Pirantel instructions for use for. Pyrantel suspension

  • 08.03.2022


Anthelmintic agent Pyrantel (Pyrantel) paralyzes and destroys helminths. The drug is well tolerated by the body, but before starting the course, you need to consult your doctor. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Composition of Pirantel

There are 2 dosage forms - tablets and suspension for oral administration. A yellow liquid with a specific odor is poured into 15 ml dark glass bottles. Yellow flat-cylindrical tablets have a score on one surface. The polymer jar contains 3 or 6 pcs. Chemical composition:

Active ingredient

Excipients of tablets

Suspension excipients

pyrantel pamoate


magnesium stearate

purified water

methyl parahydroxybenzoate

xanthan gum

methyl parahydroxybenzoate

acacia gum

polysorbate 80

sodium carboxymethyl starch

sorbitol solution 70%

potato starch

propyl parahydroxybenzoate

propyl parahydroxybenzoate


silicon dioxide colloidal

sorbic acid

Pirantel is poorly absorbed from the digestive tract. The maximum concentration in plasma reaches 1-3 hours later. Metabolized in the liver with the release of the main metabolite - K-methyl-1,3-propanediamine. Partially excreted from the body with bile, the main concentration (about 70%) - with urine.

Indications for use Pirantel

The action of the drug is aimed at the productive extermination of helminths. Among the medical indications for the use of such diseases:

  • ascariasis;
  • necatorosis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • hookworm.

How to take Pirantel

Both forms of release are intended for oral administration. Children are more often prescribed a suspension, adult patients - tablets. According to the instructions, Pirantel is supposed to be consumed before or during a meal. The tablet needs to be chewed, washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment depends on the form of release of the drug, the individual recommendations of the specialist, the diagnosis.


With ascariasis and enterobiasis, the average therapeutic dose is 10-12 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. Patients older than 6 months are prescribed 2.5 ml per 10 kg of weight per approach. The dosage for adult patients weighing up to 75 kg is 15 ml per 1 dose. With a body weight of 75 kg or more, it is necessary to drink 20 ml of Pirantel suspension per day. To consolidate the result, doctors recommend taking a second course after a 3-week break. The dosage for severe invasion is 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into 3 doses. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 days.

The daily dosage of the drug is determined by the weight, age of the patient. The recommended doses are indicated in the instructions:

  • patients 2–6 years old - 250 mg;
  • 6-12 years - 500 mg;
  • from 12 years old and adult patients weighing up to 75 kg - 750 mg;
  • adults weighing over 75 kg - 1,000 mg.

special instructions

With enterobiasis, doctors prescribe 1 tab. once. After the patient is required to re-pass the analysis of feces for eggs of worms and scraping from the perianal folds. To exclude re-infection, it is required to wash the patient's underwear, iron it on both sides. In addition, it is required to carry out daily wet cleaning, wash dishes with an alkaline solution. Other recommendations are described in the instructions for use:

During pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, the medication is prescribed extremely rarely - only in the 3rd trimester on the recommendation of a doctor. The active substances penetrate the placental barrier, but their effect on the fetus is not specified. Clinical studies in pregnant patients have not been performed. When treating with Pirantel during lactation, it is required to urgently raise the issue of temporarily stopping breastfeeding, since the drug is excreted in breast milk.

Pirantel for children

In childhood, a suspension of Pirantel from worms is more often prescribed, which has a pleasant taste, does not cause disgust. Recommended dosages are described in the instructions. If necessary, the child is prescribed Pirantel tablets, but pediatricians advise crushing the prescribed dose into powder before use.

drug interaction

In combination with Levamisole, the potentiation of the toxic effect of the latter is noted, the level of Theophylline in the blood increases. The simultaneous use of the suspension with Piperazine, an antagonist of the anthelmintic effect of Pirantel, is prohibited. There are no other information about drug interactions in the instructions.

Side effects

During treatment with Pirantel, doctors do not exclude the occurrence of side effects that extend to important internal organs and systems. Possible patient complaints:

  • from the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, anorexia, diarrhea, recurrent abdominal cramps, increased levels of liver enzymes;
  • from the nervous system: dizziness, migraine attacks, insomnia, drowsiness;
  • skin: small rash, itching, hyperemia of the epidermis, urticaria;
  • others: feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.


