Iberis flower planting and care. Lush delight - iberis umbrella

  • 13.06.2019

Plant iberis (lat. Iberis), or candytuft, is a genus of herbs in the Cabbage family, or Cruciferous. Iberis is sometimes called a stennik, varietal or pepper. The distribution area of ​​​​Iberis is the highlands of Asia Minor and Southern Europe, the south of Ukraine, the Crimea, the Caucasus and the lower reaches of the Don. In total, about forty representatives of this genus are known, among which there are both annual and perennial species, both heat-loving and winter-hardy, both herbaceous and semi-shrub varieties. Iberis in the garden is used to border flower beds and lawns, to decorate alpine slides and masonry. In addition, the iberis flower is suitable for cutting and is in demand as an element of a wedding bouquet.

The most famous varieties and types of Iberis (photo)

More than 40 species are found in nature. ornamental plant, but the following varieties are most in demand in floriculture:








Iberis rocky

Ground cover plant up to 15 cm high. Forms very dense clumps, shoots branch well.

Iberis bitter

An annual shrub up to 20 cm high. Its stems are covered with fluff, the shoots branch upwards. It blooms from May with fragrant white flowers.

Iberis umbrella

An annual flowering plant up to 30 cm high. Shoots are bare, well branched. Flowering begins early, flowers of various colors are collected in dense umbrella inflorescences. The most popular varieties with hyacinth-flowered umbrellas.

Iberis Gibraltar

The plant belongs to perennial species, grows in the form of a compact bush, the height of which reaches 50 cm. Varieties with purple inflorescences look the most decorative.

Iberis motley

Fragrant annual with variegated leaves. During flowering it is covered with white flowers.

Iberis evergreen

Perennial plant that blooms profusely in summer. There are varieties with repeated autumn flowering. Beautiful white flowers are collected in an umbrella.

Iberis everblooming

The variety has large white flowers. Suitable for growing in tubs. The shrub reaches a height of up to 50 cm.

Characteristics of culture

The plant has a rod-type root system, so it does not tolerate transplants. The length of the stems varies depending on the species: creeping or erect. Iberis leaves are small, simple, dark green in color. The flowers of the plant are small, rarely exceeding 1 cm in diameter. Several Iberis flowers form umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which are located so densely that sometimes leaves are not visible behind them.

The plant blooms in May or August, and continues to bloom for up to two months, and annual varieties bloom longer. Iberis seeds can be stored up to 4 years without losing their properties. It is worth noting the pleasant smell of flowers, which can fill the entire area with aroma. The fruits of the plant are a double-leaved pod of a round or oval shape with a notch at the top.

Breeding and planting methods

Iberis umbrella propagated, as a rule, by seeds, but vegetative propagation is also possible. The choice of propagation method depends on the desire of the gardener, but the annual iberis umbrella is much easier to propagate by seed. It's perfect for beginners.

Iberis propagation methods:

  • Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected independently. Iberis umbrella forms pods that contain seeds. The pods do not only form in autumn, they ripen unevenly throughout the summer, so it is recommended to collect them as they ripen. The pods are dried, the seeds are removed and stored in a dry, dark place until the sowing process.
  • It is recommended to propagate iberis in seedlings, but some gardeners sow seeds directly in open ground with the onset of the first heat. It is necessary to sow seedlings in March, in order to plant them in the ground in May. If the seeds are sown directly into the ground, then it is better to do this no earlier than mid-April.
  • If you decide to propagate Iberis by cuttings, then the cuttings must be harvested after flowering has ended. Intact cuttings up to 5 cm long are cut. The cut cutting can be immediately planted in the ground and created greenhouse conditions. To accelerate rooting, solutions of phytohormones are used. It is worth remembering that Iberis flowers are very lush and grow well. To obtain a dense flower carpet, the distance between seedlings should be at least 15 cm.

Seeds for seedlings are sown not in one large box, but immediately in small containers, since Iberis does not really like transplants and does not tolerate them well. Soil for seedlings can be purchased at the store. It is slightly moistened, and the seeds are deepened a little, by 1 mm.

In order for the seeds to sprout well, the containers are placed in a warm, bright place and greenhouse conditions are created: they are covered with film or glass.

Seedlings must be aired regularly so that the seeds do not rot. Seedlings should be watered regularly, but waterlogging should be avoided. The light should be diffused so that burns do not form on the leaves.

If the seeds are planted immediately in open ground, you must first make shallow grooves, and then put the seeds there. Sowing depth - no more than 1 cm.

