Marketer: Responsibilities and Required Skills. Marketing Job Description

  • 08.03.2022

The profession of a marketer, or a marketing manager, is quite young. But at the same time, it is very promising and dynamically developing. The essence of this profession is to manage the value (exactly as it is perceived by consumers of the product) to increase sales or profits.

Large companies divide the marketing profession into different specializations: analyst, marketing specialist, brand manager, marketing research specialist, marketing director, BTL manager, art manager, product manager, etc.


Marketing is a fairly young specialty. However, this does not prevent it from dynamically and rapidly developing.

At first, marketing was not an independent direction. In most cases, it was interpreted as advertising that is based on the needs of consumers, as opposed to ordinary slogans.

But the rate of development of marketing was so high that in 1902, lectures on marketing began to be given at US universities. About 20 years later (1926) the first marketing association was born. After some time, similar associations began to be created both in Europe and in other countries of the world. Marketing reached the USSR in 1970 - the first marketing chamber appeared. Since that time, such a specialty as a marketer began to actively develop in our country. Due to the fact that the marketing profession is new for our country, the functions continue to vary. And in each company, this position can be interpreted differently, which means that responsibilities can be different. But there are general standards set by the Russian Marketing Association.

Who is a marketer?

Many do not have an accurate idea of ​​who a marketer is and what a marketer does. Responsibilities (basic) give an idea of ​​the profession itself:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Work with clients.
  3. Analysis of competitors.
  4. Looking for new clients.
  5. Search for new interesting offers.
  6. Finance analysis.

Market analysis

The most important function in marketing. A marketer must constantly monitor any changes in the market and be able to quickly adapt to them.

If, for example, a plant for the production of certain iron products does not quickly respond to market changes (does not replace machines with newer ones, etc.), then it risks losing the competition. This means that the company will lose not only time, but also a lot of money.

Among the specific tools, the main ones can be distinguished: tracking periodicals, consumer surveys, analysis of information from competitors, public opinion, social surveys, etc.

Collecting the necessary data is the responsibility of a marketing analyst. He must also be able to process this data, conduct a thorough analysis, draw conclusions and suggest solutions.

Work with clients

Communication with clients is the direct responsibility of the manager. Only by interacting with consumers will you be able to answer questions such as:

  • Why is he buying this product?
  • Why in your company?
  • Why exactly this product?
  • What suits him?
  • What additional services are they interested in?
  • What does the client not like?

By finding the answers to these questions, the marketer will discover many secrets about the market, competitors, customer expectations, etc.

A marketer should always know how his company differs from competing ones. But here it is important to pay attention to one feature: what makes you stand out in the eyes of customers, and not in your own eyes. Perhaps this is a perfect trifle (free Wi-Fi in a cafe always increases the flow of customers).

It is necessary to communicate not only with VIP clients, but also with simple, small ones. Your turnover depends on the latter.

Competitor analysis

Communication with clients is, of course, good. But you need to know your competitors even better. The tasks of a marketer include:

  • control over the pricing policy of competitors;
  • knowing their strengths;
  • knowledge about their additional services;
  • understanding why some clients go to them.

These questions need to be constantly researched. Because the market, as mentioned earlier, is constantly changing.

In a way, keeping track of your competitors is easy these days. Almost all companies have their own blogs with customer reviews, official news on websites, press releases. If necessary, you can use a mystery shopper. All legal means are good.

If the market in which you provide your services is small, then most likely all business leaders know each other. Conferences, seminars, exhibitions - these are the places where everyone often intersects. Sometimes at such events you can learn a lot of useful information. The main thing is to try to follow what you say (especially about innovations, large-scale advertising campaigns, rebranding and other cardinal things).

Looking for new clients

The functions of a marketer also include finding new customers. In small companies, this can be done by a marketing assistant. He is engaged in the fact that he is looking for new niches where the product can be used. It can be either a new segment or an entire market.

The task of the marketer is that he must check everything. It often happens that a product that was previously used by one group of customers becomes very popular among another group.

