Tal electric ets 3200 operation manual. Instructions for labor protection during the operation of manual and electric hoists

  • 04.03.2020

With correct calculations, the electric hoist can withstand a double load. But this does not mean that you need to operate it at full capacity. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the mode of operation indicated in the passport of the mechanism.

During the installation, the work of the workshop is stopped. A preliminary check of the technical condition of the overhead track is carried out. The monorail track must be grounded. If there is none, the craftsmen must zero the non-current-carrying metal parts. The ground wire must be a different color to distinguish it from the power wire.

You can mount an electric hoist on a monorail track in any part of it. But if the device is not installed from the end, it is necessary to disassemble the carts. You can also remove the hook suspension and the switch panel for more convenient performance of all work. After mounting the trolley hoist, the panel and hook are reassembled and mounted on the lifting mechanism.

After the hoist is mounted on the monorail, it is connected to the mains. After connecting all cables, check. The hoist hook must move in the direction indicated on the switch. The correct connection of the phases is determined by the position of the rope layer. It should stay in the middle of the drum.

If you want to use the hoist in an open area where there is no power supply, then an alternative would be hand hoist.

Preparation for commissioning

The hoist must not be put into operation immediately after installation. The whole mechanism must be checked and debugged. First, a visual inspection is performed, during which:

  • the reliability of all connections and the oil level are checked;
  • the operation of starters and switches is configured;
  • electromagnet, ring current collector and brush holder are checked.

At the first start of the mechanism, the load is not given. The operation of the hoist is checked, the brake system is adjusted, the stop button is checked. If everything functions properly, the nominal load is applied to the hook. With a positive result and confirmation that the installation of the hoist was made correctly, the mechanism is put into operation.

The most important tasks in the operation of electrical equipment are to maintain all electrical and electromechanical components in working order. During the operation of electrical equipment, it is necessary to exclude the failure of all component electrical and electromechanical parts of this equipment. And conduct regular inspection of electrical equipment and make periodic diagnosis of all constituent parts which may fail during operation. Operation of electrical equipment is a set of preparation and use of products for their intended purpose, Maintenance, storage and transportation. Main tasks of operation

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KP 140448.14.4RE1.000 PZ
electrical equipment in agriculture - to achieve uninterrupted, reliable and high-quality power supply to all agricultural production facilities, to create normal operating modes for electrical equipment that ensure its best technical and economic indicators, to increase the reliability of equipment operation. The main task of the operation of electrical equipment is to maintain it in good condition throughout the entire period of operation and ensure its uninterrupted and economic operation. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance of electrical equipment. During the operation of electrical equipment, its technical condition deteriorates due to wear, breakdowns, violations of adjustment, loosening of fasteners. Even a minor malfunction, such as an unreliable contact in an electrical machine, can lead to electrical equipment failure, and in some cases, to an accident. Maintenance allows you to timely identify and eliminate faults that occur during operation, or causes that may lead to a malfunction.

"Inspection of electrical equipment"

Permanently operating power equipment requires systematic systematic inspection by qualified personnel. Inspections are carried out according to the schedule and in accordance with the instructions approved by those responsible for the operation of the electrical facilities. During inspections of switchgears, all comments are recorded in the log of defects and malfunctions, brought to the attention of the managers of the power company, who take appropriate measures to eliminate the identified violations as soon as possible. Regular inspections of switchgears without turning off the equipment are carried out at the following times: at facilities with a permanent duty officer - once a day and at least once a month in the dark to check for the presence of discharges.

"Electrical Equipment Repair"

The main duties of employees of energy enterprises serving electrical facilities are: ensuring uninterrupted power supply to consumers, reliable operation

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equipment and networks, maintaining the required frequency of the electric current, ensuring maximum efficiency of the energy enterprise for the rational use of energy resources, production efficiency, transmission and distribution of energy. To maintain power equipment in good technical condition, systems of scheduled repairs have been developed and are being applied, since during operation, electrical equipment wears out and becomes obsolete. Depreciation of electrical equipment, by its nature and the reasons causing it, is conditionally divided into mechanical, electrical and moral.

Mechanical wear under the action of friction or as a result of corrosion is subjected to moving parts and parts of electrical equipment "contacts of apparatus, parts of the mechanism"

“PPR Scheduled Preventive Repair System” The PPR system, depending on the operating modes of electrical equipment and the conditions of its operation, establishes the alternation, frequency and volume of maintenance and repairs of electrical equipment, taking into account ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and safe work. Scheduled preventive maintenance includes maintenance work, overhaul maintenance and current and major repairs of electrical equipment. Carrying out repairs of electrical equipment, provided for by the PPR system, reduces the cost of its maintenance, reduces the number and time of downtime, the number of accidents, increases the reliability of work and the quality of repairs. The organization of repair and maintenance of equipment at the enterprise can be carried out centrally and decentralized. The centralized system is characterized by the fact that the repair of electrical equipment is carried out by specialized repair services, and the maintenance and minor repairs of electrical equipment in operation are performed by personnel subordinate to the corresponding production unit "service, section". With a decentralized system, there are no specialized repair services and all repair work, such as maintenance, minor repairs and maintenance of equipment, is carried out by the personnel of workshops, services, teams of the direct production site.

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Current repairs are carried out to ensure the operability and reliability of the equipment until the next scheduled repair. With this type of repair, work should be carried out to inspect electrical equipment, clean, seal, adjust and repair individual blocks and parts with the elimination of defects that have arisen during operation.

During scheduled repairs, it is necessary to pay great attention to operational personnel who have group 3 access to electrical installations. When repairing an electric motor, it is necessary to de-energize it and make sure that the electrical equipment is not energized. Visually inspect this engine for damage, chips and other defects leading to engine failure. When disassembling the engine, pay special attention to the integrity of the bearings and lubrication. Bearing lubrication should be 75%, only in this case the motor can be used

4. Types of repair, their essence:

Maintenance- this is a scheduled repair, which ensures the normal operation of electrical equipment until the next repair by replacing or restoring worn parts of equipment, purchased products, as well as by carrying out preventive measures, adjusting mechanisms, and eliminating individual malfunctions.

