How to fix a window: an overview of the fixing hardware and a photo report on the installation. Self-installation of wooden windows in a wooden house How to properly install plastic windows in old houses

  • 23.06.2020

Do-it-yourself window installation will save up to 50% of the money that would be spent on installation by a third-party company. But it is very important to do everything right, otherwise the savings will be doubtful. For wooden houses, there are some features that you should be aware of.

Possible problems with incorrect installation of windows

It is advisable to adequately assess your strengths in advance, because some mistakes can become very expensive:

    • lack of casing - a house made of timber during shrinkage “walks” and begins to put pressure on window frames;
    • usage polyurethane foam in the shrinkage gap between the top in the casing and the wall of the house - the hardened foam is very rigid and will transfer pressure from the upper beams to the window frame, nullifying the functions of the casing;

    • incorrect calculation of the dimensions of the plastic window frame - not taking into account the mounting gap, you will have to expand the window opening;

    • too large a gap between the frame and the wall - with a simple foaming of such a gap, the slopes will always be cold, it is better to insert an additional expansion profile;
    • lack of external protection of the mounting gap - when foaming the distance between the frame and the casing, it is better to close the gap from the outside with PSUL tape, which provides foam protection from ultraviolet radiation, but allows moisture to evaporate;

    • lack of waterproofing from the outside and vapor barrier from the inside - the foam is destroyed when exposed to the atmosphere, which leads to a deterioration in the insulating properties;

    • placing the window in the "cold zone" - is the cause of the freezing of the slopes and the formation of condensate from the inside

If there is the slightest possibility of making one of these mistakes due to inexperience, it is better not to save and order the installation of windows. For an experienced builder, do-it-yourself installation should not be a problem.

Pitfalls that plastic window manufacturers do not talk about

The tightness and high sound insulation of plastic double-glazed windows is presented as an undoubted advantage. But, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. After all, the humidity in residential premises is constantly increasing, and thanks to leaky wooden frames ensured constant inflow fresh air. Of course, too large gaps can make the house very cold, so euro-windows have long become a very popular product.

How to solve the problem with high humidity? One option is to make forced ventilation. But in the absence of ventilation holes, this can be problematic - you will have to redo a lot.

It was for such cases that window frames were invented. supply valves- special profiles that are installed on plastic windows. What is especially pleasing is the ease of installation. It is enough to replace part of the standard seal with a special one and fasten the valve to the window sash with several self-tapping screws. Unfortunately, the system will not work without an exhaust vent.
Another unpleasant surprise for the owners wooden houses- companies that install plastic windows often do not give a guarantee for their work, citing the unpredictability of wood behavior. So even with all the installation rules, you can find that after a few years the windows stopped opening. And you won't be able to sharpen the plastic with a file.

Manufacture of casing (pigtails)

The first thing that begins with the installation of windows - with the installation of casing. But is it always needed and how to do it right?

When you can do without pigtails

A new wooden house made of logs or timber will shrink in any case. And no one canceled the seasonal heaving of the soil. In this case, casing is required - it will protect the window from distortions, torsion or bends.

It is important to use only dry and durable material for casing boards - edged board 50 mm thick and edged timber 150x100 mm or 50x50 mm. The width should be equal to the thickness of the wall.

But in a frame house, you can not make a pigtail - the frame itself is already formed for window and door openings and provides the necessary rigidity. In a log house that has stood for more than 10 years, some builders also do not mount the casing, arguing that it has already undergone shrinkage and is not deformed. But for peace of mind in your home, it is better to do it, this process is not so complicated.

How to do a squash properly

The last option is the most time-consuming, but also the most reliable. If there are doubts about your own carpentry skills, it is better to make a casing in a mortgage bar. For this:

    • In the window opening, in the middle of the timber, two vertical furrows 5x5 cm in size are selected. This can be done both with a chainsaw and with a hand circular saw, chisel and axe. The second option is preferable if the hand is not stuffed for precise work with a chainsaw.

    • On top of the mortgage bar is laid edged board and fixed with self-tapping screws flush - two at the top and bottom. To do this, a small recess with a diameter slightly larger than the screw head is pre-drilled.
    • If the “thorn-monolith” casing option is chosen, then the previously sawn T-shaped element is simply driven into the groove and also screwed on with self-tapping screws.
    • Vertical elements should not reach the upper edge of the opening by 8 cm - so that the top laid on them with a thickness of 5 cm is at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall beam. This will be the shrink gap.
    • The tip should enter the grooves with little effort, and not move freely in a horizontal plane. It is also fixed with self-tapping screws screwed in at an angle.
    • The insulation is laid in the shrinkage gap and closed on the inside with a vapor barrier, and on the outside with a windproof membrane. In no case should the insulation be covered on both sides with vapor-tight films - the accumulated condensate will cause mold to form on the wood adjacent to the insulation.

