Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation 610. On approval of the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) thermal loads

  • 21.11.2020



On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Changing (Revising) Thermal Loads

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 121 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 109" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, N 8, Art. 982)

I order:

1. To approve the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service.

2. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

Acting Minister

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 12, 2010
registration N 16604

Rules for establishing and changing (revising) thermal loads


I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the establishment and change (revision) of heat loads (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate relations between energy supply organizations and consumers of thermal energy (capacity) arising from the establishment and change (revision) of the values ​​of heat loads used in calculating the cost of using heat power according to power supply contract.

2. To calculate the cost of using thermal power by a consumer of thermal energy, the thermal load of a capital construction facility, equipped with heat-consuming installations, owned by the consumer on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds (hereinafter referred to as the heat consumption object), established by the energy supply agreement, is used, which is defined as the sum of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the maximum thermal loads by types heat consumption (heating, ventilation, air conditioning (in the case of equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating period) and the average hourly daily maximum water consumption of the value of the heat load of hot water supply.

3. The maximum heat load by type of heat consumption is defined as:

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy in the heating and ventilation system at the outside air temperature calculated for the design of heating and ventilation systems in relation to the maximum heat load of heating and ventilation;

average hourly consumption of heat energy per day of maximum water consumption for the purpose of preparing hot water in relation to the maximum heat load of hot water supply;

the maximum hourly consumption of heat energy in the air conditioning system at the temperature and humidity of the outside air taken for the design of air conditioning systems (used when equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating season) in relation to the maximum heat load of the supply air conditioning system;

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy used for the implementation of technological processes in relation to the maximum thermal load of the heat consumption system for the purposes of the technology.

The values ​​of the maximum heat loads of heat consumption objects established in the energy supply agreement are applied subject to compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 8 of these Rules.

4. Establishment or change (revision) of thermal loads is carried out by fixing the corresponding values ​​in the energy supply contract on the basis of the consumer's application submitted by him to the energy supply organization in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

The heat loads of heat-consuming installations established in accordance with these Rules are the basis for calculating the rate of payment for thermal power, established for a heat supply organization when setting a two-part tariff for thermal energy (capacity) and a two-part tariff for hot water.

5. Heat loads are set for the heat consumption facility as a whole. If the premises in the heat consumption facility belong to different persons on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds, the distribution of heat loads of the heat consumption facility under energy supply agreements is carried out by applying the methods for determining the load specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, taking into account the shares in the ownership of the common property .

6. An increase in the heat load of consumers in excess of the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, defined as the total design maximum heat load of all heat consumption systems of the heat consumption facility connected to the heat networks (source of heat energy) of the heat supply organization, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks - technical support, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83.

II. Establishment of thermal loads

7. In the event that an energy supplying organization prepares proposals for setting a two-part tariff, this organization is obliged to notify all consumers whose contracts do not contain information about heat loads of the need to submit an application for establishing heat loads within 45 days from the date of receipt of the notification. At the same time, the energy supply organization has the right to verify the data specified by the consumer in the application by applying the methods for establishing thermal loads specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules.

In the event that the consumer does not receive an application for the establishment of heat loads within the prescribed period, the energy supply organization has the right, for the purposes of filing an application with the tariff authorities, to independently determine the heat loads based on the data at its disposal on the magnitude of the heat loads of heat consumption objects in the manner established in paragraph 11 of these Rules, and use them in the calculations under the energy supply agreement.

8. Heat loads are established for each heat consumption facility specified in the energy supply contract, separately by type of heat consumption and heat carrier.

9. Depending on the purpose of using heat in the heat-consuming installations of the consumer, the heat load is established for the following heat-consuming systems:

a) heating;

b) ventilation;

c) hot water supply;

d) conditioning;

e) implementation of technological processes.

10. Depending on the type of heat carrier used, the heat load is set separately for hot water (heat carrier - hot water) and for steam (coolant - steam). In the case of establishing a heat load for steam, the following types of heat load are applied:

a) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.12 to 0.25 MPa;

b) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.25 to 0.70 MPa;

c) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.70 to 1.30 MPa;

d) heat load on steam with parameters over 1.30 MPa;

e) heat load on live and reduced steam.

11. The magnitude of the heat load of each of the heat consumption systems is established using one of the following methods:

1) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the energy supply contract;

2) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the contract for connection to the heat supply system (technical conditions that are an integral part of the contract) or other contract regulating the conditions for connection to the heat supply system;

3) according to the data of thermal energy meters approved for operation as commercial ones, in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 12-15 of these Rules;

4) according to the design documentation of the relevant heat consumption facility;

5) according to the permit documents for connecting heat consumption facilities (acts, orders, orders-permits for turning on heat supply) available in the energy supply organization or at the consumer;

6) on the basis of statistical data of technical meters of heat energy available in the energy supply organization, with the mutual consent of the parties to use this method;

7) method of analogues (for residential and public buildings);

8) expert method;

9) design method.

These methods are used solely for the purpose of establishing (changing) heat loads in accordance with these Rules in order of priority if any of the methods cannot be applied due to the lack of necessary documents or information.

12. The maximum heat loads of the heating and ventilation system of the heat consumption facility are determined directly from the data of commercial heat energy metering devices, if for the last heating period preceding the procedure for establishing the heat load, the calculated outdoor air temperatures were registered, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, in the climatic the area in which the heat consumption facility is located, provided that there are no consumer complaints about the quality of heating and ventilation and that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation.

If for the heating period preceding the procedure for determining the load, the design temperatures of the outside air, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, were not recorded, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the data on heat consumption in relation to the design temperature conditions in accordance with the Methodology determination of the heat load of the heat consumption facility based on the results of these metering devices for the consumption of heat energy, established in the appendix to these Rules.

13. The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices for the 12 months preceding the procedure for establishing the load, is set as the average hourly consumption of heat energy per day of maximum water consumption directly from the data of metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper hot water quality.

14. The maximum heat load of the air conditioning system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from data from commercial metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of supply air conditioning.

15. The maximum heat load of the process heat consumption system, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from the data of metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming that the quality of heat energy at maximum heat load complies with the terms of the energy supply agreement.

16. The maximum heat loads for heating and ventilation, based on the statistical data of technical metering devices, are determined according to the data established in the last case of registering a temperature equal to the design outdoor temperature adopted for designing heating and ventilation systems in the climatic region in which the heat consumption facility is located.

If for the last heating period preceding the procedure for determining the heat load, the calculated outdoor temperatures were not registered, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the data on heat consumption for the previous 12 months in relation to the calculated temperature in accordance with the Methodology for determining the heat load of a heat consumption facility based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices, established in the appendix to these Rules.

17. When applying the method of analogues in terms of establishing the heat load of heat consumption systems of residential buildings and public buildings, during the construction of which standard projects (standard housing construction) are used, the installed heat load is taken equal to the load (capacity) of the heat consumption systems of a residential or public building, which, by virtue of similar design features with similar characteristics of heat energy consumption if, in relation to the latter, data are available on the maximum hourly heat load, determined by one of the methods specified in subparagraphs 1-5 of paragraph 11 of these Rules.

18. When applying the expert method in terms of determining the heat load of heat consumption systems, the maximum hourly heat load is determined based on measurement data on the volume of heat energy consumption established as a result of energy audits carried out in the manner established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 N 261 -FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" .

19. When applying the design method, the maximum hourly heat load of a heat-consuming facility is determined by the energy supply organization in a procedure similar to determining heat loads when preparing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction facility to engineering networks.

20. The heat load agreed upon by the parties is subject to fixing in the energy supply contract and is used to calculate the consumer's obligations when paying for the heat load (power) until it changes in the manner established by these Rules, or until the procedure for connecting the facility in case of reconstruction of the facility.

III. Change (revision) of thermal loads

21. The grounds for changing (revision) of thermal loads at the initiative of the consumer may be:

21.1. Carrying out by the consumer of organizational and technical measures leading to a decrease in the maximum heat load of used or reconstructed heat consumption facilities, subject to maintaining the quality of heat supply and (or) the provision of public services to citizens, including:

- complex overhaul of a residential or public building;

- reconstruction of internal engineering communications and the associated change in the value of heat losses;

- constructive changes in the thermal protection of residential buildings and public buildings;

- change in production (technological) processes (reconstruction of fixed production assets), re-profiling of the type of activity of the consumer or change in the purpose of the building, affecting the heat load of heat consumption systems;

- introduction of energy-saving measures.

21.2. Voluntary reduction by the consumer of the quality or quantity of thermal energy, hot water or steam in comparison with the parameters established by the energy supply agreement, within the limits of the standards for the provision of public services and subject to ensuring the proper quality of thermal energy (hot water supply).

21.3. Increase at the initiative of the consumer of thermal loads, previously reduced in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

An increase, at the initiative of the consumer, of heat loads previously reduced in the manner established by these Rules is carried out within the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, if this increase does not entail the need to connect the capital construction facility to the engineering and technical support networks, including due to the redistribution by the energy supply organization of the released as a result of a decrease in power in favor of other consumers.

