How to fix strobes in the wall - Blog Stroyremontiruy. Electrical wiring for plaster: installation rules, chasing, searching for a hidden cable How to plaster strobes in a wall

  • 23.06.2020

Competent sealing of the strobe

It may seem to many that closing the strobe is a very simple matter, and anyone can perform this operation. But experience shows that this is far from the case. For someone, the solution sticks out of the strobe, for someone it cracks, for someone, on the contrary, a depression is obtained. In addition, not everyone knows how to seal strobes.

Let's first understand what a strobe is. It is, in fact, a groove laid in brickwork, plaster, concrete or other hard building materials, for the purpose of laying communications on it. Usually these are wires or pipes. The grooves that remain after the beacons are removed from the plaster are also strobes. Of course, they always need to be sealed.

Here are examples of how not to do it:

Of course, the repair of defects does not require a diploma from the performer. higher education, but for a good result, you must follow only three simple rules.

  • Rule number 1. The entire surface of the strobe must be primed with a deep penetration compound. We also recommend that you read the article about the primer before plastering. Like, well, why is it necessary, they are narrow? But in them, as you know, a lot of dust. And if you try to just throw plaster over the ditch, it will simply lie on the dust and not stick to the walls. Ringing sound and subsequent coloring is guaranteed. You need to prime the strobes with a narrow wide brush, do not spare the primer. If the brush does not fit well into the groove, simply water it with a primer with a sweep of the brush. The main thing is not to flood your hands, because it is quite difficult to wash off the dried primer from the skin.

Important: not only the inside of the strobe should be primed, but also the area around it, since plaster mortar will also fall on these places. In addition, it is imperative to wait until the soil is completely dry before embedding.

  • Rule number 2. The application of the solution for embedding the strobe is carried out in a special way. First, immediately before applying the solution, the surface of the groove must be generously moistened with water. This is done in order to reduce the absorption of water from the solution. Thus, we reduce its shrinkage and prevent the appearance of shrinkage cracks. Silicate brick and foam concrete take moisture from the plaster especially strongly. But some shrinkage of the solution, as a rule, still occurs. Therefore, the steps described below must be performed twice.

For embedding, it is best to use not alabaster, but ordinary gypsum plaster. After all, a very quick setting of alabaster is one of the main causes of jambs when smearing strobes.

How should the solution be applied? For starters, its consistency is made a little thicker than with plaster. Again, so that less moisture leaves it, and it does not sag. It is applied crosswise. That is, movements with a spatula should not be directed along the strobe, but towards its walls. First to one, then to another. So the solution will adhere well to its entire surface.

If you close up not a strobe, but relatively big hole, you should first apply plaster around its perimeter and only then - in the center.

Tip: It is best to move the trowel not in a straight line, but in a zigzag pattern. Such a move will further enhance the adhesion of the plaster to the walls of the strobe.

Again, if you need to close up not a strobe, but a hole, you will no longer have to remove the excess solution with a trowel, but with an aluminum rule. You need to hold it the same way - at a right angle to the surface. Here you already need to perform several removals. All of them are made from the center of the hole to its edges, as in the picture:

It is in this way, and not from edge to edge - this is important!

Here are three simple rules for competently embedding strobes with your own hands. By following them, you will definitely get excellent results.

How to properly seal strobes

No building is complete without electrical wiring. If cables are laid along the walls in strobes, then improperly sealed strobes with a cable can spoil the results of the work of a large team. First of all, it must be taken into account that the layer of plaster or putty in the strobe can many times exceed the layer of this material on the rest of the wall surface. Consequently, the drying time of the sealed strobe is significantly longer than the drying time of the rest of the wall surface. For example, if the strobes are sealed simultaneously with the puttying of the wall with a fugenfüller, then in a day the wall may already be ready for application to it finishing putty, and the strobes have only just begun to set, although the surface layer will seem dried out. In the strobe, the fugenfüller dries completely, as a rule, in three days. If a layer of finishing putty is applied over an undried strobe, then after drying it begins to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the strobe, as a result of which the drying of the putty in the strobe slows down significantly. At the same time, the slightest deformation in a relatively thick layer of fugenfüller in the strobe leads to cracks, which are transmitted to the finishing putty.

When closing strobes, you should never try to complete this work in one pass. The same fugenfüller expands when it dries, and if they close up a strobe with several cables in one pass, trying to immediately level the wall, then after drying, a tubercle forms along the strobe, protruding from the wall surface by 1 - 3 millimeters. After two days, it will be a big problem to clean it off.