And this is how the casing is done “in the deck”:

When the pigtail is ready, you can proceed directly to the installation of double-glazed windows.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows

The installation of double-glazed windows is not very complicated, but it requires precise adherence to the technology. Otherwise, the window will almost certainly condense, and the frame will warp.

Checking the delivered double-glazed window

In no case should you neglect this moment! First, the dimensions of the window opening and the double-glazed window are checked. So, if the opening is 184 cm, then the window frame should be 180 cm - the gap between the side posts and the wall cannot exceed 2 cm on each side. The height of the window opening, for example, is 120 cm, then the frame itself should be 116 cm, and at the bottom there is also a support profile (clover) of 3 cm. Thus, the gap on top will turn out to be 1 cm. it needs to be left a place at the window calculation. It is needed so that the window sill can be installed from the inside, and the ebb can be screwed on the outside.

If mosquito nets are planned on the windows, it is also necessary to check the presence of fasteners. Handles are often “lost” as windows are transported without them. But pins - special fasteners, you need to select yourself.

Their length should be such that, when fully screwed in, they reach only to the middle of the casing. And that's with clearance. If the dowel is screwed into the wall wooden house, the window will begin to deform regardless of the presence of a pigtail.

Often they do not pay attention to small elements - decorative overlays, fittings and drainage holes. They also need to be counted. But the window sill and the ebb must be ordered - forgetting to clarify their need, you can find that the windows arrived without them. For installation, you will also need special linings for the glass itself - their presence can only be seen by disassembling the double-glazed window.

They may not be included in the kit, so it is better to order them in advance. Wedges are convenient because, thanks to their different sizes, you can set the frame evenly by simply placing a wedge of the desired thickness under the corners and racks.

Dismantling and preparation of double-glazed windows

The finished double-glazed window is brought assembled. But to install it, you have to disassemble everything to the frame. For this:

    • closed special key the upper pins holding the swinging sash are removed;
    • the window handle is inserted, the sash opens and is removed from the lower mounts;
    • glazing beads are knocked out from the inside of the window and double-glazed windows are removed - you can use a hammer and a regular knife;
    • you need to remember or designate the right and left glazing beads;
    • removed from the outside protective film- under the influence of the sun, after a few months it will no longer come off;
    • external elements are mounted - mosquito net holders and decorative plugs for drainage holes;
    • holes for pins are drilled - first at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the corners of the frame, and then no more than 60-70 cm from each other;

Once the preliminary preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Installation of the frame and assembly of plastic windows

First, the frame is simply inserted into the window opening and temporarily fixed in it. For example, temporary jibs nailed on the outside. But it is much easier to do everything with an assistant - he just holds the frame until it is leveled and screwed to the casing. Frame installation also requires the correct sequence:

    1. The lower edge is aligned according to the level - the laser level is more convenient in this regard. Wedges of different thicknesses are placed under each rack so as to achieve a perfectly even position. Even minimal distortion will create problems during operation.
    2. Side braces are inserted to ensure the same distance from the walls. If the width of the window frame is too small and literally "falls out" of the opening, you can use a special expansion profile. This is much better than foaming the resulting huge gap.

    1. The frame is also aligned vertically. Do not forget that you need to install it in a "warm" zone - for wooden walls without external insulation, this is clearly in the middle.
    2. Once the frame is level, you can begin to mount it, starting with the side racks. First, holes are drilled in the tree through those already made in the frame, and then the dowels are baited. First, the upper and lower, with a mandatory check of the vertical, and then between them.
    3. As soon as the frame is fixed, the ebb is attached outside. Of course, this can be done as a last resort, but on the second floor it is not so easy to approach from the outside. The tide is inserted into a special groove under the frame, screwed on with two self-tapping screws along the edges, and under it the gap is filled with mounting foam.

    1. Decorative trims are put on the fasteners of the sash. The lower ones are put on the frame, the upper ones - on the sash. First, the sash is installed on the frame, and only then the handle is attached in the open state.

    1. Double-glazed windows are placed on special gaskets. Without them, the window may simply burst due to the emphasis on the metal parts in the corners of the frame.

    1. The mounting seam around the perimeter is foamed.
    2. The window sill is installed. To do this, a finished window sill is placed on the window sill, wedges are placed under it for leveling. The window sill is removed, its end and delivery profile are smeared with sealant, and the free space between the wedges is foamed. Again, the window sill is placed, pressed tightly against the profile and left until the foam hardens.

  1. In some cases, they do the opposite - first install the window sill, level it and screw it with dowels to the casing. And then a double-glazed window is placed on top of it. In this case, it is no longer necessary to align the frame horizontally. The only inconvenience is that the material of the window sill must withstand the action of the external environment. Of course, you can fix the tide outside on top of the window sill and foam everything under it, thus protecting the wooden element.

Once the mounting foam has hardened, you can start finishing the windows.

Slopes for a plastic window in a wooden house

The easiest option that even girls can handle is to close them plastic panels. For this you will need:

  • L-shaped or starting profile - it is screwed to the wall close to the window frame;
  • decorative plastic corner - it closes the end of the panel from the side of the room and is also screwed with self-tapping screws;
  • the plastic lining itself for the slopes.

