Job description, its importance, drafting rules. Job description: concept, purpose, structure, procedure for compiling and formalizing Purpose and content of job descriptions for managers

  • 11.08.2021

In accordance with Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with local regulations related to his labor function.

These acts include job descriptions. This is a regulatory document that establishes the organizational and legal position of an individual employee in the structure of an organization or its structural unit.

Appointment of the job description

The service position is the primary element of the management structure and characterizes the place of the employee in the management process. The formation of a system of positions depends on the volume, composition, nature of the functions performed in the structural unit, on the division and cooperation of labor.

The job description is the main organizational document that regulates the consolidation of the employee's functions

The job description fixes the job duties and rights of the employee, as well as the requirements of the organization (enterprise, institution) to his qualifications, professional knowledge and skills. The use of job descriptions, on the one hand, ensures a rational division of labor between employees, and on the other hand, allows for a certain specialization of each of them. They help the manager to assign to each employee the volume and scope of work, his powers and responsibilities.

The job description is one of the methods of personnel management, therefore, considerable attention is paid to the structure of the text of this document and the wording of responsibilities.

Job descriptions developed in one organization are interconnected in content and together represent a system for assigning certain types of work to employees of different categories, performed during the functioning of a separate structural unit.

Functions of the job description that are important for the employer and for the employee

Both managers and performers are interested in the development of job descriptions and their practical application. Performing an organizational, regulatory and regulatory role, the job description should be considered as a management tool that allows the manager to clearly delineate duties and rights, establish responsibilities, ensure interconnection and interchangeability between individual positions, eliminate duplication and eliminate parallelism in the performance of specific operations by employees of the organization.

In addition, job descriptions allow the manager to objectively evaluate the performance of each employee and establish measures of influence. Most often, they act in this capacity in the certification process, where the actual correspondence of the functions performed and the qualifications of the employee to his official duties is determined.

The job description is also a necessary organizational document from the point of view of the contractor, who is interested in clearly defining the nature and types of his work, the scope of his duties, rights and responsibilities, as well as in establishing official relationships.

The outline in the job description of the range of issues under the jurisdiction of each employee is a kind of protection for the employee in his activities. In the event of disputes in the labor relations between the employee and the employer, the job description can serve as a means of proving the assignment of certain duties to the employee.

Familiarization with the job description when hiring allows the employee to get an idea of ​​the range of expected duties, types of work and reasonably make a decision on the compliance of their capabilities with the requirements of the organization for this position.

The job description, according to its purpose, is a document of stable action. Its action continues until it is replaced by a new document.

For employer job description:

  • ensures the objectivity of the assessment of the employee's activities in the process of his certification;
  • is an obligatory document in resolving individual labor disputes in labor dispute commissions and in courts;
  • ensures a rational division of labor;
  • serves as a means of strengthening labor discipline;
  • allows you to establish the discrepancy between the employee and the position held

For an employee, job description:

  • determines its organizational and legal status, rights and obligations;
  • is an obligatory document in resolving labor disputes in the commission on labor disputes and in courts;
  • defines the types of work to be performed
  • provides specialization in a particular area

Thus, the job description is a multifunctional document. Its presence is important for both the employer and the employee.

P.V. Sankina,
cand. ist, sciences, assoc. Department of Records Science, Russian State University for the Humanities

2.2. The meaning of job descriptions

First of all, the job description is needed in order to streamline the work of not only the HR department or department, but the entire organization. Typically, a job description describes the duties and rights of employees. So in order.

Firstly, the job description is a guide to action for the employee himself: it gives knowledge of what actions are expected of him and by what criteria the results of work will be evaluated, it provides guidelines for improving the skill level of the employee in this position; participation in the discussion of the job description provides an opportunity for the employee to influence the conditions, organization, criteria for evaluating his work.

Secondly, the job description is the basis for assessing the results of an employee's labor activity, making a decision on his further internal movement and retraining (promotion, relocation, dismissal, enrollment in the reserve of management personnel, referral to additional training, etc.).

Thirdly, the job description contains information for conducting a reasonable selection of employees when hiring, assessing the level of compliance of candidates for vacant positions.

Fourthly, job descriptions are used in the ranking of jobs / positions and the subsequent development of intra-company wage systems.

Fifth, the analysis of job descriptions (duties, powers, etc.) is one of the sources of information for improving the organizational structure, planning measures to increase labor productivity.

2.3 Basic requirements for the preparation of job descriptions

The job description is developed on the basis of the position on the work of the unit. The duties of employees should follow from the main tasks solved by the unit, i.e. all functions that are assigned to the unit must be divided among the employees of this unit. The second document that is necessary for the preparation of a job description is the job description. The heads of organizations themselves approve the staffing table, therefore, they have the right to add to the staffing table those positions that they need. Because of this, positions appear that are not provided for by the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees. You need to make sure this doesn't happen.

The job description should contain a set of all the main functions performed by the employee. The job description should be written in simple, understandable language. All items should be as specific as possible. The job description must have an approval stamp, a date, and the signature of the employee on familiarization.