With a systematic excess of the prescribed doses of Pirantel, the patient's well-being worsens. Overdose symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting, dizziness, visual hallucinations. In case of intoxication, there is no specific antidote. The patient needs to wash the stomach, take intestinal sorbents, then carry out symptomatic treatment according to indications (control respiratory function, cardiac activity).


Pirantel in tablets and suspension is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity of the body to the components that make up the drug. Other medical restrictions:

  • liver failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • age up to 6 months;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Terms of sale and storage

Suspension and tablets from worms Pirantel released by prescription. The medicine must be stored in a dry, cool and dark place at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Keep out of contact with children, avoid direct sunlight. Shelf life - 3 years. The opened vial of the suspension can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.


If the medicine is not suitable for medical contraindications or causes side effects, you need to choose an analogue. Reliable substitutes for Pyrantel and their brief characteristics.

Helminthiases are very common in childhood, because babies can eat unwashed vegetables or fruits, drink unboiled water, or lick an object raised from the ground. The disease is manifested by weakness, stool disorders, nausea, nervousness, frequent colds, headaches and other symptoms, and stool analysis helps to identify the cause.

Release form

Liquid Pirantel is produced by several pharmaceutical companies from Russia, Poland and India. Such a medicine is a light yellow liquid that has a characteristic odor. The suspension is usually homogeneous, but can be separated into a sediment and a liquid part. This is normal, and if you shake the medicine, it immediately becomes homogeneous.

In one glass bottle, depending on the manufacturer, there may be 5, 10, 15 or 25 ml of the drug. The bottle often comes with a measuring cup or 5 ml measuring spoon marked 2.5 ml, so that you can accurately measure the right amount of the drug for a particular patient.

In addition to the suspension, Pirantel is also available in tablets containing 250 mg of the active ingredient. Such tablets are sold in boxes of 3 pieces, because often this amount of medicine is enough for a course of treatment. In capsules, syrup, ampoules, drops and other forms, such a medication is not produced.


The active substance of the suspension is called the same as the drug, since it is represented by pyrantel pamoate. In 5 ml of the drug, it is contained in an amount of 250 mg, that is, each milliliter of the suspension gives the patient pyrantel at a dose of 50 mg.

In order for the medication to be liquid, not deteriorate during storage and have a sweet taste, glycerol, sucrose, simethicone emulsion, water, sodium benzoate, sorbitol, flavor and other ingredients are added to it.

Such excipients differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, therefore, if a child is prone to allergies, the composition of the selected suspension should be clarified.

Operating principle

As a result, paralyzed worms naturally leave the body with feces. At the same time, the medication does not affect the functioning of the intestines, so taking Pirantel does not provoke spasms and intestinal obstruction.

The drug effectively affects:

The drug is almost not absorbed in the human intestine, and the part that is absorbed is partially converted in the liver, so diseases of such an organ can affect Pirantel treatment.


Pirantel is used for such helminthic invasions:

  • Enterobiasis. This disease is diagnosed in children quite often. Its symptoms include itching in the anus and intestinal disorders.
  • Ascariasis. Such a common helminthiasis is manifested by lethargy, loss of appetite, slight fever, cough, nausea and other symptoms.
  • Ankylostomiasis. With such an illness, the child develops a skin rash, fever, bloating, nausea, stool changes, and other symptoms of hookworm infection.
  • Necatorosis. Such helminthiasis is manifested by dyspepsia, an allergic reaction and anemia.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Treatment with Pirantel is not recommended under the age of 6 months. For infants in the first months of life, the drug is prescribed in exceptional cases and only under the supervision of a doctor. Patients older than 6 months to 6 years of age should also be given the suspension. only after a doctor's prescription and with extreme caution.

If the child is over 3 years old, he is already allowed a tablet form, but many patients over three years old have difficulty swallowing tablets, so in most cases, even at 4-5 years old and older, the doctor prescribes not a solid form, but Pirantel in suspension.

The benefits of the drug

Doctors distinguish the following:

  1. the medicine acts on the most common types of worms, which are often found in childhood;
  2. pyrantel is called a low-toxic drug, and the effect of the suspension on the digestive tract is less aggressive than that of tablets;
  3. it is easier for a child to swallow a liquid medicine, and thanks to the sweet taste, it can even be given to a baby;
  4. the drug affects mainly helminths and leaves the body naturally within a day, so its tolerance is good;
  5. since roundworms do not die under the action of Pirantel, taking the medicine does not provoke intoxication due to the decomposition of killed helminths;
  6. suspension is affordable and found in most pharmacies.