And you don't even need to froth anything. But in order to provide the necessary protection of the installation seam and good insulation, it is necessary to lay insulation between the wall and the slope and cover it with a vapor barrier. From the outside, the seam is closed with a windproof film - waterproofing with good vapor permeability.

And in order for the windows to please with warmth and comfort, it is very important to protect the mounting foam from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as from being taken away by birds. You do not need to restrain your soul's impulses if you want to start doing something with your own hands. And everything will definitely work out!

Installation of plastic windows in an old wooden house can be done according to the standard instructions for such work. However, old houses have one feature that can be considered a great advantage over newly built houses - an old house no longer shrinks. In this case, large gaps are not needed, which are left for shrinkage of new houses.

Sequence of work:

  • The preparatory stage is the dismantling of the old window, fitting the size of the opening to the new window;
  • Casing manufacturing
  • Window installation

If the house is old, then, most likely, the old windows were made of wood. Such windows are dismantled with a crowbar. If necessary, the old window is sawn. The doorway is completely cleared and inspected to determine the condition of the logs.

Important! If the house is old, then during the first installation of windows, most likely, the window opening was not treated with antiseptic impregnations that protect the wood from rot and bugs.

old house in doorway usually not suitable for a new window - it is either damaged or does not fit the new window of the desired size - about 2 cm is left between the window frame and the casing on each side. If you use old casing, then the window may turn out to be too small. Therefore, the old opening is expanded taking into account the size of the new plastic window.

New opening dimensions:

  • Width - 220 mm is added to the width of the plastic window, which takes into account the thickness of the bars of the new casing (2 * 100 mm), the gaps between the frame and the casing are 20 mm on each side, 15 mm on each side for jute insulation. The allowance is reduced by 50 mm due to the entry of the spikes of the side openings of the window into the casing bars;
  • Height - 245 mm is added to the height of the window for mounting clearances under the frame and above the window frame, the thickness of the casing bars is taken into account. For an old house, they do not make a gap for shrinkage above the upper casing beam.

Attention! If there is even a slight doubt about the possibility of shrinkage at home, then it is better to leave a small gap of about 45 mm above the upper casing beam to compensate for possible shrinkage.

Casing manufacturing

The casing must be installed even if the house no longer shrinks at all. Casing is needed to fix the linear dimensions of the opening.

Attention! For casing, use only well-dried wood that will not shrink.

Spikes are cut out at the end of the logs on the side parts of the window opening, and recesses are cut out in the side beams of the casing, the size of which exactly matches the size of the spike.

After trying on the beams, the opening is treated with an antiseptic impregnation, and before laying the beams, the casing is fixed with a stapler with a jute sealant.

A casing beam is laid on the lower part of the opening with a sealant, then on the upper part of the opening. The side rails of the casing are installed last.

Before installing the side rails, a sealant is applied to the joint. All gaps that were left above and below the casing are sealed with tow.

Installing plastic windows in wooden houses increases the thermal insulation of the entire building, reduces several times the cost of heating the room. Many doubt the possibility of performing this operation and think that some auxiliary means or materials will be required to install the structure. In some houses, it is enough to remove the old one and replace it with new PVC, while other buildings require more complex steps. To understand this, it is necessary to study the issue more carefully, to learn the recommendations of experts.

Is it possible to change old window structures to plastic ones in a wooden building?

Depending on the type of wooden house, its age, the installation of plastic windows in it can be carried out according to a simplified scheme or in a more complex and time-consuming way. But the replacement of old wooden windows with similar plastic ones is available to everyone.

Frame-panel type

Due to the absence of shrinkage in such structures, replacing wooden windows with plastic frames is easy. All manipulations are performed according to the same instructions as for stone or panel structures..

Log cabin

Installation of metal-plastic and plastic windows is permissible in such structures not immediately after their construction. Since logs and beams must take their place in the building structure, it is necessary to wait from 2 to 3-4 years (depending on the characteristics of the materials used).


Installation of PVC window frames in log houses before waiting for their shrinkage, it is dangerous to damage the frames and deform them.

Installation rules:
  • Shrinkage time should be 2 years or more. The timing is affected by the characteristics of the wood, the level of drying, the method of harvesting.
  • During the period of shrinkage of the structure, wooden windows can be installed, which will then be replaced with plastic ones.
  • It is required to organize an expansion gap of no more than 12% of the frame height, which will allow installing PVC windows immediately after the construction of the house is completed.
  • Thin-section boards with tow winding on them should be used to seal the compensation gap, which will protect the frame structure from damage during the shrinkage period. As the structure subsides, such boards can be removed or left until the tow is compacted without damaging the structure.
  • Installation of casing - a special box made of durable thick bars. It is used as a frame for a window opening and fixing a window on it. In the house, this element also performs a protective function, since it prevents pressure on the wall window during shrinkage.
Casing can be designed and installed at any period of building construction and its shrinkage. But without it, installing PVC windows is not recommended at all.

