From mosquitoes in the country with their own hands. How to get rid of mosquitoes at their summer cottage

  • 23.06.2020

Almost an integral part of summer holidays in the country is the fight against mosquitoes. There are many methods for their extermination - from long-known folk to cutting-edge technical ones. How to permanently get rid of mosquitoes on suburban area, in the house, garden and vegetable garden we will understand in this article.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country?

Every summer resident dreams of finding effective remedy from mosquitoes in their summer cottage, allowing you to get rid of hated insects once and for all. But, unfortunately, there is no such 100% remedy yet. In order for the bloodsuckers not to spoil your vacation, you will have to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, then for the summer season you will definitely forget about mosquitoes. As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to fix it. Therefore, you can take care of the destruction in advance - by planting plants that repel mosquitoes on the site, or by treating plantings and buildings with special insecticides.

An increasingly popular mosquito control measure is the complex treatment of the site. It is carried out by specialized services. In the spring, people in protective suits spray a special drug against mosquitoes on the site. It is one of the most expensive, but also the most effective method. Cheaper means of dealing with bloodsuckers are special scarers, lamps and all kinds of traps. Their big disadvantage is that the former simply scare away insects during operation, and the latter only partly exterminate the population - all this is not a 100% guarantee that you will not be bitten.

Much better from mosquitoes save personal protective equipment - creams, lotions. They are applied both to clothing and to open areas body. Their effectiveness is high, but not durable. After a few hours, the treatment will have to be repeated. Do not forget about popular countermeasures. After all, our ancestors have long been saved from this scourge with herbs and very successfully.

It's not uncommon for a summer dinner to outdoors mosquitoes spoil. And if electric fumigators are effectively used indoors - devices powered by a network with plates or a solution that destroys bloodsucking ones, then outdoors, an ultrasonic street mosquito repeller for summer cottages has proven itself well. It emits ultrasonic waves that are inaudible to humans, but very unpleasant for mosquitoes. The device can be either pocket-sized, designed to protect one person, or operate within a radius of 50-70 sq.m.

Lanterns from mosquitoes for giving

Mosquito repellent lamps for summer cottages are also a popular remedy. Their principle of operation is that the insect is first lured and then dies in a special trap. The bait is ultraviolet and infrared radiation, carbon dioxide and propane combustion products. And mosquitoes can die from electric current connected to a special grid or electrode, fan, liquid or insecticide. The radius of action for each is different from 5 to 30 square meters. m. You can install several of these lamps in your summer cottage.

The simplest outdoor mosquito trap for a summer residence is made from an ordinary plastic bottle. To do this, the neck of the bottle is cut off. Warm water is poured into the bottom part, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 1 g of yeast are added. Close the neck, after turning it over, and seal the fastening points with adhesive tape. The emitted carbon dioxide will attract mosquitoes, and they will not be able to get out. The method is good for its accessibility, but it is not a panacea.

Plants from mosquitoes and midges in the country

It is known that there are a number of plants, the smell of which bloodsuckers really do not like. First of all, these are conifers - juniper, western thuja, spruce and fir. In addition to them, other plants are planted that repel mosquitoes and midges in the country:

  • Walnut;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • black currant;
  • lavender;
  • tomato leaves.

All these plants can be planted on the site, and juniper branches can be thrown into the fire, such a specific smoke will definitely scare away mosquitoes. To protect against bloodsuckers in the house, these same plants are placed in a vase on the table or at the head of the bed. Consider only individual characteristics: and the adoption of certain smells. Yet good option will prepare a decoction and apply it on clothing and skin.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes in the country

Even our ancestors knew how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage. Here are some popular methods:

  1. The smell of lemon peel or other citrus will scare away bloodsuckers. To do this, rub it on open areas of the body. You can replace the peel with essential oil.
  2. To prepare an infusion from mosquitoes, you will need 1 tbsp. l leaves of basil, anise, mint, lemon balm or cloves. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over the herb, let it brew and cool, then apply to the skin.
  3. Essential oils of anise, clove, juniper and lavender can be added to aroma lamps. Such smells will definitely repel insects.

Do-it-yourself mosquito repellent in the country

You can independently make an effective trap for bloodsuckers. Mosquitoes love ultraviolet light. Therefore, an ordinary UV lamp with a power of 20-25 W will become not only an unobtrusive light source, but also a good trap for bloodsuckers. The lamp must be placed in a metal grid, to which a current is connected. The entire structure is hidden in a case to ensure safety. They can even become cardboard packaging from something. Mosquitoes, attracted by the light, fall on the electric grid and die.