The drug should not be given to children with intolerance to pyrantel or any other component of the suspension. In addition, the drug is contraindicated:

  • with myasthenia gravis, if such a disease is detected simultaneously with helminthiasis;
  • with liver failure, since the metabolic changes of the absorbed pyrantel take place in the liver cells.

Other contraindications are not noted in the annotation to Pirantel, but if the child has any disease, the issue of using the suspension should be decided with the doctor who observes him.

Side effects

The digestive tract of some children reacts to Pirantel with diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain and other negative symptoms. Sometimes taking a suspension can cause hives, a skin rash, or other allergic reaction. In addition, treatment with Pirantel can provoke rise in temperature or cause unwanted reactions from the central nervous system, for example, weakness, hallucinations, paresthesias, or headaches.

If the child drank the suspension and he had any adverse reaction, it is worth showing the baby to the doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is taken orally according to the following rules:

  • The medication is often prescribed once, that is, the dose prescribed by the doctor is drunk at one time. Only for some diseases, the drug is drunk for 2-3 days, but such use is permissible only with the appointment of a doctor.
  • Before giving liquid to a small patient, the drug must be shaken so that the separated layers are mixed. If the suspension is prescribed for several days, shaking should be carried out before each intake.
  • The tool is allowed to be taken at any time of the day. There is no need to drink the medicine on an empty stomach, as well as combine it with laxatives.
  • Suspension is recommended to be given to children during meals or after meals.
  • To prevent re-infection, the drug can be taken again for prophylactic purposes 3 weeks after the first application.
  • If a child has pinworms, treatment is recommended not only for a small patient, but also for all family members who live with him.
  • To make sure that Pirantel has worked, some time after taking it, you need to pass control tests of feces.

The dosage of the suspension for enterobiasis or ascariasis for each child is determined individually, since it differs for patients of different ages and for children with different body weights. To calculate the dose, the doctor finds out the child's weight in kilograms and multiplies it by 10 mg. In most cases, the following standard dosages are used for therapy:

  • If the baby is older than 6 months, but he has not yet turned 2 years old and weighs less than 12 kg, then a single dose of the drug will be 2.5 ml. This amount of suspension corresponds to half a measuring spoon or a glass attached to the bottle.
  • If a child is from 2 to 6 years old and weighs more than 12 kg, then at one time he is given 5 ml of the drug. This means that the baby should swallow a full spoon or filled measuring cup.
  • If the patient's age is 6-12 years, then a single dosage for such a child will be 10 ml. The patient is given two measures of the drug to drink at once.
  • If the child is already 12 years old, then the single dose of suspension he needs is 15 ml (this volume of suspension is contained in three measures).

In cases where ankylostomiasis is detected in a patient, the dosage depends on the severity of the disease and whether the child is in the endemic zone. If the disease began far from the endemic zone and proceeds easily, 10 mg of pyrantel is needed per 1 kg of the patient's weight. In case of severe course or stay in the endemic zone, the dose is increased to 20 mg / kg.

If necatorosis is detected, the child is also prescribed 20 mg of pyrantel for each kilogram of its weight. In such a daily dose, the drug is given for 2-3 days. During the day, the drug can be taken once or divided into 2 doses.

For prevention

The use of Pirantel, as noted above, is possible not only for treatment, but also for prophylactic purposes. The medicine is given:

  • a child who has been in contact with sick family members;
  • babies who were in the forest or other wild environment;
  • children who have close contact with animals;
  • a child attending a large group, for example, a kindergarten;
  • a toddler who often plays in the sandbox and comes into contact with the soil outside.

It should be canceled that the possibility of taking Pirantel prophylactically for each individual child should be consulted with a doctor. Usually, the medicine is used to prevent helminthic invasion no more than once every 6 months. The drug is given in a dosage prescribed by a specialist.

At the same time, many pediatricians believe that it is not worth drinking an anthelmintic for prevention. In their opinion, in order to prevent infection, one should follow the standard rules for the prevention of any infections - maintain personal hygiene, wash vegetables, take regular tests, and so on.