A good marketer is well versed in advertising, knows how to do it. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. When launching a new product, you should develop different strategies for conducting promotional ventures. And then find the best based on the research.

Search for new interesting offers

Finding new opportunities is not an easy job. A marketer must always look to the future and improve his customer care.

An example is home delivery of bottled water. Most of the organizations that do this, for some reason, deliver water only during working hours. That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the services of the company, because they are at work at this time.

Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of enhanced customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise.

Not all services are directly profitable, but the quality of service and customer loyalty is always improved.

Financial analysis

The last major responsibility of a marketer is to deal with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Market dynamics, ups and downs. Do your business growth cycles generally coincide with market growth? If not, your company is in trouble.
  • competitor dynamics.
  • Revenue by segment. Perhaps something worth giving up.
  • Revenue/profit per unit of output across segments and markets.
  • How competitors respond to your price manipulations.
  • Do you need VIP customers (big discounts and high requirements).

Financial analytics is not the main task, but it is necessary to spend some time and effort on this process.

Official and functional responsibilities

The main duty of a marketer is to study, analyze supply and demand in the market for goods and services. Then he forms the company's development strategy.

The main goal is to meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, the primary task of the marketer is to study and identify needs. And only after that you can create a product that is most suitable for various characteristics of the buyer.

If you are going to work as a marketer, you need to know the functional responsibilities:

  • tracking prices for the offered goods, analysis of competitiveness;
  • search and subsequent analysis of data on potential competitors;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • research of the market (or market segment) for the sale of a certain type of product;
  • analysis of the purchasing power of various regions and population groups;
  • media planning, development of advertising campaigns;
  • development of measures to improve sales efficiency.

Resume writing

Marketing is such a profession that is difficult to teach, because professionalism comes with work experience. Educational institutions offer only a theoretical base that allows you to navigate the basic concepts. Each marketer must develop independently.

Writing a marketing resume is a time-consuming process. It must be approached with particular care. Experts point out 9 key competencies that a marketer should possess. Of course, they may not be fully expressed, but each of them must be improved.

  1. Analytical skills: analysis of sales dynamics and management of this forecast; advertising budget management, investment efficiency calculation; comparison of a number of solutions, choosing the best; setting priorities for projects; search for a causal relationship in the behavior of customers.
  2. Professional Competence. In the resume of a marketer, you can indicate knowledge: about modern marketing techniques; about how you can develop and manage the brand of the company; about techniques and methods of sales; about the basics of economics and finance; about the foundations of sociology and psychology; modern design trends (understanding aesthetics).
  3. Initiative. Ability to independently formulate tasks and understand how business can be improved.
  4. Responsibility, no job can do without it. A marketer must be able to manage the advertising budget and product profitability. Therefore, he must understand that he has a great responsibility.
  5. Perseverance and effectiveness in the actions of a marketer. He must be ambitious in his goals.
  6. Creativity - the creation of new ideas and the search for alternatives to solve a problem.
  7. Quality of communication: competent written and oral speech; effective interpersonal communication; public speaking skills.
  8. Flexibility in work. A marketer must be able to find different approaches, be open to new technologies and views.
  9. Self-development and erudition. In any business, you need to constantly improve. Increasing competence and expanding horizons is what a marketer should constantly do.

Job Responsibilities

Every newcomer wants to reach such a high level that everyone says about him: "He is a first-class, unique marketer!" The responsibilities of each marketing manager are spelled out in their job description. Among others, it includes forecasting the dynamics of important indicators for the company, as well as developing recommendations for improving them.

It is the ability to evaluate and give a correct forecast that distinguishes a professional manager-analyst from a beginner. And if you learn to predict changes in the situation before your competitors, you will become a unique expert. But the path to this goal is very difficult. The level of knowledge should be constantly improved, and it is best to focus on the latest achievements in statistics and information technology.

The job description of a marketer contains all the points relating to the progress of work. This document spells out what the marketer should know and what the marketer is guided by, job duties and functions, rights and responsibilities. It may also indicate that in the event of a vacation or illness, he is replaced by a marketing assistant.

