Is it profitable to install an individual heat meter in an apartment and how to do it correctly. Specifications for the organization of heat metering Technical conditions for an individual heat meter

  • 21.11.2020

Heat energy meter or heat meter- this is a device, according to the indications, which is charged for the received thermal energy.

Purpose of installation

By installing a meter, it becomes possible to control the cost of thermal energy, make decisions on the implementation of energy saving measures. After installing a heat meter, payments for heat, as a rule, are reduced, but the meter itself does not provide savings.

The reduction in costs is due to payment for the actually delivered heat, and not according to calculations based on the average monthly ambient temperature and the standard temperature in the apartment.

Thermal energy meters can be installed both in a separate apartment and in an apartment building.

A meter installed for one consumer is called individual, for several consumers - collective. As you know, from the course of general physics, the amount of heat is calculated by the formula Q \u003d m × (t1-t2).

To calculate the thermal energy, the values ​​\u200b\u200blook like this:

  • Q - The amount of heat;
  • m is the mass of water passing through the heat meter in one hour (water consumption);
  • t1 is the temperature in the supply pipeline;
  • t2 is the temperature in the return pipeline;

They also work on these 3 indicators. To measure the temperature, thermal sensors are used, which are installed in the return and supply pipelines. The difference in heat meters in the types of measurement of the amount of water.

Varieties: pros and cons

There are several types of heat meters:

  1. Tachometric. These are mechanical devices. The principle of their work is quite simple. The flow meter must be connected to the heat supply system of the house, and it will take into account the amount of coolant that has passed through it. An impeller is installed inside the flow meter, which rotates from the flow of water. As you know, the batteries in the apartment and the house are heated by hot water. For heating systems with very hard water, it is better not to use mechanical devices, The cost is relatively low.
  2. Ultrasonic. This type of counters has a large number of modifications. However, they all work on the same principle. It is installed on the supply or return pipe. As an example, the following type of installation: the emitter is installed after the battery, and the sensors are installed in front of the radiator. These meters are distinguished by a rather high accuracy class, while the price of such devices is quite acceptable and depends on the modification.
  3. Electromagnetic. This type can be classified as the most expensive. This is the price of great opportunity. It can be used to account for thermal energy both in closed heating systems and in open ones. It additionally allows you to take into account the water flow and temperature flow. All processes are automated, and calculation data is displayed on the screen.
  4. Vortex. They are able to measure not only water, but also steam. According to the principle of operation, they differ from other heating meters. The device is installed on a pipe between 2 nozzles.
  5. Radiator diffusers. Most often they are installed on heating radiators in apartments where there are several heating risers.

Device installation procedure: instructions

You need to do the following:

  1. Hold a meeting of all residents of the house and document the decision to install a heat meter, select a responsible person (draw up and sign a protocol).
  2. Send a letter to the heat supply organization in order to obtain technical specifications for the installation. It is important to consider that the place of installation of the heat meter will be the boundary of responsibility for the condition of the pipelines. Before the TCO metering station - after the apartment owners or the management company. The specifications will state:
    • installation location;
    • its technical characteristics;
    • diameters of pipelines on which the installation will be carried out;
  3. With received specifications it is necessary to contact the design organization for the preparation of project documentation. The project for the installation of a heat meter, as a rule, is typical, but requires adaptation to a specific installation site. Documentation can take up to two months to complete. The project must include:
    • A specific model of the heat meter (preliminarily agreed with the customer), corresponding to the received technical conditions.
    • Installation diagram.
    • Estimated documentation.
  4. The developed project must be approved by the organization which issued the specifications. The approval period is from 1 to 2 weeks, provided that the documentation was not sent for revision.
  5. It is necessary to purchase a meter specified in the project documentation. When buying, please note that the passport of the heat meter is with a valid stamp of the state verifier.
  6. Installation of a heat meter. The installation of heating meters is carried out only by specialists, and such work cannot be carried out on their own. It is necessary to contact a company that has all the necessary permits for the provision of services of this kind.
  7. For commissioning it is necessary to sign an agreement with the enterprise supplier of thermal energy. Although this step seems simple, it can take a long time. Before putting it into operation, it is necessarily sealed. The responsibility for the integrity of the seals during the entire period of operation lies with the owner.

During operation, it must be passed for state verification once every 4 years. This is done to verify correct operation. Also, in the non-heating season, it is necessary to clean the mechanical filter and replace the batteries.

