Installation of a water meter for irrigation. Selection and installation of a water meter in a private house

  • 14.06.2019


New standards for the consumption of utility services for cold water supply for irrigating a land plot were established by the Tariff Office in 2015. Previously effective standards for this type of service were approved by local governments. Decision Tariff Administration has brought irrigation norms to uniform indicators throughout the region. The standard defines the volume of water in cubic meters for irrigation 1 square meter land plot.

The Tariff Administration considers it important to note that Decision No. 80 of 17.06.2015 does not establish the size of the irrigated area for consumers.

We draw the attention of consumers who are provided with a utility service for cold water supply to the need to conclude an agreement with a resource supply organization. In the contract, which is concluded between the consumer and the utility service provider, in the absence of an individual metering device, the following must be additionally indicated:

a) information about the directions of consumption utilities when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it (lighting, cooking for people, preparing feed for livestock, heating, heating water, watering, etc.);
b) species and number of farm animals and birds (if any);
c) the area of ​​land that is not occupied residential building and outbuildings;
d) regime of water consumption for irrigation of the land plot;
e) the power of the devices used, with the help of which the consumption of communal resources is carried out.

Particular attention in the document is drawn to consumers who live in houses without metering devices. cold water if it is technically possible to install them. For this category of the population, a phased incentive is provided for the installation of a meter in the form of multiplying factors that are applied in each of the indicated periods.

So, from August 1, 2015, the standard for irrigation with a multiplying coefficient in relation to the established base began to operate. The next increase in the standard took place on January 1, 2016. Another increasing factor for consumers who have not installed cold water meters will come into force on July 1, 2016.

Thus, the standard for the consumption of utility services for cold water supply for irrigating a land plot (for consumers without meters) from July 1 will be 0.14 cubic meters / sq.m. per month (for comparison: the basic standard for this utility service is 0.09 cubic meters / sq.m. per month). For example, from July 1, 2016, for 1 hectare of irrigated plot, when applying the basic standard, it will be necessary to pay 9 cubic meters. m, with the use of a multiplying factor - 14 cubic meters.

Note that the duration of the irrigation period, taking into account regional climatic features, is 4 months (from May to August).

Consumers must also submit to the providers of the communal resource an inspection report to establish the presence or absence of the technical feasibility of installing metering devices, as provided for by the order of the Ministry regional development Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 627. This information will be used to apply the "basic" or "increased" utility consumption standard.

We remind residents of the Altai Territory of the need to install cold water meters. Consumers of utility services who have not installed metering devices are required to carry out this procedure in their homes in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, according to who needed to install metering devices before July 1, 2012.

Otherwise, residents who ignore the implementation of this law will be forced to pay for the consumption of cold water for irrigation according to the standards, taking into account increasing coefficients. Only if there are metering devices, it is possible to determine the actual consumption and save on utility bills. Installing a water meter will allow you to pay only for the amount of water that was used for irrigation.

Number of impressions: 14136
Modified date: 05/11/2016 14:26:59




(as amended by the Decree of the Administration of Lobnya, Moscow Region dated July 21, 2016 N 1039)

In order to streamline the use of water for irrigation of land plots in the city of Lobnya during the summer period and settlements with the population, in accordance with Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of the construction complex and housing and communal services of the Moscow region dated August 31, 2012 N 29 "On the establishment of standards for the consumption of utilities when using a land plot and outbuildings on the territory of the Moscow region", by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal economy of the Moscow Region dated April 23, 2014 N 37-РВ "On the establishment of the irrigation season in the Moscow Region", by the order of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region dated December 19, 2014 N 147-Р "On the establishment of tariffs in the field of cold water supply and sanitation for water supply and sewerage organizations for 2015-2017", VNTP-N-97 "Norms of water consumption for consumers of agricultural water supply systems", on the basis of the City Charter, I decide:

2. Establish an irrigation regime for the adjacent territories of private households, plots at the municipal housing stock, as well as for owners (associations) of summer cottages, garden and garden plots from 21.00 pm to 7.00 am.

dated 21.07.2016 N 1039)

3. The calculation of the amount of water for irrigation for consumers equipped with metering devices should be made according to the readings of the metering device.

