Autonomous heating systems for industrial premises. Heating systems for industrial buildings

  • 20.06.2020
  • Section 2. The human factor in ensuring life safety Chapter 1. Classification and characteristics of the main forms of human activity
  • 1.1.Physical labor. The physical burden of work. Optimal working conditions
  • 1.2. Brainwork
  • Chapter 2
  • 2.1. General characteristics of analyzers
  • 2.2. Characteristics of the visual analyzer
  • 2.3. Characteristics of the auditory analyzer
  • 2.4. Characteristics of the skin analyzer
  • 2.5. Kinesthetic and taste analyzer
  • 2.6. Psychophysical activity of a person
  • Section 3. Formation of hazards in the production environment Chapter 1. Industrial microclimate and its impact on the human body
  • 1.1. Microclimate of industrial premises
  • 1.2. Influence of microclimate parameters on human well-being
  • 1.3. Hygienic standardization of microclimate parameters of industrial premises
  • Chapter 2
  • 2.1. Types of chemicals
  • 2.2. Chemical toxicity indicators
  • 2.3. Hazard classes of chemicals
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.1. Effect of sound waves and their characteristics
  • 3.2. Types of sound waves and their hygienic regulation
  • 3.4. Hygienic regulation of vibration
  • Chapter 4. Electromagnetic fields
  • 4.1. The influence of permanent magnetic fields on the human body
  • 4.2. RF electromagnetic field
  • 4.3. Regulation of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of radio frequencies
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.2. Biological action of infrared radiation. Rationing iki
  • 5.4. Biological action of UV. Ufi rationing
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Components of the formation of the light environment
  • 6.3. Hygienic regulation of artificial and natural lighting
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. The essence of laser radiation. Classification of lasers according to physical and technical parameters
  • 7.2. Biological effect of laser radiation
  • 7.3. Rationing of laser radiation
  • Chapter 8. Electrical Hazard in the Work Environment
  • 8.1. Types of electric shock
  • 8.2. The nature and consequences of electric shock to a person
  • 8.3. Categories of industrial premises according to the danger of electric shock
  • 8.4. Danger of three-phase electrical circuits with isolated neutral
  • 8.5 Danger of three-phase electrical networks with earthed neutral
  • 8.6. Danger of single-phase current networks
  • 8.7. Current spreading in the ground
  • Section 4. Technical methods and means of human protection at work Chapter 1. Industrial ventilation
  • 1.1. Prevention of adverse effects of the microclimate
  • 1.2. Types of ventilation. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for ventilation systems
  • 1.3. Determining the required air exchange
  • 1.4. Calculation of natural general ventilation
  • 1.5. Calculation of artificial general ventilation
  • 1.6. Calculation of local ventilation
  • Chapter 2. Air conditioning and heating
  • 2.1. Air conditioning
  • 2.2. Performance monitoring of ventilation systems
  • 2.3. Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)
  • Chapter 3. Industrial Lighting
  • 3.1. Classification and sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial lighting
  • 3.2. Rationing and calculation of natural lighting
  • 3.3. Artificial lighting, rationing and calculation
  • Chapter 4. Means and methods of protection against noise and vibration
  • 4.1. Methods and means of reducing the negative impact of noise
  • 4.2. Determination of the effectiveness of some alternative noise reduction methods
  • 4.3. Methods and means of reducing the harmful effects of vibration
  • Chapter 5. Means and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation
  • 5.1. Means and methods of protection against exposure to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies
  • 5.2. Means of protection against exposure to infrared and ultraviolet radiation
  • 5.3. Protection when working with lasers
  • Chapter 6. Measures for protection against electric shock
  • 6.1. Organizational and technical protective measures
  • 6.2. Protective earth
  • 6.3. Zeroing
  • 6.4. Safety shutdown
  • 6.5. The use of individual electrical protective equipment
  • Section 5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial enterprises. Organization of labor protection Chapter 1. Classification and rules for the use of protective equipment
  • 1.1. Classification and list of protective equipment for workers
  • 1.2. The device and rules for the use of respiratory protection, protection of the head, eyes, face, hearing organs, hands, special protective clothing and footwear
  • Chapter 2. Organization of labor protection
  • 2.1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for general plans of industrial enterprises
  • 2.2. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial buildings and premises
  • 2.3. Organization of certification of workplaces for working conditions
  • Section 6. Management of labor protection at the enterprise Chapter 1. Scheme of labor protection management
  • 1.1. Goals of labor protection management at the enterprise
  • 1.2. Schematic diagram of labor protection management at the enterprise
  • Chapter 2. Main tasks of labor protection management
  • 2.1. Tasks, functions and objects of labor protection management
  • 2.2. Information in the management of labor protection
  • Section 7. Legal issues of labor protection Chapter 1. Basic legislative acts on labor protection
  • 1.1. Russian constitution
  • 1.2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • Chapter 2. By-laws on labor protection
  • 2.1. Normative legal acts on labor protection
  • 2.2. System of labor safety standards. (ssbt)
  • Bibliographic list
  • 2.3. Heating of industrial premises. (Local, central; specific heating characteristics)