The owner is obliged to properly operate the meter, in accordance with the technical requirements. Thus, the owner of the metering unit must sign a contract for the maintenance of metering devices with a service organization (for example, it can be an installation company, an energy supply organization, a management company).

Readings for calculations for the released heat are taken once a month on the dates specified in the contract. When taking readings, representatives of the heat supplier and the consumer are present. The recorded data are entered into the relevant act and confirmed by the signatures of both parties.

Calculation of heat energy consumption

The calculation for the received heat is made according to the amount of heat consumed for a certain period, at the price specified in the contract. For example, 50 Gcal were released per month at a price of 1,100 rubles per 1 Gcal, therefore, 55,000 rubles were payable.

Now you need to decompose the amount for all homeowners. To do this, it must be remembered that thermal energy is used not only for heating apartments, but also for non-residential premises.

Therefore, the area of ​​heated non-residential premises is evenly distributed in proportion to the living area for all owners.

For example, if the total area of ​​the house is 1200 m2 and the living area is 1000 m2, then for each meter of living space there is 0.2 m2 of non-residential area. Then add up the area of ​​​​the apartment and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bher share in the house property. The result is multiplied by the cost of heating one "square meter".

At whose expense and how much does it cost to install the device?

According to the Federal Law (as amended on July 18, 2011) dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ, until July 1, 2012, owners of premises in apartment buildings are required to ensure the installation of heat energy meters.

Paragraph 12 of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ establishes that in the event of non-fulfillment by the owners of premises in an apartment building, the obligation to ensure that such a house is equipped with a common house meter, used communal resource, the organization supplying the house becomes the person obliged to ensure that the house is equipped with the indicated device appropriate community resource.

Price installation is quite expensive. But given the fact that the cost of the entire complex of works is decomposed into all homeowners, the numbers do not look terrifying.

So, to install a meter for a typical five-story building, you will have to pay about 400 thousand rubles.. After recalculating the cost of installation, according to square meters of living space, it turns out about 4 thousand rubles from the owner of an apartment of 50 m2. If such an amount is unbearable, then homeowners are entitled to installment plans for up to 5 years. True, you will have to pay interest on the loan at the level of the refinancing rate.

The payback period for installing heat meters is on average 3-4 years. If you additionally engage in phased energy saving, you can achieve savings at the level of 30-40%.

The owner of non-residential real estate disputes liability for non-compliance with energy efficiency requirements, equipment with metering devices for energy resources used

1. The amount of heat energy, heat carrier supplied under a heat supply contract or heat energy supply contract, as well as transferred under a contract for the provision of services for the transfer of heat energy, heat carrier, is subject to commercial accounting.

2. Commercial metering of heat energy, coolant is carried out by measuring them with metering devices that are installed at the metering point located on the border of the balance sheet, unless a different metering point is specified by the heat supply agreement or the contract for the provision of services for the transfer of heat energy.

3. The implementation of commercial accounting of thermal energy, heat carrier by calculation is allowed in the following cases:

1) the absence of metering devices at metering points;

2) malfunction of metering devices;

3) violation of the deadlines established by the heat supply contract for the submission of readings from metering devices that are the property of the consumer.

4. Commissioning of thermal energy sources and connection (technological connection) of heat-consuming installations of new consumers without equipping metering points with metering devices in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant are not allowed. Metering devices are installed by the owners of thermal energy sources or heat-consuming installations being put into operation and are operated by them independently or under a contract for the provision of commercial metering services concluded with a specialized organization. Metering devices in the apartment buildings being put into operation are installed by the developers at their own expense before obtaining permission to put the apartment building into operation.

5. Owners of thermal energy sources, heat networks and consumers without metering devices are obliged to organize commercial metering of thermal energy, heat carrier using metering devices in the manner and within the time limits established by the legislation on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency.

6. Commercial accounting of heat energy (capacity) supplied to consumers, heat carrier can be organized both by heat supply organizations and heat energy consumers. Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant may include:

1) installation of metering devices;

2) operation of metering devices, including taking readings of metering devices and transferring them to customers of this service, verification, repair and replacement of metering devices.

7. Commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant is carried out in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the requirements of technical regulations and must contain, in particular:

(see text in previous edition)

1) requirements for metering devices, including the features of accounting for thermal energy, heat carrier in relation to objects, the maximum volume of thermal energy consumption of which is less than two tenths of a gigacalorie per hour;

Now no one needs to be convinced that a heat meter installed at the entrance to an apartment building can reduce heating costs (on average by 30%). But residents often have another question: to install an individual heat energy meter in an apartment - is it profitable or not? And if so, how to properly install it on central heating pipelines? The problem has two sides - formal and technical, and it is not easy for an ordinary citizen to understand the first one.

Is it possible to put a heat meter in an apartment

The answer is unequivocal - yes, you can. Not a single legislative act of Russia, Ukraine or Belarus prohibits the installation of apartment heat meters. Another thing is how the company - the supplier of heat will react to your actions. Unauthorized intervention in the centralized heat supply system for the purpose of installing an apartment metering device is not allowed. For this, you will receive a fine and waste money on equipment, since it will not be accepted into operation.

The photo shows that the installation of the meter is not only unauthorized, but also illiterate

Before installing an individual heat meter in an apartment with central heating, it is necessary to resolve the formal side of the issue by contacting the heat supply organization with an appropriate application. The further procedure in the countries of the former USSR looks almost the same:

  1. Based on your application, the company's specialists check whether it is possible to install a metering unit from a technical point of view. In case of a positive decision, the organization issues a defining document - technical specifications (generally accepted abbreviation - TU).
  2. If your apartment building is managed by an association of co-owners (OSMD), then a copy of the application must be provided to the responsible person appointed by the meeting and coordinate the installation of the heat meter with him.
  3. With the technical conditions, you must contact the design organization that has all the permissions to perform such work. For a certain fee, the company will make calculations and develop an installation project, assuring it with a seal.
  4. The project documentation must be agreed with the company - the supplier of thermal energy, and then again contact a licensed installation company that professionally installs heat meters for heating.
  5. Put the metering unit into operation of the heat supply organization, draw up an agreement and pay for the supply of heat upon the fact.

Procedure for installing an apartment heat meter

Advice. To speed up the procedure, it is better to contact an office that simultaneously deals with design, installation and coordination for your money. Often, the whole range of services is provided by the heat supplier himself or points to a certain private company that has “friendly” mutually beneficial relations with him.

The key is to review your application and obtain technical specifications. Here you need to take into account the requirements of legislative acts adopted in the country of residence. Let's look at them briefly.

Heat meters in the legislation of the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation, Law No. 261 is in force, obliging the installation of common house meters for the supplied heat at the expense of associations of residents (OSMD). services in the presence of apartment and common house meters are regulated by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 354. We will not delve into the legal jungle, but will state the requirements of legislative acts in an accessible language in the form of theses:

  • in the absence of a device at the entrance to an apartment building, payment for heat supply is calculated at tariffs with a multiplying coefficient (in 2017 it is 1.5);
  • the laws of the Russian Federation do not oblige the owner of the apartment to install an individual heat meter, but they do not prohibit it either;
  • the readings of your household appliance are taken into account only if all 100% of other apartments and heated common areas are equipped with the same heat meters, and there is a common house metering station at the input;
  • an apartment heat meter is put into operation by an energy supplier and serviced by its specialists, but at the expense of the owner.

Note. Here are the requirements of regulatory documents in force as of 01/01/2017. In the future, the legislation is planned to be improved, so those who are interested should keep track of changes.

The following conclusions follow from the above:

  1. It is imperative to install a heat energy metering unit at home, otherwise the cost of the service increases one and a half times, and the readings of the apartment heat meter are not taken into account.
  2. It makes no sense to spend money and time on the installation of an individual device if the heat consumption in the rest of the apartment building is not controlled. According to the legislation, an organization - a service provider can allow the installation of a meter and issue technical conditions, but when calculating the payment for heat, it has the right not to take into account its readings.

There are situations when it is not technically possible to install a common house control unit, which is confirmed by an official act. In this situation, heat meters in the apartment or in the entrances are the only possible and correct option.

For reference. The individual device does not take into account the consumption of heat spent on heating non-residential common areas (stairwells, technical rooms in basements, and so on). Payment for these energy costs is distributed evenly among the co-owners of the apartment building.