The job description should contain information on the following issues: - title of the position; - name of the structural unit; - the purpose of the position (why it exists); - accountability, place of position within the organizational structure of the company (who manages, who reports to); - a list of job responsibilities grouped by functional blocks.
A few additional comments on writing the above sections: a) the purpose of the position should, if possible, be formulated in one sentence and in its subtext should contain the answer to the question "what the employee is paid for", b) the standard for the number of functional blocks and the number of job duties within each functional block does not exist, however, from practice, a job description is considered meaningful if a frame of 6-7 functional blocks is maintained, within each of which 6-7 job responsibilities are given.

When compiling a job description, it is important to adhere to a single style, because stylistic inconsistency distracts the instructed, makes you wonder if there is a hidden meaning here?

The job description must be exhaustive, that is, describe all the actions that may be required from the subordinate.

Basic requirements for the form of a job description

The following items must be included in the job description:

1. Direct subordination of the employee. It is generally accepted that direct subordination is implied by itself and, due to its naturalness, may not be specifically stipulated. But only the position that exists on paper is valid.

2. Procedure for appointment and dismissal. This order has not changed: appointment and dismissal are made by order or order, but not by contract. The contract is only the basis for the order.

3. What guides the employee in his activities. This is a fairly simple item that does not affect the legal force of the document. But a direct reference to the job description is not enough - it is necessary to list a number of provisions in force in our country. Any employee, no matter what position he holds, is guided primarily by the current legislation (despite the fact that constant changes are taking place in it). This is followed by by-laws: instructions, regulations, clarifications, normative materials of intersectoral bodies. Then you need to specify the standards of your industry. If the organization is a branch or representative office, the parent organization must be indicated. And the last line is the position of the department and this job description.

Sections of the job description

The unified structure of the text of this document, according to USORD, includes the following sections:

This section specifies:

1. Category of position. It is determined in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of professions for workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OK 016-94) - manager, specialist, technical contractor.

2. Qualification requirements for an employee in accordance with his specific position. This item is developed on the basis of the provisions of the “qualification requirements” section of the qualification characteristics for the positions of employees. However, in the general provisions of the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37) it is determined that persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the qualification requirements, but who have sufficient practical experience and performing their official duties qualitatively and in full, on the recommendation of the attestation commission, as an exception, can be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

In the characteristics of the positions of specialists, within the same position, without changing its name, intra-position categorization by remuneration is provided. Qualification categories for remuneration are established by the head of the organization. This takes into account:

the degree of independence of the employee in the performance of official duties;

Responsibility for decisions made;

· attitude to work;

efficiency and quality of work;

· professional knowledge;

practical experience, determined by the length of service in the specialty;

other factors.

3. The order of appointment and dismissal.

4. Fundamental organizational and legal documents on the basis of which the employee carries out official activities and exercises his powers.

The item is developed on the basis of the “must know” section of the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees.

5. The name of the officials to whom the employee is subordinate.

6. List of structural units and (or) individual employees directly subordinate to this employee in the service (if any). This item can be included in the section “Responsibilities”.

7. The procedure for replacing an employee and performing official duties in the event of his temporary absence.

Paragraphs 3, 5 - 7 are developed on the basis of the provisions on the structural divisions of the organization, the provisions on personnel.

The section may include other requirements and provisions that specify and clarify the status of the employee and the conditions of his activity.

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DEPARTMENT "State and municipal management"


By discipline: Documentation management

On the topic: Job description, its importance, drafting rules

Executed Khusnudinova G.G.

Checked by: Naumova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Lomonosov, 2013