At current repair electrical machines perform the following work;

Checking the degree of heating of the housing and bearings, the uniformity of the air gap between the stator and the rotor, the absence of abnormal noises in the operation of the electric motor;

Cleaning and blowing the motor without disassembling it, tightening the contact connections at the terminal boards and connecting wires, stripping the rings and collectors, adjusting and fastening the brush holder traverse, restoring the insulation at the lead ends, electric brushes;

Change and add oil to the bearings.

If necessary, produce:

Complete disassembly of the electric motor with the elimination of damage to individual places of the winding without replacing it;

Flushing of components and parts of the electric motor;

Replacing faulty slot wedges and insulating bushings, washing, impregnating and drying the motor winding, coating the winding with top varnish, checking the fan mounting and repairing it, turning the rotor shaft necks and repairing the squirrel cage (if necessary), changing flange gaskets;

Overhaul is a type of repair induction motor with a short-circuit rotor, in which the engine is completely disassembled, its parts or components are partially or comprehensively replaced, the repaired parts and the unit as a whole are checked, the stator windings are completely replaced, they are tested under load. Before the overhaul of the electrical equipment of the 16v20 screw-cutting lathe, a statement of the scope of work is compiled and a set of necessary spare parts, equipment, and purchased products is prepared.

During the overhaul, the following operations are performed: complete or partial replacement of the winding; straightening, rubbing the necks or replacing the rotor shaft; rotor balancing; replacement of the fan and flanges; complete soldering of cockerels; cleaning, assembling and painting the electric motor and testing it under load.

5. The procedure for the withdrawal of electrical equipment for repair:

When bringing electrical equipment 16v20 into repair, it is necessary to carry out organizational and technical measures. Organizational measures include: Filling out the necessary documentation, drawing up an application, issuing orders, compiling a defective statement, and training personnel.

Technical measures:

Disconnecting equipment from the network, taking measures to prevent "spontaneous" and erroneous voltage supply to workplace.

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Posters and safety signs must be posted. Also install portable grounding, if necessary, fencing of the workplace.

Hanging prohibition posters: On the drives "handles of drives" of manually operated switching devices, "switches, knife switches, automatic machines" in order to avoid voltage supply to the workplace, posters "Do not turn it on! People are working" should be hung out. e - on fences. On the valves that block the access of air to the pneumatic actuators of the disconnectors, a poster "Do not open! People are working" is posted. Fencing the workplace, hanging posters: In electrical installations, posters "Grounded" should be hung out, if turned on by mistake, voltage can be applied to the grounded section of the electrical installation. For temporary fencing of live parts that remain energized, shields, screens, screens made of insulating materials can be used. Temporary fences should be marked with the inscription "Stop! Tension" or appropriate posters should be fixed. There are three forms of operation and repair of electrical equipment:

1) Centralized; 2) decentralized; 3) mixed. 1. Centralized - a form that can be used in most industrial enterprises. With this form, overhaul maintenance and all types of repairs of electrical equipment are carried out by a single repair unit for the entire enterprise: a repair team, a repair site or a repair shop, which is part of the chief power engineer's service. The centralized form has a significant advantage over other forms of organization of repair, as it allows you to concentrate in the repair unit specialized, repair and control and testing equipment, specialized repair personnel, a stock of backup electrical equipment, spare parts and materials, to carry out repairs in accordance with advanced technology using high-speed repair methods.

2. Decentralized - the form is used at enterprises with simple electrical equipment that does not require specialized repair and control and testing equipment for repair. With this form, maintenance and repair personnel are included in the staff of the main workshop. Repair of electrical equipment is carried out at workplaces or a repair shop located on the territory of the main workshop.

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6. List of possible malfunctions of the repaired EE:

Possible malfunctions of the electrical equipment of the hoist model T and ways to eliminate them:

Item No. Malfunction Cause Remedy
I Equipment does not turn on 1) The fuse of the starting-protective transformer has blown 2) The power supply fuse of the electric hoist has blown 3) An open in the control circuit 4) The contactor coil has blown or a break has appeared in it 5) Turning on and blocking the limit switch 1.1 Replace with a new one 2.1 Replace with a new one 3.1 Check the wiring diagram and repair the open circuit 4.1 Replace with a new one 5.1 Check the limit switch and restore it to its normal position
II When the control button is pressed and the equipment is turned on, the hoist motor does not rotate in both directions 1) Cone brake sticking 2) Mechanical binding in electric hoist or motor 1.1 Remove the ventilation grille and press the shaft several times with the electric hoist switched off without load 2.1 Disassemble and repair the damage
III When turned on, the fuses blow and the motor does not rotate. 1) Fault on casing 2) Fault between phases 1.1 Check with megger 2.1 Check phase-to-phase insulation
IV The electric motor hums and does not rotate with the load 1) The electric motor runs on two phases 2) The operating voltage is lower than specified in the regulation for electric hoist motors 3) The second brake of the electric hoist does not engage 1.1 Check the supply voltage 2.1 Check the contact systems of the contactors. If necessary, replace the contact bridges or contact springs 3.1 Check the serviceability of the stator winding of the electric motor
V Electric motor overheats 1) Rated load exceeded 2) Voltage unsymmetrical 3) Voltage too high 4) Duty exceeded 1.1 Observe the prescribed overload standards 2.1 Turn off the electric hoist until the voltage balance is restored 3.1 Observe the established standards 4.1 Observe the prescribed mode of operation
VI When the command control panel is turned off, the electric hoist continues to work 1) Welded contacts of contactors 2) Adhesion of the magnetic system 3) Welded contacts in the limit switch 1.1 Replace the contact bridges with new ones 2.1 Check the counteracting springs and clean the end surfaces of the magnetic wire 3.1 Replace with new ones
VII The limit switch does not work during the operation of the electric hoist and the hook hits the casing 1) The phases of the power cable are connected incorrectly 2) The limit rings on the switching rod are loose 1.1 Change two phases of the power cable 2.1 Adjust and tighten the limit rings
VIII During operation, the electric hoist makes an uncharacteristic noise Worn bearings Replace with new ones
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7. Drawing up a defective statement:

Defective statement - a document required when describing certain shortcomings, flaws and marriages found in certain material values. This document is required for quality control by the buyer or by the seller. There is no unified form of the defective statement, and any enterprise can draw up this document on its letterhead.