Therefore, strobes are always closed in several passes. In the first pass, the strobe is filled by 80 - 90 percent. All voids in the strobe are carefully filled. If an excess of putty is formed, then it is removed. After the putty has completely dried (or cement plaster) the strobe is sealed under the finishing putty, almost on the same level with the rest of the wall surface. When using a plaster dry mix M-150 for sealing the strobe, it is desirable to add a small amount of cement M500 to it, which will provide an increased hardness of the plaster layer above the cables.

Often, the rough embedding of the strobe is performed by electricians who, without the proper skills in plastering work, do not prime the strobes before embedding, which reduces the reliability of adhesion of the material filling the strobe with the wall.

Strobes cut with a double-disk chasing cutter. it is much easier to close up than those punched out with a puncher. Therefore, it is always necessary to purchase modern high-quality equipment. With a large number of strobes, a double-disk strobe cutter will pay off even due to the lower consumption of plaster and putty required for embedding strobes.

After the strobe is sealed, plastering and painting work is carried out, as a result of which the terminal boxes on the walls, in which the conductors are connected, often become inaccessible. Although in accordance with the requirements of the standards it is necessary to provide access to the connections of wires and cable cores. You can read more about this problem and ways to solve it in the article Typical violations of electrical installation rules.

How to patch holes in a wall

Often, when carrying out repairs, it becomes necessary to transfer electrical points, for which it is necessary to ditch the walls for laying the cable. This is not the easiest job, especially if there is no good puncher, however, the process does not end there, since it is necessary not only to break through the technological channels, but also to properly fix them in cable, as well as competently close the strobes .

Tools and materials

To work you will need -

  1. - Several metal spatulas (10 and 15 cm),
  2. - Building gypsum,
  3. - Primer and brush,
  4. -Gypsum mixture Rotband type.

Termination instructions

First thing after completion assembly work for chasing, it is necessary to prime the technological channels for the reliability of further coupling of the mixture and the inner walls of the strobes. The soil creates a thin film on the walls in the channel and this greatly facilitates the work in the future. If the primer for internal works concentrated, then it is necessary to dilute it in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer with water and apply liberally to the inner walls of the pierced channel with a brush.

After the completion of the primer, you can not pause, as before puttying, but immediately proceed to seal the strobe channel with gypsum plaster. First, the cable is fixed, for which ordinary building gypsum is used, which is kneaded in a minimal amount, since you can only work with it normally for a few minutes. In this process, you should try to fasten the cable as tightly as possible at intervals of no more than 1 meter, and in places of internal and external corners of the walls, you should retreat from the angle of 3-5 cm on both sides.

After that, the work gypsum plaster. which incorporates special polymer fillers, which allows you to avoid cracks on the walls in the future and increases the period of work with the material up to 1-2 hours. The technological channel is completely filled with a thick mixture in a section of 1-2 meters, after which the excess plaster is removed with a metal spatula by moving along (!) the channel.

You can start painting a wall or ceiling with in-depth wiring immediately after setting the gypsum composition, as a rule, it is 12-24 hours.


If you perceive information better on video, then we offer a short video, which presents the simplest technology strobe seals -

Questions and answers

How long after coating the strobes with a primer can they be plastered?

Immediately, since in this case the primer is needed not so much to reduce absorption and strengthen the strobe bed, but to dedust the channel. If you want to wait - wait, but you can not waste time.

We close the strobes correctly

Greetings to all visitors! The topic of today's lesson may seem to be sucked from your finger, but in fact, few people know how to close strobes correctly.

A strobe is a kind of groove in concrete, brick or plaster used for laying wires or pipes. It is clear that after laying the appropriate communications, this groove must be sealed.

It would seem that it could be complicated here - he stuffed a solution into it, and removed the excess with a spatula. But the other day I saw with my own eyes that wild horror that is depicted in the photo for the post, and decided to write a short article about it. strobe and different kind holes - not a difficult task, but still requiring compliance with certain rules. What kind?

The first rule is the need for priming

The first and most important rule is not to forget about the primer. The small area of ​​a strobe or hole does not yet give us the right to neglect its use. But what is the right way to do it? Very simple - with a brush. It needs to be thoroughly wetted in a primer and watered small areas of the strobe. Do not smear, namely water, something like sprinkling with holy water. The primer is not to be regretted. So we can process the entire surface of the groove or hole, no matter if it has a pipe or wire. Ignoring the priming process can lead to cracks and subsequent shedding of the plaster. By the way, you need to prime not only the inside of the grooves, but also the place around them.

The second rule is a special solution application technique

Closing the strobe and inserting the boxes - which is better?