  • Introduction
    • 1. Job descriptions: concept, meaning
    • 2. Methods of registration and the rule for compiling a job description
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
    • Introduction
    • The topic “Job instruction, its importance, drafting rule” is very relevant at the present time, since in any organization the activities of personnel are determined by various regulations, the most common of which are just job descriptions. And far from always they are drawn up in accordance with the Tariff and Qualification Characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees. When applying for a job, each person must familiarize himself with the job description developed for him by the personnel service or the head of the structural unit (signed by the head of the structural unit and approved by the head of the organization), on the basis of which an employment contract will be concluded. But, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the rules for drawing up this regulatory legal act and the requirements for registration. In addition, recently, in connection with the introduction of the new Labor Code, some managers offer subordinates to write their own job description. In this case, a person really needs to have certain knowledge in this area.
    • 1. Job descriptions: concept, meaning
    • A job description is a document widely used in practice, which regulates in detail all the main points related to the performance of work in a particular position. It defines the qualification requirements for applicants for a particular position, the functions of the employee, his rights, duties, and responsibilities. In many organizations, there is a division: for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, job descriptions are developed, and for the positions of workers - work instructions. This is a purely technical issue: no matter how you call these documents, their essence and purpose do not change. Further, for all such documents in the article, a common name will be used - job descriptions.
    • Thus, the job description is an organizational document and is created in order to:
    • fixing the types of work, specialization of the employee;
    • Establishing qualification requirements for a particular position;
    • elimination of parallelism and duplication in the performance of individual operations;
    • Establishing relationships between individual positions;
    • Delimitation of duties and rights of employees;
    • Establishing their measure of responsibility;
    • Evaluation of the performance of each individual employee.
    • As already noted, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts do not regulate the issues of drafting, approving and applying job descriptions. There are only a few letters on this topic from the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud), which, despite their official nature, are not regulatory documents and can only be used as recommendations. But these recommendations of Rostrud should be heeded.
    • Despite the fact that the legislation does not establish the obligation of employers to have job descriptions for staff and, therefore, there is no liability for the absence of job descriptions, almost all employers still prefer to use job descriptions. Their absence can give rise to various adverse consequences. For example, in the absence of an instruction that clearly regulates the rights, duties and responsibilities of an employee, the employer may unreasonably bring him to disciplinary responsibility for actions (inaction) that, in the opinion of the employer, are a violation of labor discipline, but in fact this is not provided for by any documents. Thus, the employer will violate the labor rights of the employee and, possibly, “run into” litigation, administrative liability, etc.
    • But the most important thing about job descriptions is that they play a huge role in the process of organizing the work of workers, in the rational use of labor resources, in structural intra-production relations, and in maintaining labor discipline. Well-designed job descriptions help to solve the following issues:
    • - Eliminate duplication of functional duties by several employees in the performance of certain works;
    • - establish the subordination of employees, ensure their interaction in the labor process;
    • - objectively and impartially assess the activities of the employee in cases where it is necessary (when increasing qualification levels, when enrolling in the personnel reserve, when deciding whether the issue of compliance with the position held, etc.);
    • - delineate the responsibility of employees for the work performed, apply disciplinary sanctions for non-performance (improper performance) of labor duties only if there are sufficient grounds arising from the job description.
    • Ultimately, all this has a positive effect on the performance of both individual employees and the organization as a whole.
    • It should be borne in mind that the job description is not developed for a specific employee, but for a specific position. It is impersonal and regulates the performance of work in this position, regardless of who occupies it and how many employees of the organization work in such positions.
    • In its letter dated August 9, 2007 No. 3042-6-0, Rostrud recommends that employers develop and approve job descriptions for each position on the staff list, including vacant positions (which once again emphasizes the impersonal nature of the instruction). In this case, a person, getting a job in a certain position, will have a complete picture of the work ahead, the composition of his job duties, what he needs to know and be able to perform, what he will be responsible for, etc.
    • If a person is not satisfied with something, he can refuse employment in a timely manner. At the same time, the employer, based on the qualification requirements established by the job description, will be able to select only a person suitable for business qualities for a certain position and reasonably refuse to hire those applicants who do not meet the requirements. These examples illustrate another purpose of job descriptions: to serve as a tool to ensure a balance of interests of the parties to labor relations.
    • The meaning of job descriptions
    • First of all, the job description is needed in order to streamline the work of not only the HR department or department, but the entire organization. Typically, a job description describes the duties and rights of employees. So in order. Firstly, the job description is a guide to action for the employee himself: it gives knowledge of what actions are expected of him and by what criteria the results of work will be evaluated, it provides guidelines for improving the skill level of the employee in this position; participation in the discussion of the job description provides an opportunity for the employee to influence the conditions, organization, criteria for evaluating his work.
    • Secondly, the job description is the basis for assessing the results of an employee's labor activity, making a decision on his further internal movement and retraining (promotion, relocation, dismissal, enrollment in the reserve of management personnel, referral to additional training, etc.).
    • Thirdly, the job description contains information for conducting a reasonable selection of employees when hiring, assessing the level of compliance of candidates for vacant positions.
    • Fourthly, job descriptions are used in the ranking of jobs / positions and the subsequent development of intra-company wage systems.
    • Fifth, the analysis of job descriptions (duties, powers, etc.) is one of the sources of information for improving the organizational structure, planning measures to increase labor productivity.
    • job description employee clearance
    • 2. Methods of registration and the rule for compiling a job description
    • R the development and execution of a job description is the prerogative of the employer, since the organization of the labor process, the regulation of labor relations is primarily in his interests. In this case, the form of the job description is of great importance; in other words, what form this document will have, in what capacity it will act. The procedure for the adoption and implementation of this instruction depends on the form of the job description. The job description can be drawn up in two ways (or in two forms).
    • 1. The job description is an annex to the employment contract.
    • In this case, it is an integral part of the employment contract and, therefore, is accepted with the mutual consent of the employee and the employer and signed by them. At the same time, the employer cannot independently, unilaterally accept the job description and establish any conditions in it.
    • This procedure is consistent with labor law. The rights and obligations of the employee and other issues, as a rule, regulated by job descriptions, are not among the mandatory conditions of the employment contract. But the employment contract may provide for additional conditions (part 4 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In particular, clarification, in relation to the working conditions of this employee, of the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts. In addition, by agreement of the parties, the employment contract may also include the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations, as well as the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer arising from the terms of the collective agreement , agreements.