Defective statement - a document in which the malfunctions of the repaired equipment are also recorded.

The purpose of compiling a defective statement is:

1. Reducing the time of repair of electrical equipment of the hoist;

2. Improving the quality of repairs.

In practice, two types of defective statements are considered:



1) Preliminary list - this is the name of work and costs, unit of measurement, quantity "scope of work".

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In other words, a preliminary statement is the preparation of a document that will indicate the amount, the names of the work that needs to be carried out during the repair of electrical equipment.

2) An updated list is a list that specifies any electrical elements that will be needed in the process of repairing electrical equipment at the enterprise.

Prior to disassembling the electrical equipment, a preliminary defective list is compiled, and when disassembling the electrical equipment, an updated defective list is compiled.

A preliminary defective statement is compiled on the basis of an external inspection of electrical equipment before it is taken out for repair.

An updated defective list is compiled during the disassembly of the hoist's electrical equipment.

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8. Technological map of repair:

The technological map (TC) should answer the questions:

What operations need to be performed

In what order are the operations performed?

With what frequency it is necessary to perform operations (when repeating the operation more than once)

How long does it take to complete each operation

The result of each operation

What tools and materials are needed to perform the operation.

· Technological cards developed if:

· High complexity of performed operations;

· Presence of disputable elements in operations, ambiguities;

· If necessary, determine the labor costs for the operation of the facility.

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Stand for checking electrical parameters 1. Motor condition. 2. Phase integrity. 3. Winding insulation resistance not less than 0.5 mΩ. 4. Breakdown test: 500V + twice the rated voltage. 5. Detection of short-circuited turns. Disassembly of the electric motor. Dismantling stand 1. Pulley removal 2. Motor covers removal 3. Fan removal 4. Rotor notch Removal, inspection, storage and pressing of bearings. Press manual PZP; pullers; tongs or metal hooks; brass conical mandrel. The ease of movement of the bearing is checked in a horizontal position by pushing the bearing with the inner ring on a conical brass mandrel. Removal of windings. Dead-end electric furnace; device for removing windings; lathe for cutting frontal parts Heating temperature 250...300 "C Washing of electric motor parts, except for the rotor and stator. Washing bath; blowing chamber. 3% solution of soda ash at a temperature of 80...90 ºС; blow the rotor and stator. Determination of defects in electric motor parts Stand for checking the runout; calibration plate 1000x1500 mm; ohmmeter. The runout is not more than 0.05 mm. Repair of the stator housing and bearing shields. Thermostat Sh-0.05 Drying temperature 150 ºС for 0.5...1.0 hours Rotor repair. Thermostat Sh-0.05; stand for checking the runout of the shaft neck. The runout of the necks of the shaft is not more than 0.02 mm; runout of the free end of the shaft is not more than 0.05 mm.
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9. Control and testing of EO, after repair:

Tests of electrical equipment must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of safety regulations and PTE.

It is allowed to measure the insulation characteristics of electrical equipment under operating voltage, provided that devices are used that ensure the safety of work and protect the normally grounded output of the controlled object from the appearance of dangerous voltage on it when the connection with the ground is interrupted.

Before testing the insulation of electrical equipment, the outer surface of the insulation must be cleaned of dust and dirt, unless the tests are carried out by a method that does not require disconnecting the electrical equipment.

Testing the insulation of the windings of rotating machines with an increased applied voltage of a frequency of 50 Hz should be carried out in turn for each electrically independent circuit or parallel branch (in the latter case, with complete insulation between the branches).

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Windings that are tightly interconnected and do not have both ends of each phase or branch removed must be tested relative to the body without disconnecting them.

The test voltage should rise smoothly at a rate that allows visual control by measuring instruments, and upon reaching the set value, be maintained unchanged throughout the entire test period. After the required exposure, the voltage gradually decreases to a value of not more than one third of the test voltage and is turned off.

The duration of the test means the time of application of the full test voltage established by the standards.

10. The procedure for acceptance of electrical equipment after repair into operation:

Upon acceptance, the following steps must be taken:

Visual inspection; check the stator winding (for integrity, for a short circuit between phases; for a short circuit of the windings to the housing, for a turn short circuit.)

The presence of axial and radial play, which must comply with the standard value.

Connect the electric motor to the supply network for checking the engine in idle mode. At the same time, pay attention to extraneous noise, vibration and measure the value of the no-load current.

Acceptance of electric motors with voltages above 1000 volts, power transformers, high-voltage switchgear after overhaul and medium repairs is carried out by a commission chaired by the head of the electrical department or his deputy with an entry in the log of the withdrawal of electrical equipment for repair and commissioning after repair.

Acceptance from maintenance and overhaul of electric motors with voltage up to 1000 volts.

Acceptance of electrical equipment from a contracting repair organization is carried out by the foreman of the site for the repair of electric motors according to the act

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acceptance of electrical equipment from repair.

The foreman of the site for the repair of electric motors makes entries in the passports of electrical equipment about the work performed, indicating defects in the statement.

Acceptance and delivery certificates with the application of technical documentation and a list of defects must be kept in the passports of electrical equipment.

Electrical equipment, electrical networks, networks, grounding put into operation after repair are tested in accordance with the volumes and standards specified in the rules technical operation consumer electrical installations. According to the results of the test, protocols are drawn up.

After preliminary acceptance from repair, electrical equipment is checked under load within the time specified by the manufacturer, but not less than 24 hours. If there are no defects in the work during this period, the commission accepts the electrical equipment for operation and establishes

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assessment of the quality of the repair. If defects are found, the repair is not considered completed until they are eliminated and the electrical equipment is re-checked under load within the next 24 hours.

