Primarily flowering plants in autumn. From what flowers to create the best autumn flower garden-picture

  • 14.06.2019

In autumn, the most beautiful, spectacular and unusual flower beds bloom. And at the moment of fading summer heat, it is the flowerbeds with autumn plants that lift the mood, which, when proper fit and care bloom until frost. In order to correctly determine the choice of seeds or seedlings for planting, it is recommended to take a closer look at some popular plants.

Plant selection

In order to admire the buds in autumn, you need to know what flowers bloom in autumn, choose the right seeds, provide them good fit, care and timely watering. Particularly respected in almost all regions are:

  • anemone;
  • aster;
  • marigold;
  • helenium autumn;
  • dahlias;
  • goldenrod;
  • crocosmia;
  • saxifrage;
  • monarchs;
  • window sill;
  • rudbeckia;
  • phloxes;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • zinnia.

Anemone (anemone)

Touching autumn garden flowers reminiscent of early spring with their similarity to primroses. A variety of colors and shapes of buds will look good against the background of stones. Anemones are blooming good care and in the right place until the frost.

In horticulture, there are almost 150 plant species, but the following varieties are considered recognized:

  • Forest - height 0.5 meters, flower diameter - about 7 cm.
  • Japanese - 40 cm with small groups of buds.
  • Crown - about 25 centimeters in height and with flowers with a diameter of 6 cm.
  • Tender - about 20 cm from the ground.

There are two types of anemone - tuberous and rhizome. The division of rhizomes is carried out in the spring - they are cut so that each part has buds for growing greenery. The tubers are previously left to swell for 2-3 hours in warm water.

It is recommended to plant anemones in fertile loosened soil with the addition of sand and wood ash in partial shade to a depth of 3-7 cm. They are immediately determined with the permanent habitat of the plant, because the anemone categorically does not accept transplantation. Regular, but not abundant watering of the flower is recommended.


Common autumn flowers in the garden, both annual and perennial varieties are popular. Branched stems with flowers delight the eye until the frost.

The variety of aster species is amazing, they are divided into three groups according to their height:

Depending on the variety, choose the soil, the place for planting, fertilizers and the frequency of watering. This flower is planted with seeds and seedlings, in spring or autumn.

Unlike many autumn flowers, asters do not require special care, it is enough to water and fertilize once or twice during the growth and flowering period. Small-flowered asters do not require a garter to a support and are not afraid of night frosts, which makes life easier for the gardener.

Marigolds (Tagetes)

A plant of the Asteraceae family, which has earned respect for its help in pest control. The height of these plants ranges from 20 to 120 cm with yellow, brown or orange buds 2-10 cm in diameter.

There are three types of marigolds in height:

  • dwarf;
  • undersized;
  • tall.

Planting is done with seedlings and seeds in open ground, bloom in 1.5-2 months.

Unpretentious, cold-resistant, bloom well after planting seedlings in fertilized soil. Recommended watering as it dries, without abundant moisture.

Helenium autumn

Gelenium is considered an interesting flower - annual and perennial. The root, together with the shoots, dies with the advent of autumn, and the underground buds of the shoots grow with new rosettes with leaves and roots, on next year they form a fresh stem.

Color of flowers - orange-red, yellow-brick, brown, golden and terracotta.

The height of an upright, separately growing gelenium ranges from 70 cm to 150 cm.

The plant blooms from late July to mid-September.


Unusual variegated and monochromatic perennial flowers with tuberous roots. Upright branched shoots with a smooth or rough structure with a hollow trunk. Baskets of inflorescences from 3 to 30 centimeters in diameter are surrounded by flowers of various shapes:

  • pompoms;
  • spherical;
  • peony;
  • collar;
  • cactus;
  • semi-cactus;
  • non-terry;
  • anemone;
  • decorative;
  • nymphaeal;
  • mixed.

Coloring and sizes are also very diverse and depend on the species, of which there are about 18 thousand, only blue, black and blue dahlias do not exist in nature.

Plants bloom in July and continue to delight the eye until deep frosts, depending on the variety. It is necessary to remember the correct digging of the roots and storing them in the winter in desired temperature and room humidity.