    • In theory, such additional conditions can be included in the main text of the employment contract. But this will make the treaty overly “bloated”, and its content - inconvenient for perception. It is much more convenient to include these issues in the job description and draw it up as a separate annex to the employment contract, which has equal legal force, and in the main text of the contract make a reference to the job description, indicating that the rights, duties, responsibilities of the employee, etc. determined in accordance with the appendix to the employment contract. One copy of the job description is transferred to the employee along with a copy of the employment contract, the second copy remains with the employer.
    • 2. The job description is drawn up in the form of a separate, independent document.
    • In legal practice, there are two different opinions regarding this type of document. Some experts believe that such an instruction will be a local regulatory act of the employer with all the ensuing consequences; others believe that it is a law enforcement act because it concerns specific workers. The author shares the first point of view, since, as noted above, the job description is not tied to the personality of a particular employee, but is closely related to the position. Many employees can work in the same positions (that is, on the basis of one job description); in the same position, people can change (leave, transfer, be hired again). Therefore, the job description is aimed at an indefinite circle of people, and this is a hallmark of a local regulatory act.
    • The employer, having issued the job description in the form of a local regulatory act, independently approves it. It is signed, as a rule, by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.
    • When hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the person accepted for signature with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to the employee’s labor activity, the collective agreement (part 3 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By local regulations in this article, first of all, it is precisely the job description that is meant, since not a single local regulatory act has such a close and direct connection with the worker's work activity. Thus, if the job description is drawn up in the form of a local regulatory act, the employer introduces the new employee to it against signature. The signature is usually suggested to be placed at the end of the instruction itself or on a separate “familiarization sheet” that is attached to the instruction. In any case, the employer must have proof that he has familiarized the employee with the instructions; only after that he can demand from the employee the performance of official duties and hold him accountable for their failure to perform.
    • Development and content of the job description:
    • As a rule, the development of job descriptions in organizations is carried out by specialists of personnel services or services involved in the organization of labor. In the few organizations that do not have such specialists, managers can develop these documents. But without proper training, it is difficult to compile a high-quality job description, so often the heads of such organizations resort to the help of third-party specialists.
    • The job description should contain only such provisions that are related to the business qualities of the employee necessary to perform work in a particular position. As indicated in paragraph 10 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004 No. 2, the business qualities of an employee should, in particular, be understood as the ability of an individual to perform a certain labor function, taking into account his professional qualifications (for example, the presence of a certain profession , specialty, qualifications) and personal qualities (for example, the state of health, the presence of a certain level of education, work experience in this specialty, in this industry). In the job description, it is necessary to establish only the requirements related to the professional skills and qualifications of the employee holding this position. Despite the desire of individual employers, in addition to the direct duties provided for by the position, to “hang” on the employee a lot of non-core, additional duties (up to “drive for beer”), such actions are unacceptable and have no reason.
    • In a letter dated 09.08.2007 No. 3042-6-0, Rostrud emphasized that the qualification characteristics contained in the Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 08.21.1998 No. 37, serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions. recommended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations of various sectors of the economy, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms in order to ensure the correct selection, placement and use of personnel. It provides for almost all positions of managers, specialists and employees, and the requirements for each position are divided into three sections: job duties, what the employee should know and qualification requirements.
    • When developing instructions for work positions, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 No. 31 / 3-30, is taken as the basis, which is mandatory for use in enterprises and organizations of any industries. This handbook provides for the professions of workers; the requirements for each position are divided into two sections: “job description” and “must know”.
    • If the organization does not have a job description for a specific profession or position, it will be problematic for the employer to demand anything from the employee beyond what is set out in the provisions of the two reference books and other regulatory documents containing qualification characteristics for individual positions.
    • The requirements for positions contained in the listed regulatory documents are general. They may not reflect the specifics of the performance of work in specific organizations, production characteristics, regional characteristics and other factors. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, the employer can expand and supplement the requirements of qualification handbooks and other regulatory documents. That is, to present to an employee holding a certain position, and other requirements that are mandatory for concluding an employment contract - either by virtue of a direct prescription in federal law (for example, the presence of Russian citizenship for civil servants), or necessary in addition to typical or typical professional qualification requirements due to the specifics of a particular job (for example, knowledge of one or more foreign languages, the ability to work on a computer).
    • When developing a job description, as well as in labor relations in general, it is not allowed to establish restrictions or advantages for employees depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence , attitudes towards religion, political beliefs, membership or non-affiliation to public associations. And also from other circumstances not related to the business qualities of the employee. Such restrictions or preferences are discriminatory and are expressly prohibited by Art. 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • Since, as already noted, there are no requirements for the content of the job description by the legislation of the Russian Federation, employers have the right to independently, at their discretion (but taking into account the requirements of qualification reference books) determine its structure and content. To streamline the procedure for developing job descriptions, many organizations introduce relevant local regulations, such as provisions on the procedure for compiling job descriptions. In other organizations, uniform (or standard) forms of job descriptions are approved. Such measures are designed to establish uniform requirements for the content and design of job descriptions, to simplify the task of developing them for executors.
    • As a rule, the job description consists of the following main sections:
    • 1. General Provisions. The qualification requirements for the person holding this position are fixed: the level of education, the necessary work experience, the availability of special knowledge, the possession of certain skills, etc. The regulations, internal documents of the organization (orders, instructions, etc.) that the employee must know and be guided by in his activities are listed. Here, the subordination of an employee to a specific manager and (if the position is managerial) the subordination of other employees to this employee can be established. In addition, conditions for the temporary replacement of an employee during his absence, as well as the conditions for replacing other employees by him (if this is part of his duties), can be established here.
    • 2. Job responsibilities. The job responsibilities of the employee are fixed, he signs in detail what he should do. In addition to the duties provided for by the ETKS or KSD related to the specifics of work in this position, duties common to all employees can also be established here: to comply with labor laws, observe the norms of official communication, subordination, etc.