In order for Iberis to bloom all summer, you can plant the plant twice a season: in May and in July. The flowering period with proper care reaches 1.5 months.


Growing a golden flower is not difficult. You just need to follow simple rules:

Interesting! The cunning flowers of Iberia open only in clear weather in the sun. When cloudy - the buds are closed.

If you plant a variety of golden flowers large groups, then in the process of cross-pollination, hybrids with special colors can be obtained. It is worth remembering that this is an invader plant. It can fill all the free space.


Seeds can be sown in two ways:


The prepared planting material is sown in seedling containers filled with substrate. Sprinkle sand on top. It is necessary to ensure that the thickness of the earth on top of the seeds does not exceed one millimeter.

Next, create the greenhouse effect by covering the containers with glass or film. If necessary, seedlings are watered by spraying with water to avoid washing out the seeds. Since the plant does not tolerate transplantation, it is planted in a flower bed along with a container.


Planting material is sown shallowly about 6–8 cm. The first shoots will appear in a week. After that, the crops should be thinned out, leaving a distance between the sprouts of about 20 cm. This will enable the flower to grow more flowery and fluffy.

Advice! When sowing annual stenniks with a week or two-week break, you can achieve an extension of flowering time.

Cuttings are carried out by cutting the trunk of last year's plant into fragments 8–10 cm long. First, these pieces are planted in partial shade, and after germination, in a permanent place. Planting cuttings occurs from the end of summer. Therefore, the transplant will be in the spring next year.

By dividing the bush, the Iberian is propagated in the spring. At the same time, the shoots are shortened by a third, since the flower does not take root well. Separated stems are placed in pits with prepared drained soil.


Sow seeds in open ground begin in April or May. They are buried in the prepared loosened soil by 1 cm and moistened a little. Within two weeks, the first shoots appear. The flowering period begins in a month and a half.

Planting a flower for the winter is effective. In this case, the seeds are sown before frost in late autumn. Hardened strong bushes will appear in the spring. Flowering begins in April-May. By the time it blooms, the flowering period of spring seedlings will begin. In addition, winter sowing prevents cruciferous flea attack on the plant.

Or you can just not remove the faded flowers and then the next year self-sowing will sprout. They just need to be thinned out.

Necessary care for iberis

After flowering, drooping and dried flowers, from which it is not planned to collect seeds, are cut and removed. They also do with branches that have dried up for some reason. This simple procedure allows you to keep the beautiful appearance of the flower garden. The plant does not require special care. The earth needs to be watered only during a long (more than a week) drought, and then moderately. The space around the flowers should be regularly cleared of weeds, in the second half of summer - from shoots that have fallen to the ground and sprouted seeds.

Perennial iberis is pruned as the bush grows. Pruning does not harm this plant. Stems can be cut to a third of the length. Perennial varieties of Iberis begin to bloom in the second year of life.

Different varieties of Iberis tolerate winter cold in different ways. The frost resistance of each particular variety can be found in the instructions for planting material. So that the plants do not die, they are covered with coniferous spruce branches for the winter. The surface of the soil can be sprinkled with fallen leaves or sawdust.

Possible problems

Prevention of these diseases consists in soil disinfection, and treatment - in the timely removal of plants affected by the disease to prevent further spread of the infection. Of the insects, the main enemies of the Iberis are: mealybugs; cabbage aphid. Their attack on the bushes is fraught with yellowing and falling leaves, weak flowering, general oppression of plants. In the first case, treatment with anticoccides is carried out, in the second - with a solution of wood ash with soap. Iberis is ideal for alpine slides, rockeries, borders, foregrounds of prefabricated flower beds. Unpretentious and cute, it will bring variety to the multicolor of your garden, add its own unique color, charm and unforgettable aroma to it.

Diseases and pests

Iberis diseases can be associated with improper care ( fungal diseases due to waterlogging) or with various pests, insects that feed on plant sap:

It is best to cultivate the soil before planting Iberis in advance. Special preparations will disinfect the soil, destroy insect larvae and fungal spores that cause decay.

When and how are seeds collected?

When the flowers fade, seed pods are tied in their place. Iberis blooms for a long time, so the seeds are formed all summer, and they need to be collected as they ripen. The pods are removed, dried, opened and seeds are removed, which are also dried. Then the seeds are placed in a linen bag or in a porous paper bag and stored in a dry place. The storage temperature should not exceed 10-15°C. It is better to store seeds in the dark, in a ventilated and dry room.