Perennial with a wooden taproot, a green trunk with shades of red in the lower part of the color. Upright shoots with oval or elliptical foliage. The height of the goldenrod ranges from 30 cm to 2 meters and has small villi throughout the plant. Of the various varieties stand out:

  • Canadian;
  • ordinary;
  • giant.

This autumn plant blooms from May to October. Remarkably tolerates both dry and frosty weather conditions. Attract insects with small abundant flowers.

There are several ways to propagate goldenrod:

  1. Seeds.
  2. seedlings.
  3. The division of the bush.
  4. cuttings.

Goldenrod does not require much care, regular watering in dry weather and a garter of tall bushes will help this plant bloom as long and brightly as possible. In winter, the flower does not need shelter, it is enough to cut the stems and leave 15 cm from the ground.

Crocosmia, Tritonia, Japanese gladiolus

Ornamental, showy plant of the iris family with bright orange, rich red or golden yellow flowers with a characteristic smell of saffron.

Crocosmia does not enjoy due popularity among summer residents, but is already winning the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. If in the autumn, sometimes before the onset of frost, you dig and transplant the plant into a special pot, you can extend the life of the flower for another month in a cool place in a city apartment, for example, on a balcony.

Planting is carried out with corms, babies and seeds. It is recommended to sow in February or March, as they grow older, the seedlings are planted in pots and in May they are transplanted into open ground. Corms are recommended to be planted in late April or early May.


A perennial plant that blooms in autumn, is easy to care for and has a fibrous root system.

Plant height 0.5-1.5 meters with leaves about 6 cm of emerald or grayish color. Saxifraga have small flowers that are collected in racemose, paniculate inflorescences or located singly.

The color of the buds is varied - white, pink, yellow, red or deep crimson. In harsh climatic conditions the flower is grown as an annual, as the plant will not be able to endure the cold temperature.

Monarda and stupa

Monarda has about 20 varieties of annuals and perennials.

The height of the plant reaches 1.5 meters and has a straight, branched stem with emerald-colored leaves with a pleasant smell.

The shape of the leaves is serrated, elongated-lacent, and the flowers with a diameter of about 7 cm have a variety of colors - purple, white, red, yellow or speckled.

Monarda begins to bloom in June and fades by October, it should be remembered that this plant is used in the preparation of tea and food and for a long time the flower was mistaken for bergamot.

Another interesting plant, blooming from mid-summer to late autumn, having not only beautiful inflorescences, but also medical benefits - window sill. Used for treatment inflammatory processes and injured areas of the skin.

The height of the flower reaches 2 meters and ends with inflorescences with a diameter of 25 cm. The foliage is green with purple or dark red stains. Small flowers of white, pink or beige color have a pleasant smell during the flowering period.

A flower is planted mainly with seedlings, but if an unstable plant gets into the open ground, it will not take root. Blossoms on flowerbeds located on the sunny side, from mid-summer to the very cold. A fairly resistant plant to frost and pest attacks.


Beautiful, showy autumn flowers called Rudbeckia bloom from July to October. The most common varieties are hairy, shiny and glossy rudbeckia, reaching a height of 200 cm, some wild species grow up to 3 meters.

The trunk is covered with villi and has large oval and stem leaves. Flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm, similar to chamomile, yellow, orange, red color with a core of light brown or red-black color with a velvety texture.

A completely unpretentious plant, but respecting the warm weather, if the planting of seeds or seedlings is carried out during cold nights, rudbeckia will not take root.


Perennial with bright lush flowers lives from mid-summer to frost. Phlox height varies from 10 to 150 cm with paniculate or corymbose inflorescences about 5 cm in diameter. Shoots are erect with oval-shaped leaves and flowers of various colors - snow-white, pink, red, blue, lilac with an attractive smell.

Popular varieties are:

  • phlox paniculata;
  • Vladimir;
  • cloud;
  • Anna;
  • novelty;
  • Margri.

Despite the fact that phloxes are moisture-loving plants, they do not tolerate stagnant water near the root system. To ensure the care of these flowers, you need to plant them in an elevated bed away from large shrubs and trees. In the absence of free space, phloxes will die in competition for light and water.

Chrysanthemums and Zinnias (Majors)

Chrysanthemums are the most popular autumn flowers imported from Japan. A perennial green-brown shrub from 30 cm to 150 cm high with a characteristic smell, blooms from late August until the start of frost.