In some cases, it may be prescribed to whom and when the reports of the marketer should be transferred. These reports indicate the results of ongoing research in a particular market segment: figures, graphs, comparative characteristics. As well as forecast and recommendations for further actions.

Who is suitable for this profession

They say about a marketer that it should be a comprehensively developed personality, that is, he should be able to do almost everything.

A good marketer is analytical and likes to work with numbers. Otherwise, he will not stay in this job.

Also, the marketer must be careful. Since even a small inaccuracy can incorrectly reflect all the data. As a result, the concept will line up incorrectly, and the company may suffer serious losses.

Communication is something that a marketer must have. His duties suggest that the marketer communicates a lot with people. After all, he needs to be able to receive data from distributors, from retail outlets. He must know the level of sales of his products and those of competitors.

Of course, a marketer must be stress-resistant. Endless communication with people and huge responsibility leave a serious imprint. Therefore, you must always be able to control yourself.

Despite the analytical mindset, a marketer must remain creative and be able to generate ideas. After analyzing the situation on the market, the marketer needs to provide his recommendations on how to further promote the product.

Starting a marketing career, it is worth remembering that this is a long and thorny path. It will require almost all the forces and all the time. At the beginning of your career, most likely you will not earn much. And since you need to constantly develop, there will be no time for an additional source of income. But if you have everything that is inherent in a good marketer, then after a while you will be able to reach a new level. The main thing is not to stop your development. Marketing is a profession that strives forward every day, covering more and more new spaces.

Conduct a preliminary assessment of advertising materials developed by third parties. 3. Rights A marketer has the right to: 3.1. In necessary cases, represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities that are within its competence. 3.2. Request from the heads of structural divisions of the company, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties. 4. Responsibility The marketer is responsible for: 4.1. Inadequate performance or non-performance of his job duties, which are provided for in this job description. 4.2. Causing material harm and damage to the business reputation of the organization. for disclosing trade secrets. 4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions from the management. 5. Working conditions 5.1.

Marketer: Responsibilities and Required Skills. marketing manager job description

That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the services of the company, because they are at work at this time. Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of enhanced customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise. Not all services are directly profitable, but the quality of service and customer loyalty is always improved.


Analyzing Finances The last major responsibility of a marketer is dealing with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole.

Particular attention should be paid to:
  • Market dynamics, ups and downs.

Marketing Job Description

In particular, it indicates the possibility of making independent decisions and taking various initiatives, permission to communicate with other structural divisions and the management of the company, as well as the right not to perform their work duties in the event of a danger to life or health. Responsibility of a marketer for wrongdoings In the "Responsibility" section, all errors, violations and faults are prescribed, for which disciplinary punishment is possible.

When developing this paragraph, one must strictly rely on the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, since neglect of them is fraught with sanctions against the organization itself. At the end, the document must be certified by an employee whose competence includes monitoring the performance of the job duties of the marketer, as well as the marketer personally.

Job Responsibilities of a Marketing Assistant


Do not perform your duties when there is a danger to life or health. 10. Communicate with employees of structural divisions of the organization on work issues.

11. Inform the immediate supervisor of the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization. Put forward proposals for their elimination. 12. Submit proposals to management to improve their work and the activities of the organization. I V. Responsibility A marketer is responsible for: 1. Misuse of commercial secrets, disclosure of personal information of employees, confidential information.
2. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, counterparties, the state. 3. The quality of reporting documentation. 4. Unauthorized management representation of the interests of the organization. 5. Violation of the norms of etiquette, business communication. 6.

Job responsibilities of a marketer in a company, including instructions, functions and requirements, are determined by internal regulations and operating rules aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the company. For this reason, the developed documents containing the duties and functions of the employee require a “personal” approach, including the adaptation of a standard methodology to the financial, commercial and operational activities of the company.