Features of work performance

When replacing old windows with new ones made of plastic, follow the procedure:
  1. When replacing a window with casing, measurements must be performed after removing the latter from the window opening, otherwise the measurements taken will give significant deviations.
  2. If the window is replaced in place of the old one while maintaining its frame, then it is necessary to take dimensions from this element after removing the window frame.
  3. The replacement of the pigtail (casing) is carried out first, and it is better to enlist the help of the masters, since this element sets the operating conditions for PVC windows in the future.
  4. When installing new windows, it is required to leave 1–2 cm for the installation gap on all sides of the opening. It is then sealed with mounting foam, but without it, installing the window correctly and without effort will not work.
  5. When installing new double-glazed windows, all operations are performed in the same way as for panel or stone buildings - double-glazed windows are removed from the frames, the frame structure is fixed on the box with anchors with appropriate plates, which are attached to the frame and wall with two self-tapping screws.
  6. Sealing tape is used to isolate the mounting joints between the frame and the walls.
  7. At the last step, double-glazed windows are inserted into fixed PVC frames. Need to score them around the perimeter plastic glazing beads with rubber insulation. This will increase the energy efficiency of the structures.
  8. The adjustment is carried out after the installation of the sashes and all double-glazed windows, when the load on the structure is set to what it should be during continuous operation.

When replacing a window frame, it will be necessary to use boards or bars with a thickness of 5 cm or more, and the organization of a sealing insulating layer. Therefore, measurements must be performed accurately, with the necessary allowances for the layers of auxiliary materials.

Installation options

Replacing old windows with new ones PVC structures in buildings made of wood is produced in several ways:
  • installation of a new casing when installing a plastic bag;
  • installation on an existing pigtail;
  • replacement with preservation of window parameters;
  • expansion of the opening, installation of the appropriate filling in it.
Regardless of the method, checking the status of the pigtail is required., its replacement if any flaws or malfunctions are found. This operation guarantees the reliability and durability of the new PVC double-glazed window.

With original hole size

In the case of such a replacement method, several operations must be performed:
  1. Dismantling wooden structure.
  2. Check for the integrity, strength of the casing, the presence of additional fasteners on it that need to be removed.
  3. If the pigtail has chips, damage, signs of decay development and other significant defects, it must be removed and replaced with a new design.
  4. Measures are taken for the casing (in case of its replacement) and / or a plastic bag.
  5. Glass preparation. Installing a pigtail or cleaning an old one, installing a window frame.
  6. Fixing the window frame in the casing, then installing the sash on it.
  7. Placement in the frame of double-glazed windows, fixing all additional elements.
  8. Adjustment, customization of the structure.

The necessary waterproofing in the pigtail with the selected quarter is impossible, and for the installation of plastic double-glazed windows this is a prerequisite.

With a change in the size of the opening

In log houses, window openings were always made small. The owners of such buildings are always trying to make the rooms more sunny, more comfortable for living. To do this, they change windows, expand the window opening. Replacement work is carried out in the following order:
  1. The old design with a pigtail is removed.
  2. A preliminary markup is made with a building level.
  3. With a chainsaw or ordinary carpentry tool, a wider and / or higher opening is cut.
  4. The size of the new casing is calculated.
  5. A pigtail is being constructed, placed in the opening.
  6. The size of the new window is calculated, and then the settings are the same as in the case of saving the size of the window opening.
When calculating the format of a new window frame, take into account:
  • thickness of boards, type of casing;
  • the presence of a gap for the seal;
  • 1-2 cm for organizing a technical opening;
  • thickness of the installed window sill;
  • dimensions for the expansion gap.


The marking should be carried out so that the edges of the opening intersect the logs along their central part. This requirement applies to log and log houses.

Installation subtleties

All operations to replace old windows in a house made of logs, log cabins or frame structures must follow the instructions above. Each stage from dismantling and / or changing the size of the opening to the final decorative finish of slopes, drainage, window sills and the facade should have a clear sequence. If you make any inaccuracies or deviate from the recommended sequence, you may experience various difficulties and defects, which are more difficult to eliminate than to prevent.

Necessary tools and materials

When replacing old windows, you will need such a tool:
  • protective equipment: gloves, plastic glasses or with rubber seals;
  • impact drill, screwdriver or screwdriver with an appropriate nozzle;
  • mounting foam, insulating materials, including sealing tape;
  • hexagon or bolts with self-tapping screws for installing the support mechanism;
  • wooden spacer wedges under the window frame;
  • light mallet or rubber mallet;
  • plastic chisel;
  • construction level;
  • roulette.

Even with the entire set of tools, third-party help will be required, since window frames, like double-glazed windows, have significant weight.