    Heating is designed to maintain normalized air temperature in industrial premises during the cold season. In addition, it contributes to a better preservation of buildings and equipment, as it simultaneously allows you to regulate the humidity of the air. For this purpose, various heating systems are being built.

    During the cold and transitional periods of the year, all buildings and structures in which the residence time of people exceeds 2 hours, as well as rooms in which temperature maintenance is necessary due to technological conditions, should be heated.

    The following sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on heating systems: uniform heating of indoor air; the possibility of regulating the amount of heat released and combining the processes of heating and ventilation; lack of indoor air pollution with harmful emissions and unpleasant odors; fire and explosion safety; ease of use and repair.

    Heating of industrial premises in the radius of action is local and central.

    Local heating is arranged in one or more adjacent rooms with an area of ​​​​less than 500 m 2. In systems of such heating, the heat generator, heating devices and heat-releasing surfaces are structurally combined in one device. The air in these systems is most often heated by using the heat of the fuel burned in stoves (wood, coal, peat, etc.). Much less often, floors or wall panels with built-in electric heating elements, and sometimes electric radiators, are used as original heating devices. There are also air (the main element is a heater) and gas (when burning gas in heating appliances) local heating systems.

    Central heating according to the type of heat carrier used can be water, steam, air and combined. Central heating systems include a heat generator, heating devices, means of transferring the coolant (pipelines) and means of ensuring operability (shut-off valves, safety valves, pressure gauges, etc.). As a rule, in such systems, heat is generated outside the heated premises.

    Heating systems must compensate for heat losses through building fences, heat consumption for heating injected cold air, raw materials, machines, equipment coming from outside, and for technological needs.

    In the absence of accurate data on the building material, fences, the thickness of the layers of building envelope materials and, as a result, it is impossible to determine the thermal resistance of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and other elements, the heat consumption is approximately determined using specific characteristics.

    Heat consumption through the external fences of buildings, kW

    where - specific heating characteristic of the building, which is the heat flux lost by 1 m 3 of the volume of the building according to the external measurement per unit time with a temperature difference of 1 K, W / (m 3 ∙K): depending on the volume and purpose of the building \u003d 0.105 ... 0.7 W / (m 3 ∙K); V H - the volume of the building without the basement according to the outer measurement, m 3; T B - the average design temperature of the internal air of the main premises of the building, K; T N - calculated winter outdoor temperature for designing heating systems, K: for Volgograd 248 K, Kirov 242 K, Moscow 247 K, St. Petersburg 249 K, Ulyanovsk 244 K, Chelyabinsk 241K.

    Heat consumption for ventilation of industrial buildings, kW

    where - specific ventilation characteristic, i.е. heat consumption for ventilation of 1 m 3 of the building with a difference of internal and external temperatures of 1 K, W / (m 3 ∙K): depending on the volume and purpose of the building \u003d 0.17 ... 1.396 W / (m 3 ∙K);
    - the calculated value of the outdoor air temperature for the design of ventilation systems, K: for Volgograd 259 K, Vyatka 254 K, Moscow 258 K, St. Petersburg 261 K, Ulyanovsk 255 K, Chelyabinsk 252 K.

    The amount of heat absorbed by materials, machinery and equipment brought into the premises, kW


    where - mass heat capacity of materials or equipment, kJ / (kg∙K): for water 4.19, grain 2.1 ... 2.5, iron 0.48, brick 0.92, straw 2.3;
    - mass of raw materials or equipment imported into the premises, kg;
    - temperature of materials, raw materials or equipment brought into the premises, K: for metals
    =, for non-flowing materials
    =+10, bulk materials
    =+20;- time of heating materials, machines or equipment to room temperature, h.