The duties of a marketer include comprehensive control over a trade or commercial offer that forms the main income of the company. In practice, the interconnectedness of these processes may be related to the management system used, which in turn requires thoughtful design. All these tasks are assigned to the head of the personnel department, who manages this process and monitors the effectiveness of the resulting methodology in the workflow.

The job description normalizes the relationship between the employee and the employer, making the form of cooperation more understandable and transparent. For this reason, detailed development makes it possible to make work in this area more efficient and eliminate work conflicts between the employee and the employer.

General requirements for a marketer and main responsibilities

Job responsibilities largely depend on the nature of the company's activities, as well as the functions assigned to the specialist. The nature of the work also matters, whether the duties are assigned to one person or a whole department with a staff of analysts, managers and advertising specialists, each responsible for their own scope of work.

The job description is approved by the head in the form of an order of the company, along with the staffing table, which includes the position of a marketer. It should be borne in mind that responsibilities are not regulated, so instructions can be changed at your discretion. Some documents contain the following requirements:

  • education;
  • amount of knowledge;
  • work functions in the field of marketing and advertising;
  • features of operating activities;
  • rights and responsibility.

A number of instructions that can be found on the Internet can be discussed from different points of view, first of all, the problem associated with the nature of the verification of the requirements described in this document. For example, the amount of knowledge in a particular area and its nature is quite difficult to assess only if the employee has received higher education and attended training courses with identical or similar names. Otherwise, the marketer will not be able to prove that he really has the necessary set of skills in the work area.

As you know, violation of the instructions can lead to a reprimand, and three reprimands will lead to dismissal under the article. So, not only the preparation, but also the signing of such a document must be taken sensibly and the attention of the head of the personnel department should be drawn to points that do not have a clear interpretation and can be presented in different ways. Such a remark in many companies can be alarming, as a result, the future employee will have to independently assess how the items described in the job description will be applied in practice.

On the part of the company's managers, it can be advised to describe the necessary functions and actions of the employee, depending on the characteristics of the enterprise. This is due, for example, to the different nature of offers in the real segment or on the Internet, where a trading resource can also be promoted, and actions to support it will be required.

Requirements for the presence of specialized education

Most job descriptions require the employee to have a special education in the field of marketing. Moreover, it is often not specified that education should be higher. In other words, bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees are allowed in this position.

Some documents contain data that the position belongs to the specialist category, while nothing is said that this is an engineering degree. Thus, the specialist must be certified in the field of work in the specialty.

Is it allowed to work without fulfilling this requirement. Undoubtedly. Moreover, special conditions may not be reflected in the contract. In fact, if the employee submitted his documents, accordingly, he notified the employer about the nature of his professional specialization. Unless otherwise stipulated by the contract, the start of work is a fact of acceptance on a permanent basis.

What a Marketer Should Know

What should a marketer know? This item, which is often found in job descriptions, contains rather difficult to verify abstract data on qualifications. It is better to concretize it and present it in a different form. For example, in relation to the functionality for periodic reporting. This, at the same time, implies that the employee must have certain skills and check them in the form of documents in order to conduct operational activities.

The problem with hiring an experienced marketer is that the specialist must have a wide range of knowledge in the field of marketing and management. At the same time, be able to systematize data and knowledge and bring them to a compact form suitable for reporting and reading.

At the same time, the company's managers should take into account that the position of a marketer still belongs to the manager (in some enterprises, it is included in the category of senior managers). In fact, job responsibilities should not involve performing work related to other professionals, such as designers, website programmers, website content managers. The tasks of a marketer are related to planning work and tracking progress.

Job Responsibilities

Job responsibilities should include the entire specified set of work functions. The list should be systematized by categories, and also linked to real business processes in the enterprise. In this case, the activities of the marketer will be regulated and verified. The results of its work will be used by a number of interested departments, and not only produced and processed at their own discretion.

This approach will allow not only to track the performance of an individual employee and direction, but also to ensure the full use of the results of his work. It is worth noting again that the set of requirements for the job responsibilities of a marketer, in general terms, depends on the company, its operations and business process features.

