Fungal diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse

  • 29.08.2019

But, unfortunately, not many people know how to correctly diagnose infections and lesions, and then carry out effective treatment. In this article, we will look at the most common problems, as well as ways to solve them.

cracking tomatoes

In fact, the appearance of cracks on a tomato peel is not a symptom of some kind of disease, but the result of improper cultivation of a vegetable. However, fruit cracking is a fairly common disease of greenhouse tomatoes. Viruses, infections and fungi enter the plant through these cracks. Reasons for cracking:

  • overheating,
  • frequent abundant, which wash out minerals from;
  • sharp moistening of dried soil, when water increases the internal pressure in the vegetable, and it bursts;
  • excesses in the fight against bushiness;
  • nutritional deficiencies, a sign of which is yellowing and dying of foliage;
  • overdose, especially.

Important! Fertilizer concentrates should always be diluted with water according to the instructions on their label.

To prevent such a disease of tomatoes, especially grown ones, observe the following recommendations:
  • Choose those that are unpretentious to watering.
  • Protect the bushes from the scorching sun with a diffusing mesh thrown over, or lime milk, covering them inside glass.
  • Observe the uniformity of moderate watering, especially at the beginning of the ripening of vegetables. Their regularity depends on soil moisture, which, among other things, is influenced by weather conditions. In the heat, water early in the morning or late in the evening, and in cool weather it is better to water in the afternoon.
  • Keep your own "warm garden" regularly, especially in the heat, creating a draft on quiet days, or opening only one "lee" end on windy days.

fungal diseases

Frequent uninvited guests in greenhouses where tomatoes are grown, fungi are present, and the fight against the diseases they cause requires a systematic approach.

Typically, fungal spores enter wounds or natural orifices of vegetables, instantly infecting them. This is also facilitated by excessive planting density.

late blight

Late blight is the most common plant disease. High humidity and temperature fluctuations favor its occurrence.

Phytophthora symptoms:

  • the appearance of black or brown spots with a cobwebbed coating, which quickly cover the entire leaf, after which it dries up and dies;
  • the appearance of spots on the berries.

Disease prevention: careful watering under the roots (possible through PET bottles with a cut off bottom and a side hole dug in next to the stems), weekly spraying cow's milk or inorganic.

Factors for the development of infection are cold rainy weather, poor greenhouse ventilation.


  • the formation of gray spots on foliage and flowers;
  • the spots are initially dry, and then slimy, in a matter of hours (usually at night) they spread to the entire bush in the form of a gray coating.

Foci of defeat - various wounds.
Infection Prevention:

  • maintaining heat in the "covered garden", as well as its ventilation to reduce air and soil humidity;
  • carrying out work in dry, calm weather in the morning, so that the wounds have time to heal by night.

Symptoms of cladosporiosis (also called) appear gradually. First, yellow spots appear on the upper side of the foliage, which, growing, merge into one large spot; the lower side of the leaves is covered with brown "velvet", spores of the fungus.

The process ends with their twisting and drying. This disease appears during the flowering period of tomatoes (especially if they grow in a greenhouse) or the formation of an ovary and spreads from the bottom up.

Early infection is most dangerous, since the long daylight hours and high humidity, which is so necessary for young animals, favor the development of the fungus. They themselves are rarely affected, but if this happens, they also become brown and soft, gradually drying out.

Important! Provocateurs of brown spotting: dampness, a sharp temperature drop, including due to irrigation with very cold water.

  • before processing, removing the affected leaves, and then spraying (especially in the lower part of the bush) with a warm solution of milk and (15 drops of iodine and two glasses of milk per half a bucket of water);
  • spraying the plant and watering the earth with a solution of iodine chloride (40 drops of iodine and two tablespoons per bucket of water);
  • application of broad spectrum fungicides or solution.

Disease control:

  • regular, alternate spraying of tomatoes in the greenhouse with a pale pink solution and decoction (two glasses of ash per bucket of water);
  • spraying with a weak solution (1:10) of whey.


This is one of the leaf diseases of tomatoes cultivated in the greenhouse. The fungus that causes this disease is activated in the heat, especially if the seedlings are weakened due to low soil nutrition, and there is a frequent change of rainy and hot days with consistently cold nights. Excessive bushiness, “generous”, high soil moisture or, conversely, insufficient watering, long nights, poor greenhouse lighting also favor the reproduction of the fungus.

  • deformation of stipules;
  • yellowing, drying and rapid death of the lower tier of foliage;
  • wilting of the entire bush.

Unfortunately, if a vegetable is affected by Fusarium, it will no longer be possible to cure it, since the fungus develops in its internal tissues. It remains only to uproot the bush and burn it.

Fusarium Warning:

  • cleaning the site in the fall;
  • deep plowing and before sowing or planting;
  • seed disinfection with fungicides;
  • clean tool;
  • regular .


Macrosporiosis is a brown or dry spot that affects leaves and stems, and sometimes fruits. It spreads from bottom to top: concentrations of round brown spots appear on the foliage, which, gradually growing, merge, after which the foliage dries. On the stem, such spots (oval in shape) cause rotting and wilting.

Dark dents appear on the fruits, usually the stalks, over which a dark “velvet” is formed - the spores of the fungus. Better conditions for the development of the disease: heat (+25 ... +30 ° C) and high humidity. Spores persist on plant remains and in the ceilings of the room and spread with wind and condensate drops.

  • before the appearance of ovaries, treatment of bushes with fungicides containing copper;
  • alternation of crops in a greenhouse, in which nightshade and should not participate;
  • complete destruction of plant residues;
  • top dressing.

Treatment: before fruiting - treatment with antifungal drugs, and in later periods -. Spraying is repeated every two weeks at least three times per season.


This disease manifests itself in the form of dry, dark brown (or black) concentric spotting on leaves and stems, the tissues of which in the area of ​​the spots are covered with olive "velvet", and eventually die off.