Since 2019, the readings of any apartment meters are taken into account - update

On December 28, 2018, a new Decree No. 1708 was issued in Russia. The legislative act contains amendments to the current Rules for the provision of heating services to residents of apartment buildings. Let's briefly outline the essence of innovations:

  1. The heat meter can be installed on any heating system - horizontal or vertical riser.
  2. With two-pipe horizontal wiring, the device is installed at the entrance to the apartment. In systems with vertical risers, a separate heat meter (in other words, a distributor) is mounted on each radiator.
  3. The management company must accept heat meters installed in accordance with the Rules and take into account their readings when calculating payment for heating.
  4. The norm requiring the installation of such devices in 100% of the premises of an apartment building has been canceled.
  5. Payment is charged in accordance with the current Decree No. 354. The consumer pays for the consumed heat energy (according to the meter) plus a share for heating common areas.
  6. The changes come into force on January 1, 2019.

Required condition. At the input of the heating network to the building, there must be a common house heat meter. Otherwise, it is useless to set individual meters - their readings will not be taken into account.

Features of heat metering in Ukraine

The legislation of this country also requires the widespread installation of heat meters in homes, only at the expense of energy suppliers. But, since the mechanism has not been worked out to the end, and clear implementation dates have not been set, many heat supply companies are delaying the implementation of such measures.

Reference. Relations between consumers and suppliers of Ukraine are regulated by the "Rules for the use of thermal energy", born back in 2007 and approved by the relevant Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers (No. 1198).

As for apartment heat meters, they can be installed in compliance with the procedure given above. Legislative acts do not prohibit such actions (except for unauthorized ones) and do not establish strict conditions for accounting for heat in all rooms of the building. Although in practice, when preparing documentation, you may encounter different requirements of heat supply companies, sometimes illegal.

An important point. In order to install a heat meter in an apartment in Ukraine and successfully put it into operation, the installation of a common house metering station at the input is not necessary.

The technical side of the issue

A company providing central heating services may refuse to issue specifications if the apartment has an old one-pipe (two-pipe) system with vertical risers located in different rooms. Everything is simple here: to install a heat meter, you will have to power all the apartment batteries from one riser, which will lead to a change in the coolant flow and unbalance the system, and this is unacceptable.

In older central heating systems, it is much more difficult to organize individual heat consumption metering.

It would seem that the way out is to put a heat meter on each radiator connected to a separate riser. But there are a few caveats here:

  • it is unprofitable for the owner of the apartment due to the price of equipment, installation work and subsequent maintenance;
  • when sensors and flow meters are hung on the battery connections, you will have to forget about the aesthetics of the interior;
  • the energy supplier has the right to impose a surcharge for unaccounted heat released into the premises by vertical steel pipes or require their insulation.

Judge for yourself: a riser with a diameter of 25 mm and a height of 2.7 m has a heat transfer area of ​​0.025 x 3.14 x 2.7 = 0.2 m². Two or three such pipes already transfer a significant amount of heat to the rooms. These values ​​​​must be taken into account by engineers developing a project for the installation of metering devices. You will learn more information about installing heat meters for various central heating schemes from the video:

Advice. For residents of Ukraine, there is a proven way to organize local consumption control in old heating systems - to install a single metering unit at the entrance, placing it in a heating unit, in the basement of the house. There, the risers are combined into a collector that cuts into the heating main.

Heat meter on the supply to the radiator (left) and access heat meter in the basement (right)

Is it profitable to install individual heat meters

After you go through all the vicissitudes of paperwork, installation of a heat meter and its commissioning, you will receive the following benefits:

  • payment for the heat used by you, and not some average costs throughout the building;
  • it will be possible to save thermal energy when it is not required;
  • investing in the insulation of the walls of the apartment, you will not only protect your home from the cold, but will also pay less for heating in fact.

The payback of the project depends on many factors, ranging from how much the meter costs for heating and installation services. Practice shows that the payment for the device is reduced by an average of 25-30% compared to the tariffs applied in the absence of heat meters.

Advice. There is a simple way to make sure of the benefits of organizing individual heat energy metering. Analyze how much you paid for centralized heating 2-5 years ago and trace the trend of tariff growth. Note that the increase in energy prices will not stop in the future.

Such a thermal head allows not only to regulate the temperature, but also to change it according to the time of day.

Controlling the actual heat consumption is the first step to saving it. The second is the installation of valves with thermal heads on the batteries, which limit the heating of the air in the rooms, which is described in detail in. If you buy programmable thermal heads, then during your absence the temperature in the premises can be reduced by 3-4 °C. The third step is thermal insulation of walls and ceilings with floors (if necessary).

To correctly account for the low flow rate of the coolant used to heat the apartment, 2 types of household heat meters are used:

  • mechanical (otherwise - tachometric);
  • ultrasonic.