    The amount of heat consumed for technological needs, kW, is determined through the consumption of hot water or steam


    where - consumption for technological needs of water or steam, kg / h: for repair shops 100 ... 120, for one cow 0.625, for a calf 0.083, etc.; - heat content of water or steam at the boiler outlet, kJ/kg; - coefficient of return of condensate or hot water, varying within 0 ... 0.7: in calculations, they usually take =0,7;- heat content of condensate or water returned to the boiler, kJ/kg: in calculations it can be taken equal to 270…295 kJ/kg.

    The thermal power of the boiler plant P k, taking into account the heat consumption for the auxiliary needs of the boiler house and losses in heating networks, is assumed to be 10 ... 15% more than the total heat consumption

    According to the obtained value P to we select the type and brand of the boiler. It is recommended to install the same type of boiler units with the same heat output. The number of steel units should be at least two and no more than four, cast iron - no more than six. It should be borne in mind that in case of failure of one boiler, the remaining ones must provide at least 75-80% of the calculated thermal output of the boiler plant.

    Heaters are used for direct space heating. various kinds and structures: radiators, cast-iron ribbed tubes, convectors, etc.

    The total surface area of ​​heating devices, m 2, is determined by the formula


    where - heat transfer coefficient of the walls of heating devices, W / (m 2 ∙K): for cast iron 7.4, for steel 8.3; - temperature of water or steam at the inlet to the heating device, K; for water radiators of low pressure 338…348, high pressure 393…398; for steam radiators 383…388; - water temperature at the outlet of the heating device, K: for low pressure water radiators 338 ... 348, for high pressure steam and water radiators 368.

    From the known value of F, find the required number of sections of heating devices


    where - the area of ​​one section of the heating device, m 2 , depending on its type: 0.254 for M-140 radiators; 0.299 for M-140-AO; 0.64 for M3-500-1; 0.73 for the skirting type convector 15KP-1; 1 for a cast-iron ribbed tube with a diameter of 500 mm.

    Uninterrupted operation of boilers is possible only with a sufficient supply of fuel for them. In addition, knowing the required amount of alternative fuel materials, it is possible to determine the optimal type of fuel using economic indicators.

    The need for fuel, kg, for the heating period of the year can approximately be calculated by the formula


    where =1.1…1.2 - safety factor for unaccounted for heat losses; - annual consumption of standard fuel for increasing the temperature of 1 m 3 of air in a heated building by 1 K, kg / (m 3 ∙K): 0.32 for a building with
    m 3; 0.245 at
    ; 0.215 at 0.2 at >10000 m 3 .

    Conventional fuel is considered to be fuel, the heat of combustion of 1 kg of which is 29.3 MJ, or 7000 kcal. To convert standard fuel into natural fuel, correction factors are used: for anthracite 0.97, brown coal 2.33, medium quality firewood 5.32, fuel oil 0.7, peat 2.6.

    Severe competition between manufacturers of one or another type of product makes the owners industrial facilities reduce the cost of products by maintaining the optimal level of costs for manufacturing process and marketing organization.

    The problem of choosing the most economical option for heating production areas plays an important role in reducing costs.

    Air heating of warehouse, production and household premises is one of the most efficient and cost-effective options for a heating system that allows you to maintain the required temperature throughout the entire operating cycle.

    In this article, we will consider the features of the design, installation and operation of air heating for industrial premises of various profiles (warehouse, workshop, etc.).

    When heating large areas, you need to use more powerful equipment.

    Air heating is a heat generator or a water heater that heats the air, and a system of branched air ducts designed to transport air flows to the heated areas of a workshop or warehouse.

    Inside the production premises, heated air is distributed due to the operation of the fan or distribution heads, directing the air flows in the required direction.

    Industrial air heating can be presented in the form of a mobile option for heating local areas of the workshop - portable heat guns that successfully perform the task of operational heating of certain areas.

    Air recirculation additionally solves the issues of compliance with air parameters in the serviced or working area industrial premises to sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Air heating of industrial and warehouse premises has a number of competitive advantages over other heating system schemes:

    1. High efficiency (up to 93%), no intermediate links (pipes, radiators, etc.).
    2. Maintaining a constant level of microclimate inside production facilities due to the possibility of integrating climate and heating systems.
    3. Low inertia, allowing for a short period of time to warm up the premises to the required level.
    4. Significant financial savings and reduced production costs.

    Obvious advantages may slightly overshadow some disadvantages:

    1. The need for regular maintenance, the complexity of upgrading.
    2. The need to equip a backup power supply.

    For the installation of an air heating system for a workshop and other industrial premises, the following sequence of actions must be followed:

    1. Development of a design solution.
    2. Heating system installation.
    3. Carrying out commissioning and testing by air and actuation of automation systems.
    4. Acceptance into operation.
    5. Exploitation.