General requirements and responsibilities include the following set:

  • Studying the properties of the goods and services of the company, analysis, improvement, averaging of qualities, planning advertising and marketing support.
  • Studying the sales market, its features and characteristics, adapting the manufactured goods and services of the company to the specifics of the market.
  • Analysis of consumer demand, determination of the target audience.
  • Analysis of the competitive environment.
  • Demand forecast.
  • Assortment optimization.
  • Analysis and optimization of pricing.


The rights section fixes the features of hierarchical subordination between employees within the enterprise, as well as the relationship of the employee with external organizations, including government agencies. The position of a marketer is authoritative, within its framework it is required to have a number of rights, and this is officially enshrined in the job description. In some enterprises, the responsibility of the employee is also fixed. This is especially true for companies with large advertising budgets that require increased control of activities.

How to spell: the structure and features of the job description

The job description is written with an exact indication of the position of the employee, then in the upper right corner there is a heading for the certification of the document by the head of the company, containing: the words “I approve”, position, full name and date.

The paragraph "General provisions" fixes the general requirements for a specialist: how he starts work, the nature of the position, education, describing in detail the type, length of service, scientific or engineering degree. It also defines the general requirements for knowledge and the nature of the documents with which he will have to work. Usually, these contain general requirements that are formulated with a certain degree of abstraction. The subsequent paragraphs of the document should specify the general requirements.

Job responsibilities should be categorized and described with a fair amount of specificity. This item is completely related to the specifics of the company. Rights and responsibilities define the scope of the marketer's workflows and limitations.

The document has a well-established structure with the following points:

  • "General Provisions";
  • "Responsibilities";
  • "Rights";
  • "Responsibility";
  • "Working conditions".

Please note that in many firms, work in the company begins on a trial period without registration for work. According to labor legislation, an employee is considered to be accepted on a permanent basis if he has actually taken up official duties. However, in order to prove this, it is necessary to present formal facts. They can be documents in which the marketer signs, as well as the testimony of witnesses who will be involved in the trial if necessary.

A detailed job description is a real tool that specifies the work of a marketer, making it understandable and transparent for the employee and his employer. For this reason, it is important to develop it in accordance with the characteristics of the company.

Features of the paragraph "General Provisions"

The paragraph "General Provisions" captures the main features of the work of a marketer. First of all, the name of the enterprise is always indicated, as well as the nature of the selection of the candidate and the appointment to the position. It should reflect the conditions of the probationary period in accordance with the current legislation, the suitability of the signed job description as a whole depends on the correctness of the wording of this paragraph. If violations of labor laws are implied, the employee can hold the enterprise liable through the courts.


The trial period should not exceed 3 months with a permanent labor contract (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In some cases, a two-stage form of concluding an agreement is practiced, which includes:

  • fixed-term contract for a period of 2 to 6 months with a possible trial period of 2 weeks;
  • permanent contract with a possible trial period of 3 months.

A two-stage form or a renewable fixed-term contract is in many cases the best form of working with marketers if the company has not yet decided on a marketing strategy. The specific requirements for the contract in such cases describe the specific needs of the company, for example:

  • plan an advertising campaign and promotion strategy;
  • create an online store website with a certain sales volume, etc.

On the part of the future employee, you need to pay attention to assignments, since in many cases they imply a marketing budget and feasibility. Inexperienced managers often set abstract goals for which they do not allocate enough funds. Such conditions must be negotiated, or it is not worth accepting such a job offer. Please note that the probationary period is always paid by the employer.

When appointing a probationary period for a marketer, it should be borne in mind that it cannot be applied to a number of employees, first of all:

  • when filling a vacancy as a result of an announcement of a competition or transfer from another place of work;
  • when appointing women with children under 3 years of age.

In the case of a probationary period, the goals and objectives of this period should be clearly recorded. They must be achievable.