The fungus, quietly hibernating on plant debris or on seeds, penetrates the ovary in spring and develops inside the fruit throughout the season, turning its core into prel.

Fight against alternariosis:
  • deep in autumn;
  • seed disinfection before sowing;
  • timely detection of symptoms at the beginning of growth and spraying with fungicides three times a month;
  • destruction of insect vectors of spores (, aphids, etc.);
  • during harvesting, the destruction of affected specimens.

  • This pathology is not an infectious disease. This is a physiological disorder caused by poor care: irregular watering;
  • at the beginning, calcium deficiency (in vegetables, but not in the soil), caused by an excess of heat in the greenhouse;
  • feeding plants with nitrogen.

The defeat affects only the berries - they form black dents at the bottom, which eventually become watery, increase in size and begin to rot. The latter circumstance is dangerous because rot can affect healthy "neighbors".

Unfortunately, affected vegetables cannot be cured - they just need to be removed and thrown away. But this violation can be prevented.


  • when - adding to the wells a mixture of and crushed, and later - top dressing containing calcium (crushed eggshells, ash, etc.) or chemistry ();
  • spraying the ovary and unripe berries with a 1% solution of calcium nitrate;
  • creating a healthy microclimate in the greenhouse, with moderate soil moisture, no condensation and regular access to fresh air.

Fungi that cause damage to roots and basal necks penetrate plants from the soil and develop rapidly with excessive watering. With illiterate agricultural technology, the disease can occur from seedlings and progress throughout the entire growth of the plant.

When affected by root rot, blackening (browning) and a change in the texture of the roots and their necks (whitish “velvet” coating) are observed, as well as their decay and wilting. In sprouts, a flagellum appears under the cotyledon leaves, and in older seedlings, under the first true leaves, while the stem easily breaks out of the ground, since lateral roots do not develop at the root.

If the roots are already infected, then the bush must be removed along with the earthy clod - it is impossible to cure this disease.

Root Rot Warning:

  • steaming the soil;
  • seedling mixture disinfection;
  • dressing seeds before sowing;
  • compliance with the irrigation regime (only the land is dry);
  • watering with the use of fungicides;
  • and soil aeration.


Of the viral lesions that affect tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, tobacco mosaic and streak should be noted.

When affected by the tobacco mosaic virus, the foliage of vegetables is “decorated” in a mosaic of green spots of different shades. Occasionally, yellow spots appear on the fruit. The growth of the bush slows down, the foliage becomes wrinkled and twisted. Perhaps the ripening of vegetables, but they are tasteless.

Important! The main "favorable" factors for tobacco mosaic: sowing infected seeds; living in a greenhouse of cicadas, ticks, aphids and other insects, carriers of infections; mechanical damage roots and stems due to careless plant care.

Unfortunately, antiviral drugs for tomatoes have not yet been developed, so it remains only to uproot the infected bush and burn it. And to avoid this trouble, you need to warn her.

Measures to combat viral diseases of tomatoes when they are cultivated in a greenhouse:

  • disinfection of seeds, as well as cultivation equipment;
  • destruction of insects, carriers of infection;
  • greenhouse disinfection (in autumn or spring);
  • destruction of plant residues after harvesting, deep plowing and steaming of the soil in the spring, before planting sprouts.

tomato streak

The streak affects the upper parts of the bush, appearing in the form of brown stripes that dry out over time. The petioles become weak, and the fruits are streaked with furrows irregular shape. With significant lesions, the spots merge, and the foliage withers and falls off; the bushes are oppressed and may also die.

Boric acid

123 times already

And their features can be varied, the main thing is to notice the main signs in time and use various means to fight them. If you let everything take its course, it will lead to:

  • yield reduction;
  • fruit damage;
  • death of tomatoes.

Fungal infections, photos and methods of treating greenhouse tomatoes

The most widespread diseases are caused by fungi. Their spores begin to awaken when the humidity is high, because it is not easy to avoid dampness in a greenhouse.


Anthracnose is caused by a fungus that is mainly carried by weeds.

Tomatoes become weak, shed all the leaves. On ripened tomatoes, small light sunken spots appear, turning into dark rings. Tomatoes burst, getting inside the infection leads to rotting. Green fruits and soil become infected.

In order to prevent this it is necessary:

  • time to destroy weeds;
  • control soil and air humidity;
  • spray regularly with special solutions.

late blight

With late blight, the lower leaves first turn yellow, dry and die off. The fungus then infects the fruit. They turn black, covered with small spots that increase gradually. You can fight with a tincture of garlic, treatment with a 10% solution of ordinary salt or 1% Bordeaux mixture.


The disease is caused by a fungus that develops when:

  • poor lighting;
  • low soil moisture;
  • high temperature.

Fusarium symptoms are:

  1. yellowing of leaves;
  2. wilting of cuttings and shoots;
  3. plant growth retardation.

At the first symptoms, the diseased plant must be removed along with a lump of soil. For treatment use:

  • "Fitosporin-M".
  • "Phytocide".
  • "Trichodermin".

root rot

Root rot is caused by fungi that infect fruits. A small brown spot appears at their base, the plant begins to fade, the still green tomatoes fall.

It is required to carry out disinfection of the soil with a solution blue vitriol. Her upper layer remove and add fresh. For processing, you must use the "Barrier" and "Barrier" tools.

Do not feed with fresh manure.


It is also called dry spotting. The disease develops due to excessive watering and poor ventilation. First, 7 mm to 15 mm spots appear on the lower, then middle leaves and stem. A gray fluffy coating forms on top of the spots. High humidity causes them to drain. The leaves are starting to fall off. On tomatoes, round spots with a black coating near the stalk are formed.

After detecting the disease, contact fungicidal preparations should be used. Help in treatment biological means"Trichodermin" and "Fitosporin".

Before buying fungicides, you must carefully read the instructions.


