Cleaning of storm gratings of drainage communications. Cleaning and prevention of storm sewers

  • 03.03.2020

Under the storm sewer is understood a system created for the effective removal of melt water, precipitation from land plot. Such a system is an indispensable part of the water supply system of a private house. No matter how well a given system is built, it can break down from time to time. At the same time, cleaning storm sewer must only be carried out by professional specialists.

Causes of blockages in the storm sewer

It is worth knowing that storm drain cleaning may be required for various reasons. Most often, owners of private houses are faced with mechanical blockages of rainwater drainage. Fallen leaves, tree branches, dirt can get into the system. For this reason, a complex blockage is formed, which the owners of houses cannot eliminate on their own.

Basic cleaning methods

Is in great demand storm sewer cleaning hydrodynamic method. This is the most effective and modern way to remove dirt and blockages in pipes. It is carried out only by qualified plumbers who have the necessary equipment in their arsenal and have special skills.

Effective hydrodynamic cleaning of storm sewers is the most safe method elimination of blockages. It is carried out when a strong pressure of water (cold or hot) is supplied to the pipes. Thus, it is possible to remove dirt even in the most hard-to-reach places, carefully clean all joints without damaging inner surface pipes.

Storm sewer cleaning in Moscow and the region

Hydro Clean's specialists are ready to deal with any blockages in the shortest possible time. They carry out their duties responsibly and professionally. In addition, the price for cleaning storm sewers in the company is absolutely acceptable. Thanks to this, the services of specialists are available to all owners of private cottages and summer cottages.

The main condition for the cleanliness and tidiness of the adjacent territories is the cleaning of storm sewers in Moscow and the Moscow Region, which is carried out as part of prevention at least once a year. Conducting outdoor repair work can provoke unscheduled procedures to improve the patency of canals, which are carried out with the help of special equipment and means for landscaping sites. There are a number of professional methods that allow the drainage of different areas and the removal of wastewater outside the service area. These include system cleaning. closed type, open type and drainage system on the roofs. In turn, the types of work performed can be implemented using mechanical, hydrodynamic, thermal and chemical effects.

For the implementation of each method, a separate type of equipment or reagents is used. The price of cleaning storm sewers directly depends on this, which is justified in the use of mechanisms of varying degrees of complexity and energy consumption. In order for the procedure not to be complicated and expensive, it is recommended to carry out regular preventive maintenance to eliminate blockages.

As you know, the main purpose of storm sewers is to save the owner of the site from the accumulation of excess moisture formed after rains, the convergence of melt water, etc. After all, constant high humidity can lead to many unpleasant consequences - such as:

  • flooding not only the site itself, but also basements, cellars;
  • the formation of mold, fungi, corrosion of metal elements;
  • slowing down the growth of crops, or even their rotting;
  • high humidity adversely affects the health of animals and humans;
  • reduction in the overall aesthetic appeal of the site.

(or, as it is often called, "stormwater") can save the owner of the site from all these troubles. However, the shed itself needs help. In other words, regular cleaning of storm sewers is required.

Why is it necessary to clean the storm sewer in a timely manner?

Storm sewerage is an element of site improvement. Over time, garbage accumulates in pipes and trays: branches, pebbles, leaves, sand - blockages form, and the efficiency of the system decreases to zero.

Being one of the most important elements in the site improvement system, the linear sewage system is simply obliged to function normally all the time. But along with water, all kinds of debris in the form of branches, leaves, etc. can enter the system. All this is delayed by the so-called primary filters (if any, of course) and eventually accumulates in the baskets of storm water inlets, in gutters and even in pipes. Of course, if you do not clean drains, receivers, etc. in time, the system will not be able to cope with the tasks assigned to it. Its throughput will decrease, water will begin to linger.

Cleaning storm sewers is possible both on their own and by specialized companies that do this on professional basis, with the use of modern equipment.

How often to clean up

Most often, they are held in the spring, immediately after the main mass of the snow cover has melted, when, together with snow and melt waters garbage is trapped in the system. At the same time, this will prepare the storm drain for operation during the rains.