After repair, the electric motor is tested on a test bench in the workshop with the execution of an inspection certificate in the form. After checking, with positive test results, the electric motors are transferred to the technical workshop with the installation of a pumping station (another similar one) on the frame by the repair service of the electrical workshop in the presence of serviceable lifting mechanisms and free passages for transporting the electric motor. In the absence of lifting mechanisms or their malfunction over this electric motor, the installation of a pumping (other similar) unit on the frame is carried out together with the technological service of the workshop, on the balance of which this electric motor is located. Alignment of the electric motor with the driven equipment is carried out by the repair service of the technological workshop.

11. The use of modern devices, tools and technology in the operation and repair of EO:

As digital measuring instruments, the following are widely used:

1) Ammeter - a device for measuring current strength in amperes.

The scale of ammeters is graduated in microamps, milliamps, amperes or kilo amperes in accordance with the measurement limits of the device.

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The ammeter is connected to the electrical circuit in series with the section of the electrical circuit in which the current is measured; to increase the measurement limit - equipped with a shunt (for DC and alternating current), current transformer (only for AC circuits) or magnetic amplifier (for DC circuits). A complete device from a current measuring head and a current transformer of a special design is called a "clamp meter".

2) Current clamp - a device for measuring alternating current without breaking the circuit in which the current is measured.

The principle of operation of current clamps is based on the fact that the current flowing in the wire creates a magnetic field around itself. If this field is variable, then, according to the law of electromagnetic induction, in another conductor covering a wire with current, an EMF arises, which under certain conditions is proportional to the measured current.

3) Voltmeter - a direct reading measuring device for determining voltage or EMF in electrical circuits. Connected in parallel with the load or power source.

4) Multimeter - a combined electrical measuring instrument that combines several functions. In the minimum set, this is a voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter. Sometimes a multimeter is performed in the form

current clamps. There are digital and analog multimeters.

A multimeter can range from a lightweight portable device used for basic measurements and troubleshooting to a complex, stationary instrument with many features.

The typical accuracy of digital multimeters when measuring resistance, DC voltage and current is less than ± (0.2% +1 unit of the least significant digit). When measuring AC voltage and current in

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frequency range 20 Hz ... 5 kHz measurement error ± (0.3% + 1 unit of the least significant digit).

12. Fulfillment of the requirements of the safety and fire safety rules during the operation and repair of EO:

Safety regulations (TB):

Fulfillment of the rules of safety is mandatory without reasoning and amendments.

Safety rules are: unconditional and conditional; mandatory and recommended. Types and schedule of briefing:

1. Safety training and general briefing;

2. Briefing before starting work;

3. Instruction at the workplace.

4. Checking the briefing is always required.

5. In case of violation of TB, the requirements of TB take precedence over the requirements of work

At the entrance to production room there should be an inscription indicating its class for explosive or fire hazard.
Persons responsible for the state of electrical installations (chief power engineer, head of the electrical shop, engineering and technical worker of the appropriate qualification, appointed by order of the head of the enterprise or shop) are obliged to:
a) ensure the organization and timely conduct of preventive inspections and scheduled preventive repairs of electrical equipment, apparatus and electrical networks, as well as the timely elimination of violations of PTE and PTB that could lead to fires and fires;
b) monitor the correct selection and use of cables, electrical wires, motors, lamps and other electrical equipment, depending on the class of fire and explosion hazard of the premises and conditions environment;
c) systematically monitor the condition of protection devices against short circuits, overloads, internal and atmospheric overvoltages, as well as other emergency modes of operation;
d) monitor the serviceability of special installations and means designed to eliminate fires and fires in electrical installations and cable rooms;
e) organize a system for training and instructing duty personnel on fire safety issues during operation

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electrical installations;
f) participate in the investigation of cases of fires and fires from electrical installations, develop and implement measures to prevent them.
The electrician on duty (shift electrician) is obliged to carry out scheduled preventive inspections of electrical equipment, check the availability and serviceability of protection devices and take immediate measures to eliminate violations that can lead to fires and fires. The results of inspections of electrical installations, detected malfunctions and measures taken should be recorded in the operational log.
Checking the insulation of cables, wires, reliability of connections, protective earth, the operating mode of electric motors should be carried out by the electricians of the enterprise both by external inspection and with the help of instruments. The measurement of wire insulation resistance must be carried out within the time limits established by the PTE and PTB.
All electrical installations must be protected by protection devices against short circuit currents and other emergency conditions that can lead to fires and fires.

13. Conclusions on the project:

In the process of working on a course project, I studied the types and nature of repairs, safety and fire safety rules. I studied the electrical equipment of the screw-cutting lathe and its components. I also paid special attention to the choice of diagnostic devices and the principle of their operation in the given values. The most effective, in my opinion, are digital diagnostic devices, such as: ammeter, voltmeter, megohmmeter, multimeter and frequency meter. The paper considers modern technologies repair work electrical equipment of machine tools of the turning group.

14. Literature:

1. Modern technologies in the production of engines, edited by A.G. Bratukhina, G.K. Yazova, B.E. Karasev. Engineering, 1997 410s.

2. A.A. Garkavy, "Production of engine parts".

3. Crane electrical equipment: Yu.V. Alekseev, A.P. Theological. Energy, 1979

4. Crane electric drive: Reference book by A.G. Yaure, E.M. Pevzner. Energoatomizdat, 1988

5. Lipkin B.Yu. Elect











General instructions for consumers



General requirements safe work









Electric hoists of own electrical equipment (control unit)



Electric hoists without their own electrical equipment (crane components)



Electric hoist control






Designation of electric hoists



Classification of electric hoists depending on the load mode



Types of manufacture of electric hoists according to climatic conditions



Electric hoists are designed for normal climate zone



Electric hoists are designed for cold climate zone



Electric hoists designed for offshore conditions



Electric hoists are designed for tropical conditions



Power supply



The device of electric hoists



lifting mechanism


Electric motor with built-in brake




Planetary reductor




Rope layer


Traverse with roller




Hanger with hook


control unit



Movement mechanism



Protection elements of electric hoists


The secret key


Thermal protection






Installation Requirements



Installation Requirements






Transport and storage

















Communication with the electrical network



Schematic diagrams



Checking the correct connection of the phases of the electric hoist and the operation of the limit switch



Checking the lubrication of the electric hoist before putting it into operation



Securing the ends of the rope



Installation of stationary electric hoists



The device of the rail track and the installation of the movement mechanism to it






monorail track


Installation of the mechanism for moving the hard hang to the electric hoist



double rail track



Start-up and maintenance of the electric hoist



Electric hoist service





General instructions






Periodic checks



Lubrication, regulation and tuning



Repair and restoration work



Support Plan



Recheck Periods



Rope wear check. Rejection and replacement.