    Below we consider in more detail each of the stages.

    Air heating system design

    The correct location of heat sources around the perimeter will allow heating the premises in the same volume. Click to enlarge.

    Air heating of a workshop or warehouse must be installed in strict accordance with a previously developed design solution.

    You should not be engaged in performing all the necessary calculations and selecting equipment on your own, since design and installation errors can lead to a malfunction and the appearance of various defects: increased noise level, imbalance in the air supply to the premises, temperature imbalance.

    The development of a design solution should be entrusted to a specialized organization, which, based on the technical specifications (or terms of reference) will deal with the following technical tasks and issues:

    1. Determination of heat losses in each room.
    2. Determination and selection of an air heater of the required power, taking into account the magnitude of heat losses.
    3. Calculation of the amount of heated air, taking into account the power of the air heater.
    4. Aerodynamic calculation of the system, made to determine the pressure loss and the diameter of the air channels.

    After the completion of the design work, you should proceed to the purchase of equipment, taking into account its functionality, quality, range of operating parameters and cost.

    Installation of air heating system

    Work on the installation of the air heating system of the workshop can be performed independently (by specialists and employees of the enterprise) or resort to the services of a specialized organization.

    At self-assembly systems must take into account some specific features.

    Before starting installation, it will not be superfluous to make sure that the completeness necessary equipment and materials.

    The layout of the air heating system. Click to enlarge.

    At specialized enterprises producing ventilation equipment, you can order air ducts, tie-ins, throttle dampers and other standard products used in the installation of an air heating system for industrial premises.

    In addition, you will need the following materials: self-tapping screws, aluminum tape, mounting tape, flexible insulated air ducts with a noise suppression function.

    When installing air heating, it is necessary to provide for insulation (thermal insulation) of the supply air ducts.

    This measure is intended to eliminate the possibility of condensation. When installing the main air ducts, galvanized steel is used, on top of which a self-adhesive foil insulation is glued, with a thickness of 3 mm to 5 mm.

    The choice of rigid or flexible air ducts or their combination depends on the type of air heater determined by the design decision. The air ducts are connected to each other using reinforced aluminum tape, metal or plastic clamps.

    The general principle of installation of air heating is reduced to the following sequence of actions:

      Carrying out general construction preparatory work.
    1. Installation of the main air duct.
    2. Installation of outlet air ducts (distribution).
    3. Air heater installation.
    4. Device for thermal insulation of supply air ducts.
    5. Installation of additional equipment (if necessary) and individual elements: recuperators, grilles, etc.

    Carrying out commissioning tests, acceptance of air heating into operation

    Air heating of an industrial warehouse or production workshop necessarily includes automatic control and protection systems.

    Conducting commissioning tests of automation is an integral part of the comprehensive testing of newly installed equipment and its acceptance into operation (in the case when a third-party specialized organization was involved in the installation).

    It is best to entrust the work of conducting commissioning tests by air and actuation of automation to a specialized organization (if your company does not have specialists of this profile on its staff).

    The reliability and efficiency of the entire air heating system of industrial premises will depend on the quality of the commissioning tests.

    Operation of the air heating system

    Air heating of a warehouse or production workshop is a modern heat supply system, the efficiency and performance of which depends on a set of measures for its timely maintenance in preparation for the heating period.

    During operation, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturers of the installed equipment and the requirements of regulatory legal acts.

    Air heating systems for industrial premises: pros and cons

    Traditional water heating widely used for residential and office buildings. But when it comes to heat supply of large area structures (production shops, warehouses, hangars, agro-industrial facilities, etc.), more economical and effective solutions– such as air heating systems.

    When Traditions Fail

    Scheme of air heating, fig. one

    First of all, it is worth understanding why water heating systems, so common for small residential and office premises, are not suitable for workshops, warehouses or hangars.

    Scheme of the air heating system, fig. 2

    The fact is that rooms in apartments and private houses, as well as offices, most often have a ceiling height of no higher than 3-4 m. Warm air flows from heating devices located under windows or along walls rise up. Because of this, the air temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling increases by 2°C with each meter. Thus, in living rooms this difference can reach 6-8°С, which is quite acceptable, since a comfortable temperature (+18-22°С) should be maintained only up to the height of human growth.

    Air heating system, diagram, fig. 3

    But the higher the ceiling, the more uneven heating increases. In a room heated by a convective method, warm air mainly accumulates under the ceiling, which naturally increases heat loss through ceilings or roofs. At the same time, at the height of human growth, the temperature remains much lower than comfortable.