Fertilizer and top dressing of Iberis

For feeding flowers, you need to use complex mineral fertilizers. It can be Nitroammofoska (Nitrophosphate), Nitrofoska, Ammophos, Diammophos. They are applied to the soil twice during the summer period. The first time - at the end of spring, the second - before flowering. Fertilizer should be applied according to the instructions, but very sparingly.

Iberis in landscape design

Flowerbeds with Iberis look good surrounded by decorative stone tiles, among the areas lined with "wild" stone. To get a beautiful, multi-colored flower bed, you can plant different varieties of Iberis nearby (which is not entirely good if you plan to get seeds, as the plants will be pollinated). This plant will perfectly decorate the alpine hill. Since Iberis is photophilous, it is planted on the southern slope of the hill. When planning flower beds and beds, it should be borne in mind that the bushes of this plant grow over time.

Iberis goes well with rocky alissum, veronica, stonecrop (sedum), saxifrage, lychnis, spiked phlox and a number of other plants. It is not planted next to trees and tall shrubs that will create shade.

Iberis is an unpretentious and very pretty plant, characterized by long flowering and undemanding to growing conditions. Iberis flower is a real find for beginner gardeners. Its cultivation does not provide for special secrets, and planting can be done even on sandy soils. The plant calmly takes root on unsuitable rocky areas, which makes it relevant for designers when planning alpine slides and other structures. A few points for successful landing and growing Iberis - further in our material.

plant description

The plant belongs to the cruciferous family. The name of this flower comes from the word Iberia. So in ancient times called Spain. Just from there, Iberis migrated to European gardens and parks. In Russia, it is also called "stennik", "diameter", "Iberian".

Plant appearance

Some types of Iberis are considered semi-shrubs, have hard, woody stems, but most varieties are. In its natural environment, Iberis grows in the Mediterranean, in the lower reaches of the Don, in the foothills of the Caucasus, in Ukraine and in the south of European Russia. Breeders have bred many cultivars of this plant.

Iberis is very unpretentious and at the same time decorative. The elongated dark green leaves of Iberis grow on straight and creeping stems, the surface of the leaves of the flower is smooth and shiny. Its root is pivotal. Flower petals can be white, lilac, pink, magenta or violet. All of them are collected in spherical, corymbose or columnar inflorescences. Iberis seeds are small, found in oval or round pods.

All varieties of the plant in question bloom profusely and for quite a long time, while the flowers emit an amazing aroma and completely cover the leaves.

Species and varieties

Known annuals and perennial varieties iberis. Annual plants are:

  • umbrella. The foliage of the plant is quite rare, dark green, the trunks at the roots are almost bare. This variety grows up to 30-40 cm, begins to bloom 1.5 months after planting. The flowering period is about 2 months. The color of the flowers is varied: white, purple, purple or lilac. The most popular breeding varieties: Red placer; Pink dream (or pink dream); Iberis hyacinth; Purple carpet; Iceberg;


  • bitter. Bushes reach a height of 30 cm. Lance-shaped green leaves grow on pubescent branched stems. White or pale purple flowers of Iberis bitter are collected in tall, columnar inflorescences. The plant blooms for a long time: from June to October and produces seeds. Flowers emit a pleasant aroma.
  • crowned. It is a selection variety of Iberis bitter. This variety was bred by Dutch breeders. The height of the bushes reaches up to 30 cm. The leaves are elongated, dark green, small white flowers are collected in large columnar inflorescences.

Perennial varieties of Iberis:

  • evergreen;
  • Gibraltar.

Iberis evergreen is a bush up to 40 cm high. Dark green, oblong, shiny elongated leaves grow up to 7 cm. Umbrella inflorescences consist of white or silvery-white flowers. Flowers cover the foliage almost completely. This plant blooms in June, flowering continues for more than 3 weeks. This variety of Iberis may bloom again at the end of summer.


Breeding varieties:

  • Zwergschneeflock;
  • Little Jam;
  • Snowflok;
  • Findel.

Iberis Gibraltar lives for 2 years and reproduces well by self-sowing. The bushes are small, grow up to 25 cm. Numerous flowers are painted pink or lilac, the leaves are dark green, the inflorescences are umbellate. Budding begins in May, flowering continues for a month.


Breeding varieties of Iberis Gibraltar:

  • Kandi Tuff;
  • Gibraltar Kandy tuff. The uniqueness of this variety is that the plant gives many lilac flowers which turn white towards the end of flowering.