Inflorescences - simple, semi-double, double, tubular and needle. The variety of varieties is striking in shapes, colors and sizes. Korean chrysanthemums with small, abundant flowers are especially respected for their unpretentiousness in care.

Zinnia is an annual plant 30-100 cm high with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences. In shades of color of flowers, only a blue tint is missing. Zinnias bloom from July to October.

Leaves of a green or light green shade of a pointed and oval shape, covered with a hard fluff on erect stems, will decorate any flower garden.

It is difficult to pay attention to each flower separately and describe all the species. The choice for a flower garden is individual and depends on various reasons - an unpretentious or requiring careful care plant is planned to be planted, under what weather conditions it will be grown and how sunny the planting site will be. It must be remembered that autumn flowers in any case require timely watering, and sometimes fertilizing.

Description of the most beautiful autumn flowers and the creation of flower beds from them

With the onset of autumn, nature changes: the leaves turn yellow and fall, the grass withers, the buds of summer plants disappear. The garden is getting a little dull. And only bright autumn flowers in the flower beds help to make the backyard territory cozy and beautiful.

Names, descriptions and photos of autumn flowers in the garden

Fall plants can be annuals or perennials. They tolerate low temperatures and poor lighting well. Most varieties bloom in September, but some of them keep blossoming buds until November. And plants such as September aster do not die even under snow.

Source: Depositphotos

A flower bed of autumn flowers of various shades looks good

The most beautiful flowers for a flower bed:

  • Monard. Depending on the species, it can be annual or perennial. The length of its stem is from 15 to 110 cm. The leaves of the plant have a jagged edge. Hollow buds form heads, the diameter of which is from 3 to 7 cm. Corollas can be white, pink, red, crimson.
  • Aster. There are over 200 annual and perennial species this flower. The length of the stem can reach half a meter. The leaves are simple. The buds are double and non-double with a diameter of 2 to 16 cm. The central part of the flower is yellow, and the corolla can be of any shade: from white to lilac, red or another tone.
  • Dahlia. The hollow thick stem of this perennial grows up to 250 cm in height. The diameter of the flowers is from 10 to 13 cm. They can be various shapes: spherical, needle-shaped, pion-shaped, water lily and others. The buds are painted in a variety of shades, sometimes they are even multi-colored.
  • Rudbeckia. This plant is similar to daisies. The length of the stem reaches 40-60 cm. The diameter of the buds is from 4 to 15 cm. The petals are yellow and orange, the core is brownish or black. The leaves are dark and long.

These are the most common flowers that attract attention with bright petals and lush greenery until the very cold.

How to make a beautiful flower bed of autumn flowers

Autumn plants look good in single and group plantings. They can be planted in the form of borders or organize constantly blooming flower beds.

When creating flower beds, you need to take into account some features of plants:

  • Dimensions. It is better to plant the center with tall grasses, and the edge with low or medium height.
  • Features of care. Plants with similar requirements for soil composition and watering are placed nearby.
  • Bud color. You can make a flower bed from plants of similar tones or contrasting shades.

In order to create a beautiful flower bed, study photos of different types of autumn flowers. Draw a diagram in advance of where and how you will arrange them.

Autumn flowering herbs will delight the eye with colorful buds and green leaves until the end of November or even the beginning of December. And the backyard territory with flower beds laid out on it always looks well-groomed.

After the warm period of the year, any flower garden becomes less pretty. The garden weakens, its plants wither and throw off flowers, only the surface of the earth remains colorful, strewn with dried red, yellow, sometimes brown and greenish leaves. But the situation can be corrected and not lose a single gram of mood if autumn-blooming flowers grow on your site. They will brighten up the situation, distract from withered plants, and become a real cradle for a falling asleep garden.

Autumn has always been the brightest season of the year and, despite the approach of cold weather, garden plots professional summer residents are decorated not only with an abundance of colors of fallen leaves, but also with many autumn flowers. Here you can find all sorts of combinations.

In September, when there is still a little time left before the frosts, the initial period of autumn can be distinguished. The garden is full of dahlias, acidanders, gladiolus and crocosmia. But this period is not particularly long and soon many of these flowers will lose their inflorescences, wither and lose their external beauty until next year.