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage, garden, garden or house. There is no universal answer to this question yet. If the smell of essential oils is pleasant to you and you are not allergic to them, you can independently conduct experiments and use those components that every housewife has at hand.

When the warm season comes, then immediately begin all sorts of inconveniences associated with mosquitoes. Not only do they conduct their raids even in dry places, but where there are people and do not live in their usual humid environment, they also do not let them sleep with their buzzing. But the biggest danger that can happen is contracting some infection that entered the body through a bite or the occurrence of allergic reaction. After all, it is not always possible to track whether a malarial mosquito has bitten you, or a simple one.

Insecticide of domestic production "Medilis tsiper" is able to destroy mosquitoes not only in such facilities as open areas residential buildings, but even inside these rooms. like apartments, hotels, tourist camps, etc.

  • The composition includes all the same 25% cypermethrin, as in the previous drug.
  • The liquid has a transparent yellowish color, is toxic, and has a milky color in solution.
  • Distributed in bottles of 50 or 500 ml, as well as in 5 liter canisters.
  • Solution preparation - from 2 to 5 ml per 1 liter of water, depending on the density of vegetation.
  • Consumption: 1 liter of working solution per one hundred square meters
  • The cost of a drug with a volume of 500 ml is about 1534 rubles.


  1. Manufacturer country - Russia.
  2. Available as a concentrate.
  3. The volume of the container is 1 l.
  4. Solution preparation - 3 to 8 ml per 1 liter of water. 1 liter of working solution is used for 1 weave
  5. Method of application - spraying the product in calm weather over bushes, thick grass and lower branches of trees, as well as near places where children play - sandboxes, swings, hammocks, flower beds, lawns, etc.
  6. Active ingredient - cypermethrin 25%
  7. The drug is suitable for use within 3 years from the date of manufacture.
  8. The average cost is 2250 rubles.

Warning: processing by this tool is due Must be done in the evening when already bees don't fly. The effect of the drug on plants does not have harmful effects, respectively, it will not harm the honey bee, if it sits on a flower in the morning, where insecticide microdrops have fallen. It is also very important to look at the season - as soon as the mosquitoes wake up, it is better to process the site. They, as a rule, begin to bother before the bees begin to actively collect nectar.


Substance dilute with water according to the instructions and spray through the sprayer wherever there is water or a permanently moist environment.

  • Great for those suburban areas, which are near the water, or where available close to the surface of the earth ground water. They also process all trolleys, barrels, ditches, drain pits
  • Active ingredient: Chlorpyrifos 50%,

Summer is the season for barbecues, swimming in the river and family outings to the country. It would seem that this time of year has no drawbacks. But one tiny flaw still exists, and its name is a mosquito.

Small insects with transparent wings and thin legs can spoil the evening tea in the gazebo. Having driven the whole company into the house, a few mosquitoes can continue the "feast" indoors. The high notes of the buzz and the sharp bites can provide a sleepless night for the whole family. To avoid such discomfort, you need to get rid of mosquitoes in the country.

Where does the mosquito live and what does it eat?

Pisk mosquito - insect small size living in middle lane Russia and in most European countries. It is commonly believed that mosquitoes feed exclusively on blood, but this is far from the case. Insects often swarm in tall grass. This is due to the fact that they feed on plant sap. For humans, only the female insect is dangerous. To reproduce offspring, the female needs proteins and iron, which are contained in human blood. And harmless males, during the “hunt” of females for humans, are content with plant sap.

Mosquitoes fly everywhere in the summer cottage. They love damp, densely planted areas. Swarms of insects can be found near rivers and artificial reservoirs. If there is an artificial pond on the territory of the dacha, mosquitoes will always concentrate around it. All insects, evenly scattered throughout the site, will certainly flock to the lamp in the gazebo. To protect yourself and your family from dozens of itchy bites, you need to take certain measures. Traps, chemical and natural remedies can be used to control mosquitoes.

repellent plants

Most the right way to make the dacha as less attractive as possible for mosquitoes - to plant "bad-smelling" plants for them. Exists whole line flowers and herbs, which look very beautiful and have an attractive aroma, but they are simply unbearable for insects.