Landing dates


For more details on growing Iberis, see the video


Iberis - wonderful plant in every way. Beautiful, bright, blooming for a long time, and besides - unpretentious in care. This amazing is used to decorate spectacular discounts, alpine slides, as well as for curb plantings. Proper and timely care of Iberis will bring amazing results in the form of magnificent, fragrant flowers.

Iberis (lat. Iberis) belongs to the genus of herbs of the Cabbage or Cruciferous family. Synonymous names of Iberis: stennik, variegated or pepper.

The stennik is distinguished by a well-developed main root compared to lateral roots. In some species, the stems grow upwards without any support, in others the stems creep, the average height is 35 cm. The arrangement of oblong bright green leaves, 7 cm long, is alternate. Blooms in summer, some species in spring. Inflorescences - an umbrella, consist of tiny flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm. different types and varieties of stennik, varied: petals of lemon, violet, pink, snow-white color. The flowers exude a delicate pleasant aroma. The culture is known as a magnificent honey plant. The fruit of the plant is a medium-sized flattened pod with tiny brown seeds that retain the ability to germinate up to four years.

Species and varieties

All types of Iberis are divided into two groups: perennial and annual Iberis. Group of perennials: evergreen iberis, rocky iberis, evergreen iberis. Annual species: Iberis umbrella, Iberis bitter. In floriculture, a species similar to the stennik is also used - the brachykoma iberisolist.


Iberis bitter (Iberis amara)

Iberis bitter (Iberis amara) is an annual plant up to 30 cm high. The stems are strongly branched, pubescent. Leaves along the edges with notches, not pointed, the arrangement is regular. The flowers are white or light purple, 2 cm in diameter, form an inflorescence, in which, on an elongated main axis, individual flowers are located on pedicels of approximately the same length.

Varieties of bitter iberis:

  • Tom Thumb: plant 15 cm high, white flowers;
  • Hyacintenblütige Riesen: plant 35 cm high, violet flowers.


Iberis Crimean (Iberis simplex)

Iberis Crimean (Iberis simplex) - a low perennial up to 10 cm high, emerald leaves, with a lead shade, pubescent. buds purple. The opened flower bud is white.


Iberis Gibraltar chameleon (Iberis gibraltarica)

Iberis Gibraltar chameleon (Iberis gibraltarica) - a species whose foliage is in winter time partly dies. The height of the plant is about 25 cm. It blooms profusely, the flowers are tiny, pink.


  • Gibraltar Canditaft: shrub with lovely purple flowers that turn white over time;
  • Variety Iberis sweet candy: has flowers of snow-white or scarlet color. Sweet candy is grown on borders.


Iberis rocky (Iberis saxatilis)

Iberis rocky (Iberis saxatilis) - an evergreen shrub 15 cm high, forms dense groups. Blooming representatives look like they are covered with snow.


Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirens)

Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirens) is a semi-shrub plant, a perennial up to 40 cm high. The leaves of the representatives of the species are elongated, satiny, olive-green in color, up to 7 cm long. The inflorescences, shaped like umbrellas, consist of snow-white flowers. They bloom luxuriantly and profusely for at least 21 days, flowering is possible again at the end of summer.


  • Snowflake (Snowflake): representatives of the variety have narrow leaves and milky inflorescences;
  • Appen-etz (Appen-Itz): large plant with white inflorescences;
  • Weisser Zwerg (White Dwarf) or Little Gem (Little Pearl): perennial with snow-white inflorescences and semicircular, emerald leaves;
  • Variety of Iberis lapis lazuli: an annual plant with inflorescences of violet and pink hues.


Iberis umbrella (Iberis umbellata)

Iberis umbrella (Iberis umbellata) - an annual plant up to 40 cm high, with even stems. Leaves are rounded, alternate. The flowers are fragrant, snow-white, violet, form corymbose baskets. 60 days after sowing, representatives of the species begin to bloom, flowering duration is at least two months.

