How long does it take to sprout a lawn in autumn. How fast will lawn grass sprout? Smart lawn planting technology

  • 17.06.2019

You got the idea to create a lawn, prepared the soil, sowed the seeds, and now you are looking forward to the first shoots. How to find out how long after sowing it will rise lawn grass? The answer to the question depends on the variety of plants and the time of sowing.

A landscape designer will confidently name 7 types of lawns:

  • urban;
  • shadow;
  • parterre;
  • Mauritanian;
  • ordinary;
  • sports;
  • wild;
  • roll.

The last species is a layer of turf, that is, it is not necessary to wait for seedlings. But herbs for other species differ in characteristics: the germination period of plants depends on the variety.

The term of seedlings of lawn grass, depending on its type

Grasses for the city lawn should not require much attention, this is achieved by sowing a mixture of ryegrass, cane fescue and timothy grass. The interval between sowing and the first shoots will be 7-10 days, depending on air and soil temperature.

Grasses for a shady lawn should be shade-tolerant, so 80% of the mixture is red fescue. Under favorable conditions for the plant, the first shoots will appear in 10-12 days.

Parterre lawn among landscape designers considered prestigious, break it in a prominent and sunny place. Effectiveness is achieved by sowing bent grass, bluegrass meadow and different varieties of fescue. Plants sprout slowly, for example, when sown in the spring, bent grass will sprout in 9-13 days, if sown before winter, seedlings will be in May.

Plants for the Mauritanian lawn - cereals and flowers. The share of flowering, depending on the mixture, is 5-7%. The heterogeneity of the composition of the mixture increases the period of general germination: depending on the weather conditions, the first shoots will appear 8-16 days after sowing.

An ordinary lawn is slightly inferior in beauty to the parterre, but due to the sowing of bluegrass different types and ryegrass does not require careful care. It depends on the variety of bluegrass how long it takes for seedlings to appear: if ryegrass sprouts after 6-7 days, then bluegrass - after 10-20 days.

Grass for a sports lawn should be strong and unpretentious. Perennial ryegrass VIC 66 and red fescue are used, which will sprout 14-15 days after sowing.

Wild lawn is called for "lazy". The basis is wild herbs: chamomile, lily of the valley, clover, yarrow, thyme. It is difficult to say in how many days shoots will take for this type of lawn: the timing depends on the predominant plants in the mixture. Clover, for example, sprouts in 11 days, and yarrow in 12-20 days.

In general, lawn grass of any kind sprouts within 20 days. But if you do not want to fight weeds, then sow the plants before winter. In this case, the first shoots will appear in April-May.

Many summer residents and gardeners are interested in the question - how long does lawn grass sprout after sowing. To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account many factors that affect the growth rate of lawn grass. Grass intended for lawn formation must have a number of qualities that will allow you to create a beautiful, uniform surface. Among the main characteristics are shade tolerance, excellent decorative qualities, resistance to diseases and unpretentiousness in care. How many days it takes to create a lawn also depends on the seeds chosen for sowing.

When choosing seeds for a lawn, one should take into account its functional purpose and the characteristics of the climate in which the lawn grass will grow. It is necessary to determine the degree of load to which the lawn will be subjected. If this is a football field, then, accordingly, the load will be high. The lawn in the country house or in the park is operated with medium intensity. Lawn as an element landscape design will experience low loads.

For sowing, it is recommended to use not one type of grass, but several. The composition of such herbal mixtures includes several types of herbs with different climatic requirements. A mixture of different varieties of lawn grasses develops and grows much better than plants of the same species.

From the point of view of landscape design, there are several main types of lawns:

  • Mauritanian;
  • "lazy" or wild;
  • urban;
  • parterre;
  • roll;
  • sports;
  • ordinary;
  • shadow.

Moorish grass mixtures include flowering plants and cereal crops. Since the composition of herbs is heterogeneous, the first shoots should appear within 8 to 16 days after sowing.

The basis of the "lazy" or wild lawn is grasses such as clover, chamomile, bluegrass, yarrow. The timing of the first shoots depends on which plants are predominant. Clover should sprout after about 10 days from the date of sowing, and yarrow will sprout after 12-20 days.