07/21/2007 at 03:12 #11

User J.Walker wrote:

Before kneading, I added 15-20% teplon to the alabaster. Slows down hardening from 3 to 10-15 minutes. It is more convenient to work. Less time to spend on kneading and washing gypsum plaster.

You can use the whole plaster (the savings between alabaster and Rotband / Teplon are cheap). All the same, all the distribution boxes and socket boxes (tens or hundreds of pieces) are set up first, so that in these few hours everything will have time to grab and you can lay the wiring.

User Vladimir_Vas wrote:


Fighting rats and mice: To get rid of rats or mice, you need to make balls from a special test and put them in their habitats. Melt two parts of fat, add seven parts of flour and three parts of barium carbonate to it.

24.11.2013, 19:28

24.11.2013, 21:20

Quote([email protected], 21:37)

find another plasterer (normal) - otherwise many more questions will arise

and ha She herself needs to blow out the extra holes)))

Costa Rica

24.11.2013, 23:09

Quote([email protected], 21:28)

Then Nafig all the putty Will fall off In hell And take off the Wallpaper!

in the second photo, white connects two boxes, and in the third, the old wiring

too kind

25.11.2013, 21:27

Because they don’t close up the strobes in the walls with mounting foam :)
That is why it is called assembly, which is used when installing door-windows. I xs how to explain, but I smeared my strobes with a rotband. Well, even if you foam, then you have to cut it evenly and evenly in order to glue the wallpaper.

26.11.2013, 23:54

After wiring the electricians, there were impressive recesses in the walls, advise what is the best way to repair them? The plasterer says seal it yourself with foam, a friend says it’s expensive with foam, better with a rotband, in the end, how is it right and should it be primed and in what sequence?
Close the cable with corrugation or something else?

It is best to close up the strobes with gypsum plaster (optimally with Rotband). Priming is optional, so as not to spend money on a primer once again. Well, if you don’t feel sorry for the money, then first it’s natural to prime, then plaster. It is advisable to remove from horizontal, especially from deep strobes, products of chasing in the form of dust and dirt before covering. It is not necessary to close the corrugation. If the strobes are deep, then the cable could be laid in the corrugation along the entire length of the strobe, with the prospect of changing it if something happens, though if you manage to pull it out of the embedded corrugation.

Costa Rica

29.11.2013, 9:53

The plasterer said if what stones to put and cover up

I saw they interfered with cement .. But it was the walls that were plastered .. TS, what's the problem? Rotband expensive? Take an alternative for example Found

Costa Rica

29.11.2013, 17:47

I wouldn’t delve into this issue at all, if it weren’t for the plasterer, I was told that very large recesses need to be repaired with something

29.11.2013, 18:10

29.11.2013, 18:21

Quote( [email protected] @ 29.11.2013, 19:10)

Buy then MP75 if you want to save money. Well, or more expensive goldband.

Quote(Costa Rica @ 11/29/2013 6:47 pm)

Yes, they have already smeared everything with a rotband, calm down

Great topic)))

29.11.2013, 20:15

Quote( [email protected] @ 29.11.2013, 21:02)

crappy plasterer you have biggrin.gif

I agree))). Before it's too late, find another.

What is the best way to attach the wire to
strobe? On the site
Read some tips
I don't know which is better. tell
how right.

24.11.2013, 20:28

Quote(Costa Rica @ 11/24/2013 8:28 PM)

Close the cable with corrugation or something else?

depends on which one is laid, look at the cable marking, then check its characteristics on the internet for intra-wall laying, especially the white wiring is of interest.

and another moment - how many wires go in the strobe in the last photo? Are there too many of them thrown together there? maybe you should expand the strobe first and fix them separately? Quote(Costa Rica @ 11/24/2013 11:09 PM)

explain in more detail why? what about the doorway? he's stuck

then the platband is placed, and not the wallpaper Quote ([email protected], 22:35)

Cement-sand mixture, and handles ...

Is that cement with sugar or what? if you meant a cement-sand mixture, then it’s easier with foam Quote (Costa Rica @ 11/29/2013, 10:53)

I have never heard that pebbles were added to the rotband
I think it's not worth saving on a rotband
My brain is blown!
If I thought how to cover up the strobe ...... Quote (Costa Rica @ 11/29/2013, 10:53)

thanks for the answers, well, since you can’t mix the rotband with something with foam?

How is the strobe sealed with mortar after wiring installation?

the plasterer said if the pebbles are what to put and cover up

Why all these difficulties? material savings? Quote(Costa Rica @ 11/29/2013 10:53 AM)

thanks for the answers, well, since you can’t mix the rotband with something with foam?