Difficulties during installation

The main difficulty associated with the installation of plastic double-glazed windows in wooden houses is the presence of shrinkage. Because of it, the frames can be deformed if the window boxes are not properly organized. This situation cannot be corrected because damaged structures will not allow the window fittings to fully function. The casing can have this type of construction: the bars are mounted in a groove made for them in the window opening. The use of a groove and a ridge carriage ensures the sliding of the groove-ridge structure during shrinkage. This will protect the window frame from damage and stress. The method of creating a wooden block in grooves without a gun carriage is only suitable for PVC bags. In wooden buildings, the installation of plastic double-glazed windows is simple. It is enough to stock up on the right tools and patience. Fulfillment without deviations and initiative of all the recommendations of specialists will allow you to easily, quickly, and efficiently replace old windows. This will significantly increase the house's ability to retain heat and reduce heating costs. If you decide to insulate your house, but at the same time you do not have the opportunity to put a new plastic window, then we suggest reading about that, for the winter and about effective ones.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a visual video about the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house:

In contact with

The operational qualities of plastic window structures make it possible to use them in the construction or repair of any buildings and structures. The work should take into account the differences and features of the installation process.

We will study in more detail the subtleties of installing windows in a wooden house.


Features of installing plastic windows in a wooden house require a number of additional manipulations. This is due to the fact that the structure sags over time. At the same time, such work has differences in an old wooden house and in a new, newly built dwelling.

Before proceeding to its study, it is worth clarifying what you need to know about shrinkage. This is a natural process of changing the parameters of the walls due to the drying of the wood base.

Shrinkage of a wooden structure depends on a number of factors:

  • type of material (beam, glued beam, log);
  • material harvesting time (summer, winter);
  • time of day of collection (evening, morning, afternoon);
  • area of ​​forest germination (field, swamps);

  • density and resinousness of the material;
  • dimensions;
  • humidity indicators;
  • dimensions of the entire structure.

V log cabin the greatest shrinkage will be observed. A smaller shrinkage parameter for rounded logs. The shrinkage rate of the new glued laminated timber is a little less. There will be practically no shrinkage in an old timber or log house.

Almost any wooden house is a constantly moving structure. This phenomenon is practically not observed in stone or concrete structures. Due to the instability of the wooden structure, the installation of PVC windows should not be carried out in the opening, but in a pre-prepared box. It will be a link between the wall and the window structure.

The box is called differently: casing, pigtail, linden, etc. Without this element, a wooden house will “walk” and begin to put pressure on window structures..

In the shrinkage gap between the top in the casing and the wall of the house it is not recommended to use mounting foam. The hardened mass is rigid, therefore it will give off the pressure of the upper elements of the wall on the window, nullifying the casing function. The upper casing gap is insulated with other materials, which you will learn about later.

Another pitfall when installing windows can be an incorrect calculation of the size of the window. Without taking into account the mounting gap, the window opening will in any case have to be expanded.

A too large window opening will also negatively affect the performance of the structure.. It cannot be reduced by simple foaming, and without proper insulation, the slopes will always be cold. When installing windows, it is important to immediately protect the installation gap. Slots from the outside are closed with special tapes.

Another important feature of the installation of plastic windows is an exact match to the level. Inaccuracies in this moment entail a quick failure of the fittings.

It is also important to consider the correct placement of the window in the wall. For example, if it is in a cold zone, it will cause it to freeze. Condensation will definitely accumulate on the inside.

Knowing the features of installing plastic windows, you can decide on an independent installation. After all, anyway, many companies providing such services do not give a guarantee for the work, citing the unpredictability of the behavior of wood. Therefore, it is worth exploring the options for casing in more detail.

In addition to plastic windows, in a wooden house you can install metal-plastic structures, wooden, aluminum, combined. Wooden windows have a lot of advantages, but among others they are the most expensive. Plastic structures are more affordable, undemanding to care. Modern manufacturers offer designs in a wide range of colors.

When choosing any design, it is important to understand the installation process window construction. This is necessary not only for self-assembly. Knowledge is also important for controlling the process of work that employees will perform.

Casing options

Casing is definitely needed for windows that will be installed in a new wooden house made of timber or logs. Also, the design will be needed for unstable soils. It will be additional protection for the window, which in this case may warp.

Casing can not be done for the windows of a frame house. Here the frame itself will provide the necessary rigidity of the structure. Given the simplicity of the casing construction process, it is still better to do it for this building option.

Proper casing installation technology involves the use of three types of structures:

  • thorn-monolith;
  • mortgage bar;
  • into the deck.

The most time-consuming is the stud-monolith casing, but it is the most reliable. For this design, a gutter is cut out in the box, the dimensions of which fit the pre-prepared spike on the sidewalls of the box. In the absence of carpentry skills, it is best to install the casing in a mortgage bar.

Casing "in the deck" is the most expensive both labor and material costs. The guide for the box here is a spike, which is installed in the end parts of the opening. Grooves are cut on the side of the spike. The top is attached to the side decks with self-tapping screws, and the window sill is installed on wooden dowels.

Installation of any pigtail begins with a window sill. After that, the work goes to the vertex, for which side racks are needed.