Until now, there have been no cases when a large dose of Pirantel had a toxic effect. However, if the child drank the drug in a higher dosage than it should be for his age, it is recommended to induce vomiting and monitor the patient, and if symptoms of malaise appear, immediately seek medical help.

Interaction with other drugs

Pirantel should not be used together with Piperazine, since with such a combination the effect of the drugs will be weakened. It is not recommended to combine Pirantel and other anthelmintic drugs so as not to increase the load on the liver.

Also, the manufacturer does not recommend the combination of the suspension with theophylline preparations, so as not to increase the concentration of this substance in the blood and not provoke side effects. For other drugs, there is no information on incompatibility with Pirantel.

Terms of sale

Buying a suspension in a pharmacy is possible only with a prescription from a doctor, therefore, before acquiring this form of Pirantel, you need to show the child to a pediatrician, gastroenterologist or other specialist.

The price of the drug is different for different manufacturers, and also depends on the volume of the suspension in the bottle. For example, the cost of 15 ml of medicine varies in different pharmacies from 31 to 65 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

At home, the medicine should be stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees. To store the suspension, you should choose a place inaccessible to the child, which will be dry and protected from direct sunlight.

The shelf life of liquid Pyrantel is 3 years and marked on the package. If the date has expired, the suspension should be discarded. Giving expired medication to children is unacceptable.

The instructions for use for Pirantel for children indicate that the active substance of the drug causes muscle spasm and subsequent paralysis of roundworms. Dead organisms are excreted through the intestines. The drug is prescribed after diagnosing ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, less often - with trichuriasis.

Pirantel is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. Released by prescription only.

  • weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • change in skin color;
  • temperature increase;
  • itching in the anus (one of the clearest evidence);
  • sleep disorders;
  • allergies and rashes;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent illnesses (ARVI, bronchitis, tonsillitis).

In the case of use for a child under the age of 2-3 years, special care is taken.

Pirantel liquid - instructions for use for children:

  1. 6 months to 2 years - ½ scoop. The volume of the spoon is 5 ml.
  2. 2-6 years - 1 spoon.
  3. 6-12 years - 2 spoons.
  4. 12 years and older - 3 tablespoons.

The proposed scheme is used by physicians for ascariasis and enterobiasis, is a one-time treatment. Repeated use is prescribed 3 weeks after the examination.

The treatment regimen for hookworm implies strict control and a course of at least 3 days. In this case, prescribe 10-12 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight for three days. Necatorosis is considered even more dangerous, so the dosage is increased to 20 mg per 1 kg of weight. Duration of admission - 2 days.

The drug is taken during or after a meal, drinking water.

Suspension Pirantel - instructions for use for children and price

The cost of a vial with a suspension depends on the manufacturer. In most cases, the price ranges from 30 to 70 rubles per 15 ml of the drug. A 5 ml measuring spoon is included with a 10 or 15 ml bottle.

Suspension Pirantel - instructions for use for children and reviews

Pirantel is prescribed against helminths, as it has:

  • a wide spectrum of action;
  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to choose a treatment regimen for a particular case;
  • the possibility of taking small children;
  • low price.

There are side effects, but with proper treatment they can be weakened. That is why the doctors' reviews of Pirantel are good.

Patients are also positive about the drug. Only in isolated cases are there negative reviews about Pirantel, caused by the reaction of the child's body. There are minor problems with the digestive system. Liquid Pirantel is used at any age.

Pirantel tablets - instructions for use for children

This form of release is intended for children and adults over the age of 3 years. Like the suspension, the tablets are taken with or after a meal. It is necessary to carefully chew the drug and drink it with water.

Pirantel-250 tablets instructions for use for children:

  • 3-6 years - 1 tablet.
  • 6-12 years - 2 tablets.
  • 12 and older - 3 tablets.

Pirantel syrup - instructions for use for children

A syrup is a suspension. Liquid Pyrantel Baby is flavored to make it easier for young children to use. Chocolate and fruit flavors are used.

Dosage of syrup for children:

  • 2.5 ml for children from 6 months to 2 years;
  • 5 ml - for ages from 2 to 6 years;
  • 10 ml - for 6-12 years;
  • 15 ml - 12 years and older.