The figure shows one of the possible blockages in the pipes of the storm system, which is cleaned using hydrodynamic cleaning.

However, you can also check in the fall. After all, it is then that the sewerage is clogged with fallen leaves and branches from trees most intensively. An unscheduled inspection is carried out as needed - for example, after an intense downpour, after a storm, etc.

How to clean a storm drain professionally

Specialized companies involved in cleaning storm sewers can apply the following methods:

  • mechanical cleaning - this means the usual removal of all kinds of accumulated debris with the help of tools and the release of the system from debris plugs;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning of storm sewers - in this case, there is a "breakthrough" of accumulations of debris with a strong pressure of water. This method it is preferable if it is impossible or very difficult to get to the cork in the first way;
  • thermal cleaning method - here heated steam and hot water. May be useful application this method, for example, during breaking through an ice plug;
  • finally, chemical method. Here, certain chemical reagents are used that dissolve the cork.

Since it is unlikely that substances containing fat and organic matter, then the most commonly used are the first three methods - mechanical, hydrodynamic and thermal.

The most commonly used storm sewer cleaning systems are mechanical cleaning(used for open system), hydrodynamic cleaning (used for closed system).

The owner of the site is required to carry out simple preparatory work if it was decided to seek help from specialized companies. First of all, you need to find out whether heavy equipment will be involved for cleaning work. If so, then it is necessary to provide free access to any section of the sewerage of this equipment.

Secondly, it is necessary to clear all approaches to the storm drain from leaves, earth and other debris - both on the ground and on the roof. Firstly, it will facilitate the work of specialists, and secondly, it will greatly save time and money.

In general, it is recommended to start the inspection of the entire storm sewer system from the roof and right under the roof. First of all, the accumulated debris in the gutters, downpipes and funnels is removed. As a rule, the usual mechanical cleaning method is used in this case.

Stormwater elements located under the roof, as a rule, are equipped with special gratings, so it is unlikely that a garbage plug will accumulate in them. But, if this nevertheless happened, then it would be preferable to use the hydrodynamic method of cleaning - that is, under a powerful pressure of water.

Cleaning of sewer elements is necessary for arranging blockages that occur as a result of the accumulation of foliage and dust.

How is an open storm drain cleaned?

Perhaps the simplest case. After all, all elements are in the public domain. To clean the storm sewer, made according to the open type, you will need:

  • dismantle the gratings protecting the gutters and trays;
  • clean all channels and collections from litter;
  • further, it is desirable to rinse all drain channels properly, supplying water from a hose under pressure (hydrodynamic method);
  • put the grates back in place.

To clean the open type storm system, you do not need to use additional equipment, because. free access we allow to clean it mechanically (manually).

This will complete the cleaning of the open-type storm sewer. As a rule, this can be done by each owner of the site and independently.

How to clean a closed sewer

The situation is more complicated with the cleaning of a closed storm drain. After all, everything is underground. mechanical way in this case is practically excluded. Only hydrodynamic remains. If water is supplied under pressure, it can destroy both traffic jams and wash out all the garbage. At home, you can perform hydrodynamic cleaning, for example, using a conventional household car wash. After all, it is able to provide a pressure of 350 bar, and this will be quite enough.

However, if the diameter of the pipes exceeds 20 cm, it is necessary to involve specialized equipment; it is unlikely to cope here on your own. Cleaning takes place in two stages. First, water under pressure is supplied through the natural flow of rainwater, and then in the opposite direction. If there are concerns that there are organic blockages in the pipes, especially those with a fat content, then chemical cleaning can most often help.

Hydrodynamic flushing of a storm sewer pipe system consists in the fact that a jet of water under pressure is supplied to the system. The strong pressure of water destroys plugs of sand and debris, and washes out pollution from the system.

How to prevent clogged drains

Of course, no one can completely prevent the accumulation of debris inside the storm drain - different kind particles will still get in there. However, it is in the power of each site owner to postpone as much as possible the moment when cleaning the storm sewer becomes an obvious inevitability. And for this, it is recommended to use elements such as:

  • sand traps - as you can understand from the name of the device, sand is settled here;
  • absorption tanks;
  • for the separation of petroleum products;
  • installations for ultraviolet disinfection;
  • all kinds of separators and sedimentation tanks.