It must be taken into account that the maximum shrinkage of the house is about 35cm depending on the strength of the base. A large shrinkage can be given by an ordinary beam - up to 40 cm, and a smaller one - by a glued beam. The consequences of incorrect calculations may appear later in operation, as a result, the entire structure will need to be replaced.

The material for the casing can be glued or monolithic timber. The use of glued laminated timber is not welcome in baths, but this material is suitable for the home. In the baths, temperature and humidity differences are observed, which is why the glued laminated timber is destroyed.

If a monolithic beam is used, it is important that it is dry. Material with a moisture content of more than 12% will lead or crack.

Monolithic timber should be a special chamber drying, in the absence of such material will have to be dried in the shade for about 4-6 months.

There are also such types of casings as:

  • Draft. For her, the cheapest materials are suitable. Casing is used for planned interior and exterior finishing work. Unlike it, the fine casing does not need to be finished. It already has a slope, the installation of the window can be done immediately after fixing the box.
  • Arched. This decorative variety is valued for its originality. This design can use several glued parts or a single curved bar.

  • Power. This option is for large panoramic windows, gates, balconies, as well as doorways. Thick wood is used for manufacturing.
  • euroobsada. This option is similar to the finishing one, as it does not require additional finishing. A feature of the species is the use of solid lamellas with a special adhesive composition.
  • Combined. This option is made of solid wood, while it has an outer layer of a type-setting and adhesive decorative base. This form combines the beauty of appearance and a small price.

Casing for plastic windows of a wooden house can also be plastic. Installation features of this type require a wider opening in the log house (at least 10 cm) from the width of the double-glazed window. The manufacturing scheme involves the installation of a carriage with grooves, the dimensions of which should allow the frame to slide easily along the guides.

Preparatory work

General rules preparatory work will be as follows:

  • Between the top of the casing and the horizontal part of the window opening, a compensation gap is required. It accounts for the maximum shrinkage of the house, which is possible at the time of installation of the pigtail.
  • Wooden casing elements (thorn, groove, ends, top) must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • The insulation is placed between the casing and the end of the wall. Lnovatin, jute are suitable as materials. Materials are attached with a stapler. The top gap is insulated inside and out. The insulation is fixed with steam and waterproofing tape. If the tape is not sticky, it can be fixed with a stapler.
  • The lower part of the frame is insulated with two-layer linen or jute. Between the frame and the window sill you need a windproof film.

  • The frame is attached to the pigtail from the outside with a long self-tapping screw, which should press the structure along the entire plane of the box.
  • If gaps remain on the outside, they are carefully insulated.
  • At this stage, the use of mounting foam is undesirable. It will prevent shrinkage. Foam can only be used as a last resort together with a vapor barrier.
  • The best protection option would be careful caulking of the gaps, followed by gluing with waterproofing tape. The main goal should be to prevent moisture from entering the insulation.
  • Lastly, platbands are attached and ebbs are mounted.

To determine the size of the gap, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the box material, taking into account the seams and the shrinkage coefficient of the structure.

Important preparatory stage- marking the opening for the window. Before you start cutting the opening, you need to accurately mark it, and for this you need a level. The window opening must correspond to the levels in all planes. The pigtail should be cut as accurately as possible relative to the specified level..

If the house is not made of timber, but wooden, the lower crown of the window opening must be cut in such a way that a horizontal surface is obtained. The size of the opening is determined by the parameters of the window structure, taking into account the size for the gaps.

Preparatory work involves the installation of a pigtail, which can be:

  • T-shape. For her, a hole for the groove is created inside the end of the log slope. In this groove in the future you need to place the profile.
  • U-shaped. For it, you need to cut a spike at the end of the log wall. In this case, the groove is created in the side stand of the casing.


You can correctly insert the pigtail with your own hands from the windowsill. Step by step instruction further implies the installation of slopes, and on them - the top. insulate wooden details casings are better after external architraves without window glass are installed.

You can initially put the window frame to the pigtail with self-tapping screws. The fasteners must fully extend into the body of the structure, but must not penetrate into the wall. It is unacceptable for self-tapping screws to be screwed into a log. Therefore, the length of the fasteners should not exceed the width of the pigtail. Special wooden brackets can be inserted as fasteners.


As a result of correctly carried out preparatory work, the frame along the pigtail should stand perfectly even. The leading edge is placed strictly parallel to the casing plane. No significant distortions should be observed.

Decide what kind of waterproofing you will use when treating the gaps between the pigtail and the double-glazed window. If the gaps are filled with foam, then it should be borne in mind that it is afraid of light and moisture. The seam is covered with platbands. The waterproofing used in this case should not let water in, while moisture vapor should not go out. Proper waterproofing should not perceive the effects of atmospheric phenomena.