22. Reducing thermal loads is possible if all of the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1) if the metering of heat energy consumption in relation to the heat consumption facility, for which the load is reduced, is carried out according to the readings of commercial metering of heat energy (power) for at least one heating period before the consumer submits an application for a change (revision) of heat loads in accordance with paragraph 18 of these Rules;

2) confirmation of the reduction of the maximum heat load by the documents specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules;

3) confirmation of the actual implementation of measures to reduce the heat load;

4) non-infringement of the interests of other owners or owners of premises in the heat consumption facility;

5) ensuring the proper quality of public services and compliance with sanitary norms and rules;

6) consent of the consumer to carry out measures for monitoring (control) of reduced heat loads in relation to heat consumption facilities.

23. The change (revision) of heat loads is carried out on the basis of the consumer's application for the establishment of the heat load, which must be sent to the energy supply organization no later than March 1 of the current year.

24. The application of the consumer must include the following information:

1) full and abbreviated name of the consumer - a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer - an individual and details of the document proving his identity, location (place of residence), postal address and other means of information exchange (telephones, fax, e-mail address );

2) the address (location) of the heat-consuming installation of the consumer, at which it is planned to revise (change) the heat load;

3) details of the energy supply agreement;

4) grounds for revision (change) of heat load (capacity);

5) information available to the consumer about the design types and magnitudes of thermal loads (power);

6) information on the types and amounts of heat loads (capacity) established in the current energy supply contract;

7) information on the types and values ​​of variable heat loads, which should not exceed the amount of heat load reduction contained in the supporting documents specified in paragraph 20 of these Rules;

8) a list of documents attached to the application.

25. The consumer's application for reducing the heat load in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21.1 and 21.2 of these Rules is sent to the energy supply organization with documents confirming the change in the maximum heat load of heat-consuming installations and maintaining the reduced load, provided that the results of the measures taken by the consumer are saved. Such documents may be:

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On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Changing (Revising) Thermal Loads

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 No. N 121 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 109" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 8, Art. 982), I order:

1. Approve the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service.

2. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

Acting Minister V.A.Tokarev

Registration N16604

establishment and change (revision) of thermal loads

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the establishment and change (revision) of heat loads (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) govern the relationship between energy supply organizations and consumers of thermal energy (capacity) arising from the establishment and change (revision) of the heat loads used in calculating the cost of using thermal power under an energy supply agreement.

2. To calculate the cost of using thermal power by a consumer of thermal energy, the thermal load of a capital construction facility, equipped with heat-consuming installations, owned by the consumer on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds (hereinafter referred to as the heat consumption object), established by the energy supply agreement, is used, which is defined as the sum of the maximum thermal loads by types of thermal consumption (heating , ventilation, air conditioning (in the case of equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating period) and the daily average hourly water consumption of the heat load of hot water supply.

3. The maximum heat load by type of heat consumption is defined as:

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy in the heating and ventilation system at the outside air temperature calculated for the design of heating and ventilation systems in relation to the maximum heat load of heating and ventilation;

average hourly consumption of thermal energy per day of maximum water consumption for the purpose of preparing hot water in relation to the maximum heat load of hot water supply;

the maximum hourly consumption of heat energy in the air conditioning system at the temperature and humidity of the outside air taken for the design of air conditioning systems (used when equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating in the heating period) in relation to the maximum heat load of the supply air conditioning system;

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy used for the implementation of technological processes in relation to the maximum thermal load of the heat consumption system for the purposes of the technology.

The values ​​of the maximum heat loads of heat consumption objects established in the energy supply agreement are applied subject to compliance with the requirements established by these Rules.

4. Establishment or change (revision) of thermal loads is carried out by fixing the corresponding values ​​in the energy supply contract on the basis of the consumer's application submitted by him to the energy supply organization in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

The heat loads of heat-consuming installations established in accordance with these Rules are the basis for calculating the rate of payment for thermal power established for a heat supply organization when setting a two-rate tariff for thermal energy (capacity) and a two-rate tariff for hot water.

5. Heat loads are established for the heat consumption facility as a whole. If the premises in the heat consumption facility are owned or otherwise legally owned by different persons, the distribution of the heat loads of the heat consumption facility under power supply contracts is carried out by applying the methods for determining the load specified in these Rules, taking into account the shares in the ownership of the common property.

6. The increase in the heat load of consumers in excess of the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, defined as the total design maximum heat load of all heat consumption systems of the heat consumption facility connected to the heat networks (source of heat energy) of the heat supply organization, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Rules for connecting a capital construction facility to engineering networks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N83.

II. Establishment of thermal loads

7. If the energy supplying organization prepares proposals to establish a two-part tariff, the said organization is obliged to notify all consumers whose contracts do not contain information on heat loads, of the need to submit an application for the establishment of heat loads within 45 days from the date of receipt of the notification. At the same time, the energy supplying organization has the right to verify the data specified by the consumer in the application by applying the methods for establishing heat loads specified in these Rules.

In the event that the consumer does not receive an application for the establishment of heat loads within the prescribed period, the energy supply organization has the right, for the purposes of filing an application with the tariff authorities, to independently determine the heat loads based on the data at its disposal on the magnitude of the heat loads of heat consumption objects in the manner established in these Rules and use them in the calculations under the power supply agreement.

8. Thermal loads are established for each heat consumption facility specified in the energy supply contract, separately by type of heat consumption and heat carrier.

9. Depending on the purpose of using heat in the heat-consuming installations of the consumer, the heat load is established for the following heat-consuming systems:

a) heating;

b) ventilation;

c) hot water supply;

d) conditioning;

e) implementation of technological processes.

10. Depending on the type of heat carrier used, the heat load is set separately for hot water (heat carrier - hot water) and for steam (coolant - steam). In the case of establishing a heat load on steam, the following types of heat load are applied:

a) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.12 to 0.25 MPa;

b) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.25 to 0.70 MPa;

c) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.70 to 1.30 MPa;

d) thermal load on steam with parameters over 1.30 MPa;

e) thermal load on live and reduced steam.

11. The value of the heat load of each of the heat consumption systems is determined using one of the following methods:

1) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the energy supply contract;

2) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the contract for connection to the heat supply system (technical conditions that are an integral part of the contract) or other contract regulating the conditions for connection to the heat supply system;

3) according to the data of heat energy meters approved for operation as commercial ones, in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 12 of these Rules;

4) according to the design documentation of the relevant heat consumption facility;

5) according to permits for connecting heat consumption facilities (acts, orders, orders-permits for turning on heat supply) available in the power supply organization or at the consumer;

6) on the basis of the statistical data of technical meters of thermal energy available in the energy supply organization with the mutual consent of the parties to use this method;

7) method of analogues (for residential and public buildings);

8) expert method;

9) design method.

These methods are used solely for the purpose of establishing (changing) heat loads in accordance with these Rules in order of priority if any of the methods cannot be applied due to the lack of necessary documents or information.

12. The maximum heat loads of the heating and ventilation system of the heat consumption facility are determined directly from the data of the heat energy commercial metering devices, if for the last heating period preceding the procedure for establishing the heat load, the calculated outdoor temperatures were registered, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, in the climatic region in which the heat consumption facility is located , provided that there are no consumer complaints about the quality of heating and ventilation and that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation.

If for the heating period preceding the procedure for determining the load, the calculated outdoor temperatures were not registered, taken for the design of the heating and ventilation system, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the heat consumption data in relation to the design temperature conditions in accordance with the Methodology for determining the heat load of the heat consumption object based on the results data of metering devices for the consumption of thermal energy, established in this Regulation.

13. The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices for the 12 months preceding the load determination procedure, is set as the average hourly consumption of thermal energy per day of maximum water consumption directly submitted by metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of hot water supply.

14. The maximum heat load of the air conditioning system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from data from commercial metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of supply air conditioning.

15. The maximum heat load of the process heat consumption system, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from the data of metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming that the quality of heat energy at the maximum heat load complies with the terms of the energy supply agreement.

16. The maximum heat loads for heating and ventilation, based on the statistical data of technical metering devices, are determined according to the data established during the last case of registering a temperature equal to the calculated outdoor temperature, taken for designing heating and ventilation systems in the climatic region in which the heat consumption facility is located.

If for the last heating period preceding the procedure for determining the heat load, the design outdoor temperatures used for the design of heating and ventilation systems were not registered, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the heat consumption data for the previous 12 months in relation to the design temperature in accordance with the Method for determining the heat load of the heat consumption facility based on the results of these metering devices for the consumption of heat energy, established in this Regulation.

17. When applying the method of analogues in terms of determining the heat load of heat consumption systems of residential buildings and public buildings, during the construction of which standard projects (standard housing construction) are used, the installed heat load is taken equal to the load (capacity) of the heat consumption systems of a residential or public building, which, due to similar design features, has similar characteristics of heat consumption energy in the presence of the latest data on the maximum hourly heat load, determined by one of the methods specified in subparagraphs 1 - 5 of these Rules.

18. When applying the expert method in terms of determining the heat load of heat consumption systems, the maximum hourly heat load is determined based on measurements of the volume of heat energy consumption, established as a result energy audits carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 N261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

19. When applying the design method, the maximum hourly heat load of the heat-consuming facility is determined by the energy supply organization according to a procedure similar to determining heat loads when preparing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction facility to engineering and technical support networks.

20. The heat load agreed upon by the parties is subject to fixing in the energy supply agreement and is used to calculate the consumer's obligations when paying for the heat load (power) until it is changed in the manner prescribed by these Rules or until the facility connection procedure is completed in case of facility reconstruction.