    Scheme of air heating, fig. 4

    Due to the huge temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling, when using water heating systems in rooms with high ceilings, it is necessary to resort to additional measures to evenly heat the entire volume of air. These can be electric or water "warm floors" or ceiling fans, which further increases the already considerable costs of heating the building. All this makes water heating an extremely unprofitable and inefficient solution for heating buildings with high ceilings. So it is being phased out in favor of more economical air systems.

    Scheme, fig. 5

    Air heating system: pros and cons


    You can set the thermostat to a low maintenance (so that the water does not freeze) temperature, leaving the unit for a while. Upon returning, the regulator switches back, the building warms up.

    If necessary, you can set a flexible temperature regime: at night - one, during the day - another.

    Air heating can work alongside a humidifier in dry climates, while avoiding the problems associated with the accumulation of "static electricity".

    In regions with a humid climate, air heating systems dry the air in the premises, which will prevent moisture condensation and the spread of fungus and mold.

    Air heating systems with an air intake inside the building are equipped with purifying filters or ionizers, this allows you to remove polluting particles and allergens from the air.

    During the warm season, air ducts of air heating systems with forced draft supply cold air to the premises.

    Fans of air heating systems, in the presence of forced draft, are used in conjunction with solid fuel stoves, heating the house in case of unforeseen failures or planned interruptions in the operation of centralized heating. Such an alternative system, located near the air intake fan, is able to assist the main heating system in especially severe cold.


    Air heating systems with the same forced draft "successfully" suck dust from the street into the room. Air filters do not capture all the dust. The problem can be alleviated by the use of air intake systems located inside the building.

    Air filters require frequent replacement, if this is not done, the system loses its effectiveness.

    If the fan fails, heat will not be supplied.

    In case of any malfunction with the ingress of CO into the air duct system, it will spread throughout the building carbon monoxide.

    Air heating system - simply ideal for heating industrial premises

    Calculators SNiPs and GOSTs

    Heating industrial premises is an important matter for the owner of a large enterprise. Because the first thing you need to think about is your employees. After all, when workers spend their workday in comfortable conditions, they, accordingly, get sick less and work better.

    Advantages of air heating of industrial premises:

    • This heating system is much more economical than, for example, gas;
    • Installing air heating equipment will cost the owner in large institutions much cheaper than building their own separate boiler room;
    • Also, this heating system can save a lot of money for electricity. The thing is that the air is heated, thanks to this equipment, much faster, and the heat lasts longer;
    • The owner of any large premises will save money on the maintenance of this system. Since air heating of industrial premises requires fewer employees to service this heating equipment.
    Rice. 1 Heating of industrial premises

    Installation options for this heating equipment

    Air heating can be installed in 2 options. The first option is to install production units on the roof or near the wall. A special system goes inside from them, thanks to which the air is distributed to all blowers and evenly heats the room. This option is suitable if, in addition to heating the institution, it is also necessary to cool and ventilate it during the warm season.

    Owners of enterprises will no longer need to think about the purchase of air conditioners and their installation. You can save a lot by connecting only one heating system, but in the end you get 2. Such heating of industrial premises is often used in shopping centers and department stores. Humidifiers and antibacterial lamps can be connected to the heating equipment, which contribute to the creation of an ideal microclimate in the room.

    The second installation option is when the production facilities are heated by local air heaters. Such equipment is perfect for various warehouses and premises in which goods are stored. Air heaters should be installed in the right places around the perimeter and just turn them on. If the temperature drops sharply, then the sensor will record this, and the units will start their work again.

    How to proceed when installing air heating in warehouses and other institutions

    As always, before starting absolutely any work, you need to think carefully about everything. In this case, you need to make a good project so that after installing the heating equipment there are no problems. Of course, the owner of the production establishment will not do all this. So the best way to cope with this task is to hire competent workers in this field.

    So, what actions should be followed before installing this design:

    • First you need to make a project before proceeding with the installation of air heating in the enterprise;
    • Next, you need to install the heating system;
    • Then all devices should be tested. This will be the test of all automatic systems, and air testing;
    • If the check was successful, then you can hand over the “work” for use;
    • The last point is, directly, the use of this heating system.

    The calculation of all units, spare parts and their quantity should be done by an experienced person in this area in order to protect themselves from "extra" purchases.