Rope wear check and rejection.



Rope replacement


Removing the old rope


Installation of a new rope



Installation of a new ropelayer and its support during operation



Operation and support of the electric motor with built-in brake



Planetary gear support



Movement mechanism support



Support for the movement mechanism to the monorail track



Support of the movement mechanism to the two-rail track



Operation and inspection of the cage and load hook



Clutch check and support



Rolling bearings and needle bearings



Bearing bolted connections



Control block






Possible malfunctions of electrical equipment and ways to eliminate them



Noise data






Recording the mode of action



Logging with operating mode memory (class 1)



Recording of operating hours by meters and documentation of the state of the load by the consumer (class 2)



Logging of operating hours and load status by the consumer (class 3)



Determination of the actual period of operation



Determination of the actual duration of operation in the protocol according to clause 6.1.1



Determination of the actual duration of operation in the protocol according to 6.1.2. and 6.1.3


Recording Method Factor


Determination of the duration of work


Determination of the actual load mode coefficient Km



General overhaul


Service Calculation Diary S for Inspection Interval - Sample 1



 The prerequisite for the good condition and trouble-free operation of your electric hoist is the strict observance of the maintenance and support requirements of this manual.

 Please observe the requirements for safe operation, so that you can avoid the dangers that threaten the operator and prevent damage to the electric hoist.

 Repair of the electric hoist must be done only with original parts delivered by the manufacturer, the order is made according to the spare parts catalog given as an application to the data sheet.

 The connection of the electric hoist with the power supply network can only be carried out by a qualified electrician, according to point 4.3.

 Mounting, dismantling and putting the electric hoist into operation is carried out only by authorized persons.

 During installation and operation, the requirements for the safe operation of this Manual must be observed, as well as the regulations for the operation of electrical appliances and lifting structures in the respective country in which the electric hoists are used.

The electric hoist and this Instruction comply with the following documents:

norms E European Oh commonality :

 Maschinenrichtlinie 98/37 EG

 Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23 EWG ;

 Niederspannungsrichtlinie 93/68 EWG (1st Aenderung)

 Richtlinien 89/336/EWG;

 Richtlinien 92/ 31/ EWG (1. Änderung);

 Richtlinien 93/ 68/ EWG (2. Änderung)

 EN 292-1:1991; Sicherheit von Maschinen;

 EN 292-2:1991; Sicherheit von Maschinen;

 EN 60204-32:1998. Sicherheit von Maschinen. Anforderung fuer Hebezeuge.

 EN 50081-1 / EN 50082-2

 EN 60034-1 (Umlaufende elektrische Maschinen)

 EN 60529 (IP Schutzarten)

 ISO 10973:1995(E), Cranes - Spare parts manual.

 ISO 9928-1:1990(E) Cranes - Cranes driving manual

regulations Germany:

 VBG 8: Winden, Hub- und Zuggeraete;

 VBG 9: Krane;

 VBG 9a: Lastaufnahmeeinrichtung im Hebezeugbetrieb;

 DIN 15018: Grundsaetze fuer Stahltragwerke;

 DIN 15020: Grundsaetze fuer Seiltriebe;

 DIN V 8418:1988 Benutzerinformation.

 DIN V 66055:1988 Gebrauchsanweisungen fuer verbraucherrelevante Produkte.

regulatory documents of the Federation of European Industrialists (FEM):

 FEM 9.511 (Triebwerkseinstufung); FEM 9.661 (Ausführung von Seiltrieben); FEM 9.811 (Lastenheft); FEM 9.681 (Auswahl Fahrmotoren); FEM 9.682 (Auswahl Hubmotoren); FEM 9.941 (Bildzeichen für Steuerorgane); FEM 9.755

regulations of the following countries :

Bulgaria: BDS 2.601-82, Operating documents.

 Order No. of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology.

Russia:GOST 2.601-95, ESKD. operational documents.

 Device rules and safe operation lifting cranes, GOSGORTEKHNADZOR of Russia, Moscow, PIO OBT 2001. GOST 2.601-68, ECKD operational documents (PB 10-382).

Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes, GOSGORTEKHNADZOR of Russia.


  1. It is forbidden to lift and move the load over the service and other persons.
Every day before starting work, check the condition of the brake and limit switch.

  1. Do not leave a lifted load unattended.

  2. Do not exceed the rated load capacity.

  3. Do not lift loads at an angle or tilt them.

  4. Check the condition of the load rope and, if necessary, urgently replace it. When replacing, check the fastening of both ends.

  1. After replacing the rope, as well as after repairing and re-assembling the electric hoist, it is necessary to check a number of phases and adjustment of the limit switch in the extreme upper and lower position of the load hook (p. 4.4).

  2. When the maximum allowable axial stroke of the rotor of cone electric motors is reached during operation, it is imperative to adjust the brakes (p. 5.4).

  3. When performing maintenance or repair of the electric hoist, you need to pay attention to the following: you can not have a load on the hook; Be sure to turn off the power switch and prevent unauthorized or unintentional switching on.
10. Check the presence of cracks or deformations on the load hook, as well as the serviceability of the load self-release fuse.

11. It is necessary to check the load-bearing screw connections to prevent possible

  1. It is necessary to check the reliability of connecting the protective wires of the cables to the neutral terminals on the electrical panel, transformer and lifting and horizontal movement motors.