Pirantel syrup is given to children during or immediately after meals. If necessary, the drug is used again, after passing the necessary tests and consulting a doctor.

Pirantel 250 - instructions for use for children

In most cases, a single dose of the drug is prescribed. Re-admission is recommended after 3 weeks. This is due to the fact that the substance acts on adult and immature roundworms, but is absolutely powerless against their larvae and eggs. You can take the medicine at any time, but experts recommend taking it before bedtime.

Alternative schemes are selected depending on the goals. It is likely that the doctor will prescribe a course for several days. This will reduce the dosage. The optimal ratio is 10 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight.

One tablet contains 250 mg of pyrantel. Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of excipients varies.

Pirantel - instructions for use for children and price

The cost of the drug in the form of tablets is much lower than suspensions. In most cases, 1 pack contains 3 tablets. The price ranges from 20 to 45 rubles. The Russian company Ozone offers a lower cost, while the Polish Pirantel costs more.

Pirantel - instructions for use for children and reviews

The medicine in the form of tablets is treated less favorably by both doctors and patients. This is explained by large tablets, which are inconvenient to chew even for adults. The effectiveness of the drug is not reduced.

Side effects

The drug is toxic. In addition to the digestive tract, the drug has little effect on the liver and kidneys. The list of side effects includes:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rash;
  • elevated temperature.

Follow the instructions for use of Pirantel for children. The overall effect and scale of side effects of the drug depends on this.


  • intolerance to the active or excipient;
  • the period of treatment of myasthenia gravis;
  • autoimmune diseases.

The use of alcohol is completely contraindicated: a strong increase in side effects is possible. After the use of Pirantel, an increase in the level of theophylline in the blood is observed, which must be taken into account in the treatment of exacerbation of asthma, bronchitis and acute respiratory viral infections.

Studies have not yet been conducted that would confirm the safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is prescribed only when the risks are justified by the clinical picture.

It is impossible to combine the use of two anthelmintic drugs: this leads to an increased risk of intoxication and a weakening of the effectiveness of drugs.

It is necessary to pay attention to animals, having carried out prevention. For cats and dogs, the use of preparations based on pyrantel is acceptable.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Shelf life for tablets is 5 years, and for suspension - 3 years. Storage conditions: temperature not higher than +25º. Store the packaging in a dry place protected from direct sunlight and children.

Pirantel is a fairly effective remedy, the main action of which is to block the neuromuscular system of helminths.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Pirantel, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Pirantel can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Clinico-pharmacological group: anthelmintic drug.

  1. Suspension Pirantel yellow viscous for oral administration 50 mg/ml. Each 5 ml suspension contains: active substance - pyrantel pamoate 250 mg. Excipients: sodium methylparaben, sodium propylparaben, sodium saccharin, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sucrose, citric acid, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sorbitol 70%, polysorbate 80 (tween 80), chocolate essence and purified water.
  2. Pirantel tablets are yellow capsule-shaped uncoated tablets with a division line on one side. The active substance is pyrantel pamoate 250 mg. Excipients - starch, gelatin, gum arabic, methylparaben, propylparaben, sodium starch glucolate, talc, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil).

What is Pirantel used for?

The drug Pirantel is prescribed for these types of helminthiasis:

  1. Enterobiasis (pinworms).
  2. Ascariasis.
  3. Necatorosis.
  4. Ankylostomiasis.
  1. Frequent allergies.
  2. Sluggish state, anemia.
  3. Violation of digestion and stool.
  4. Lack of appetite, resulting in noticeable weight loss.

In addition, babies whose body is affected by helminths may lag behind in physical development. With a long absence of treatment, the disease develops into a severe form, which leads to a gradual lag in mental development.

pharmachologic effect

  1. Patients with ascariasis and enterobiasis are prescribed an average dose of 10–12 mg per 1 kg of weight in one dose. Children after 6 months should receive syrup at a dose of 2.5 ml per 10 kg of body weight at one time. Adult patients (up to 75 kg) receive 15 ml in 1 dose. If a person's weight exceeds 75 kg, at one time you need to drink 20 ml of the product.
  2. Patients with ankylostomidosis in endemic areas or with severe invasion are prescribed the drug, based on a dosage of 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 2 or 3 doses, the treatment lasts 2-3 days.