With cladosporiosis (brown olive spot), the lower leaves are the first to be affected, yellow round spots form on their upper side. The lower surface is covered with a brown velvety coating. As a result, the leaves gradually curl and dry out.

If left untreated, the disease affects the fruits, which acquire dark color become soft and then dry out.

The reason lies in:

  • watering with very cold water;
  • dampness;
  • sharp temperature change.

It is necessary to fight with the help of such drugs as:

  1. "Barrier".
  2. "Barrier".
  3. Bordeaux mixture.

Gradual wilting of seedlings

The reason for the slow wilting of plants may be infection of the soil with sclerotinia. In this case, white spots are observed on the leaves, the stem becomes lethargic, the seedlings become discolored and do not develop. It is necessary to change or disinfect the soil.

Didimella can slowly destroy the plant, in which indented black spots and dots appear on the stem. Fungi are found in infected leaves or seeds. You need to fight didimella by spraying with Bordeaux liquid.

In a short time, gray rot can destroy tomato seedlings; it is infected through diseased soil.

All bushes are subject to destruction.

It is necessary to adjust the humidity and temperature, also spray with a fungicidal preparation.

powdery mildew

Drip moisture is the cause of powdery mildew. A white powdery coating forms on the leaves. They become brittle, curl, dry and fall off. Lack of treatment leads to the death of the bush. The soil needs to be cleared and cultivated. Chemicals are used to fight.

Description of viral infections with photos

Tomatoes, if planted with infected seeds, can become ill with viral diseases. Because effective methods there is no struggle, you need to hold them in a 1% manganese solution before planting. It is also necessary to disinfect the soil - 2-3% of the same solution.


A bush that suffers from aspermia does not develop correctly. In appearance, it becomes similar to corrugated paper. Its coloring becomes randomly patterned. There are few fruits, they are small.


Leads to necrosis

  • lack of light;
  • abundant watering;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizer.

The first signs are the appearance of small dark green cracks on the lower part of the stem, later sprouts of air roots form in them. Then the leaves wither, the plant falls and dies. The fruits on it do not ripen.

The source of infection is diseased soil and seeds. The bushes must be destroyed, and the earth must be treated with a 0.2% solution of Fitolavin-300.


The danger of this disease lies in the fact that there is no treatment, prevention is needed. The reason is the use of infected seeds and planting seedlings in diseased soil. A symptom of a mosaic is a patterned coloring in the form of dark and light green, intensely increasing spots.

As soon as they appear, the bush must be pulled out and disposed of, and this place should be treated with a special solution.


Often tomato diseases in a greenhouse are provoked by bacteria. The culture is infected a short time. There is no way to save the harvest.

black spot

Bacterial black spot affects all above-ground parts. Appearance tomatoes spoil. When the soil is infected, all seedlings can die. Symptoms of this disease are convex 3 mm black dots with a watery edge. They gradually increase, begin to be pressed inward, and the edges tear. Tomatoes rot under these spots.

Infection results from infected residues and untreated seeds.

To avoid bacterial diseases, you need to use alternation; tomatoes can be planted in their original place in 2-3 years.


The first signs are visible after the formation of fruits, the plant wilts, leaves and fruits become stained. The vascular system of the plant is affected, which becomes dark. Causes of cancer are infected seed and bacteria.

The fight is to disinfect the seeds. The temperature in the greenhouse should be about 25 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 60%.


Damage to tomatoes causes:

  • Medvedka. Has a gray color. This 50 cm insect has pronounced digging legs and short elytra. She digs deep nests where she lays about 300 eggs. A tincture of 150 gr will help get rid of hot pepper and 10 ml of water poured into the mink.
  • Wireworm. These are yellow caterpillars 20 mm long that infect the root by penetrating the stem. They need to be collected manually, and also sprayed with a special preparation.
  • Scoop. This is what they call night butterflies. Their caterpillars are black and earthy gray in color and eat leaves and stems. You can fight them with an infusion of garlic or burdock leaves.
  • Whitefly. The yellowish whitefly completely covers the leaves, on which a black coating appears. They dry up and the plant dies. You have to fight the larvae. To do this, the leaves are washed with soapy water. Not bad helps infusion of dandelions.

In order to preserve the crop of tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner, and it is best not to forget to engage in prevention. It is much easier to fight when fungi, bacteria or viruses have just begun to develop.

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By growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, vegetable growers can protect them from adverse climatic factors. environment. However, a limited space imposes its own characteristics and creates its own environment in it, which may well suit.

Whether your tomatoes will hurt or not depends on care.

By maintaining optimal conditions for the growth and development of a tomato plant, it is possible to achieve parameters that will make it impossible for the reproduction of pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses.

However, in unregulated greenhouse structures, where there are no air conditioners and heating, it is difficult to lower or increase humidity and control these indicators, conditions for pathogens are sometimes created. In this case, the development of the disease is inevitable.

Diseases of tomatoes can be divided into:

  • seedling period;
  • flowering and fruiting period.

Why is the tomato sick?

Nature is so arranged that most pathogens are always found in the soil.

Since pathogens are constantly in the ground, the more limited space, then their manifestation on the plant depends on:

  • plant immunity;
  • virulence of the microorganism.

As soon as a plant is created stressful situation(high humidity, excessive dryness, drafts, air stagnation, excessive illumination, or vice versa), immunity falls and at this time microorganisms already freely penetrate into the cell space of the tomato.

Maintaining optimal conditions for growth and development in the greenhouse is the main task of the farmer.

If it is not possible to take control of the situation, then you should carefully examine the plants in order to respond in a timely manner to the introduction of the pathogen and prevent the loss of plants and crops.

What is sick seedlings

The seedling period is very important for a tomato. It depends on him whether the plant will show its genetic potential and whether it will produce a crop in a timely manner.

White spot on tomato seedlings.