Miser pays twice. Lay the foam rubber, and do not forget about the reinforcing bandage. Quote([email protected], 11:58)

If I thought how to cover up the strobe ......

Quote(Vanё[email protected], 12:09)

Why all these difficulties? material savings?

On the topic - he strobilized himself, he "lozhil" the wiring himself, he himself with sand smeared at home...

You have a crappy plasterer

oooh…. Can you add sand? sugar ... =)))

by the way, familiar finishers plaster large volumes with a rotband with sand in half, once they adopted their experience - plastering with such a mixture is no worse than just a rotband, only puttying later because of the stones that come across in the sand, but under the tiles in the bath with nothing I'm in the way, all of a sudden Quote (Fuel @ 11/29/2013, 11:38 PM)

by the way, familiar finishers plaster large volumes with a rotband with sand in half

So you can sift the sand ... Quote (VanёK @ 1.12.2013, 9:20)

a kilo of rotbant is cheaper than a kilo of sugar)))
So you can sift the sand ...

Yes, it’s probably easier to pick pebbles than to sow half a ton of sand)), it’s advisable if the plaster layer is 5-10 cm, it happens)

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Competent sealing of the strobe

  • Rule number 2. The application of the solution for embedding the strobe is carried out in a special way. First, immediately before applying the solution, the surface of the groove must be generously moistened with water. This is done in order to reduce the absorption of water from the solution. Thus, we reduce its shrinkage and prevent the appearance of shrinkage cracks. Silicate brick and foam concrete take moisture from the plaster especially strongly. But some shrinkage of the solution, as a rule, still occurs. Therefore, the steps described below must be performed twice.

How should the solution be applied?

How to close strobes for wiring - step by step instructions

For starters, its consistency is made a little thicker than with plaster. Again, so that less moisture leaves it, and it does not sag. It is applied crosswise. That is, movements with a spatula should not be directed along the strobe, but towards its walls. First to one, then to another. So the solution will adhere well to its entire surface.

How to patch holes in a wall

Tools and materials

To work you will need -

  1. - Building gypsum,
  2. - Primer and brush,
  3. - Gypsum mixture of Rotband type.

Termination instructions


Questions and answers

We close the strobes correctly

07/21/2007 at 03:12 #11

User Vladimir_Vas wrote:

Unscrewing a rusted screw: If you need to unscrew very old and already rusted wood screws, you need to bring an electric soldering iron to the head, slightly heat the screws and repeat the unscrewing process.

Cleaning leather: If you need to clean a leather jacket or hat, take an onion. Peel until the bulb is dark, then cut off the dirty layer and continue cleaning.

How to close strobes with wiring

Competent sealing of the strobe

It may seem to many that closing the strobe is a very simple matter, and anyone can perform this operation. But experience shows that this is far from the case. For someone, the solution sticks out of the strobe, for someone it cracks, for someone, on the contrary, a depression is obtained. In addition, not everyone knows how to seal strobes.

Let's first understand what a strobe is. This is, in fact, a groove laid in brickwork, plaster, concrete or other solid building materials, in order to lay communications through it. Usually these are wires or pipes. The grooves that remain after the beacons are removed from the plaster are also strobes. Of course, they always need to be sealed.

Here are examples of how not to do it:

Of course, repairing defects does not require a diploma of higher education from the performer, but for a good result, you must follow only three simple rules.

  • Rule number 1. The entire surface of the strobe must be primed with a deep penetration compound. We also recommend that you read the article about the primer before plastering. Like, well, why is it necessary, they are narrow? But in them, as you know, a lot of dust. And if you try to just throw plaster over the ditch, it will simply lie on the dust and not stick to the walls. Ringing sound and subsequent coloring is guaranteed. You need to prime the strobes with a narrow wide brush, do not spare the primer. If the brush does not fit well into the groove, simply water it with a primer with a sweep of the brush. The main thing is not to flood your hands, because it is quite difficult to wash off the dried primer from the skin.

Important: not only the inside of the strobe should be primed, but also the area around it, since the plaster mortar will also fall on these places. In addition, it is imperative to wait until the soil is completely dry before embedding.

  • Rule number 2. The application of the solution for embedding the strobe is carried out in a special way.

    How to close wiring strobes?

    First, immediately before applying the solution, the surface of the groove must be generously moistened with water. This is done in order to reduce the absorption of water from the solution. Thus, we reduce its shrinkage and prevent the appearance of shrinkage cracks. Silicate brick and foam concrete take moisture from the plaster especially strongly. But some shrinkage of the solution, as a rule, still occurs. Therefore, the steps described below must be performed twice.