Of course, all of these devices may not be needed. For example, on suburban area it is rather unlikely that it will be necessary to regularly clean the water from oil products. But at gas stations and in LKM warehouse complexes, this will be almost a daily procedure.

To prevent the storm system of a private house, it is enough to install sand traps, as well as a filter system to remove debris from the water before it enters the pipes.

In most cases, the average site owner can get by with a standard sandbox. Due to the fact that the outlet pipes in it are above the bottom level, there is a natural collection of sand and debris of a similar fraction at the bottom of the trap. Of course, the container must be cleaned regularly.

What the experts say

“It is not always necessary to involve specialists for cleaning work. As my long-term practice shows, in most cases, the owner himself can successfully cope with this. This is especially true for cleaning open sewers. But, if there are serious doubts that it is possible to completely free the system from garbage, then it is better to contact specialists.

Sewer and sewer cleaning company employee,
Krivchenko M.

If the cleaning of the storm sewer is not carried out properly, then very soon the problem will return and just in time for the summer rains. As a result, the formation of puddles and washing away of structures on the territory cannot be avoided.”

Semenov A.

Storm sewer (or stormwater) is one of the essential elements home improvement. The purpose of the storm drain is to collect rain or melt water and bring it out of the territory. Over time, the trays and pipes of storm sewers are filled with debris - branches, pebbles, leaves. As a result, a blockage is obtained, which reduces the efficiency of the system to almost zero. If this situation arises, it is imperative to clean the storm sewer. You can do this work yourself, or you can contact a specialized organization.

Cleaning methods

Like all communications, storm sewers need periodic maintenance. If a blockage has formed in the drainage channel, it is necessary to remove debris, flush channels and pipes. As a rule, cleaning is carried out 1-2 times a year:

  • In the spring, it is necessary to carefully inspect the sewers, when the bulk of the snow has melted.
  • It is advisable to revise the system in the autumn.

Important! It is necessary to audit the storm sewers if you performed roof repairs. The reason is that construction debris and pieces of bitumen get into the drainage system, which causes clogging.

How to clean the roof system?

When rainwater stagnates on the roof, you should start inspecting the stormwater drain from downpipes, funnels and gutters. Make sure these structures are not littered. If there are blockages, they must be removed. For this, mechanical collection of branches, leaves and other debris is quite enough.

Inlet funnels protected by caps and grates are less likely to become clogged.

Important! It is best to remove blockages in the funnels with water, which is supplied from a hose under pressure.

Open System Cleanup

When used on an open-type stormwater site, cleaning it is not particularly difficult. Cleaning the storm sewer is carried out in the following order:

  1. Remove the grids that cover the trays.
  2. Remove any debris that has accumulated in the canal.
  3. Rinse the channels by directing water under pressure into them.
  4. Install the grids in their original place.

Cleaning a closed system

It is more difficult to clean a closed-type storm drain from blockages. It is necessary to clean pipes placed underground in a hydrodynamic way - with water that is supplied under pressure. A strong jet of water destroys plugs of sand, dirt and debris, and the sewer system becomes operational again.

The effectiveness of the method depends on the power of the water pressure and the diameter of the pipes used. For example:

  • If pipes with a diameter of 200 mm were used on the site (most often, this is exactly what happens), then an ordinary car wash that supplies water under pressure up to 350 bar is quite enough to eliminate blockages.
  • If you use pipes of a larger cross section, you cannot do without the help of a specialized company.

Important! To better clean the sewer better, water is supplied in two directions. First - from the water intake to the collector (in the direction of the natural flow of water), then - in the opposite direction.

Blockage Prevention

To less often have to resort to flushing storm sewers, you need to use special treatment facilities. For example, storm water inlets are equipped with special filters that trap debris and prevent blockages.

Filter types

Here is a list of cleaning devices that prevent storm drains from clogging quickly.