  • Basil. spicy herb, used in many culinary delights, is a natural mosquito repellant. Plant basil bushes around the perimeter of the garden, and this will make it unattractive to insects. Better plant lemon or cinnamon basil. In addition to the deterrent effect, this plant can be used to relieve itching after a mosquito bite. You need to grind fresh basil leaves so that the juice stands out from them. Apply a juicy gruel to an itchy bite, and you will immediately feel relief.
  • Lemon melissa, or melissa officinalis. It is a perennial herb with a delicate, sweet-lemon scent. Melissa leaves are added to tea and used to make cocktails. The pleasant smell of melissa repels mosquitoes. Try to dilute as much melissa as possible.
  • Chernobrivtsy or marigolds. Bright red-orange flowers growing in the country are a natural remedy for mosquitoes. Insects dislike the pungent odor of the plant. Chernobrivtsy can be planted in flower beds near the gazebo, so that staying in it causes discomfort for mosquitoes.
  • Catnip, or catnip. A perennial plant that blooms for three summer months. Small blue flowers appear on long branches. The smell of catnip is intensely heard after touching the plant. If you do not like the aroma of these flowers, try not to disturb the planted bushes.
  • Garlic. Do not think that mosquitoes do not like only pleasant aromas for people. The pungent smell of garlic is unpleasant to insects. Plant more garlic in your garden to create a natural barrier for mosquitoes.

Mint grows well in pots. It can be used not only to repel mosquitoes in the garden, but also to protect the house. It is enough to put one or more pots of mint on each windowsill.


Mosquitoes can not only be repelled, but, conversely, attracted. Traps - great way get rid of insects in a certain area. You can install several baits in the recreation area, at the barbecue or near the gazebo. There are three types of traps:

  • Homemade.
  • Velcro traps.
  • Electrical traps.

Homemade traps

To make this tool, you will need 1 plastic bottle(1 l), sugar and yeast. Conditionally divide the bottle into 4 parts. Cut off ¼ of the bottle at the top. Pour 200 ml into the resulting container warm water, add 5 tsp. sugar and mix well. Then add 2 g of live yeast. You don't need to stir them. Place the cut off neck of the bottle inside the container with the liquid neck down. This device will attract insects inside, but they will not be able to get back. The trap will not help to drive out mosquitoes, but will significantly reduce their number.


"Serpentine" with a sticky base is most often used to catch annoying flies. However, there is a separate type of Velcro, designed to catch mosquitoes. The tape is covered with a special glue that firmly attaches the wings and legs of the insect to the fabric. It has a specific smell, which seems very attractive to mosquitoes. Because of the aroma, insects flock to Velcro.

Sticky traps are made not only in the form of tapes. You can purchase special stickers that are attached to window sills and thresholds, on the foot of the table in the gazebo, on the ceiling near the lamp. This tool lures not only mosquitoes, but also flies, midges and even wasps. The only drawback is the unaesthetic appearance. It's not very pleasant to enjoy dinner when a ribbon with dead insects hangs over the plate.

Electrical traps

Electric trap for midges and mosquitoes can be used both indoors and outdoors. It helps to get rid of flying bugs with the help of electric current. Manufacturers of such devices claim that traps are absolutely safe for humans. During its operation, no chemical fumes are emitted into the air (as when using spirals or fumigators).

Radiated heat and a large number of carbon dioxide attract insects to the trap. Making its way to the electric lamp, the mosquito must fly through the grid, which is supplied with electricity. The power is not enough to harm a person or animal, but for insects, the current is detrimental. During operation, it is necessary to completely isolate the trap from water ingress.


The most popular means for “baiting” mosquitoes are plates and fumigators. They must only be used indoors. In the open air, all active substances evaporate.


The plates are impregnated with a special chemical composition that evaporates into the air when heated. This liquid contains:

  • allethrin (used to kill crawling and flying insects);
  • pralletrin (synthetic insecticide);
  • DEET (a substance used to kill flies, mosquitoes, fleas, horseflies and many other insects);
  • alcohol (isopropanol);
  • perfume fragrance.

The last component is added more for a person, and not for an insect. Many "pills" have a pleasant floral scent. The release into the air of all of these agents is detrimental to mosquitoes and harmful to humans. Substances have a toxic effect and a depressing effect on nervous system. After sleeping in an unventilated room with a heated plate, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • nausea.


Fumigators are considered less safe. There is no risk of fire from overheating the plate. The fumigator is not suitable for outdoor use. However, if the gazebo in the country is not well ventilated, the fumigator will help protect its visitors from insect attacks. One jar of liquid is enough for an average of 30 nights. Vapors help protect up to 12 sq. m.