Note. The technical parameters of commercial metering devices are determined by design engineers based on the calculation.

This is what tachometric heat meters look like

To understand the difference between them and make the right choice, you need to understand a little how a heat meter works. It consists of three main elements that perform their functions:

  1. A flow meter whose task is to determine the amount of water flowing through a pipe section per unit of time. Crashes into the supply pipeline.
  2. Temperature sensors for direct and reverse flow (resistance thermocouples).
  3. Electronic calculator block. Receiving signals from sensors and a flow meter, the device calculates the consumed heat according to the formula embedded in the program. The result is reflected on the display and can be transmitted to the supplier via a GSM connection or the Internet.

Types of heat meters differ in the design of the flowmeter. In tachometric models, this is an impeller immersed in a flowing coolant. In the second variety, the amount of water is measured using ultrasound passing through the stream. The latest devices are more reliable and unpretentious in terms of the quality of the coolant, although they are 15-20% more expensive.

Ultrasonic heat meters designed for installation in apartments

An important point. When issuing technical specifications, heat supply organizations strongly recommend installing ultrasonic heat meters in an apartment. The reason is not only reliability and durability. Unscrupulous tenants only think how to deceive any meters, including thermal meters (for example, stop them with magnets). The principle of operation of the ultrasonic device does not allow to influence the readings illegally.

Attached heat meter from the famous European brand Danfoss

It is impossible not to mention another type of heat consumption analyzers - overhead devices installed directly on the battery (the so-called proportionalizers). They determine the energy consumption by the temperature of the heat-releasing surface and the air in the room, only you need to put the technical parameters of the radiator into the device's memory in advance.

Proportionalizers are widely used in Western Europe, but they are not yet in demand in the post-Soviet space due to inconsistency in legislation. Nevertheless, in large cities some experience has already been gained in the successful use of such heat meters, as described in the video:

As mentioned earlier, the installation of a heat energy meter is carried out by the personnel of a licensed company. You can only control their work, knowing that the flow meter is placed on the supply pipeline, and the sensors cut into the supply and return lines. Moreover, in new models, there is only one sensor - for the return line, and the supply temperature meter is built into the flow meter housing.

As a rule, modern heat meters do not need to observe measuring sections (straight pipes of a certain length before and after the device).


So, based on the foregoing, we single out cases when it is possible to install heat meters on an apartment:

  1. In the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to take into account legal requirements and organize control over heat consumption in all apartments and other premises at the same time.
  2. From a technical point of view, installation in new buildings will not cause problems, where horizontal distribution of central heating is provided for dwellings, connected to a common two-pipe riser.
  3. In old systems with vertical wiring, it is necessary to put a meter on the entrance (allowed in Ukraine) or on each radiator. A more radical way to resolve the issue is to unite with neighbors, order a project and reconstruction of the heating network in order to convert the wiring to horizontal.

A separate input to each apartment is ideal for installing heat meters (placed in a common cabinet along with a collector)

The formal side of the issue is much more difficult to solve than the technical one, and regardless of the country of residence. Enterprises and officials who are deprived of the possibility of illegal enrichment in heating systems will begin to put up all sorts of obstacles. Hence the advice: carefully study the legislation, consult a lawyer and use documents, not words, to confirm any fact.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Heating is one of the most expensive items on your utility bill. The calculation is based on standards and tariffs - indicators established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the executive authorities of the subject in the field of state regulation of prices. Also, the payment structure may include the volume of heat energy consumption in the event that a common house heat meter is installed in an apartment building. Let's find out in which cases installation is required, how to do it correctly and how residents will benefit.

    Appointment of a common house meter for heating

    After the Housing Code determined what is the property of tenants, their area of ​​responsibility has expanded significantly. Responsibilities for the maintenance and service of common house property fell on the shoulders of apartment owners.

    Since it is impossible to refuse to pay for general house needs, it makes sense to reduce the cost of heating residential and non-residential premises and pay only for the heat actually received.

    To measure the amount of energy consumed, a common house heat meter (ODPU) is installed. By paying for heating in an apartment building by the meter, you will be able to control energy consumption and keep track of expenses. This is not the only purpose of the ODPU installation.

    Another goal pursued is to encourage residents to save heat outside their own apartments and take good care of common property.

    If the doors and windows in the entrance are tightly closed, the heat will remain, and the residents will receive the service in full.