  • Sorption block.
  • Sand trap.
  • A filter that purifies water from oil products.
  • Separator, sump.
  • Station of UF-disinfection of water.

Important! When purchasing a particular treatment device, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the stormwater. For example, for a plot of a country or private house, it is quite enough to buy a sand trap. Other elements are used in the installation of industrial sewers.

Design rules

To resort to large scale cleaning works as rarely as possible, and even better - avoid them, you must adhere to the following rules when arranging stormwater:

  1. Storm sewer design in accordance with the requirements of SNiP.
  2. Arrangement of sewers without too long or curved sections.
  3. In places where there are turns, tie-ins, branches, you need to equip manholes.
  4. It is desirable to use pipes with a smooth inner surface.
  5. If sewerage cleaning needs to be done 1-2 times a year, then regular inspection and cleaning of sewage treatment plants should be regular, especially after heavy rains and leaf fall.

Important! In no case should you store bulk building materials near the storm sewer or equip a temporary dump. Timely cleaning of the territory from garbage is one of the critical factors uncontaminated storm sewer. If you neglect this rule, after the first rain, you may need to clean the storm sewers.

Sand traps: design features

Install a sand trap at the inlet to the pipe. Its device is extremely simple: water enters the device through the upper part, and pours out through the side holes located above the bottom level. Due to the difference in levels, a sump is formed. Sand and heavy debris settle to the bottom.

Important! Sand traps are made of polymer concrete or plastic. The most common option is a removable PVC basket. It has a small mass, and it is easy to clean it from accumulated debris.

Professional cleaning methods

Professional companies that provide such services use the following methods:

  • Mechanical - punching plugs and removing dirt mechanically.
  • Hydrodynamic - flushing storm sewers with a water jet, which is supplied under pressure.
  • Thermal - removal of contaminants with steam and hot water.
  • Chemical - the use of chemical reagents that destroy blockages, but are safe for pipes.

Important! The most common way to clean storm drains is mechanical.

Flushing of storm sewers using special equipment

Preventive or emergency work on large sewers require the services of professional specialists and specialized equipment. The amount of sandy-silty deposits in wells and pipes can be measured in dozens cubic meters, and deleting them manually is simply unrealistic.

For professional cleaning of storm drains, sewer washing machines and vacuum suction units are used. The equipment is installed on the wheelbase of machines with a large load capacity.

Important! Some models of modern equipment perform both functions: pumping out sludge and flushing work using powerful hydrants.

Description of flushing technology:

  • A team arrives at the facility with a pre-filled washing machine.
  • A high-pressure hose is introduced into the well (to a depth of 1-2 m).
  • The flushing process is carried out with a water pressure of 180-200 bar.
  • Water washes away silt deposits, and they flow down to the well.
  • After washing the entire area, the hose is folded, while continuing to supply water. The quality of pipe washing will be better.
  • Silt deposits are cleaned from the well manually. With a large amount of deposits, sludge is removed by a sludge pump. In the sludge hopper, the dirt is separated from the water and can be reused.

Important! Emptying the sludge pump is carried out at a specially prepared site or at a waste landfill.

Pneumatic drain cleaning

This method is used when the deposits are petrified and are not amenable to hydraulic cleaning. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Special pneumatic cartridges are introduced into the cleaning area, with the help of which local water hammers are created.
  • This leads to a short-term change in the geometry of the sewer pipe.

Important! This does not affect the integrity of the storm drain, but the cleaning is quite effective. The method is quite expensive, but in some cases the only possible one.


Proper planning and arrangement of stormwater drainage, its timely revision and cleaning, compliance with the rules of operation and simple preventive measures allow you to avoid the use of expensive services of cleaning specialists.

We live in an age of global production and consumption. We are surrounded by asphalt roads, a huge number of factories, plants and other industrial enterprises that daily produce not only immense volumes of products, but also the same amount of waste: vapors, harmful gases, household waste and sewage, the disposal of which is of concern to many today.