    • 3. Rights. The rights that are vested in the employee for the most effective performance of official duties are fixed. The employee's rights established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts may be indicated (to suspend work in cases established by law, etc.). It should be borne in mind that the right is a measure of the possible behavior of the employee, and he independently determines whether to use his right or not. Some employers manage to include in job descriptions a clause stating that the employee is responsible for the failure to use their rights, which is completely unreasonable.
    • 4. Responsibility. The sphere of responsibility of the employee is fixed, it is established what he is responsible for. The measures of legal responsibility that can be applied to the employee in case of failure to fulfill his official duties are indicated.
    • Of course, the above list of sections is approximate. Job descriptions may have a different composition of sections.
    • 5. Relationships (connections by position ) . Establishes subordination, subordination, interchangeability and other connections that arise in the performance of assigned job duties. It may indicate the relationship of the position outside the organization, constant contacts carried out by the employee with third-party organizations, authorities.
    • Making changes and additions:
    • Since labor relations are constantly changing under the influence of various factors, job descriptions also cannot remain unchanged for a long time. In most cases, the need to change or supplement them is objective and is associated with changes in regulations, in the production process and in the organization of labor, with the use by the employer of new technologies, software products, with the need to redistribute responsibilities between employees, etc. For example, a new law has been adopted to regulate relations in the field of transport. In this case, the job descriptions of the heads of transport departments will need to be supplemented in terms of the fact that they are guided by this law in their activities and should know it. Or when replacing old production equipment with a new, more advanced one, it will be necessary to make changes to the job descriptions of workers servicing this equipment, in terms of the fact that they must know its device, maintenance schemes, specifications, etc.
    • At the same time, there are widespread cases of dishonest behavior of employers seeking to impute additional duties to an employee in order, for example, to save wages. Such employers act according to a similar scheme: “I will cut the fitter, and I will hang his duties on an electrician.” At the same time, the changes and additions necessary for the employer are made to the employee's job description, and then the employee is forced to agree to this (“if you don’t agree, we’ll fire you, for which we’ll find”). In fact, in such cases, there is an assignment of additional work, which must be paid separately and can be entrusted to the employee only with his consent (see “Additional work”, “Solidarity”, No. 14 - 15, 2010). But this is an additional cost for the employer.
    • The lack of a proper regulatory framework for the development and application of job descriptions introduces uncertainty into the situation and often allows the employer to "cheat" with these instructions - with the connivance of employees and taking advantage of their illiteracy. But on the basis of the legal norms available in the labor legislation, the author of this article adheres to the following position regarding the introduction of changes and additions to the job description.
    • The procedure for amending an employee's job description depends on several factors, primarily on the form of the instruction: whether it is an independent local regulatory act or an annex to the employment contract.
    • If the job description is an appendix to the employment contract, then the employer can make changes or additions to it only in agreement with the employee. Rostrud, in a letter dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6, recommended in such cases to simultaneously make changes to the employment contract and job description and draw up these changes with an additional agreement to the employment contract. Exceptions are cases when changes and additions made to the job description are related to changes in organizational and technological working conditions, which makes it impossible to maintain the existing terms of the employment contract - but only on condition that the changes do not affect the employee's labor function fixed in the employment contract ( see article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In such cases, the employer has the opportunity to change the terms of the employment contract without the consent of the employee, but in compliance with the provisions of Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation procedures. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify what a labor function is.
    • The definition of the labor function is contained in Art. 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: this is work by position in accordance with the staffing table, by profession, specialty, indicating qualifications, a specific type of work assigned to the employee. It seems that the content of the job description in terms of the job duties provided for by it is the “specific type of work assigned to the employee”. It is this indicator that most fully characterizes the types of work that the employee must perform. The legislator knowingly provided in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the norm that the labor function is a prerequisite of the employment contract. Any change in the labor function (regardless of whether it is permanent or temporary) in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a transfer to another job and is allowed only with the written consent of the employee (except for the cases provided for in Parts 2 and Part 3 of Article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These norms of the Labor Code are aimed at protecting the interests of employees, protecting them from the arbitrariness of employers, from attempts to unreasonably impute to employees what they should not do.
    • Thus, if the job description is an annex to the employment contract, then the employer can make changes or additions to it:
    • - or in agreement with the employee;
    • -or without the consent of the employee, in the manner prescribed by Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is possible only in certain cases, in compliance with the established procedures (warning the employee two months before the introduction of the amended provisions of the instruction, etc.) and only if the employee's labor function remains unchanged. In this order, the employer can make changes regarding, for example, the subordination and interchangeability of the employee, qualification requirements for him, give the employee additional rights, etc. But to impute additional duties to an employee, that is, to change his labor function, the employer can only with the written consent of the employee. If the job description is an independent local normative act, then the employer has the right to make changes to it without the consent of the employee. In this case, the employer approves the amended or supplemented version of the instruction, puts it into effect by order and acquaints the employee with it against signature. But, as in the case discussed above, the unilateral introduction by the employer of changes or additions to the job description of the employee, if such changes affect the labor function, is allowed only with the written consent of the employee.
    • Job Description Form.
    • The main purpose of the activity (name of position) is (goal / goals of the activity).
    • (Position name) is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the management of (company name)
    • (Position title) reports directly to (title of the superior official).
    • (Position title) supervises the work of (titles of subordinate employees).
    • Responsibilities (name of position) during his absence (vacation, illness) are assigned to a person appointed by the leadership of the Department, who is responsible for their proper performance.
    • (Position title) replaces (position title of the replaced employee).
    • (Position name) in his work is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this instruction, the employment contract, orders and instructions of the management of (company name), as well as the immediate supervisor.
    • Responsibilities
    • The following duties are assigned to (position title): (list of tasks assigned to the employee.)
    • Requirements
    • Persons are appointed to the position (position title) having (a list of requirements for education, qualifications, experience, etc.)
    • (Position title) must know: (a list of regulations and other documents and materials, as well as issues and procedures, knowledge of which is necessary for the proper performance of duties).
    • Rights
    • (Position name) has the right: (the liver of the employee's rights granted to him to perform the tasks assigned to him).
    • Responsibility
    • (Position name) is responsible for the untimely and poor-quality performance of the duties assigned to him and the failure to use the rights granted to him in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the employment contract and these instructions.