4. Approve and put into effect the amount of payment for water used for irrigation of agricultural crops on household plots and land plots, for consumers who do not have water meters, in accordance with the annex to this Decree.

5. Irrigation area of ​​the land plot is determined according to title documents.

The irrigation area is defined as the difference between the area of ​​the plot and the total area of ​​buildings located on the land plot, confirmed by a certificate of ownership of the land plot and buildings.

6. Measures social support, provided to certain categories of citizens to pay for utilities, do not apply to the payment of water used by citizens for irrigating crops on household plots and land plots for gardening.

7. Payment for watering is set only for the period of the watering season. Payment shall be made monthly by the 10th day of the month following the billing month.

8. Prohibit consumers (subscribers) from using the settings pumping equipment, as well as other technical devices, providing for an increase in the connected (connected) load and entailing a change in the mode of centralized water supply, without coordination with the water supply organization.

9. Establish a standard for water consumption from a standpipe for irrigation of crops on household plots and land plots for gardening in the amount of 0.012 cubic meters. meter per 1 sq. meter per month.

10. Owners of dacha, garden and garden plots who do not have permits for water use and have not concluded a vacation contract drinking water with a water supply organization, as well as owners of personal plots of an individual residential sector who do not have specifications for connection to water supply networks and contracts for the supply of water, be considered illegal users.

(As amended by the decision of the administration of the city of Lobnya, Moscow Region of July 21, 2016 N 1039)

11 - 12. Excluded. - Decree of the administration of the city of Lobnya, Moscow Region dated July 21, 2016 N 1039.

13.1. Suggest that owners of land plots using water for irrigation install water meters to fully account for all water used.

13.2. Install metering devices on the basis of technical conditions and permits issued by Lobnensky Vodokanal LLC. The term for installing water measuring instruments is determined to be one month from the date of receipt of the technical specifications.

13.3. Organize constant monitoring of the time and volume of use of drinking water for irrigation. The obligation to disconnect illegal water users shall be assigned to the water supply organization with reimbursement of costs at the expense of these water users.

15. Recognize invalid clause 5 of Appendix No. 1 to the resolution of the head of the city administration of 06/01/2012 N 871 "On the amount of payment for water supply in the city of Lobnya".

16. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, publish this resolution in the city newspaper "Lobnya" and post it on the official website of the city district of Lobnya (www.lobnya.rf).

17. To impose control over the execution of this resolution on the deputy head of the administration of the city of Lobnya Kholikov A.G.

Head of city administration
E.V. Smyshlyaev


to the decision of the head
administration of the city of Lobnya
Moscow region
dated April 8, 2016 N 507

Name of water consumption

Tariff, rub./cub. m (with VAT)

<*>Cubic norm. m per 1 sq. m per month

Monthly fee, 100 sq. m, rub. (VAT included)

From 01/01/2016 to 06/30/2016

From 07/01/2016 to 12/31/2016

<**>From 05/15/2016 to 06/30/2016

<*>From 06/30/2016 to 08/31/2016

When taking water from a permanent water supply

When taking water from a standpipe


<*>The standard was established by the Decree of the Ministry of the Construction Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region of August 31, 2012 N 29 "On the establishment of standards for the consumption of utilities when using a land plot and outbuildings on the territory of the Moscow Region."

<**>The term of the watering season in the summer periods from May 15 to August 31 is established by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region dated April 23, 2014 N 37-RV "On the establishment of the term of the watering season on the territory of the Moscow Region."

Many owners of private houses, which are not equipped with metering stations, received bills from TverVodokanal in June and July with a very significant amount. The most significant part of the invoice amount is the item “HWS for irrigation of green spaces”, which has more than tripled compared to last summer.

Why such a sharp change in the cost of services? As the reverse side of the TverVodokanal account explains to us (see photo 1), this happened in accordance with Order No. 340-np of 23.08.2012 and pursuant to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05.06.2011. In accordance with these documents, a new method for calculating water consumption when using land plots and new consumption rates have been introduced. It would seem that the question is over. However, TverVodokanal did not miss the opportunity to cash in on its consumers here.

