, water filters. It is best to trust professionals in this matter, but modern plastic pipes, unlike traditional steel pipes, are not only of high quality, but are also easy to install even by a person who has no experience in such repairs.

In new buildings, the installation of water supply, sewerage and heating systems is carried out using modern materials. In houses old building replacement of pipes in an apartment is a vital necessity, as the wear and tear of materials has surpassed all imaginable and unimaginable norms. Most residents apartment buildings there is no need to count on anyone's help in this matter. After all, the replacement of water pipes in an apartment after privatization should be carried out by homeowners at their expense.

Previously, only steel pipes were used to provide water supply, which corrode over time. Dirt and rust accumulate on the rough surface of their inner walls, which leads to a narrowing of the inner diameter and a weakening of the pressure of the incoming cold water. Hardly anyone wants to put up with a situation where water flows from a tap in a thin stream. So, it's time to replace the old pipes throughout the apartment, from the bathroom to the kitchen itself.

Types of water pipes

Installation of a water supply system in an apartment or country house can be done using:

  • polypropylene pipes;
  • copper pipes;
  • steel pipes;
  • metal-plastic pipes.

When choosing, it should be borne in mind that replacing pipes with polypropylene requires the use of special equipment, as well as knowledge and practical skills in soldering them. Smooth inner surface modern plastic pipes do not contribute to the adhesion of dirt and the accumulation of silt deposits on the walls, which affects the quality of the water supply, which remains throughout the entire service life on high level. Note that such pipes can serve up to 50 years. In addition, polypropylene does not conduct electricity. Considering all the advantages, one can understand why replacing pipes with plastic analogues is in great demand among the population. At the same time, the service life of the pipes declared by the manufacturer can be maintained only if the installation of the plumbing system is carried out correctly.

Important! At concealed installation experts advise choosing polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass for laying in a strobe.

Copper pipes are resistant to high temperatures and pressure drops. Their service life can reach up to 60 years. However, the undeniable advantages are completely covered by a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • high price;
  • complex installation;
  • electrical conductivity, leading to the appearance of electrocorrosion;
  • oxidation.

It is also possible to use metal-plastic pipes for mounting the wiring of the water supply system, but some specific points must be taken into account. This system may not withstand temperature extremes and high pressure. In order to level this drawback, it is necessary, together with the use of a metal-layer, to carry out the installation of a pressure reducer without fail. If this is not done, it is possible that plastic pipes installed just a few years ago will soon need to be replaced.

Important! Installation of all collapsible connections (compression fittings) of metal-plastic pipes should be carried out only in accessible places. In accordance with the requirements of SNiPs, it is forbidden to hide them in floors, boxes, ceilings and other secret places.

When choosing pipes for the installation of a water supply system in an apartment, factors such as the size of the budget allocated for this type of work, the temperature and pressure of the incoming water, its qualitative composition.

What does the replacement work consist of?

  • Before starting work on replacing elements of the plumbing system, it is necessary to draw up a plan for laying new pipes. This takes into account household appliances and plumbing fixtures that are already installed and that are expected to be installed at the time of repair or in the near future. Also at this stage, the issue of the need to install meters simultaneously with the installation work. They are determined with the material of the pipeline and the number of inlet taps (valves) that allow you to turn off the water in any important section of the network for the repair of connected equipment.

One of the possible plumbing layouts in the apartment - click to enlarge

Important! When choosing cranes, give preference to high-quality products that have a spherical design.

  • Next, the water supply is shut off and the dismantling of old water pipes begins.
  • Then new water pipes are laid, while attention is paid to the reliability of their fastening. Cranes, adapters, collectors are installed.

Features of replacing pipes in bathrooms

The largest volume of installation work of the plumbing system falls on the bathroom. After all, it is there that the largest number sanitary equipment. Therefore, replacing pipes in the bathroom takes more time and takes more effort. If WC not combined, then a separate replacement of pipes in the toilet is carried out. Usually, when performing a major overhaul of bathrooms, sewer pipes are also replaced at the same time.

Installation of additional equipment:

  • By replacing water pipes, it is possible to install meters that control the flow of cold and hot water, if they have not been installed before. In addition to the counter, you will need to buy a ball valve, a coupling and a coarse filter.
  • Installing a booster pump at the entrance to the apartment will ensure normal water pressure at low pressure in the network, which is below 0.5 atm. However, one must understand that if there is practically no water in the network, then the pump will not help.
  • Installation of water purification filters will ensure the supply of water purified from sand and rust. For these purposes, coarse filters are purchased. If it is necessary to remove smaller impurities from the water, such as lime, salts and other substances, then fine filters are installed. To reduce bad smell water use carbon cartridges for filters.

In principle, do-it-yourself replacement of water supply pipes can be done, but it will take much more time to understand the essence of the issue. If you want to install a new pipeline within one day, then contact the professional masters.