If the pigtail is installed clean, then this saves on the lining of the window sill and slopes. For a more attractive final result, you need to be able to properly process wood. An accurate calculation of dimensions is also important, especially if it is carried out independently. Despite some difficulties, a solution with a finishing pigtail is a more correct choice.

double glazing

Place the double-glazed window in the opening and carefully follow the installation accuracy relative to the front edge of the pigtail. In wooden houses, a double-glazed window does not have to be brought in by a third of the wall thickness.. This is required by panel or brick buildings, as well as frames. The thermal conductivity of wood is lower in comparison with these structures.

If a double-glazed window is placed deep in the opening in a wooden house, as a result, the already narrow window sill will decrease. In this case, the ledge from the outside must be additionally closed and subjected to hermetic treatment. When installing plastic profile it should be borne in mind that the main conductor of cold inside is the profile itself.

A waterproofing tape with a vapor-permeable effect is suitable as a profile processing material. In conjunction with the tape, you can use the Stiz-A sealant. It is acrylic, one-component, white, excellent adhesion to the main building materials, including wood.

The order of work related to filling the gaps between the casing and the window structure is as follows:

  • foaming;
  • waiting for the foam to dry;
  • cutting off excess foam with a spatula;
  • sealing seams with tape.

You can buy self-adhesive tape in stores, which includes a membrane and sealant applied on one or both sides. Rolls are commercially available in various widths. For plastic windows, a narrow tape is sufficient. In appearance, it looks like foam rubber. The foam on the inside of the window must also be closed. Special tapes are also selected for vapor barrier.

  • Do not use metal fasteners when connecting parts of the casing.
  • Observe the optimal distance standards. For example, from the window sill to the floor should be at least 90 cm.
  • Install windows in a wooden house closer to the outer part of the wall.
  • Choose hardwood as a window sill. Usually, best qualities will have a window sill from a solid array.
  • Align the corners of the window opening with the level, setting 90 degrees. Diagonals can differ by 10 mm.
  • Correctly calculate the depth of planting the window. The dew point contour should run along the inside of the opening. Thus, it is possible to achieve the absence of condensate on the inside of the structure.

When processing the casing, both inside and outside, you can use variety of options color and texture design of surfaces. After the installation of windows is completed, all wooden surfaces can be simply sanded and varnished. Use a stain that matches the color. In this way, you will achieve a more harmonious look of the window sill and other parts of the casing against the background of walls or windows.

Every reader of the site knows that no matter what material the windows are made of, they help keep the heat in the house and emphasize the individuality of any home. Therefore, the installation process should be treated with special attention. After all, even the most expensive and energy-efficient window construction loses all its advantages if it is installed incorrectly. In this article, our experts tell you how to properly install windows in a wooden, frame and stone house.

Wooden, stone and frame houses and country houses have a number design features. Since they affect the technology of window installation, any developer should be aware of them.

From our article you will learn:

  • How to prepare for the installation of a window structure;
  • What stages of work precede the installation process;
  • What features should you be aware of in order to install windows in wooden, frame and stone houses;
  • How to install a wooden window with your own hands - how different is its installation from installing a plastic window;
  • How is the protection of mounting joints;
  • How to control the installation process.

Preliminary preparation

Despite the seeming simplicity, installing windows at home is a process that requires a serious and responsible approach. After all, the quality of installation directly affects the level of comfort in the house. Here's where the process starts:

Anton Karyavkin Head of the technical center of the REHAU company, Moscow.

First of all, you need to carefully prepare: read the instructions and existing installation standards, get the right tools.

A set of a professional installer has about a hundred different "tools". It is not necessary to have all of them, but without a basic kit, it will not be possible to install a translucent structure. It includes: puncher, screwdriver, foam gun, chisel, hammer and screwdrivers.

When choosing tools, it should also be borne in mind that window installation involves a wide range of additional work.

These include:

  • Plastering slopes in stone buildings;
  • Seam and thermal insulation device;
  • Installation of a window sill and additional accessories.

The main thing to remember is that the installation technology directly depends on the material of the walls of the building.

Anatoly Gavrysh Head of the design bureau of the company "Fabrika Okon"

The type of house significantly affects the procedure for window installation. In houses where there is significant shrinkage (most often in wooden ones), a casing floating box with compensation gaps is used. In other types of houses, window installation has the same schemes.

Installation of wooden windows in frame house with your own hands.

We install wooden windows with our own hands

Developers believe that PVC installation and a wooden window there is a big difference, but experts do not agree with this.

Anatoly Gavrysh:

There is practically no difference between the installation of a plastic and a wooden window. A slight difference lies only in the different elements of fasteners.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden window should be carried out more carefully. And in each case, an individual approach is required.

Alexander KorpachevHead of the installation department of the company "Business-M"

Even windows in the same house can have their own characteristics. Therefore, in the work it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of GOSTs, namely:

  • Mounting window seams - with vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes;
  • Specifications, GOST R 52749-2007;
  • Assembly seams of knots and adjunctions of window blocks to wall apertures;
  • Are common specifications, GOST 30971-2002;
  • window blocks- made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles. GOST 30674-99.