Autumn kaleidoscope: names and photos of flowers

Very often in the fall, before the first frosts, it is precisely those flowers that bloom that began their vigorous activity in the summer. There is also special kind, the so-called introduced. Its flowers only begin to bloom by the beginning of autumn. It depends on the conditions of detention and, of course, on our climate.

Blooming in autumn can be attributed to many wonderful plants, and some of them we will consider in our article. This is necessary in order to broaden your horizons a little, to learn new types autumn plants, to understand what kind of flowers can delight us in the fall and qualitatively decorate the territory of the garden against the backdrop of general wilting.


An example would be the autumn crocus, it grows well on a rich, fertile soil, is developing rapidly, gaining strength and pleases us with purple, blue and white flowers. Tellingly, the plant blooms profusely and practically does not show its leaves outwardly, so that with a dense planting it is even possible to create a “flower carpet”.

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Next come crocosmia - quite original and attractive plants that came to us from warmer countries. The most interesting is the fact that in addition to autumn flowering, crocosmia can even winter in our conditions, you just have to create them quality protection from moisture. It may be special polyethylene film for covering, or a thick layer of dry shavings, about 20 cm.


It is impossible to imagine this period without phloxes. These are flowers of various colors and shades of lilac, pink, purple and red. They amaze the eye with a two-color form of coloring, which makes the plants very pretty and almost exclusive. And recently, breeders have bred new varieties. They are notable for the fact that they do not bloom completely and the inflorescences stay on the stem a little longer, which allows more time to admire the beautiful flowering.


Monards are wonderful flowers, the care and cultivation of which are described in detail on our website. You can enjoy their flowering in August and September, watch how a certain part of the garden is enchanted by globular inflorescences with many small flowers of crimson, purple, pink, white, red and their various shades. Monardas are also interesting for their leaves, which summer residents often replace bergamot in tea, getting a unique taste and aroma.


Rudbeckias are the next autumn flowers that we would like to remind you about. They are quite common in the gardens of our country and look like daisies. Most often, rudbeckia yellow color, but certain varieties may surprise us with shades of red and brown. A tall (sometimes up to two meters) and strong flower is so unpretentious and cold-resistant that it can keep flowering until the very frost.


Plants that bloom in autumn also include a pretty gelenium. Its inflorescences differ from rudbeckia in smaller flowers, but brighter colors. The plant, most often, consists of small baskets of 3-5 cm, which consist of reed brown, orange, red and yellow colors. It is interesting that in nature one-color geleniums can be found, as well as pairs of basket colors consisting of them.


Goldenrod, northern mimosa, autumn mimosa, solidago, golden rod ... you can call a plant in different ways that can qualitatively complement the design of the garden at the end of summer and autumn. You can plant goldenrod in group plantings, you can also make small flower beds of the same type. It is used in autumn bouquets and perfectly complements winter bouquets, so be sure to find a small corner in your own garden to grow this beautiful plant.


Asters are the real princesses of your garden. Perhaps, not a single autumn flower garden can do without this plant. Asters prepare for flowering at the end of summer, and already at the beginning of autumn we have the opportunity to observe velvety and bright colors. In different regions, the duration is slightly different, but often continues until late autumn, sometimes even until the first snow. Asters can be dwarf and tall, but this does not at all affect their external beauty, which attracts a person with lilac, purple, white, pink and reddish flowers.


Garden beds in autumn can also decorate buzulniki. They give the landing site a special mood, which is necessarily transmitted to the owner of the site. Ornamental plants with yellowish flowers collected in various inflorescences are herbaceous perennials, whose planting does not require special conditions. Of course, timely proper care will give you the opportunity to observe wonderful autumn flowers almost until the very cold.


Dahlias are another beautiful, which you simply cannot forget. They bloom in September and decorate the garden until the first frost, when their leaves and inflorescences wither and fall off. If the frosts were short-term and the dahlias did not have time to drop their buds, then, in some cases, re-blooming can be expected (under thaw conditions).


Tricyrtis is another decorative flower Autumn comes from Japan. It can be considered not only decorative, but even tropical, this is facilitated by appearance tricirtis. Judge for yourself - white, medium-sized star-shaped flowers, covered with many inclusions, iridescent shades, pronounced colors ... all this gives the feeling that the garden has been transported to another climate zone. It is worth noting that the beautiful autumn flower does not like the sun and dry soil, feels much better in partial shade with moist soil.