    It should be mentioned right away that the ODPU itself does not save anything. This is just a metering device that provides more accurate data for determining the final amount of payment for heating than the standards.

    Installing a common house heat meter is legal

    For the first time, general house meters were discussed back in 2009, when Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency” was issued. In its original version, the law prescribed the mandatory installation of an ODPU in multi-storey buildings until January 1, 2012. Later this period was extended several times.

    The last change in the deadline until January 1, 2019 and until January 1, 2021 (for Crimea and Sevastopol) was enshrined in Federal Law N196-FZ of 07/26/2017.

    Thus, the law on common building meters for heating unequivocally confirms the need for their installation in apartment buildings. An exception is allowed only for dilapidated, emergency and demolished houses, as well as objects on which the installation of a meter is technically impossible due to the inconsistency of the engineering network parameters with the installation conditions of the device.

    Procedure for installing a collective heat meter

    If the centralized heat supply system has the technical ability to install a common house heat energy meter, it must be installed.

    In newly built houses, energy meters are installed before the facility is put into operation. This requirement contains the law on the installation of a common house meter dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ in paragraphs 7-8 of Article 11, and paragraph 9 of Article 13 defines the area of ​​responsibility for installing an ODPU in houses where it is not available.

    In order for a house-wide metering device to appear in the house, it is necessary to go through several stages of the installation procedure.

    1. The meeting of owners of an apartment building (MKD) is the basis for the installation of heat meters for heating in an apartment building.
    2. The meeting may be initiated by the Management Company. In, ZhSK, ZhK, the meeting is held on the basis of an application from the owners, 10% of the signatures of the total number of votes are sufficient.
    3. The technical conditions for the ODPU installation, in accordance with which its design and installation will be carried out, are issued by the heat supply organization.
    4. The project for installation and the estimate for the work are prepared by the design organization, taking into account the specific installation site and indicating the model of the device.
    5. Coordination of the project in the heat supply organization that issued the technical conditions.
    6. Acquisition of the ODPU approved by the project, necessarily with a verification mark.
    7. Installation of ODPU and putting the meter into operation.
    8. Organizations responsible for the installation

      According to Law No. 261-FZ, the obligation to install a collective heat energy meter lies with the apartment owners of a multi-storey building, who must carry out this measure on their own, choosing an equipment supplier and a contractor for the work.

      Assuming that there will be houses that are not equipped with ODPU, the legislators determined who should install heat meters in this case. So, if on July 1, 2012 there was no heat meter in the houses, the obligation to install it was shifted to the resource supply organization (RSO).

      In addition, the RSO is obliged to prepare proposals for equipping apartment buildings with metering devices and carry out the relevant work, which is confirmed in the letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated 08.12.2011 No. AG / 45584.

      Thus, the widespread information that the management company installs meters for heating is erroneous. The task of the CC is only to:

  • bring to the attention of the owners of MKD apartments the need to install a collective heat meter;
  • organize a meeting;
  • draw up a protocol of consent.

Measures for installing the device can be carried out by organizations supplying heat energy or specialized companies that have:

  1. Qualified specialists in the staff of the company.
  2. Permission to perform the relevant type of work issued by the SRO.

How much does a common house heating meter cost

Since heat meters for heating, in accordance with Law No. 261-FZ, are the property of residents of an apartment building and they bear all the costs of their purchase and installation, the issue of the cost of the ODPU is very important. Consider what items of expenditure make up the amount of installation of a collective meter.

  1. The cost of the device. The price of a heat meter directly depends on its type and manufacturer. There are several types of heat meters:
  • tachometric - the cheapest models (6-10 thousand rubles) with a service life of 2 to 4 years;
  • vortex - a more expensive option, the average price of which is 15 thousand rubles;
  • electromagnetic - costing 15-17 thousand rubles;
  • ultrasonic - depending on the model, the price from the manufacturer ranges from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles.
  1. The cost of preparing a document containing the technical specifications of the heat supply system and developing design documentation for the metering station equipment.
  2. The price of an additional set of equipment and related materials.
  3. Installation cost: installation, electrical installation, as well as commissioning.

All costs result in a rather high amount: from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. Here it is to be paid to the residents of the house. You can do this in several ways:

  • one-time payment (mandatory for legal entities);
  • installment payment, which is provided for a period of up to 60 months and is paid in equal installments. The interest rate depends on the refinancing rate set by the Central Bank.
  • means of the overhaul fund, provided that this service is included in the list of works on common property in the MKD for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (part 2 of article 166).