Summing up, it must be said that earlier in most organizations, job responsibilities among employees were distributed in working order, but not formally fixed. At present, under the new labor legislation, each employee must have his own job description. The meaning of job descriptions is that they:

determine the status of the manager and employee;

fix the hierarchical subordination of each individual employee;

determine the scope of responsibility of the company's employees;

determine the distribution of powers within the structure;

determine the procedure for agreeing, signing and approving executive documentation;

determine horizontal interactions between managers and employees;

determine the requirements for the personnel of the company, body;

determine the qualitative and quantitative criteria for the onset of responsibility of employees;

optimize and standardize the processes taking place in the organization;

Discipline employees

Among other things, the presence of instructions facilitates the adaptation of new employees, allows you to evaluate the internal personnel reserves of the company, optimize the staffing table, determine an adequate salary for the position and even avoid conflicts upon dismissal, each person understands what the scope of his duties is, what the manager expects from him, according to what parameters his work will be judged. If a company wants to part with a negligent employee who systematically does not fulfill his official duties, a signed job description on time can greatly facilitate this process. The benefits of a job description for a manager are as follows:

It helps to select suitable employees;

It enables the manager and his employees to get a clear idea of ​​the specifics of each type of work;

It shows each applicant for the specified position what is required of him.

The unformalized distribution of tasks and functions, powers and responsibilities is one of the most common drawbacks of the management system. In particular, due to the lack of a clear distribution of powers and responsibilities, situations may arise when the performance of some functions is duplicated, and no one is responsible for the performance of some important functions.

I am sure that the experience of this course work will help and be useful to me in the future, when I will get a job, and maybe someday I myself, as a leader, will draw up job descriptions for my subordinates.


Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu.Bazarova, B.L.Eremin.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2002.

Personnel Management: Textbook / General. ed. A.I. Turchinov. - M.: Publishing house of the RAGS, 2002.

Spivak V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management - St. Petersburg: Piter Publishing House, 2000.

Organizational personnel management: Textbook / Ed. A.Ya.Kibanova. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: INFRA-M, 2001.

Personnel management: Reader / Comp. T.G. Abramova, I.M. Voitik - Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2003.

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  1. Job description: purpose and structure

A job description is a document widely used in practice, which regulates in detail all the main points related to the performance of work in a particular position. It defines the qualification requirements for applicants for a particular position, the functions of the employee, his rights, duties, and responsibilities.

The main functional purpose of the job description is to implement the organizational and regulatory regulation of the daily activities of officials (employees of the relevant categories) of the enterprise, which, in turn, allows us to designate the main function of this document as regulatory or organizational and regulatory. It should be noted that such regulation is aimed at:

Rational division of labor between the relevant officials (categories of employees) of the enterprise;

Ensuring, if possible, a uniform load of employees of the enterprise;

Optimal distribution of work (tasks, instructions) between employees, taking into account the qualifications of the latter and depending on their complexity.

In turn, the employees of the enterprise are obliged to be guided by the relevant job descriptions in the process of exercising their powers, and in case of violation of their provisions, they must bear responsibility for this, provided for by law and other regulatory (regulatory) acts, as well as local acts of the enterprise.

The auxiliary (secondary) functional purpose of the job description is, firstly, in training newly hired employees, as well as employees of the enterprise transferred to new positions (jobs) (training , or training, function). Secondly, the job description, as a rule, is used at the stage of personnel selection as one of the documents for checking the knowledge of applicants (candidates for the position) (control function).