For sowing urban lawns, prefabricated mixtures are usually used - red and reed fescue. It takes 7-10 days for such grass to sprout. Germination time is affected by ambient temperature.

Parterre lawn is a thick sheet of grass about 3 cm high. To create such a green carpet, mixtures of perennial grasses with slow growth, such as fescue, bluegrass or bent grass, are suitable. The number of days it will sprout depends on the specific type of grass. For example, bent grass, when planted in spring, should sprout within 9 to 13 days, and if sown in winter, seedlings will appear in May.

The rolled lawn is a uniform grass cover, consisting of lawn cereals and without weeds. In this case, it is not necessary to sow the seeds, the sheets are already ready for use and can be laid at any time of the year.

Most sports turf grass mixtures contain such hardy and abrasion-resistant grass as red fescue. The first shoots will sprout in 14-15 days.

An ordinary lawn is sown with various varieties of bluegrass and the appearance of the first shoots depends on the specific variety, usually it is 10-20 days.

In order to create a shady lawn, you will need grasses that tolerate shade well, such as red fescue. The first shoots at good conditions should appear already 10-12 days after sowing.

How much the lawn sprouts depends on the variety of plants used. In general, for the vast majority of herbs, it will take up to 20 days.

Lawn Grass Types

Depending on the duration of life, there are:

  • annual crops;
  • biennial crops;
  • perennial crops.

The life cycle of annual crops takes only 1 year. Phacelia, common comb, and wheatgrass can be attributed to this type of plant.

Biennial crops in the first year of their life form and strengthen the root system, grow stems and leaves. In the second year, shoots will appear, from which flowers and fruits will develop. After the seeds ripen, the plants die off. Among biennial lawn plants, hop alfalfa can be mentioned.

Perennial crops, unlike biennial and annual plants, continue their growth and development for several years after seed maturation. Among the variety of perennial grasses, meadow fescue, shoot-bearing bent grass, and white clover can be distinguished.

Depending on the root system, the following types of plants can be distinguished:

  • dense bush;
  • rhizomatous;
  • tap root;
  • loose bush.

In dense shrub plants, old shoots released by an above-ground bush quickly grow together with new ones and form dense knots. Such plants resemble a dense bush. Inside it are the old parts, and around the edges - fresh, new. Certain varieties of fescue belong to dense bush cultures.

In rhizomatous plants, the root is not deep, but grows rapidly and gives a large number of nodes that form above-ground shoots. Among the rhizomatous herbs, meadow foxtail and white bent grass can be distinguished.

The root of taproot plants goes quite deep into the ground and fresh shoots appear on it. Such plants form beautiful lush bushes. Taproot crops include some types of alfalfa, sainfoin and several varieties of clover.

The root of loose shrub plants forms one node, and splendor is created due to the shoots of the aerial part. The loose shrubs include such plants as meadow fescue, wheatgrass, rootless wheatgrass and others.

Most Popular Plants

Bluegrass meadow belongs to the perennial crops of the grass family. The first year after sowing, bluegrass grows rather slowly. At this time, the root system is mainly strengthened. The bluegrass fully develops only in the 2-3rd year. Starts growing in spring. At the end of autumn, growth stops and meadow bluegrass leaves green under the snow. Bluegrass will withstand both harsh winters and dry summers. The degree of shade tolerance of bluegrass is medium, but it tolerates soil compaction well. After mowing, it grows back quickly, creating an even coverage. Bluegrass is unpretentious to the soil, but the most favorable for its growth is humus-rich, moist and non-acidic soil.

Red fescue belongs to perennial grasses. This plant has excellent drought tolerance and shade tolerance. In addition, fescue tolerates cold well, so it easily survives winters. This grass is resistant to trampling, tolerates regular mowing well, while the best height for mowing is 4-5 cm. Red fescue grows more intensively and grows easier on loose, humus-saturated soils.

The bent grass belongs to perennial grasses. It is winter-hardy and shade-tolerant. The bent grass grows slowly during the first year after sowing, and gets its full development in the 2-3rd year after sowing. Growth occurs until late autumn, and under the snow the bent leaves in a green form. The bent edge is very resistant to abrasion and tolerates mowing well. It does not grow back very quickly, but evenly. It is unpretentious to the type of soil.