V in general terms installation consists of the following steps:

  • Opening preparation;
  • window preparation;
  • Installation;
  • Finishing work;
  • Finishing.

Anatoly Gavrysh

I would like to dispel the illusions about the ease of installation of both plastic and. To do it yourself, you definitely need certain skills and special equipment, since correct installation is of decisive importance in how well and how long the new window structures will last.

In detail, the installation of both plastic and wooden windows is done as follows:

1. Window openings are cleaned of dust and dirt.

2. Windows are installed in the opening and wedged with small plastic or wooden corners strictly according to the level.

Corners are necessary to form a clearance (reserve) between the frame and the opening. Along the perimeter - between the window and the opening, it is recommended to lay a technological gap for foaming with a width of 20 mm. In the lower part of the window - under the window sill, it is recommended to lay a margin of 35 mm.

3. The design is fixed.

Fixation is carried out using dowels or special mounting gear plates. If the window is fastened through with self-tapping screws, then before that, holes for the anchor are marked and drilled in the opening. The number of attachment points depends on the size of the window and on average ranges from 40 to 70 cm. An indent of 12-15 cm must be laid from the corners of the frame.

4. Foaming of the seams between the window structure and the opening is carried out.

To save foam, if the gap exceeds 40 mm, it can be filled with insulation - polystyrene foam, etc.

5. The foam is closed with vapor and waterproofing tapes.

The vapor barrier is glued around the entire perimeter of the window structure from the inside (from the side of the room), and the waterproofing film - from the outside, from the side of the street. After foaming, it is removed from the tape protective strip, and close the foamed seam.

6. Additional elements are installed in their place from the outside - flashings and platbands (if the installation takes place in wooden houses).

7. The fittings are being adjusted.

Features of installing windows in a wooden, frame and stone house

Anton Karyavkin

Installing windows in buildings made of rounded timber is the most difficult. This is due to the change in the design of wooden houses from manufacturer to manufacturer.

If developers, when installing windows in a wooden house, use different breeds wood, it is almost impossible to predict the behavior of the material - every time you have to study everything from scratch. The deformation of logs in such buildings can be quite large: from 8 to 15 cm. The house shrinks, so not a single window in such conditions can remain operational for a long time.

Proper windows in a wooden house.

Here is what we can do to protect structures from possible deformations caused by wall shrinkage using the old carpentry method:

Anton Karyavkin

The most responsible builders start cutting an opening in the timber walls only a year or even two after the construction of the house. During this time, it is possible to track all deformations, taking into account the characteristics of the material and the climatic features of the region.

After the opening is cut, a rough box is inserted into it, also known as a "pit" or "casing", into which the window structure can then be laid.

Alexander Korpachev

In all wooden houses, when installing windows, it is necessary to use casing or pigtails - a wooden box that levels the load on the frame.

Between the upper part of the window opening and the box, a technological margin of 30 to 70 mm is usually left. After installation, the stock is filled with insulation and closed with platbands on both sides.

Anton Karyavkin

The box is made of wooden blocks 50-80 mm thick.

Despite the fact that the box quite effectively perceives the deformation of logs, the assembly joints in this type of building still remain movable. Here it is important to choose the right mounting foam - it should not collapse when the walls shrink. Such correct foam can be found on the market, but it is relatively expensive. Therefore, experts often replace it with other materials, mainly of plant origin (tow). Of course, the tape and coating materials needed to protect the assembly joints must also have a high class of deformation resistance.

Glued laminated timber shrinks much less than solid logs. Eventually glued laminated timber less deformed than a conventional log.

But installing windows in a wooden house with your own hands is still difficult.

How to lay a window in a frame house

Wooden windows can also be installed in a frame house, but plastic windows are most often used. The control of the installation of any windows at all stages should be checked using a level or plumb line, and the horizontal and vertical deviation should not exceed 1.5 mm per meter.

Anton Karyavkin

The process of installing windows in a frame house is much simpler than in a wooden one. You will still have to face the deformations of the window opening, but they are no longer so significant.

Better to use as fastener anchor plates. Mounting on building screws is not recommended: they fix the box, and the deformation of the tree, in turn, can cause damage to the windows.

How to install a window in a frame house

It is important to remember that when installing a plastic window in a frame from a room, it must be wrapped into a window opening. This is necessary in order to connect the window vapor barrier circuit with the room vapor barrier circuit.

Brick different types, concrete, aerated concrete blocks are standard building materials. The technique in stone houses has been worked out for years. Fastening is carried out using dowels and construction screws, the use of anchor plates is also allowed.

Anton Karyavkin

In some cases, the installation technology may be influenced by design decisions that require taking into account linear dimensions structures and wind load in the region.

Protection of mounting joints and stages of control of installation work

Regardless of the material of the walls, it is necessary to protect the mounting foam from ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric moisture. Otherwise, it will become loose and lose its properties over time. To protect it, special insulating tapes and sealants are used. The latter are good because they allow you to close any gaps and irregularities, unlike mounting tape, which requires perfect flat surface no dust.