The education of a marketer can be enshrined in the staffing table, company accounting policies and job descriptions. Usually these documents are approved by the manager in the form of an order, and the candidate cannot be hired if he does not meet the approved requirements. Changing the requirements in orders for a specific applicant is not practiced.

A marketer in a company may have a different status, for example, generally accepted positions are practiced:

  • marketing assistant;
  • marketing researcher;
  • marketing analyst;
  • marketer-economist;
  • head of marketing department.

Each of these positions may involve a different education. It is generally recommended to set general requirements. In the job description, this can be formulated as “economics, philology, engineering and economics, engineering (including exact sciences), higher education with experience in marketing and market research.”

Which means that almost anyone with a higher education and experience in the field of economics can take the position. This is due to the specifics of the work, for example, good results in this area are shown by software engineers and mathematicians. The position assumes the universality of qualifications in the field of economics.

Skills and knowledge

Very often in job descriptions you can find the sub-clauses "Marketer must know: ..." and "Marketer must have: ...". The usefulness of such items is rather debatable, as it assumes general knowledge, usually determined by special education. If the general requirements for the education of the applicant are indicated, it is possible to clarify knowledge in the field of economics, but there is no point in duplicating the knowledge and skills assumed by default by the education received.

In companies where business processes are quite clearly defined and accounting policies have been developed, it is better to make a reference to internal documents, including the requirements for office work in the marketing direction. For example, it can be formulated as follows: "The marketer must have the knowledge and skills to facilitate the fulfillment of the requirements of the company's accounting policies, general business practices and internal regulations (with reference to the title of internal documents)".

This wording determines the correspondence of skills, knowledge and the ability to perform work in accordance with the company's accounting documents and the adopted management system. Such requirements, firstly, imply a higher level of employee performance, and secondly, the specification of requirements for a particular business process.

Fulfillment of duties of a marketer in case of absence

The formal point of the job description is the principles of the appointment of "acting" for the period of absence of the employee, the allowable time of absence and the format of the duplicate position are also determined.

Hierarchy of the marketing department

The job description should fix the hierarchy of the marketing department (the paragraph begins with the words “Marketer is subordinate to ...”), the nature of subordination, reporting on the work done. If we are talking about an independent position in a company, it makes sense to carefully consider the duties, since they must not only be realizable, but also correspond to wages. Clarification of responsibilities helps to improve work efficiency.

Features of the item "Rights of the marketer"

The rights of the marketer, first of all, determine with whom an employee can communicate and formally introduce himself on behalf of the company. Usually, representation of interests in self-government bodies in connection with possible fines and complaints, as well as with contractors who are performers in the field of marketing services, is negotiated. It is important to determine the possibility of requesting documents from other departments, the developed "Accounting Policy" allows you to determine the type and regularity of their provision.

The possibility of signing documents is often described. When it comes to internal reporting, the signature implies the usual business practice determined by the position itself. If the marketer has the right to sign on behalf of the company, a link to the appropriate document granting this right must be provided. Usually we are talking about a power of attorney, which, in turn, determines the type of documents to be signed, as well as other restrictive measures.

This can be formulated as follows: “The marketer has the right to represent the interests of the company and sign contracts for the order of marketing products, the scope of competence is determined by the document “…”, the amount should not exceed “…” and the allocated marketing budget. Such an item implies the presence of a power of attorney signed by the head of the company, as well as budgeting, defined in the Accounting Policy, which fixes the allowable volume of transactions for a certain period.

Clause "Marketer's Responsibility"

The clause stipulates the conditions for the performance of duties and their non-fulfillment. It is usually abstract in nature; references are also made to internal documents of the company, which more specifically specify the scope of responsibility.

Responsibilities of a marketer: how to make work effective

The general terms of reference of a marketer without specifying specialization include the following areas, which can be indicated and specified in the job description:

  • strategy for promoting the company's services;
  • branding of promoted trademarks;
  • advertising;
  • promotion of unbranded products;
  • research (market segment, consumer demand, sales forecasting, etc.);
  • Internet activities of the company (website, online store, media activity).