For embedding, it is best to use not alabaster, but ordinary gypsum plaster. After all, a very quick setting of alabaster is one of the main causes of jambs when smearing strobes.

How should the solution be applied? For starters, its consistency is made a little thicker than with plaster. Again, so that less moisture leaves it, and it does not sag. It is applied crosswise. That is, movements with a spatula should not be directed along the strobe, but towards its walls. First to one, then to another. So the solution will adhere well to its entire surface.

If you are closing up not a strobe, but a relatively large hole, you should first apply plaster around its perimeter and only then in the center.

Tip: It is best to move the trowel not in a straight line, but in a zigzag pattern. Such a move will further enhance the adhesion of the plaster to the walls of the strobe.

Again, if you need to close up not a strobe, but a hole, you will no longer have to remove the excess solution with a trowel, but with an aluminum rule. You need to hold it the same way - at a right angle to the surface. Here you already need to perform several removals. All of them are made from the center of the hole to its edges, as in the picture:

It is in this way, and not from edge to edge - this is important!

Here are three simple rules for competently embedding strobes with your own hands. By following them, you will definitely get excellent results.

How to properly seal strobes

No building is complete without electrical wiring. If cables are laid along the walls in strobes, then improperly sealed strobes with a cable can spoil the results of the work of a large team. First of all, it must be taken into account that the layer of plaster or putty in the strobe can many times exceed the layer of this material on the rest of the wall surface. Consequently, the drying time of the sealed strobe is significantly longer than the drying time of the rest of the wall surface. For example, if the strobes are sealed simultaneously with the puttying of the wall with a fugenfüller, then in a day the wall may already be ready for applying finishing putty to it, and the strobes have only just begun to set, although the surface layer will seem dried out. In the strobe, the fugenfüller dries completely, as a rule, in three days. If a layer of finishing putty is applied over an undried strobe, then after drying it begins to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the strobe, as a result of which the drying of the putty in the strobe slows down significantly. At the same time, the slightest deformation in a relatively thick layer of fugenfüller in the strobe leads to cracks, which are transmitted to the finishing putty.

When closing strobes, you should never try to complete this work in one pass. The same fugenfüller expands when it dries, and if they close up a strobe with several cables in one pass, trying to immediately level the wall, then after drying, a tubercle forms along the strobe, protruding from the wall surface by 1 - 3 millimeters. After two days, it will be a big problem to clean it off.

Therefore, strobes are always closed in several passes. In the first pass, the strobe is filled by 80 - 90 percent. All voids in the strobe are carefully filled. If an excess of putty is formed, then it is removed. After the putty (or cement plaster) has completely dried, the strobe is sealed under the finishing putty, almost flush with the rest of the wall surface. When using a plaster dry mix M-150 for sealing the strobe, it is desirable to add a small amount of cement M500 to it, which will provide an increased hardness of the plaster layer above the cables.

Often, the rough embedding of the strobe is performed by electricians who, without proper plastering skills, do not prime the strobes before embedding, which reduces the reliability of the adhesion of the material filling the strobe to the wall.

Strobes cut with a double-disk chasing cutter. it is much easier to close up than those punched out with a puncher. Therefore, it is always necessary to purchase modern high-quality equipment. With a large number of strobes, a double-disk strobe cutter will pay off even due to the lower consumption of plaster and putty required for embedding strobes.

After the strobe is sealed, plastering and painting work is carried out, as a result of which the terminal boxes on the walls, in which the conductors are connected, often become inaccessible. Although in accordance with the requirements of the standards it is necessary to provide access to the connections of wires and cable cores. You can read more about this problem and ways to solve it in the article Typical violations of electrical installation rules.

How to patch holes in a wall

Often, when carrying out repairs, it becomes necessary to transfer electrical points, for which it is necessary to ditch the walls for laying the cable. This is not the easiest job, especially if there is no good puncher at hand, however, the process does not end there, since it is necessary not only to break through the technological channels, but also to properly fix the cable in them, and also to properly seal the strobes.

Tools and materials

To work you will need -

  1. - Several metal spatulas (10 and 15 cm),
  2. - Building gypsum,
  3. - Primer and brush,
  4. - Gypsum mixture of Rotband type.

Termination instructions

First of all, after the completion of the installation work on chasing, it is necessary to prime the technological channels for the reliability of further coupling of the mixture and the inner walls of the strobes. The soil creates a thin film on the walls in the channel and this greatly facilitates the work in the future. If the primer for interior work is concentrated, then it must be diluted in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer with water and applied liberally to the inner walls of the punched channel with a brush.