Replacing old steel water pipes is often hesitant to do, believing that this repair will be difficult, and inviting plumbers will greatly ease the wallet. Indeed, hiring professionals is not always cheap. But water pipes It's not hard to replace on your own. No extra spending. And the replacement process itself may well then seem quite simple.

If you do overhaul in an apartment or house, then replace the old pipeline at the same time. Old steel water pipes can leak at any time. Then you will have to repair and change the pipeline in the room, which has already been put in order.

What to change old pipes for?

You can choose pipes from the following materials:
- copper;
- steel;
- metal-plastic;
- polypropylene.

More about polypropylene pipes

In stores, you can pick up pipelines made of polypropylene for cold and hot water. They differ in wall thickness and the presence of reinforcement.

Please note that PN-20 pipes can be used if the water temperature is up to 60 degrees. If boiling water is possible, then reinforced pipes PN-25 are needed.

For pipes, there are a variety of fittings and fasteners with which you can assemble a pipeline of any complexity.

You can buy a soldering iron for mounting the pipeline, it is not expensive. But, later it will not be needed on the farm, because the repair of the polypropylene pipeline is unlikely to be needed. Now you can find construction offices and sellers who rent such soldering irons. And you can install a simple household plumbing in a day. Therefore, renting a tool in this case is the best option.

Selection of pipes by diameter

The choice of pipe diameter is a very complex and controversial issue. And for a decision, it is better to use experience than to try to independently select according to tables or using hydraulic calculation.

It is necessary to choose the diameter of the pipes so that the pipeline does not create too much hydraulic resistance, which would noticeably affect the amount of water supplied.

The resistance of the pipeline to the movement of water will depend on its length, the number of turns and branches, the amount of water supplied, the material (roughness). The selection of the diameter is also influenced by the pressure in the system, the smaller it is, the larger the diameter of the pipes is needed.

When replacing short pipelines in conventional small apartments more commonly used polypropylene pipes outside diameter only 20 mm, without any complex calculations and conclusions. Under the same diameter, the connection of most household plumbing fixtures is calculated. This simplifies installation and circuitry. In addition, the main contribution to the capacity limitation is made not by pipes, but by bottlenecks in mixers, taps ...

Please note that "hot" pipes inner diameter will be smaller due to the increase in wall thickness. Different manufacturers have different ways.

You can also take into account the following.

The diameter of metal pipes is often determined in inches:
3/8 inch - 10 mm.
1/2 inch - 13 mm.
3/4" - 20mm
1 inch - 25 mm
1.5 inches - 38 mm, etc.
In general, one inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters.

And polypropylene and metal-plastic are mainly characterized by the outer diameter. But then you need to take into account that 20 mm polypropylene and 16 mm metal-plastic, given the wall thickness, and 1/2 inch metal are almost the same in terms of throughput.

For polypropylene short pipelines (up to 5 meters), these rules are used. By analogy, you can pick up pipes from other materials.

  • To connect one consumer (faucet, plumbing fixture), pipes with a diameter (external) of 20 mm are suitable;
  • Long risers, main pipelines, collectors are usually made from a pipe - 25 mm.
  • Long conduits to the house are made more often from a 32 mm pipe.

It can also be taken into account that a 20 mm pipe passes up to 20 liters of water per minute without much increase in hydraulic resistance if its length does not exceed 10 meters. Pipe 25 mm - 30 l / min, 32 mm - 50 l / min, 38 mm - 75 l / min (length less than 10 meters). A typical faucet at standard pressure consumes 5 to 7 liters of water per minute. For calculations, 4 simultaneously operating consumers are accepted.

Taps, mixers

Ball valves are now used to shut off individual pipelines. They are comfortable and durable. Cranes can be in a metal or plastic case.

Metal faucet on threaded connection can be dismantled, but two American women are required to insert it into a plastic pipeline.

Plastic taps are soldered on a par with other fittings.

If the valve is used frequently, then it is preferable to install a ball valve in a metal case with a threaded connection (coupling valve)
If the tap is intended only for emergency shutdown of the branch, then it is better to install a soldered one in a plastic case.

Single-lever mixers have won the greatest popularity. Water flow control takes place in a ceramic cartridge. Such mixers are very reliable, and their repair is simple, and basically consists in replacing the cartridge with a new one. Cartridge wear directly depends on the presence of abrasive particles in the water.

Therefore, for reliable operation of all plumbing, a cleaning filter must be located on the inlet pipe. It must be provided and installed.

How to do what to pay attention to

As you can see, the assembly of a plastic pipeline is very simple, and replacing old pipes with new ones is not so expensive. As a result of the repair, we obtain normal water consumption, reliability, aesthetics.

There is nothing eternal! And if there is, it may cease to suit. So it is with communications. The owners sometimes have a desire to update the network in whole or in part. There can be a lot of reasons for this - from an elementary leak to a change in design.

Let's figure out how to replace pipes with plastic ones with your own hands.