    Heating of industrial premises and enterprises requires absolute compliance with the project itself. You should not do all the calculations yourself, even if you are well versed in this. After all, one small mistake can ruin the entire system. Various defects may also appear, which are accompanied increased level noise (and for shopping centers- this is an unacceptable situation), an imbalance in the air supply to various rooms, an imbalance in the temperature regime, etc.

    A specialized organization (namely, here the customer needs to apply for a heating system project) must solve the following issues:

    • Define heat loss in every separate room;
    • Having learned the heat losses, the employees of a specialized organization select air heaters of the required power, taking into account all heat losses;
    • Calculate the amount of heated air and take it into account with the power of the air heater;
    • Make a calculation of the aerodynamic system, which determines the pressure loss and the diameter of the air channels.

    And only after all this, you can proceed to the purchase of all the necessary materials, and then begin to install the heating system for industrial premises.

    Rice. 2 Calculation of heating of the production room

    Air heating system and its installation

    Work on the installation of equipment for heating industrial premises can be undertaken by both “all their own” and workers from a specialized organization. Before starting the installation of air heating in the room, you need to make sure that all the materials for work are available.

    In addition to the heating system, it is also necessary not to forget about self-tapping screws, aluminum tape, mounting tape, flexible insulated air duct and other additional materials. All air heating blowers in the room must be insulated. This must be done in order to avoid condensate blowers in production areas.

    Rice. 3 Air heating system in industrial establishments

    An air heating system with main blowers requires special approaches to insulation. The material used for these blowers is galvanized steel, so self-adhesive insulation (foil) must be glued on top of it. The thickness of the insulation should be 3-5 mm.

    It is best to hire experienced workers to install a heating system in large rooms who will install all the necessary equipment without any problems.

    Home > Air heating of industrial premises

    Today, many commercial and industrial organizations face the issue of cost savings. In winter, heating a production facility with a constant increase in electricity prices can cost a pretty penny, so the demand for effective ways heating - first of all, direct heating of air using the cheapest fuel today - natural gas. Air heating systems for industrial and commercial premises offered by our company are among the most efficient, profitable and advanced on the Russian market. Let us consider the main characteristics of such systems. For industrial premises requiring heating and ventilation, systems are used in which air is supplied to the premises through air ducts. It is most expedient to use such systems if it is necessary not only to heat, but also to ventilate and / or air-condition the room - since in this system it is possible to combine all these functions. A similar system is mounted using large industrial units, usually located on the roof. This is how the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is built in large shopping centers, office buildings as well as production shops. The system allows you to maintain the desired climatic parameters in the room - temperature, humidity, purify the air from microbes, dust and other harmful impurities, creating the most favorable environment for people in the room. If the task is only to heat the production premises with minimal cost, then the most optimal way is to install local gas air heaters. This is a compact and inexpensive equipment operating on the principle of a fan heater. Local air heaters are controlled by thermostats that regulate the temperature in the room and give a signal to turn on if it drops to a certain value. In both cases, the heating system of an industrial or warehouse space has several undoubted advantages:
    • use of a cheap energy source (gas)
    • the absence of an additional coolant, as well as the bulky system associated with it (pipes, boilers, pumps)
    • exceptionally low inertia - no time is required for heat transfer from the coolant to the battery, the heated air immediately enters the room
    • exceptionally high efficiency - up to 93%
    • creation of a more even distribution of heat due to the constant circulation of air in the room
    Design and installation of air heating systems is a task for professionals in this field, requiring to take into account a lot of nuances. This is the calculation of power and the selection of optimal equipment, taking into account heat losses in a particular room, aerodynamic calculation and many other parameters. Errors at the design stage can lead to unsatisfactory functioning of the system, the appearance of undesirable side effects - for example, excessive noise in the room, imbalance in the distribution of air flows, stagnation of air, or vice versa - the appearance of drafts. Only after all the features of the production facility and the wishes of the customer are taken into account and agreed upon in the form of a finished project, the company's engineers proceed to the supply and installation of equipment and air duct systems. The air heating system of the production workshop or warehouse must be equipped with automatic protection and control devices. Before handing over the system to the customer, the contractor performs commissioning, checking all parameters of the system and its safe operation. Regular maintenance of the system is an important component of its long, efficient and trouble-free operation. As a rule, the specialists of our company are engaged in regular maintenance installed systems. Remember - even such "little things" as an untimely filter replacement can lead to serious deterioration performance characteristics. Before everyone heating season it is necessary to carry out a complex of preventive works, including checking the equipment and the air duct system. Calculate the air heating system of the industrial premises See also - heating of production and public buildings

    Since competition in the domestic market is growing every day, manufacturers are forced to pay attention to all cost items. If you look at this list, then the cost of heating various industrial premises will take a far from closing position. Since the cost of energy carriers has increased, their percentage of prime cost has also increased.