Pressed wood flour impregnated with special substances helps to protect yourself and your family from insect attacks in the open air. The product was called "spiral" because of the spiral shape. The package contains 10 spirals and a special metal stand. Manufacturers claim that one spiral smolders from 8 to 10 hours.

The substance should not burn, but smolder. During this process, dangerous carcinogens are released, which, when accumulated in the human body, can cause cancer. Never set fire to the coil in a closed room.

  • Do not use the coil in windy conditions. The “smoke” will constantly dissipate, and the spiral itself will smolder at twice the speed.
  • If you need to get rid of bloodsuckers in a large area, install several spirals on fire at once.
  • Do not install coils on the floor. They must be at least 50 cm above ground level.

Personal protective equipment

Spirals and fumigators are collective means of protection against mosquitoes. They kill insects within a certain radius. There are also individual means designed to protect one person. They come in the form of sprays, gels, creams and lotions. It is these preparations that are most appropriate to use for gatherings in the garden.

  • Sprays. They do not have foreign odors. Some preparations have a sharp floral aroma. Convenient to use. Do not leave greasy stains on clothes. After application, the skin is not sticky.
  • Creams. They have a light pleasant aroma. Quickly absorbed into the skin, does not leave a sticky feeling. Minus ─ it is impossible to apply on clothes.
  • Lotions. The body remains greasy. May form on clothing greasy spots. The smell is pleasant, herbal.
  • Bracelets. Used to protect children from mosquito attacks. The bracelet is safe for the health of the baby, as it does not contain chemicals. The product is impregnated with natural essential oils that repel blood-sucking insects.

The product of the French company "Mosquitall" can even be used to protect babies

Folk remedies

Instead of aerosols with a suspicious composition, it can be applied to the body essential oils. Many scents repel mosquitoes. Folk remedies have proven themselves no worse than expensive advertised drugs.

  • The smell of camphor has a detrimental effect on mosquitoes. Set fire to a small piece of the product, and the insects will quickly “run away” from the recreation area.
  • Apply tea tree oil or any oil that smells like pine needles (cypress, juniper, pine, spruce, fir) to the body. A couple of points behind the ears, on the wrists and neck are enough to form an invisible protective layer.
  • Set fire to the juniper twig. The smell of this burning plant is a real torture for mosquitoes.
  • A couple of drops of anise or clove oil can be dropped into the fire. Evaporation will quickly disperse swarms of mosquitoes.
  • Spread freshly picked sprigs of peppermint, valerian or basil around the perimeter of the gazebo.

If the insect attack was successful and red itchy spots appeared on the body, apply an anti-itch cream. Combed wounds can lead to scarring.

Very often, when people come to the dacha to rest, in the evening, a bunch of mosquitoes constantly flock, which cause a lot of inconvenience. They fly to the heat radiated by a person, so it's hard to hide from them (even in the house). In this regard, the question arises, how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage?

It is hardly possible to meet at least one person who would not be bitten by mosquitoes. These small insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, including animals. However, they attack people more often, since they are much easier to bite. Humans do not have thick hair and skin is much softer than that of mammals. It is for this reason that a person is more vulnerable to these pests while on the street. Of course, thick clothes can become a significant obstacle for them, but since the greatest activity of mosquitoes is manifested in summer time, then no one will dress warmly.

Being at their summer cottage, you can be sure that there are a lot of mosquitoes here. IN daytime they are almost invisible if you are in an open sunny place. But if you wander into dense thickets, where there are many tall plants, and also preserved high humidity, you can encounter bloodsuckers even during the day.

It should be noted that only females feed on blood, since this substance is necessary for active reproduction (laying eggs) and rearing young offspring. All males feed on plant sap. In plants, they have enough necessary nutrients and normal temperature regime to ensure the normal functioning of the species. For this reason, mosquitoes are most numerous in dense vegetation. In addition to constant access to food, there are many secluded places to lay eggs. In any densely overgrown area, insects feel comfortable.

Mosquitoes also prefer wet places, so there are always more of them near water bodies than in areas remote from them. Dachas that are located on the banks of rivers or lakes on a summer night can simply teem with these insects.

Of course, you can always hide in the house, but even in this case there is no guarantee that there will be no insects. Usually during the day you often open the door to enter or leave the premises. During these intervals, mosquitoes can have time to fly inside.

As long as the lights are on in the house, they will not bother you. But as soon as you go to bed, they will immediately begin to attack and sting. If you have time to fall asleep, then a slight injection into the skin can not be felt. The next morning, these traces on oneself can be found in a fair amount.