Finally, thirdly, the job descriptions at the disposal of the enterprise, as a rule, are used as an information and methodological basis for their periodic clarification (for example, when changing the content of the work of an official), as well as for developing new job descriptions, in including for employees of the enterprise holding positions with combined powers (information and methodological function).

In other words, the most important thing in job descriptions is that they play a huge role in the process of organizing the work of employees, in the rational use of labor resources, in structural intra-production relations, and in maintaining labor discipline.

Well-designed job descriptions help to solve the following issues:

Eliminate duplication of functional duties by several employees in the performance of certain works;

Establish subordination of employees, ensure their interaction in the labor process;

Objectively and impartially assess the activities of the employee in cases where it is necessary (when increasing qualification levels, when enrolling in the personnel reserve, when deciding whether the issue of compliance with the position held, etc.);

Separate the responsibility of employees for the work performed, apply disciplinary sanctions for non-performance (improper performance) of labor duties only if there are sufficient grounds arising from the job description.

Ultimately, all this has a positive effect on the performance of both individual employees and the organization as a whole.

It should be borne in mind that the job description is not developed for a specific employee, but for a specific position. It is impersonal and regulates the performance of work in this position, regardless of who occupies it and how many employees of the organization work in such positions.

The job description, as a rule, has a unified form and the same text structure for all positions:

General provisions;


Job responsibilities;


Relationships (connections by position).

"General provisions" in the job description contain the following set of information: generalized information about the position, its category; requirements for education and practical experience (work experience in the specialty); the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office, replacement during absence; the main legislative, regulatory, methodological and organizational documents on the basis of which the employee carries out his official activities; subordination and who manages.

In the "Functions" section, the main areas of activity are indicated, and in the "Responsibilities" section, specific types of work that ensure the performance of these functions are already listed. Often these sections are combined into one - "Functions and Job Responsibilities" (or "Main Tasks and Responsibilities").

All functions recorded in the regulation on the structural unit must be included in the job descriptions of the employees of the unit. The more detailed it is described, not only what, but also how the employee performs, the more valuable the job description will be.

The "Rights" section is very important for the employee. It enshrined his powers to independently resolve issues related to his competence. The rights of access to information, including confidential information, the right to approve and sign certain types of documents, etc. are very important.

The “Responsibility” section of the job description can be written in general, for example: “The employee is responsible for failure to fulfill duties and not use the rights provided for by legal acts and this instruction,” or described in more detail based on the points of duty. When working on this section, it should be remembered that liability is established in strict accordance with the law.

The "Relationships" section (relations by position) is also very important for organizing work. It will be much easier to work if this section specifically indicates which departments or employees this employee interacts with. This section is presented in the form of a table or diagram.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics

Branch in Barnaul

Faculty Department

"Accounting and statistical" accounting. accounting, auditing and statistics


For accounting

"Job descriptions: content and purpose"

Student Chervonnaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

Accounting specialty. accounting, analysis and audit

personal file number 04ubb03058

First higher education

Group 5Bkp-1

Instructor Bespalova Inna Grigorievna


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2

Federal Education Agency 2

Branch in Barnaul 2

Faculty Department 2

Student Chervonnaya Tatyana Vladimirovna 2

1. Job descriptions: content and purpose 5

2. Order on the accounting policy of an economic entity 12

Problem #8 20

References 22

1. Job descriptions: content and purpose

On the basis of the Regulation on Accounting, which indicates the tasks and functions assigned to it, determine the total amount of work and, accordingly, establish the numerical and official composition of the accounting department. A job description must be drawn up for each prospective employee.

When compiling job descriptions, it is necessary to use the Collection of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. In the water part of the collection of tariff and qualification characteristics, the content of the requirements for each position is disclosed.

The tariff and qualification characteristics for each position consist of three sections: "Job Responsibilities", "Must Know", "Qualification Requirements by Pay Category":

    The section “Main Responsibilities” contains the main functions, the performance of which can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee holding this position, and is the basis for the development of job descriptions directly in organizations that establish specific rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee.

    The “Must Know” section includes the basic requirements for an employee regarding special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative acts, regulations, instructions, other governing and regulatory documents, methods and means that must be used in the performance of official duties.

    The section “Requirements for Qualification by Pay Category” determines the level of professional training of an employee necessary to perform the duties assigned to him, and the required length of service.

Taking as a basis the characteristic from the tariff-qualification directory, it is already much easier to draw up a job description for a particular accounting worker. Based on the volume and specifics of the work, the duties specified in the tariff and qualification characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several employees of the accounting department. And vice versa, with the introduction of technical means and a reduction in the number of personnel, the range of duties of an employee can be expanded in comparison with the established corresponding tariff and qualification characteristics.

Job description - the main organizational and legal document that defines the tasks, basic rights, duties and responsibilities of an employee of an organization in the exercise of his labor activity in accordance with his position.

The objectives of the development of the job description:

    creation of an organizational and legal basis for the labor activity of employees;

    increasing the responsibility of the employee for the results of their activities carried out on the basis of an employment contract;

    ensuring objectivity in attestation, assignment of special ranks and qualification categories to an employee, his encouragement and imposition of a disciplinary sanction on him.