This list is far from complete and there are a huge number of plants around us that can please us with beautiful flowering in autumn period. But, you should not grab onto everything at once and try to create the perfect garden within one season. Observe the plants, consult with experts, choose the flowers that are most suitable for your climate and conditions, plant them and ensure proper autumn flower care. Next, track the features and draw conclusions. Only in this case you will be able to form a quality garden. Of course, there are many interesting articles and tips to help you learn what flowers bloom in autumn, how to care for them, and so on, but the most important point is always practice.

The best flowers that bloom in autumn (video)

We want you to choose the right set garden plants, define flowers to create original flower beds, gain theoretical and practical knowledge and create the most enviable garden that will be able to please the eye from the first sunny days of spring until the autumn frosts.

Bright, varied autumn flowers in the garden, the photos and names of which are mentioned in this article, will help to brightly color the flower garden of a modern housewife against the general background of fading nature. To create a real cradle for a dormant garden, it is important to know which autumn flowers to plant and how to do it correctly.

Classification of autumn colors

Before you decide on the flowers that you would like to see in your flower beds in the fall, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what types of these plants are.

  • Autumn flowers delight the eye with a riot of colors, which is clearly visible in the photo. But they are also distinguished by long flowering periods. Most of them bloom throughout September, October, and some last until the first frost.
  • Classification according to decorative features is based on color, height, decorativeness, shape, flowering time, etc. In this case, we have to talk about a significant difference in species.
  • From a scientific point of view, annuals and perennials are distinguished.

Knowing the hallmarks of autumn flowering plants will help you correctly break garden beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to color scheme or flowering period. In order to properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants, the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Compositions created from autumn flowering plants amaze with splendor and riot of colors, and photos garden bed, installed on your desktop, will allow you to save a piece of blooming autumn in all its glory.

September flowers - names, descriptions

September weather tends to resemble the end of summer. Only in the second half of this month changes become noticeable. Summer flowers are living their last days in the garden. However, there are many plants that are just beginning to bloom in September. Among them, the following stand out in particular:

Oaks (Chrysanthemums)

Chrysanthemums, their more familiar name, boast a wide variety of varieties that differ both in height and in size and color of the flower. The inflorescences of this plant resemble asters, which is clearly seen in the photo, only the color palette of the latter is more diverse. Oak trees thrive under the sun, on rich, moderately moist soils. The plant begins to bloom in late summer and continues throughout autumn.

Now Korean oaks, which are completely unpretentious, have gained particular popularity. The bush of the plant is strewn with many small flowers. As for the leaves of chrysanthemums, they differ in appearance and size.

Oak trees are wonderful flowers for any garden. And artificial chrysanthemums made in the style of kanzashi can decorate the main bouquet of these flowers.


Delicate, beautiful, unpretentious plants can boast a wide variety of shapes and shades. They bloom at the very beginning of autumn. A huge number of species allows you to choose flowers for every taste and color, ranging from blue and white to purple or pink.

Belonging to the genus herbaceous, this plant propagates easily and has increased resistance to mild frosts. In flowerbeds, asters continue to bloom until the onset of winter. Often so many flowers are formed on the bush at once that the leaves of the plant are not visible at all.

Bouquets of asters look great in a vase on the table. They will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Helenium autumn

Numerous and incredibly beautiful flowers make a fully bloomed bush look like a firework, consisting of many different shades. Tall gelenium bushes are like ready-made bouquets, they will become a worthy decoration for a summer house or front garden. It blooms before frost, attracting bees from all over the area.

Rudbeckia hairy

Quite a popular, beautiful plant with bright yellow or orange flowers with a dark brown core. Reminds me of a large daisy. The stems are tall, straight, elastic. As for the leaves, they are elongated, thick, rough.

Rudbeckia blooming in September pleases the eye until the first frost. The land on which it grows must be moist and fertilized. There are no special care requirements.