The dosage per day is calculated as follows:

  • children after 6 months receive 5 ml of syrup per 10 kg of weight;
  • with a weight of up to 75 kg - 30 ml of syrup per day;
  • with a weight of 75 kg - 40 ml of syrup per day.

The dose of the drug depends on the type of invasion, as well as on the age of the patient. When using Pirantel in the form of tablets, the following dosages are recommended:

  • for children from 3 to 6 years old - 250 mg (one tablet);
  • for children from 12 years old - 500 mg (two tablets);
  • children over 12 years old and adults weighing no more than 75 kg are prescribed 750 mg (3 tablets);
  • adult patients weighing over 75 kg are prescribed 1000 mg (4 tablets).


If contraindications to these drugs are found, then they should not be used. In this case, the doctor must choose a suitable analogue.

Contraindications include the following factors:

  • detection of Crohn's disease;
  • liver failure and violations of secretory function;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • oncological diseases, tumor of internal organs;
  • blood diseases.

It is also better to stop taking all antihelminthic drugs during pregnancy or lactation.

Adverse reactions

When using a suspension, it is possible to develop reactions from several systems of the patient's body:

  1. Nervous system (headache, sleep disturbances, fatigue, weakness, dizziness).
  2. Sense organs (hearing impairment, paresthesia, hallucinations, impaired consciousness).
  3. Gastrointestinal tract (anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus, nausea).
  4. Liver (increased secretion of liver enzymes).
  5. Skin (urticaria, rash, fever).

In some cases, there is a decrease in efficiency, increased fatigue.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or child.


The analogues of this remedy are the preparations Nemocide, Helmintox, Pyrantel pamoat, which contain a similar active ingredient. A similar effect on the body is provided by drugs Vermox, Biltricid, Vormin, Dekaris, etc.


The average price of PIRANTEL, suspension in pharmacies (Moscow) is 35 rubles. Tablets cost 22 rubles.

As part of drug in tablets contains an active ingredient pyrantel , as well as additional components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, gelatin, acacia gum, starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, magnesium stearate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, colloidal silicon dioxide.

Suspension Pirantel contains the active ingredient pyrantel, as well as additional components: sucrose, xanthan gum, sorbic acid, polysorbate 80, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, 70% solution, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, flavors, purified water.

Release form

Produced suspension and Pirantel tablets.

Suspension is a homogeneous mass of yellow color. It is contained in dark glass bottles of 15 ml.

Tablets are ploskotsilindrichesky with a facet, on the one hand - risk. Yellow tablets. There can be 3 or 6 tablets in a polymer jar.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After entering the gastrointestinal tract pyrantela pamoate absorbed very poorly. Plasma concentration is not significant and is 0.05-0.13 mg / ml, it is reached within 1 to 3 hours. Partial occurs in the liver, the main one is K-methyl-1,3-propanediamine.

The main part of the active substance is excreted from the body with feces, approximately 7% - with urine.

Indications for use

Suspension and tablets Pirantel from worms are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • necatorosis.


There are such contraindications for the use of the drug:

  • high level of sensitivity to pyrantelu and any other components of the tool;
  • liver failure ;
  • child under 6 months of age.

Side effects

During treatment, the following side effects may occur:

  • nervous system : , , ;
  • digestive system : vomiting, periodic abdominal cramps, anorexia , tenesmus;
  • skin and subcutaneous tissue :, rash;
  • hepatobiliary system : increased hepatic levels;
  • other manifestations : feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.

Application instruction of Pirantel (Way and dosage)

The drug is used according to the doctor's instructions.

Suspension Pirantel, instructions for use

Suspension for children is used according to the indications, it must be shaken before taking it. Patients with ascariasis and enterobiasis are prescribed an average dose of 10-12 mg per 1 kg of weight in one dose. Children after 6 months should receive syrup at a dose of 2.5 ml per 10 kg of body weight at one time. Adult patients (up to 75 kg) receive 15 ml in 1 dose. If a person's weight exceeds 75 kg, at one time you need to drink 20 ml of the product.

To improve efficiency in the treatment of enterobiasis, all personal hygiene rules should be followed very carefully. It is recommended to conduct another course of therapy after three weeks.

Patients with ankylostomidosis in endemic areas or with severe invasion are prescribed the drug, based on a dosage of 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 2 or 3 doses, the treatment lasts 2-3 days.