Let's figure out what's the matter.

On the reverse side of the invoice for TverVodokanal services, there is a formula for calculating the amount of payment for irrigation, which is allegedly taken from Government Decree No. 354 (formula 22).

Virrigation = (S x N) x T

S - land area;

N - utility consumption standard

T - tariff for a utility resource.

This formula is where the trick lies. The fact is that TverVodokanal perverted this formula in its own interests, taking into account the area of ​​the land plot (and not the area of ​​irrigation) and the most favorable water consumption standard for them.

But what is actually prescribed by the Order of the Main Directorate of the REC of the Tver Region No. 340-np of 08.23.2012 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05.06.2011.

1. The Order of the REC puts into effect the standards for water consumption for irrigation of green spaces, depending on their type (Appendix 2 of the Order, see photo)

2. Paragraph 49 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 reads as follows:

49. If home ownershipis not equipped with an individual meter for the corresponding type of communal resource, then the consumer, in addition to the one calculated in accordance with paragraph 42of these Rules for the payment for a utility service provided in a residential area, pays for the utility service provided to him when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it.

The amount of payment for the utility service provided to the consumer when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it is calculated in accordance with formula 22Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standards for the consumption of public services when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it.

The calculation of the amount of payment for the utility service provided to the consumer when using the land plot and the outbuildings located on it is carried out starting from:

from the date specified in the contract containing the provisions on the provision of public services, or in the consumer's application submitted to the contractor in accordance with subparagraph "k" of paragraph 34of these Rules, on the beginning of consumption of the utility service provided by the contractor when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it if the consumer does not have an individual meter;

from the date specified in the act on revealing the fact that the consumer does not have an individual metering device and on the consumption of the utility service provided by the contractor when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it. Such an act is drawn up by the contractor in the presence of the consumer and at least 2 disinterested persons. The contractor is obliged to indicate in the act being drawn up the objections of the consumer and is not entitled to prevent the consumer from involving other uninterested persons in the audit, information about which, if they are involved by the consumer, should also be included in the act drawn up by the contractor.

  1. 3. Formula 22 of Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is as follows:

24. The amount of payment for utility services for heating, cold water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, gas supply and electricity supply in the i-th household is determined in accordance with paragraph 49Formula 22 rules:

Pi=∑(Bk.i. x Nk) x T,

k - the number of directions for the use of public services when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it in the i-th household, for which the standards for the consumption of public services provided when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it are established;

bk. i. - corresponding to the i-th household, the actual value of the indicator for the k-th direction of using the utility service, in relation to which, according to the Rulesestablishment and determination of standards for the consumption of public services, the standard for the consumption of public services in the k-th direction of use of the corresponding type of public service shall be applied;

Nk- the standard for the consumption of utility services provided when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it, in the k-th direction of using the utility service;

T- the tariff for a communal resource established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, formula 22 prescribes to calculate according to the “k-th direction of using the utility service”, and Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the REC of the Tver Region establishes the division of the direction of land use depending on the type of green spaces (vegetables, root crops, lawns (flower beds), etc. .d.) and different rates of water consumption.

It would seem that the consumer himself is to blame, because. TverVodokanal, on the same back of the invoice, writes the phrase "please provide information on the presence of crops and the area occupied on the land." However, in reality, when trying to provide such information to the subscriber department, the subscriber is told: “there was no such order from the authorities, and when the order arrives, they themselves will walk around the polling stations and find out what is planted”.

In the meantime, TverVodokanal believes that the consumer waters the entire territory of the site not occupied by buildings according to the maximum possible standard specified in Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the REC of the Tver Region, i.e. 152 liters per 1 m2 of land area per month (including passage for cars, paths, blind area near the house, etc.).

Now let me give you an example:

Let's say you have a plot of 6 acres and on it there is a house measuring 8x10m and a garage 3x6m. Thus, it turns out that the area not occupied by buildings will be 600-8x10-3x6=502m2.

Here TverVodokanal believes that you planted all these 502m2 with flowers, lawn grass, and shrubs and water them at a rate of 152/30=5 liters per day per square meter.