During this period, the tomato can be affected by such diseases:

  • Blackleg . This disease is known to many vegetable growers. The stem of the plant in a place just above the ground is covered with a black coating. Further, it becomes thin and the plant leans. It is very difficult to save such seedlings, and the one that survived develops slowly. To help the seedlings, you need to lower the humidity, remove all affected plants (this will improve ventilation) and treat what is left with a solution of potassium permanganate, preparing it at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of non-cold water.

Black leg on tomato seedlings.

If the signs of the disease are noticed on time, then it is not difficult to eliminate the pathogen. For treatment, the preparations "Thanos 50" and "Revus 250 SC" are applicable. K.S.

Diseases of an adult tomato

Successfully grown and planted seedlings in a greenhouse do not yet guarantee good harvest. On the way to ripening, tomato bushes lie in wait for:

  • microscopic fungi;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses.

Each of these pathogens is ready to capture a tomato plant and “put it down” in a matter of days.

Only timely identification and diagnosis, as well as the measures taken, can make it possible to interrupt the chain of infection and stop the disease.

fungal diseases

These diseases are the most harmful and bring the greatest waste of commercial tomato to plants.

Among the most contagious are the following:

  • Alternariosis . Alternaria fungus affects both seedlings and adult plants. In the open field, this disease is rare, but the greenhouse the best place for pathogen development. The leaf plate is covered with round spots. With increasing humidity, their number increases. The spores of the fungus also migrate to the fruits, but do not germinate until the fruits begin to ripen. Of the biological preparations, Trichodermin is applicable. For prophylactic purposes, starting from the end of May, it can be treated with “ Quadris», « Acrobat MC» The spraying interval should be kept within 14–16 days.

    The fungus first affects the leaves, then passes to the fruits.

  • Cladosporiosis (olive blotch). The fungus infects the plant with the formation of brown, olive spots. Over time, they darken and merge, the foliage falls off, and the fruits enter the ripening stage without gaining the desired weight. The pathogen is very tenacious in the external environment and retains its virulence for up to 10 years. Applying effective means « Pseudobacterin-2», « Polyram», « Fitosprin-M», « HOM» « Abiga Peak”, you can quickly eliminate the pathogen.

    The main source of the disease are the remains of last year's plants.

  • Ascochitosis(didimela). The fungus settles with pleasure both in film and glass greenhouses. It affects the stem, brown depressed spots appear on it with the release of "gum". The same spots affect the fruits, which stop growing and become mummified. To prevent further development of the disease, plants can be treated " Trichodermin" or " Polyram».

    The pathogen infects the stems, sometimes the leaf blade.

  • Anthracnose. This fungus appears directly on the fruits and this is evidenced by dented spots. The fruits shrink and mummify. The disease is quite easy to stop by applying " Agate», « Novosil», « Quadris», « strobi».

    Usually the disease is activated at the end of the season.

  • Tomato vertcilosis . Until recently, the disease affected a significant part of greenhouse tomatoes, but with the introduction resistant varieties and hybrids, it receded. and gradually dries up after the appearance of spots on it. The disease begins with the lower leaves, gradually moving to the upper ones. Control methods have not been developed, but the bred varieties allow you to completely get rid of the disease in the greenhouse.

    Verticillium wilt of tomatoes.

  • . Several pathogenic fungi lead to the fact that the leaves are covered with a white coating. Initially, this is fraught with yellowing of the foliage, and then they turn brown, and the plant stops growing.

Preparations "Baktofit", "Bayleton", "Kvadris", "Topaz" when processed on early stages are quite effective.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteria, developing on tomato vegetative organs, can cause no less harm than fungi.

Among the most dangerous diseases, the following can be considered:

In order to prevent bacteriosis when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to carry out a three-time treatment with a 0.5% solution of the Abiga-Peak preparation.

Viral diseases

Typical signs of tobacco mosaic.

Viral diseases in the greenhouse also occur. They are more dangerous because there are no drugs with which you can prevent the death of plants and crop loss. Among the most dangerous for tomatoes are:

  • Tobacco mosaic virus . The defeat of the pathogen reaches 50%. Plants lag behind in growth, and fruits may not form. The first symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of a multi-colored mosaic, and wrinkling.
  • If this virus joins tomato aspermia virus , the disease is called streak. At the same time, the leaves of the sinuses do not develop, those that are are deformed, the plant becomes "hairy".

Symptoms of this disease may vary somewhat depending on external conditions and the composition of the virus.

To solve the problem of viral diseases is possible only by the selection of resistant varieties.

Whatever the disease, you cannot fight it with home, folk methods. Decoctions and infusions of herbs cannot in any way affect the causative agent of the disease.

Varieties and hybrids resistant to diseases

Breeders are constantly working not only on the yield of a tomato plant, its shape, taste, but also on the resistance of varieties to various diseases.

Having built a greenhouse structure, one cannot surrender to chance and sow varieties and hybrids of the selection of the last century. The varietal tomato market is replenished annually with high-yielding, tasty, and most importantly sustainable new products.

Before prescribing resistance, a registration commission works on a variety, which checks varieties in all regions of the country. Only if the plant has resistance to certain diseases, this indicator is prescribed in the characteristics of the variety.

As an example, consider the following:

  • « Partner Semko», « Khersones F1», « Ordynka» - extremely resistant to verticillium, fusarium, cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus.
  • « Semko 2010» Resistant to Fusarium, TMV, bacterial leaf spot.
  • « Voyage F1» TMV, Alternaria, Bacteriosis, Fusarium.
  • « Tick ​​F1» to tobacco mosaic virus and late blight damage.
  • « Giolis F1» to blossom end rot and TMV.
  • « Magnet F1» to top rot, as well as root, TMV and Fusarium wilt.

When choosing varieties and hybrids, you must carefully read the characteristics. If there are no indications of resistance, it is better to give preference to another tomato.