They bloom in September and delight the eye until the first frost, until the leaves and inflorescences are on the stem, they wither and fall off. If there were slight frosts that did not last long, and the dahlias did not have time to drop their buds, then we can soon expect them to re-bloom, although not in all cases. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant dahlias can grow in almost any kind of soil. They love moisture, but they cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are six types of this ornamental plant, depending on the shape, doubleness, size of flowers (they can reach 10-12 cm). This plant will look great when decorating. garden paths, colorful parterres, when creating a group composition on the lawn. Original and unusual are dahlias made in accordance with the Japanese kanzashi style. A handmade creation can be added to ordinary bouquets, making them more creative.

Zinnia graceful

On vigorous and upright stems with yellow fluff, majestic flowers rest, the shape of which depends on the species. They are also characterized by their abundance and wide colors. The flower is very whimsical. Requires nutritious soil, plenty of sun and wind protection.

October flowers

In October, the weather is significantly different from summer. Many plants in the garden have already faded, but it is the October autumn flowers that can give a real fairy tale. Among all, the following stand out:

Snapdragon (Dogs)

This plant is a perennial, but it is more often used as an annual. Own interesting name it received due to the unusual shape of the flowers, which resemble the mouth of a lion. Snapdragon can be both tall, up to 80 cm, and completely dwarf, not higher than 20 cm.

Dogs - unpretentious flower. Prefers light loamy soil, loves well-lit areas. If those inflorescences that have already faded are removed regularly, without touching the leaves, this will lead to the development of lateral processes, which are usually abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Pansies or Viola

Delicate, graceful perennial garden culture. This undersized plant in the form of flowers resembles a violet. The shade-resistant plant is distinguished by a wide and diverse range of colors. Viola compositions serve as an excellent decoration for balconies, outdoor flowerpots.


In order for the flower garden to please the eye, it is important to follow certain rules when placing ornamental plants.

  • With proper selection of plant species, a flower bed can bloom all year round.
  • A small distance between the planted flowers can lead to the fact that they simply intertwine with each other, and this is not always beautiful.
  • Plants in the same flower bed should be selected in such a way that they are in harmony with each other in terms of size, color, and leaf shape. So, if placed next to too small and too large flowers, then it will look more unsuccessful than beautiful.
  • Try to avoid the neighborhood of flowers with the so-called "primary colors" - red, blue, yellow.
  • Between red and bright yellow flowers, white ones will look great. But the neighborhood of lemon-yellow shades in this version is best avoided.
  • If possible, do not overload the site with a large variety of plants.

Kanzashi - art inspired by the beauty of autumn colors

Kanzashi is a hair ornament worn by Japanese girls in the Edo period. Recently, this type of needlework has been especially popular. As part of the art of kanzashi, you can create not only original flowers, but even whole bouquets. Creating autumn flowers using the kanzashi technique is a simple task, anyone can master it. The main thing is to be patient, skill will come with time. A description of the manufacturing technique and corresponding photos of works in the kanzashi style are easy to find on the Internet.

To create a masterpiece within the art of kanzashi, you will need satin ribbons different colors, wire, scissors, thread with a needle, ruler, tweezers, lighter. When making petals and leaves for kanzashi, two tricks can be used: create a sharp or round look. Kanzashi flowers can also be an interior decoration. They can decorate a flowerpot or put them in a vase.

Autumn flowers are very diverse and amazingly beautiful. And it does not matter whether it will be oaks, roses, asters or simple daisies, the main thing is that, blooming at a time when nature begins to fade, they delight the eye and give a boost of energy and Have a good mood everyday.

Having got used to the fact that the flower bed "burns" with colorful colors in spring and summer, I want the same in autumn. It's nice when, in addition to falling yellow leaves, a variety of autumn garden flowers warm the eye with their bright colors.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice and plant exactly those flowers that will please the eye not only in September, October, but even until frost, you need to figure out what autumn annual and perennial flowers are, what are the timing of their flowering.

For the formation beautiful flowerbed and unusual compositions, it is necessary to take into account the height of plants, their color, shape, term and duration of flowering. Listed below are the flowers that bloom in autumn and are the best for your flower garden.

- These are annual, rarely perennial flowers. One-year-olds amaze with the variety of their varieties. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn. Among one- and perennials there are varieties that bloom in autumn.