    Air heating of the production room

    If earlier such a question as the choice of the most economical option was not yet so acute, now it is positioned in the category of the most relevant. Air heating of a production facility in such a situation is often considered the most efficient and at the same time the most economical option.

    Operating principle

    Air heating of the production premises is made up of a heat generator and routes through which masses of hot air are transported. These routes lead to such premises as workshops, change houses, warehouses and others. The hot air that passes through the thermal paths is under high pressure. Air injection is achieved by means of fans that are installed in front of the heat generator. In addition to heating mains, air is also distributed through separate highways.

    This is due to mechanical dampers or automatic distribution mechanisms. It often happens that the heating of industrial premises is presented as a mobile device. Such devices are called heat guns - one of the methods from the category of types of heating industrial premises.

    By means of heat guns, it is possible to heat any production premises in the shortest possible time, whether it is air heating of a workshop. Air heating has its advantages, as it allows you to solve the problem of recirculation of air flows.

    Advantages of air heating

    Among the advantages offered by air heating of industrial buildings, the following stand out:

    • Efficiency, which reaches such a value as 93%. In order to organize air heating of industrial premises and enterprises, there is no need for intermediate heating devices.
    • Such systems can be easily integrated with systems such as ventilation. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain exactly the temperature that is required in the room.
    • Air heating has a minimum level of inertia. The room temperature will start to rise as soon as the equipment is put into operation.
    • Due to the fact that such space heating is the most efficient, it is possible to increase the economic performance of production.
    • The cost of production is somewhat reduced.

    System design

    In order to organize air heating of premises, it is necessary to draw up all the necessary design documents. It is best to entrust this matter to professionals in this field. Otherwise, improper organization is fraught with the fact that the noise level will be increased in the premises or an imbalance of thermal conditions will be observed.

    The organization of such an issue as heating and ventilation of industrial premises should solve the following issues:

    • Determine the preliminary level of those heat losses that will be characteristic of a particular room.
    • Calculate the power of the heat generator, taking into account unproductive heat costs.
    • Calculate the amount of heated air, as well as the required temperature regime.
    • Determine the size of the diameter of those channels through which air enters, as well as identify possible pressure losses from the negative characteristics of the line.

    After the calculation of the heating system of an industrial building is made, and such a project is drawn up, you can purchase the necessary equipment.

    Installation work on the installation of an air heating system for warehouses can be carried out both by employees of the enterprise, and by asking for help from employees of specialized companies. Having ordered the equipment in order to make air heating of a warehouse or other premises, you will receive dampers, air ducts, tie-ins and other standard components from the manufacturer.

    Additionally, you will need to buy materials such as:

    • aluminum tape;
    • flexible lines;
    • tape for mounting and insulation.

    It is extremely important to insulate some areas, as this will prevent condensation from forming in problem areas. To do this, a layer of foil insulation can be placed on the walls of the pipelines. The thickness of such a self-adhesive insulation may vary, but the most used is foil, which has a thickness of 3 to 5 mm.

    Trunks can be either rigid or flexible, it all depends on the geometry of the room or on the design plan. Between themselves, some sections of highways can be connected by means of reinforced tape and clamps made of plastic or metal.

    In order to perform installation work on the organization of an air heating system for industrial premises, the following steps will be required:

    • installation of highways through which hot air is supplied;
    • installation of distribution sockets;
    • installation of a unit that generates heat;
    • laying a layer for thermal insulation;
    • installation of additional devices and equipment.

    In industrial or warehouse premises, the heating systems of industrial premises are complete and very efficient, they provide space with heat. It is not for nothing that such systems are used in order to organize the heating of shopping centers, the number of which is now increasing day by day. The main advantages of such a system are considered to be maximum efficiency and economy. Gas infrared heating of industrial premises is also used - also a fairly effective option.

    Industrial air heating systems are widely used for heating production workshops, warehouses, construction sites, various commercial facilities, agro-industrial enterprises and agriculture.
    The air supplied to the premises has a temperature of +40 - 50 ° C and is distributed through a system of air ducts with a variable cross section.

    Industrial air heating cost-effective, it can be combined with a ventilation system, which significantly reduces their overall cost.