III. Change (revision) of thermal loads

21. The grounds for changing (revision) of thermal loads at the initiative of the consumer may be:

21.1. Carrying out by the consumer of organizational and technical measures leading to a decrease in the maximum heat load of used or reconstructed heat consumption facilities, subject to maintaining the quality of heat supply and (or) the provision of public services to citizens, including:

Comprehensive overhaul of a residential or public building;

Reconstruction of internal engineering communications and the associated change in the value of heat losses;

Structural changes in the thermal protection of residential buildings and public buildings;

Changes in production (technological) processes (reconstruction of fixed production assets), re-profiling of the type of activity of the consumer, or change in the purpose of the building, affecting the heat load of heat consumption systems;

Implementation of energy saving measures.

21.2. Voluntary reduction by the consumer of the quality or quantity of thermal energy, hot water or steam in comparison with the parameters established by the energy supply agreement, within the limits of the standards for the provision of public services and subject to ensuring the proper quality of thermal energy (hot water supply).

21.3. Increase on the initiative of the consumer of thermal loads, previously reduced in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

An increase, at the initiative of the consumer, of heat loads previously reduced in the manner established by these Rules is carried out within the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, if this increase does not entail the need to connect the capital construction object to the networks of engineering and technical support, including due to the redistribution by the energy supply organization of the power released as a result of the decrease in power in favor of other consumers.

22. Reduction of thermal loads is possible if all the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1) if the metering of heat energy consumption in relation to the heat consumption facility, for which the load is being reduced, is carried out according to the readings of commercial metering of heat energy (power) for at least one heating period before the consumer submits an application for a change (revision) of heat loads in accordance with these Rules;

2) confirmation of the reduction of the maximum heat load by the documents specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules;

3) confirmation of the actual implementation of measures to reduce the heat load;

4) non-infringement of the interests of other owners or owners of premises in the heat consumption facility;

5) ensuring the proper quality of public services and compliance with sanitary norms and rules;

6) consent of the consumer to carry out measures for monitoring (control) of reduced heat loads in relation to heat consumption facilities.

23. The change (revision) of heat loads is carried out on the basis of the consumer's application for the establishment of the heat load, which must be sent to the power supply organization no later than March 1 of the current year.

24. The application of the consumer must include the following information:

1) full and abbreviated name of the consumer - a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer - an individual and details of the document proving his identity, location (place of residence), postal address and other means of information exchange (telephones, fax, e-mail address);

2) the address (location) of the heat-consuming installation of the consumer, for which it is planned to revise (change) the heat load;

3) details of the energy supply agreement;

4) grounds for revising (changing) the heat load (capacity);

5) information available to the user about the design types and magnitudes of thermal loads (power);

6) information on the types and values ​​of heat loads (capacity) established in the current energy supply contract;

7) information on the types and values ​​of variable heat loads, which should not exceed the amount of heat load reduction contained in the supporting documents established in these Rules;

8) a list of documents attached to the application.

25. Application of the consumer to reduce the heat load in the cases provided for and. of these Rules, is sent to the energy supply organization with documents confirming the change in the maximum heat load of heat-consuming installations and maintaining the reduced load, provided that the results of the measures taken by the consumer are saved. Such documents may be:

Design documentation for reconstruction or overhaul, in respect of which a state examination has been carried out, if this design documentation is subject to state examination in accordance with the legislation on urban development and it indicates the amount of reduction in heat load;

Project documentation for reconstruction or overhaul, in respect of which a non-state examination has been carried out, if it indicates the amount of reduction in heat load;

Acts of authorized bodies on the acceptance of completed reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises, confirming the implementation of measures to reduce the maximum heat load;

Conclusions of organizations that have a license to carry out architectural and construction design, or are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, justifying the reduction in heat load;

The data of commercial or technical heat metering devices agreed by the parties for at least 12 months preceding the filing of an application for a change (revision) of the heat load, indicating an actual decrease in the heat load, satisfying - these Rules.

26. The energy supplying organization is not entitled to establish requirements for the provision of other documents, the provision of documents from specific organizations or a list of organizations.

27. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the actual implementation of measures to reduce the heat load (permit for commissioning, acts of acceptance of work performed, etc.).

28. Upon receipt of an application with supporting documents attached, the energy supply organization is obliged, within 30 days:

a) in case of agreement with the consumer’s application, send him a draft supplementary agreement signed on his part to the energy supply contract, establishing the changed values ​​​​of heat loads and including the consent of the consumer to the implementation by the heat supply organization of measures to control and monitor the values ​​​​of heat loads;

b) in case of disagreement with the application of the consumer, send him a refusal to change the contract with justification of the reasons for the refusal. In this case, the consumer has the right to apply to the court with a request to change the contract in terms of revising the heat loads.

29. During this 30-day period, the energy supply organization has the right to check whether the consumer complies with the conditions established by these Rules.

30. The energy supply organization has the right to refuse to change the heat loads in the following cases:

1) non-submission by the consumer of the information or documents specified in - these Rules;

2) non-compliance of the information or documents provided by the consumer with the requirements of these Rules;

3) filing an application in violation of the deadlines established by these Rules;

4) if a long-term energy supply agreement (for a period of at least 5 years) is concluded between the consumer and the heat supply organization, to ensure the heat load under which the heat supply organization and (or) related organizations of the communal complex have taken measures to increase the capacity of the heat source and (or) reconstruct heat networks;

5) non-compliance with the conditions for changing thermal loads established by these Rules.

31. The change in the values ​​of thermal loads shall come into force on January 1 of the year following the year in which the application is submitted.

IV. Control (monitoring) for compliance with the established (changed) thermal loads

32. In order to control compliance with the established (changed) thermal loads, the energy supplying organization has the right to install, including at consumer facilities, equipment to limit the power consumption of thermal power ("settings").

33. The energy supply organization has the right to monitor the installed (changed) heat loads in the manner and within the time limits established by the energy supply agreement.

The energy supplying organization is obliged to verify that the consumer complies with the established (changed) thermal loads in the presence of complaints from citizens about the non-compliance of the public services provided with the established standards.

34. The consumer is obliged to ensure the access of the energy supply organization to heat consumption facilities for monitoring and checking the operability of the installed limiting equipment.

35. If, as a result of control by the energy supplying organization, non-compliance by the consumer with the value of the established or changed maximum heat load, or non-compliance with the mandatory requirements for the quality of utilities or mandatory sanitary norms and rules, the calculations for thermal energy (power) after establishing this fact are carried out based on the value of the heat load, which was established as a result of control using the methods specified in subparagraphs 2 - 9 of these Rules.

At the same time, the energy supply organization has the right to recalculate the consumer's obligations to pay the rate of payment for thermal power for the past settlement periods from the date of the previous monitoring of thermal loads.

36. If, as a result of the measures taken by the energy supplying organization to control (monitor) compliance with the maximum heat loads, violations by the consumer of the terms of the energy supply contract on the values ​​of the maximum heat loads are revealed, the values ​​of the heat loads specified in the contract are subject to reduction to the values ​​established during the control (monitoring).


to the Rules for establishing and

changes (revision)

thermal loads

determining the heat load of a heat-consuming object based on the results of data from heat energy consumption metering devices

determination of the heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption facility based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices

Application area

This methodology applies to heat consumption facilities equipped with water systems intended for heating the premises of heat consumption facilities and establishes a method for determining the heat load (power) of heating systems based on the results of these heat energy metering devices.

General provisions

The essence of the method lies in the fact that, according to the data of heat energy meters for the heating season, preceding the date of filing an application for a change (review) of heat loads and subject to the consumer providing a letter confirming the proper quality of heating, the heat load of the heating systems of the heat consumption facility is established by recalculating (reducing) heat consumption to design conditions.

Thermal energy metering devices, according to which the heat load of a heat consumption facility is established, must meet the mandatory requirements for thermal energy metering devices.

In order to determine the heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption facility, the data of the heat energy metering units installed at the consumer, at the input / inputs to the heating system, are taken into consideration.

Data on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the heat-consuming object for each hour of the period established by these Rules in order to establish the heat load;

Data on the mass (volume) of the heat carrier received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline for each hour;

Data on the average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines.

In water heating systems connected to heat networks of a centralized heat supply system according to an independent scheme, the mass (volume) of the heat carrier consumed to feed the in-house heating system must be additionally determined

In order to determine the heat load for each hour of the period established by these Rules for the purpose of establishing the heat load, the average daily outdoor temperature must be identified.

Data storage archive;

Data on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the heat-consuming facility for each hour of the period established by these Rules in order to establish the heat load are determined as the arithmetic mean value for the j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula:

, (1)


Average for j-th day Hourly consumption of thermal energy for heating purposes, Gcal/h

Nj N=24)

Q h o. i - data from the device (devices) of the metering unit on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the heat-consuming object for each hour of the day, within which averaging is performed, Gcal / h

In the absence of indications of metering unit devices on the consumption of thermal energy for each i-thy hour j days, when using data on the amount of heat consumed for j-th day, the average for j-th dayMaximum amount of heat for heating purposes in accordance with the formula:

, (2)


Q O. j - the amount of heat consumed j-th day for heating purposes, Gcal/day

Nj- the number of hours in a day (if the device functioned properly during this day), or the number of hours of correct operation of the meter for j-th day

Data on the average outdoor temperature are established by the consumer according to meteorological observations of the meteorological station of the territorial executive authority closest to the heat consumption object, which performs the functions of providing public services in the field of hydrometeorology.