  2. When using the movement mechanism on electric hoists, it is necessary to install buffers limiting its movement at both ends of the rail track (v.4.8).

  3. In all cases of dismantling the command switch, the outer surfaces of the metal screws covering its body must be re-coated with electrical insulating material.

  1. Do not use the limit switch as a working one.

  2. Do not attempt to break a heavily secured load (eg frozen on the ground).

  1. The extreme positions of lifting and horizontal movement can only be used if there is a working limit switch.


Electric hoists are designed to work indoors or outdoors under a canopy, observing the working conditions and overloading according to the technical data of a particular product, described in the passport.

The electric hoist must not be operated in a chemically aggressive and explosive atmosphere. The consumer can use electric hoists as:

2.1.1. Electric hoists have their own electrical equipment (control unit);

These products are independent units for lifting and transport operations. The requirements for them are specified in this manual in the relevant sections.

2.1.2. Electric hoists without their own electrical equipment (crane components)
Made without electrical equipment. Wiring diagram according to v. 9.
The control unit of the final product, the crane, is used.

These products can be used as separate components in more complex handling structures.

The manufacturer of the final product (crane) must develop a new instruction, which would include new control schemes for the product (crane), in respect of the electric hoist as its component; requirements for safe operation and repair of the product as a whole in accordance with regulatory documents; apply these instructions to it. The crane manufacturer is responsible for the safe operation of the crane.

In the constructive development, the possible risk was calculated and eliminated, and in this regard, in this manual, the user was warned with instructions for safe operation in accordance with the requirements of \/BG9 and \/BG8. To make it more convenient for the consumer, we offer quotes from \/ВG8 and \/ВG9 at points 4 and 5 of this instruction.

Bear in mind the following:

■ Use the electric hoist for its intended purpose and in accordance with the technical data,
data in the passport. Any deviation from intended use is a residual risk.

■ Comply with the prescribed operating modes. Do not go into a mode of greater load than the prescribed mode of operation.

■ The user is not allowed to allow maintenance and support of the electric hoist by persons
which do not meet the requirements of the regulatory documents of this country for work with lifting
transport facilities.

■ The user must control compliance with all requirements for safe operation and
installation, first start-up, support and maintenance related to it, as reflected in: this
instructions; cited normative documents of this manual; European regulatory
documents; regulatory documents of the country in which the product operates.

It is necessary to observe the regular entry of the results of inspections in the diaries (v.4, v.6, sample 2), as well as organize the necessary inspection checks by specialists in accordance with \/ВG9 §26 and VBG8 §23.

■ When using load-gripping devices to the electric hoist, the devices themselves
must be commissioned, operated, maintained and tested as directed
manufacturer, given in the operating manual, \/BC 9a or in accordance with the relevant
regulations of that country.

■ The consumer is not allowed to change the electrical network. Cash buttons and switches are not
use for other purposes. Do not allow elements of the scheme to fall away.

2.2. ELECTRIC hoist control

The control of the electric hoist is carried out using the buttons of the command switch. Figure 1 shows one of the used command switches.

Emergency button 1 is usually placed at the very top. She is followed by:

2 – load lifting button; 5 - button for moving the load to the left.

3 - button for lowering the load; 6 - stepless speed control button

4 - button for moving the load to the right;

Fig.1 15210295

Next to the buttons is a marking explaining their operation, corresponding to FN E52 - 124. Figure 1 shows the control switch of the electric hoist with a movement mechanism. If there is no movement mechanism, the command switch has three buttons - positions 1, 2 and 3.

The lift mechanisms and travel mechanism may have single speed or two speed motors.

In the presence of a single-speed electric motor, movement in the direction is carried out at the main speed, and with two-speed motors - with the main or reduced speed. Combinations are described in section 4.3.1.

If the movement in the direction is carried out with the main or reduced speed, then you need to press the same double button: the first degree gives movement with a reduced speed, the second degree - with the main speed.

The designations of the buttons are indicated in Table 1

tab. one

Pos. (Fig.1)


Designation according to FN E 52-25

Button function



Emergency stop button



Moving the load up with the main speed


Move the load upwards at basic or reduced speed



Moving the load down with the main speed


Moving a load down at basic or reduced speed



Moving the load to the left with the main speed


Moving the load to the left with the main or reduced speed



Moving the load to the right with the main speed


Moving the load to the right with the main or reduced speed



Stepless main speed control

By agreement with the client, it is possible to use command switches with markings, the location of the number of buttons, different from the above.




Telphers are widely used in construction and industry for carrying out lifting and installation work. They are electrically powered devices that are powered by a motor and can lift loads weighing up to 10 tons to a certain height. Telphers are installed on single-girder overhead cranes or on a monorail track. The design of the equipment includes a movement mechanism, with the help of which the horizontal movement of the load is carried out.

The installation of the hoist must be carried out by a specialized organization or a qualified specialist with certain training. For the correct installation of equipment, it is important to consider the following conditions:

  1. lifting capacity and lifting height of the hoist;
  2. the speed of the mobile mechanism;
  3. beam profile parameters;
  4. conditions for the use of equipment;
  5. compliance of the electricity voltage with the requirements of the manufacturer;
  6. compliance of installation and connection with safety requirements.

Telphers, as a rule, are delivered in assembled form. Before installation, make sure that the mains voltage matches the parameters of the equipment. many kinds professional equipment work from an industrial power supply network, but there are also models for power supply from a conventional 220v network.

When choosing equipment, you should also pay attention to the beam profile numbers. The equipment passport indicates on what size tracks the equipment trolley can be installed. It is not allowed to use the hoist on beams with a profile smaller than indicated in the passport.

Before installation, it is important to carefully inspect the equipment.

  • It should be free of dust, dirt and moisture, so the hoist must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and lubricated in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.
  • It is necessary to check the serviceability of all bolted, contact connections and locking mechanisms.
  • An experienced electrician should check the condition of the wires and measure the insulation resistance.

The hoist is installed on the track using bolts and fastening strips, studs and a set of washers included in the equipment kit. The hoist must be positioned so that the distance between the trolley wheel and the rail is 4 mm on each side.