It should be noted that among tomatoes the most resistant are hybrids, and there is not a single variety that could stand in the same line in terms of disease resistance.

Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, unfortunately, are susceptible to infection by various diseases. Many gardeners are faced with such a problem and sometimes do not know how to deal with one or another disease of their plants. If the disease is detected, you need to act correctly, otherwise the tomato crop may die. There are a lot of diseases of tomatoes, and it is worth considering the features of each of them.

Let's list the most common diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse, which, perhaps, everyone who regularly grows tomatoes in greenhouses has encountered.

  • , beetles and small worms;
  • Rotting plants with excessive moisture;
  • Mosaic;
  • Phomosis.

It is necessary to identify the signs of each of these unpleasant phenomena and understand how to deal with each of them.

There are several of the most important insect pests that cause great harm to tomatoes:

  • Medvedka. It is a gray insect 50 cm long. She has shortened elytra and pronounced digging paws. Usually this insect is found near reservoirs, rivers, on manured soils or rich in humus. Medvedka makes nests deep about 15 cm and deposits in them up to 300 eggs. Medvedka affects various vegetables, and in addition to tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and cabbage are exposed to its harmful effects.
  • Scoops. These are night butterflies, whose caterpillars greatly harm tomato crops. At night, they gnaw tomato stems, petioles and leaves. Track length about 35 mm, and their color can be different - velvet black, earthy gray.
  • Wireworms. They are the larvae of the click beetle. These are yellow caterpillars. 20mm long. They mainly negatively affect the root system and penetrate the stem.
  • Whitefly. In greenhouses, this insect is one of the main enemies of tomatoes. In the southern regions, the whitefly can harm tomatoes and outdoors. The length of the insect is only about one and a half millimeters, it has a yellowish body and two pairs of powdery white wings. The mass distribution of whiteflies is very dangerous for plants, because it completely covers the leaves. They are covered with a black coating and dry, after which the whole plant dies (see)

How to deal with insect pests

In order to get rid of the bear, you can use an infusion of hot peppers. For ten milliliters of water, you need to take 150 grams of pepper or two glasses of table vinegar, and then the solution is poured into each mink for half a liter. Cutworm caterpillars are most effectively killed by picking them up by hand, digging up the soil and killing weeds. Also, tomatoes can be sprayed with a special biological preparation, which is also their top dressing.

You can also get the desired effect from the destruction of wireworms quite easily. About four days before planting, you need to bury pieces of raw carrots, potatoes or beets into the kidney to a depth about 10 cm, impaled on sticks, the end of which sticks out of the ground.

After about three days have passed, sticks with pieces of vegetables are pulled out of the ground and burned. When digging the earth, wireworms are collected and destroyed. It is very popular and effective to use mineral fertilizers and soil liming to kill pests.

In addition to harmful insects that eat the roots and stems of tomatoes, there are other diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses that cause trouble for many gardeners. Perhaps the most common of them is late blight.

Late blight and its control

Late blight is a disease of fungal origin that quite often affects tomatoes. Its manifestation lies in the fact that spots appear on the leaves and stems of the plant. Brown. On the bottom of the sheet you can see a slight white bloom.

Fruits affect brown spots that originate under the skin. Late blight spreads most rapidly due to large temperature fluctuations and high humidity(cm. ). I must say that hybrid varieties of tomatoes are less susceptible to this disease.

To combat this disease of tomatoes in greenhouses can be quite successful. To do this, you need to apply a special set of measures.

  • For planting, you need to choose only strong and healthy plants;
  • Favorable conditions are also needed for cultivation;
  • Soil fertility is also important for tomatoes. If nutrients are in imbalance, the risk of disease;
  • It is necessary to avoid damage to plants, handle them carefully to prevent cuts and breaks;
  • It is recommended that dried nettles be placed in the hole when planting. During the last transplant, you need to do enough deep hole, put the leaves and stems of dry nettles in it, then cover the soil and plant a tomato. Nettle has a positive effect on the healthy growth of tomatoes;
  • Instead of nettle, a plant such as mulch can also be used, it can limit evaporation and decomposition;
  • Choose the right time for planting tomatoes, as they are very sensitive to weather conditions. Hypothermia and excessive moisture can cause tomato diseases in the greenhouse. If you do, study this issue in more detail on the pages of our website.
  • It is recommended to plant several varieties of tomatoes, as different species have different reactions to mold (see:);
  • A distance must be maintained between tomato bushes. The main thing is that the plants should not be planted too close, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate diseased tomatoes before the whole crop is affected;
  • Tomatoes in a greenhouse are not as susceptible to disease as outdoors, because it protects from adverse conditions.

Other diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and how to deal with them

In addition to such a serious disease of tomatoes in a greenhouse as late blight, there are other diseases that are no less dangerous for tomatoes in a greenhouse.

One of them is the blossom end rot of tomatoes. Spots appear on green and unripe fruits, which can be watery and rotten, or, conversely, dry and black. The main cause of this disease is a lack of moisture or calcium or an excessive nitrogen content in the soil. With this disease, regular watering of tomatoes can help (see for more details) and spraying the affected fruits with a solution of calcium nitrate.

Another unpleasant disease is leaf mold, which is also called brown spot. Very often, tomatoes in a greenhouse are susceptible to a disease that affects their leaves. Brown-brown spots with a velvety coating appear on their underside.

After the infected leaves dry, the plants die. Mushroom spores spread very easily when watering tomatoes, as well as through fallen leaves or the gardener's clothes. You can get rid of leaf mold by reducing air humidity, reducing the amount of watering. You can also spray the plants with copper chloride - 30 g per 10 liters of water.

A viral disease such as mosaic is also common in greenhouses. Affected tomato leaves change their shape and color - they become covered with yellowish spots, curl and become wrinkled. After the plants turn yellow, they dry out after a while.