Data on the average j-the days of heat consumption to the outdoor temperature are presented in degrees Celsius.

Upon reaching the mutual consent of the parties, to establish the heat load, data on the average j-th day of heat consumption at the outdoor air temperature available to the energy supplying organization.

The condition for the consumer to provide a letter confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation means that the temperature inside the heated premises complies with the requirements of GOST 30494-96 "Residential and public buildings. Microclimate parameters in the premises." In this case, the temperature inside the heated premises of the heat-consuming object is excluded from consideration.

Data from thermal energy metering devices, according to which the heat load of a heat consumption facility is established, that do not meet the requirements for thermal energy metering devices, are excluded from consideration.

The processed data is displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: along the abscissa axis - the average daily temperature of the outside air, ° С,t Wed bunk , along the y-axis - the daily average hourly consumption of thermal energy for heating purposes, Gcal/hour.

Based on the displayed data, an approximate functional linear dependence is found (a simple linear regression that allows you to find a straight line that is as close as possible to the data points from heat energy meters) in the form:

, (3)


b 0 - shift of the linear function relative to the origin

b 1 - straight slope

To calculate linear regression coefficients, any spreadsheet processors (for example, "Microsoft Excel", "Lotus 1-2-3", "Quattro Pro", "SuperCalc") can be used.

Additional explanations

If there is a consumer (separate heat consumption facility) of several heat inputs (thermal units) equipped with heat meters for recording heat consumption for heating purposes, the heat load is determined separately for each heat input and then summed up.

The heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption object is calculated by substituting into the equation valuest nar = t 0 nar.r , taken equal to the value of the calculated outdoor air temperature used for designing heating systems in the climatic zone where the heat consumption facility is located.

The heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption facility must be determined in Gcal / h, rounded to the third decimal place after the separator of integer and decimal values.

An example of applying a technique to establish the heat load of a water heating system for a residential building

An example of the application of the method for determining the heat load of a water heating system is based on the results of using the readings of heat energy metering devices in a residential building.

The residential building is equipped with a water heating system with a single heat input (heat unit) with a commercial heat energy meter.

For a residential building, the calculated (maximum) heat load established by the design documents for the water heating system and fixed in the contract for energy supply is known -Q 0 calc = 0.283 Gcal/h. Moreover, the accuracy of establishing the calculated heat load in the design documents is not specified.

The residential building is located in a climatic region, for which SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology" and SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" establish the calculated, for the design of heating systems, outdoor air temperature of the cold period of the year according to parameter "B" - = minus 31 deg. Celsius and design temperature inside heated roomst ext calc = plus 20 deg. Celsius.

An example of the application of the technique is presented in two versions:

Option a) - subject to the provision by the consumer of a letter of guarantee confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation, and, therefore, to establish the heat load, the parameters adopted for the design of a water heating system are used in accordance with the instructions given in this methodology;

Option b) - with the condition of establishing the average daily temperature inside the heated premises according to the readings of temperature measuring instruments installed in accordance with GOST 31168-2003 "Method of specific consumption of thermal energy for heating"

j-th day of heat consumption (Gcal/day) was recorded for the two-year period from 01/01/2005 to 01/01/2007 in accordance with the requirements set forth in the "Heat Energy Accounting Rules".

Data on the average outdoor temperature (degrees Celsius) for each j The -th day of the established period was taken according to the data of meteorological observations of the executive authority, which performs the functions of providing public services in the field of hydrometeorology.

Data on the average air temperature inside the heated premises (degrees Celsius) for each j-th day of the established period were established in accordance with GOST 31168-2003 "Method of specific consumption of thermal energy for heating".

The data were processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, including periods for which either a temporary shutdown of the heat energy meter was recorded, or the absence of data on the average outdoor air temperature, or the absence of data on the average air temperature of the internally heated premises, were excluded from consideration (excluded from data array).

The heat load of the heating system of the heat-consuming facility is average for each j-th day of heat consumption (Gcal/h), was determined by dividing the values ​​(Gcal/day) for each j-th day is the total number of hours in a day ( N=24 hours), i.e. .

The processed data (for option "a") is displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: the abscissa is the daily average outdoor temperature, ° С, , the ordinate is the daily average hourly consumption of thermal energy for heating, Gcal / h. (See Fig. . A1.1).

Figure P1.1. Heat load of the heating system according to the results of the meter data

Based on the displayed data, an approximate functional linear dependence is found (see Fig. A1.2), which makes it possible to find a straight line that is as close as possible to the data points from thermal energy meters.

Figure P1.2. Data processing with determination of the function of the heat load of the heating system on the outdoor temperature (quality of regulation and thermal protection)

Substituting into the resulting equation a direct calculation, for designing a heating system, the temperature of the outdoor air of the cold period of the year according to the parameter "B" - = minus 31, we obtain the maximum heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption facility, established according to the results of the readings of the thermal energy meter


For option "b", additional processing is carried out, which is to obtain the difference between the average outdoor temperature and the average temperature inside the heated premises for every j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula

Grad. Celsius

The processed data (for option "b") is displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: the abscissa is the difference, and the ordinate is the daily average hourly consumption of thermal energy for heating purposes, Gcal/h (see Fig. A1.3).

Figure P1.3. Data processing with the determination of the function of the thermal load of the heating system from the temperature difference (quality of thermal protection)

Substituting in the resulting equation the direct calculated temperature difference for the design of heating systems, equal to the difference in the temperature of the outdoor air in the cold period of the year according to the parameter "B" - = minus 31 and the calculated temperature of the internally heated premisest ext calc = +20 deg. Celsius (at the same time, the calculated temperature difference obtains the maximum heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption object, established according to the results of the readings of the heat energy meter


An example of applying the methodology to change the heat load of the water heating system of a residential building that has undergone a comprehensive overhaul

The consumer (HOA), on the basis of these rules, has submitted an application to the energy supply organization to review the heat load of a residential building. In the building, a year before the application was submitted, a comprehensive overhaul was completed. A comprehensive overhaul of the building was carried out in accordance with the project documentation. As part of a comprehensive overhaul, the parameters of the thermal protection of a residential building were changed (insulation and installation of a ventilated facade, replacement of window blocks, replacement of the roof, repair of basements), overhaul of heating systems, hot and cold water supply with the replacement of equipment (including heating appliances and water fittings) and installation of vacation automation systems and accounting of communal resources.

Prior to the overhaul, the residential building was not equipped with an automatic control system for the release of communal resources, however, a heat metering unit for heating was installed in the building. The heat metering unit was not accepted as commercial and was operated as a technical metering unit for heat supply for heating.

Before the overhaul, the estimated (maximum) heat load on heating was recorded in the energy supply contract -Q o calc = 0.283 Gcal/h.

The residential building is located in a climatic region, for which SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology" and SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" set the calculated, for designing heating systems, outdoor air temperature of the cold period of the year according to parameter "B" - = minus 31 deg. Celsius and design temperature inside heated roomst ext calc = plus 20 deg. Celsius.

The consumer, as part of the application for changing the heat load of the heating system, sent a complete set of documents, the requirements for which are contained in these Rules.

As part of this documentation, data on heat consumption for heating purposes by heat metering devices, processed and presented in accordance with the requirements of this methodology, were attached, including: readings of technical metering devices for heat consumption for heating depending on the outdoor temperature before the overhaul and readings of technical metering devices heat consumption for heating after its completion.

Heat consumption for heating according to metering devices is presented by the consumer in the form shown in fig. P1.4. In all cases, the outside air temperature was not observed to be close to the red-calculated one for the design of the heating system. To calculate the maximum heat load, a methodology was used to bring the recorded values ​​to design conditions.

The maximum heat load of the heating systems of the building was according to the data of metering devices


The maximum heat load of the heating system of a residential building after a comprehensive overhaul was


Figure P1.4. Data on heat consumption for heating before and after overhaul

Based on the results of such a reduction to new design conditions, the energy supply contract is adjusted using the new values ​​of the maximum heat load for heating the building.

determining the heat load of hot water supply systems based on the results of these heat energy consumption metering devices

Application area

This methodology applies to heat consumption facilities equipped with hot water heaters as part of individual heat points designed to heat drinking quality cold water and establishes a method for determining the heat load (capacity) of hot water supply systems based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices.

General provisions

The essence of the method lies in the fact that, according to the data of heat energy meters for the purpose of hot water supply for the last heating season preceding the date of filing an application for a change (revision) of heat loads and subject to the provision by the consumer of a letter of guarantee confirming the proper quality of hot water supply, the heat load of hot water supply systems is established object of heat consumption by direct processing of data from the meter, determining the maximum hourly and average hourly load of the hot water supply system for the day of the highest water consumption.

Requirements for heat energy meters

Thermal energy metering devices, according to which the heat load of the hot water supply system is established, must meet the mandatory requirements for thermal energy metering devices.

Requirements for the composition of the data required to determine the heat load

In order to determine the heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility, the data of the heat energy metering units installed by the consumer, at the input / inputs to the hot water supply system, are taken into consideration.

Accounting data should include:

Data on the operating time of the metering station devices;

Data on the amount of thermal energy directed to the hot water supply system for heat consumption for each hour of the period established by these Rules;

The data is provided in a form that provides identification:

Device / instrument node / metering units of the heat consumption object;

Data storage archive;

Persons responsible for the accuracy of the data provided;

Source of information about outdoor temperatures.