The job description is an individual document, although it is developed on the basis of typical tariff and qualification characteristics. Specific job descriptions for a given organization always have their own characteristics, since any organization has its own specifics in the direction of activity or scope of work.

If there is a job description that defines the requirements for a vacant position, it is easier for the personnel department to select the necessary employee. When applying for a job, an applicant for a position gets acquainted with the instructions, the scope of his duties and can immediately correlate his capabilities with them.

Ready-made draft job descriptions must be agreed with the firm's lawyer. After that, they are approved by the immediate supervisors of those persons in whose subordination the employees are.

When enrolling in a position, the hired employee puts the mark “Familiarized”, the date and signature. His signature means that he is familiar with the instruction and undertakes to follow it. An employment contract may include a clause with the obligation to perform work in accordance with the job description. The text of the job description is issued to the employee, which is also recorded with the inscription “Instruction received in hand”, then the date and signature are put.

The agreed and approved job description is numbered, laced, certified by the seal of the personnel department and stored in the personnel department or the relevant unit in accordance with the established procedure.

The job description comes into force from the moment it is approved by the head of the organization or another authorized official and is valid until it is canceled or replaced by a new job description.

When compiling job descriptions, mistakes are often made, for which the employer can seriously pay later. Avoid:

    vague, non-specific formulations;

    duplication of functions;

    situations when labor functions are not assigned to any employee;

    irrational approach in determining the scope of obligations;

    imbalance of rights and obligations.

The benefits of job descriptions are as follows:

    The job description, signed by the employee, allows the employer to terminate the employment contract due to inconsistency with the position held;

    Job descriptions serve as the basis for personnel appraisal;

    In the presence of job descriptions, labor disputes are often resolved within the organization without the involvement of state bodies;

    Instructions help to evenly distribute duties between employees with similar positions (for example, between an accountant and a chief accountant), avoid duplication of duties;

    The instructions allow the employer to prove in court that the disciplinary sanction for failure to perform duties was lawfully imposed.

The disadvantage of job descriptions can be considered the complexity of developing an optimal document.

The job description also has the same job structure of the text for all, including:

    General provisions;

  • Job responsibilities;

  • Responsibility;

    Relationships (connections by position)

Job descriptions drawn up for all accounting employees clearly delineate their rights and obligations, exclude duplication and, at the same time, if provided for in the instructions, ensure interchangeability.

"General Provisions" job descriptions contain the following set of information: generalized information about the position, subordination, requirements for education (higher or secondary) and practical experience (length of service) in the specialty, the procedure for appointment and dismissal from the position. Usually this item is spelled out as follows: "Accountant (cashier, etc.) is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of the chief accountant."

The last paragraph of this section contains a list of legislative and regulatory and regulatory and methodological acts by which this official is guided in his activities. The main part of these acts must be taken from the Accounting Regulations, then more specific regulatory and methodological documents are indicated that determine the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting on those operations that are entrusted to this employee. The listing of organizational documents of the organization completes this paragraph: the charter, the Regulations on Accounting and this job description.

In chapter "Functions" the main directions of activity are formed, and in the next section "Responsibilities" already list specific types of work that provide these functions.

Often these sections are combined into one - "Functions and Job Responsibilities"(or "Main Tasks and Responsibilities"). It should be shown in as much detail as possible. It is useful to indicate: what forms of reporting are carried out and with what frequency, whether work is performed in traditional or computer mode. The more voluminously it is written not only what this employee does, but also how he performs the work, the more valuable the job description. It also indicates the interchangeability of employees during vacations, illness, etc.

To section "Rights" it is possible to transfer points from the provision on accounting, specifying them by indicating the types of documents that are provided to this employee or in the preparation and execution of which he takes part.

Chapter "Responsibility" can be drawn up in a general way, for example: “The employee is responsible for non-fulfillment of duties and non-use of the rights provided for by legal acts and this instruction”, or described in more detail based on the content of duties.

important point "Relationships (connections by position)". First of all, it should be clearly described: from whom, what information, in what documentary form the employee receives. For example, if he is busy with payroll, then the procedure for providing him with a report card for going to work, copies of orders for personnel on enrollment, transfer, dismissal, vacations, business trips, etc. is indicated.

In recent years, job descriptions often include a section "Work organization". It is necessary, first of all, if there is a combination of types of work. So, in a small organization, the accountant is often assigned part-time to maintain the archive of the organization. It also indicates the mode of operation, the form of control, etc.

When a position is vacated in the event of an employee being transferred or dismissed, before hiring a new employee, the old job description should be carefully checked and, if necessary, corrected, clarified the list of works or added those duties that will additionally be assigned to the newly hired employee.

The job description is drawn up according to the type of general form, signed by the head of the structural unit and approved by the head of the organization.

The presence in the organization of the necessary package of legislative and regulatory and methodological documents, well-written organizational documents (Regulations on accounting and job descriptions for its employees) will ensure the accurate performance of one of the most important management functions - accounting.