After the completion of the primer, you can not pause, as before puttying, but immediately proceed to seal the strobe channel with gypsum plaster. First, the cable is fixed, for which ordinary building gypsum is used, which is kneaded in a minimal amount, since you can only work with it normally for a few minutes. In this process, you should try to fasten the cable as tightly as possible at intervals of no more than 1 meter, and in places of internal and external corners of the walls, you should retreat from the angle of 3-5 cm on both sides.

After that, gypsum plaster enters the work. which incorporates special polymer fillers, which allows you to avoid cracks on the walls in the future and increases the period of work with the material up to 1-2 hours. The technological channel is completely filled with a thick mixture in a section of 1-2 meters, after which the excess plaster is removed with a metal spatula by moving along (!) The channel.

You can start painting a wall or ceiling with in-depth wiring immediately after setting the gypsum composition, as a rule, it is 12-24 hours.


If you perceive the information on the video better, then we offer a short video, which presents the simplest technology for closing the strobe -

Questions and answers

How long after coating the strobes with a primer can they be plastered?

Immediately, since in this case the primer is needed not so much to reduce absorption and strengthen the strobe bed, but to dedust the channel. If you want to wait - wait, but you can not waste time.

We close the strobes correctly

Greetings to all visitors! The topic of today's lesson may seem to be sucked from your finger, but in fact, few people know how to close strobes correctly.

A strobe is a kind of groove in concrete, brick or plaster used for laying wires or pipes. It is clear that after laying the appropriate communications, this groove must be sealed.

It would seem that it could be complicated here - he stuffed a solution into it, and removed the excess with a spatula. But the other day I saw with my own eyes that wild horror that is depicted in the photo for the post, and decided to write a short article about it. Sealing strobes and various kinds of holes is not a difficult task, but still requires compliance with certain rules. What kind?

The first rule is the need for priming

The first and most important rule is not to forget about the primer. The small area of ​​a strobe or hole does not yet give us the right to neglect its use. But what is the right way to do it? Very simple - with a brush. It needs to be thoroughly wetted in a primer and watered small areas of the strobe. Do not smear, namely water, something like sprinkling with holy water. The primer is not to be regretted. So we can process the entire surface of the groove or hole, no matter if it has a pipe or wire. Ignoring the priming process can lead to cracks and subsequent shedding of the plaster. By the way, you need to prime not only the inside of the grooves, but also the place around them.

The second rule is a special solution application technique

Closing the strobe and inserting the boxes - which is better?

07/21/2007 at 03:12 #11

User J.Walker wrote:

User Vladimir_Vas wrote:

Before kneading, I added 15-20% teplon to the alabaster. Slows down hardening from 3 to 10-15 minutes. It is more convenient to work. Less time to spend on kneading and washing gypsum plaster.

You can use the whole plaster (the savings between alabaster and Rotband / Teplon are cheap). All the same, all the distribution boxes and socket boxes (tens or hundreds of pieces) are set up first, so that in these few hours everything will have time to grab and you can lay the wiring.

User Vladimir_Vas wrote:

Fighting rats and mice: To get rid of rats or mice, you need to make balls from a special test and put them in their habitats. Melt two parts of fat, add seven parts of flour and three parts of barium carbonate to it.

Itching off mosquito bites: To eliminate itching from mosquito bites, you can smear the bites with ammonia.

The article describes the basic rules for chasing, discusses the features of making grooves in the walls of various materials, materials suitable for filling the groove are listed.

Smooth walls after strobe

It is necessary to close the hole evenly and accurately after the wiring replacement work to complete the repair.

The material from which the walls are made determines the sequence of repair and finishing work.

When you need a strobe in the walls

Wall chasing is required for plumbing work. The master punches grooves in the wall for wires, if necessary, lay wiring in a new building or replace worn-out cables in an old house.

Chasing for wiring in walls: features of work on different surfaces

Different surfaces behave differently when chasing. The most difficult thing is to make a groove in concrete - here you can’t do without a puncher or wall chaser! If you need to wire to wooden wall(relatively soft and pliable material), the lines are marked with a grinder, while the grooves are laid with a hammer and a chisel.

Recesses in porous concrete are made with a special tool (wall chaser). If the wall is brick, you can do without gouging the grooves by attaching the wiring with dowels.

If it is required to place the cable in a metal casing, horizontal chasing is carried out with a chisel or grinder. Owners of a perforator with a drill or pike type nozzle can use it. Brick walls, if possible, are chipped along the seam, since the cement mortar is softer and more pliable than the brick itself.