Requirements for the processing of data intended to determine the heat load

Data on the amount of heat energy sent to the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility for each hour of the period established by these Rules are determined as the arithmetic mean value for j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula:



Average for j-th day hourly consumption of thermal energy for the purpose of hot water supply, Gcal/h

Nj- number of averaging periods per day (usually N=24)

Q h hot water i - data from the device (devices) of the metering unit on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the hot water supply system for each hour of the day, within which averaging is performed, Gcal / h

In the absence of readings from the meters of the metering unit for the consumption of thermal energy for each i-th hour j days, using data on the amount of heat consumed for j-th day, the average for j-th day the amount of heat for the purpose of hot water supply in accordance with the formula:

, (5)


Q hot water j - the amount of heat consumed j-th day for heating purposes, Gcal / day

Nj- the number of hours in a day (if the device functioned properly during these days), or the number of hours of correct operation of the meter for j- you days

The condition for the consumer to provide a letter confirming that the quality of heating and ventilation is adequate means that the temperature and pressure of hot water in front of the consumer's tap are correct.

The processed data is displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: along the abscissa axis - calendar days, along the ordinate axis - average per day hourly consumption of thermal energy for the purpose of hot water supply, Gcal/hour.

From the data array, the daily average hourly heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply, the period established by the Rules, is selected by the maximum value recorded by the heat metering device. This value of heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply will correspond to the average per hour per day of maximum water consumption.

Additional explanations

If there is a consumer (separate heat consumption facility) of several heat inputs (heat units) equipped with heat meters for recording heat consumption for hot water supply, the heat load is determined separately for each heat input and then summed up.

It is allowed, if there is an agreement on energy supply, the division of the heat consumption object into separate separate objects, to establish the heat load for separate separate objects.

Requirements for establishing the heat load based on the results of these metering devices for heat energy consumption

The average heat consumption per hour per day of maximum water consumption, established in accordance with the definitions given in these guidelines, is taken as the heat load of the hot water supply system.

The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility must be determined in Gcal / h, rounded to the third decimal place after the separator of integer and decimal values.

Requirements for the presentation and storage of data

The processed data should be presented in the form of a report in any form.

The report must be approved by representatives of the consumer and the power supply organization.

An example of applying a methodology to establish the thermal load of a hot water supply system in a residential building

An example of the application of the method for determining the heat load of hot water supply is based on the results of using the readings of heat energy meters in a residential building.

The residential building is equipped with a hot water supply system with one inlet to the prefabricated circulation pipeline, with water risers combined into 5 groups, looped jumpers into sectional units with each sectional unit connected by one circulation pipeline to the prefabricated circulation pipeline of the hot water supply system. The lintels are laid along the warm attic.

For a residential building, the load of the hot water supply system established by the design documents for the hot water supply system and fixed in the energy supply contract is known, which is equal to the average hourly heat consumption per day of maximum water consumption - Gcal / h.

Data from a commercial heat energy meter for heating on the average j-th day of heat consumption (Gcal/day) was recorded for a two-year period from 08.05.2005 to 24.05.2007.

The data were processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, including the periods for which a temporary shutdown of the heat meter was recorded were excluded from consideration (excluded from the data array).

The processed readings of the metering device for the consumption of thermal energy for hot water supply are displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: along the abscissa axis - calendar days, along the ordinate axis - the average per day hourly consumption of thermal energy for the purpose of hot water supply, Gcal / hour (see Fig. A1.5).

From the readings of the metering device (see Fig. A1.5), the maximum recorded value of Gcal / h is selected.

The selected value is taken as the heat load of the hot water supply system and is fixed in the energy supply contract.

Figure P1.5. Indications of the thermal energy meter for heat consumption for hot water supply

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 610
"On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Changing (Revising) Thermal Loads"

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 121 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 109" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, N 8, Art. 982) I order:

2. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

The Government of the Russian Federation has determined two options for setting regulated tariffs (prices) for thermal energy (capacity) - one-part and two-part tariffs. The first includes the full cost of 1 gigacalorie of supplied thermal energy. The second is the rate of payment for consumed resources based on the fee for 1 gigacalorie of energy and the rate of payment for capacity based on the fee for 1 gigacalorie per hour of heat load (set in the energy supply contract).

Rules for establishing and changing thermal loads have been developed. They are used when calculating the cost of using capacity under an energy supply agreement.

The values ​​of thermal loads are fixed in energy supply contracts. To do this, consumers submit applications to the energy supply organization.

An energy supplying organization that has prepared proposals for establishing a two-part tariff is obliged to notify all consumers whose contracts do not contain information about heat loads of the need to submit applications within 45 days.

If applications are not sent within this period, the power supply organization has the right to independently determine the heat loads based on the available data.

Thermal loads are set for each facility separately by type of heat consumption and coolant.

Thermal loads can be changed in connection with the consumer's organizational and technical measures. Among them are the overhaul of the building, the reconstruction of internal engineering communications, constructive changes in thermal protection. To revise heat loads, consumers must submit applications no later than March 1 of the current year.

Changes in heat load values ​​shall take effect on January 1 of the year following the one in which applications are submitted.

The power supply organization has the right to install equipment to limit the power consumption of thermal power ("setpoints").

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 610 "On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Changing (Revising) Thermal Loads"

Registration N 16604

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 610 On approval of the rules for establishing and changing (revising) thermal loads




In accordance with paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 121 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 109" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 8, Art. 982) I order:

1. To approve the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service.

2. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the establishment and change (revision) of heat loads (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate relations between energy supply organizations and consumers of thermal energy (capacity) arising from the establishment and change (revision) of the values ​​of heat loads used in calculating the cost of using heat power according to power supply contract.

2. To calculate the cost of using thermal power by a consumer of thermal energy, the thermal load of a capital construction object, equipped with heat-consuming installations, owned by the consumer on the right of ownership or on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the heat consumption object), established by the energy supply agreement, is used, which is defined as the sum of the maximum thermal loads by types heat consumption (heating, ventilation, air conditioning (in the case of equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating period)) and the daily average daily maximum water consumption of the heat load of hot water supply.

3. The maximum heat load by type of heat consumption is defined as:

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy in the heating and ventilation system at the outside air temperature calculated for the design of heating and ventilation systems in relation to the maximum heat load of heating and ventilation;

average hourly consumption of heat energy per day of maximum water consumption for the purpose of preparing hot water in relation to the maximum heat load of hot water supply;

the maximum hourly consumption of heat energy in the air conditioning system at the temperature and humidity of the outside air taken for the design of air conditioning systems (used when equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating season) in relation to the maximum heat load of the supply air conditioning system;

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy used for the implementation of technological processes in relation to the maximum thermal load of the heat consumption system for the purposes of the technology.

The values ​​of the maximum heat loads of heat consumption objects established in the energy supply agreement are applied subject to compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 8 of these Rules.

4. Establishment or change (revision) of thermal loads is carried out by fixing the corresponding values ​​in the energy supply contract on the basis of the consumer's application submitted by him to the energy supply organization in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

The heat loads of heat-consuming installations established in accordance with these Rules are the basis for calculating the rate of payment for thermal power, established for a heat supply organization when setting a two-part tariff for thermal energy (capacity) and a two-part tariff for hot water.

5. Heat loads are set for the heat consumption facility as a whole. If the premises in the heat consumption facility belong to different persons on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds, the distribution of heat loads of the heat consumption facility under energy supply agreements is carried out by applying the methods for determining the load specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, taking into account the shares in the ownership of the common property .

6. An increase in the heat load of consumers in excess of the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, defined as the total design maximum heat load of all heat consumption systems of the heat consumption facility connected to the heat networks (source of heat energy) of the heat supply organization, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks - technical support, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83.

II. Establishment of thermal loads

7. In the event that an energy supplying organization prepares proposals for setting a two-part tariff, this organization is obliged to notify all consumers whose contracts do not contain information about heat loads of the need to submit an application for establishing heat loads within 45 days from the date of receipt of the notification. At the same time, the energy supply organization has the right to verify the data specified by the consumer in the application by applying the methods for establishing thermal loads specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules.

In the event that the consumer does not receive an application for the establishment of heat loads within the prescribed period, the energy supply organization has the right, for the purposes of filing an application with the tariff authorities, to independently determine the heat loads based on the data at its disposal on the magnitude of the heat loads of heat consumption objects in the manner established in paragraph 11 of these Rules, and use them in the calculations under the energy supply agreement.

8. Heat loads are established for each heat consumption facility specified in the energy supply contract, separately by type of heat consumption and heat carrier.

9. Depending on the purpose of using heat in the heat-consuming installations of the consumer, the heat load is established for the following heat-consuming systems:

c) hot water supply;

e) implementation of technological processes.

10. Depending on the type of heat carrier used, the heat load is set separately for hot water (heat carrier - hot water) and steam (coolant - steam). In the case of establishing a heat load for steam, the following types of heat load are applied:

a) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.12 to 0.25 MPa;

b) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.25 to 0.70 MPa;

c) thermal load on steam with parameters from 0.70 to 1.30 MPa;

d) heat load on steam with parameters over 1.30 MPa;

e) heat load on live and reduced steam.