Types of sewer systems of the enterprise

As a rule, the life of a large enterprise is provided by a whole complex of sewer systems, which, if out of order, can seriously complicate the work process. The main types of sewerage include:

  • industrial - diversion of effluents, including especially environmentally hazardous ones, from industrial facilities;
  • storm - diversion of water accumulated due to precipitation;
  • household - sewerage of toilets and canteens in buildings that are part of the enterprise.

All of these systems can be prone to clogging. Industrial - due to various features production process(for example, the need to drain a large number of oil sludge) or emergencies, storm sewer pipes regularly become clogged with large volumes of sand and fine debris, and utility sewer systems of especially small diameter become clogged with fatty deposits over time.

Interruptions in the operation of these systems practically stop the activity of the enterprise, therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor their condition and flush both storm and industrial and domestic sewers at least once a year.

Causes of storm sewer pollution

Storm sewage ensures normal operation, saving the territory of the facility from puddles and basements of workshops from flooding. But it often happens that it becomes clogged, and the water stops leaving, forming impassable "seas", making it difficult for employees to move and for special equipment to work. What can cause blockage?

  • The main cause of storm drain clogging is sand and soil particles that enter the sewer along with rainwater.
  • Improper handling of the system, violation of the rules for its operation (getting small items such as coins, garbage, food waste, animal hair, etc., around which dirt begins to accumulate inside the pipe).
  • Incorrect installation of sewerage, namely water seals, narrowing, angularity of pipes, their incorrect inclination, inconsistency, as well as a too rough surface that even small debris “clings” to.
  • Deposition of chemical residues (salt, lime deposits, etc.).
  • Sump tank overflow.
  • Pipe deformation.

Consequences of stormwater pollution

Storm sewer drains must be protected from large debris by special gratings, but the gap between them is in some cases so large that many foreign objects still enter the system. If the drainage systems themselves become clogged, the precipitation simply does not leave the street and forms local floods. This moisture causes inconvenience in the operation of the enterprise, and can also cause significant damage to the foundations of buildings. That is why it is necessary to regularly inspect storm drains and sewers and clean them in a timely manner.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

If the water has stopped leaving through the storm sewer grate, immediately call a team of specialists who will carry out all necessary work cleaning and fix the problem in a matter of hours. Today, the following methods can be used to clean storm sewers:

  • Hydrodynamic cleaning of storm sewers - a mechanical effect on blockages using a powerful jet of water supplied under high pressure (200 atmospheres), which is created thanks to special pumps. This method allows you to remove even old deposits.
  • Mechanical cleaning of storm sewers is used much less frequently today and, as a rule, in combination with other methods. It consists in the use of cables, spirals and other tools for cleaning pipelines.
  • Another method of dealing with congestion - chemical - is the use of special solvents.

The combination of these methods allows you to achieve the greatest effect in the fight against blockages of any complexity.

Ecoera Services

The EcoEra company has been successfully cleaning open and closed storm sewer systems of enterprises in Moscow for more than a year, providing services for:

  • elimination and removal of blockages of trays and pipes;
  • flushing different sections of the sewer system;
  • video diagnostics of storm systems.

Thanks to modern equipment and service at high level our specialists work quickly and efficiently and use different means and methods: hydrodynamic and mechanical cleaning of sewers to remove ordinary contaminants, a sludge suction machine for pumping sludge, a high-pressure steam cleaning machine.

A feature of our company is a video inspection of sewers. Only this method allows you to visually assess the real state of storm drains and the complexity of the congestion, if any. And following the hints of the distance counter, you can find the exact location of the blockage and the location of the communications, which saves time to fix the problem.

Ecoera specialists are always ready to help you deal with the problems of sewer systems - once or on an ongoing basis by concluding a contract for periodic maintenance.

Cleaning of storm sewer pipes up to 1200 mm in diameter

Storm sewers are needed to collect rain runoff. It also serves to drain the water that forms after the snow melts in the spring.

However, the collection of moisture in the system is insufficient. Storm water must be treated before it can be diverted to bodies of water. After all, they are exposed to harmful environments. In particular, wastewater includes:

  • residues of fuel and oils of cars;
  • chemicals that are applied to roads to prevent icing;
  • sand, earth, leaves and branches.