The disease can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • Water the seedlings of potassium permanganate two to three times a day;
  • Treat tomatoes every ten days with skim milk with the addition of urea;
  • because it is through him that the disease spreads.

There is also such a phenomenon as gray rot of fruits. This disease belongs to fungi and affects tomatoes by the end of the growing season. Brown watery spots appear on fruits of any color. Do not confuse the disease with late blight.

Pathogens sometimes develop not only on fruits, but also on leaves, flowers and stems. You can fight the disease by removing infected fruits, as well as raising the temperature, disinfecting the soil and spraying the plants with fungicides.

In reinforced greenhouses, tomatoes can be susceptible to diseases such as root rot. Plants begin to wither, their root neck rots. To combat this disease, you need to disinfect the soil with a solution of copper sulfate and remove the topsoil and replace it with fresh.

Such a disease of tomatoes as phomosis manifests itself as a large brown spot around the base of the fruit. On the surface, it does not look particularly large, but the internal tissue of the fetus is also infected. Phomosis occurs, as a rule, due to high humidity, so you should not create too humid conditions in the greenhouse and feed the tomatoes with nitrogen or fresh manure.

Fruit cracking is also common. The nature of the disease is not infectious, but physiological. The reason is a sharp change in the humidity of the earth.

Tomatoes should be watered at intervals. If the weather is hot, the tomatoes in the greenhouse should be sprayed outside with milk of lime.

Cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses requires knowledge of the characteristics of the physiological development of the plant. Awareness in the field of possible diseases and pests, as well as knowledge of methods for dealing with these factors, will help you learn how to identify problems from a photo and timely carry out effective treatment of tomato diseases in a greenhouse. Many of these recommendations are also relevant for open ground.

Causes of diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Cultivation of plants in a closed space with high rates humidity and temperature condone the reproduction of pathogens. This is the main reason high level diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse. By applying a set of measures to protect plantings, you can get rid of pathogens and insects. Moreover, do it for a long time.

Plants in an enclosed space

The list of pathogenic factors and causes of tomato diseases:

  • bacteria;
  • viral infections;
  • fungal pathogens;
  • insects (butterflies, beetles, bear).

Effective tomato treatment and pest control require a well-defined program of protection measures. Having studied the diseases and methods of dealing with them, photographs of fruits with signs of the disease, you can easily cope with the task of obtaining a decent harvest.

Non-infectious diseases of tomatoes and photos of affected plants

Having an elementary knowledge of the types of diseases and the possibilities of dealing with them, it will not be difficult to diagnose and determine countermeasures from photographs of fetuses with symptoms of the disease. Tomato is a sensitive crop that is affected by a variety of pathogens and pests. Diseases are classified according to their causes.

The development of non-communicable diseases in greenhouse crops often leads to a deficiency or excess of nutrients in the soil. Symptoms appear in the form of deformation of individual organs, discoloration, accompanied by developmental delay.

Signs of deficiency and excess of potassium

The symptoms of a deficiency of any one element are easily filled by applying the appropriate fertilizer. The tomato is not very dependent on the nitrogen content, but is very demanding on the concentration of phosphorus and potassium. The lack of any element leads to the appearance of yellowing of the leaves (chlorosis).

Lack and excess of phosphorus in the tomato plant

Much more dangerous is an excess of nutrients in the soil. In fact, this is a plant poisoning that threatens death. It is accompanied by leaf necrosis, the appearance of burns of flowers and green parts of the bush, and the dropping of ovaries.

Signs of magnesium deficiency in tomatoes

In greenhouse soil, an excess of nitrogen, chlorine, calcium and sodium occurs. In this situation, the drug "Viva" will help. The tool binds the elements that are in excess and nullifies the destructive effect, turning them into an inactive state.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess of copper in tomatoes

Infectious diseases with pictures

Tomato diseases caused by infections are divided into types depending on the source of infection:

  • Viral.
  • Bacterial.
  • Fungal.

Mosaic on the leaves and fruits of tomato

Viral diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse

About 20 pathogens of viral diseases in tomato are known. Symptoms are similar - necrosis or chlorosis of various vegetative parts of the plant.

Tomato mosaic. The disease reduces the intensity of gas exchange in the organs, which leads to a decrease in plant weight. The fruits cease to form, the top of the bush dies. First, dots appear on the leaves, which gradually turn into a mosaic.

Streak of tomato leaves

Difficult streak. With the combined action of several viruses - cucumber mosaic, potato mosaic and tomato mosaic, a complex streak disease occurs.

Symptoms are strokes on leaf blades, fruits, petioles and stems. The source of infection is the remains of plants where the virus survives for more than 10 years. Insufficiently treated seeds also carry the infection. Viruses remain viable in the soil for two to three years.

It infects a tomato either on its own or in interaction with other viruses. If seedlings are infected, then seedlings grow slowly, dwarfism develops.

Cucumber mosaic on tomato

Mature plants develop filiform or blistered leaves. Concentric circles of golden color appear on the fruits, instead of which spots of necrosis then form. Carries the aphid virus.

Bronzing (spotted wilt). A disease often observed in film greenhouses in southern Russia. Symptoms are very diverse - curly and bronze color of the leaves, inhibition of stem growth, the appearance of spots with clear outlines and uneven coloring on the fruit, necrotic stripes and spots. Due to wilting, the death of plants or a noticeable loss of the marketable appearance by the fruits is likely.

Bronzing of tomato leaves

Bacterial diseases

Stolbur (nightshade phytoplasma). The carrier of the infection is cicadas. Rarely found in greenhouses. The leaves become chlorotic, turn small, acquire a purple hue.

The sepals and petals of the flower often grow together and turn purple. The pistils of the flowers are short, the stamens are not developed, the petals are either discolored or green. The fruits are firm, with a cut, a strongly overgrown vascular tissue of white color is visible.

Bacterial stem cancer. Greenhouse seedlings are practically not affected. Symptoms appear during the formation and pouring of tomatoes.