11. The magnitude of the heat load of each of the heat consumption systems is established using one of the following methods:

1) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the energy supply contract;

2) according to the data on the maximum hourly heat load of the heat consumption facility, established in the contract for connection to the heat supply system (technical conditions that are an integral part of the contract) or other contract regulating the conditions for connection to the heat supply system;

3) according to the data of thermal energy meters approved for operation as commercial ones, in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 12-15 of these Rules;

4) according to the design documentation of the relevant heat consumption facility;

5) according to the permit documents for connecting heat consumption facilities (acts, orders, orders-permits for turning on heat supply) available in the energy supply organization or at the consumer;

6) on the basis of statistical data from technical meters of thermal energy available in the energy supply organization with the mutual consent of the parties to use this method;

7) method of analogues (for residential and public buildings);

8) expert method;

9) design method.

These methods are used solely for the purpose of establishing (changing) heat loads in accordance with these Rules in order of priority if any of the methods cannot be applied due to the lack of necessary documents or information.

12. The maximum heat loads of the heating and ventilation system of the heat consumption facility are determined directly from the data of commercial heat energy metering devices, if for the last heating period preceding the procedure for establishing the heat load, the calculated outdoor air temperatures were registered, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, in the climatic the area in which the heat consumption facility is located, provided that there are no consumer complaints about the quality of heating and ventilation and that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation.

If for the heating period preceding the procedure for determining the load, the design temperatures of the outside air, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, were not recorded, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the data on heat consumption in relation to the design temperature conditions in accordance with the Methodology determining the heat load of the heat consumption facility based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices, established in the Appendix to these Rules.

13. The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices for the 12 months preceding the procedure for establishing the load, is set as the average hourly consumption of heat energy per day of maximum water consumption directly from the data of metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper hot water quality.

14. The maximum heat load of the air conditioning system of the heat consumption facility, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from data from commercial metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming the proper quality of supply air conditioning.

15. The maximum heat load of the process heat consumption system, determined on the basis of data from commercial metering devices, can be established directly from the data of metering devices, provided that the consumer provides a letter confirming that the quality of heat energy at maximum heat load complies with the terms of the energy supply agreement.

16. The maximum heat loads for heating and ventilation, based on the statistical data of technical metering devices, are determined according to the data established in the last case of registering a temperature equal to the design outdoor temperature adopted for designing heating and ventilation systems in the climatic region in which the heat consumption facility is located.

If for the last heating period preceding the procedure for determining the heat load, the calculated outdoor temperatures were not registered, taken for the design of heating and ventilation systems, then the maximum heat load of the heat consumption object is set by recalculating (bringing) the data on heat consumption for the previous 12 months in relation to the calculated temperature in accordance with the Methodology for determining the heat load of a heat consumption facility based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices, established in the Appendix to these Rules.

17. When applying the method of analogues in terms of establishing the heat load of heat consumption systems of residential buildings and public buildings, during the construction of which standard projects (standard housing construction) are used, the installed heat load is taken equal to the load (capacity) of the heat consumption systems of a residential or public building, which, by virtue of similar design features with similar characteristics of heat energy consumption if, in relation to the latter, data are available on the maximum hourly heat load, determined by one of the methods specified in subparagraphs 1) - 5) of paragraph 11 of these Rules.

18. When applying the expert method in terms of determining the heat load of heat consumption systems, the maximum hourly heat load is determined based on measurement data on the volume of heat energy consumption established as a result of energy audits carried out in the manner established by Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

19. When applying the design method, the maximum hourly heat load of a heat-consuming facility is determined by the energy supply organization in a procedure similar to determining heat loads when preparing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction facility to engineering networks.

20. The heat load agreed upon by the parties is subject to fixing in the energy supply contract and is used to calculate the consumer's obligations when paying for the heat load (power) until it changes in the manner established by these Rules or until the facility connection procedure is completed in case of facility reconstruction.

III. Change (revision) of thermal loads

21. The grounds for changing (revision) of thermal loads at the initiative of the consumer may be:

21.1. Carrying out by the consumer of organizational and technical measures leading to a decrease in the maximum heat load of used or reconstructed heat consumption facilities, subject to maintaining the quality of heat supply and (or) the provision of public services to citizens, including:

- complex overhaul of a residential or public building;

- reconstruction of internal engineering communications and the associated change in the value of heat losses;

- constructive changes in the thermal protection of residential buildings and public buildings;

- change in production (technological) processes (reconstruction of fixed production assets), re-profiling of the type of activity of the consumer, or change in the purpose of the building, affecting the heat load of heat consumption systems;

— introduction of energy-saving measures.

21.2. Voluntary reduction by the consumer of the quality or quantity of thermal energy, hot water or steam in comparison with the parameters established by the energy supply agreement, within the limits of the standards for the provision of public services and subject to ensuring the proper quality of thermal energy (hot water supply).

21.3. Increase at the initiative of the consumer of thermal loads, previously reduced in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

An increase, at the initiative of the consumer, of heat loads previously reduced in the manner established by these Rules is carried out within the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, if this increase does not entail the need to connect the capital construction facility to the engineering and technical support networks, including due to the redistribution by the energy supply organization of the released as a result of a decrease in power in favor of other consumers.

22. Reducing thermal loads is possible if all of the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1) if the metering of heat energy consumption in relation to the heat consumption facility, for which the load is reduced, is carried out according to the readings of commercial metering of heat energy (power) for at least one heating period before the consumer submits an application for a change (revision) of heat loads in accordance with paragraph 18 of these Rules;

2) confirmation of the reduction of the maximum heat load by the documents specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules;

3) confirmation of the actual implementation of measures to reduce the heat load;

4) non-infringement of the interests of other owners or owners of premises in the heat consumption facility;

5) ensuring the proper quality of public services and compliance with sanitary norms and rules;

6) consent of the consumer to carry out measures for monitoring (control) of reduced heat loads in relation to heat consumption facilities.

23. The change (revision) of heat loads is carried out on the basis of the consumer's application for the establishment of the heat load, which must be sent to the energy supply organization no later than March 1 of the current year.

24. The application of the consumer must include the following information:

1) full and abbreviated name of the consumer - a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer - an individual and details of the document proving his identity, location (place of residence), postal address and other ways of exchanging information (telephones, fax, e-mail address );

2) the address (location) of the heat-consuming installation of the consumer, at which it is planned to revise (change) the heat load;

3) details of the energy supply agreement;

4) grounds for revision (change) of heat load (capacity);

5) information available to the consumer about the design types and magnitudes of thermal loads (power);

6) information on the types and amounts of heat loads (capacity) established in the current energy supply contract;

7) information on the types and values ​​of variable heat loads, which should not exceed the amount of heat load reduction contained in the supporting documents specified in paragraph 20 of these Rules;

8) a list of documents attached to the application.

25. The consumer's application for reducing the heat load in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21.1 and 21.2 of these Rules is sent to the energy supply organization with documents confirming the change in the maximum heat load of heat-consuming installations and maintaining the reduced load, provided that the results of the measures taken by the consumer are saved. Such documents may be:

- design documentation for reconstruction or major repairs, in respect of which a state examination has been carried out, if this design documentation is subject to state examination in accordance with the legislation on urban planning and it indicates the amount of reduction in heat load;

- design documentation for reconstruction or major repairs, in respect of which a non-state examination was carried out, if it indicates the amount of reduction in heat load;

- acts of authorized bodies on the acceptance of completed reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises, confirming the implementation of measures to reduce the maximum heat load;

- conclusions of organizations that have a license to carry out architectural and construction design, or are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, justifying the reduction in heat load;

- agreed by the parties data of commercial or technical metering of thermal energy for at least 12 months preceding the filing of an application for a change (revision) of the thermal load, indicating an actual decrease in the thermal load, satisfying paragraphs 11 - 16 of these Rules.

26. The energy supplying organization is not entitled to establish requirements for the provision of other documents, the provision of documents from specific organizations or a list of organizations.

27. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the actual implementation of measures to reduce the heat load (permission for commissioning, acts of acceptance of work performed, etc.).

28. Upon receipt of an application with supporting documents attached, the energy supply organization is obliged, within 30 days:

a) in case of agreement with the consumer’s application, send him a draft supplementary agreement signed on his part to the energy supply contract, establishing the changed values ​​​​of heat loads and including the consumer’s consent to the implementation by the heat supply organization of measures to control and monitor the values ​​​​of heat loads;

b) in case of disagreement with the consumer's application, send him a refusal to change the contract with justification of the reasons for the refusal. In this case, the consumer has the right to apply to the court with a request to change the contract in terms of revising the heat loads.

29. During this 30-day period, the energy supply organization has the right to verify the consumer's compliance with the conditions established by paragraph 22 of these Rules.

30. The power supply organization has the right to refuse to change the heat loads in the following cases:

1) non-submission by the consumer of information or documents specified in paragraphs 24 - 25 of these Rules;

2) non-compliance of the information or documents provided by the consumer with the requirements of paragraphs 24-25 of these Rules;

3) filing an application in violation of the deadlines established by paragraph 23 of these Rules;

4) if a long-term energy supply agreement (for a period of at least 5 years) is concluded between the consumer and the heat supply organization, to ensure the heat load under which the heat supply organization and (or) related organizations of the communal complex have taken measures to increase the capacity of the heat source and (or) reconstruction thermal networks;

5) non-compliance with the conditions for changing thermal loads established by paragraph 22 of these Rules.