Each of these areas can be specified in the job description or reference is made to additional documents. What is the benefit of linking to additional documents? Approved by the head of the enterprise include: staffing, job descriptions, accounting policies of the company. The rest of the regulations are considered internal documents and can be changed without making changes to the orders. Of course, this is determined by the developed corporate policy and corresponds to operational accounting, which should be publicly available to employees.

Please note that operational accounting, corporate policy and internal regulations are the main tools of management accounting. These documents should have a well traceable logic and be developed as a whole.


Not in all cases, a detailed job description has a well-developed logical structure. Nevertheless, a compact document is considered ideal, which has links to other regulations that clearly define the context of certain requirements for a marketer and his functional responsibilities. In practice, the job description is a reflection of the applied management system, specified by the features of operational and management accounting, as well as a number of official documents to which reference is made.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of a marketer [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A marketer is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company, on the proposal of the commercial director of the Company.

1.3. The marketer belongs to the category of specialists and reports directly to the head of the marketing department of the Company.

1.4. The Marketer is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks for their intended purpose;
  • performance and labor discipline;
  • safety of information (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees;
  • ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, complying with fire safety rules in the premises of the department.

1.5. Persons with a higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and at least 1 year of work experience in the specialty in the field of marketing can be appointed to the position of a marketer.

1.6. In practice, the marketer should be guided by:

  • legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the organization (enterprise), regulating the work of marketing, the activities of the sales service and the department;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. The marketer must know:

  • legislation, regulations on the organization of marketing and advertising activities;
  • the organizational structure of the Company, the system for marketing products, the procedure for its functioning, the organization of the work of the department;
  • current and prospective needs of the department in resources, methods of their planning and forecasting;
  • tasks of the department to meet the needs of the Company in marketing support, its ability to solve these problems;
  • methods of analysis of marketing activities;
  • the procedure for organizational and informational interaction of the department with other divisions of the Company;
  • the procedure for developing marketing plans;
  • organization of operational accounting of the results of marketing activities;
  • criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the department;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of marketing;
  • the composition and structure of the documentation of the department;
  • means of computer technology, communication and communications;
  • labor protection rules and regulations.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a marketer, his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

The marketer is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

2.1. Ensure timely and high-quality performance of the daily tasks assigned to him in strict accordance with the approved procedure (regulations) and work technology.

2.2. Regularly analyze the consumer properties of the Company's products, forecast consumer demand and market conditions.

2.3. Take part in drawing up long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products, identifying new sales markets and new consumers of the Company's products.

2.4. Ensure coordination of the activities of the structural subdivisions of the department for the collection and analysis of marketing information, the creation of a data bank for marketing the Company's products.

2.5. Organize the study of consumers' opinions about the Company's products and monitor the timely elimination of deficiencies indicated in complaints and claims received from consumers.

2.6. Submit proposals on the formation of the corporate identity of the Company and corporate design of products for consideration by the management.

2.7. To study, generalize and apply in the daily activities of the department advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of marketing.

2.8. Timely and fully work out and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate powers.

If necessary, a marketer may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3. Rights

The marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize marketing, ensure the daily activities of the department, on all issues related to its competence.

3.2. Prepare and submit to the immediate supervisor their proposals for improving marketing, the activities of the department (its additional personnel, logistics).

3.3. Participate in the work of collegiate management bodies when considering issues related to marketing and the activities of the department.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The marketer bears administrative, disciplinary and financial (and in some cases, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Violation of the provisions of the law, regulations, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents on marketing issues.

4.1.2. Failure to comply with the instructions of the immediate supervisor regarding the organization of marketing, the activities of the department and the fulfillment of its tasks.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with the requirements for ensuring the safety of information and documents containing confidential information.

4.1.4. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of a marketer is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the process of daily exercise by the employee of his powers.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a marketer is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of a marketer is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, a marketer can go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

This article will cause a wave of anger from my fellow marketers, but it needs to be published.