The dosage per day is calculated as follows:

  • children after 6 months receive 5 ml of syrup per 10 kg of weight;
  • with a weight of up to 75 kg - 30 ml of syrup per day;
  • with a weight of 75 kg - 40 ml of syrup per day.

Subject to mild invasion Ankylostoma duodenale sometimes it is enough to take a dose of 10 mg per 1 kg once.

Tablets Pirantel, instructions for use

Adults are usually prescribed Pirantel tablets. It should be taken before or during meals. The tablet is chewed and washed down with a large amount of liquid.

How to take Pirantel for children depends on their body weight and age:

  • at the age of 2-6 years, 250 mg of the drug is indicated;
  • at the age of 6-12 years - 500 mg;
  • children after 12 years and adult patients weighing up to 75 kg - 750 mg;
  • adults weighing more than 75 kg - 1000 mg.

If only infection with a human nematode is noted, Pirantel should be taken 5 mg per 1 kg of weight in one pr.

Patients with enterobiasis and ascariasis, as well as with mixed invasions, the dose that is intended for the entire course is used once (10 mg per 1 kg).

Patients with hookworm are shown to take the same dose for three days.

In the case of massive Necator americanus infestations, a dose of 20 mg/kg is indicated for two days.

For more information about how many days to take the remedy, how to drink tablets and suspension for adults and children for treatment, as well as for prevention for adults and children, you should ask your doctor.


In case of an overdose of the drug, the patient may experience such negative manifestations: nausea, vomiting, anorexia . But it should be borne in mind that pyrantel is poorly absorbed in the body, which is why the symptoms appear very rarely even with a significant overdose. If there is such a need, gastric lavage is prescribed, there is no specific one. It is important to control the functions of blood vessels, heart, respiratory system.


Do not prescribe treatment with Pirantel simultaneously with the use of , since in this case there may be a potentiation of the toxic effect of Levamisole, the plasma level also increases .

You can not use tablets and suspension simultaneously with Piperazine, since this drug is an antagonist of the anthelmintic effect of Pirantel.

Terms of sale

You can buy Pirantel by prescription.

Storage conditions

During storage, protect from light and high temperatures. After the bottle has been opened, it can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.

Shelf life

Pyrantel can be stored for 3 years

special instructions

Assign carefully means to people who have abnormal liver function. During therapy, you should not refrain from eating or taking laxatives. It does not depend on how quickly the drug acts.

The remedy is prescribed for simultaneous admission to all members of the family who live together. You should consider how to give the child a suspension or tablets, and follow the instructions. After completion of the study, a study of the patient's feces is carried out.

To prevent re-infection, it is important to carefully adhere to the rules of hygiene.

Sometimes during treatment, there may be withweakness, dizziness . This should be taken into account when driving transport or in the process of working with precise mechanisms.

Do not prescribe a remedy to people who are undergoing treatment myasthenia gravis .

How long the drug works depends on the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Which is better: Decaris or Pirantel?

Decaris - an antihelminthic agent that has a similar effect. The drug Decaris has more contraindications, side effects are almost the same as with the use of Pirantel. It is believed that Pirantel is more preferable for the treatment of children.

Which is better: Vermox or Pirantel?

- This is a broad-spectrum drug. It is especially effective in enterobiasis and trichuriasis. Which of the two drugs to prefer should be determined taking into account individual characteristics.

Nemozol or Pirantel: which is better?

Pirantel for children

Reviews about Pirantel for children that parents leave are mostly positive. However, it should be borne in mind that the instructions for the suspension for children provide that the drug is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. It is important to strictly follow the instructions on how to take the suspension. The dosage for children should be carefully maintained.

With alcohol

Pyrantel in the form of a suspension and tablets should not be combined with the intake of alcoholic beverages.

During pregnancy and lactation

When you can use this medicine only according to strict indications, carefully comparing the benefits for the expectant mother and the harm to the fetus. During the drug is not used.

Reviews about Pirantel

Pirantel price, where to buy

The price of a suspension of Pirantel 15 ml is, on average, 60 rubles. The cost may be slightly lower or higher. The price of Pyrantel tablets depends on the packaging and the manufacturer. On average, buy a pack of 3 tablets. You can at a price of 20 to 40 rubles. How much this drug costs in pharmacies should be asked directly at the point of sale.

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