31. Changes in the values ​​of heat loads shall come into force on January 1 of the year following the year in which the application is submitted.

IV. Control (monitoring) of compliance with the established (changed) thermal loads

32. In order to monitor compliance with the established (changed) heat loads, the energy supply organization has the right to install, including at consumer facilities, equipment to limit the power consumption of heat power (“setpoints”).

33. The energy supply organization has the right to monitor the established (changed) heat loads in the manner and within the time limits established by the energy supply agreement.

The energy supply organization is obliged to check the consumer's compliance with the established (changed) heat loads in the presence of complaints from citizens about the non-compliance of the provided utilities with the established standards.

34. The consumer is obliged to ensure the access of the energy supply organization to heat consumption facilities for monitoring and checking the operability of the installed limiting equipment.

35. If, as a result of control by the energy supply organization, non-compliance by the consumer with the value of the established or changed maximum heat load or non-compliance with the mandatory requirements for the quality of utilities or mandatory sanitary norms and rules is revealed, calculations for thermal energy (capacity) after establishing this fact are carried out on the basis of the value heat load, which was established as a result of control using the methods specified in subparagraphs 2) - 9) of paragraph 11 of these Rules.

At the same time, the energy supply organization has the right to recalculate the consumer's obligations to pay the rate of payment for thermal power for the past billing periods from the date of the previous monitoring of thermal loads.

36. If, as a result of the measures taken by the energy supplying organization to control (monitoring) compliance with the maximum heat loads, violations by the consumer of the terms of the energy supply agreement on the values ​​of the maximum heat loads are revealed, the heat loads indicated in the contract are subject to reduction to the values ​​established during the control (monitoring).

to the Rules for Establishing

and changes (revision)



determination of the thermal load of the water system

heating of a heat-consuming object according to the results of the data

thermal energy consumption metering devices

This methodology applies to heat consumption facilities equipped with water systems intended for space heating of heat consumption facilities, and establishes a method for determining the heat load (capacity) of heating systems based on the results of these heat consumption metering devices.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that, according to the data of thermal energy meters for the heating season, preceding the date of filing an application for a change (revision) of heat loads, and subject to the consumer providing a letter confirming the proper quality of heating, the heat load of the heating systems of the heat consumption facility is established by recalculation (bringing) heat consumption to design conditions.

Thermal energy metering devices, according to which the heat load of a heat consumption facility is established, must meet the mandatory requirements for thermal energy metering devices.

Requirements for the composition of the data required to determine

In order to determine the heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption object, the data of the heat energy metering units installed at the consumer, at the input / inputs to the heating system are taken into consideration.

Accounting data should include:

- data on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the heat-consuming facility for each hour of the period established by these Rules in order to establish the heat load;

- data on the mass (volume) of the coolant received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline for each hour;

- data on the average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines.

In water heating systems connected to heat networks of a centralized heat supply system according to an independent scheme, the mass (volume) of the heat carrier consumed to feed the in-house heating system must be additionally determined.

In order to determine the heat load for each hour of the period established by these Rules for the purpose of establishing the heat load, daily average outdoor temperatures must be identified.

The data is provided in a form that provides identification:

- device / devices of the unit / metering units of the heat consumption object;

- a source of information about outdoor temperatures.

Data on the amount of heat energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the heat-consuming facility for each hour of the period established by these Rules in order to establish the heat load are determined as the arithmetic mean value for the j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula:

In the absence of readings from metering unit devices on the consumption of heat energy for each i-th hour of the j-th day, using data on the amount of heat consumed for the j-th day, the average maximum amount of heat for the j-th day for heating purposes is determined in accordance with formula:

Data on the average outdoor temperature are established by the consumer according to meteorological observations of the meteorological station closest to the heat consumption facility of the territorial executive authority that performs the functions of providing public services in the field of hydrometeorology.

Data on the average outside air temperature for the j-th day of heat consumption are presented in degrees Celsius.

Upon reaching the mutual consent of the parties, data on the average outdoor temperature for the jth day of heat consumption, available to the energy supply organization, can be used to determine the heat load.

The condition for the consumer to provide a letter confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation means that the temperature inside the heated premises complies with the requirements of GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters. In this case, the temperature inside the heated premises of the heat consumption object is excluded from consideration.

Data from thermal energy meters that establish the heat load of a heat consumption facility that do not meet the requirements for thermal energy meters are excluded from consideration.

Based on the displayed data, an approximate functional linear dependence is found (a simple linear regression that allows you to find a straight line that is as close as possible to the data points from heat meters) in the form:

To calculate the coefficients of linear regression, any spreadsheet processors are allowed to be used (for example: Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc).

If the consumer (separate heat consumption facility) has several heat inputs (thermal units) equipped with heat meters for recording heat consumption for heating purposes, the heat load is determined separately for each heat input and then summed up.

Requirements for establishing the heat load based on the results

The heat load of the water heating system of the heat consumption facility must be determined in Gcal / h, rounded to the third decimal place after the separator of integer and decimal values.

Requirements for the presentation and storage of data

The processed data should be presented in the form of a report, drawn up in any form.

load of the water heating system of a residential building

An example of applying the methodology for establishing the heat load of a water heating system is based on the results of using the readings of heat energy meters in a residential building.

The residential building is equipped with a water heating system with a single heat input (heat unit) with a commercial heat energy meter.

An example of the application of the technique is presented in two versions:

- option a) - subject to the provision by the consumer of a letter of guarantee confirming the proper quality of heating and ventilation, and, therefore, to establish the heat load, the parameters adopted for the design of a water heating system are used in accordance with the instructions given in this methodology;

- option b) - with the condition of establishing the daily average temperature inside the heated premises according to the readings of temperature measuring instruments installed in accordance with GOST 31168-2003 "Method of specific consumption of thermal energy for heating".

The data was processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, including the periods for which either a temporary shutdown of the heat energy meter was recorded, or the absence of data on the average outdoor temperature, or the absence of data on the average air temperature inside the heated premises were excluded from consideration (excluded from the data set).

according to the results of the meter data

Based on the displayed data, an approximate functional linear dependence is found (see Fig. A1.2), which makes it possible to find a straight line that is as close as possible to the data points from thermal energy meters.

Figure A1.2. Data processing with definition

functions of the heat load of the heating system on temperature

outside air (regulation quality and thermal protection)

For option "b", additional processing is carried out, which is to obtain the difference between the average outdoor temperature and the average temperature inside the heated premises for each j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula:

Figure A1.3. Data processing with function definition

heat load of the heating system from temperature difference

An example of applying the technique to change the thermal

load of the water heating system of a residential building,

undergone a comprehensive overhaul

The consumer (HOA), on the basis of subparagraph 21.1 of these rules, submitted an application to the energy supply organization to review the heat load of a residential building. In the building, a year before the application was submitted, a comprehensive overhaul was completed. A comprehensive overhaul of the building was carried out in accordance with the project documentation. As part of the comprehensive overhaul, the parameters of the thermal protection of a residential building were changed (insulation and installation of a ventilated facade, replacement of window blocks, replacement of the roof, repair of basements), overhaul of heating systems, hot and cold water supply with the replacement of equipment (including heating appliances and water fittings) and installation of automation systems for supply and metering of utility resources.

Prior to the overhaul, the residential building was not equipped with an automatic control system for the release of communal resources, however, a heat metering unit for heating was installed in the building. The heat metering unit was not accepted as commercial and was operated as a technical metering unit for heat supply for heating.

The consumer, as part of the application for changing the heat load of the heating system, sent a complete set of documents, the requirements for which are contained in paragraph 24 of these Rules.

As part of this documentation, data were attached on heat consumption for heating purposes according to heat energy metering devices, processed and presented in accordance with the requirements of this methodology, including: repair and readings of technical metering devices for heat consumption for heating after its completion.

The consumption of heat for heating according to the data of metering devices is presented by the consumer in the form shown in fig. P1.4. In all cases, the outdoor air temperature was not observed close to the calculated one for the design of the heating system. To calculate the maximum heat load, a methodology was used to bring the recorded values ​​to design conditions.

The maximum heat load of the heating systems of the building was, according to metering devices

The maximum heat load of the heating system of a residential building after a comprehensive overhaul was

Figure A1.4. Heat consumption data for heating

before and after overhaul

Based on the results of such a reduction to new design conditions, the energy supply contract is adjusted using new values ​​of the maximum heat load for heating the building.

determining the heat load of hot water systems

water supply based on the results of these metering devices

thermal energy consumption

This methodology applies to heat consumption facilities equipped with hot water heaters as part of individual heat points designed to heat drinking-quality cold water, and establishes a method for determining the heat load (capacity) of hot water supply systems based on the results of these heat energy consumption metering devices.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that according to the data of thermal energy meters for the purpose of hot water supply for the last heating season preceding the date of filing an application for a change (revision) of heat loads, and subject to the provision by the consumer of a letter of guarantee confirming the proper quality of hot water supply, a thermal the load of the hot water supply systems of the heat consumption facility by directly processing data from the meter, determining the maximum hourly and average hourly load of the hot water supply system for the day of the highest water consumption.

Requirements for heat energy meters

Thermal energy metering devices, according to which the heat load of the hot water supply system is established, must meet the mandatory requirements for thermal energy metering devices.