At a minimum, because it will be extremely useful to owners who, regardless of their niche and field of activity, will confidently say that finding a competent marketer is like finding a treasure.

So why the anger? Everything is simple! Most marketers who offer their services to the labor market are simply not suitable for these positions. As they say, no offense. Nothing personal, just business.

And we will start with philosophical (but quite practical) topics, and finish with dry specifics.

be able to sell

The first philosophical (practical) topic is sales. And the first thing we will discuss is why a marketer should be able to sell. How to find out? Let the marketer at the interview answer one question:

- Have you ever sold anything?

Naturally, the sale of newspapers in childhood does not count. I mean serious sales - by phone, at a meeting.
I just feel that now slippers from marketers flew into me 🙂 Because:

- Why should I sell? The job of a marketer is to paint, find, make promotional materials, attract a client and that’s it (as the people say, “master the budget”)!

And here it is not. In my opinion, a marketer who has never sold anything is an empty place.

How did you not sell anything?

Better then a salesperson who decided to engage in marketing. And now I will explain why.

Someone will hook, but it is not known who. And now I am talking about the b2c sector, in which everything is quite simple. In the b2b segment, things are still much more difficult.

In B2B, you can't do without sales either.

How difficult is it

He does not even know how the client will behave, which means that such a “lead marketer” cannot fully prepare promotional materials that will lead the client in accordance with the objection funnel, and this is his main task.

That is, just what an entry-level Internet marketer should know and be able to do (that is, the basics of the basics). And now I do not demand much from the future leading marketer. This is not even a tribute to fashion, but an ordinary routine.

He is an analyst

By the way. I almost forgot about one more duty, which is spelled out in all job descriptions in passing.

A marketer (and even more so an Internet marketer) is an analyst. That is, the duties of a marketer in a company are, first of all, an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels and their optimization.

Therefore, returning to the questions from the interview, one more mandatory task:

– What experience do you have in internet marketing or SMM?

If not at all, then you know what to do! Such a specialist will not suit you. And now I will tell you in more detail.

Do you think that there should not be such trained specialists (you can’t call them differently)? In theory, yes. But in practice, everything is different.

A simple example. As part of a marketing consulting project, we helped one of our clients select a marketer.

The main requirements are a possible lack of extensive experience, but an understanding of marketing, sales, online marketing and analytics.

I, too, was fully convinced that it was impossible to find a novice marketer with such a wide range of knowledge.

But how wrong I was! Seeing more than 10 applications from applicants with knowledge and experience in SMM, settings, work in and Google Analytics, and more. And all this, attention ... at the age of no more than 25 years and for no more than 30 thousand rubles a month.

common truths

Yes, I perfectly understand that if you are looking for the main responsibilities of a marketer, then 3 responsibilities in the key of “be able to sell, be friends with Internet marketing and the ability to analyze” are unlikely to suit you.

Therefore, here is a list of duties that any, even the most useless (God forbid, of course!) marketer must comply with:

  1. Analysis of the target audience, company, product, markets, competitors;
  2. Preparation and coordination of the advertising budget based on the advertising policy of the company;
  3. Organization of various promotional activities (promotions, sales, events, etc.);
  4. Elaboration of pricing and assortment policy of the company as a whole;
  5. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising activities carried out;
  6. Studying supply and demand for the company's products;
  7. Forecasting sales volumes;
  8. Optimization of marketing business processes;
  9. Preparing reports for senior management.

Briefly about the main

I perfectly understand that it is difficult to find a marketer who will combine all these knowledge and skills:

  1. Salesmanship;
  2. Ability to understand both offline and Internet marketing;
  3. Ability to analyze and systematize the information received.

And the rest that a marketer at an enterprise should know (the list above) is theoretically unrealistic. But as I wrote above in the example, practically it’s quite even.

Yes, you can take a marketer without sales experience and train him in this, then taking a marketer to a company without experience in the Internet is just suicide.

And yes, this approach is quite justified in all areas. So the next time you ask yourself the question “What should a marketer know?” read the last list of this article again and it will disappear from you.