Simple rules for shredding:

  • Vertical grooves should not be deeper than one third of the total wall thickness.
  • Horizontal grooves are made with a depth of less than one sixth of the wall thickness.
  • The gates are drawn in a straight line, parallel to the floor line, they should not intersect. This requirement is due to common sense - if the strobe is too deep, the strength of the wall deteriorates. If the grooves intersect, the solidity of the wall suffers.
  • Grooves are carried out either strictly vertically or strictly horizontally, the slope is permissible only on indirect walls.

Most manuals and instructions indicate that chasing of load-bearing structures is prohibited!

How to close up a hole after a gutter

To cover the hole, you will need a trowel, a container for mixing the solution, a spatula, a brush, a spray gun. Works in the walls different material are different.

In a concrete wall

At the beginning of work, the inner walls of the strobe, the hole itself and the surface around it are abundantly wetted with water using:

  • spray gun;
  • wide brush;
  • sponge or piece of foam.

groove in concrete wall primed, then sealed mortar, which is applied with quick wide strokes crosswise: from bottom to top to the right - from bottom to top to the left. After the initial hardening of the mixture, the excess should be removed with an iron spatula. Spatula movements should be soft, stroking.

The tool is firmly pressed against the wall. After the putty dries, the surface is puttied. For complete drying of the mixture, it is necessary to wait 6-12 hours.

In a brick wall

Shtroblenie brick wall characterized by the presence a large number dust, which is previously removed with a long and narrow brush. The surface is abundantly wetted with water. Accordingly, the master will need more primer and more thorough application.

Close up the furrows with gypsum mortar or alabaster. If the strobe is deep, it is permissible to use fragments of bricks immersed in cement mortar, which fill the groove. Then the voids and cavities are carefully filled with plaster or cement mortar with the help of a master.

It is impossible to allow the strobe to be filled with brick fragments larger than the groove itself. In this case, after the mixture dries, it will be difficult to level the wall.

In a monolith

Covering a strobe in a monolithic wall is similar to working in a concrete wall.

The groove in the monolithic wall is filled with a mixture of increased viscosity. The solution is clogged into the strobes as tightly as possible.

If necessary, the solution is applied in several stages, i.e. the master waits for the complete drying of one layer, then puts the next one, and so on until the recess is filled. The surface is leveled with a spatula.

The better to close up: the best materials

The choice of material to fill the groove after laying the wire or cable is a matter of personal taste. For example, builders use a mixture of sand and cement (in a ratio of 3:1) to weight putty. At the same time, this mixture is quite plastic. Masters recommend alabaster mixed with PVA glue - the mixture turns out to be plastic, increased stickiness, and slowly hardens.

The cheapest and most common material is a mixture of cement and sand, the heaviest and most durable mortar. The density of the solution can be adjusted. Often builders use gypsum mortar. It is important to remember that plaster requires "quick hands". The material hardens within a maximum of five minutes. To create strength, the gypsum mortar is thickened.

Already hardening gypsum is pointless to use, because. there will be no strong adhesion to the surface of the strobe. A neat finished look will be given to the wall by plasterboard putty, the advantage of which is that it does not need to be mixed in certain proportions, just dilute the powder with water.

To seal the strobes in the walls, a durable and moisture-resistant material is needed. Which solution to prefer is chosen by the master himself, focusing on the cost, his own experience and ease of use. The main thing is a neat and responsible approach to wall chasing.

Useful video

Shtroby are an integral part of the laying of hidden wiring. These are special channels made in the wall or on the ceiling, into which cable products are laid. After laying the cable, these channels must be sealed with a non-combustible and hardening mixture, for subsequent painting or wallpapering. How to close the strobes and how to do it correctly so that the wires are not damaged during operation will be discussed in this article.

Tools and building materials

Before you seal the strobe for electrical wiring, you need to decide and have the following tool in your arsenal, as well as building materials:

  1. A couple of spatulas, one about 10-15 cm, and the other wider, about 120 cm. Whoever is more comfortable can use a trowel.
  2. Deep penetration primer. It is used to avoid cracking of the plaster and its lagging behind the surface, since there can be a lot of concrete or brick dust in the strobe. Dust will prevent the plaster from sticking securely.
  3. Tassel. Almost any will do, depending on the width of the groove.
  4. Building plaster or, in extreme cases, alabaster for fixing the wire.
  5. Gypsum plaster "Rotband". If the premises have a characteristic high humidity, it is recommended to use a cement mortar.
  6. Container for mixing solutions.

What solution to close the strobes

For sealing the gates in which the electrical wiring is located, there is no single solution used by the craftsmen. Here is a list of building mixtures that they prefer:

  • Gypsum plaster. It is used in damp rooms in order to close up very deep and medium grooves. Full drying time is about a day.
  • Among ready-made mixtures, Rotband, Osnovit and Volma are very popular. However, in comparison, the first of them at a lower price has excellent quality.
  • Glue gypsum type Perlfix.
  • If the wall is being prepared for facing tiles, then it can be sealed with the same tile adhesive or cement mortar.
  • Plaster mortar on a cement-sand basis.