    But due to the low specific heat of air and high heat loads, the use of air for heating purposes is effective when supplying large volumes of warm air, which in turn leads to huge oversized air ducts and powerful fans that require significant energy costs to transport air.

    However, at present, industrial air heating is most widely used in modern enterprises and facilities.

    Equipment for industrial air heating

    Air heating in the supply ventilation unit.

    The supply unit has a unit, usually with an electric heater or a water heat exchanger.
    The air supplied to the premises, passing through this unit, is heated and distributed through the air ducts, ventilation and heating of the premises takes place.

    Air heating in a special installation (heat generator, air heater, etc.)

    Heat generators installed indoors or outdoors, their power is calculated based on the total heat loss of the object, which must be compensated by the supply of warm air. Air distribution is also carried out through ducts.
    The efficiency of these installations is very high and can reach 95 - 98%. The air is heated by burning natural gas or liquid fuel with a burner, while the high-temperature combustion products, passing through the heat exchanger, give it their heat, which in turn heats the air supplied to the premises. With this method of heating the air, it is possible to reach the temperature of the air leaving the heat generator up to +90 ° C.

    Heat generators have a powerful supply fan of high performance, providing the supply of several thousand cubic meters of warm air per hour and therefore, often when designing, they combine air heating and ventilation, thereby reducing the cost of the total cost of systems.

    Heat generators or air heaters have a wide range of thermal outputs - from about 10 to 1000 or more kilowatts of thermal output and a variety of designs that allow them to be installed on the floor, on walls or under the ceiling in rooms, as well as outside, next to the heated room or directly on the roof building.

    Basically, heat generators “work” for a system of metal air ducts that distribute air across several rooms at once and over a large area.

    Air heating by small units of low power, distributed throughout the room.

    Often, for heating large areas and volumes, small installations are used - fan heaters.
    fan heaters structurally consist of a fan, a heat exchanger or a heating element and a control unit.
    Hot water is supplied centrally from the boiler house to the room to each fan heater .

    passing through the heat exchanger fan heater, hot water or another coolant transfers part of the heat to the air, with which the heat exchanger is blown by a fan and enters directly into the room air through a guide grill or louvers.

    This method of space heating is convenient when it is necessary to heat large areas with relatively low heights of industrial or warehouse premises.

    At the same time, there is no need to install a bulky network of supply air ducts, although pipelines will have to be laid to each fan heater to ensure the supply of coolant (water or antifreeze).

    Application of industrial heat generators

    Industrial heating of the workshop

    Energy efficient air heating in a factory can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

    We have solutions for air heating of large open and shelving warehouses with small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters that use hot water to heat the air.

    Frost protection or complete warehouse heating – we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

    Our specialists will inspect your warehouse free of charge, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the peculiarities of storage - open or shelved.

    Industrial heating of the workshop

    Energy efficient air heating in a factory can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

    We can design factory heating systems using floor and suspended air heaters, running on gas or solar oil or using hot water.

    Warehouse industrial heating

    We have solutions for air heating of large open and shelving warehouses with small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

    Frost protection or complete warehouse heating - we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

    Our experts will inspect your warehouse for free, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the peculiarities of storage - open or shelved.

    Industrial garage heating

    Heat generators f. metmann.

    Metmann heat generators will keep garages of any size comfortable at temperatures, including outdoor units with ducted air distribution capable of maintaining good air quality.

    Industrial heating of agricultural facilities

    We offer a quiet, energy-efficient agricultural heating solution that helps maintain optimal growth of agricultural products, create a comfortable environment for staff and customers in greenhouses, conservatories and other climate-controlled facilities.

    Our air heating systems can be designed using the most modern heat generators specially designed for air heating greenhouses and conservatories.

    Industrial heating of hangars with equipment (ships, aircraft, etc.)

    We have experience in air heating solutions with energy efficient and economical air heating systems using gas or diesel fueled heat generators for hangars with large open spaces, high ceilings and frequently opened doors and gates.

    We have experience in placing heat generators and fuel tanks for them inside containers (such as marine ones), next to the hangar. At the same time, the air supply in the hangar is carried out through metal air ducts with air distribution through special aerodynamic nozzles that provide the necessary shape and length of the air jet

    Industrial heating of sports facilities

    We offer air heating solutions for all types of sports halls and recreation centers, providing a comfortable environment with minimal energy and operating costs.

    Our Metmann and Apen Group air heating units provide highly efficient air heating for sports halls, leisure centres, swimming pools and other recreational spaces.

    Our specialists guarantee you assistance and recommendations in accordance with your requirements for sports and recreation.