The payment mechanism is regulated by law: the amount is distributed among all apartment owners, depending on the area of ​​​​housing and the timing of depositing funds.

Take a sociological survey!

Maintenance of common house heat energy meters

Maintenance of the meter involves maintaining it in working condition. This is achieved as a result of preventive measures, such as:

  • inspection and elimination of the causes affecting the wear and tear of the control and measuring unit;
  • checking the operation of additional equipment;
  • operational maintenance and control of the metrological accuracy of measurements of the metering device;
  • weekly readings for analysis and development of recommendations for maintaining the required temperature.

If during the test a malfunction is detected, the device is dismantled, the damage is repaired and reinstalled.

Reconciliation of readings of a common house heat meter

To calculate monthly payments, accurate and timely readings are needed, which are taken from the common house meter. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05/06/2011, the utility service provider is responsible for accounting for heat energy, which may be:

  • Management Company;
  • resource organization.


The Law on Energy Saving obliges residents of apartment buildings to install common heat meters at their own expense, with the exception of houses that do not meet technical capabilities.

Both the UK and the RSO take part in the installation procedure of the ODPU, the former organizes, and the latter is responsible for the installation of the device. In case of failure to fulfill their obligations, companies will be fined, and residents will receive a receipt for payment for heating with a multiplier. Time will tell how expedient the compulsory installation of collective meters is, but the effect of the use of ODPU is undeniable: heating costs are reduced by up to 30%.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.

The Department of Housing and Communal Services, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation considered the appeal of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Republic of Buryatia dated March 24, 2014 No. 05-26 / 1404 and reports within its competence.

According to clause 19 of the Rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), metering units are equipped in a place as close as possible to the boundary of the pipelines' balance sheet, taking into account the real possibilities at the facility.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2012 No. “On the organization of heat supply in the Russian Federation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree), the boundary of the balance sheet is the dividing line of heat networks, sources of heat energy and heat-consuming installations between owners on the basis of ownership or possession on another basis provided for by federal laws.

In accordance with Article 36 of Chapter 6 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), owners of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as MKD) own the common property in the MKD, including mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in this house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one room. The owners of the premises in the MKD own, use and, within the limits established by the Code and civil legislation, dispose of the common property of the owners of the premises in the MKD.

- quality control of heat supply during the supply and consumption of heat energy is carried out at the boundaries of the balance sheet between the heat supply, heat network organization and the consumer.

- the following parameters characterizing the thermal and hydraulic regime of the consumer are subject to quality control of heat supply:

a) when connecting the consumer's heat-consuming installation directly to the heat network: return water temperature in accordance with the temperature schedule specified in the heat supply contract; heat carrier consumption, including the maximum hourly consumption, determined by the heat supply agreement; make-up water consumption, determined by the heat supply agreement;

b) when connecting a consumer's heat-consuming installation through a central heat point, an individual heat point or when directly connected to heat networks: the temperature of the heat carrier returned from the heating system in accordance with the temperature schedule; coolant flow in the heating system; make-up water consumption according to the heat supply contract.

- specific values ​​of controlled parameters are indicated in the heat supply contract.

Depending on the chosen method of managing MKD, an agreement with a resource supplying organization is concluded by a homeowners association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, a managing organization or persons who, among other things, provide heating with the direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

By virtue of paragraph 49 of the Rules, the design of the metering unit installed at the consumer of thermal energy is subject to agreement with the heat supply (heat network) organization that issued the technical specifications for the installation of metering devices.

In addition, we inform you that, in accordance with paragraph 44 of the Rules, the draft metering station contains, among other things:

- a copy of the heat supply agreement with the application of acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and information on the design loads for existing facilities. For newly commissioned facilities, information on design loads or connection conditions is attached;

- plan for connecting the consumer to the heating network;

- a schematic diagram of a heat point with a metering unit;

- a plan of a heating point indicating the installation locations of sensors, placement of metering devices and cable wiring diagrams;

- electrical and wiring diagrams for connecting metering devices;

- specification of the equipment and materials used.

Based on the foregoing, the Ministry of Construction of Russia believes that issuance of specifications(hereinafter - TU) for the design of metering devices thermal energy is lawful only when installing common house metering devices. For installation of individual heat meters obtaining technical specifications and development of project documentation is not required.