Thus, TverVodokanal issues an invoice for irrigation with the amount of water equal to 502x0.152=76.304m3/month. And this water will cost 76.304 * 16.26 = 1240.70 rubles.

And this is how everything should be according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354:

TverVodokanal is obliged to draw up an act on which crops (from those listed in the Order of the REC) how much area they occupy and, in accordance with this act, make a calculation.

Those. what should work:

Let's say that on the remaining 502m2 you have planted 5 trees, 6 shrubs, there is a recreation area with lawn grass measuring 5x10m, a path along the site 1m wide and 30m long, a blind area around the house and garage, a greenhouse measuring 3x6m, potato beds 10x20m and other plantings (cabbage, strawberries, carrots, etc.) in the remaining territory.

What do we get:

Area not to be irrigated: blind area (8+8+10+10)x1+(3+3+6+6)x0.6=46.8m2.; path 1*30=30m2

Those. we still have an area equal to 502-46.8-30 \u003d 425.2 m2. And this area will be watered according to various standards from Appendix 2 to the Order of the REC of the Tver region.


1) 5 trees and 6 shrubs (each occupies an area of ​​no more than 1m2) make up an irrigation area of ​​11m2 (water consumption according to line 4 of Appendix 2 will be 0.152m3/m2, since these are green spaces).

2) Rest area with lawn grass 50m2 (water consumption according to line 4 of Appendix 2 will be 0.152m3/m2 because lawn)

3) A greenhouse with an area of ​​3x6 = 18m2 (water consumption according to line 2 of Appendix 2 will be 0.023m3 / m2, since vegetables are most likely grown in it)

4) Potatoes 10x20=200m2 (water consumption according to line 1 of Appendix 2 will be 0.019m3/m2, since these are actually potatoes)

The remaining area is 425.2-11-50-18-200=146.2m2. Suppose that since this is not a lawn, either vegetables or root crops are grown on it - the standard is still the same and amounts to 0.023 m3 / m2.

The science of watering How the payment for watering the garden and lawns is calculated Outraged residents of the city of Semiluki turned to the editorial office, having received receipts for water supply in May, in which, in addition to the line “cold water supply” (CWS), there is another one - “Cold water supply”, the amounts in which turned out to be several times more than in the line CWS! It is especially surprising that the payment for “watering” is demanded not from residents of the private sector, who really started watering their gardens in May, but from apartment owners in high-rise buildings. So, according to the issued receipt, the tenant of apartment No. 5 in the house at 28 Kurskaya Street consumed 4 cubic meters of water for personal needs in May (according to the readings of the meter), and used as much as 15.9 cubic meters for “irrigation”! It turns out that for the mythical "irrigation" a resident of the house must pay utilities four times more than for individual consumption.

We turned to lawyers for clarification.

A. Vostrikov, lawyer, comments:

Judging by the presence in the receipt of the line "readings of the PU (metering device)", the resident has a water meter in the apartment. Even if the owner of this apartment has a personal land plot under the windows (which is possible for some types of low-rise buildings), the owner can only water this land using the so-called “sprinkling method” (by connecting a hose to a tap). The water used in this way will pass through the intra-apartment meter and will be taken into account in individual consumption. Therefore, the issuance of a separate service "HVS watering" in this case is completely illegal! You can sue the water company and win.

The situation is different if, in addition to the centralized water supply system, a standpipe for watering vegetable gardens is installed in the courtyard of the house. This is extremely rare, but if the column is still available and it is not equipped with a meter, theoretically the water supply organization gets the right to charge for watering the site through the column in accordance with the standard approved by the order of the Department of Housing and Energy of the Voronezh Region dated July 10, 2013 No. 117 (Appendix 1). But such a right appears only if the public utilities have a separate agreement with the residents for water supply through the column - or the residents themselves wrote to the water supply organization an application for using the column for watering the garden.