Iberis umbrella has several varieties:

  • pink dream (Pink Dream): the plant blooms profusely, the flowers are fragrant, bright pink;
  • red scattering (Red Rash): variety with purple flowers;
  • Fair Mixture: a mixture of seeds of various colors;
  • hyacinth (Giant Hyacinth flowered): representatives of the variety have beautiful snow-white flowers;
  • Iberis Iceberg: spreading bush, up to 35 cm high. Iceberg variety with snow-white flowers that have a delicate aroma. The plant is an excellent honey plant. It blooms at the end of spring, the duration of flowering is at least 60 days.

plant care

Iberis flowers are absolutely not capricious, they develop well for everyone who wants to plant them on their site. The main thing when planting Iberis and caring for it is to observe some simple rules. The site for planting is chosen open, well-lit, as flowering becomes less luxurious in partial shade. The plant does not particularly suffer from drafts and a slight cooling. Water moderately to prevent excess water at the roots. Complex mineral fertilizers and mullein are applied no more than three times during the summer. The tops of the shoots are cut off after the end of flowering; at the end of summer, the stennik may re-please with flowering.

Perennial five-year-old representatives of the stennik need to be transplanted, otherwise their flowers become tiny, losing their former attractiveness.

Iberis care after flowering

After the iberis flowers wither, annual varieties of the crop are removed from the soil along with the root, and perennial varieties are pruned. During this period, material is prepared for planting next year. They monitor the flowering inflorescences, cut them off, dry them.

Possible difficulties

When cultivating a variety, as with growing any other plant, some difficulties may arise. The leaves of the plant may dry out, begin to crumble, the plant may stretch out and not bloom. All these difficulties are solved by regulating the growth conditions of the stennik, proper watering, adequate lighting.

Diseases and pests

Pests attacking the plant: mealybugs, cabbage aphids, earth flea. To combat aphids in the garden, her ardent opponents play an important role: ladybug and her larvae, lacewing larvae, hoverflies, predatory bug and others. beneficial insects. Sprinkling of plant parts affected by aphids with algae powder or bone meal is effective. To control pests, various chemicals containing potassium soap are used.

Stagnant moisture in the soil and, as a result, a lack of oxygen, slow heating and dense layers that retard the growth of roots, all this provokes fungal diseases of the variety. If other representatives of the Cruciferous family previously grew at the place where the culture grew, then it is quite possible that the earth will be infected with cabbage keel, which can exist in the soil for several years, adversely affecting the root system of plants. For prevention, the site before planting the plants is watered with a fungicide. An already diseased plant must be destroyed. An important factor to prevent disease is proper care behind the plant.

Planting and reproduction

Almost all types of crops can be sown in April directly into the ground. It is quite simple to grow Iberis from seeds; any novice grower can handle this task. If you plan to propagate seedlings, then the seeds germinate in March. You can also propagate the stennik with cuttings 5 ​​cm long. The cuttings are grown in a cultivation room using phytohormones, then planted in a flower garden in the spring of next year. The most common and popular species, a favorite of flower growers and florists, is the umbrella iberis.

How to plant iberis

There is an annual and perennial type of culture. Basically, flower fans grow perennial types of stennik, which grow in one place for at least 6 years. An annual plant can be planted in a new place every year. Before you start planting a plant, you need to understand how to plant Iberis, choose a site for planting. The place for cultivation is sunny, the soil is sandy or loamy.

One-year-old iberis is planted in open ground in May, when night frosts no longer threaten the plant. If you plant the seeds of a plant for the winter, then the stennik will bloom in early May, delighting with fragrant flowers.

Growing Iberis from seeds

Iberis is grown from seeds, vegetatively or by cuttings. Of the annuals, they are common and grown from seeds of Iberis umbrella and Iberis bitter. Seeds are either collected themselves or bought in specialized flower shops mixtures of seeds, for example, Iberis gems, Iberis Snowfall. Stennik is able to spread and self-seeding.

Iberis annual blooms all summer, after flowering, seeds are formed, which are harvested after ripening. Pods with seeds are dried, then poured into a container and stored until planting. The seedling box is filled to the brim with earth, compacted, moistened. Seeds are evenly placed in the ground. A thin layer of earth or sand is poured on top and compacted again. The box is closed with a plastic lid or film. Seedlings with the first true leaves are planted in a permanent place. In April, some types of stennik are sown in open ground, seedlings appear after seven days, the gap between the shoots is 15 cm.


Stennik is propagated by cuttings in the summer, the apical cuttings are cut and rooted. Shoots 10 cm long are cut and rooted in the soil abundantly spilled with water, cover the planting polyethylene film. As soon as the first sprouts hatch, the film is removed, and the culture is planted in a permanent place. The lodging shoots release roots, they are separated and planted in a new place.