The main thing is that the wiring should be with integral insulation and without insulated twists. It is not recommended to seal the strobe with sealant, polyurethane foam. She closes the cracks and holes in the walls, and when the cable is heated, the foam can catch fire or melt, and the sealant only serves to seal the elements.

Preparatory work

These types of work include a preliminary shutdown of the power supply and a check for the absence of voltage. Then you need to remove as much dust as possible from the grooves for the electrician and treat them with a primer. To do this, you need to use a brush and go through everything with it, even the most hard-to-reach places. These works must be carried out in protective glasses so that the chemical mixture and dust do not get into the eyes. The strobes must be primed carefully and abundantly, while this procedure can be carried out both before and after laying the cable.

Alternative primer:

Main process

After the preparatory work you need to check that the cable does not protrude above the surface, that is, it is recessed along the entire length. In places where it is not recessed enough, you will have to use a grinder or a puncher to make the groove deeper. Checking is best done with a spatula by running along the wall.

The termination of the gate for electrical wiring is carried out according to the following technology:

During construction or repair, as a rule, it becomes necessary to lay new pipes and electrical wiring. To do this, strobes are made in the walls and on the floor - special channels into which heating pipes, sewer and water pipes and electrical wires. In its untouched form, the strobes do not look aesthetically pleasing, and the risk of damage to them increases significantly, so the strobes must be sealed. How to close the strobes in the wall and how to choose the mixture to putty the strobes correctly.

Closing the strobe for wiring

The first step is to decide on the tools that will be needed for the upcoming work. So, how to close the strobe for electrical wiring, you need:

  1. Spatulas (usually taken 15 and 120 cm);
  2. Primer;
  3. Brush;
  4. Building plaster;
  5. Gypsum mortar (for example, Rotband).

Before directly embedding the strobes, you need to treat them with a primer. Why do it? The primer is used in order to avoid cracks in the plaster and its shedding in the future, because there is always a lot of dust in the strobes, which prevents the plaster from sticking to the walls of the fixtures.

The primer should be applied liberally with a large, but narrow brush, and to get into hard-to-reach places, you should pour over them with a primer, making brush strokes. But this must be done carefully so as not to splatter everything around.

Next, you need to fix the wiring with ordinary building plaster. The work is done quickly, because. you can work with gypsum for only a few minutes, and it should not be kneaded for one in large proportions. It is necessary to fasten the wiring at intervals of 1 meter, so it will hold tight enough.

Now you will learn how to close the strobes. To do this, it is taken and applied with spatulas in a strobe. It is important to follow certain rules.

Firstly, the mortar itself must be thicker than with conventional plaster. Secondly, the solution must be applied crosswise, to the walls of the strobe, and not just vertically. So it will stick to the surface better and will not create unnecessary bumps. Thirdly, you need to remove the excess solution by holding the trowel at a right angle from the outside, where the handle is located, and not flat. Thus, the gypsum mortar will adhere to the walls of the strobe much better, and it will look neater, because. the solution does not reach for the spatula. You need to remove the excess solution 1-2 times, this is quite enough. You can learn more about the solution by clicking on.

It must be remembered that when working with gypsum or alabaster, the solution is only suitable for 5 minutes. The Rotband solution will allow you to work for 20 minutes. Do not use the ready-made solution when it began to set, it has already lost its properties.

Seal of strobe under pipes

The putty of the strobe in the wall under the pipes is done in a similar way, however, instead of building gypsum, it can be used to fasten the pipes polyurethane foam, and the pipes themselves are insulated with a shell of polyurethane foam or foam. The thermal insulation of the pipes will prevent the seedlings of microbes, and the foam will securely fix the pipes in the strobe. In general, the whole process looks like this: the strobes are cleaned of dust and insulated pipes are installed, then they are fixed with foam, and after that they are covered with gypsum mortar.

Summing up, it is worth highlighting a few important points that must be observed:

  • Primer. Mandatory when sealing the strobe both under pipes and under electrical wiring;
  • Mandatory fixation of pipes and wiring;
  • Application of plaster "herringbone" to the sample in the wall. This will provide better adhesion of the solution to the surface of the strobe.;
  • Removal of excess mortar with a spatula at a right angle.

Gypsum mortar dries, as a rule, in 24 hours. After this time, you can proceed to the painting room or ceiling.