The following types of asters are distinguished by height: dwarf - height does not exceed 45 cm, undersized - height reaches 80 cm, tall - up to one and a half meters in height. Asters grow as bushes or free-standing plants.

The shoots of the flower are erect, even. Leaves oblong, toothed. The root system of the flower is fibrous .

An autumn flower bed decorated with asters will allow you to enjoy the colors of summer even in the cold season. Asters that bloom in autumn are distinguished by powerful branched stems, large paniculate and umbrella inflorescences.

Aster flowers are formed by inflorescences, which consist of a large number small flowers (petals). In the center of the inflorescence is a yellow core. The color of aster petals is varied. They are white, pink, purple, blue, salmon, lilac, red, yellow. Asters can be one- and two-color.

Did you know? The people call asters differently: winter road, Indian summer, frost or star flower.

- this is a beautiful, bright, lush autumn garden flower. The plant is classified as a perennial, non-digging flowers. Flowering of the plant begins in summer and continues until frost. The height of herbaceous single or bush phloxes varies from 10 to 150 cm. The shoots are erect, creeping.

The leaves are oval or egg-shaped, located at the top of the stem. Flowers of snowy, pink, lilac, red, blue, lilac color, with a pleasant fragrant aroma. The shape of the flowers is tubular-funnel-shaped with five petals bent at a right angle relative to the tube.

Petals form a variety of corollas - wheel-shaped, star-shaped, notched, saucer-like. The diameter of the flower reaches four centimeters, in the center of it there is a peephole. Flowers form paniculate or corymbose inflorescences of different sizes.

The next fall blooming flowers on our list have a wooden tap root. This is a perennial called goldenrod. The shoots of the plant are erect, densely covered with oval or elliptical foliage.

Plant height varies from 30 cm to a meter. The trunk is green in color, sometimes with shades of red and purple in the lower part. The leaf blade is pointed, serrated on the sides. The whole plant is covered with small, slightly noticeable villi.

The color of small flowers is sunny yellow. The buds are arranged in baskets, which, in turn, form narrow erect racemose or paniculate inflorescences. Buds in inflorescences are interspersed with leaves. The flowering period is from May to September inclusive. The advantage of goldenrod is drought and frost resistance.

Important! Goldenrod is a poisonous plant, it is necessary to work with it with gloves.

Another flower that blooms in September is this. A perennial plant whose name in Latin means - breaking rocks. The plant is unpretentious in care. The root system is fibrous.

Saxifrage shoots grow from 50 cm to one and a half meters. The leaves of cultivated saxifrage species can have a simple, pinnate or palmate structure. The leaves can be thick and thin, leathery, dense, spherical or oval.

The size of the leaf reaches 6 cm, the color of the leaves varies from emerald green to gray with a greenish tint. Small flowers, similar to bells, are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences or are located singly.

The color of the buds can be snow-white, pink, yellow, bright crimson or red. If the winters are too cold, saxifrages are grown as annuals, because at air temperatures below +6 ºC the plant slowly dies off.

Did you know? Saxifraga, growing high in the mountains, exude lime to the outside of the leaf blades. Due to the presence of lime secreted by the plant on the leaf plates, less moisture evaporates from it.

Autumn refers to annual and perennial plants. This is a herbaceous plant with a specific difference. The root system of the gelenium dies in autumn together with the shoots, while the underground buds of annual shoots form new leaf rosettes with the root system. The next year, this outlet will throw out a fresh stem.

Gelenium is a separately growing upright plant with shoots branched at the top. The stems of the flower grow from 0.75 m to 1.6 m. The leaves are oval or lanceolate. Thyroid inflorescences consist of baskets, which, in turn, are formed by marginal reed and central tubular flowers.

The color of the extreme reed buds is orange, brown, yellow, red, and the central tubular ones are yellow or brown. Gelenium flowers will be a wonderful decoration for an autumn flower garden. Golden-colored baskets that can change color fascinate with their simplicity. The flowering period is the end of July - the beginning of September.

The most common late autumn flowers are. homeland of this beautiful flower– Japan. The plant is a perennial shrub with thin woody erect stems of green-brown color. Plant height - from 30 cm (dwarf) to 1.5 m (tall).

Sedentary leaves, green-gray color with a specific aroma. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences can be simple, semi-double, terry, needle-shaped, tubular baskets. The sizes of the buds are different: large and small.