Medicinal properties and use in medicine

Traditional healers use a plant with healing properties in the treatment various diseases. Medicines based on Iberis help to improve the patient's condition in violation of blood circulation in the human body, diseases of the digestive tract, gynecological and urological problems. Drugs relieve the suffering of patients with diseases respiratory system accompanied by inflammatory process. Compresses from plant extracts are used for various skin diseases and non-healing wounds. Iberis tincture is taken for inflammatory diseases of the liver, diseases of the joints and tissues.

The stand combines beneficial features and the ability to negatively affect the human body, therefore, before using drugs based on this plant, it is necessary to consult a doctor, observe the dosage of drugs. An overdose of stennik extracts may cause headache, weakness, even a sudden and complete cessation of the effective activity of the heart.

Drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Iberis can be called an unpretentious jewel of any garden. The plant is used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, alpine slides. Flowers are beautiful cut, florists make wonderful wedding bouquets from them.

The modest charm of fragrant inflorescences will harmoniously fit into any landscape. Iberis is a perennial native to the Mediterranean and central Europe. In our climatic zone, most often it can be found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and on the banks of the Don. In the people it is called a pepper, a variety of petals or a stennik. The plant belongs to the cabbage family.

Its main decoration is small flowers of various shades: white, milky, pink, purple, crimson. They have two short and the same number of long leaves. It is for this feature that he was nicknamed multi-petal. They form a small umbrella-shaped inflorescence (up to 4 cm in diameter). During flowering, lush flowers practically cover the entire green part of the iberis. Seeds form in a small pod after the garden plant has flowered. The delicate, refined aroma of peppercorn spreads over a large area, and can be felt even in a remote part of the garden.

Use in landscape design

Universal culture can be used in any element of landscape design. The best way to make low borders spectacular and extraordinary is to plant a pepper plant along their edge. In discounts and group plantings, it is indispensable. Delicate color palette creates harmony in combination with any cultures.

Undersized representatives occupy a worthy place in and. Due to the unpretentiousness and the ability to save for a long time decorative look, iberis will emphasize the elegance of the rocky elements of the garden.

Combination with other plants

You can add expressiveness to a coniferous composition by planting a wall next to it. With its unobtrusive coloring and delicate aroma, it will dilute the aristocratic coldness of evergreen trees and shrubs. and cypress are excellent "neighbors" for iberis.

The lush flowering of undersized species is in harmony with drought-resistant ground covers:

  • gaillardia
  • creeping
  • Byzantine cleaner
  • saxifrage and many others.

A delicate ensemble is obtained from iberis and large-flowered, gazania, undersized marigolds.


There are 3 ways to reproduce Iberis:

The division of the bush

This happens at the end of March. The bush is carefully removed from the hole. With a sharp knife, it is divided into 3-4 parts. Each of which has a part of the rhizome and a kidney. The separated part is grown in a greenhouse or container, covered with a film. As soon as 3 or more leaves appear on the shoots, the material is suitable for further planting. Each plot is planted in open ground in August. To make it fit better, you can shorten it.


They are sown in containers for seedlings. The soil must be peaty. From above, the seeds are torn with a barely noticeable layer of sand. The container is certainly covered with a film or glass to create favorable growing conditions. If necessary, the soil can be moistened with a spray gun at a distance of 15-20 cm from the container. Such precautions are taken so as not to wash off the planting material. If the temperature is not lower than 17 degrees, then the first shoots will appear in 9-10 days. Then they can be transplanted. To do this, it is necessary to moderately moisten and gently dive into peat glass. Already at the beginning of May, together with cups, seedlings can be moved to open soil.

Seeds can be sown immediately in the ground, then in this case flowering will be only after a year. You can do this in mid-April. The plant cannot grow in one place for a long time, while maintaining its decorative appearance. After 5 years, it must be transplanted.

If planted with seeds in open ground before the onset of the first frost, they will bloom the next season. And the inflorescences will differ in splendor.


This method is only suitable for perennial species. A suitable period for him is the end of August. The stalk is cut at the top of the bush of last year's plant. The fragment should not exceed 10 cm in length. For rooting planting material suitable moist soil, in partial shade. As soon as it germinates (in the spring of next year) it can be transplanted to the selected sunny area.

Planting and care of Iberis

Choosing and preparing a landing site

The best place to plant a stennik will be a sunny place. But, if this is not possible, then an unpretentious culture can grow in partial shade. In the shade, she will not be able to bloom so violently, but she will retain her decorative effect. The choice of soil is also not of fundamental importance, but loamy and light soil is preferred. The negative impact on garden plantations of stagnant moisture provides a good drainage layer when planting and choosing a site without stagnation of soil, and melt water. In order for Iberis to take root better, gardeners choose dry weather for planting it.