The consequences of bites often cause severe discomfort for a person: severe itching, pain, irritation, redness, and inflammatory processes. Since this situation does not allow you to make your vacation comfortable, people want to know how to get rid of mosquitoes in the country.

The destruction of mosquitoes on the site requires the use of special preparations, devices or traps. Of course, to solve a similar problem, previously used folk remedies, but their effectiveness is now questionable. You can use these funds only in rare situations in order to maintain their effect for a relatively long time.

Video "Why a mosquito bites"

From the video you will learn why this insect brings so much inconvenience to humans.


So how do you get rid of mosquitoes in your yard using insect traps?

You can make such mosquito repellents at your dacha yourself or buy several devices in the store.

The simplest bottle trap

Mosquito repellent can be made with your own hands using simple improvised means that can be found in almost any home.

One of the most simple designs, which you can make yourself, can be from a plastic bottle.

First you need to cut off the top of the bottle with a knife, and then pour 100 grams of boiling water into the resulting vessel. Then you need to pour a little sugar into the water (2 tablespoons are enough). After mixing, you can add a little yeast. They do not need to be mixed. After filling the bottle with a cut piece of plastic, you need to cover the hole. Only now the narrow neck should be located down, not up. When the trap is ready, place it next to your resting place. After a few hours, you can see how a sufficiently large number of mosquitoes get inside. Even if they do not drown in water, they will accumulate near a heat source.

Velcro trap

You can use another type of trap that attracts and sticks to the base of insects.

Velcro for mosquitoes is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive pieces that are placed in any convenient place - on the gazebo support, near the lighting lamp, on the window glass.

Electrical traps

Typically, this type of trap is designed to kill mosquitoes in the country. The principle of their work is to emit ultraviolet radiation. Such a cure attracts insects, and a special element carries out their complete destruction if the bloodsuckers are in the affected area. However, now there are a lot of similar products on the market, about which there are not the most positive reviews. Perhaps, when buying electric traps, people do not pay attention to the power of the ultraviolet lamp or choose cheap devices, which affects the quality of their work.

For this reason, if you want to buy an electric trap, carefully study them specifications, and also ask the experts about the rules for using the exterminator.

Tablets and liquid

But also against bloodsuckers, you can use special pills and liquid. To activate them, you will need a special electrical adapter that will need to be plugged into a power outlet. By connecting the device to the device, the elements are heated, which allow the release of chemical components into the air.

Tablets are laid out in a special slot, which has a square or rectangular shape. The liquid is usually contained in a small transparent reservoir that is connected to an adapter.

Such devices are intended for indoor use, even where a person will sleep. During their action, do not open the vents and windows for ventilation. It is necessary that the concentration of chemical compounds is increased to maximize the effect.

The main problem with this mosquito control method is that the market is oversaturated with products, and now many of the manufacturers ignore all the necessary standards that chemical plates or liquid must meet. As a result, the included adapter produces components that will not have the desired effect on insects.

Of course, if you manage to choose a quality product when buying, you can see a very interesting result. Mosquitoes will not die, but will fall on furniture or the floor. After that, they can be swept up, and then taken out of the house. If this is not done in time and the device is turned off, then they will come to their senses again and begin to take revenge on the offender.

Some people may use fumigator-free tablets. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, set on fire and extinguished after 5-7 seconds. At this moment, acrid smoke comes out of the plate, which kills mosquitoes. It is only necessary to walk around the room and let this smoke rise like a veil in the room. But do not forget that this method is effective against mosquitoes, but it may well cause harm to human health.


Insect control on the site can be carried out using special spirals. They serve as a mosquito repellent, emitting a strong odor that insects do not like.

These mosquito repellers can be purchased in specialized stores or on the market, as they are a very common product. There are from 6 to 10 spirals in boxes.

The mosquito repeller is hung indoors or near the place of rest. Then the tip of the spiral is ignited. It is necessary to fire the spiral for 15-20 seconds. It should not burn, but smolder slightly, exuding a strong smell. It should be noted that their use is not recommended indoors.

This type of mosquito repeller is well suited for the street if you decide to stay on fresh air in evening time.

Folk remedies

How to deal with mosquitoes in the country, using folk remedies. This method is very well suited for giving, as land plot it will be possible to plant suitable plants that can repel insects. This method does not guarantee complete disposal of bloodsuckers, but will help to significantly reduce their number in your territory.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes are convenient in that you do not need to spend time replacing various baits, setting fire to spirals, and the like. Planted plants will constantly emit odors that are unpleasant for pests, and they will be less likely to fly to your home.