Plastic is the most sought after material today.

Introduction to plastic pipes

What are the advantages of the material and are there any disadvantages? How to make sure that the optimal choice is made? About everything in order.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why is replacing metal pipes with plastic ones a wise decision? The secret is in the special properties of this material.

Among the advantages are:

  • service life (up to 100 years, depending on the type of structure);
  • lightness of the material;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • ease of installation;
  • strength;
  • noiselessness during network operation;
  • elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness (the chemical composition of the liquid moving through the system does not change);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • versatility of the gasket (the material can be mounted both open and in a closed way);
  • ease of transportation;
  • moderation in price.

Pluses - a lot. Plastic is the most optimal material among its "brothers". Networks from it serve for a long time and do not cause trouble for the owners, of course, if the replacement of plastic pipes in the apartment was done correctly.

There are few disadvantages - just a few:

  • restrictions on the temperature of transported substances (depending on the type of structure);
  • selection of installation technology (they also vary and depend on the type of material);
  • compatibility in composition (control that liquids that can corrode plastic are not transported through the network).

See how neat the metal-plastic heating system looks

Types of plastic structures

Let's consider how to replace the old ones with plastic pipes so that the minuses do not appear. In the process of manufacturing products, other substances are added to plastic, so you can find the following markings on purchased items:

  1. MP - metal-plastic. It is said that this "duo" of components is ideal for honing home skills. The material does not fail either in the cold (it withstands frost very well), or when transporting liquids with high temperatures (up to 900 degrees). The only negative is the sensitivity to external deformation. Bend such elements carefully.
  2. PE or polyethylene. The main advantage of such a composition is that you can work with it even at low temperatures, that is, even when it is -20˚ outside the window, you can carry out work on laying a network of polyethylene or repair already installed communications. The main thing is to choose the right pressure threshold - low or high.
  3. PES, which means cross-linked polyethylene. Such material is used both for laying water supply lines and for heating networks. Why "stitched"? It's just that the pressure treatment technology that aims to increase the resistance threshold to temperature changes and increase stability is called "crosslinking". Elements are treated with nitrogen, silane gas, peroxide method or electron beam irradiation.

It looks like cross-linked polyethylene

  1. PVC or polyvinyl chloride. If you see such a marking, do not buy the product if you plan to install a network for domestic use, since chloride is present in the composition. Such material is suitable for arranging swimming pools, chemical plants, but not for the home.
  2. PP - polypropylene. This material is suitable for bringing water to housing. Thanks to a special device (3 layers - protective, plastic itself and foil), the products are resistant to temperature changes, they can successfully transport liquids that reach temperatures of more than 1000 degrees. However, there are also disadvantages: low elasticity (products do not bend well), the impossibility of replacing elements (welding is used “forever”, therefore replacing a damaged section of a plastic pipe is impossible in this case).

And this is polypropylene.

Replacement Technology

It's time to move on to practice. Consider how the replacement of metal-plastic pipes takes place.

Due to its lightness and plasticity, it is a pleasure to mount plastic

Work order

Planning everything right is half the battle. Preparatory stage no less important than repair work. If you have decided on the material, then proceed according to the following scenario:

  1. Draw a plan or a drawing of what exactly you are changing and how you are going to do it.
  2. Calculate how much material is required for the work.
  3. Purchase pipes and fittings.
  4. Find tools and devices for connecting products.
  5. Turn off the water.
  6. Dismantle the old network fragment.
  7. Install plastic parts.
  8. Check system performance.
  9. Get rid of trash.
  10. Enjoy the result.

Photo tip - an example of wiring a bathroom in an apartment

Dismantling of old elements

Do-it-yourself replacement of pipes with metal-plastic pipes begins with destruction. Dismantling can differ only in technology and the number of tools involved. Breaking is not building, so you can figure out how to remove failed network fragments yourself. Somewhere it’s really possible to unscrew it, and in other places you will have to use a grinder to cut it off.

For work, get the following tools:

  • hammer with a wooden or rubber nozzle;
  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • chisel;
  • grinding discs;
  • screwdrivers;
  • wrenches.

Worth paying attention! Try to combine pipe replacement and repair, then you can hide the new network in the walls.

This is what the wall looks like after changing steel to plastic

Plastic installation

Once the old items are unmounted, you have two options:

  • install new ones in their place - plastic fragments;
  • lay the network differently - according to the new plan.

The connection of plastic products depends on their complete composition. Construction soldering iron/welding machine or chemistry can be applied, either with fittings or gaskets and bolts. Focus on the type of plastic pipes you prefer.

If you want to "drown" the network in the walls, you will have to make strobes before installation. Do not forget about the insulation of the elements. Turn on the water only when the products turn into a complete system.

Video: do-it-yourself replacement of pipes with metal-plastic

Plastic is called modern building "plasticine", and you, since you install pipes from such material, can be called a creator. Dare!

Video: how to choose polypropylene pipes