You need to make sure that nothing interferes with the movement of the cart. To do this, it is not recommended to paint the rail track, as the paint creates resistance. The lubrication of the track can also interfere with the progress of the trolley. In addition, the track must be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt, dried from moisture in order to avoid corrosion. The rail track must be free and the slope must be at least 3%. There are special safety requirements that the rail track must comply with. Below are some of them.

  • The distance from the hoist to the ceiling or to the lowest point of other equipment operating above the hoist must be at least 100 mm.
  • The distance from the hoist to the walls of the building or to the columns and railings is at least 60 mm.
  • From the bottom of the hoist to the floor or to another working platform - at least 2000 mm.
  • The distance from other equipment operating next to the hoist is at least 400 mm.

Telfer connection

It works from the mains, but before connecting it to the mains, you need to carry out a preliminary check.

  • All individual parts of the hoist must be inspected for rust. If there is rust on the brake wheels, engine cover and brake cover, the engine may catch fire after connecting the power.
  • It is necessary to check the reliable connection of the electrical unit. For this, an ammeter is used.
  • It is also important to check the phases by applying voltage. It is necessary to hang the hoist and, by pressing the control buttons, check the direction of movement of the hook and trolley.

Electric hoists are connected to the power supply according to a specific scheme specified in the equipment passport.


The mains voltage must match the parameters of the hoist. When choosing power cable It must be taken into account that voltage drops should not exceed 10%. The length and cross-sectional diameter of the cable must match the motor power of the hoist.

Safety requirements

The hoists must be operated by people who have full knowledge of the safety rules. In addition, specially designated people should regularly inspect the health of the equipment.

Before the first operation, the hoists must be tested with loads weighing 25% more than the rated capacity. The test should last a maximum of 10 minutes.

Warning Do not exceed the rated lifting capacity when working with hoists. In this case, all ropes, hooks must be of the appropriate carrying capacity. Failure to comply with safety rules is dangerous for the lives of nearby people and for the safety of the cargo.

The equipment passport should indicate how many times the hoist can be used within an hour. This requirement must be strictly observed in order to avoid overheating of the engine. When using a hoist, do not leave the load suspended. It is also not recommended to press several buttons at the same time. After using the equipment, it must be disconnected from the power supply.

Inspection of equipment should be carried out at least once a month. During the inspection, the following should be checked:

  • condition of all individual parts;
  • reliability of fasteners;
  • condition of the track;
  • brake operation;
  • condition of electrical wiring insulation, etc.

The results of the inspection should be recorded in the inspection log. All detected faults are subject to immediate repair or replacement.

This manual on labor protection when working with an electric hoist is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. An employee of at least 18 years of age who has the necessary theoretical and practical training, has passed a medical examination and has no contraindications for health reasons, has passed introductory and primary workplace safety briefings and training, has been certified by the qualification commission and received admission to independent work.
1.2. An employee working with an electric hoist (hereinafter referred to as an employee) must periodically, at least once a year, undergo training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and receive an admission to high-risk work.
1.3. An employee, regardless of qualifications and length of service, at least once every three months, must undergo a re-instruction on labor protection; in case of violation of labor protection requirements by him, as well as during a break in work for more than 30 calendar days, he must undergo an unscheduled briefing.
1.4. An employee authorized to operate an electric hoist must know: Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes (in the part relating to it). Manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the serviced electric hoist. The device and the purpose of its mechanisms and security devices. Safe methods of tying and securing cargo. Methods for determining the suitability for work of ropes, removable load-handling devices. Rules, norms and instructions for labor protection and fire safety. Rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Methods of first aid in case of accidents. Rules of the internal work schedule organizations.
1.5. An employee who has shown unsatisfactory skills and knowledge of safe operation of an electric hoist and hanging a load on the hook of such a machine is not allowed to work independently.
1.6. An employee working with an electric hoist must be aware that in order to check the good condition of the electric hoist, it must be subjected to periodic technical inspection.
1.7. An employee sent to participate in work unusual for his profession must undergo targeted training on the safe performance of upcoming work.
1.8. The employee is prohibited from using tools, fixtures and equipment, the safe handling of which he has not been trained.
1.9. While working with an electric hoist, an employee can be adversely affected, mainly by the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- a load falling from a height (for example, if the load is strapped incorrectly or the sling is broken);
- electric current, the path of which, in the event of a short circuit, can pass through the human body;
- unprotected moving (rotating) elements, parts, units of the electric hoist;
- sharp edges, burrs, roughness on the surface of steel ropes, electric hoist, transported goods.
1.10. An employee operating an electric hoist during work must use personal protective equipment against the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.
1.11. To prevent the possibility of a fire, an employee must comply with fire safety requirements himself and prevent violations of these requirements by other employees; Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas.
1.12. The employee is obliged to comply with labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations. It is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcoholic intoxication or in a state caused by the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, as well as to drink alcoholic beverages, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances at the workplace or at work. time;
1.13. If an accident occurs with any of the employees, then the victim must be given first aid, report the incident to the manager and maintain the situation of the incident, if this does not create a danger to others.
1.14. The employee, if necessary, must be able to provide first aid to the victim, use a first-aid kit.
1.15. To prevent the possibility of illness, the employee should follow the rules of personal hygiene, including washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.
1.16. An employee who has committed a violation or non-compliance with the requirements of an instruction on labor protection is considered as a violator of industrial discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and, depending on the consequences, to criminal liability; if the violation is associated with causing material damage, then the perpetrator may be held liable in accordance with the established procedure.