The color of chrysanthemums can be anything, except blue color. Perennial autumn flowers such as chrysanthemums even have a vegetable form, which is grown specifically for culinary use. Flowering occurs from early September until frost.

They are perennial herbaceous plants with tuberous roots. To date, the number of varieties of dahlias is about 15 thousand. The origin of this plant has not been precisely determined. The opinions of scientists about the origin of the flower are divided between Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.

Dahlias are beautiful, colorful fall perennials for your yard or flower bed. The shoots of the flower are erect, branched, smooth or rough texture. The height of the shoots can vary between 30-250 cm. The trunk is hollow inside, the base of the plant becomes stiff.

The flower leaves are pinnate, oblong, covered with villi. The color of the leaves is emerald or brown-scarlet. Inflorescences consist of baskets of various diameters (3-30 cm), surrounded by pistillate reed flowers, of various shapes (pompom, spherical, cactus-like, pion-shaped, collared), size and color.

There is not only blue, black or blue dahlias. The center of the inflorescence is occupied by small bisexual tubular flowers of yellow or brown color. Dahlias bloom from July until frost. Beautiful autumn flowers are presented to your attention in the photo below.

Important! Although dahlias are perennials, they need to be covered for the winter, since temperatures below zero are deadly for tubers.

belongs to the Iris family. This corm plant blooms in spring or autumn. If you're wondering what flowers bloom in September, the answer is simple - crocus perennials. The flower has no central stem.

The leaves are narrow, linear, dark green with white stripes in the middle. The shape of the flower is bell-shaped. The height of the perianth does not exceed 15 centimeters. It is formed by six petals. The petals are placed in two rows: the outer row - three large petals, the inner row - three slightly smaller petals.

The flowers are solitary, have a different color. Blooming buds look like stars. Flowering occurs for two weeks in September.

Monarda is native to North America. About 20 varieties of monarda are known to science. It is a one or perennial herb. The stem of the plant is straight, branched, grows up to 150 cm. The leaves of the monarda are elongated-lanceolate, serrated, emerald green, have a pleasant fragrant smell. It is because of this fragrance that Monardu long time mistakenly considered bergamot.

Did you know? spicy herb with a mint-lemon smell is used in cooking and teas.

Fragrant two-lipped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter form racemose inflorescences arranged one above the other. The coloring of flowers can be white, red, yellow, pink, purple, sometimes speckled. Due to its shape, the monarda buds look like a spider at a great distance. Monarda blooms from June to September inclusive. Here are some other flowers that not only bloom in autumn, but can also become.

Want to know which plant blooms until late autumn? It begins to bloom in July and blooms profusely until frost. Rudbeckia is native to North America. The flower has both perennial and annual varieties.

Among flower growers, the hairy type of rudbeckia is in demand. The height of the trunk, covered with villi, branching from the ground, does not exceed 2 m. The roots are branched. The leaves are oval and stem-shaped, large, hairy.

One can only imagine how beautiful autumn flowers of rudbeckia are. They look like big daisies painted in yellow, red, orange. The diameter of the flower reaches 15 cm. The core, bordered by petals, consists of tubular yellow-brown or red-black petals.

is a perennial herbaceous flower. This flower is native to Japan. In the people it is called a garden orchid or a toad lily. The genus Tricyrtis has up to 20 varieties.

The bush grows from 70 to 90 cm, the stems are erect cylindrical. The root system is located close to the surface, characterized by the ability to recover from damage in the shortest possible time. Large leaves marked with red or pink dots are ovoid or elongated. The shape of the buds is similar to the shape of orchid flowers.

The size of the flowers reaches 4 cm, they are located in the axils of the leaves. The coloring is cream, white, pink, yellow, lilac, tinted with specks. Flowering time - July - the first frost. Autumn tricitris flowers in the garden are a truly mesmerizing and soul-warming miracle.

Important! Due to late flowering, the plant often suffers from frost.


Poskonnik- This is a flower with upright shoots, the height of which reaches two meters. The tops of the trunks end with corymbose inflorescences, up to one quarter of a meter in diameter. Large integral elongated tapering leaves are located along the entire height of the shoots. The color of the foliage is dark green with burgundy streaks or purple stains.