Planting and feeding

When planting, the distance from hole to hole should be at least 25 cm. This will help each specimen receive enough sunlight and nutrition.

After planting, the soil around the plant is watered and compacted. The next watering does not take place soon: after the iberis adapts to the new environment. In the future, the need for moisture will rarely arise, during a long dry period.

Top dressing occurs twice during the season. As soon as the first leaves appear, mineral fertilizers are used. The budding period requires organic feeding from a caring owner.

Plant care and pests

Unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to conditions environment make it easy to maintain. Special conditions and the need to devote a lot of time to courtship are not about Iberis. It is enough for him to provide thinning (during the first shoots), timely pruning of the stems, replanting every 5 years and protection from insect pests and diseases. Their last ones are often found cruciferous flea. It negatively affects the growth of the bush and forms holes in the leaves. When the first symptoms appear, urgent action must be taken. The plant is sprayed with systemic insecticides. To avoid such attacks, it is better to immediately treat the soil with a fungicide solution before planting. Such preventive measures will help to avoid dangerous consequences for the list.

The most common disease is fungus. various kinds . Kila cabbage can live in the ground for more than 10 years. Therefore, preventive cultivation of the land before planting is required. The disease is incurable. For young representatives, this disease is fatal. Older adults are able to grow with it for a long period, but over time, growth stops.

Species diversity

Perennial iberis is represented by the following species and varieties:

  • Evergreen. Reaches up to 40 cm. The leaves are dark green, oblong in shape. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences, white flowers. The period of lush flowering is 20-21 days. The most spectacular varieties: Dana, Findell, Zwergshne Eflok.
  • Gibraltar. Almost evergreen. The flowers are small, pale pink. In height no more than 20 cm. The width of the bush is up to half a meter. The most famous Gibraltar variety is Kenditaft. It is famous for the change in color of flowers: from purple to white, during the flowering period.
  • Crimean. Dwarf perennial 7 cm high. The leaves are gray-green, in the form of a lowered shoulder blade. The buds are lilac, and the flowers that have already blossomed are snow-white in color.
  • Rocky. Evergreen reaches 13 cm. The bushes are formed by voluminous dense curtains. Due to this feature, the flowering period is very similar to being powdered with snow.

Latin name:(Iberis)

Homeland: Southern Europe and Asia Minor

Iberis - the king of landscape design brief information

Iberis (Iberis), he is an Iberian, he is a stennik, unites a genus of forty species of herbs, frost-resistant perennials or heat-loving annuals and fits perfectly into the Cruciferous or Cabbage family.

Iberis flower was discovered on the lands of the Iberian Peninsula (in ancient times Iberia). Hence the name of this cheerful evergreen plant, which, after the winter cold, is the first to wake up and pleases the eye with its amazingly beautiful green foliage.

You can hear other names-synonyms of the plant:

  • stennik,
  • varietal,
  • list.

The areola of distribution of this gentle creature is the mountainous and coastal territories of Southern Europe and Asia Minor.

Description of Iberis: a feature is the taproot. The stems are erect or creeping, up to 35 cm high, covered with small, up to seven centimeters, dark green leaves with a sheen, which are elongated, wedge-shaped and slightly compacted. Gorgeous long umbrella inflorescences are collected from forty small round fragrant flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm. The color varies from pink, purple, white, lilac to red. From May you can contemplate lush bloom Iberian lasting up to two months, which completely hides all the foliage under it. Bees and butterflies often gather on Iberis, a good honey plant. From July, seeds appear on the plant, which are collected in pods.

Thanks to two main qualities, decorative beauty and an indescribable aroma, Iberis is becoming more and more popular in the country. Without its charming bright flowering and unpretentiousness in cultivation, it is difficult to imagine an original landscape design. Iberis will perfectly decorate rocky gardens, rockeries, alpine slides, flower beds, rabatki. Iberis in a pot hanging planters and baskets with its abundantly flowering bushes looks great on the balcony and terrace. Iberis cut flowers in bouquets have a wonderful appearance, they can be admired in vases for a long period of time and inhale a pleasant honey aroma.