That's why Chisto Chestno has been providing facade cleaning services for years. by special means climbers and from the ground.

Cost of work

Storm drain cleaning

From 180 rub. per running meter

Diagnostics of sewer pipelines (with recording of video and photo reports)

From 4 000 rub.

Cleaning of wells, grease traps, septic tanks with sludge pump (with sludge removal)

From 1500 rub. for 1 cu. meter

Manual cleaning of wells, grease traps, septic tanks

From 3000 rub. for 1 cu. meter

Pumping out contaminated water from sedimentation tanks, tanks, pits (without removal)

From 500 rub. for 1 cu. meter

Complex (scheduled) flushing of drainage systems

from 150 rub/meter

Defrosting storm sewer pipes

from 10000 rub

Special sewage treatment plants are used to treat storm sewage. Thanks to them, water enters the reservoirs already without extraneous pollution and debris.

There are 3 ways to treat wastewater:

  1. mechanical. A simple option when a trap for sand and other insoluble waste is installed at the inlet of the cleaning device;
  2. physical and mechanical. Retains petrochemical products. For this, the devices are equipped with centrifuges and special adsorption filters;
  3. chemical. It is used at enterprises of the chemical and oil refining industries and is designed to neutralize the most toxic substances.

The most effective option is to use a combination of three cleaning methods in one unit. That's why modern equipment for storm water treatment is designed to solve the following problems:

  • sand retention and settling;
  • extraction of products of the oil refining industry from wastewater using an oil and gas separator;
  • filtration of carcinogens and chemicals;
  • additional cleaning;
  • final check of water for purity level;
  • diversion of clean and harmless wastewater to water bodies.

The specialists of the company "Chisto Honestly" will professionally organize the treatment of storm sewage in your private country house and in the allotment.

Storm sewer maintenance and pipe cleaning

Timely maintenance of storm sewers consists in cleaning and removing debris from pipes and gutters, but the specifics of these procedures differ significantly from work on.

Main stages of work:

  • protective grilles are opened and repaired, or replaced with new ones, if necessary;
  • cleaning of storm pipes - in long sections they are cleaned through special manholes;
  • checking the accuracy of the control sensors.

Timely maintenance of storm sewers will ensure uninterrupted drainage of wastewater and will positively affect the environment. After all, garbage and sludge that settle in gutters and pipes can accumulate harmful substances.

Do not forget that during the period of operation, drainage wells and pipe outlets must be tightly closed with plugs and hatches, this will save them from debris.

It is also worth periodically checking the drainage well for the accumulation of sediment from particles of soil and sand in it, because due to large accumulations, dirt enters the pipes. To prevent this, the drainage must not be forgotten to be cleaned.

This is done on your own if you have necessary equipment, or you can contact the specialists of the company "Purely Honestly" for professional help in storm sewer service.

Cleaning storm sewer pipes using the hydrodynamic method

Most effective way flushing pipes - cleaning storm sewers by the hydrodynamic method. It is good because with the help of special hydrodynamic machines it is possible to remove complex blockages, while pipes and drains remain intact.

Cleaning storm sewers by the hydrodynamic method includes the use of devices with powerful high-pressure pumping units (HP): 190 - 200 MPa. At the same time, the developers have placed such power in a compact body, which makes the operation of the unit as convenient as possible.

There are 2 options for cleaning storm pipes by the hydrodynamic method:

  • strong directed jet breaks and washes blockages;
  • cleaning with the use of special nozzles - nozzles that increase the pressure of the main jet and spray thin jets of water around them with great force, which allows you to get rid of the main blockage and clean the inner surface of the pipes from deposits.

As a result, crushed debris under pressure flows out of the pipe and enters the treatment plant.

The results of the work can be evaluated with the help of - read about this servant in the appropriate section of our website.

Cleaning storm sewers by the hydrodynamic method is one of the services provided by the specialists of the Chisto Chestno company in Moscow and the region. We have specialized equipment and extensive experience in such work.