This is stated in paragraph 34 (subparagraph “k”) of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, according to which “the consumer is obliged, in the absence of an individual metering device in the household, to notify the contractor about the purposes of consuming utilities when using the land plot and those located on it outbuildings (lighting, cooking, heating, heating water, preparing feed for livestock, watering, etc.), the area of ​​the land plot not occupied by a residential building and outbuildings, the mode of water consumption for irrigating the land plot, as well as the power of the devices used , with the help of which the consumption of communal resources is carried out, and if such data were indicated in the contract containing provisions on the provision of communal services, then notify the contractor of their change within 10 working days from the date of the occurrence of these changes.

Thus, if the consumer did not notify the utility service that he was using a water tap for irrigating the land, or this type of service is not specified in the utility service agreement, issuing a separate invoice for "HWS irrigation" is illegal even if there is a water tap in the yard!

In fact, the standards for the consumption of cold water for the needs of irrigation of the land, approved by the order of the Department of Housing and Communal Services dated July 10, 2013 No. 117, are divided into two categories: manual irrigation (through a column) and sprinkling (through a hose in an apartment). Without a statement from the owner of the apartment, the water supply organization cannot know what type of irrigation is used; accordingly, it will not know the standard by which to calculate the water supply service for irrigation. Moreover, the specified standard is set for the water supply of one square meter of land owned by the owner. Under the windows of the house there should be a personal garden, registered in the ownership of the owner of the apartment - only then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis site can be determined and reported to the resource supply organization. In the absence of a registered land plot, it is impossible to calculate water consumption for irrigation by the manual method - and it is illegal to issue such invoices.

The same reasoning is true for residents of the private sector. In the absence of a column in the garden and the presence in the house individual counter charging for irrigation service is prohibited by law. If there is no meter in the house, it is possible to issue a receipt for watering services, but only if the consumer himself has notified the water supply organization that he is irrigating the garden by sprinkling through a tap in the house or manually through a water column in the yard. This follows from clause 49 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, according to which “if the household is not equipped with an individual metering device, then the consumer, in addition to the payment for the utility service provided in the residential premises calculated in accordance with clause 42 of these Rules, pays for the utility service provided to him when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it. The amount of payment for this service is calculated "in accordance with formula 22 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules, based on the standards for the consumption of public services when using the land plot and the outbuildings located on it." The issuance of this fee begins “from the date specified in the contract or in the consumer’s application submitted to the contractor in accordance with subparagraph “k” of paragraph 34 of these Rules, on the start of consumption of the utility service provided by the contractor when using the land plot in the absence of an individual metering device for the consumer” .

If the contract was not concluded, and the application for the use of water for irrigation was not submitted, even residents of the private sector do not have to pay for irrigation!

The only exception provided for by the rules is that irrigation fees can be charged if representatives of the water supply organization themselves came to your house and drew up an act on the use of water for irrigation needs. It is from the date of drawing up such an act that receipts for watering can be sent. Moreover, the act should not only establish the fact that the consumer does not have an individual meter, but also confirm his water consumption for irrigating the land! According to the government decree, “such an act is drawn up by the contractor in the presence of the consumer and at least 2 disinterested persons. The contractor is obliged to indicate in the act being drawn up the objections of the consumer and is not entitled to prevent the consumer from involving other uninterested persons in the audit, information about which, if they are involved by the consumer, should also be included in the act drawn up by the contractor.

For residents of the private sector, there is often a situation when they do not water the garden at all (or a small part is watered). In this case, the water supply organization has no right to bill them for watering the entire area of ​​the land near the house. The fact is that the payment for watering is calculated in accordance with formula 22 of Appendix N2 to the Rules for the provision of public services. In this formula, the standard is multiplied by the area, which is defined as "the actual value of the indicator corresponding to this household in (such and such) direction of using the utility service." Thus, if you actually use only a tenth of the garden, you can be billed for watering only for a tenth, and not for the entire garden.

Let me remind you that the consumer informs the water supply organization independently about the area of ​​the land used for water supply in the relevant application (or this figure is written in the contract). Often, water suppliers try to mislead consumers - they ask them to tell them "the total area of ​​land occupied by agricultural crops, a garden, a flower garden, a lawn." In fact, only the area treated by irrigation should be reported to water suppliers, which can be much smaller.

Other methods of calculating the water supply service for irrigation needs are contrary to the law.

"Semiluk Herald" No. 25 (241) June 26, 2015

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