Iberis species

Iberis perennial or heteropetal, its varieties

Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirentes)

The territories of Asia Minor are considered native to a plant - a semi-shrub, reaching a height of forty centimeters. On strong branched stems are seven centimeter elongated, with a smooth glossy surface, dark green leaves. The stennik blooms with white, small fifteen-millimeter flowers. In five centimeter inflorescences, they form an "umbrella". In cultivation since the second half of the seventeenth century.

Iberis Dana (Iberis Dana

This is the most beloved variety - a dwarf, can reach fifteen centimeters in height. Differs in splendor and brightness of flowering.

Iberis Gibraltar (Iberis gibraltarica)

Spain and Morocco are the birthplace of this half-evergreen twenty-five centimeter shrub. Iberis chameleon reproduces on its own. The color of lilac flowers periodically changes its saturation.

Iberis rocky (Iberis saxatilis)

This iberis is represented by fifteen centimeter semi-shrubs that bloom from the beginning of May. For a month and a half, juicy green grass covered with solid pale pink or white floral fragrant caps.

Iberis Crimean (Iberis simplex)

Low-growing up to ten centimeters perennial plant with bluish pubescent leaves. During the flowering period, it is covered with purple buds, gradually turning into white flowers. Likes sunny, rocky areas with poor, well-drained soil rich in calcium.

Annual Iberis and its varieties

Iberis umbrella (Iberis umbellata)

The most popular annual plant, which has smooth, bare, densely branched stems forty centimeters in height in regular lanceolate leaves. Flowers of different colors, from pink to lilac, form a lush foam of umbrella inflorescences. You can admire this beauty for about two months. Known and widespread in cultural cultivation since the distant sixteenth century.

Iberis bitter (Iberis amara)

Annual Iberis, whose height is within thirty centimeters. The branching of the stem originates from the root. On them are located in the next sequence of back-lanceolate leaflets, the edges of which are serrated and rounded. Two centimeter flowers, white or lilac, form racemose inflorescences, the shape of which resembles a column. The plant has been cultivated since the 16th century.

Iberis planting and care in the open field

Iberis is unpretentious in cultivation, but you still need to know some subtleties to get the spectacular result of your work.

Plant a stennik open way needed in warm weather. It is desirable to place it in a free sunny area for bright and lush flowering.

It must be remembered that Iberis prefers loamy or rocky soil, which will not allow excess moisture to stagnate in the roots.

The process of planting seedlings must be done very carefully. Seedlings should be planted from each other at a distance of at least 15 cm. The earth near each bush should be slightly compacted and watered. Excessive watering can adversely affect the rhizome of the plant. They will begin to rot, this will lead to the death of the plant.

Iberis care for him is not difficult. It is advisable to feed your pet a couple of times with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers - when the first leaves appear and during flowering. This will be enough for the fantastic flowering of Iberis.

Perennial iberis, which have already faded, to maintain a well-groomed compact appearance, you need to trim the upper third of the plant. Periodically, it is necessary to remove the flowers that have already wilted. Upon reaching the age of five, it is advisable to plant the iberis to maintain a unique decorative effect and prevent a decrease in the size of the flowers.

Iberis is a frost-resistant plant, but before the winter cold comes, it is advisable to cover it with a layer of fallen leaves or brushwood.

Iberis - description of growing from seeds

Iberis is usually propagated using seeds. Usually they are sown in the middle of spring. Sometimes they practice their sowing before the onset of winter. The site must be covered with leaves from frost. The spring Iberian will begin to bloom only in two months. And planted in winter will rise ten days after warming. To prolong the flowering period of the stennik, it can be sown twice with an interval of two weeks. Emerging seedlings must be thinned out. There should be a gap of about 20 cm between the sprouts. Iberis does not like to grow in tight quarters.

Iberis can also be sown on its own. Seeds crumble and in the spring a huge number of sprouts grow. They need to be seated correctly and get full-fledged Iberian bushes.

Iberis in landscape design looks very beautiful, emphasizes the texture of pebbles or their grains, creates excellent light clouds and highlights the masterpiece of the composition. Moreover, he has an adequate and positive reaction to a number of growing neighbors. If only they did not limit his personal space too much. These can be tulips, phlox, juniper and many other plants.

Diseases and pests of Iberis

In case of violation of agricultural technology, Iberis can harm:

  1. mealybug,
  2. earth fleas.

Upon detection uninvited guests you need to treat the flower garden with an insecticidal and acaricidal agent.

Iberis is poisonous

Wonderful and unpretentious Iberis will transform and decorate country cottage area ground cloud of flowers, will enchant and give pleasant emotions with its unforgettable aroma.