In order to determine the heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility, the data of the heat energy metering units installed at the consumer at the input / inputs to the hot water supply system are taken into consideration.

- data on the operating time of the metering station devices;

- data on the amount of thermal energy directed to the hot water supply system for heat consumption for each hour of the period established by these Rules.

— data storage archive;

— the person responsible for the accuracy of the data provided;

Requirements for the processing of data intended

to set the heat load

Data on the amount of heat energy directed to the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility for each hour of the period established by these Rules are determined as the arithmetic mean value for the j-th day of heat consumption in accordance with the formula:

In the absence of indications of the metering unit devices on the consumption of heat energy for each i-th hour of the j-th day, using data on the amount of heat consumed for the j-th day, the average amount of heat for the j-th day for the purpose of hot water supply is determined in accordance with formula:

The condition for the consumer to provide a letter confirming that the quality of heating and ventilation is adequate means that the temperature and pressure of hot water in front of the consumer's tap is correct.

From the data array on the daily average hourly heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply for the period established by the Rules, the maximum value recorded by the heat meter is selected. This value of heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply will correspond to the average per hour per day of maximum water consumption.

If the consumer (separate heat consumption facility) has several heat inputs (thermal units) equipped with heat meters for recording heat consumption for hot water supply, the heat load is determined separately for each heat input and then summed up.

It is allowed, if there is a division of the heat consumption object into separate separate objects in the energy supply agreement, to establish the heat load for separate separate objects.

data of heat consumption metering devices

The average heat consumption per hour per day of maximum water consumption, established in accordance with the definitions given in paragraph 2 of these guidelines, is taken as the heat load of the hot water supply system.

The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility must be determined in Gcal / h, rounded to the third decimal place after the separator of integer and decimal values.

The report must be approved by representatives of the consumer and the power supply organization.

An example of applying the technique to establish thermal

load of the hot water supply system of a residential building

An example of applying the methodology for establishing the heat load of hot water supply is based on the results of using the readings of heat energy meters in a residential building.

The residential building is equipped with a hot water supply system with one inlet to the prefabricated circulation pipeline, with water risers combined into 5 groups, looped jumpers into sectional units with each sectional unit connected by one circulation pipeline to the prefabricated circulation pipeline of the hot water supply system. Jumpers are laid on a warm attic.

The data were processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, including the periods for which a temporary shutdown of the heat energy meter was recorded were excluded from consideration (excluded from the data array).

Figure A1.5. Thermal meter readings

heat consumption for hot water supply

Judicial practice and legislation - Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 610 On approval of the rules for establishing and changing (revising) thermal loads

37. To assess the reliability of the data used, it is recommended to perform spot checks on the correctness of establishing the contractual values ​​of heat consumption using the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 28, 2009 N 610.

86. For the value of the heat load of heat-consuming installations when non-contractual consumption is detected, the heat load is taken, determined by the methods given in the “Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads”, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 28, 2009 N 610 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 12. 2010, registration N 16604).

"On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Changing (Revising) Thermal Loads"

Edition of 12/28/2009 - Valid from 04/30/2010


dated December 28, 2009 N 610


N_j is the number of averaging periods per day (as a rule, N = 24);

Q(h)_gws.i - data from the device (devices) of the metering unit on the amount of thermal energy directed to the heat-consuming installation of the hot water supply system for each hour of the day, within which averaging is performed, Gcal / h.

In the absence of indications of the metering unit devices on the consumption of heat energy for each i-th hour of the j-th day, using data on the amount of heat consumed for the j-th day, the average amount of heat for the j-th day for the purpose of hot water supply is determined in accordance with formula:

(h)_DHW.j = Q_DHW.j / N_j (5)

Q_gws.j is the amount of heat consumed for the j-th day for heating purposes, Gcal/day;

N_j is the number of hours in a day (if the device functioned properly during this day) or the number of hours of correct operation of the meter for the j-th day.

The condition for the consumer to provide a letter confirming that the quality of heating and ventilation is adequate means that the temperature and pressure of hot water in front of the consumer's tap is correct.

The processed data is displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: along the abscissa axis - calendar days, along the ordinate axis - average per day hourly consumption of thermal energy for hot water supply (h)_gws, Gcal/h.

From the data array on the daily average hourly heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply for the period established by the Rules, the maximum value recorded by the heat meter is selected. This value of heat consumption for the purpose of hot water supply will correspond to the average per hour per day of maximum water consumption.

Additional explanations

If the consumer (separate heat consumption facility) has several heat inputs (thermal units) equipped with heat meters for recording heat consumption for hot water supply, the heat load is determined separately for each heat input and then summed up.

It is allowed, if there is a division of the heat consumption object into separate separate objects in the energy supply agreement, to establish the heat load for separate separate objects.

Requirements for establishing the heat load based on the results of these heat energy consumption metering devices

The average heat consumption per hour per day of maximum water consumption, established in accordance with the definitions given in paragraph 2 of these guidelines, is taken as the heat load of the hot water supply system.

The heat load of the hot water supply system of the heat consumption facility must be determined in Gcal / h, rounded to the third decimal place after the separator of integer and decimal values.

Requirements for the presentation and storage of data

The processed data should be presented in the form of a report, drawn up in any form.

The report must be approved by representatives of the consumer and the power supply organization.

An example of the application of the methodology for determining the heat load of the hot water supply system of a residential building

An example of applying the methodology for establishing the heat load of hot water supply is based on the results of using the readings of heat energy meters in a residential building.

The residential building is equipped with a hot water supply system with one inlet to the prefabricated circulation pipeline, with water risers combined into 5 groups, looped jumpers into sectional units with each sectional unit connected by one circulation pipeline to the prefabricated circulation pipeline of the hot water supply system. Jumpers are laid on a warm attic.

For a residential building, the load of the hot water supply system, established by the design documents for the hot water supply system and fixed in the energy supply agreement, is equal to the average hourly heat consumption per day of maximum water consumption (calc)_gws = 0.14 Gcal / h.

Data from a commercial heat energy meter for heating on average heat consumption for the jth day (average day)_gws.j (Gcal/day) were recorded for a two-year period from 08.05.2005 to 24.05.2007.

The data were processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, including the periods for which a temporary shutdown of the heat energy meter was recorded were excluded from consideration (excluded from the data array).

The processed readings of the metering device for the consumption of thermal energy for hot water supply are displayed in a rectangular coordinate system: along the abscissa axis - calendar days, along the ordinate axis - the average per day hourly consumption of thermal energy for hot water supply purposes (h)_gws, Gcal / h (see Fig. . A1.5).

Full text: Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2009 N 610 "On Approval of the Rules" download the full text




In accordance with paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2009 N 121 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 N 109" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, N 8, Art. 982) I order:

1. To approve the Rules for establishing and changing (revising) heat loads agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service.

2. The control of the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

And about. Minister



Order of the Ministry

regional development

Russian Federation


I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the establishment and change (revision) of heat loads (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate relations between energy supply organizations and consumers of thermal energy (capacity) arising from the establishment and change (revision) of the values ​​of heat loads used in calculating the cost of using heat power according to power supply contract.

2. To calculate the cost of using thermal power by a consumer of thermal energy, the thermal load of a capital construction facility, equipped with heat-consuming installations, owned by the consumer on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds (hereinafter referred to as the heat consumption object), established by the energy supply agreement, is used, which is defined as the sum of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the maximum thermal loads by types heat consumption (heating, ventilation, air conditioning (in the case of equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating period)) and the daily average daily maximum water consumption of the heat load of hot water supply.

3. The maximum heat load by type of heat consumption is defined as:

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy in the heating and ventilation system at the outside air temperature calculated for the design of heating and ventilation systems in relation to the maximum heat load of heating and ventilation;

average hourly consumption of heat energy per day of maximum water consumption for the purpose of preparing hot water in relation to the maximum heat load of hot water supply;

the maximum hourly consumption of heat energy in the air conditioning system at the temperature and humidity of the outside air taken for the design of air conditioning systems (used when equipping a heat consumption facility with a combined air heating and air conditioning system operating during the heating season) in relation to the maximum heat load of the supply air conditioning system;

the maximum hourly consumption of thermal energy used for the implementation of technological processes in relation to the maximum thermal load of the heat consumption system for the purposes of the technology.

The values ​​of the maximum heat loads of heat consumption objects established in the energy supply agreement are applied subject to compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 8 of these Rules.

4. Establishment or change (revision) of thermal loads is carried out by fixing the corresponding values ​​in the energy supply contract on the basis of the consumer's application submitted by him to the energy supply organization in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

The heat loads of heat-consuming installations established in accordance with these Rules are the basis for calculating the rate of payment for thermal power, established for a heat supply organization when setting a two-part tariff for thermal energy (capacity) and a two-part tariff for hot water.

5. Heat loads are set for the heat consumption facility as a whole. If the premises in the heat consumption facility belong to different persons on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds, the distribution of heat loads of the heat consumption facility under energy supply agreements is carried out by applying the methods for determining the load specified in paragraph 11 of these Rules, taking into account the shares in the ownership of the common property .

6. An increase in the heat load of consumers in excess of the connected capacity of the heat consumption facility, defined as the total design maximum heat load of all heat consumption systems of the heat consumption facility connected to the heat networks (source of heat energy) of the heat supply organization, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks - technical support, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 N 83.