Due to the development of bacteria in the vessels of the stem and their blockage, the bush wilts. The first symptoms are lethargy of the lobes of the leaf blade, at the same time they turn yellow along the edge and twist upwards.

Bacterial canker of tomato stalks

Stripes appear on the stems, which then burst and exudate comes out, carrying pathogenic bacteria. Slightly convex spots are formed on the fruits, 3 mm in diameter, boiled white along the edge and dark in the middle. On fruits close to ripening, the spots turn yellow, their middle cracks, and the spot takes the form of a bird's eye. The disease was nicknamed “bird's eye”.

black bacterial spot is a particularly common disease in wet years. All above-ground parts of plants are affected. The presentation of the fruit is lost. If soils are infected, then seedling death often reaches 100%, and crop losses at the end of the season - 70%.

Black spot on leaves

Symptoms are clearly visible on green fruits. Here, convex black dots 3 mm in diameter with a watery border are observed. Gradually, the damage increases, is pressed inward, the edges are torn. Under the spots, the tissues of the fetus rot. The source of infection is poorly processed seed material and infected residues of previous crops.

The main thing in the prevention of bacterial infections is alternation. Cultivate plants in the same place no earlier than 2-3 years.

black spot on fruit

fungal diseases

Fungal pathogens are the most dangerous and well-known group of pathogens in greenhouses and gardens.

Root and basal rot of nightshade. These are phytopathogens that affect the near-root and root regions of the plant. Seedlings and crops grown on waterlogged substrates are most severely damaged.

Tomato root rot

Often there is a premature death of the bushes. At the base of the stem, a kind of constriction is formed, it is called the “black leg”, the bush withers or wet rot appears. The source of infection is peat or old soil.

Verticillosis. Symptoms of the disease are yellowing and twisting of the leaves of the lower tier (one-sided), withering of the entire bush.

verticillium wilt

Fusarium wilt of tomato. The lower leaves turn yellow, moving gradually upward, capturing the entire bush. The leaves are twisted and the petioles are deformed. The core of the stems dies.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium root rot. The pathogen provokes the mass death of tomato seedlings in the greenhouse if an infected substrate or seeds were used.

Fusarium root rot of tomato

Necrosis spreads locally at the main root, root collar and lower stem segment. Here there are brown weeping ulcers with a pink coating. The central root cylinder turns brown, the bark rots.

Cladosporiosis or brown spot of tomato. In July-August, in unheated greenhouses, the disease causes significant damage. Symptoms appear primarily on lower leaves.

Chlorotic areas form on the upper part of the leaves, which soon turn red-brown. At the bottom of the leaf under the spot, first a light gray, and then a red-brown fluffy coating is observed. Leaves dry and curl. Less commonly, flowers and fruits are infected, which, in case of infection, turn brown and fall off.

Tomato cladosporiosis

Late blight and dry spotting

Solanaceae late blight. The most harmful disease of tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open field. All parts of the plant rot, including the fruit. Without the use of fungicides, most of the fruits are lost. Symptoms of the disease are observed on the green parts of the plant - large necrotic spots appear, reddish-brown, blurry, with a light border. With excessive moisture, a whitish coating of sporulation forms here.

Phytophthora on tomato leaves

The source of infection is the planting of potatoes preceding the tomato, plant residues and seeds, where spores persist. long time. It is recommended to leave open vents in the greenhouse overnight for ventilation and not to use protected ground facilities for processing potato tubers.

Late blight of tomato fruits

Dry spot or Alternariosis of tomato. Mass morbidity occurs during the period of fruit formation. Often the bush completely loses fruits and leaves. The onset of the disease is noticed with the appearance of concentric spots with a diameter of 7 to 15 mm on the lower, and then on the middle leaves and parts of the stem.

Alternariosis of tomato

On top of the spots in wet weather, a gray-brown fluffy coating of sporulation is observed. Yellow and brown spots are most often located along the edges of the leaf and between the veins. At high humidity, the spots gradually merge, capturing the entire leaf. Leaves die and fall off.

On fruits in a greenhouse or in storage, round depressed spots with a black coating appear near the stalk.

Dry spotting (Alternaria) on fruits

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings are affected in greenhouses by the same diseases as already grown bushes.

Blackleg. The plant is infected through untreated soil for sowing seeds or the seeds themselves, poorly pickled or not pickled at all.

In order to avoid problems, the soil is disinfected in any convenient way - by steaming, treating with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, freezing for several days.

white spotting. Brown or off-white spots on the undersurface of seedling leaves. The disease gradually covers the entire seedling.

White spot of tomato seedlings

Prevention consists in steaming the soil before sowing the seeds, since the infection comes from the soil. For the treatment of tomato diseases in the greenhouse, fungicides are used: Radomil, Bordeaux liquid, Zineb, Polyhom.

Fusarium. The fungus from the soil falls on the tender stems of seedlings. In conditions of excessive moisture, spores germinate. Leaves and stems lose their elasticity, turn green or yellow. For the treatment of tomato diseases, Trichodermin, Fitocid, Fitosporin-M are used.

Fusarium wilt seedlings

Tomato leaf diseases

Tomato leaves are affected in the greenhouse by all the pathogens listed above. One way or another, each disease leaves its mark on the foliage:

  • cladosporiosis or brown spotting;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • fusarium;
  • gray rot;
  • black bacterial spot.