2.1. Before starting work, you should put on overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment necessary for work against the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors.
2.2. Overalls must be of the appropriate size, clean and not restrict movement.
2.3. Before starting work on the electric hoist, it is necessary to make sure that all its mechanisms are in good condition.
2.4. Before you start working with the electric hoist, you must do the following:
2.4.1. Inspect the mechanisms of the machine, their fastening and brakes.
2.4.2. Check the health of the flexible electric cable and control panel.
2.4.3. Inspect in accessible places the condition of the ropes, their lubrication.
2.4.4. Inspect the hook and its fastening in the clip.
2.4.5. Check the presence and serviceability of safety devices (limit switches, etc.).
2.4.6. Check the presence and serviceability of the grounding conductor to the starter box, as well as the serviceability of the start buttons, the serviceability of the insulation on electrical wiring.
2.5. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the compliance of removable load-handling devices with the mass and nature of the load, their serviceability and the presence of information on the date of the last test on them.
2.6. Inspection of a flexible electrical cable should be carried out with the switch disconnected.
2.7. After inspecting the electric hoist, before starting it, it is necessary to test the operation of its mechanisms at idle and check the serviceability of the action: electric drive of the electric hoist, safety devices, brakes, height limiter.
2.8. If, during the inspection and testing of the electric hoist, faults or shortcomings that impede safe operation are found, and it is impossible to eliminate them on their own, it is prohibited to start working on such an electric hoist.
2.9. Do not start working on the electric hoist if there are the following faults:
— cracks or deformations in the metal structure of the electric hoist;
- the number of breaks in the wires of the cargo and pull ropes or surface wear exceeds the established norm, and there is also a broken strand or other damage;
- defects in the mechanism of lifting the load, threatening the safety of work;
- damage to the brake parts of the load lifting mechanism;
- wear of the hook in the throat, exceeding 10% of the initial section height;
- lack of fencing mechanisms and the presence of bare current-carrying parts of electrical equipment.
2.10. The body of the push-button control device of the electric hoist must be made of insulating material or grounded by at least two conductors.
2.11. The starting device of the electric hoist must have a device for self-return to the zero position; when using contactors for this, keeping them in the on position should be possible only by continuously pressing the start button.
2.12. The suspension of the control apparatus must be carried out on a steel cable of such length that would allow the worker operating the mechanism to be at a safe distance from the load being lifted; the control apparatus must be located at a height of 1000 to 1500 mm from the floor.
2.13. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the absence of foreign objects in the way of moving the load and ensure free passage for the person operating the electric hoist from the floor.


3.1. While working with the electric hoist, you must not be distracted from the performance of your direct duties.
3.2. Before carrying out any movement with the electric hoist, make sure that there are no unauthorized people in the working area of ​​the lifting machine.
3.3. During work on tying and lifting the load, the following safety rules should be observed:
3.3.1. When tying a load, ropes and chains should be superimposed on its main mass (body, frame, frame, frame) without knots, twists and loops.
3.3.2. To protect the slings from damage, special linings should be placed under the ribs of the load.
3.3.3. It is necessary to tie the load in such a way that during its movement the fall of its individual parts is excluded and the stable position of the load is ensured during movement.
3.4. When tying and hitching loads, the following is prohibited:
3.4.1. To carry out slinging of cargo, the mass of which is not known or if the mass of the cargo exceeds the lifting capacity of the electric hoist.
3.4.2. Use damaged or unmarked lifting devices.
3.4.3. Use for tying and hooking loads with devices not intended for this (V-belts, wire, crowbars, pins and other random objects).
3.4.4. Correct the knots and loops in the ropes and chains stretched by the load with your hands.
3.4.5. Correct with blows of a hammer, scrap of a sling on a lifted load.
3.5. When tying the load, it is necessary to select slings (ropes, chains) of such length that the angle between the branches of the slings when hanging the load on the hook is no more than 90 degrees.
3.6. Before lifting a load, the following operations must be performed:
3.6.1. Make sure that the load is securely fastened and not restrained by anything.
3.6.2. Check for loose parts and tools on the load.
3.6.3. Make sure that the load cannot catch on anything during lifting.
3.6.4. Make sure that there are no people near the load, between the load being lifted and walls, columns, stacks, equipment.
3.7. When lifting and moving cargo, the following safety requirements must be observed:
3.7.1. Make sure that the weight of the lifted load does not exceed the lifting capacity of the electric hoist.
3.7.2. If the mass of the load is close to the permitted carrying capacity of the electric hoist, then the load must be lifted to a height of 200-300 mm, the correct slinging, the uniformity of the tension of the slings, the operation of the brakes, and only after that it is possible to lift the load to the required height.
3.7.3. If it is necessary to correct the slinging, the load must be lowered.
3.7.4. Before moving the load horizontally, make sure that the load is at least 0.5 m above the objects on the way.
3.7.5. When moving the load, it is necessary to accompany it and make sure that it cannot catch on anything.
3.7.6. Bulk and small-piece cargo should be lifted in containers specially designed for this purpose.
3.8. To avoid accidents, when lifting and moving a load, do not:
3.8.1. Stand on the load while lifting or moving, and allow the load to be lifted or moved while other people are on it.
3.8.2. Stay under a lifted load or allow other people to be under it.
3.8.3. Pull the load while lifting, moving and lowering it.


4.1. If during the lifting or moving of the load a malfunction of the electric hoist is noticed, then it is necessary to immediately stop lifting or moving the load, lower it to the floor and report the incident to the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes.
4.2. In the event of a sudden stop of the electric hoist due to a power failure in the network or jamming of moving parts, it is necessary to immediately disconnect the electric hoist from the network with a switch.
4.3. In case of an accident, poisoning, sudden illness, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the victim, call a doctor or help deliver the victim to the doctor, and then inform the manager about the incident.
4.4. If a fire or signs of burning are detected in the territory working area(smoke, burning smell, temperature rise, etc.) you must immediately notify the fire brigade by calling 101 or 112 and take measures to extinguish the fire using primary funds firefighting.


5.1. After finishing work, do not leave the load suspended.
5.2. Upon completion of work, it is necessary to clean from dirt and put in order the load-handling devices, tools and other equipment.
5.3. At the end of work, you should remove overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment and put them in the designated storage place, if necessary, hand over for washing and cleaning.
5.4. All problems and malfunctions of the electric hoist, load-handling devices and auxiliary tools noticed in the course of work, as well as other violations of labor protection requirements, should be reported to your immediate supervisor.
5.5. At the end of work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, if necessary, take a shower.