White clover belongs to perennial plants from the legume family. During the first year, development is slow, flowering occurs in next year. During the season, clover blooms 2 times: the first time - from May to August; the second time - from August to October. Clover does not tolerate shading and excessive moisture. Clover prefers slightly acidic or neutral soil. White clover, in addition to its excellent decorative functions, is able to benefit - it increases the fertility of the soil, saturating it with nitrogen.

How is seeding done?

You can choose any season for sowing lawn grass, but the middle of spring is considered the most favorable. Mid-autumn is suitable for sowing if you plan a lawn for the next year. In this case, it is better that the grass has time to take root well before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant grass at the end of autumn, the plants may freeze.

The first step is to develop the soil for the lawn. To do this, remove debris from the site and clear it of weeds. The earth must be dug up and loosened. In cases where the soil is hard, peat and sand can be added. The fertile layer should be improved by adding special mineral fertilizers to it. Sow seeds, carefully distributing them over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lawn, pressing them into the soil. Next, be sure to water the lawn with water. The first 3-4 weeks after sowing, the lawn needs increased protection from wind, excessive moisture and sunlight, so it is recommended to cover it with a net (for example, a mosquito net) for this time. To do this, you need to stick a few sticks around the perimeter of the lawn and pull the net between them like an awning. This recommendation is suitable for small areas. Lawn big size concealment is inappropriate.

The first time after sowing, it is necessary to regularly water the site and make sure that puddles do not accumulate.

In addition, the root system of plants is still very weak for the first 2 months, so it is recommended to refrain from walking on a fresh lawn at this time.

To get a smooth, fluffy lawn, it is very important to properly care for it.

Good afternoon my dears!

This spring, I became the happy owner of a house and 17 acres of land. I am the only woman in our big family from 5 people. And I'm the only gardener. You can probably imagine what a huge plot I got. And in order to reduce my work in the garden and bring beauty, I decided to sow 2 acres of land with a lawn. Before that, I already had experience in planting lawn grass seeds in the country.

In the store, I consulted with an experienced seller, who offered me to buy lawn grass seeds or a grass mixture from Euro-Semena LLC. This manufacturer produces as many as 9 types of lawn grass (they all differ from each other). All types were available.

I chose Euro-Sport (Perennial)- You can walk on this lawn grass and it is practically not subjected to trampling. Of course, if you walk on a lawn that has just sprouted, then nothing good will come of it.

Price: 395 rubles.

The weight: 1 kg.

Place of purchase: Chain of stores "Udachny"

Compound : Fescue, Bluegrass, Ryegrass.

Seeding rate: 1 kg per 25-33 sq.m.

How to plant a lawn I did it like this:

  • The freshly plowed land was chosen from weeds.
  • Leveled with a rake.
  • I sowed the seeds, just spread them evenly on the ground.
  • I covered it with earth from above by 3 cm.
  • Watered profusely.

The instructions say 1 cm, this is not true - given the rain and wind, this layer of earth is not enough and even 3 cm was not enough. After the first rain, 30% of the lawn grass lay on the surface of the earth. I advise you to fall asleep on top of 5-7 cm, it's more reliable.

How long did it take for lawn grass to sprout?

The seller said that it will rise within a week. This is not true, my lawn sprouted after 2-3 weeks, given that the rains were heavy and the seeds were constantly in a moist, favorable environment for germination .

To be honest, at first I even thought that the seeds had lost their germination capacity and got upset, because I wanted to create comfort on the site as soon as possible.

How to deal with bald spots on the lawn?

And now, after 4 weeks, such a "Dalmatian" sprouted on my site. The lawn is growing with bald patches. Of course it's not pretty. I bought the 2nd pack, I will sow the neighboring plot with a lawn, or rather my fruit and berry garden.

And next spring I will patch up the bald spots with a new portion of lawn grass.

Weed is tough, relatively sure. Bright green, juicy in appearance - in principle, beautiful. It should be well watered.


Budget lawn grass that sprouts within 2 weeks. She practically does not get trampled - sometimes my Bo-Bloom (Tibetan Mastiff - Dog) runs along the edge, where there is a lawn and it grows further. Of course it came up with bald spots, but I think it was my fault and the rains washed the seeds into piles, hence the "Dalmatian".

Have a great summer days, your Olga!