Preparations for treatment and prevention

Fungicides are drugs used in the treatment of bacterial and fungal diseases. To combat diseases and pests of tomatoes use:

  • "Abiga peak" - with late blight, alternariosis, brown spotting. Sprayed throughout the cultivation with a 0.4% solution.
  • "Bravo" - brown spotting, late blight. The first treatment is carried out for prevention when suitable conditions for the propagation of the pathogen occur. Subsequent sprayings are done every 7-10 days.
  • "Fundazol" - Fusarium wilt. Seeds are treated 1-15 days before sowing.
  • "Alirin-B" - root and root rot, late blight. Spraying during the season.
  • "Gamair" - bacterial cancer, necrosis of the core of the stems, gray and white rot.
  • "HOM" - Alternaria, late blight. Spraying with a 0.4% solution throughout the growing season.
  • "Trichodermin" is used in the early diagnosis of bacterial diseases of tomato. In wet weather, the green parts of the bush are sprayed with the product.
  • "Fitosporin-M" acts similarly to Trichodermin.
  • Kuproskat, Topaz, Ridomil - is used during the period when bacterial diseases have passed into the active phase.

Viral infections are treatable with solution treatments boric acid or a mixture of dissolved trace elements: 5 g of boric acid, 1 g of copper sulfate and cobalt nitrate per 10 liters of water.

Measures for the disinfection of greenhouses

In greenhouses, immediately after harvesting vegetables, the following activities are carried out:

  • cleaning of plant residues;
  • disinfection and disinsection of fruit-bearing plants;
  • disinfection of premises;
  • disinfection of inventory;
  • soil disinfection.

The soil "ripens" for two years

So far, there is no approved soil disinfectant. Therefore, different methods are used:

  1. Agricultural technique. After the expiration of the service life of the soil, it is removed from the greenhouses and placed in piles 1.5-2 m high and 3 m wide. At the same time, it is mixed with slurry or manure. Lime is also added here (4 kg per m 3). In this state, the soil mixture is left for 2-3 years. In the mass, decomposition processes are taking place, accompanied by the release of high temperature. Thus, there is a biological sterilization of the future substrate for the greenhouse, which reduces the risk of infection with tomato diseases.
  2. thermal method(steaming) is the most widely used soil disinfection method. The substrate is kept at a temperature of about 70 degrees for 18-24 hours.
  3. biological method. Biological preparations made on the basis of trichoderma are actively fighting white rot. According to reviews, spraying or watering the plantings with glyocladin 2-5 days after heating increases the yield by 25-28%.
  4. Greenhouse disinfection. To do this, use wet disinfection. The first event is carried out immediately after harvesting the fruits and eliminating plant residues. To disinfect greenhouses and greenhouses, a 5% solution of potassium permanganate is used. The solution is abundantly sprayed on glazing, plinth plates and all structures.

Greenhouse disinfection

Experts in gardening willingly share their experience. Often their advice is no less useful than the recommendations of scientists.

Everything needs a measure

Experienced summer residents and gardeners advise not to get carried away with excessive feeding of tomatoes. With excessive nutrition with nitrogen fertilizers, there is a deficiency of other elements - potassium, phosphorus, zinc. In addition to the fact that pests, stains and rot annoy, mosaicism will also appear, which will lead to serious diseases of tomatoes.

Large doses of slurry or unripened manure should not be applied due to the presence of ammonia in them, which causes necrosis of leaves and fruits.

Ventilation of the greenhouse

An increase in the incidence also causes excessive watering. In this case, a weak root system is formed, unable to absorb moisture from deep soil horizons.

Too frequent pinching and pinching has a negative effect - the plant is damaged and viruses and bacteria enter the wounds, tomato diseases and the spread of infection begin.

Common pests

Pests threaten tomatoes underground and above ground. Not only do they harm themselves, they also carry disease-causing pathogens that cause tomato diseases.

Aphids on tomatoes

Roots are damaged in the ground, leaves, flowers, stems, and fruits are damaged on the surface. The most harmful insects for tomatoes are scoops, bears, wireworms, whiteflies, aphids, nightshade miner, thrips, spider mite.

Whitefly on tomatoes

Underground pest - bear. The insect makes moves in the soil, gnaws the stems. The plant weakens, leans. When moving, the bear carries pathogens of tomato diseases from a diseased plant to a healthy one.

They fight it with agrotechnical and agrochemical methods.


  • "Medvetoks";
  • "Bankol";
  • "Thunder";
  • "Grizzly";
  • "Phenaksin plus".

Harms both the larva and the adult bear

Agrotechnical methods of dealing with the bear are frequent loosening of row spacings, the exclusion of top dressing with mullein in wet areas, planting marigold flowers around the perimeter of the tomato plot, which repel the insect.

Why do tomatoes crack

Tomato cracking is not a pathology, but a reaction of the fetus to a sharp increase in the moisture content in the soil. During the "dry" period, the fruits stopped growing, the skin slightly "stiffened". On admission a large number water, it bursts, unable to withstand the pressure.

Due to the violation of the integrity of the fetus, access is opened for pathogens. Diseases begin to spread. To avoid such troubles as the treatment of diseases of tomatoes, you should follow the watering regimen.

Tomatoes crack with abundant watering

Folk methods of struggle

Over the years, gardeners have developed interesting ways to deal with insects.

greenhouse whitefly:

  • Folk methods It is recommended to use ordinary adhesive tapes for flies.
  • A pharmacy emulsion for scabies works well (dilute 30-50 g per 1 liter of water). Spray every 3-4 days until the whitefly disappears.
  • A strong remedy is an infusion of garlic. To do this, pour 150 g of crushed garlic into 1 liter of water, cover and let stand for 5 days. Add 6 g of infusion to 1 liter of water and spray in the same way as above.

Glue traps for pests

Medvedka. An interesting method is the beer trap. 100 g of beer is poured into the bottle, the neck is tied with gauze. The bottle is placed at an angle into the soil. Medvedka goes to the smell, breaks through the gauze and climbs into the bottle. She can't crawl out of there. During the day, 4-5 bears are stuffed into the trap.

black aphid. Planting garlic along tomato bushes or Dalmatian chamomile flowers are excellent at saving her from it.

"Beer" trap for the bear

thrips. Folk methods to combat thrips - steamed onion infusion with soap, brewed tobacco dust, decoction of capsicum, yarrow or celandine.